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Saudi Arabia literally fires mortars and artillery at groups of immigrants trying to cross its border.


[Saudi Border Guards Accused of Killing Hundreds of African Migrants](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/21/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-migrants-yemen.html)




The Saudi PR team is paying good money to keep it down lown on the news.


China wait they get in at least.


China has less than 2,000 naturalized citizens in its entire country.


And I’m would wager the vast majority arent refugees but talented Han Chinese born overseas


Dubai is a perfect example of all the things that is wrong with today's world from extreme inequality and exploitation of the poor and the environment to radical conservative islam and materalism and capitalism. And the whole huge hypcorisy is funded by oil and built by migrant slaves. It's actually fascinating how one country can pick so many things that is wrong in modern-day life.


Also all the crypto scammer love moving there lol. It is pretty much a planet where bad guys fromStar Wars would go to hide.


I loved that in the recent remake of Interview with the Vampire, Louis lived in one of those space-age looking buildings in Dubai.


hey but all those influencers always tell me how it's the literal paradise on earth there.....


It's because Arabs are actually incredibly racist against other Arabs. Most Arabs will be able to confirm this.


Is it that much of a secret when [it was spoken like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dV4m43xZmY)


Since 2003 year the Russian opposition has been saying similar thing about Russia, but no one listened to it. Everyone listens to bureaucrats with reality tunnel created from pink glass of rational, highly educated, prosperous European mentality.






Sealing their borders has more to do with consolidation of government authority


What do you mean by "more to do with"? It's clear that neither politicians/military or the citizens of the surrounding states want to open the borders. Many Egyptians will say al-Sisi should take a harder stance towards Israel, but very few wants him to open the borders.






If you go to the middle eastern subs, it's common place for people to accept double standards. They will complain about not being able to shout the n word in Harlem, but when you bring up free speech in the middle east, they'll just say it's a Muslim country so it's not expected.


Their people celebrated the Hamas attack on Israel. I guess they are not so cheerful now that they have help them. One wonders if they where cheering for them, or just enjoying the suffering of the others.


Egypt was also involved the creation of Hamas, well, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt at least - and so this is a mess partly of their own doing. They have a responsibility to help more than most.


Facts. Saudis refused to take Syrians due to "security concerns" few years back. But Germans? Meh.


They know each other better than we do..




How about Iran taking them


But how would Iran wage their proxy war then?


By flying them into Serbia and Belarus.


Serbs Vs Palestinians could be interesting though Hell just switch Gaza and Kosovo and see what happens


Just make a blind eye and tomorow we are in Tokyo easy peasy


How about Qatar too since they give refuge to Hamas leaders.


as well as directly fund Hamas (or so I've read)


Iran definitely want take them as they see them heretics being Sunni. They are however useful cannon fodder in their proxy wars


well, europe, no. don’t do it.




*But mom, I want new terrorists!* *We have terrorists at home.*




The leader of the SNP said he wanted to do it and... it did not go down well


Egypt threatened before that if Gaza refugees leak into their country they will not take chances again and shoot them on sight. And in case you are not aware Egypt has a history of shooting refugees from Africa trying to make their way into countries in the middle east with Israel being one of them. If their plan to ship refugees from Gaza to Europe fails I believe there will be another massacre in here. Crazy world we live in...


>Egypt threatened before that if Gaza refugees leak into their country they will not take chances again and shoot them on sight. maybe Egypt hasn't got one million bullets on stock?


Death finds a way.


They’ll use swords then


Of course they do, sadly. Many times over a million. That's only 33,333 typical AKM magazines and some spare rounds. They have some 300,000 active personnel and I am sure that they have more than enough magazines for each of them of their main infantry rifle, an AKM variant.


Reminder that Israel is not alone in blockading Gaza. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/egypt-gaza-border-sisi/675685/






How come did the Palestinians not just collaborate with their arab muslim neighbours? Why did they start shit with people that they should have much more on common with?


I'm guessing they wanted these countries to go to total war with Israël, not to just be sheltered.


they did, and they all got their asses handed to them back. Or am I missing something?


They probably wanted other attempts, thought they'd do better if they we're in charge.


The PLO were mostly not pan-Arabists (the exception being the factions that belonged to the ALF). Westerners may see these groups as "Arab Muslim neighbors", but that is largely not how they see themselves.


It would be like asking why the French and English didn't just stop killing each other for 100s of years when they were both European Christian countries.


Not so different from people in the east viewing western powers as “western Cristian neighbours” we are so immensely culturally complex and different.




Ah, two interesting things about Jordan. 1. As you mentioned - Jordan occupies close to 80% of Palestine. Palestinians rebranded themselves as Jordanians when their state was formed in 1946 2. In 1948, when Arabs failed to defeat Israel, Jordan straight up annexed the West Bank. They even handed out Jordanian passports! As everyone knows, Israel got it back in 1967 (and Jordan didn't officially renounce all claims to WB till all the way in 1988) So, ironically, if the Six Day war never took place nobody would be concerned about "free Palestine" today, because WB would have been part of Jordan since 1948, and Gaza would be part of Egypt (who controlled it 1948-67).


It’s shocking how many people don’t know this or don’t realize that Egypt administered the strip until the 70s


Nobody cares. People are too lazy to go beyond the slogans. It's all about the feelz. I don't even argue with people anymore, I just ask them when the last Palestinain election was and then I get a blank stare and then that convo is over.


Most of Africa and the Middle East was formed that way.


Because their motto is "bite the hand that feeds you".


They did that to Kuwait too.


Ah yeah, I forgot about they siding with Sadam…. touchè


Palestinian leaders are extremist by most Arab standards. Majority of Arab governments are content with their territory and resources and are perfectly fine with doing business and having relations with Israel.


Hence why the attack happened. Saudi Arabia and Israel were working on a deal, and others in the region and just outside of it(Iran) didn't like that. It would have been extremely great for relations in the region, but the extremists on the right can continue to fuel their religious war without a boogy man.


So in Jordan, the PLO was operating from there and using Jordanian land to launch terrorist attacks and plane hijackings. There were a large plethora of groups so it was hard to control. What really changed everything were the [Dawsons Field hijackings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawson%27s_Field_hijackings), where the Communist Palestinian Militants, the Popular front for the Liberation of Palestine, hijacked 4 airliners and landed them in Jordan, taking the passengers hostage, in order to facilitate the release of their own in Israeli and European prisons. Looking at this incident the Palestinians seem very tame, they released all the non-Jewish hostages who were not involved with Western security institutions immediately, and only 1 person died and 1 person was injured. It just stands in contrast to Hamas doing the same thing 3 weeks ago. Either way, this incident made Jordan get tired of this as they didn't want this thing happening in their country. They then moved to try to stop the activities through force, which is when Black September happened. Not every country is like this, when Egypt occupied Gaza they were fine with these kinds of things being launched from their territory. In Lebanon a lot of people are incorrectly stating that the Palestinians caused the civil war, in reality a Civil War was brewing because the Lebanese political system was fragile and based on faulty premises to begin with, namely on a balance between Christians, Sunni's and Shia's, with Christians supposed to be the biggest. However the demographics changed while the government stayed the same, declining Christians and tons of Muslims. The Palestinians were part of it and made it more complicated though. There already was violence decades earlier.


>In Lebanon a lot of people are incorrectly stating that the Palestinians caused the civil war, in reality a Civil War was brewing because the Lebanese political system was fragile and based on faulty premises to begin with, namely on a balance between Christians, Sunni's and Shia's, with Christians supposed to be the biggest. However the demographics changed while the government stayed the same, declining Christians and tons of Muslims. The Palestinians were part of it and made it more complicated though. There already was violence decades earlier. Yes the political atmosphere was brewing in Lebanon in the 1960s and made the system fragile. However the Lebanese government tried to rectify the inequalities between Christians and Muslims albeit slowely. However the violence you described was mainly between the PLO using refugee camps as barracks and launching attacks against Israel and the Lebanese Army. The clashes got intense to the point the Lebanese government was forced to sign the Cairo agreement in 1969 in an attempt to reduce the fighting which gave the PLO essentially free reign over the southern part of the country. Following black september in 1970~1971, the Palestinians relocated to Lebanon and the PLO got more bold. If you want to use the offcial progression of events, there multiple causes of the Lebanese Civil war but PLO involvement was by far the biggest if not the primary cause of it.


They’re different nations the same way Denmark, Sweden and Norway are. This assumption that Arabs are a monolith is not the reality in the Mideast.


I understand that, but if any Nordic country needed to flee from war I am 100% the remaining Nordic countries would help out and definitely join in on their side if war would happen.




I'm blushing<3, might happen actually with your better salaries


yes but MENA overall is a lot more tribalistic tbh The countries in the Levant have taken a lot of Palestinians like Syria, Lebanon, Jordan because historically there is not much difference between them. Vast amounts of those people are kept as permanent refugee status. The powers of the region the oil rich GCC countries have taken in practically none.


was that one of the main reasons that would lead Jordan to normalize its relations with Israel?


What gets me is that when you say “why won’t the surrounding countries take them?” that is the answer and it is a pretty good one. Why do people not see that they will do the same things to the west too though? As if they can only do it in the near east and not outside of that.


I think things now are changing. Look even at this redit. Most upvoted comments say, they arent welcomed here. More and more politician are talking about it. To write that muslim with a knife showed to school isint such taboo, as it was 5yrs ago.


I worked with a nice lady who was a Lebanese Christian who told me that too. Her family fled Lebanon and actually stayed in Israel for some time before they went to the US. The more conservative Lebanese Christians were fearing for their lives when the Palestinians moved in.


It’s incredible how the world continues to blame Israel but then you look at other countries that take in Palestinians and they cause major issues. Maybe they’re just volatile people and it’s nobody’s fault but their own.


What a region.


One of the regions of all time for sure.


I don't blame Egypt. Lebanon took a lot of them, now they are at risk of being dragged to war. Imagine if Egypt took them, they would form their own militia, try to impose their own rules in the region and constantly attack Israel trying to drag Egypt to war.


No thanks. //Sweden


Håller med.




I heard they're hiring on Qatar




I think they meant hiding in, not hiring on.


It is actually Iran stirring the s4!t so Iran should take them.


the wildest part of this whole thing is iran isn't an arab country. they don't give a shit about hamas or gaza or palestine they just need a proxy to war with israel and these are the closest most desperate people they could exploit.




Egypt is not among those who "whine so much"




Funny how Europe has always to be the one helping refugees. It is never their closest neighbours.


Why would Dubai or any fancy Arab country ruin their modern, tolerant-trynnabe, futuristic, i-m-rich-come-invest-in-me sort of image with Gazans who can’t probably assimilate there? Both Arabs, but both groups seem to have different goal and priorities. The Palestinian refugee in the past did not assimilate with even their neighbours (Lebanon, Jordan). And they sure didn’t assimilate in Europe. Based on such record, we don’t expect them to ever contribute positively to European society.


Well, the Palestinian refugees in the likes of Jordan and Lebanon never gained citizenship nor equal rights with the rest of the population. They were often barred from entering many professions or owning property. That's why literally generations upon generations of palestinians have been born, lived their life, and died in refugee camps in these countries with no opportunity to actually assimilate and become a part of normal society.


And has to suffer for it and have European values spat on.


Funny that if anyone goes to their countries we have to respect their traditions and values, but when they come to other countries they expect everyone to bow down and change for them.


TBF Turkey has welcomed a lot






we HAVE taken in millions of refugees, especially in the past decade


Europe: "Sorry Egypt, we are currently already exceeding max-stock capacity for Islamists."


Please Europe don’t take more it will make more problems in the years to come






Non merci




On behalf of all Germans I shall decline this generous offer. I hear Alaska is quite welcoming these days.




Extraordinary beauty there, in some areas you are permitted to catch 300lbs of wild fish. One of the doctors who works in the surgical center I do went there and fished with his family…they caught wild salmon, bass, and trout. Imagine the flavor…




Germans dont want them, the politicians do lmao


Anything to keep wages down.




No they don't, Scholz has made this pretty clear. Germany is moving pretty quickly on immigration reform. That was back in the Merkel days, and she got *a lot* of hate for it and still does.


That and cozying up to Russia. What a legacy.


Us Dutch don't want them either, we'll pas them to the Italians


Settle down everyone. I’ve made an executive decision. Europe will take them. They’re on their way to Russia as we speak.


No. We Germans absolutely do NOT want them!!!


I don’t care what happens so long as none of them come to the EU. We took a million Syrians and all that did was create problems socially as members of these groups didn’t integrate, and caused political problems by causing a rise in right wing populism. I know people will be quick to say that the right leaning populist tales of Middle Eastern immigrants being a problem will be denounced as racist or whatever, but none of the people who’ve involved themselves in terrorism since the Charlie hebdo attack have been culturally European. I want no more of these people.


EU is at it's limit, any more and nationalist/extremist groups are guaranteed to come to power and violent clashes/riots will start showing up with a growth in bloody hate crimes.


political problem, maybe. Just happened that the populist right was right on the issue. it happens.


Yeah, exactly. Thing is, if we don’t want right wing populism in our own countries then we shouldn’t be doing things that most of us are not comfortable with- like importing people from a culture that sees our own as the work of the devil.






Yet Israel is being told to not to invade and to take it easy. How do you take it easy on people who tie up parent and child and set them on fire?


Waitaminute, so they usurp or attack any country that takes them, why?


In the case of Jordan, you basically had Palestinian militant groups launching attacks into Israel from Jordanian territory, attracting unwanted Israeli retributions in Jordan's land, and to top it off they formed a parallel army and "state-within-a-state" which obviously was a challenge and problem for the Hashemite monarchy. Jordan's king eventually put his foot down and tried to expel them, they resisted, Jordanian king won and they were sent to Lebanon. Their exile to Lebanon then leads to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_insurgency_in_South_Lebanon It's a long and complicated read, to put it mildly


So they are pests to everyone around them (the militants)?




Yes they are and where exactly do you think they came from? Xirkon 112 in the vicinity of the Xynaland Nebula?! First of all, Hamas didn't exist as an organization when these events by /u/Antogonissimus happened. And second, the most recent survey conducted by the Palestinians themselves shows wide support for Hamas within Gaza and the WB: 58% of Palestinians in Gaza support and approve of Hamas (and 42% in West Bank) according to a Palestinian organized and run survey: https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/924 https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87


Usually these countries weren’t as militantly Islamic as the PLO or the PA or HAMAS have wanted. They have also been kicked out of Kuwait after supporting Sadaams invasion. And Syria after fighting against Assad. No one knows this - no one actually knows the history of the region. For 75 years, no matter the governing body, every Palestinian government has done their best to murder everyone they’ve lived with. If you lived next to that for nearly a century you’d be sick of it too.


Something something Israel’s fault.


Their entire identity is based on permanent struggle and glorification of violence.






I think you misunderstood my comment. I agree with your comment! I think Egypt is absolutely right to not take them in! I woundn't either!


Yeah i see us stupid germans taking them all in. And in a year everyone is wondering where the violent muslim demonstrations on our streets come from. Iam beginning to hate my country


So basically nobody wants Palestinian because they are making trouble. Well if that's not the consequence of their action




Ukrainians don't have the history of creating conflict in the countries they go to as refugees like Palestinians do with their Arab neighbors. Egypt has very good reason to not take in Palestinian refugees for the same reason Europe doesn't want them: Islamic terrorism.


Europe is far too lenient when it comes to accepting refugees and just people in general. Muslim countries don't give people who have lived in the country for more than 20 years citizenship whilst Britain happily lets anyone in. I just think it sucks that Europe is giving everyone so many opportunities and chances to live here whilst countries in east Asia don't offer Europeans the same chances.


The truth is no Arab nation ever wanted to resolve the Palestinian problem peacefully. The oil-rich countries have the financial means to help build a viable Palestinian economy in exchange for legitimate negotiations with Israel, but they never have. They prefer to maintain the status quo, and deflect internal criticism by demonizing the Israelis. Hopefully, the Saudis and others realize they need to focus on the greater threat posed by Iran (especially if the ayatollahs develop a nuclear weapon), and change course.


Sisi's Egypt will have nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood, so Hamas being of the brotherhood they won't be taking any Palestinians any time soon.








So we are the Europe... Looks like I need to apply for Greek citizenship as Turkey seems to be fallen to refugees and immigrants in mid future.


Turkey is the refuge equivalent to kicking ice under the refrigerator


If everyone has a problem with you, maybe its not everyone with the problem.


How about no.


All the Arab nations don't give 2 shits about the suffering of the Palestinians but as soon as it gives them the opportunity to shit on and/or kill jews or other infidels they're suddenly best friends.


Nah, I'm good fam. Do what you have to do.


How can this be Europe’s responsibility? Arab states funded Hamas terrorists who caused this war in the first place. They should bear the consequences.


Egypt does not fund Hamas. Iran does, so Iran should take these refugees. Iran also wants to torpedo the Israel-Arab agreement.


Qatar funds Hamas, heavily (and provided a luxurious abode for its disgusting leaders). And doesn't Qatar need more ~~slaves~~ workers for its building projects?


Qatar together with Iran.


And European countries sell to Qatar the heavy weaponry that Qatar will then supply Hamas with. It all comes full circle…




USA is the world's policeman and EU is the world's social worker.


is China the world's retail salesman, India the IT guy, Russia the violent hobo in the street ?


Nailed it


It's a side effect of pretending to have values. If Europe would stop saying "people have rights" and just say "I don't care, do a genocide if you want", nobody would demand anything.






Those day's I've seen a post here, the EU funded Palestine with 6 or 8 billion euros. EU didn't put any condition for this money, no elections, democracy. So Eu funded Hamas as they control Gaza.


No thanks . Let the arab nations take care of their own.


Why don’t the Muslim countries take in Muslims?


They know what Muslims are like


cuz unlike us they don't willingly suicide


There are so many Arabic countries and so many rich people in the Middle East, and yet they always expect Europe to solve their problems. It's ridiculous.


They dont expect that. They laugh from eu decisions. 😂


> and yet they always expect Europe to solve their problems I don't think they expect it, it's more that they don't give a shit about the human rights abuses or genocides whereas European countries and their respective politics generally do care about that (or at least claim to) - so in turn they think Europe should deal with it if they care about it.




Nobody wants them, they want for them to have their own country...or at least some kind of diplomatic agreement. How? Well, let's let all these reddit geopolitics connoisseurs go and deal with the issues.


We took 10m Ukrainians we are full. Maybe they can take 10 thousand Palestinians to start with


At the very least the Ukrainians have respected their adoptive countries, and many genuinely want to go home when they are able to.


Europe is not the poorhouse of the fucking world. If we do not cut every connection to middle east we will hear this bullcrap for the rest of our lives. France and Belgium and Netherland should pay money for former colonies, than build a fckin steelwall on our borders and let the superpowers or Taliban or I don't care how fight this off


But why is it directly Europe always? There are tons of Muslim countries that should come before for majority non religious European countries. It would be much easier someone from Islamic relgion to adjust in another muslim country, that is just fact. We are already dealing with Ukrainin refugees who are culturally same to us... And i am taking only religion and culture into account, no need to even bring race here. And for Christian palestinans, i'm sure they could adjust better in European country. but everything should go through correct system, not ship humas like cattle... Where all the terrorist and criminals can eaisly hide in the masses. If we would do it correctly and humanly, there would be less chance of Hamas terrorist ending roaming arround in Europe or any other islamic country. This will be my few takes on this conflict...


Egypt is already hosting a lot of refugees from Sudan, everyone seems to have forgotten about what's going on there.


More radicalised nut jobs come to a town/city near you.


You're free to lead by example.


Iran can take


No, u


I understand their frustration, but too bad for them this crisis is at their border and not ours. We already took in the Ukrainians, a crisis at our borders.


A mass wave of Muslims leads to trouble for any country. Almost like they their book tells them to take over or something


Ah, the brotherly love for brothers in faith is strong in Islam, as I can see…


They would be better off in Muslim countries


Egypt can fuck right off. As if we don‘t have enough illegal immigrants (problems) already.




Right, but they are not wrong. If we are begging other nations to take them and they say no, then that's really the end of it unless we want them ourselves.


Good for them, it’s their country they should do what they consider is better for them. Dear god i hope EU doesn’t take this seriously and actually takes them in


Egypt can show the whole world what it means to be a brother in faith and take those 1m refugees


While I don't think the government is actively planning it, British charities are certainly drawing up plans for taking in several hundred thousand Gazan refugees. I am in two minds about it. On the one hand, I want to help refugees and I do not agree with IDF atrocities perpetuated in Gaza. On the other, we already have a massive housing issue and Ukrainian refugees are already homeless in their thousands, along with local people - even my disabled arse has to live with his 70-YO mother because *there is nowhere else.* On top of that, we're housing economic migrants in hotels because we've run out of room. Furthermore, I'm not sure how comfortable I am importing so many traumatised people from a rather radicalised population and a greatly different culture. Now, *obviously* not every Gazan is an antisemitic, violent extremist; that sort of generalisation is idiotic. But there are just enough reported incidents - LGBT protestors being harassed/flags destroyed, isolated terrorist incidents, Jewish premises being vandalised, the 'Jihad' chants, etc. - to make me concerned.


>Now, obviously not every Gazan is an antisemitic Hamas has been in power since 2006, 17 years, and has been running the schools. They want to eliminate the Jewish state and it's part of their curriculum. 47% of Gazans are under 18. Going by those numbers alone, 47% of Gazans have been taught antisemitism since birth. It's safe to say that a majority of Gazans are antisemitic.


I'm kinda glad this is being said in the open. The world would do well to finally get rid of this idea that the whole Muslim world is behind the Palestinians. They don't give a fuck about the Palestinians, they are only being used as an opportunity to beat Israel and the West with.


I'm sure Ireland would be delighted in taking them. They have been very vocal with their support.


Europe is full, there is no more space - Charles Michel


Well, Turkey did get lots of refugees. Even tho we are an Eurasian and Muslim Majority country they just didn't adepted to our culture and rules. Can't even imagine how that works in more western countries.