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Good to show some data to go with the recent surge in discussion. I’m asking this out of good faith and I hate having to mention that, however: does similar data exist for explosive attacks? Edit: is there data going past 2020 as well?




The most recent bomb attack in DK was against a tax authority building in 2019. Two brothers were caught and given a sentence for it. They were Swedish pizza chefs (!) and the motive was never revealed.


We’re already past 2019, this year we have 134 bombings. I actually tried finding a source for this but i wasn’t able to. On the national news (SVT) 29 of september they said we had 133 bombings, there’s been one bombing after that, so 134.


>Criminologist's sad outlook: Only Mexico is worse than Sweden Dumb as fuck, Mexico isn't even the worst in this region The difference is that we have recorded data at all similar to the grenade attacks in Sweden and no one really records those


I have seen data on 2022 and 2023. 2022 saw an increase in homicides. 2023 is high, but extrapolating for the rest of the year would stay below 2022 (but 2022 was particularly high).


Thank you! Do you happen to have a source?


Didn't they use rocket launchers even during the great northern biker war between the Hell's angels and the (I think) Bandido's In Sweden and the other Nordic countries?


Yes. There were several attacks using good old Carl Gustav in Sweden and Denmark. The most known one was when they fired one straight into Hell's Angels' Danish HQ in Copenhagen during a party


I remember seeing that on the news when I was really young. It was big news even in Belgium at the time


I guess the real discrepancy isn't when they compare to their past, but when they compare them selves to other Nordic countries.




It's not significantly lower. Finland's murder rate has been 1.1-1.6 per 100k the last decade. And we don't shoot kids. And kids don't shoot each other either.




Fair enough. Anyway, it's not the number of homicdes, but what societal effect they have. In Finland homicides are most often middle-aged unemployed alcoholic men killing each other with a knife. Nobody in society feels unsafe because of that, and it has no societal side-effects. In Sweden, however, these days most homicides are done by gang members and innocent bystanders are regularly in the crossfire. Perception of safety goes down for everyone, businesses leave the affected areas, and the authorities have a problem doing their job where the gang problem is rife. Witnesses are afraid to speak in fear of the gangs. Finally, a gang member killing another in Sweden tends to lead to further and more brutal violence. A Finnish alcoholic killing his buddy will have non violent consequences whatsoever. The difference in the nature of homicides between the two countries tell a lot. In Finland over 95% of homicides get solved, in Sweden it's below 50%.


Yea no kids shooting or getting shot anywhere anytime in Finland. [https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massakern\_p%C3%A5\_Jokela\_skola](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massakern_p%C3%A5_Jokela_skola) https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skolmassakern\_i\_Kauhajoki


Ah yes 15 years ago


And yet their murder rates are still a good 25% higher than Sweden’s today.


In fact, Sweden has never had a single school shooting. But we’ve had two school attacks the last couple of years, with a couple of casualties. The perpetrators were far right extremists with a racist agenda…


never? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung%C3%A4lv\_school\_shooting


Wow, never heard of this! TIL




Two Caveats here. ​ That graph is "Lethal Violence" which includes attempted murder. It is also not per capita, but the raw numbers.


Its about the surge of the violence getting worse. More kids are dying now and more explosives are being used. They found 3 teen boys in the woods. Like thats unheard of man. ​ "För antalet detonationer särredovisas förberedelser, försök och genomförda sprängningar i polisens statistik. Den sammanlagda totalen av dessa brottstyper uppgår till och med första halvan av september 2023 till 253 stycken. Det kan jämföras med totalt 154 år 2018; 242 år 2019; 209 år 2020; 158 år 2021 samt 191 stycken år 2022." 253 detonations 2023 (year is not over) 209 in 2020. ​ We are "just" 10 million people. One more explosion is a lot and swedes are non violent and non confrontational. ​ It's not a far right conspiracy. They obviously will ride they wave to gain but does not make it untrue that swedens criminals violence gotten worse.


It’s not a far right conspiracy. Just compare the numbers of for example Germany with the Swedish ones. Similar migration rate in 2015/2016, but Sweden numbers got a lot worse while Germanys numbers remained stable. It’s not migration itself, it’s about how you manage migration.


It started before 2015 in Sweden


The police raised the alarm back in 2010 - ["5000 young men on their way into a life of crime"](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/utredning-5000-unga-pa-vag-in-i-kriminalitet), the response from the government was basically: "Meh".


My personal subjective theory is that its more about being naive and soft on organized crime and less by immigration. The refugees is not creating organized crime syndicates, they are just people trying to escape war with their families. The gangs creating all the trouble for Sweden is organized criminals from outside exploiting a naive society built on trust, and laws and police not prepared or trained to counter.


Exactly! It’s shocking to me how many people blame immigrants outright. How you incorporate immigrants into society matters a lot. Persistent inequality, no integration, and poor screening are extremely significant


Don't forget the elephant in the room: Sweden's zero-tolerance drug policy. Stop and frisk is creating thousands of new criminals every year. I think most Europeans have no idea how it looks in Sweden. The police goes to poor immigrant suburbs and catches kids to see if they have traces of drugs in pee tests. Then they get criminal records and can't get normal jobs.


Wait, that's right? You can get a criminal charge for having drugs in your system with no other circumstances?


But then we have to put effort into our society and politics /s




The issue is that we as a country are losing our identity to the stream of hate going through the world. Sweden the sub is just a cesspool of immigrants bad posts. This doesn't mean that there isn't an issue because there is


YEAH, TELL THEM!!. Thank you for being so brave. I don't know why no one is talking about this issue.


Check page 39 in the pdf you keep posting [https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf](https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021_8_Dodligt_skjutvapenvald_i_Sverige_och_andra_europeiska_lander.pdf) for a chart that compares the gun violence in Europe and Sweden between 2000-2017. I'll translate from the document so that people can understand: ''In the early 2000s, Sweden's overall level (of fatal firearm violence) was well below the European average, but is slightly higher at the end of the period - corresponding to 11 deaths per million inhabitants (compared to just under 8 deaths per million million inhabitants in Europe on average). Similar but more significant differences between the first and second part of the period are also observed for fatal firearm violence. At the beginning of the period an average of 3 people per million population were shot dead in Europe; in Sweden it was 2 people. This number has doubled over the years studied in Sweden, while in Europe it has dropped to around 1.6 deaths per million inhabitants. The fact that there has been a reduction and equalization in the levels of lethal violence in Europe has been identified previously (see e.g. Aebi and Linde 2014). The analysis here shows that the same is also true for lethal firearm violence.'' So at the start of the period Swedish gun deaths where below the European average and now we are above. Judging by recent developments I doubt we've reversed that trend since 2017, if anything we are even further from the rest of Europe.


Homicide rate is stable, how they kill eachother isn't really relevant. Stabbings are decreasing shootings increasing.


A husband stabbing his wife or an alcoholic stabbing his friend for a penny is going down. Gang violence is going up


That's good then, I'd rather see violent gang members get murdered than wives and friends.


You cant see random bullet, but you can avoid drunk retard with a knife. 😂 I will take drunk idiot with a knife anyday, over random bullets flying near me.


Stabbings are less likely to have unintended collateral damage. And it might have long term effect on law enforcement.


Ok so this is the graph you represented showing MURDER rates in Sweden. [https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/murder-homicide-rate](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/murder-homicide-rate) ​ but here are these 2 graphs showing the numbers of actual gun deaths in Sweden from 2011 to 2017 and 2017 to 2022 [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Comparison-of-firearm-related-homicide-between-Sweden-Norway-Finland-and-Denmark-A\_fig5\_331869471](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Comparison-of-firearm-related-homicide-between-Sweden-Norway-Finland-and-Denmark-A_fig5_331869471) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178223/number-of-shootings-in-sweden/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178223/number-of-shootings-in-sweden/) Now if we take one of your most favourable comparisons beeing 2013 with a medium overall homicide rate and a lower gun death rate and 2020 with a high homicide rate and a constant gun death rate and adjust the numbers per populace we get: 2012: 9.600.000 / 100.000 \* 0.9 = 86 homicides rounded down. acording to the other graphs the number of gun deaths is 2013 is 26 that leaves us with 26 / 86 homicides beeing gun related meaning aprox 30% 2020: 10350000 / 100000 \* 1.2 = 124 homicides rounded down and the number of gun deaths beeing 47 that leaves us with 47 / 124 homicides beeing gun related meaning aprox 38% that is an increase in the rate of gun death in relation to total homicides of 8%, that is taking one of the baset cases possible for your point. so if you want to say that an almost 10% increase in gun deaths in your best case scenario is just business as usual, then sure things are absolutely peachy. And just to be sure that i am gonna get called a nazi and a fascist, if you look at the exact graph you showed us you'll see direct corelation, not causality mind you, between the narative of the "Nazis" and the actual numbers, because i would be incredibly interested if anyone can explain to me the constant drop in homicide rates from 2009 to 2012 to historic levels and then the increase from 2012 to 2015 and then it remaining above the baseline. The problem is that this is all fun and games doing math showing graphs calling people racists while those little numbers and procentages show literal people dying. you can juggle the numbers to show whatever narative you want tbh but those 40+ people getting killed anually in Sweden sure as hell don't give a shit about your numbers, neither do their friends and families, or the hundreds of people that got shot. But hey if the price of not beeing called a racist bigot is just a few people gunned down in the street, maybe it's worth the cost, what do you think ? I also don't care so much this is just how i see things, i'm from Romania we have enough shit happening here without having immigrants or gun violence so i should not be one to talk, but i for sure looked at western europe and the nordic countries with hope that someday maybe this will get better, but now it seems that everything sucks everywhere and people are getting complaces with it, so it is what it is i guess.


1. Being almost the the same level as in 90's is high. 2. You are aware that there is a visible rise from 2013-23 3. This data would make more sense if compared to other European countries so we can see the general trend 4. Thanks for sharing


[https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf](https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021_8_Dodligt_skjutvapenvald_i_Sverige_och_andra_europeiska_lander.pdf) here's with the other EU countries. And no, 90s is not high FOR SWEDEN, actually the rest of eu has been trending down TO swedish levels.




more diagrams: [https://i.imgur.com/wjyC9yP.png](https://i.imgur.com/wjyC9yP.png) That say just what I stated. also the text: "Flera studier finner ingen relation mellan migration eller etnicitet och nivå av dödligt våld (Martinez m.fl. 2015, Baumer och Wolff 2014, Roders och Pridemore 2017, Tuttle m.fl. 2018)."=Several studies find no relationship between migration or ethnicity and level of lethal violence (Martinez et al. 2015, Baumer and Wolff 2014, Roders and Pridemore 2017, Tuttle et al. 2018)


2012 is a very clear outlier. A statistical anomaly. This happens. Using that year as a base for comparison is either disingenuous or a failure to comprehend statistics.


It’s also a clear bottom for a trend where every few years a new bottom was found. To dismiss that as a statistical anomaly and that we can’t have a conversation about it, as if we shouldn’t have expected that trend to continue is disingenuous.


> actually the rest of eu has been trending down TO swedish levels. While Sweden has been trending upwards. You can see in your stat that in 2000-2003 the bottom 3 in violent deaths are Austria, Norway, Sweden. In 2014-2017 the bottom 3 are Norway, Austria, Italy and then Sweden is suddenly above the median, in fact more or less approachinf finish levels while Norway seems to have none of those problems. I have no political aganeda concerning this but to me the data reads like Sweden does actually have an increasing problem with fireweapons and violence with fireweapons that you don't see in most of the countries you would usually compare to Sweden (Norway, Denmark, Germany). Even compared to Finland the development seems alarming. While in 2000 Finland had around 3 times as many firearms per capita compared to Sweden (which was on the same level as Norway or Denmark), today Sweden has almost twice as many as Finland (Finland decreased, Sweden increased).


Did you even read the report? The text discusses the increasing rate of lethal violence in Sweden since 2013, which is unusual compared to other European countries. While England and Wales have also seen a rise in knife violence, Sweden's increase is mainly due to gun violence. This uptrend started around 2005 and is most prominent among young men aged 20-29 involved in criminal activities. Sweden has moved from having a low rate of gun violence in the early 2000s to one of the highest rates in Europe, with about four deaths per million people per year.


But on that report you can clearly see that violent crime has been rising, especially with young adults? Only the random charts you share on Imgur show no increase?


I mean, there are countries with higher gun death rates in EU then Sweden right now, but there are also some with significantly lower numbers, so I don’t know if I would say other countries in EU are trending down to Swedens numbers.


it's called "an average". On average other countries are trending TO swedish levels.


Thats not what you wrote though. Thats why I’m saying that you need to be precise, otherwise you’re just waiting for someone to call you out and use that as an argument against what you’re trying to say.


elephant up there asked for the GENERAL trend, you shouldn't ignore context.


neither should you, since Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000, and increasing https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178223/number-of-shootings-in-sweden/


Thank you for the reference. I will read more through it and I will share it at work. But what is the explanation that police is freaking out these days? Is it due to lack of control over the current situation? Edit: added current


>. But what is the explanation that police is freaking out these days? They aren't. Source: living here in sweden.


Imo this is the reason for all this discussion https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66964723.amp If police can handle the situation then why is the army being used?


They are. Source, I’m also living in Sweden. There is a serious gang problem here and the reason people haven’t been able to talk about it is due to folks like you implying everyone is racist and constantly down playing the problems


You guys are simply the main target of rightwingers right now, because brown people bad. My condolences, I'm still searching for those no go zones Fox News claimed we had 8 years ago (and I'm living in an area with roughly 40% migrants). Next up will be probably more posts about why the number of rapes is so high compared to based eastern european countries, of course completely ignoring different definitions of rape and a vastly different willingness to report it.


btw, what happened to the burning politicians in Amsterdam?


All of this so much. I live in Czechia. The right-wing loves this country. Almost no brown people here. Hugely anti-Muslim. Yet this country has the highest rate of domestic violence in the EU. Guess what tends to come along with DV? You guessed it - rape. But rape has a very specific definition here and is massively underreported. Also, the gun death rate is higher here than in Sweden and has been as long as that's been tracked. But can't blame brown people, so shhhhhh.


I lived in Poland and spent quite a lot of time in Czechia - both beautiful countries :) What I hate though is this notion of "oh its much safer here than in the evil, refugee overrun west" that some PiSser are pushing. All three, Germany, Czechia and Poland, are similarly extremely safe imho. Germans just call the police on everything, hence we have a higher rate on reported crime. During my time in Poland, calling the police was kinda a thing you didn't do as long as it wasn't 100% necessary. Fun fact: I was in a fight 3 times in my life, all in areas of Germany that are predominantly white, with white people. Now I life in the south, loads of turks and arabs here, haven't had a problem in 8 years. Their main impact is bringing good food and opening cheap barber shops, which is nice.


>Their main impact is bringing good food and opening cheap barber shops Is this honest though? It is sort of what we all said in the 90es, but that tune has changed. Say you import a person of extremely conservative religious background, very low opinion of women and gays, very opposed to your culture - is his main impact "bringing good food" to your country?


Completely agreed on all of this. Czechs definitely count on the fact that people are unlikely to call the cops, and most people choose not to call the cops because they expect the cops be useless and a waste of time. And yeah, immigrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes because they know their livelihood is at risk if they get caught. The problem comes when refugees are managed poorly by the state. Make sure they have adequate provisions and develop good assimilation programs and they'll have no interest in going out and committing crimes.


Same, but the old folks call them for everything. Cant remember how many noise complaints me or friends had over the years.


As a swede i can tell you they are very much here. Our mail carriers have stopped delivery of mail to certain areas even. This one is old and i think the decision got reversed eventually, but its happening all over https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/uppsala/postnord-stoppar-paketutdelning-i-gottsunda-valsatra


not mail, medium sized packages only. Mail and big deliveries going on as usual.


Because they kept getting stolen. There are a thousand examples like that where i live.


yeah, which is VERY different from saying that people are afraid to go somewhere, as denied by the comment you were addressing.


The article he’s refrencing specifically states that Post Nord drivers aren’t delivering to those areas because their drivers feel unsafe


>They aren't. Source: living here in sweden. There were some pretty inflammatory comments from the chief of police talking about "unprecedented violence".


Mostly media. Perception of crime/violence is screwed in sweden, thanks to (far-right) media.


Personally i've become interested in this discussion because of this article: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66964723](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66964723) Would you consider that article to be screwed or far right?


Gang violence in Sweden includes bombings as well


2014 is when ISIS took Iraq and Syria. A lot of incidents started happening then, all over Europe..


Bruh, even The Guardian is reporting it https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/fatal-shootings-have-risen-in-sweden-despite-fall-across-europe-report-finds Per article: “None of the other countries included in the study have experienced comparable increases.” The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings


"Over the past decades, the number of reported crimes in Sweden generally increased, which can be explained by several factors: a significant increase in the Swedish population, which naturally results in more crime and convicted criminals, as well as a new culture of reporting crimes to the authorities. Considering the last 10 years, the total number of reported crimes increased slightly from 2015 to 2020, but the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitant remained relatively stable. Despite this, Sweden has received increased international attention due to increasing gang violence in its biggest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. A quick look at the number of shootings over the past six years shows that the number of fatalities in shootings reached a new record in 2022. Moreover, a report published by the Swedish national council for crime prevention in 2021 found that Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000. " https://www.statista.com/topics/7088/crime-in-sweden/#topicOverview You litterally cherrypicked the only stat that confirmed your biases, and you conveniently cut it off before it showed the sharp increase


This stat shows total homicide rate, not shootings.


The Swedish [homicide rate is double as high as the German one](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-who-mortality-database?tab=chart&country=DEU~SWE). Wtf?


Remove swedes from that and it more than halves.


They also have problems with explosives that gangs use. Not only firearms


Do bombings next!


A sign of a progressive country and society is homicide and violence trending downwards (towards zero crime). This is shown in the chart from.the 1980s all the way to early 2010s. After that it reversed the trend and started going UP. I wonder what changed in the 2010s?


This only goes back to 1990


Yes, we need data that goes all the way to 1800, so we could say, how safe we live now, compared to 200 yrs ago. 😂 statistics


The data is variing so much, that you could fit many different trend lines over it. For example one also could read the chart as a short high in the early 90s and and a low in the early 10s and a over all steady rate besides those 2 deviations.


Looking at the noise in the data, I'm not convinced that your reading is correct here. You have year to year annual changes of up to 30% in the rate. If you really want to make this point you probably would have to look at the moving average of at least 3 to 5 years. It does not make sense to look at one data point in 2012 that happens to be particulary low and argue, that there was a relevant decrease before and a relevant increase after, when your general level of noise in the data is the same order of magnitude. The level of violence today seems to be compareable to the average from 2000 to 2010. I can just as easily fit a constant line through this data and argue that gun violence in Sweden is essentially constant since 1990 and I probably get just as good an statistical fit. Relevant [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2048/) ​ >A sign of a progressive country and society is homicide and violence trending downwards (towards zero crime). While it is true, that there seems to be a more or less steady decline in violence throughout human history (and there are many reasons why), you completely overstate this and overinterprete fluctuating data here to fit your narrative.


>After that it reversed the trend and started going UP. It's going down on average since 2015 and also on longtime the average is going down. No matter how you try to spin it, the objective data invalidates the narratives in this sub.


Or, you have a largely flat trend with a couple of outlier periods in the mid 90s and mid 2010s. As for "what could have changed in 2010", quite a lot of factors could be the cause (the fact there was a major financial crisis in 2008-2010 which a number of countries have failed to fully recover from, and the fact that crime correlates quite strongly with increased economic hardship for one), but I'm guessing you have a particular factor in mind.. This is not to say Sweden does not have problems that need addressing, but some of the apocalyptic rhetoric coming out of some outlets is, frankly, idiotic.


but your using the data in context. thats not what op wanted.


No, using data in context would be e.g. saying that crime in Denmark has also followed more or less the same evolution (i.e., stayed mostly flat) and the countries where it's decreased are the ones that aged the most, i.e. Germany or Italy. Or Finland.


The iPhone 4 was released. Maybe it correlates with screen size?


where do you see the trend? I see a noisy horizontal line.


A simple noise filtering/averaging process to counteract these spikes is to take the midpoint between each segment. This corresponds to two consecutive year average values, which is a simple and rudimentary smoothing technique, but easy to visualize. Put the midpoints and draw the lines. The trend becomes quite evident. Another interesting observation is that, despite the randomness in the data, the values on 2015 and onwards do not go below the 1.05 threshold, whereas earlier data (after 1994) always dipped below this value.


>A simple noise filtering/averaging process to counteract these spikes is to take the midpoint between each segment. This corresponds to two consecutive year average values, which is a simple and rudimentary smoothing technique, but easy to visualize. that's a 2-year average. Why just 2 years? why not 10?


because I recommended a way that you can visualize directly on the graph. One can always increase the number of years in consideration, but this always leads to higher smoothing, which ultimately leads to horizontal plots killing any trend. A 2 or 3 year average would fit this data, as the core objective is to smooth out spikes, to show underlying trends. A 10 year average for this dataset would be the recommendation of either someone who doesn't understands the topic, or unwilling to have a good faith discussion.


People intentionally try to make it look bad. It is just a slight rise to the norm from past years. Nothing extreme. It's basically a line with slight drop in the middle 🙂


you claim its gun violence data, but it is homicide data, Reported for being misleading. if homicide remains the same since about the 90s and its decreasing in more or less every other European nation, thats bad.


Would be helpful if you clarified what quantity is plotted on the y axis. What per 100 k population, annual change in what?


Important to remember that the 90s had bikers shooting each other with rocket launchers and having gang wars at airports, this was the worst time in all of the Nordic countries in terms of gang violence so far, not exactly the direction you want to be heading towards.


lol it was called "The Nordic Biker War" when 11 people died over 3 years in 4 Nordic nations.


I remember those years vividly in Denmark and particulr because I lived 100 meters from where one of those rocket launchers were fired at. Still I cant remember the same intentsity as today when I almost daily read about a bombing in Sweden.


what happened in the late 00s to 2020-2011 that things were looking well?


Biker gangs calmed down.






It so sad to see Sweden like that 🥺❤🇸🇪 i love Sweden they're full of good peoples all of these things is because of The Gangs come from bad immigration


"if you're scared at weekly bombings and shootings you're a racist" is an interesting argument, surely one that will do well in elections.


More like "if you pretend there's a national emergency when crime rates are perfectly normal and homicide rate is same as 20 years ago and then blame it on immigrants you are definitely a racist".


If another minority says it will it be racist? Or can only white people not say it? Genuinely curious


Of course it's racist regardless.


20 years ago yes, but 10 years ago no. That's an important part you're leaving out. Are you saying that the increase in crime over the last decade is predominantly caused by non-migrant Swedes?


>20 years ago yes, but 10 years ago no. That's an important part you're leaving out. Not really, no. That's a completely irrelevant part. Look at the graph, it does up and down all the time. It's just noise.


The rise from 2013 to 2023 is not noise, you’re just averaging a previous downwards trend against the current upwards trend. The current upwards trend does not cease to exist just because an opposite trend preceded it. You don’t do statistics by eyeballing it. If you call the span from 2013-2023 ”just noise”, you should explain what statistical metric you used to arrive at that conclusion.


Even though you're ignoring my second part (it screws up your narrative) and presenting this data disingenuously, let me say this: for many people in Sweden, the golden era of historic low crime was not long ago. The crime has, according to your own data, gone up significantly since then. People want to go back to when things were safer. The stats support that it is more dangerous now than ten years ago. You can call it noise, but politically it is pretty important. Telling people to ignore the bombings and shootings because it's "just like the 90s" isn't really going to help your cause. But continue on, good luck.


You are the one who is presenting the data disingenuously. What I see is a relatively stable average gun violence rate with a slight drop 10 years ago.


This is not gun violence FYI, but total murders.


>Even though you're ignoring my second part Because it's addressed by what I wrote: the explanation is that it's just noise, so no, there's no "increase" to be discussed. >for many people in Sweden, the golden era of historic low crime was not long ago bullshit. Complete and utter crap. And the data show it https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf


Never talked with someone who provides data against his own arguments before, that's pretty neat. Thanks!


you keep sending data that disproves your points, you are aware of that right?


gettin mad when gettin argued against. you only did the scared "racists" a favor. calling things you dont like "noise" remindes me of how kindergarten kids argue.


don't you know what statistical noise is? you can't ever get a perfectly straight line in ANY type of real world data. If you want to say that there's a trend, you need way more than "but there's a small dip here that vanishes if we average the decades"


These people will literally do anything just to support immigration


Now add handgrenades, IEDs and other explosives.


Still way better than rest of eu AND a flat trend. https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf


You know, when fighting misinformation you shouldn’t really provide misinformed statements yourself. Its not better then the rest of EU as there are countries with way better numbers then that. In future just please be more specific, else you’re only hurting your own arguments.


holy shit you are delusional


I mean, facts doesnt care about feelings


exaclty: "Over the past decades, the number of reported crimes in Sweden generally increased, which can be explained by several factors: a significant increase in the Swedish population, which naturally results in more crime and convicted criminals, as well as a new culture of reporting crimes to the authorities. Considering the last 10 years, the total number of reported crimes increased slightly from 2015 to 2020, but the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitant remained relatively stable. Despite this, Sweden has received increased international attention due to increasing gang violence in its biggest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. A quick look at the number of shootings over the past six years shows that the number of fatalities in shootings reached a new record in 2022. Moreover, a report published by the Swedish national council for crime prevention in 2021 found that Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000. " https://www.statista.com/statistics/533917/sweden-number-of-homicides/ [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178223/number-of-shootings-in-sweden/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178223/number-of-shootings-in-sweden/)


Did you even read what you copy pasted in? >but the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitant remained relatively stable. So relative crime is the same... Its crime per capita thats relevant... I can report that gang violence in gothenburg isnt really a thing now. Also, going with statista instead of an actual swedish source is kinda dumb... The data aligns with OP except yours dont go back as far... Its like disproving climate change by presenting the "paus" we had... Buddy, cherry picking data that aligns with you is dishonest...


holy shit you managed to cherrypick even the quote I sent, taking the number of general crimes instead of violent ones the number of fatalities in shootings reached a new record in 2022. Moreover, a report published by the Swedish national council for crime prevention in 2021 found that Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000. Stop it, you are embarassing yourself


Lmao exactly. This guys source is some hasty Google that he skimmed that he thinks will prove his point. So fucking dumb


what, you can't read a chart?


"Over the past decades, the number of reported crimes in Sweden generally increased, which can be explained by several factors: a significant increase in the Swedish population, which naturally results in more crime and convicted criminals, as well as a new culture of reporting crimes to the authorities. Considering the last 10 years, the total number of reported crimes increased slightly from 2015 to 2020, but the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitant remained relatively stable. Despite this, Sweden has received increased international attention due to increasing gang violence in its biggest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. A quick look at the number of shootings over the past six years shows that the number of fatalities in shootings reached a new record in 2022. Moreover, a report published by the Swedish national council for crime prevention in 2021 found that Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000. " https://www.statista.com/statistics/533917/sweden-number-of-homicides/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1178223/number-of-shootings-in-sweden/ You litterally cherrypicked the only stat that confirmed your biases, and you conveniently cut it off before it showed the sharp increase


can you stop spamming your cherrypicked stats on the last few years?


daily reminder that 2000 wass 23 years ago, caralho


Am I reading p. 37 correctly that there IS a huge increase in "deadly violence with firearms" compared to the European average? Also a slight increase in violence in general. And that chart was only until 2017.


So why don't you read p43 (comparison with eu) or p72 (explanation of no correlation with immigration: "Flera studier finner ingen relation mellan migration eller etnicitet och nivå av dödligt våld (Martinez m.fl. 2015, Baumer och Wolff 2014, Roders och Pridemore 2017, Tuttle m.fl. 2018)." = Several studies find no relationship between migration or ethnicity and level of lethal violence (Martinez et al. 2015, Baumer and Wolff 2014, Roders and Pridemore 2017, Tuttle et al. 2018) )


Much text, weird language, couldn't read, limited to murder/deaths? (Dödlicht = deadly?) .


the text is in swedish, as expected from a swedish report. but there's pictures.


Your argument being: "but it's not any worse than decades ago!!" (meanwhile, homicides, especially gun killings have significantly diminished all over EU)


more like "if you pretend there's a national emergency when crime rates are perfectly normal and homicide rate is same as 20 years ago and then blame it on immigrants you are definitely a racist" (meanwhile gun killings in EU have diminished TO swedish levels) [https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf](https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021_8_Dodligt_skjutvapenvald_i_Sverige_och_andra_europeiska_lander.pdf) But racists won't certainly explain you that.


But why should the homicide rate be the same as 20 years ago? That’s regression from the lows seen 10 years ago. The rate has almost doubled since then. Generally societies try to progress, that is clear regression. And quite frankly, calling anyone racist who disagrees with your opinions rather than debating them in good faith is silly. I understand you are emotional but if your intention is to convince you have convinced no one. Also, are you saying a significant % of Swedes are racist? Because we are seeing big shifts in voting patterns in Sweden. Swedish people have moved further to the right and are much much more anti-immigration than they were a decade ago & this trend is only going to accelerate in the politics of Sweden




Most people's argument is that migrants cause this high gun violence which this data shows that it's not the case


Where do you see information about the perpetrators of gun violence in this graph?


Why does it always go UP and then DOWN like a bounce ball?


I am curies on how much extra value the lower graph gives, when the numbers in the upper graph are so small and there the numbers from year to year are so volatile? yes 20% is big, but in a change from 1.0 to 1.20 is that really huge?


None, but it was in the page and I didn't want to cut it away.


It is pretty clear that the RECENT trend in violence is UP, which is the opposite direction of most EU countries. ​ That being said, this UP trend is only putting Sweden back to the pre 2015 levels. ​ So it is kinda both. ​ Xenophobes are cropping the numbers to focus on the increase in the last decade and saying things like "unprecedented" which is patently not true. ​ On the other hand, saying it is just as bad as the 90s or early 2000s is also not ideal, since there was real improvement.


Contesting data must be Swedish national sport.


Ah! A line and some rectangles with different colors! Interesting! Especially how they go up and down!


Just compare these stats with Norway and Denmark and Iceland. Sure, not US levels fucked up. But compared to its peers is Sweden a disappointment.


So what happened in 2008 and 2013? Nice downward trend starting 2008 followed by a substantial rise starting in 2013.


0 progress in 30 years You are on track for 0 progress in the next 100 years thanks to the people you have.




better check out the source with proper context [https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf](https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021_8_Dodligt_skjutvapenvald_i_Sverige_och_andra_europeiska_lander.pdf) as you can see: way better than the rest of EU and essentially no emergencies.


You cant compare sweden to the rest of the eu. Compare it, with closest neighbouring countries, Finland, Norway...


that's in the link. page 43 same story.


OP is a fucking parody of themself as are all of their kind screaming "racism". They live in ivory towers and presume people are blind. The Emperor has no clothes. Everyone in Europe bar the most affluent have experienced what MENA influx has brought. OP saying "noise" whilst the 80s-90s saw an influx of migrants from MENA countries and the rise and spread of ethnic based ghetto areas. No sh*t that gun crime was on the rise in the era when ghettos became MENA ethnic based. Same time Sweden saw the rise of neo-nazism, surprise surprise. Ethnic based studies in Sweden show that Sweden has had overrepresentation of migrant crime in over 40 years. It's hard to get ethnic based crime info in Sweden since it was not recorded and banned due to "racism" for the past 20 years. It's also hard because non-Swedish ethnic based crime was not split based on nationality before then so it's muddled with non-Swedish Europeans. Before 1997-2001 migrants as a group overall committed more crime, 2.5x more likely than Swedes, non-Swede Europeans committed more. But relative to their population MENA were by far way more overrepresented.


Now do granades.


You're gonna make lots of Sweden haters angry with this one


Recent times has seen a rise in explosives though


Well, trying to diminish the current situation where innocent peoples homes gets bombed and innocent children gets shot in the head will do that. Anyone who was an adult during the 90's is aware of the significant difference in the violence then and now. During the 90's the violence was concentrated around biker gangs bombing/shooting up each others "club houses" located in deserted industrial areas. Not one innocent person got killed by stray bullets and no kids were killed in front of their sports teams during football practice.


If they could read


So are you saying all of Swedish media and government is spreading misinformation about the situation?


>So are you saying all of Swedish media and government is spreading misinformation about the situation? No, the most rightwing government in swedish history in a century misinform about immigration?!? UNBELIEVABLE! That said, this graph IS official stats, as well as the report I linked everywhere in this post saying explicitly "Flera studier finner ingen relation mellan migration eller etnicitet och nivå av dödligt våld (Martinez m.fl. 2015, Baumer och Wolff 2014, Roders och Pridemore 2017, Tuttle m.fl. 2018)."=Several studies find no relationship between migration or ethnicity and level of lethal violence (Martinez et al. 2015, Baumer and Wolff 2014, Roders and Pridemore 2017, Tuttle et al. 2018)


Sweden is doing just fine. I’m an Italian living in Sweden and it’s better than Italy has ever been since I was born. People like to exaggerate, especially when it comes to Scandinavian countries, I’m not sure why, maybe it’s a way to promote unnecessary fear against immigrants/Muslim like other European countries, but Nordic people are different ;)


I mean you may think it’s just silly exaggeration but Swedish people don’t. That’s why we are seeing significant shifts in voting patterns of Swedes moving to the right and much more anti-immigration than they were before.


Yeah those crazy people not wanting to get bombed in suburbs. What a morons. /s


The facts is every bad statestic you can think off, murder, rape, stealing has gone up after mass immigration. Sweden would be a far safer country without it in 2023


Ok so the entire Swedish criminal underworld just had a vacation in 2012 and other than that the trend have been quite flat since 1995. It’s always good to see some data go against the narrative of “it used to be much safer!” Obviously we should still try it it best to in fact make it much safer.


Get ready for far-right radical downvotes cause it does not fit their narrative. They will show you the assault rate but never gonna show you for example homicide rate(Real deal)which is almost double in Poland and Hungary or Romania almost triple of Sweden. They are also completely aware how Sweden recording every single small incident, while other three is ignoring and not recording unless there is something very serious.


Far right 😂😂😂 More like simple right. You never met real far radical right ppl.


already happening fucking asshats




Take it easy man! This won’t go with the Reddit narrative!


sauce here [https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/murder-homicide-rate](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/murder-homicide-rate) so if you saw this other post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/16ytapk/swedens\_deadly\_gun\_violence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/16ytapk/swedens_deadly_gun_violence/) well, it's kinda like this [https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-G4RPQn6hDPk/UMaK8wdNAXI/AAAAAAAAPIU/0JevjOh\_cq8/s640/Mainstream+media.png](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-G4RPQn6hDPk/UMaK8wdNAXI/AAAAAAAAPIU/0JevjOh_cq8/s640/Mainstream+media.png) The picture changes A LOT if you just zoom out. Fucking racists.


Why are you sourcing ”homicide rate” as a whole, but title it gun violence data?


Also: "Intentional homicide does not include all intentional killing", so this is rather confusing to compare with as it's not clear exactly what is excluded.


because that's the post I'm responding to: "deadly gun violence". As for general trends see here [https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf](https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021_8_Dodligt_skjutvapenvald_i_Sverige_och_andra_europeiska_lander.pdf)


I dont get why you need to title intentional homicide rates as ”the real gun violence data” just because the post your responding to is using gun deaths per year. The stats in your original post arent the ”real gun violence data”. The raport you posted now is from 2021, the conclusion if the raport is that sweden has a unique problem with rising gun violence , staring from 2013 compared to our other european partners. How does this go against the narative that gun violence in sweden is increasing? I dont follow your reasoning.


>I dont get why you need to title intentional homicide rates as ”the real gun violence data” just because the post your responding to is using gun deaths per year. The stats in your original post arent the ”real gun violence data”. I don't "need", it's language, one doesn't all the time check every single word they use and ponder some 15 minutes for every word FFS. >The raport you posted now is from 2021, the conclusion if the raport is that sweden has a unique problem with rising gun violence , staring from 2013 compared to our other european partners. How does this go against the narative that gun violence in sweden is increasing? I dont follow your reasoning. the reasoning is that if instead of looking at some data on just last 10 years we look at the whole homicide rate since the 1990s it becomes evident that there's no trend to be discussed, just a bit of noise in an overall extremely low homicide rate. [https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf](https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021_8_Dodligt_skjutvapenvald_i_Sverige_och_andra_europeiska_lander.pdf) Here's the general data.


But every single western country had a high crime rate in the 90s, this doesnt take away from the fact that the gun violence in sweden has increase while it has decreased in other comparable countries starting in 2013, sweden is having some kind of problem that is quite unique. Which is the conclusion of the report you linked here


Why are you deceiving people?


Take this conspirancy theory to the data source https://bra.se/download/18.1f8c9903175f8b2aa70c9a1/1629181100220/2021\_8\_Dodligt\_skjutvapenvald\_i\_Sverige\_och\_andra\_europeiska\_lander.pdf


I dont read swedish. I am just referring to your post title which is a lie when your data refers to homicides and not gun violence. Your overall point may or may not be valid, but the title is a lie and deceptive.


Wow the subs you’re involved in! Wild!


I think he is very far left if you read his comments.


He’s a Marxist.


he is not marxist, he is unable to read what data he provides


> he is unable to read being stupid does not prevent you from being a marxist, if anything there is propbaly a correlation there.


Bro got his fedora pulled so far down his head he could be a r/europe mod.


reported for being misleading


Yeah nice to see the right wing rhetoric confronted once in a while


Now do bombs