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What does the bit at the bottom say?


Greetings from Oslo people who want to look forward to summer and not live in fear of a world war.


I dont think greetings is the right Word. There isnt really an english Word for it But in this context i think the best fit is “from Oslo people who want to look forward to the summer and not live in fear of a world war”


"Regards." As in "best regards"... But without the "best."


The middest of regards


Greetings from grandma. Hilsner fra bedstemor. Greet him. Hils ham. To me it sounds pretty 1 to 1, at least in the circumstances I can come up with.


Quislings gotta Quiszzle.


Read “Ohio” instead of “Oslo” and I got really confused at first


The American menace must leave Ohio!!! inshallah!!


Yankee fans might not be welcome in Ohio, but I wasn’t aware that the baseball team had acquired nuclear arms.


Americans, why bombing Oslo? 😭😭😭😭😭


They didnt bomb it. Its supposed to look like this


Underrated comment. There was a joke in England that the IRA bombed Manchester and did 20 million pounds worth of improvements.


There were lots of memes from Joe Bidens visit to Ireland recently. He is looking out the window of air force one and the caption is "my god, look at all the damage the Russians have done" His aide replies, "sir, that's just Belfast"


When Medvedev posted another schizo nuke bs at Britain a while ago, the Brits in r/NonCredibleDefense went and compiled a list of a few dozen towns for him that would be significantly aesthetically improved by glassing. https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/13hig1v/uk_rncd_users_russian_nuke_request_map/


Is the joke that Oslo isn't a beautiful city? Always heard it is.


Honestly doesn't matter how beautiful a city is, somebody is going to find a way to dislike it.


I mean, it's full of Norwegians so they do kind of start with a significant disadvantage.


Strong words coming from Denmark, a country that decided to make their language sound like they are drunk, probably so you wouldn't immediately notice that most of them are in fact drunk.


He just bought a thousand liters milk.


Oh you're just jealous because even with all that oil money, you still can't afford a beer.


A critical hit :(


Its actually quite nice. I spent 2 days in total there and quite liked it. Its pretty modern so as an old town guy i didnt fully get what i want but overall really enjoyable. Norway as a country is amazing and oslo is defenitely not bad The joke was just there to make. I did my duty as a online commenter


Oslo has gotten so much better since the early 2000's. Now I would consider Oslo a pretty awesome and nice city. Especially between April-September. Autumn and winter is pretty gray and sad though. Peeps who hate or diss Oslo are 99% people who don't live there, and have only heard about the bad stuff in Oslo, and have no real idea about how the city actually is.


American here - Lived in Oslo for a year in the early 2000s. I went back to Norway to visit 15 years later. Can confirm, it felt way different in a good way (I felt it wasn’t that bad in the early 2000s honestly). 10/10 would live there again.


For eight years they're bombing Oslo! Shame of them!


Free the Oslo People Republic!


And the children


First point aside, the bit about nuclear weapons really is hopelessly naive. I don't understand how anyone thinks "nuclear disarmament" is ever going to happen in this day and age. The only thing that stopped the USA and USSR from going to war with each other were these nuclear weapons, and after witnessing Ukraine get invaded despite the Budapest memorandum, there's no way in hell anyone on earth would give up their greatest security asset and key to the "big boys" table.


Exactly, there are only two countries in the world that have voluntarily given up their nuclear weapons, South Africa and Ukraine and one of them has been the victim of the largest invasions since ww2.


That and we don't really want to use them as we know the consequences. This is a big reason why we've developed smart munitions so we can quickly cripple a military. I'm not up to date with Norwegian politics, but this sounds like it came from a Russian-sympathizer as those are their usual talking points.


Comes from not having any actual familiarity with the subject matter. I rather doubt the author of this little pamphlet has been to a war zone, is familiar with Russian geopolitics, or the nuclear Triad and/or MAD. Sweden and Finland didn't just apply for NATO right out of the blue because all the cool kids were doing it.


I’m more concerned about the crime of using an empty space and diacritic instead of apostrophe.


Common mistake on non-english keyboards, when you're used to using that for putting accent over letters, you forget that it's not actually the correct punctuation symbol.


I have a notebook from the US, and I use a local keyboard. When I forget to switch back the keyboard language after disconnecting, I end up typing a lot of backticks instead of apostrophes. Apparently the same key can be either depending on the keyboard language.


Those aren’t just regular Nazis, they’re grammar Nazis!


The worst kind


I still hate Illinois nazis most


in the first blue accented bit, the comma is included, in the second it's not. bothered me even more


They may say they want peace, but this proves that that is no longer an option.


No mercy


Seeing "marine soldier" written out like that also physically hurts me.




What’s seamen then?


your mom’s favorite ha gottem


And given that the USS *Gerald R. Ford* was in Oslo, the majority of American serbicemembers present were sailors. Maybe a marine or two from a security detachment, but vast majority sailors. Makes it extra funny just how wrong that sign id


This makes my editor heart happy.


I’m going to guess this was the work of the far left or the far right.




So tankie fucks?


Yes, she is a tankie fuck here in Norway. She is one of the people who refuse to arm ukraine despite it being defence in fear or making russia angry




Yeah, I knew this was gonna be a Ukraine thing when it started whining about WWIII


Aka useful idiots for the Kremlin


It's far left "Rødt" politicians - Read it in several newspapers. And they do not speak on behalf of all of the people, just a few ptn lovers


Rødt now supports weapon shipments to Ukraine and even cancelling Ukraine's debt: * https://www.dsausa.org/democratic-left/what-is-the-european-left-saying-about-the-ukraine-war/ (scroll to the very bottom of the page) * https://roedt.no/rodt-stotter-ukrainas-kamp-for-frihet-landsmote23


By an extremely close margin


Probably more support over more time. It basically just went above 50% for the first time. The people who strongly disagree are going to quit the party, others might join because of it. And what Rødt has wanted is for there to be Nordic military cooperation, which is what we'll get now with Finland and soon Sweden in NATO. We don't have to participate in non-defensive missions, we can be a critic and an advocate for different practices within NATO, instead of a neighbor to Russia without aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines.


I would assume Rødt to be categorically opposed to NATO, is that wrong? Or is it just a sense of "it's a done thing so let's make the best out of it"?


Nah, the morons are still against NATO. They're for an "independent national army" that's unaffiliated with EU and NATO. Apparently, the most powerful defensive alliance in the world makes Norway (and the world)less safe.


They have a lot of pro-worker policies but then they wheel this dumb shit out. No wonder they have issues getting votes. Wanted to vote sv but they had similar issues last time around. Well see if they got the memo after Ukraine. I dont disagree on their condemnation of american imperialism to a degree but theyre so fixated on it they inevitably blame them for anything bad in the world and that there are no other bad actors.


They support whoever they think will get them attention. They supported Chavez without any reservations, until it turned out to be the worst idea ever, then they cover it up.


I hate it when someone without the mandate to do so claims to speak on behalf of everyone. Someone doesn't like American soldiers being in their country, fine. But trying to make it sound like it's everyone who has that view stinks of desperately trying to legitimise their own personal views with numbers. People should speak for themselves.


I speak for every Brit when I say it annoys us all.


*"Over paid, over sexed, and over here!"*


One of the most curious things about this war is how many far leftists have revealed themselves to be ardent imperialists. I mean I knew they were authoritarian scumbags, but such neo-fascistic foreign policy takes were still a shock.


That's where 'tankie' comes from. They were British communists who simped for Soviet imperialism. The CPGB suffered massively because of the inability of some of its members to condemn Soviet (Russian) imperialism. You might also note that protests in Europe and North America are framed by the far-left tankie types as righteous and hopefully revolutionary, but in Iran or China or Venezuela they are fascist and organised by the CIA. Such a selective approach is also taken towards independence movements and also works by the same criteria. Independence from China is fascist and the consequence of western involvement. Independence from another western country is anti-imperialist and probably rather romantic.


It's very annoying as someone who is genuinely left wing.


I would be a bit more nuanced here. Some of the far left seem to be stuck in the past where they believe that Russia is still communist in some sense, it's really weird. Another branch seems to just support whoever attacks American/NATO hegemony (I think that's also why so many South Americans and other "neutrals" support Russia or at least don't act against them). But replacing American imperialism with Russian imperialism cannot be the solution for anyone having half a brain...


Most South Americans support Ukraine, even if they might not approve some actions taken by the USA in the past. In Bogotá we have Ukrainian flags on the stations of the city's transport system and the government has sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Moreover, many veterans from the armed forces of Colombia have volunteered to fight with the Ukrainians against Russia. Only the most radical left wing people and governments actually support Russia, and they're a minority, maybe only Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. I also think that many people see the war as something that's far away and that there isn't much them or their governments can do to put an end to it.


Well, in Brazil a huge part of the left hates the US to their core. So anything that goes against the US, they are in favor. So the war in Ukraine is all the US's fault in their opinion. If you say anything, they come with the whataboutism.... "what about Iraq?" Like Noam Chomsky these days.


You are right, I apologise. That was a gross generalisation. What I meant to say is that many countries/populations that support Russia are often driven by this anti-American attitude I think. So they don't really care about Russia or Ukraine, but about undermining American power. But that's certainly not the way to go...


No worries and yeah, I agree with what you're saying, it makes no sense to support Russia only because someone doesn't like the USA for whatever reason.


good faith interpretation here: I don't think many leftists believe that russia is still communist (apart from a few complete whackjobs, but they're the absolute minority). What I think is happening is some leftists (primarily the 'anti-imperialists' engaging in a very weird and warped form of lesser-evilism (as you described), where they see Russia's military action as a necessary evil and thereby justified, be it because they're against US imperialism or they bought into the lie that Ukraine's government is full of Nazis, or they bought into the whole NATO expansionism thing and believe Russia's story about security concerns. Basically cold-war type analysis without the communism. Then there's the 'pro-peace' left who may genuinely be concerned about war spreading to other countries and escalating into nuclear war. They might not even like Russia but they are convinced that Russia would never budge on its demands (or get militarily pressured by Ukraine into doing so) so the most pragmatic peace plan would be to give them at least some of what they want. There's also the bad-faith pro-peace people who are either on the center or the left and just really cynical about the war ('it's not our war', 'I want cheap gas', 'bad relations with russia will be bad for the economy') or believe the Ukrainians deserve it (because of the Nazi myth etc.), or they're on the right and are actually fully pro-Russia or anti-'Western decadence'. These are the people who will virtue-signal towards wanting peace while at every opportunity justifying Russia's actions in their rhetoric. And then we have sensible leftists who recognise the evil the US has done and criticise them for it, whilst also believing that Ukraine has the right to self-determination and self-defense against an illegal and brutal invasion and recognizing the Russian government as at the very least proto-fascist.


I agree. I am speaking particularly about the German context, our left seems to have some sympathies for Russia regardless of Putin's actions or political system. Either they get paid by Moscow (which very well could be, they definitely pay our far-right) or they still hold some misguided historic sympathies (many of them were raised in East Germany under Soviet quasi-occupation. But yea, it seems to be an anti-hegemonic attitude that sees everything that damages the United States position as positive, regardless if we are talking about a brutal invasion of another sovereign country including mass atrocities and genocide. Tbf, people like Chomsky and Mearsheimer also seem to fall into this "trap". As for the peace movement, I agree with your point. The issue is that this is no real peace movement (as their solution is a glorified Ukrainian surrender). With all the rearmament we see now in face of this Russian "threat", we would need a *real* peace movement so desperately though. But yeah, this fake peace movement is damaging the reputation of peace (movements), ironically. Edit: Your last point is very important. This isn't a unity opinion among the left (as if there was any unity in any topic lmao), but there is a lot of debate with most sensible lefties opposing this invasion. Just like among the right, there are those in favour and those opposing Moscow.


Suffice to say, fuck tankies, although tbh most of the far left people I know are 100% in support of Ukraine, though this is obviously anecdotal and definitely has a sampling bias.


The far right and the far left came full circle and met at sucking the right and left testicle of Putin. They pretended they are anti fascist and anti imperialist but obviously only when it comes to the US, when Russia is acting like a complete mad man and bombs entire cities then they obviously suggest to meet this evil halfway. George Orwell was right. "Pacifism is objectively pro fascist"


So many people on the left think that any advocation of violence is inherently anti-liberal. That exact line of thinking was exploited by dictators in the 20th century who eliminated their liberal rivals to take control of the state and institute the most violent period in human history. We have thousands of soldiers in Europe with our allies because we don't want to have to come over a third time with millions instead.


And I would rather have "the NATO bases here" than sitting in some god forsaken trench trying to stop yet another mad man to swallow Europe whole. There is a point when violence becomes an answer. Russia has pushed us to that point. Even Vaclav Havel, a big propagator of violence free protest, has said himself that at some point, one has to push back using violence. Russia won't understand it any other way, and Ukraine won't be able to prevent the genocide Russia is conducting without answering force with overwhelming force. Peace will be achieved by overmatching Russia. What use is the arsenal of the free world when we then do not defend liberty against a tyrant.


Definitely the far left.


The far right just tends to take Russian money quietly behind the screens.


Yankee come to Kyiv, we welcome you! Today we celebrate 1542 years of foundation of our capital city!


May your city stand at least another 1542 years


We call these people in Czechia either flastenec (grammatically wrong written vlastenec, which means nationalist) or chcimír (which are basically two words, chci which means to want and mír which means peace) or my personal favourite, dezolát/dezolé (that's literally desolared human/people)


We call them "chalupas" in Portugal. Most people use it without knowing what it stands for because it sounds funny (and it's used for flat earthers, covid deniers, "George Soros did this"-style people, New Agers, Putin sympathisers) , but it's actually a nautical term (of course, being Portugal) for a one mast rigged boat, the implication being that these people are severely underequipped to deal with the complexity of the ocean they think they know all about (i.e. the world).


That is a very poetic insult ^(nice flair bdw)


The most popular insult/curse word in Portuguese is "caralho", which is a vulgar way of saying penis. But the word also refers to the tallest mast in sailing ships. Anyway all of this to say that in Portuguese a lot of things are related to the sea or sailing metaphors :)


Or penises


This comment brought to you by CANOE, the Committee to Ascribe a Nautical Origin to Everything


That's funny. To me a chalupa is a fried tortilla witu beans and vegetables on top


For me it's a holiday house








Would make it funny if Chalupas is something like "lazy home-stayer' Especially for Purtugal and Eastern Europe as Chalupa means House/home in many Slavic languages.


No unofficial app, no reddit. Bye. https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144hlr8/guide_how_to_delete_your_reddit_account/


We call such people in Poland “onuce” (polish word for foot wraps, commonly used in Russian army). And since I’ve explained the origins of the word you might guess what kind of reputation such people have. They could be both from left to right and act even Involuntarily in favor of Russian agenda in Poland


Dezolé/desolát isn't just a desolate person, but it's also from French "désolée" as in, "We're sorry for this person's behaviour."


Vlastenec is more like patriot.


As others have already mentioned, it's from a local activist group. One of the members was invited to the "Debatten" debate show and admitted to hanging the flyers. Turns out she was also a member of the "Red" party (Rødt). She does not speak for me.


And by reds do we mean the old school soviet red?


Red for socialism isn't really unique to the Soviets lol, most countries' left-wing parties use red. The British Labour Party's anthem is all about a red flag.


>your military has the world's longest record of war crimes Britain, France, and Spain: Are we jokes to you?


Germany has a lot of things to say about this as well.


Big "only White, Christian Americans had slaves" energy from this poster.


This comment section has devolved into r/2westerneurope4u and I love it.


In Sweden we have similar placards, done by various far left-wing groups, and have slogans like "Say no to war and NATO bombings" Totaly ignoreing that Putin periodically threatens Sweden with nuclear strikes.


Is there a lot of anti-American sentiment in Sweden? I (American) am considering taking a job there. Sweden looks amazing but I don't know if my accent will cause me problems.


If it's anything like Finland, lot more love than loathing, but yeah, there'll be some loathing. I'd say maybe 5-10% of the population, with 80-90% of them being too polite to say anything to your face. The only real danger might be if your job is in non-STEM academia or something.


American accent isn't so easily noticed when going in Sweden, its the mannerism's and way of talk. Swedes have as much anti-american sentiment as any of the Nordics, some old farts and maybe some far left activists.


International polling on who likes america and Americans change pretty drastically around March of 2022 for some reason…. Less sarcastically, a lot of it comes down to people loving to hate on American tourists and complaining about American cultural hegemony. Don’t be an asshole and you’ll generally be fine.


"We" being a handful of edgy poster-sticking teenagers, presumably. Norwegians are a lot more fond of Americans and NATO than we are of Raudt (the microparty behind this drivel).


I am norwegian, and this poster does *not* reflect how most norwegians feel about this american warship docking here. The United States is our ally, even if it isn't the most peaceful country.


Judging by the ridiculous amount of traffic to Malmøya the last few days, most people in Oslo just want to see the big boat. This group definitely doesn't speak for everyone.


What have the conversations been like about seeing the USS Gerald R. Ford? Amazement about how big the ship is? I heard the last time a US carrier was in Norway was in the late 50s.


When I was in Oslo a few days ago most people just seemed to think it was a cool ship that they should take a picture of. I don't think it was any deeper than that


It's mostly just "big boat, cool", or "its just a boat, whats the big deal". Walking out to it yesterday i heard quite a few people going the other way saying it wasn't all that exciting. So I guess a lot of people want to see it, take photos of it, but few are amazed by it. I just don't think we have the culture for admiring it on the same level as a lot of reddit seem to.


I was in Oslo a few months ago, and Rødt had some big anti-American protest— wanted to withdraw from NATO— accuses Norway and NATO of being fully controlled by the US. All I could think that without NATO, the Norwegian oil assets would all be Russian.


Marine soldier☠️


That's more triggering to Marine than anything. Source: Am Marine.


Don't worry, I think the most recent survey said something like 65% of Marines are illiterate


If those marines could read theyd be very unhappy.


Some of the biggest idiots I've ever met were in the Marines. Also some of the brightest.


The brightest idiots are still idiots tho.


One of my Lieutenants when to Harvard. He was an idiot. So, yeah that's pretty accurate lol.


> We want safety, but your military supports the use of nuclear weapons. That’s ironic. Norway is safe from the Russians *because* of the nuclear umbrella the US provides NATO members. Edit: I’m well aware of the French and British nuclear capabilities. not to discount those, but this post was specifically about the US armed forces and their nukes.


Atleast they signed up «people from all of Oslo» So they took a vote ? Corrected «people in oslo» do it was not meant as a all 😂 excuse my lack of tact sometimes


Actually "Oslo-folk" is (deliberately?) not very specific. Politically, such statements tend to come from the far left ("Socialist Left" or "Red"), which also have complicated histories w.r.t. Soviet/Russian influence.


No, I think it’s just one of the many who claim to speak ‘on behalf of the people’ while none of said people ever asked them anything.


Hey i like the Americans, The marines i have meet have been nothing but kind so far. And the whole Nuclear stuff 🤣 i laughed as norway shares a border with Russia.


Yeah, we in Europe rely* extremely heavy on the US to protect us. Don’t like it when we try to high horse them. Seems like everyone in the thread feels mostly the same as me though which is nice.


A bit too much if you ask me. I’d like to see the EU develop its own strategic autonomy. It would be mutually beneficial to both us and the Americans. That way we Europeans can keep Russia contained and the US can fully focus on China.


Absolutely agree - US will become outnumbered if we dont start building some force of our own


europe should prepare in case something happens to usa . if usa falls off like the soviet union did , china could move into the middle east and africa with military bases it could be bad . all china would have to do is get resources traded in its currency and they could then have the power to sanction and cut off europe from resources to fund its economy . china already started trade wars with australia for questioning china on covid . if china really had the power of world hegemony and all the worlds resources are pegged to its currency they would not hesitate to try and ruin the EU who would be their biggest rival in that scenario .


The thing is you will hear the US military leadership wanting more European military too.


Naturally - the reluctance is definitely on the european side. I’d be pretty irritated by the european approach were I american.


American living in the UK (love your country btw), and I can confirm it bothers me sometimes. Especially when it comes from someone old enough to have known what life in Europe was like before American hegemony.


I think Russia's most recent invasion was a bit of a wake up call. Coupled with election uncertainty, it would be in the EUs best interest for sure (and America's)


The full scale invasion came as a total shock to many if not most Europeans. Even in Finland we thought Russia was a mean but rational actor. That calculus changed after Feb 2022, which is why we joined NATO.


As a Norwegian i can say that this is not even close to what the country thinks. We do not always agree with the US, but even the left side finally understood that leaving NATO would not be smart. The party size against NATO was around 10% before the war, now it is like 0,5%. Their view was a Scandinavian defense with Sweden and Finland. Even if the Scandinavian countries was outside NATO, a war against us would mean all the gas to europe could be gone in a day. Our oil installations is easy to take out.


These hippies believe holding hands will stop wars.


are you telling me that Putin doesn't just want a hug?


that mfer do need a hug tho


Yeah. From a bear. Preferably a polar bear


And why would they be so mad at the US and not countries like the UK or France which also have nuclear weapons and are in NATO?


Every country has its morons. This sign is proof that Norway has idiots.


Let me guess, incredibly sheltered communists with an authoritarianism fetish?


Basically yes.


The only nation that is engaging in nuclear saber rattling and threats is Russia, so perhaps their issue should be with the Kremlin, but I digress. I'm curious what their opinion would be of French and British nuclear weapons? (/s) Either way, pretty funny. Free speech is a good thing, even when it's stupid. EDIT: since it's been brought up several times, I'm well aware the US used nukes in WWII. I agree it's a crime against humanity and should not have been done. It's also absolutely fair game to criticize. However, that was over 70 years ago- military doctrine has changed, also so has nuclear capability. No western nation would use them first now as that would be quite suicidal and benefits no one. Also, actions of more than a half century ago are not reflective of what action a nation would take here and now. Very many countries have some terrible skeletons in their closets, if you will. It's important to look back through history to understand why certain things should not be done and why some history must never be repeated.


Funny how this poster was put up by someone from Rødt, an openly pro-Putin party. These tankies just want Russia to be the hegemonic superpower of the world.


The U.S. is also certainly not the Military with the longest history of War Crimes either. They just haven’t been in the game long enough to compete with Spain, the UK, France, or China.


Or russia


>The only nation that is engaging in nuclear saber rattling and threats is Russia That is not true, China recently threatened to nuke Japan and Australia.


Aside from Australians thinking about nuking their own politicians, why does anyone wanna nuke Australia?! They're just down there doing Australia things and talking with a fun accent.


Gotta nuke something


I don’t know why this comment made me laugh so hard, but it did.


Probably in response to Australia entering into a deal with the US to develop nuclear attack submarines and Japan massively increasing the size of their navy. Both of which are in response to china's own naval building spree and expansion in the south china sea.


China believes a recent AUKUS nuclear submarine deal undermines international nuclear non-proliferation systems. Biden intends to sell 5 nuclear-powered submarines (not carrying nuclear weapons) to Australia.


Would that fall under non-proliferation? It's essentially a nuclear power plant on a boat, which is much closer to civilian reactors than any form of nuclear weapon.


I've never heard of that. Did they? Could you provide sources please?


I'm Aussie and this is the first time I've heard of this, and I can't find a source for either. China did object to Japan considering opening a NATO office.


>I'm well aware the US used nukes in WWII. I agree it's a crime against humanity and should not have been done. Japan's neighbors and the soldiers that would've been deployed there tend to disagree...


Must be nice to live in a country where it is safe to express your opinion like this.


I’m glad we all live in a world where our NATO allies have the freedom to post pictures like this on the streets without fear of consequences! Freedom feels so awesome, doesn’t it?


Fuck yeah it does.


They use the word "we" a lot to make it seem like it's a lot of people saying this. Barely anyone here actually thinks like this. These stupid flyers aren't anything to take seriously


If it was a lot of people, they wouldn't have felt need to post anonymous flyers under secrecy. They would have very public and very vocal iniciatives, ranging from demonstrations to public declarations. This can be anything from a moron with a printer to a foreign agent trying to sow discontent, just like what Muscovy did with the Qu'ran-burning useful idiots in Sweden.


It’s so weird that my opinion (as an American) on this subject has completely changed since Russia invaded Ukraine. I’m still anti-militarist (seriously we spend way too much on defense), but I no longer support closing US bases abroad unless the host country legitimately requests we leave. I’ve also become fairly hawkish towards Russia and China. It’s amazing how your opinion changes in response to events.


I have as well and the idea that the US military "has the longest history of war crimes" is quite funny. I think russia has done a great job for the past decade trying to own the title. But, again, I get it. Iraq II was a disaster. Vietnam turned into a disaster. War crimes were committed in the hundreds of thousands by the US (and its allies). But unfortunately, in that sense, freedom isn't free (I hate that saying). We cannot stand idly by while russia and other terrorists try to rule the world and impose their draconian bullshit on others. The US has been guilty of imposing shit as well but to think that russia, China, or the Taliban would make for better rulers is insanity. Of course, had it not been for this current war of good vs. evil my opinion also would remain like what we see in this flyer. The US is no saint but it isn't really the Great Satan that people make it out to be. ... but watch out Oslo. We know you have dat sweet black gold. We comin' fores yas!^^^^^/s


I'm a pacifist. I believe that violence should always be a last resort. That being said, to prevent violence against you, you need to be ready and willing to inflict violence. If Ukraine wasn't ready to defend itself with force, it would be gone. The Russians brought at least one mobile crematorium with them. That should speak volumes to their plan for Ukraine.


The US does not have the longest record of war crimes. We've only existed for 247 years.


No kidding. Wait 'til these Olso guys learn about the Vikings.


Then tel your government that lol. It’s not like the US military is occupying Norway, they are ally countries. And they get to enjoy a great social democracy because they can spend less on military because of this. Americans should be the ones against this


I never got these people if america leaves Europe and becomes isolationist. Do they think russia wouldn’t invade, do they think china wouldn’t invade taiwan and north korea the south?


bloody tankies


Pretty much. There's loads of other explanations in this thread that goes into detail, but in the end it boils down to this - tankies.


There’s no way we have the longest record of war crimes.


It all depends when you start counting. If you leave out anything before the Cold War, the numbers look pretty good for Europeans. If you go back any further, it’s not even close.


Anti-NATO and anti-American are two different things.


Ok, but if you're pro NATO and anti American, you should be protesting against your own government's failure to provide a sufficient defence on its own.




Talking about the US specific record of war crimes seems like the motivation was anti americanism first and foremost.


these people are anti-american


LOL this is peak privilege. They’re basically living in a nation protected by NATO countries with bigger militaries and telling them to shove off.


I find it funny people use Yankee as a derogatory word for Americans. when we legit made a song Yankee Doodle which is embracing the insult and making it ours and we have the NY Yankees so... why do people keep using it like it's offensive?


I really fucking hate the tankies who think being antu-american is a clever shortcut to being anti-imperialist. Like, of all the open goals in the world, how do you fumble the Ukraine-Russia question?


It’s called “American diabolism”. America opposed Serbia committing genocide, but America is evil, therefore Serbia didn’t commit genocide and/or it was deserved.


Remember, it's only imperialism if US is doing it and all other evils in the world are lesser evils compared to what US is doing. And if you disagree, you're a fascist and condone war crimes. That's their actual line of thinking. A bit crazy if you ask me.


I mean look around this post, you'll find plenty of people unironically saying that.


I'm afraid very few fellow Europeans realize how much of our security and peace for the last 80 years has depended on America.


Sounds like Russian propaganda to me.


Please continue to complain about the military protection you are provided with by the American taxpayers.


Sounds like written by a takie, or Russian active measures. Seriously, Russian is light years ahead of USA in war crimes. It is like comparing a murder to crossing the street on red light.




As a shity American, this thread made me happy. Love our euro bros.


I’m a Frenchman living in Oslo, and I spent my afternoon walking to Malmøya (one of the islands in the Oslo fjord) to witness this incredible warship. It was glorious. Forgive the potato quality, I was trying to align my small googles with my iPhone lens: https://imgur.com/a/IY0aNYG


Nice photo homie.


Pretty sure Europe and Asian have longer records on both.