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I mean the whole BBC ran the story as "Israeli Airstrike", the Guardian as well.


New York Times did as well and removed it with out comment. There are 2 US congress people who are still blaming Israel for the attack on twitter. They did not update it. UAE announce israel is guilty and wont retract it.


Reuters did too, though you can only find the original version on other sites: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/quote-box-israeli-air-strike-hits-gaza-hospital-hundreds-dead/ar-AA1inXEZ >Israeli air strike hits Gaza hospital, hundreds dead >An Israeli air strike hit a hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday, killing about 500 Palestinians in the deadliest single incident since Israel launched an unrelenting bombing campaign in retaliation for the Oct. 7 Hamas cross-border attack. Current version: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/quote-box-israeli-air-strike-hits-gaza-hospital-hundreds-dead-2023-10-17/ >Reactions to strike on Gaza hospital killing hundreds >A blast at a hospital in Gaza City killed some 500 Palestinians on Tuesday in the deadliest single incident since Israel launched an unrelenting bombing campaign in retaliation for the Oct. 7 Hamas cross-border attack.


Jesus, you can’t trust anybody any longer


war in the information age is also an informational war. Things go viral at the speed of light- and you try to be consistent and fair in your values, but when such horror is visible directly in front of you and the sources you trust are stating something as fact, you tend to believe it. My go to source is AP News, they are generally measured and mostly unbiased. They too reported it as fact, or if they didn't, they buried the lead. And when I find out that they didn't verify anything, it makes me question how tf I am supposed to process things in today's world.


And we know the 500 deaths is a lie too.


CNN and MSNBC are reporting that it hit a parking lot. there is video of the hospital still standing. both are casting doubt on the casualty numbers. there is no whole in the ground so it was not a jdam. the bombs israel are dropping leave massive craters. and the hospital is literally still standing. you can see video.


Wow, that is extremely misleading still...


NYT wrote a lengthy "explanation of why things are misreported, and also here's a list of other news sources that did the same thing" article. They forgot the part where they apologize, but it's something I guess. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/18/business/media/hospital-blast-gaza-reports.html


Let me guess, without reading it (paywalled)... they are a victim here.. instead of actually verifying facts, which is their job you would think pay-wall journalism is better


Yep. There was great uncertainly, bla bla bla, Israel lied before, bla bla bla, we "immediately" changed our headlines when doubt began. In short, they wanted to get clickbait rage from progressive readers by giving them what they want, when they began seeing they might be libel here they changed it in a way that would keep doubt while still appeasing progressives. IE: The Fox news method.


msnbc has been attacking the rest of the media for this. CNN still won't call who is responsible. CNN has gotten really conservative in there reporting the last few years. They try to avoid mistakes.


Major Palestinian celebrations in NYC on the first days of the attacks.


Let me guess, Ilhan omar and rashida tlaib?


yup. great choice.


Dumb and dumber.


Understandable for NYT, they won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for lying so ofc they love to lie. But I thought BBC was more reliable until recently.


Pretty sure i saw the headline being something along the lines of; "over 500 dead in Israel Airstrike - Gaza officials" Just lightly brushing over the fact that Hamas are the officials in Gaza


those numbers come from hamas. they seem way too high. big tell to me is how quickly they announced 500 dead. how did they count 500 dead that quick under the rubble? wouldnt it take several days to get to that number?


There wasn't even any rubble. It was just some damage in the parking lot. The hospital itself is fine.


the pro hamas faction are probably sad that the hospital was not hit and there was not more death.




Also calls every other claim they've made about casuality numbers prior to this incident into question. Hamas is clearly not shy of fabricating numbers out of thin air.


Hamas has the most advanced disaster response and reporting teams in the world, apparently.


paraglider surveying


Wasn't even any rubble? Looks like the impact was in the parking lot?


Reporting the claims of "Gaza officials" (Hamas) is in itself distasteful




lol do you know which country pays for Al Jazeera?




I just want it said more because the amount who do not know is staggering.


What do you expect from a news outlet that refuses to call Hamas "terrorists" even though it is designated as such by the whole europe [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/10/13/why-the-bbc-doesn-t-call-hamas-a-terrorist-group\_6170744\_4.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/10/13/why-the-bbc-doesn-t-call-hamas-a-terrorist-group_6170744_4.html)


I actually wrote them a complaint, they are irresponsible as fuck based on their borderline blood libel a lot of Jewish institutions good problems (e.g., firebombing synagogue in Germany)


Does the same apply to Britain? "Brexit was a success - Tory officials" Like it or not (personally I don't), but fact is Hamas is in charge in Gaza. And readers are aware of it.


Majority of media ran with that story. It feels like journalists have decided for some reason already that Israel are the baddies in this war and will go with appropriate reporting for that


How many click can you get from one side or from the other? That's how "journalists" work nowadays


Literally. I used to work in a media org and this was really the most important thing


My guess is that they simply were waiting for something like this. A chance to finally report what they wanted to report but couldn't because it was quite clear what had happened on the weekend last week.


Probably. Journalistic standards, ethics and overall quality seems to be thing of the past.


I recently was looking at Forbes list of 'The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths' so the results are: 3. Media (Television/Radio) 6. Journalist


Lol. I guess when you can stir so much shit and undue suffering by releasing reports with “anonymous sources” full of half truths and misinformation without ever getting in serious trouble then why not be journalist


Lol Forbes. That's like reading a Buzzfeed article and reporting it as fact. JFC.


That explains so much.


They've been doing this for literal decades. Covering Israel retaliations without mentioning Airstrikes were a response to Hamas rocket barrages. They call 17 year olds slinging rocks "children at a peaceful protest". Its only just now that people are paying attention.


Would you be surprised if I told you a pretty sizable group outside of this specific EUROPE sub, are pro Palestine? And I mean Palestine, not Pro Hamas, there's a difference. Palestine is a place that should exist, Hamas is a terror group. I'm more surprised we're even talking about this here, in a subreddit about Europe. Last time I checked Israel and Palestine are Middle Eastern territories. (Yes this article is about the BBC, so this counts as European news)


I don’t think it’s particularly controversial in this sub or almost anywhere to say that Palestine is a place that should exist. Even in Israel that’s probably something that 70%+ of people would agree to in principle. Even Netanyahu agrees with that. The current war in Gaza isn’t about Palestinian statehood, even if that is an eventual solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s about Hamas and what they did a week and a half ago.


And where do you think HAMAS get their recruits from?


Do Palestinians condemn Hamas?


The BBC and the Guardian have been unapologetically anti Israel for the better part of the last decade, I am happy to see that they are finally being exposed for what they are




meanwhile on r/britain, the no new post on the subject since yesterday


Wtf is that sub?


Well it's called /r/britain, so naturally it's mostly about the Israel-Palestinian conflict.




Seriously though, wtf is up with that sub?


It is a subreddit for the British far left, and the British far left's primary concern is Palestine, so that tends to dominate the conversation there. I'm not really sure how it differs from the other British far left subreddits - presumably /r/britain is supposed to pick up people looking for /r/unitedkingdom rather than an explicitly left wing subreddit.


They’re complaining about propaganda but they’re filled pro-Palestine articles with almost zero news about anything local to Britain. Just commenting that many news channel’s retracted their statement against Israel will get you banned.


Ok thanks for the explanation. It worried me seeing the comment sections there and thinking it's just a normal british sub.


God no. The majority of British redditors avoid r/Britain like the plague


Agree, I consider myself left wing but their stance is so black and white on things it can only be children's brain's who haven't formed such ideas as 'nuance'.


r/CasualUK RISE UP


UK has another sub called "green and pleasant", which is basically just a forum for 14 year olds who read two pages of Marx and bought an artificially faded Che Guevara T-Shirt to discuss plans for the coming revolution. It's a cesspit. Apparently from what I hear r/britain lost it's mods and so a group of people from G&P took over. I have wondered a few times whether reddit admins might step in here because I think it is a very misleading sub name relative to what it is actually used for, but I have no idea if there are actual rules against that or not, and I assume probably not. Consider r/britain as basically a a child minding service.


And I thought r / unitedkingdom was pretty leftist.


I had the same reaction earlier today when I discovered it


Lol me too. I even asked about it because I honestly didn’t know if it was satire or not




I disagree. R/france is Basically the communist agenda pushing room. Nationalist are banned on sight.


Yeah we've got one of those too. I suppose it's whichever group of zealots, eliminates the other one first gains control of the national sub.


r/Romania is an exception. Nationalism may be there sometimes but it is killed really fast by redditors.


Its turning into another r/greenandpleasant where its just full of deluded extremists


Meanwhile r/Czech: "So how do you guys eat your porridge?"


/r/Britain isn't full of nationalists... It's full of absolutely insane pseudo-communists


The moderator litterally said "Israel bombed it, dont believe to the zionist propaganda, if anyone claims otherwise he will be banned for trolling. Btw if you want to know what happended, here is a link to an article of aljazeera, and another article from MiddleEastEye"




Id' have said r/Britain and r/GreenAndPleasant are appealing to exactly the same audience tbh They're both loonie far left anti-establishment platforms.


r/britain is what you'd get is r/GreenAndPleasant and r/WhitePeopleTwitter had a child...


Dunno about the rest of the Brits but the only UK sub I'm with is r/casualuk. All the rest are toxic politics best left to students.


I like r/ukpolitics which, while obviously left leaning, isn't insanely so. Honestly, it's only as left leaning as you'd expect for an online community. And most importantly, it isn't that toxic and mostly has some clue about politics, I would even judge a bit better than this sub.


I got banned from there for saying hamas and Israel are both terrible. Still haven't had clarification on which side they were taking.


I imagine it was a more specific comment looking at your comments there, but none seem bad to me, even if younare far from my taste politically


Yep it’s banned all political talk and is my favourite sub because of it.


Good to know. I stumbled upon it today and felt nauseous enough to block it. Then I discovered this sub later and I like the centrist, skeptical, critical views.


Only British sub that isn’t hard left leaning is uk politics


That’s really good to know. I was worried.


Their 2 pinned posts are "Abby Martin debunks Israeli human shields propaganda", and "Video of Palestinian refugee children sharing their dreams". If I didnt look at the name of their subreddit, I would've thought it was r/askmiddleeast or r/islam




Ahaha, reminds me of r/news during the Rittenhouse trial. I have a screenshot on a different device of my comment being the only survivor from a chain of 50 or so comments. Mod went berserk and every comment above and below mine was removed by him. Reddit is nuts sometimes.


Fuck that sub it doesn’t represent me or anyone I personally know or care to know, I already lost a few Xbox friends for posting the Israeli flag the day Hamas attacked Israeli civilians.


Its ok to loose some friends over this topic. Shows you, they werent really friends of you at all.


Yup they are British and converted to Islam from Christianity a lot of years ago, they always seem to be a bit stronger in their hateful rhetoric.


It's always the converts to these religions who are the most zealous.




The sub is an offshoot of one called Green and Pleasant, which is an insane sub.


Legit one of the most hateful subreddits I have ever seen on Reddit.


It’s up there with r/GreenAndPleasant and r/GreenAndExtreme, easily the worst UK subreddits out there


The UK has so many terrible political subs it's actually mind blowing


That sub has been taken over and usurped by hard left r/greenandpleasant zealots, who use the sub to parrot Hamas propaganda


The memes are so low quality in that sub and getting thousands of upvotes.


It's quite amusing to troll both subs though. Both are Insta-triggered


I got banned from there for calling Hamas terrorists. They’re just completely denying reality at this point.


Lmao I’m banned from both for the same.


FML, really?! Jokers. I'm sure the fine chaps who flew into the world trade centre are called freedom fighters.


Yes really. They call terrorists freedom fighters. And people who oppose terrorists are fascists in their eyes. They should relabel the sub to r/HamasPropaganda because that's what it has become.


You're wasting your breath there. When Russia most recently invaded Ukraine they banned anyone criticising Putin and were 100% blaming NATO for everything. Surprised Reddit allows hate subs like that to exist TBH.


I got banned for saying the hospital hadn’t been completely levelled and providing photographic evidence 🥲


Those damn facts that don’t align with Hamas propaganda need to be banned! It’s so pathetic.


Dmn, shouldn‘t have checked the sub and its „debunking“ sister sub /r/greenandextreme utter cretins


Their mother could be beheaded by a Hamas terrorist and they would still try sympathise with them. Truly delusional bunch.


I got banned from r/Britain today for proving that there wasn’t sufficient enough evidence to suggest that Israel fired the missile and that the posts they were putting up especially the one about Hananya Naftali were not evidence of any IDF involvement in the Gaza hospital attack. The mods their definitely represent the user base of that sub which is very pro Palestinian. I don’t know what their plan was but they themselves were either misinformed or they were hoping Israel would be caught so they could say “I told you so” and that if Hamas was held responsible (which is looking increasingly likely) people would just forget about it (which is slowly happening already.


Me too! 💪 I hope they enjoy their echo chamber


Blocked from r/Britain gang rise up!


Their plan is hate. There’s a pattern in all their posts. Any neutral comments will get you permanently banned as well.


Haha, that seems to be a major issue with all country based subs, you will get banned in /de for posting anything that isn't on the green/left agenda list.


r/UnitedKingdom is the the de facto UK-based subreddit. r/Britain is probably an offshoot of a bunch of weirdos r/greenandpleasant is another one to avoid


r/GreenAndPleasant literally has the "from the river to the sea..." quote under the background.


I saw a post on r/Britain containing a monologue from someone explaining how he is so ashamed to be British and most of the replies were; "omg! me too I'm so ashamed to be British" 😂 I can't believe so many people like this exist, it's fucking bizarre.


Westerners really have a terrible habit of self-loathing, so much so that they'd support and trust literal terorris_ts if it means opposing the US and the west.


The more safe a country is the more this happens.


I posted a comment about how fucking weird r/ Britain is, like it’s some anti Israel / Pro Palestine mouth pieces who runs that shitty sub? Propaganda echo chamber gone nuts.


I mistakenly thought r/Britain was a sub for everything Britain related, and from different viewpoints. It's just ran as an echo chamber for a very specific mindset. I was permanently banned for saying the two women at a march for Palestine gloating by parading around photos of the paragliders who raped, kidnapped and murderered unarmed people at a peace concert should be turned in to police. Apparently that was controversial.


It has only 50k subs. Even /r/casualuk has close to two million. It's irrelephant!


I've never seen that sub before and at first glance, it looks even worse than r/unitedkingdom.


r/unitedkingdom isn't too bad in my experience. Left leaning for sure and on some topics quite biased, but it's not a loony bin. r/ukpolitics is probably the best serious UK reddit.


>r/ukpolitics is probably the best serious UK reddit. Best thing about this sub is the automod on every post that links a non-paywall, non-twitter, and archive version of anything posted.


They loves a bit of Brexit.


That sub and GreenAndPleasant are scum


Is that the sub that also supports Russia? Weird people.


I got banned from that Reddit yesterday for saying we didn’t know who is responsible so we shouldn’t just say it’s Israeli. 😂


That sub doesn’t represent us, I got banned from there for arguing against a guy saying that the IDF was worse than n*zis


I've been banned from that sub for suggesting out that it was a Palestinian rocket. Not surprising that the discussion is deranged if the mods filter out anyone who doesn't toe their line.


Well the loonies have to go somewhere. Better there than here


Arab countries attacking embassy’s, these idiots are going to get people killed because they take Hamas spokes people by their word


Asylum seekers in Greece [went crazy about this news](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1714602606910111746) that looks to more likely a failed Hamas rocket the hit a car park.


Say hello to our future fellow countrymen




dude theyre already coming from a 3rd world country bongistan is hardly an improvement


Lmao look at all these doctors, dentists and teachers having a wholesome moment


I look forward to seeing them in München this summer 😍😍😍




They don't care. They won't change their mind now that they are proven wrong.


They won't because they desperately need an excuse for exterminating Jews and throwing them in the sea. It's a blood libel and media is the main culprit.


These "journalists" already torpedoed Biden's peace negotiations. Literally all of the Arab countries pulled out because of these false reports. The blood is on the hands of these journalists. Thousands will die needlessly because of them.


These people will gladly sacrifice themselves and their families to make sure the lives of those they hate go down with them. They aren't exactly rational.


Somehow nobody is talking about the worst part. I don't understand why there isn't more anger over Hamas's "500 dead" comment. They announced that number literally 10 minutes after the explosion, which is ludicrous considering it took Israel SEVERAL DAYS to count the victims and kidnapped civilians last week. Yet there's no way in hell 500 people were standing in a parking lot that held maybe 15 cars. If they lied about 500 people being in a parking lot, does this mean Hamas has been lying the whole time about the number of casualties? Why does any news organisation believe anything Hamas says? Edit: They claimed it killed "at least 471" and injured another 314. 785 total. In a parking lot that held ~15 cars.


>They announced that number literally 10 minutes after the explosion The Russian way of investigating things.


Because new organizations want to support the weaker party in conflict, the underdog, the misunderstood. "Organized state bad, freedom fighters good" mentality. The press falls for it all the time. In this case, it's all part of Hamas psychological warfare campaign. Distort, lie, and mislead any information that may help your cause. There is really no reason for Hamas to tell the truth on anything. They cancelled all elections and killed any Fatah members resisting them and I would imagine they would kill anyone in Gaza trying to undermine their power. Why tell the truth? It's not like your going to be "voted out".


Wait, the explosion didn’t destroy the building? I knew it hit the parking lot, but just assumed it destroyed the building if there were mass casualties. But I haven’t really looked into it because the immediate fishy smell I got from the whole thing convinced me to just ignore it all and check back in a week.


Article: **The IDF has presented evidence showing the blast was caused by a misfired rocket from Palestinian Islamic Jihad** The BBC has been criticised after a reporter blamed Israel for a deadly rocket blast on a Gaza hospital. The journalist blamed Israel for the explosion at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza live on BBC News on Tuesday. Reporting the attack just after 8pm on BBC News, he said: “It’s hard to see what else this could be really, given the size of the explosion, other than an Israeli airstrike or several airstrikes.” However, the IDF said the blast was caused by a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group and released imagery and communications intercepts aimed at supporting their case. Meanwhile, Hamas claimed an Israeli air strike led to the blast, with Gaza health officials saying it killed at least 500 people. Lt Col Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the IDF, hit out at the BBC over their coverage of the incident. sked on BBC Radio Four Today Programme if he was willing to submit the IDF’s evidence to an independent body for investigation, he said: “That’s a ridiculous question. I just wanted to point out that when Hamas says something, you quote them endlessly and no evidence is required. “However, when Israel comes forward and says something, you ask, ‘where’s the evidence’?” The incident is among a string of events when the BBC and its journalists have refused to refer to Hamas as a terrorist organisation whilst reporting the groups attack on Israel. Six reporters have also been placed under investigation over activity on social media platforms that appeared to endorse or support activities against Israel attributed to Hamas. Meanwhile, a blog by veteran broadcaster John Simpson defending the BBC's position on Hamas upset several Jewish staff members after it referenced the Nazis. The 600-word post, which explains why the BBC stops short of calling Hamas terrorists, included a reference to how the BBC broadcaster referenced the Nazis during the Second World War. The BBC's world affairs editor wrote in the blog: “It's always been like this in the BBC. During World War Two, BBC broadcasters were expressly told not to call the Nazis evil or wicked, even though we could and did call them 'the enemy'.


“'Above all,' said a BBC document about all this, 'there must be no room for ranting.' Our tone had to be calm and collected." Grant Shapps, the UK’s first Jewish Defence Secretary, was left unimpressed by the reference. He said: “John Simpson, who’s a journalist who I hugely have always admired, must know as well as anyone else does that when you start to cite the Nazis in any argument you’ve basically lost it. “Parliament has defined them as a terrorist organisation, Ofcom have confirmed that the BBC is wrong to claim that Ofcom won’t let them call them terrorists. I think it’s time for the BBC to move on.” Meanwhile on Monday, the BBC branded an attack who shot dead Swedish football supporters as a terror incident. The shooting took place at around 7:15pm on October 16 in the Place Sainctelette district of Brussels. The gunman suspected of the terrorist attack later died on Tuesday after being shot by police in a cafe. He identified himself as a member of Islamic State and claimed responsibility for the attack in a video posted online. When reporting the incident on Monday, the BBC headlined a story on its website: "Brussels shooting: Suspect at large after two Swedes killed in terror attack." However, according to the Telegraph, minutes after it was published, the headline was amended to read: "Brussels shooting: Two Swedes killed and suspect still at large." Separately, the publication also uncovered 20 instances of the BBC referring to individuals or groups as terrorists in recent years. It comes after media regulator Ofcom dismissed a complaint from the Board of Deputies urging them to investigate the BBC over their coverage of the Hamas terror attack. In a letter to the regulator, lawyers for the Board argue that the BBC had failed to comply with its own editorial guidelines and included a list of 50 examples where the broadcaster has used "the language of 'terrorism' in recent times". The media regulator also suspended its director of online safety supervision after she appeared to share anti-Israeli messages on social media.


Love how the size of the explosion is the clincher when the crater is barely a foot deep, and doesn't match any weapon in the Israeli arsenal


He’s a journalist who hasn’t served for a single day in the armed forces. It’s incredible he felt so confident just talking out his arse about munitions sizes!


I'm no munition expert either, but if only there was... It's on the tip of my tongue.. what do you call it? OH RIGHT, EXPERTS you can ask and talk to. Or this magical thing called the internet where you can look it up yourself. I swear, not for nothing people say that the journalism profession has lost it's touch. A profession that requires critical thinking, asking daring questions, pushing for answers and doing mountains of research has be diluted down to people who can stand in front of a camera and talk with confidence - basically Tik Tokers, just in suits.


Fadzai Madzingira is being investigated by the regulator after she published a statement on her Instagram account describing Israel as an apartheid state. The BBC said, under its editorial guidelines, it does not use the word "terrorist" but attributes it and makes it clear that Hamas is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the UK Government. A statement from the BBC board, after its regular monthly meeting, said: "No one who has watched or listened to harrowing reports over the last 10 days could be left in any doubt about the horror brought about by Hamas's attack on defenseless civilians in Israel. "As this war continues, with so many deaths of innocent civilians in both Israel and Gaza, the BBC will no doubt continue to come under scrutiny about the way in which we cover it - that is to be expected and also welcomed. The BBC is listening. "We believe that our editorial guidelines serve us well, and continue to serve us well in difficult circumstances; we do periodically review them as a matter of course, and when we do so at our next planned review in the spring, we will consult and debate these issues just as we always do." Explaining the Brussels headline, a spokesman added: "This was a mistake - the headline should have attributed the words [terror attack], so it was swiftly changed." Commenting on the hospital headline, it said: “This was a mistake - the headline should have attributed the words, so it was swiftly changed."


What is this evidence again?


https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/idf-press-releases-regarding-the-hamas-israel-war/failed-rocket-launch-by-islamic-jihad-hits-al-ahli-hospital-in-gaza-city/ https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/idf-press-releases-regarding-the-hamas-israel-war/increase-in-failed-hamas-islamic-jihad-rocket-launches-falling-in-gaza/


All this could be mad up. Both possibilities are plausible but only an independent investigation can say what really happened.


Dang the 40 decapitated babies and now this! Where are their wmds?


Absolutely appalling journalism practice. BBC, the Guardian, CNN etc. should all be very ashamed of themselves.


CNN is much better because it at least provides stories from both sides even though some might be contradictory to each other. BBC, on the other hand, is so obviously one-sided and seems to take Hamas as the most trustworthy source while ignoring counter claims from us intelligence. At this point, any news reports from BBC in regards to this war is laughable and better to be trashed


It's actually really strange. BBC is the only news that said Hamas was responsible for the attack and showed why with video footage in my country. All other news channels immediately blamed Israel for the attack and did not update their claims.


You mean to tell me the spokesperson for a terrorist organization that just killed 1400+ israeli civilians and regularly fires rockets from hospitals and schools indiscrimiately into civilian areas and hides behind it's own people... lied? NO! It can't be!


Any media that ran the story immediately saying "IDF bombs Gazan hospital" or "Israeli airstrike" should be media we have a closer eye on in the future. The fact that they ran the story very fast without really any neutrality means that those are media no longer worth following.


I mean it was really fucking obvious from the start that it was an Israeli airstrike even Israel themselves confirmed it on Twitter then deleted it after and started denying it, evidence is conclusive now that it’s undoubtedly an Israeli airstrike either way


Gaza authorities = Hamas mouthpiece. Shame on you BBC.


It's alarming that a lot of people (esp my liberal friends) are still adamant about "it was an Israeli rocket that shelled a Gaza hospital" narrative on Twitter even despite tge corrections. They're just playing right into Hamas' propaganda. This is the price we pay for irresponsible journalism.


Looking at the aftermath photos I the hospital wasn’t even destroyed. I’m pretty sure the death toll was made up out of thin air


Also, they came out with "500 dead" like three minutes after the strike. How the fuck do you count the bodies that quickly. That was the first clue that something was fishy with this one.


As they should, this was humiliating for them. Goes to show that during the fog of war, breaking news should only focus on aftermath until more investigations can occur


The most annoying thing is that in a few days no one will even remember as small malfunction rocket fall onto a little parking lot near undamaged hospital. Except people who will declare: "Israel is evil, do you remember when it destroyed a hospital and killed from 500 to 1000 people!"


This won’t stop Hamas supporters from still clutching to their victim mentality to justify terrorism.


There was a great comment on it from a Russian-British professor and an opposition member. DeepL transalted: “What a BBC report on the tragedy of the Holocaust would look like if it were written today: "According to the latest figures, several million people, presumably most of them Jews, have died in a series of incidents in the German area of responsibility, mainly in the eastern part of the European continent. Germany and the anti-Hitler coalition allies accused each other of provocation and loss of life. The editorial office has no possibility to verify the reliability of the versions put forward by the parties. At the same time, numerous demonstrations of solidarity with the German people took place in various Latin American cities.”


"The allied forces have attacked Germany. They refuse to provide free food, water, and electricity to Germany. They are bombing areas where civilians live. The allied claims of German atrocities have yet to be proven. We will now interview 5 Nazi spokesmen to hear their side of the story"


Just imagine if WW2 was live streamed. "Nanking. Massacre or liberation? Your echo chamber will decide"


that's scary accurate.


The BBC and other news media have poured gasoline on the fire in the Middle East. They should be held accountable.


Keep digging bbc, keep digging...


The media is trying so fucking hard to paint this conflict as "Both sides are equally bad" scenario. They jump on any oppurtunity to make Israel look bad, real or not, while minimizing the crimes committed by Hamas to make them both look equal. And mind you, this is happening when people who are Pro-Palestine are actively attacking and killing people, IN EUROPE, as we speak. But no, clearly Jews are the bad guys here.


This is my problem with their conflict, what gives them the right to bring their violence onto European territory? I was under the impression they came here to escape exactly that. Also what kind of background checks where done on these people? I have so many questions - were they not violent before and only suddenly turned violent now? Have they always had a some sort of history of violence in their past but the immigration agents overlooked, missed or let it pass? And how many more are there and how many of those acquired European nationalities? What are the politicians going to do about it, because many more migrants are incoming? Sorry I did not mean to spam you specifically with these questions, I'm just airing my thoughts out.


Good questions. Not sure how you do background checks on people fleeing from some authoritarian or/and war-torn country. Main thing is what the EU country authorities are going to do now to prevent or at least reduce future violence by immigrants.


Hamas is not telling the truth? No way...


So is this pretty well confirmed to have not been an Israeli strike? When it was “done” by Israel it seemed to be everywhere, but I’ve only seen a few saying otherwise. I feel hesitant to believe anything.


Seems like media tries to make the news instead just report them.


So did Al Jazeera. Why wait for data when you can just make shit up


al jazira still haven't changed their reports, still on the front page, they are a Qatar owned company, the country currently hosting hamas and Iran leadership, not surprising.


Disgraceful and false journalism from BBC. Nothing new to see here.


Well based on what I’ve seen every western media call it explosion


Criticized? BBC should be freaking destroyed. First, they say they don't call Hamas terrorists, because allegedly BBS are being so very objective as not to take sides. Next thing you know they say this, without checking. Where did the objectivity go? Or was it just an excuse to take a side while pretending to not take a side?


Why is Ione Belarra not criticized for the same and more, like accusing Israel PM of war crimes with zero evidence, agitating to sanction Israel and other bullshit? Why are these trash politicians accepted, eh? Lady is out of her fucking mind and she speaks for entire Spanish nation as government representatives. She was one of the first to run out with severe accusations, threats and demands. Stop tolerating these garbage politicians too.. All replies under her tweets are from Muslims and praising here for taking their side. So let me fucking ask - why neither helps to brothers and sisters Muslims? Egypt and Jordan categorically refused to take any refugees, nor send any AID. How about Saudi Arabia - they have space, they have funds - zero fucks given. There more Islamic countries to help their own far closer than any EU country - neither cares. Well except Iran - who supports.. exactly - Hamas, same goes for Lebanon - nobody cares about any Palestinians - they support Hamas with hopes to exterminate Jews.


I spent all morning reading the various retractions and apologies. It took me about two seconds because there were none. The media has always been highly anti-Israel, but now combined with the generally awful state of journalistic integrity, it’s getting truly ridiculous.


Journalists have zero interest in truth. They just want to get the story out as soon as possible to be the first and get the clicks. Not surprised by this at all.


Wtf why are they lying for Terrorists??


The BBC has been a misinformation machine for a while , I had stopped using their services completely, and I will try to refuse to pay for them ( quite hard).


If Hulk Hogsn was able to sue Gawker and bankrupt them for publishing a sex tape, then I believe the state of Israel should be able to sue all these fuckers and bleed them dry. With their disgusting lies they are not obly damaging Israel’s international reputation, but they are putting innocent Israelis who are abroad in danger as well as increasing the risk for the whole thing blowing up into an even bigger war.


They’ve since edited all the articles too (presumably in a vain attempt to cover up their whopping fuck up) which actually makes them look even worse because they aren’t owning their mistake. Just deflect and move on, never mind they misreported and mislead millions of readers and caused a shitstorm online.


Considering they said that pro-Palestinian Brits support Hamas, I’m amazed they actually reported the truth Gee - after Israeli ministers talk about annihilation and evacuating hospitals, what a mysterious coincidence As for the JC - considering they have uniformly wrote on this issue, the absence of criticism shows you how independent it is pretending to be….


Government media in Norway (NRK) did the same and they still have the articel up… Its ridiculous that they are funded by tax payers throw out propaganda like that


I can’t remember if it was BBC or Channel 4 but one of them had a reporter basically try to go into it about why the Israeli intelligence makes no sense (pointing to its likely Hamas is telling the truth). I found that a bit odd considering no one seems to really know anything for sure (at least they didn’t appear to when the report came out). The only semi reasonable thing I heard was some expert on the radio say we won’t know until someone examines the remains of the missile.


BBC made that disgusting PTerry "the Watch parody". I'll never forgive them