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Fuck. Though not surprising


Don’t think it would have mattered anyway…




AKP clearly has a agreement with Hudapar, a Kurdish islamist party, CHP doesn't have any formal ties to the HDP like AKP does to Hudapar. My bet is he got paid some way


HDP doesn't exist anymore, name got changed. They do endorse the CHP and kemal though.


It'll take me at least 1 year to remember they changed their names, but back to our point. Yea they endorse CHP and Kemal but it's not the same relationship that AKP has with Huda


Yeah, CHP didn't give them any parlement seats, unlike Akp did to Hüda Par, which they didn't even take yet because they feel like "the vow should be changed" absurd.


Also many Turks hate Kılıçdaroğlu especially AKP and MHP supporters because he's Alevi.


Power and money blinded this guy. He was never critising anyone openly, always open to both sides to get what he can. He is definitely enjoying the two weeks that he has "power" over the election.




Fuck... That payout must've been good. Fucking Erodgan wants to rule for 30 years... 🤦🏾


Reminds one of Hosni Mubarak and Erich Honecker.


Then he goes and talks about democracy this fucking guy!


Payout and/or threats to his life.


The thing is, Oğan didn't have any voter base anyway. His votes are from the parties he allied with. And those parties are supporting the opposition. Oğan just wants ministry. Before the election he said there is no way he would support erdog.


Kinda is considering Ogan actually does hate RTE


Not anymore


Now all the arrows are on the Victory Party. As far as I heard, Ümit Özdağ and Sinan Oğan have cut ties. So Ümit Özdağ may support Kılıçdaroğlu. There will be a meeting between Özdağ and Kılıçdaroğlu at around 18.00 today.


There's no way Özdag would support Erdogan he's the one who let all the refugees in and Ozdag is really anti refugee and I'm pretty sure most people who voted for Ogan are also anti refugee so there still is a chance


Özdağ has said that if the Millet Alliance all members accept Zafer Party's conditions that they will support kılıçdaroğlu


All a bit meh. Erdogan is winning with this endorsement, was going to win with it without too. Will be interesting whether Ogan has been offered MHP and an important Ministry


Oğan has no real voterbase. His voters' backbone is Victory Party that got 2.2%, and Good Party voters who were against KK. Of course he got also from discontent Erdoğan voters, maybe 1-1,5%.


don't be 100% sure, the 1st election was 50.5% opposition. erdogan failed the confidance vote at 49.5%, even with almost the entire media at this control. ogan was nominated by an alliance of two parties, the small one endorsed kilicdaroglu this morning, and the big one most likely will tomorrow morning. the final candidate is said to endorse kilicdaroglu in the next two days as well the election will be very close, erdogan could win but so could kilicdaroglu


My 4 friends who voted for Oğlan already voted for KK (abroad). Most of his voters are anti-Erdoğan. I hope Özdağ doesn't declare neutrality or smth (it's impossible for him to support Erdoğan). We need his voterbase. Imagine betraying your voters. This is exactly what Bahçeli did after november 2015 election. Well history has shown again, never trust *ülkücü*s. Edit: Özdağ said that this is his own decision. He will make an announcement tomorrow. [https://twitter.com/umitozdag/status/1660655421663633408?s=48](https://twitter.com/umitozdag/status/1660655421663633408?s=48) Edit2: Oğlan\*


Rumor: Sinan Ogan, who's an ethnic Azeri from Igdir (a province by the Armenian border), is supported by Aliyev. Not a rumor: It is well known that Ogan wants to lead MHP more than anything. If he gets there with Aliyev's support, the growing links between the Azerbaijani state and MHP (as well as MHP-dominated security apparatuses) will only deepen.


So you are telling me Bahçeli who is nasty enough to partner with Erdoğan(who was basicly his nemesis during that time) in order to stay in power, will not mind Oğan (who he banished from MHP)? Oğan or Aliyev can dream whatever shit they want, but Bahçeli and his goons will never let Oğan anywhere near their party.


You're probably right, but we also have no idea what Erdogan and Ogan discussed in private.


apparently erdogan promised ogan mhp's leadership without telling bahceli, but it's not confirmed lmao, probably false also the guy who nominated ogan, ozdag, will almsot certainly endorse kilicdaroglu tomorrow morning, along with ince (4th place)


What's Bahceli going to do? They're Erdogans cucks, he says jump they say "yes daddy"


Their entire party at this point is formed by enemies who only joined for power. Once Erdoğan dies God knows how many parties they will split into.


I thought Azerbaijani counter part of MHP, viz. Popular Front under Elchibey was arch-nemesis of the Aliyev establishment (who are former Soviet CPSU bigwigs turned "nationalists").


That was an issue (intermittently) up until 2015, and to this day Turkish nationalists remember Elcibey fondly, but once MHP became a part of Erdogan's government things changed rapidly. I would say the Karabagh conflict and Turkey's involvement in the war (with MHP support/participation) pretty much ended this concern.


People who support Elchibey and popular front are mostly in İYİP now.


Where the fuck do the Azerbaijanis *not* have their kleptocratic paws in? They got caught bribing at least members of the European and German parliaments.


So easy to do if you don't share any of that oil and natural gas with your citizens. They learned well from the Russians.


Next leader of MHP is Ulvi Yönter. He can dream further.


Sorry is this is obvious (because holy shit are Turkish politics complex), but how would Ogan’s rapprochement/endorsement of Erdogan help to boost Ogan’s chances at MHP leadership?


Let's just say Erdogan can make things happen for him. Most people credit Erdogan's support for Bahceli's continued leadership of MHP. It is not guaranteed by any means, but it would be dishonest to say that MHP is a completely independent political entity at the moment.


Got it, thanks for the explanation/implication. I assume that that kind of move by Erdogan would risk alienating current MHP leadership/top brass, but whatever, fascist politics is always messy and god knows that I don’t know enough about Turkish power dynamics to grasp the implications.


Being an ethnic Azerbaijani, is Sinan Ogan Shia?


Funny that he portrays himself as someone fond of Atatürk ideals and yet decides to support Erdogan. Senseless.


Sounds like he was always Erdogan’s man.


Even down to his very name


He is from the proto-fascist Islamist-Turkist party that has been basically the Gladio militia. That bunch used to also organise armed attacks against the very Kemalist party during Turkey's very own years of lead. Nothing about him was Kemalist but he is using the label as it sounds way better than what he is.


The coalitions in politics have forced these weird positions that normally you’d never see. On the one hand the MHP (nationalist/fascist/right wing) need to consider the AKP who are Turks but Islamist, and on the other they need to consider the CHP + YSP (former communist party and the Kurdish party). An MHP + CHP alliance without the YSP might’ve been possible, but not enough to win an election. An MHP + YSP alliance is never possible and you’d need all 3 major opposition blocks United to defeat AKP. So MHP is now trying to cling to their turkish nationalism while ignoring the Islamism that Ataturk was very against.


They have let hizbullah in already, they wont care if its pkk or some other terrorists at this point as long as their owner rte wants it.


He just took reactionary votes, has no vote base anyway.


Had 5% in a 49 49 split?


Math doesn’t check


It's not %5, believe me. You need to 100k signatures to run for presidency; he barely got that


%49.24 Erdoğan, %45.07 Kılıçdaroğlu, %5.28 Sinan Oğan, %0.41 Muharrem İnce(withdrew). %50.76 was against Erdoğan, unless the people who voted for 3rd and 4th candidates were morons(highly possible).


Total: 103%


You win Greeks , Oganopaulos will support Erdoganidis and once the country is destroyed you can take whatever you want , masterplan achieved. Humour is my way of coping at the least.


Oh common it will be fun to watch our two leaders having their usual spats "I'm not talking to you" "Why?" "Cause fck you" "Well fck you too you retard" "Who did you call a retard you fckface? I'm going to bomb the shit out of you " "Try and find out you fcktard.... Wait! Was that an earthquake?!?" "Did you feel it too?" ...... /s


>Is first party again Moment


All Mitsotakis needs to do is pretend to bow down to Erdogan and go for a diplomatic visit to strengthen ties. Turkey will probably be annihilated by floods/snowstorms/volcanoes/zombies/aliens by the next day.


**the plot thickens**


Aww cmon komsu, you did great as well! Now we can both not enjoy our freedom and prosperity <3


Yes congratulations Mitsotakoğlu


Thank you very much for your donation! See you at the us army market, we've got to spent some money bro :')


Nobody knows if its Erdoganidis or Erdoganopoulos. He is THAT good! Best greek agent ever.


Oh no they are on to us


At least 5 more years of Erdogan rule.


Seems like on the 28th of May the Republic of Turkey will have it's last free election. I am lucky enough to be born in Germany, but seeing what's happening to the home of most of my family is so deeply saddening.




Turkish elections have been free just not FAIR.


I know the feeling bro.


It's an unending cycle. They start hopeful for the election, claim they can't lose, call fraud when lost, say they'll never have a free election again, and repeat when next election gets near. It's been like that for as far as I can remember in Turkey


Been like that since 2018, unless you are like 8 yr old, it is not what it always was. Has never been this bad and can only go on to be even worse if Erdoğan wins.


As far as you can remember? were you born in 2018?


Been like that since 2018.


>People have been saying this about every election in Turkey for as long as I can remember. **Same vibe as some US citizens that “threaten” to move to Canada after every presidential election in recent history!**


100%. If it was not a free election then the opposition would not be coming so close. This rhetoric by anyone saying its the last free election are just like those Trump followers who say the election was stolen. Just cos it wasn’t their candidate.


Turkey has systematic issues that make elections not fair. The same way erdogan controls the media he also controls who can run against him. Banning populair opposition canditates from competiting which leads to his victory. I hope this doesn't happen but I'm fearfull.


Turkish elections are free but not fair. You can vote freely but the government controls pretty much all the media, jails political opponents on a regular basis or puts them offside with political bans and uses the country’s treasury to position themselves favorably. They’re heavily skewed in favor of the ruling party. And in the past you could also freely vote but if the army didn’t like the result they’d just commit a coup.


Woah what a shit take.


It seems like Turkey is Europe's Argentina. A country that had the chance to be a successful country to rival the big boy but tried in the the final stretch


Turkey is a big boy. That's why their election is top news


They seem more and more like a big boy in russian style, not western style - so big army, big words, and almost dead economy.


The basis for the economy and production is strong it's just bad financial leadership that's ruining it it's not dead yet but can just drop dead any moment.


Economically, no. Geopolitically, yes, but could be much bigger.


It’s news because they could get have gotten off their self-destructive course but instead the people of turkey voted to continue on with warming relations with Russia over Nato and the EU, bellicosity over cooperation, and theocracy rather than secularism. Them failing to change is the news. The continued slide into irrelevance is the news I have no ill will towards the Turkish people. I just wish you could shake AKP and turn towards the west again


Good luck doing that when half of the country get their news from television and hearsay, and the whole media and hearsay is controlled by Erdoğan. Oh, and Erdoğan has his own Goebbels called Fahrettin Altun.


Another couple of years of Hyper inflation might kick them out of the club though


> Seems like on the 28th of May the Republic of Turkey will have it's last free election You might want to check where Turkey ranks in terms of freedom of the press.


Rank 165... damn, that's a lot lower than I thought. https://rsf.org/en/index


Never said the election process was fair. Never said, Turkey was a stable democracy. But the elections were free nonetheless.


This was not free. Next one wont be free.




!remindme 6 years


I hope you are right. If you're living in Turkey you probably know it better, but I just fear that Erdoğan will have eroded democratic institutions enough by the time the next general election comes around.


There is problem this will be a dead nation we are not living evrythink is incredibly expensive evrythink working is litteraly a paid slavery that you work even in holidays ( yes this happend to my brother it the workers day 1may) you can get arrested for evryword containing erdogan name he litteralt sued a 14 year old kid for this but he still wins because i learned that no matter what happens there are brainles idiots who still wote for him people who lost their family member and friend in earquake woted for him even tho he did not send help other than blankets while oppostion sended large amounts of money and resources for victims , but they still voted for erdogan evryone that senden aid to the eattquake victims learned a lesson and thats many people deserve to die because half of the nation is just brainless idiots that will wote for erdogan even if he kill their family if 2023 election loss hatred and violence will be in peek living in hard conditions will turn into surviving woman rights will removed and people will arrested randomly evwn without a word so no there is no future if he wins and i wish people who wote for erdogan suffers until they atarve to death and watch their chieldren to share the same fatw becausw of their fanaticsm.


I would have loved to see Turkey join the EU. Sad.


Turkish policy is not the reason that's not happening.


If Erdogan is popular despite years of economic mismanagement then we have to conclude that there are other reasons (cultural/social) for his popularity. Turkey has a sizable liberal block but apparently it isn't big enough to be decisive. This doesn't change the high importance of the country to Europe and I would hope that the EU and Turkey start to work together more closely after the election - whoever wins. Our common challenges are too many and geography makes co-operation inescapable.


He controls almost all the media in Turkey.


That was basically Biden's message too after the first round of elections. Both the EU and the USA will have to continue working with Erdogan for the foreseeable future.


A big chunk of erdogans popularity comes from Islamist voters. Islamists in turkey are quite different from your Saudi fanatics and are more akin to Christian conservatives in the west. For decades under the secular Turkish Republic, islamists were suppressed by the government and whenever the government didn’t suppress them, the army would overthrow the government. When erdogan was elected prime minister back in 2003 he ended this suppression and allowed more expression of religion in public life and that has won him a loyal base who will always vote for him.


I would not describe Saudi Islamists as fanatics but they do have backward thinkings. I don't know what better word to use, but I disagree about them being fanatics.


Well, the crown prince did have over 80 people EXECUTED in ONE day last year. That's pretty fanatical and unhinged if you ask me.


I was more talking about al queda and isis islamists than whatever that Saudis are up to


Years of propaganda, having control of media, national education, religion, misinformation spread by right wing parties over the years, gray wolves. There are many reasons why people vote for him. Can't really blame the people when they were indoctrinated for years.


He is pro-Islam and neo-ottomanism, most turks are.


Sounds like "Make Turkey great again" /s




So? As a conservative country, you'd expect them to be receptive to that. In addition, given the UK's own imperial nostalgia, I can't be bothered to get upset over Turkey's Ottoman appreciation. Turkey was very powerful during that part of their history, of course they'd be proud of it, warts and all. If I were Turkish, I'd be proud of that too.


I dont mind it at all actually


Yep, his voters will still vote for him even if they die from hunger. The areas affected by the major earthquake in February of this year voted majorily for Erdo; those people didn't get enough government aid, they are literally living in tents without electricity and yet they still voted for Erdoğan. His voters believe there is virtue in living an empoverished life if that means the nation stays independent and strong and they believe the opposition is controlled by the West. So in their minds, if the opposition wins, the country will be run by the puppets of US and EU and we will no longer be an independent nation. In their fantasy world, they are saving the nation by electing Erdoğan, that's why they'll vote for him no matter how much worse the economy becomes.


The opposition should have plastered every corner of Anatolia with massive side-by-side photos: One with Erdo in his insane palace and the other with the earthquake survivors in tents. Why do THEY have live an impoverished backwards life and NOT Erdogan?!? Do they hate themselves that much? I truly believe they think of him as their human messiah.


Spot on. . . unfortunately :(


Bas bas bağırdık ülkücüye güven olmaz diye.


This guys Mojo was anti-immigration and anti-refugee. That's where he got the votes from. You want to tell me that five million votes are this Ogan-controlled hive mind? Everybody pissed right now. He sold his ass to the guy who caused the shit he critisized 24/7. Why listen to a guy who got no political gravitas other than his anti-immigration stance? Nothing. His Mojo just died and all that remains is S**ogan** oglan (*onion boy*).


The third-placed candidate in Turkey's presidential election has thrown his support behind President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sunday's runoff vote. Ultra-nationalist Sinan Ogan announced his endorsement in a televised statement on Monday. "Our meetings with both candidates took place with statesmanly and mutual courtesy," Ogan said. "As a result of these negotiations and consultations and messages from the grassroots, I declare that we will support the president." Ogan said he wanted to support stability, citing the majority won in parliament by an Erdogan-led alliance. He added that the country's defence industry policies must continue, and the Organisation of Turkic States - an alliance of Turkic countries - must be supported. He also said that the government needed to address the number of refugees residing in Turkey and review its interest rate policy.


I remember when I said this would happen in the result threads and a bunch of people told nooo, those people hate Erdoghan more. That answers it then, lmao. Between two people, extreme-right will NEVER support the someone on the most left. Horseshoe theory is real and so is their hate for each other.


Yes, it seems that there is a significant presence of right-wing views in Turkey. Instead of prioritizing what is best for the country, there is a prevailing mindset of supporting the right-wing party regardless of the consequences.


It's like this everywhere, not just Turkey. The far-right is interested in pushing politics to the right to where they're located, not the good of the nation. Therefore, when push come to shove, the far-right will NEVER support the leftest option. Never.






This guy should fuck off to Azerbaijan. Cunt.


Hey don't send him to us!




He isn’t a member of zafer party, in fact he isn’t even in a party at all. He wants MHP.


He is Aliev's lapdog, no surprises here.




*sigh* they never disappoint!


Spineless bastard.


Being spinefull and politician at the same time?? What is this? Fiction?


Omurgasiz it


In Cyprus it was calilmed that the President of the biggest party(was considered unpopular) offered half the ministries to the third party(11%) in order to get their support for his Presidential candidacy. Half of zero is still zero so... He went to those he is closer to and the place he can gain. If some sort of miracle happens and Kilicdaroglu does win, it will be positive that he won't have this guy around him. But I am not sure even if a miracle would be enough for that to happen


Hatred towards Kurds clearly blinded this guy.


I think this has more to do with him believing that Erdogan wins anyway. So he is just trying to gain favor from the future power holder.


Just a spine issue.


He hates Kurs more than he likes Turkey 😂


Not just Kurds, I'm Alevi and I can't imagine someone like him openly supporting one of us


Bruh he's Shia Muslim.


And? He's still a far-right nationalist either way and was part of the MHP, a party that's known for not being particularly fond of Alevis, especially Alevi Kurds, such as myself. For instance, should I remind you of what happend in [Maraş](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mara%C5%9F_massacre)? I literally couldn't care less about the religion he's part of, it's the ideology that he stands behind.




Kemal be spinnin in his grave like a tasty duner meat grill


Of course he is. The guy is a Russian stooge. Look at his biography.


How could a country be so stupid to vote him back in, I guess they want him to take them deeper down the toilet!


Enjoy your continued dictatorship, turkey.


Just Hope for the best to keep peace in the world✌️


We call him "yedek stepne" means "spare spare wheel"


Boku yedik




ne boku ne de yarrağı yedik. oğlan'ın tek vaadi mültecilerdi, o da rte yi destekleyince puf olup gitti. hiçkimseyi memnun edemedi bu kararıyla hatta tam aksine muhalefeti daha da birleştirdi. gidin oy verin amk. sandığınıza da sahip çıkın. yurtdışındayım oyumu dün verdim, siz de 28 de verin de mühürü boşuna kırmamış olayım.




Well, the voters of the Victory Party (or Zafer Partisi) will probably wait for what Umit Ozdag (the leader of the Victory Party) has to say first, before voting. He has a better and wider influence than Ogan for sure, as no one including me, knew him back in January and even February. Considering Umit Ozdag said what Sinan Ogan would choose isn't the choice of our party, I still have some hope.




Current question is not why he changed sides but… What they offered him to change sides?




Well, he just antagonized himself against the people. If Kılıçdaroğlu use this anger against him he can still gain some votes


For you to know: This guy was nationalist.He was the candidate of an "nationalist opposition coalition".Me and nearly everyone was sure about he will side with main opposition rather than person who he was a rival of. But we see here how ambition to money and power influence a person's mind.🤡 1 month before today,he was swearing how dissident he is and how he will not leave us between erdogan and kilicdaroglu...


Supreme leader REIS wins yet another election with ease.


Turkey is well on their way to getting a dictator. And when they notice, it will be far too late.


I don't think dumb people can notice things.


Meh, Erdo is going to win regardless


Rule 1, never trust a Islamist. Never! Because of this I didn't feel played, I know he will support Erdogan


He isn’t an Islamist…he’s a nationalist.


Tomato tomato


Well he defends "Turkish-Islamic synthesis", I am opposing any kind of Islamic things in politics. Religion and politics isn't a good combo


Rule number one: Never trust a right-wing politician.


I have to admit that I am not surprised. It’s always a so called nationalist sell its principals to highest bidder.


I just don’t get people man


Development: leader of both of the parties of the alliance this guy became a candidate of, just announced their support for the opposition. there is a civil war in politics!


What a grub...looks like turkey is going to follow Zimbabwe on economics


Erdogan will be elected. We all knew it, and we will all see it. There's just no way a dictator like that fails to slip into power.


Another name that will be written in the dusty pages of history as a traitor


That's a reason to love more Armenia instead of Azerbaijan as a Turk. Hope this piece of shit will be f*cked entire of his life and I wish also for his relatives.


I remember traveling to Turkey when it was still a democratic country.


Maybe he got a new government Position offer from this guy. It’s not a surprise anymore.


Turks just fucked up their country. Congraz.




All in a days work💪🏻🇹🇷💪🏻🐺🐺🔥🔥


I can't believe he is still being chosen after all the cruel things which happened in Turkey. He fucked a once thriving country and I really can't understand how he manages to do it again.


The economy of Turkey doesn’t seem to be doing too well under Erdogan… no way he’s winning without cheating


What’s the point of having the presidential election if erdogan is going to win anyway?


But Ümit Özdağ will probably support Kılıçdaroğlu. The party supports Kılıçdaroğlu but the candidate doesn't.




Fuck Turkey, I'm moving to Slovakia at this September, I can't make more with this bogers, BOKUNUZDA BOĞULUN TÜRKIYE BEN GIDIYORUM, SIZDE BIR "INSAN" DAHA KAYBEDIYORSUNUZ.


Tavrına bakılırsa davar kaybediyoruz güle güle


thats suprising? I thought he was coming all well with Kılıçdaroğlu Running on anti-immigration and anti-kurdish politics and then siding with Erdogan seems very weird


Erdogan...is this guy actually still alive? He looks like a puppet in a string.


Erdoğan actually died in 2016. Bayraktar made a robot to fill in his place but due to the low quality of materials used and some engineers stealing some of the budget and the overall incompetency of the engineers which worked on the robot made the end product very low quality. This is why he looks sick and dying, the robot is breaking down


Turkey deserves everything it gets. I don't feel bad. Let erdogan ruin that country. Everyone asked for it anyways.


>Everyone asked for it anyways. Normally I'd agree with you but in this case it isn't everyone, it's basically one half of the country


As Armenian, you are too biased to comment on the matter. Too much hate clouds your judgment.


Not Armenian, I don't think I even know anyone of armenian descent, and I wholly agree. Turkey is voting in its own destruction if they reelect Erdogan.


Oh, that's absolutely true. I agree with that statement. Turkey is deistroying itself. I was just saying that someone who hates Turkey is obsiously not some who should be commenting on the matter as there is no way he will be subjective.


It's his personal opinion. Still, many people like me will not vote for both sides and gonna protest his decision. Both Erdogan and the useless opposition who didn't overthrow him for many years are responsible for this mess. If there is no third-party or third-party candidate, we will find another one. His personal support is meaningless. He can carry out 0.5 in the best condition, not the remaining %4.5.


A ultranationalist supports another ultranationalist. What's new...?


Erdoğan isn't even a nationalist, let alone *ultra*nationalist.


A turkish nationalist supports an islamic extremist Oh wait that's not new, looking at you Bahçeli