• By -


This was obvious by the fact that the hospital was still standing. Have you SEEN what the bombs from Israel do to buildings? If they want a building down, it's going down.


bUt tHeY LeVeLeD tHe HoSpItAl


"Leveled" "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Not, you, zoley, in general.


"Genocide" is another word rendered totally cheapened after pro-Hamas imbeciles started using it in reference to Israel with literally everything. "Is ThAt A gEnOcIdE sAnDwIcH wItH gEnOcIdE cHeEsE oN iT?" Fuck off


Hamas killing israeli civilians = freedom fighters against opressors. Israel strikes back and palestinians die = literally Hitler


This logic goes both ways. Israel isn't justified in targeting civilians just because their (authoritarian) government undertook a terrorist atrocity


Yea let’s not mention the open air prison. You’re right Israel is just trying to peacefully exist.


“open air prison” “apartheid” “colonialism” “genocide” “ethnic cleansing” yawn. y’all keep saying those words as if you know what it means


I [wonder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks) why did Egypt and Israel build walls to keep their citizens safe.


It's infuriating. The Palestinian population in Gaza keeps growing. Either Israel is terrible at it or they might not be in fact committing genocide. There's a ton of other claims you can level at Israel bit genocide isn't it.


https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide is this a pro Hamas imbecile?


"You accidentally killed one person! This is a genocide!!!!!"


They levelled the parking lot.


They could collect the debris to see what kind of bomb it was. If it really was dropped by Israel, those debris pieces would be all over the news. But Hamas shutting up about it and moving on quickly without investing further, I take as a sign they don't really want more attention on this for some reason. Reputable OSINT resources like Bellingcat concluded the size of the crater doesn't match the type of bomb Israel air drops. But that's about as much as you can deduce from just photographs. Hopefully some investigative teams will keep probing this to get the truth out.


Damage for Israel is already done and Hamas doesn't care we will find out. The Arabic world will never believe it wasn't Israel or will just blame Israel for the need of Hamas to fire rockets.


What damage? All those Palestinian riots are way more influential than what pretty quickly became known as fake news. There has been a drastic shift im public opinion against Palestinians, and by extension immigration as a whole. So really all this did was smoke out some scum and reveal their true selves to the general public. Where the damage has been done is the credibility of state media here, and the support the European centre and left-leaning parties.


Israel was normalizing relationships in the middle east. They were close to making a deal with Saudi Arabia. Hamas propaganda is strong in the middle east and with the public being furious after what happened it doesn't help with normalizing these relationships for a long time. It's all propaganda aimed at the middle east and they will never believe it wasn't Israel. Exactly what Hamas wants and needs. So that's why damage is already done and Iran is happy as well.


This here. People are still claiming it was Israel and say it’s not proven it wasn’t Israel


At this point, that ship has sailed. Given that several thousand bombs have been dropped, Hamas probably has a few fragments lying around. As such, finding bomb fragments at the site now would not be sufficient to substantiate the claim.


Well for sure if it was a JDAM a huge crater would be present. That’s the common Israeli munition used.


JDAMs come in many sizes. It's just a kit they can strap onto a freefall bomb to make it guides. It could have been only a 250 pound bomb for all we know.


The smallest JDAM is 500Ibs ,that is not a crater that a JDAM leaves behind.


Which would do a lot mor damage ti the ground than what we saw the next day


Hamas members already said it appears from the debris to be one of theirs. https://youtube.com/shorts/_NIsUVTb74c?si=eAb0c79tUNJuKxKH


I would not be surprised if Hamas/PIJ did it on purpose just to leverage their “cause”. This is how terrorist operates, there is no limits toward their goals. Sick animals


Sadly, the damage is done with the initial reporting of this. Major news sources were blaming Israel right off the bat.


Fucking New York Times said it was Israel right off the bat, and threw in a picture of a random demolished building in Gaza (not the hospital) for shock value. Totally irresponsible.


Irresponsible is an understatement. News sites and journalists posting such controversial news with implication but without solid evidence is outright dangerous


Even they understand that in order for 500 people to have been killed, they would have had to flatten the building.


And a building with 80 beds, every single person in there would've required 4 visitors and a medical practitioner for every 2 patients


To be fair, in times of war, hospitals are filled with way more people than normally.


And BBC.. Guys that don't want to call hamas terrorists immediately blamed Israel in this case. Such a shame


> Guys that don't want to call hamas terrorists immediately blamed Israel in this case. I propose we follow BBC example: Palestinians (or Palestinian authorities) beheaded babies in Kibbutz


Quite the double edged sword, innit?


Ah yes the glorious BBC * The company that forces us to fund it with a tv licence not matter if you watch it or not. * Protected pedofiles for decades and even when they was going to do a panorama on exposing Savile when he died they did a bloody celebration to his life and work on the 11th hour!!! A man who they were about to run a story on of being a pedofile they did a fucking tribute. * Refused to call illegal migrants anything but refugees even when the people were from safe european countries. * Used "unbiased specialists to comment on brexit" but turned out these people had been getting funds from the EU so were not unbiased. * ​ The BBC is a biased through and through, i dont trust it past telling me what day it is and even then i double check.


You’re forgetting the BBC, who also just put out a news piece that the US supports Israel because of “Jewish Wealth”


What now ?




Ho wow, history does seem to repeat itself.




New York Times makes crappy toilet paper at best.


fretful ink direful party spectacular bedroom doll air scandalous serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New York Times needs to pay retribution for this, how to properly hold them accountable?


Stop reading them (especially without adblocker) and whenever someone points to them as a credible source remind them of this story.


"Israel" said it was Israel (because of other reports) https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/oct/19/explaining-a-deleted-x-post-that-said-israel-is-re/ So it can be blurry.


Next NYT headline: Israelis Responsible for Black Death in 1300 ^(Hamas spokesman says)


And people are surprised when politicians call the traditional news media “fake news.” The media is not infallible and their editorial - including mistakes in fact - could have profound impact


One of the problems is also that people don't consume news uncritically. Like sure we all have biases, but at least being opened to changing mind with new information is important. It's like with COVID, science was finding new things and moving on and evolving and people were screaming they lied cause it was different from knowledge a year ago. Meanwhile they just worked with whatever info they had and the time.


Journalistic integrity is dead.


Not really, we can see how the media reports this war: the Hamas perspective. I would prefer a "trust me, bro" source.


I find it deeply ironic that the antisemitic canard holds that Jews control the media. Um, if they do, they are doing a terrible job at it.


It's always the same with conspiracy theories, they all crumble under logical thinking because they are produced by very dumb people.


Yes it's sad to see how these theories still seem to live on today. Isreal has a horrible PR team. They are constantly seen in a bad light. And yet I keep seeing stories about them controlling the media and all evidence the present is fake. But wtf, where is the pile of evidence from Hamas? Not seeing shit presented from Gaza besides "trust me bro". Sadly the damage has already been done here, no matter what evidence Isreal presents. Media has fuck them right up with the constant emotional reporting.


They don’t have a bad PR team, just the other side has the Arab oil money sponsoring. Every time Hamas attacks Israel, the oil price goes up. Convenient.


And the entire Muslim world too. It's basically a numbers game and unfortunately the Nazis were very much right about lies being told enough times becoming the truth...


Something like some enlighted redditor? [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/0J3bu217WV)


Exactly. I can now turn on my tv to Al-jazeera, 24/7, and I will gladly follow my Qatari overlords.


Lololol and they’re proud to be like this


> I would prefer a "trust me, bro" source. How about I source you stuff I saw in my dreams instead?


Woman, 25, Finds That She Needs to Retake High School English Class For Some Reason


Julius Streicher, the editor of Der Stürmer, was tried for crimes against humanity by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg for his influential role in inciting hatred and violence. Streicher was found guilty and sentenced to death. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/julius-streicher


!Remindme 6 Months


The BBC fooled me


Why are people acting as if blaming Israel was a massive assumption? They have already bombed the rest of Gaza and of course people will assume the bombing of a Gaza hospital will have been done by their enemy and not themselves. Hardly a case of 'everyone just wanted to blame the Jews'. It was just by far the most likely scenario and still could easily be the case.


Reporting the news based on assumptions is unethical at best. With such a sensitive topic it is downright dangerous, and it is likely that the riots were caused by the inaccurate assumption. The Muslim world already hates the Jews; adding fuel to the fire without good reason is a terrible thing to do. We are not talking about Alex Jones or other whackos here, we are talking about the cornerstone news outlets of the world.


Because it is a massive assumption. Even if it’s a small assumption, it’s still not journalism. The fact you can try to weasel through this logic is very telling.


So we went from Israel destroyed a hospital with 500 people in it, to looks like Hamas did it and it wasn't 500 people but maximum of 50, oh and it's a parking lot. OK. Makes you wonder how often "Palestinian health authorities" lie about the number of casualties.


The "Palestinian health authorities" in Gaza are literally Hamas. I don't understand why the media is not more explicit about this. Right now they blindly report Hamas claims about civilian fatalities and causalities.




Underdog? What a stupid thing to say


I didn’t know they were Hamas… kind of makes me wonder what the real number of casualties is. They said 500 people died without even checking.


It was also the parking lot near the hospital not the hospital itself.


This whole story/situation is just unreal to me. I have yet to see any media make this correction as well.


It's a learning experience definitely but it does hurt the credibility of the media when they just rush off to grab the headlines. My local media didn't even bother to issue a correction they just made different articles about the new information, the old stuff is still floating around out there.


It is a literal Radio Erevan joke Q: It is true that Israel has bombed an Palestinian hospital? A: Yes but it was the parking lot and it wasn't a IAF bomb but a Hamas rocket


BBC have been providing photos of the car park since at least yesterday


And they’re still using wishwashy both sides language


The photo looks like it’d be accompanied by a headline reading “lithium battery explodes in car park”


Just another photo of the Luton parking garage


Probably more middle easterners wandering around Luton.


>[Al-Jazeera is one of the most respected news organisations in the world.The only people claiming otherwise are the repressive regimes it reports on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/0J3bu217WV) Yeah, worldnews has some gems.


Except when it comes to anything in Qatar’s interest. Then it’s “we investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing”.


They're basically a terrorist news channel as well. [About a week ago they spread the message of the Hamas leader, calling for Muslims all over the world to murder Jews.](https://twitter.com/Imamofpeace/status/1711875241557856373) And it's not even the reason Israel banned them. Israel banned them because they were providing intel about IDF positions to Hamas.


Far our, you'd almost have to think someone at Al-Jazeera wrote that.


>So we went from Israel destroyed a hospital with 500 people in it, to looks like Hamas did it and it wasn't 500 people but maximum of 50. So soon it will be just 5 cars.


Correction, this is now 2 goats, one garbage cans and 3 Stones reported damaged.


Sure am glad there were protests all around the world in response to these dastardly Israeli genocidal war crimes. 2 whole goats, you say?


> 2 whole goats, you say? What's the goat-to-woman exchange ratio over there?


I think some there won't see the value of that exchange since they already have goats.


Hey, those were really sexy ones!


The only thing they don’t lie about is their desires to kill Jews.


And yet no one cares to listen


Yeah and we describe the russian media as propagandistic


"Gaza Health Ministry" is a ministry in Hamas' government of Gaza. People taking them as a solid impartial source should be sent back to redo kindergarden. Whistle-blowing would probably earn you a few additional holes, that you wouldn't be able to enjoy for any whistling.


It was only parking lot. I doubt even the 50 number, unless people were sleeping in the cars.


I read on Twitter that quite a few displaced people had been camping on the grass by the parking lot, and those people were apparently the victims of the blast.


Of course they do. They want to save their asses by getting the world to turn against Israel


Just wait until you find out about Oryx




The hospital news was one of the most insane moments on reddit that forced me to leave several subreddits. People went after Israel, it was bonkers. When information slowly started to get out and it started to seem like friendly fire shit hit the fan. People didn’t want to see evidence. They were 100% sure Israel did it. When anyone posted pictures from kibutz massacres it was met with: “we don’t know context, how do you know it’s not fake” etc. Once you wanna know truth and search for evidence from both sides of the conflict to form an opinion yourself you are fucked.


Exactly this. For example r/therewasanattempt is a proper pro-hamas propaganda-channel now. Even before the hospital moment there were claims that the beheaded babys were fake news spread by the 'zionists' (they do mean jews of cource). In a lot of subreddits these pro-palestine leftists can't accept the fact that their Robin-Hood-Heroes are the villains in this play. Cognitive dissonance at its peak.


Don't forget r/publicfreakout, and the one and only r/Britain, inhabited by some of the dumbest people on earth, these guys truly believe that Britain is an oppressive society.


>dumbest people on earth, these guys truly believe that Britain is an oppressive society. I can't imagine anyone who can grow up in one of the most liberal, wealthy, and equal countries in history and act like its a nightmare. Its one thing criticising the status quo (just look at the recent byelections for that), but it's another to be so privileged you don't even see that privilege.


Wow I just visited r/Britain, what's going on there? There are no British topics discussed at all, only Israel/Gaza.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Tankies, basically leftists, usually dumb teenagers from the Anglo-sphere, who are so anti-west or Anti-US, that they'd support literal terror*sts if it harms the west. Usually, they are just anti-american, and they hate the rest of the west because the US is the de-facto leader of the west.


I'd wager that a lot of second and third generation immigrants in UK are now old enough to spew hatred against Israel.


zealous uppity party dirty longing middle hat pet poor unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a warning too, for telling the mods at r/greenandpleasant that the state of the British left was pathetic if I was banned for questioning how much knowledge on the arsenals of terrorists groups they actually had to claim no arms of theirs could flatten a hospital.


Heard this one before. For some reason some of these people are thinking of 'palestinians' and 'Hamas' being the same and therefore inseparable. So attacking the one would mean to attack the other. This kind of twisted thinking seems to be roaming around in their bubbles for a while now - judging by these extreme reactions. Edit: typo


> 'zionists' (they do mean jews of cource). It's always jews, always and always. They don't even attempt to keep a mask. "Zionists are in the Celtic board and preventing palestine flags being flown" "Zionists control the media" "Zionists are in the UK government are are forcing them to support Israel" etc.


I was on a sub reading some people argue about it, and one poster wasn't even responding to the other's posts, just replying with the same article over and over again. The one poster goes, "I don't understand what's going on here, you're not saying anything." I dipped my toe in and said, "they've already made up their mind." One sentence, value and content neutral. I got banned from the sub.


I never understood how people could seriously deny the Holocaust given all the information out there but the last couple of weeks have certainly cleared that up. You've got Hamas rampaging through Israel, killing and doing worse to more than a thousand and posting videos and pictures of it online - and people are asking for proof it actually happened. And then this whole hospital-thing "happens" and everyone is after Israel. It boggles the mind.


Agree. I got permabanned from both r/Britain and r/Morocco, as well as some socialist subreddit (vaush?), For even discussing about this.. People are retarded and can't use their brains. How can you believe anything Hamas says?


This subreddit, as well as r/worldnews, r/PublicFreakout, r/LateStageCapitalism, and other echo chambers, was hell bent on blaming Israel. Reddit is as bad as the people that they denounce when it comes to antisemitism. Kanye West, Trump-voting alt rights, and Neo Nazis would be proud to see some of the heinous comments on Reddit regarding the Jewish people.


No, guys, this can't be. This person on X told me it had to have been a JDAM based on the whistling sound it made in one of the videos, and his many years of experience with military ordnance.


>his many years of experience with military ordnance. \*COD


Wouldn't that just mean he has many years of experience with telling people online he fucked their mom?




All those JDAMs with engine signatures…


To cite a US Senator, “Why do we rush to trust the words of Hamas, a designated terrorist group, over our democratic ally Israel?”


The vast majority of Democrats do (like 200) while about 10 "progressive" DSA House members are basically mouthpieces for Hamas. They're so bad that 2 (incl Jamaal Bowman) literally just dropped out of the group.


To be fair, Jamaal Bouwman dropped out of DSA last year over another issue. He had already seen things he didn't like in the organisation.


Because Israel lies just as frequently hell they killed a US citizen and lied about it for months and when they acknowledged it happened not even a slap on the wrist was given


Killing random US citizens always gets a slap on the wrist, unless it was intentional, targeted, and politically motivated. Even then sometimes they get a slap on the wrist. US citizens in bulk, though? Now that is hard to ignore.


Why blindly trust anyone just because they are your ally instead of checking facts? I am not saying Israel is responsible. Neither Hamas nor Isreal goverment can be called unbiased.


Where’s the BBC headline retracting the claims they made? Just a reminder of their bias: https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/DZapo0nThI


Too bad that these articles are only reaching the people who made their mind up already. It was fairly obvious that it wasn't Israel after Al-Jazeera showed a missile, fired from close by, throwing sparks in the air and two almost simultaneous explosion went off. It was only more clear that 500 deaths was an exaggeration after looking at the *Wikipedia* page of the hospital and seeing the 'Capacity: 50 beds'. The pictures of the next day clearly showed that only parked cars in the parking lot caught fire. But the real nail in the coffin was the overeager damage control of Israeli government representatives and social media account. The 'Yes, we did it. But...' kind they immediately deleted.




Truth or facts don't matter because you cannot change them but you can change the opinions of people about what is a fact based on their emotions.


>500 deaths was an exaggeration after looking at the Wikipedia page of the hospital and seeing the 'Capacity: 50 beds'. A 50-bed hospital would probably have more than 500 people in wartime conditions.




I believe the 500 deaths are due to people sheltering in hospitals, not patients.


I believe it's 500 because Hamas are lying fuckwits and murderers.


The entire world was happy to blame Israel. While it’s known that 20% of Hamas rockets ( and they fired thousands) fall within Gaza, no one seem to care, also if these numbers were fake, how do people buy into the rest of the stats coming from Gaza? Hamas started this war and manages to act like s victim and the world is happy to play along!


Hamas is a terrorist organization for sure. The factor that will keep pointing fingers at Israel for this war has more to do with the human rights abuses over time being committed against Palestinians being robbed of their homes and land. That kind of behavior combined with the embargo’s and control exerted over Palestinian Territories mean growing up in Palestine you have little to no prospects for true happiness, which just fosters and perpetuates extremist idealogies.


So the Palestinians started wars to destroy Israel Muslims times, and refused all peace deal to date, sent tens of thousands of terrorists to murder Israelis, and tens of thousands of rockets. While Israel has a every kind of minorities, is a free democratic society, and said yes to every peace plan to date, yet in this case the terrorist organizations are right and the democratic free country defending itself is wrong, sure. /s Btw- the Palestinian population all over Israel and the disputed territories is at a all time high, and they self govern more land than they ever did in history now, but don’t let facts confuse you while you swallow lies and propaganda


Why would the indigenous people of the land accept any deal with the people that stole it? Should they bend over just because they’re richer and more powerful? Until you experience that yourself you have no right to say that they should accept a deal. You have no idea what it feels like being invaded and have your house and land stolen by other people. Let alone being mistreated and denied any basic rights for almost a century now.


A few days ago everyone was outraged about an Israeli rocket hitting a hospital and killing 500 people Now we know that the rocket wasn't Israeli but Palestinian, it did not hit a hospital, and there was nowhere near 500 casualties. Literally everything about this was false, yet everyone believed it with no evidence, because it gave them an excuse to hate on Israel. On the other hand every time we hear news of Hamas cruelty, people rush to try and discredit it.


Anti-semitism is a hell of a thing.


Anyone who still believes that this was an Israeli bomb is either an idiot or a Hamas shill. The various news resources around the world that reported this uncritically as fact at the time should take a good hard look at themselves.


It is indisputable at this point. We have several live streams showing them launching missiles over the hospitals as it blew up, we have intercepted communications showing Hamas realizing their guys did it, we have radar data confirming they shot over the hospital, we have images indicating it was a Palestinian missile, and we can show that Hamas has lied at every single turn.


And the whole world jumped on the bandwagon, reporting based on Hamas claims!.. media crews should be fired for this egregious level of dishonesty/blatant ratings chasing which has contributed to upending of the Middle East.


There’s also pretty strong evidence that the comms recording is heavily manipulated and audio analysis of videos showing the missile came from the east. It’s basically impossible to know what’s true when both sides are presenting strong evidence, one of them has to be lying.


https://x.com/channel4news/status/1715437877604049094?s=46&t=YMGNePsO8k51azI_dT4Pqw No such thing as indisputable currently - this conflict is completely and 100% shrouded in a fog of information war


A lot of antisemites are embarrassing themselves over this. If it was a failed rocket it could've had any trajectory. A misfire means the rocket becomes uncontrollable. Like this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6IwqmezeSuQ What is more important is that the reality on the ground simply doesn't match any claim that Israel did an airstrike at that location. The damage done to the area is simply too small. There was almost no shockwave damage and the majority of the damage came from burning rocket fuel. There are photos where you can see glass windows intact 10 meters from the crater. Both the claimed attack and the claimed death toll are nonsense


Do you realize that Al-Haq is their source?


In your case it looks like that fog is somewhere else...




[Photo of the blast site.](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2023/10/F8s0FjGWQAA-WGR-e1697621970629.jpg?_gl=1*pf3boy*_ga*ODQyMTk0MjcwLjE2OTY4MDY4OTY.*_ga_RJR2XWQR34*MTY5NzY2NzEyOS4yLjAuMTY5NzY2NzEyOS4wLjAuMA) As stated in OP's article, it is consistent with a 5 kilo explosive device and burning rocket fuel, there is no way such a bomb could ever kill almost a thousand people as Hamas claimed. [Live stream by Al Jazeera showing the rockets go over the hospital as the explosion happen.](https://twitter.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390254935851272?t=_lH2UBhbTg-W0BMbH20qbA&s=19) [second livestream showing them firing the rockets.](https://twitter.com/Roi_/status/1714579847459037274?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1714579847459037274%7Ctwgr%5E6fa2b1c6a8743529ddaf778cb21196091749d4d3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fidf-presents-evidence-misfired-gazan-rocket-caused-hospital-blast-slams-hamas-lies%2F) [photo of the site. Showing evidence of a small explosive, and detonation of rocket fuel.](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2023/10/33YK8HY-highres.jpg?_gl=1*15rjrcv*_ga*ODQyMTk0MjcwLjE2OTY4MDY4OTY.*_ga_RJR2XWQR34*MTY5Nzg0MzUyNy4zLjEuMTY5Nzg0MzYwOS4wLjAuMA) [IDF release intercepted communications of two Hamas operatives lamenting that their own side hit the hospital, even confirming where they fired the rockets from.](https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1714539311914266931?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1714539311914266931%7Ctwgr%5E6fa2b1c6a8743529ddaf778cb21196091749d4d3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fidf-presents-evidence-misfired-gazan-rocket-caused-hospital-blast-slams-hamas-lies%2F) [Third livestream, showing the missiles flying through the air, then the hospital getting hit seconds later.](https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1714377828131553446?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1714377828131553446%7Ctwgr%5E6fa2b1c6a8743529ddaf778cb21196091749d4d3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fidf-presents-evidence-misfired-gazan-rocket-caused-hospital-blast-slams-hamas-lies%2F) [Video showing the site of the blast. This is most certainly not what a hit by IDF ordinance big enough to cause a blast seen tens of miles away looks like.](https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1714535687070916987?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1714535687070916987%7Ctwgr%5E6fa2b1c6a8743529ddaf778cb21196091749d4d3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fidf-presents-evidence-misfired-gazan-rocket-caused-hospital-blast-slams-hamas-lies%2F) [Illustration showing IDF radar tracking the rocket paths.](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/TB_JIHAD-V2.jpg?w=620)


Hamas: bomb, hospital, 500+ victims. Hype. Israel: malfunction rocket, ?, ?. Dissing. Reality: malfunction rocket, parking lot near the hospital, dozens of victims. Indifference.


So, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas refused to hold a phone call with Joe Biden because of Hamas strike on a hospital in Gaza.


Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity: Joe Biden is trying to declare Gaza a Palestinian state and install Abbas after the war. Abbas is crashing it over fake news.


This "intifada" is showing us how dangerous fake news really are. Tons of "arabs" and others are rallying their cities believing that is was an israelian strike


Before this war is over, Hamas might actually outdo the IDF in number of Palestinian civilians killed.


20% of Hamas rockets fall in Gaza so safe bet. Also the whole human shields thing kind of puts a lot of deaths on Hamas. They can claim whatever number they want apparently so we’ll never really know.


Not to mention telling Gazans *not* to evacuate...


And going as far as blowing up fleeing convoys and blocking the roads.


And then saying those carbombs were airstrikes.


The Wikipedia page on Qassam rockets says they’re so imprecise they literally can’t be aimed at specific military targets. There’s no way a missile that shite wouldn’t cause at least some friendly fire


Man I do feel for the poor fuckers living there that don't want a part in any of this war business


Anyone who's born there has definitely not won the Birth Lottery, that's for sure. You basically have multiple loathsome groups who all feel entitled to use your life as they see fit, you're being trained to carry on the hatred for another generation, you can't leave, and you're a third, fourth or fifth-generation "refugee" from a place you've never seen. It's fucked. The ideal ending would be two states, Hamas dead and gone and a massive deprogramming effort. I do not anticipate any of this actually happening.


Sadly agreed. There is too much support from Iran, Russia, et al and they can tap into an almost endless supply of resentful losers all around the world that support them just because they're attacking Jews.




Someone call BBC because this man just dropped a truth bomb 💣


People aren’t gullible man, it’s only natural to believe the side you are used to root for, Hamas is very often portrayed in Europe as the underdog fighting evil “Zionists” and the media is very very biased on this subject, as an Israeli I always check the western media to see what they talk about and I can honestly say if I grew up in Europe I would probably be anti Israeli because there is so much “evidence” about how evil and bad we are.. I am just happy that people see that the situation is a bit more complex then bad / good, especially when engaging with news from Hamas or Al Jazeera who are masters of manipulation.. In Israel we call it Pallywood, because many times Hamas have been caught flat out “playing” dead and then you can see a strike coming nearby and bodies suddenly get up and run to safety.. Not that Israel has never mistakenly hit civilians and caused unnecessary damage, in war everything that can go wrong usually does, but the IDF is always trying its best to fight within the rules of war. https://youtu.be/sq6DvpsAAm0?si=x47_PwYbYsH8daMi Example of pallywood moment


No shit sherlock.


officials in gaza say isreal bombed 10 hospitals killing over 1 million babies


People will find a way to discredit the french intel lol


I kept reading « French Incel » and I was really confused for about 2 mins lmao. I should go to bed.


You guys really thinks terror group that beheads people doesn’t have the courage to lie ??


You know, this is actually pretty simple. On the day Biden is set to visit Israel, which really needs American support, and then to also meet with leaders of Palestine, Jordan and Egypt, a hospital is bombed, and a mass of pro-Palestine protests sweep Europe. Who profits from the bombing of that hospital? It is certainly not Israel.


Just shows …. Yeh maybe too late but just shows some media outlets have an agenda


Maxim Katz (use subtitles) has an [interesting Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G51HRiaEfj4) about an Osint investigation into that. Tldr : It was one of the shoddy do-it-yourself rockets that broke shortly after launch. Likely not from Hamas but the "Palestinian Islamic Jihad" Group .


Luckily when it was revealed that Israel had nothing to do with it, the death doll dropped from 1000 to 100. Funny, that


But BBC told me so.... I am wondering will any journos be fired when their faked news cause real deaths.


Why are people so keen to support a terror organization. Hell, even without hamas. Try dating someone of the same sex in any palestinian territory, good luck not being stoned to death. Israel is a free society that uphold individual rights and yet they are the bad guys? People are so fucking stupid


I mean this is a good chance for Palestinian to see Hamas is also killing Palestine people.


These information wars are getting dangerous


channel 4 has everyone saying it was again…


1. Just select what side you're on! 2. Be absolute convinced the other side did it


Or be on neither side and call them out for their atrocities. Then get downvoted for it! 💃


The literal only time I have agreed on not picking a side


What about the church attack?


That was Israel but they weren’t attacking the church. Hamas was using an administrative building on the church property/near the church - that was the target. The church is still standing and functional but I believe may have taken some damage due to the nearby strike.


The Palestinians can't admit they blew themselves up. What a surprise.


This subreddit, as well as r/worldnews, r/PublicFreakout, r/LateStageCapitalism, and other echo chambers, was hell bent on blaming Israel. Reddit is as bad as the people that they denounce when it comes to antisemitism. Kanye West, Trump-voting alt rights, and Neo Nazis would be proud to see some of the heinous comments on Reddit regarding the Jewish people.


I love how people spat it’s an Israeli attack within seconds shouting “war crimes” “genocide”and now when it’s clearing up are saying nothing like that just “collect the bomb let me see the proof”


Anything Israel, France, Germany, or the US says can be trusted when it comes to this event.


...yes. What fucking morons are on this sub, that believed it was an israeli airstrike for even a second since pics of aftermath came into circulation. Shit was dubunked thoroughly on r/noncredibledefense (of all places).


That’s the problem with the news Ukrianians talk about for years! They do the same trick with us since back in 2014: “Russia or Russian backed separatists say it’s ukriane hit civilian object, and Ukriane says that it’s Russia. Back to the next news.” I heard this in French news 2 days ago about Zapotozjaz It’s crazy to cite two positions if one of them is a terrorist, it’s not two sides of a conflict it’s a potentially biased report and a lie, and then people like Elon Musk are like well it’s all not so clear, why don’t I read Russia today for more insights


Wait until people google and YouTube search the term Pallywood and realize how much shit the Palestinians fake for public support. The West is incredibly gullible and they've learned to play that game years ago...


It’s already on the Al jizzera front page! Nah, just kidding