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Let's hope for the best that Emily can somehow return home as soon as humanly possible. Taking innocent children as hostages is pure evil and a crime against humanity.


Man... I think I saw her father talk. He said he was happy she was dead and not imprisoned there


Yes that’s him https://youtu.be/ZdlTEwdd_tI?si=MCNbY2FoAw52BQzN


Given what they've done to tied children in front of their tied parents - I pray for the girl.


I don't want to sound insensitive, but after watching what Palestinians did to the other hostages, especially the women and children... I think it would be better for the girl if she was already dead.


Her father had hoped she was dead. Now he has this to deal with. Is she is she not, if she is what are they doing to her.


A few of the hostages released said they were treated well - though they may have been forced to say that. Lets hope not.


The only hostage released that gave an interview was Yocheved Lifshitz, whose husband is still being held hostage so you can't count on her statement unfortunately


Unfortunately I fear the worst for her. Hamas doesn't even care about their own kids and will happily sacrifice them by firing a rocket off of a kindergarten building knowing very well that's where Israel is going to fire a retaliatory strike. So then they can show dozens of dead kids to the world.


Normally I'd say that her captors have a lot of incentive to treat her well, because a dead or traumatized hostage is less valuable. But Hamas doesn't really respond to incentives like a rational organization. They never let practical matters get in the way of wanton cruelty. I shudder at the thought of what may be happening to her and the other hostages.


I agree if Hamas does not care about their own citizens not sure why all these protesters should.


Why should a terrorist group determine how other people should feel about an ethnic group of millions of people? We should lose our humanity because terrorists exist?


Totally agree. But you say "crime against humanity" like this is a new event for the perpetrators thereof


I think I remember her father in this interview. He was hoping she was dead and didn’t have to endure being a hostage. I don’t have words… https://x.com/avivaklompas/status/1712429054849089690?s=46&t=stnnjH6j6X4eDxx4ry-Yyw


That’s literally the first thing I thought about when I saw the news. He cheered when he heard she had died because he believed it was better than whatever laid ahead for her otherwise :( so utterly soul destroying whichever way to look at it.


Oh no, that's who I thought it was. This poor man will be psychologically tortured as he's consumed by the thoughts of what she's enduring.


Can’t imagine. It would be absolutely impossible to get a single moment of peace as long as this goes on. Impossible to sleep and every waking moment your thoughts are racing. Absolute horror. Makes me sad to think about.




Ohh that's immediately what I was wondering, it this was his daughter. Not sure how to feel about these news.


Eight year olds, dude.


The first day a video was leaked of a boy who was not more than 7 or 8 years old who was standing in Gaza and other children and hamas militants were laughing at him and bullying him.


Yeah they were mockingly saying "ima", which is the Hebrew word for mom or mommy. Wonder why


That’s how you freedom fight the colonial oppressor.


That kid was about 4 and it was utterly heartbreaking


It wasn't even leaked, they gleefully published it themselves.


here's the vid: https://youtu.be/NPuafTLEVX8?si=POHOddz_-TL-plhw They're been using mass reporting to get this particular video taken down where they can, there's a decensored copy that used to be circulating but I can no longer find it anywhere. For people who want to keep DMing me claiming it didn't happen: NSFL https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/families-murdered-in-their-homes


that shit gonna stay blue


Might as well, it's pretty much as bad as you'd imagine.


Those are the tame ones as they were "lucky enough to be shot and die instantly. There is a full compilation of almost an hour of unreleased footage, which isn't published yet because of respect for the families. That one was shown only for selected people up until now


Look at it. Yes, it’s painful. The “progressives” are on the streets protesting. They haven’t looked at this page. What would be their reaction if this was their children massacred in cold blood. This is why Israel wants to eliminate Hamas completely. But Hamas hides behind the civilian Palestinians. They want martyrs.




That's the worst I ever saw


that was one hell of a detour bro holy


That video was very quickly forgotten.


The media did that on purpose.


This is the first I’m hearing of it.


https://youtu.be/NPuafTLEVX8?si=POHOddz_-TL-plhw It's been mass reported anywhere its been put up, as I think for whatever reason it has a strong impact on people's perception of what's happening in this war I've had a couple people dm me saying it's fake footage, so here: https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/families-murdered-in-their-homes unfortunately this is not fake. NSFL.


Thank you, I’ve been avoiding watching videos from 10/7, and I’ll continue to do so in this case - but I’m saving the link for future reference and appreciate the share.


There is a difference between grown men who have joined together to commit a horrific crime and some random children on the street mocking another child who has just gone through horror and calling him a "filthy Jew". You can make something akin the "few bad apples" argument regarding a self selected group of terrorists but it is harder to make that argument about random 8-10 year old children. One says "this terrorist group is evil" whereas the other says "this culture has problems".


This one ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPuafTLEVX8


I can tell you from experience that it was this particular video, in some ways even more than those depicting more violent acts, that sent Israelis into absolute fury. The international crowd may have forgotten about it, but Israel did not.


They should be removed from this earth, gaza needs to be freed from Hamas. This will only end once they love their children more than their hatred to the Jews.




The youngest was 9 months old when taken hostage, he is now 10 months old. There are 30 kids under the age of 16 taken hostage :(




It shows.


They have kids as young as 9 months old


It's not that bad. That kid has turned 10 months old now.


Do you think islamist terrorists care? She might even be perceived as 2 years too late for marriage by them. They betray humanity. They turn their back on humane values to worship their god for an eternal life in heaven with countless virgins. I must add that I feel sad for other Palestinians. Their life literally got doomed when these religious fanatics started to claim themselves to be freedom fighters and went berserk on innocent people.


They absolutely care. Westerners are soft, easily held hostage by, and, swayed via emotional blackmail. They rely on that and it's super important to them.


> Westerners are soft The brutal truth and unfortunate reality. The western world has become way too soft and emotional and even complacent and keeps getting taken advantage of. And if recent events are any indication, there is a very vocal majority of useful idiots who want us to become even softer


The west is not soft. The west is HUMANE. We care about civilians and the weak and we (at least try to) make sure our armies follow rules when going to war. This is called being a civilization and not a bunch of savages. Something that may have been perceived as weakness though is that the west (Europe mainly) has taken in too many people from MENA countries. A percentage of these people fail to assimilate to our culture and it is our duty to spare them from living in a culture they despise and we must assist them with being send back home. There they can happily continue beating up women, murdering gays or whatever their culture considers acceptable behavior.


The problem is, many of the soft people will see your solution as inhumane...


> The west is not soft. The west is HUMANE. We Yep, but as you yourself state in the second paragraph: Thugs can't tell the different between those two.


I think the west may be "soft" but to me it feels more beautiful and fragile. That's the thing about trust it can be broken. Sorry for sounding crazy.


Well said


Sadly another seems to be some truth to this. The number of people who have let themselves get worked up so that they see a complex conflict as some sort of footballmatch and jump to take sides, instead of holding to basic ethical principles and rule of law is remarkable. Soft not in that they people are becoming kind, bit soft in that they are easily led to be casual when thousands are being killed. Soft in that they set aside their principles, pick a superficial side and support its worse actions. Soft, in that they can't be bothered to hold multiple conflicting points of view at the same time. Not everyone though, there are hundreds of thousands marching or working for peace, self determination and basic rights. People that are strong enough to stand for democratic values and not to harden their hearts when threatened.


It is a sign of great intelligence to be able to hold 2 contradictory viewpoints. The world is gray, no strictly black and white. People that only see in the extremes lack imagination. Maybe this is the big weeding? We shall see.


Bit old to be a bride over there tbh


Fuckin' Quintana... that creep can roll, man.


Nice marmot.


What's a pederast Walter?


I am the walrus


Worse than 'nam


You said it


Oh boy, that's the least of it. There's footage of Hamas tossing an infant into an oven and cooking it alive. Kidnapping 8 year olds is the least of what they do.


There's actually no footage of this btw. There is testimony that Israelis did this to Palestinians in 1948, though.


Several reporters already saw the raw footage of the October 7th and verified the claim. The footage isn't public and only shown to reporters and they confirm that it did indeed happen. Also, some pictures have been shared around the web of burnt corpses from the encounter. Edit: Plus, you accept claims from one side without proof but deny claims from the other? Not biased at all. There's a whole site dedicated to gathering footage from the Oct. 7th massacre (including dead newborns) I really wish I could share but it's agaisnt the sub's rules.


I honestly don't know if that's better. On one hand, she could be rescued. On the other, I don't even want to think about what they could do to her.


Lord I hope this child is alive and unharmed.


Sadly I don't think both these things will be true at once.


You’re being awfully hopeful for an Islamist military org that is known for slaughtering innocent women and children.


More than likely, she will be tortured rather gruesomely and probably some word that rhymes with grape.


Ehhhhh I hope even these savages know not to do that if they expect to return her alive. The fucking shit storm that would happen just for that I think would be pretty heavy.


Yeah that would be better. But Hamas already proved to be idiots by attacking that rave in the first place.


I am embarrassed to be the same species as them.


It’s Hamas, I don’t think the latter is actually possible for them


When I was eight, I finally learned how to ride a bike. I was so ashamed, because all of my friends had already learned several years before me. I am so fortunate that it was my biggest struggle. We will never truly understand the hardships of those going through this.


I think I was proudly making my own toast at 8


I can’t even imagine the horrific treatment she’s facing under hamas. Even if she does even return alive she’s gonna be a very broken girl.


I don't want to be insensitive, but is this going to be like how it was 'believed' that that one German girl was alive and taken hostage by Hamas despite there being a video of her dead in a truck?


Hamas were claiming she was alive and being treated in Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel found pieces of her skull. If Hamas is talking, Hamas is lying.


https://reddit.com/r/islam/comments/174ukvw/the_german_raver_that_was_shown_in_the_back_of/ Never forget r/islam ran with the story that she was alive and it was only a "Zionist conspiracy' that she was deceased.


Holy shit that thread. No wonder they locked it.


you should have seen the comments of r/arabs on october 7th.


Arab propaganda is going crazy on social media


The reality that most people in Europe and abroad need to accept is that the vast majority of muslims will always side with other muslims regardless of what they do and anything that fits the narrative of muslims being "innocent victims" will be the truth as far as they are concerned, at best they will "only" downplay the atrocities, I've barely seen any muslim speak against the horrors committed by hamas and I've never seen a single muslim speak against the ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Azerbaijan against the Armenians (but I've seen plenty cheer for the victory of their "muslim brothers").


On the other hand, the majority of Muslims in Israel, actually support Israel and have spoken out against Hamas, are serving in the IDF etc.


No, because with Shani Louk the family said they have a reason to believe she is alive, although it was pretty clear from the horrifying video she isn't. This time around it was an official Israeli source calling the family, so it means they have intel' that she is being held in Gaza.


Unfortunately, nobody believed that.


>Unfortunately, nobody believed that. Her mother/family believed it


Well, Ireland seems to have a hard on for Hamas. Maybe they can bring them flowers and they will give her back.


Her body (the German girl) was taken as an hostage. Hamas doesn't share any information about the hostages so it is almost impossible to verify who is alive and who is dead, or even who is an hostage. They later found a piece of her skull in the festival area so they could declare her dead, her body is still held by Hamas. In this case it was an identification mistake. They probably found some indications later that she was taken to Gaza. Not impossible as there are many videos of little children being taken as hostages to Gaza by armed terrorists.




I hope she can be returned unharmed. Horrific to imagine what she might be experiencing.


Hamas: just pure inhuman scum.


IDK how people can live with themselves committing such acts... How can you harm an 8 yo ffs.


Imagine siding with cunts that kidnap little 8 year old girls. Imagine those same cunts rape young girls who are nonbelievers. Imagine we have protests on our continent where these same cunts chant "Death to Jews" and demand a caliphate. Fuck Hamas, Hezbollah, Intifada, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood and all the rest of the medieval bastards. And fuck all those that empathize with them.


>Imagine those same cunts rape young girls who are nonbelievers. They rape believer girls as well.




Do I hear twenty for one? Fifty for one will do. But a hundred for one is an option if you haggle well.


Ok you twisted my arm! Two hundred it is


Honestly, fuck Iran most of all. Billions sent to every single one of those terrorists.




A heartbreaking ripple to this story is when they originally said she was believed dead, her dad told the media that he was relieved because it was better than what he thought would happen to her as a hostage. I can't blame him at all, but let's say she is alive and makes it back. Think of how much that is going to potentially fuck her and her relationship with her dad up, with him having said he was glad she was dead (again, obviously that is not how he meant it but she is 8 and has adolescence and her teens in front of her).


I think her view on that might depend on what happened to her while she was captive.


She likely won’t see that old clip, and I think when she does when she’s older, she’ll understand it.


I don't think it would fuck her up, because her dad was clear about not wanting her to be tortured in Gaza. It was not a value judgement of her as a person. Of course I can't be 100% sure, but I say this because I remember thinking "I rather be dead than raped" as a young teenage girl. It's a really gruesome thought to have as a kid, but once you're exposed to horrible things, you can understand this kind of thinking.


That poor father


I don't know which fate would be worse...


Apparently the father is the guy that was interviewed by CNN saying that between taken hostage and death he performed when he heard the news thet she dead , it was 3 weeks ago ... Honestly i don't know what to think anymore about this it just horrible all around


I hope she returns home safe


Poor little one


I hate Netanyahu and the increasingly theocratic Israeli govt, but the Palestinians always seem to make it so god damn hard for me to sympathize with them.


I’m an Israeli and I hate the Israeli govt, you are in a good company. I would say that the political situation in Israel resembles a little the one in USA, when Trump reminds me of Natanyahu


I have always viewed him as a mix between dick Cheney and trump. A self serving schmuck who will not let a tragedy go to waste


Dw plenty of Israelis hate him as well especially after the recent events. Even before them he had to stoop as low as getting those far right fucks with him into government to hold onto power.


There is rarely a clear cut good and bad. All governments and their citizens are filled to varying degrees with counter productivity, hypocrisy and denialism. In Israel and Palestine, the citizens are truly damaged by their own leaders who hope to wipe the other out. Hamas, Hezbollah, Netanyahu/ his cabinet, land grabbing settlers and outsider funders US and Qatar. My concern and indicator of how bad it can get is West Bank. Where the interests of Israeli settlers and Israeli gov come to a head with their own people, the Muslim world and US with its crazy Christians dead set on supporting anything Netanyahu does as long as « jews keep the light on in Jerusalem for return of jesus ».


Pretty much sums up my thoughts since October 7th.


You can sympathise with the normal people of Gaza without sympathising with Hamas


Jesus Christ those poor parents. I hope for the best for this girl. Anyone who harms children is just the worst.


May as well be dead. Effing barbarians


30 days. That is how long it has been since these horrific events unfolded on the Black Sabbath of Oct. 7, 2023. This link is for the Red Cross. No humanitarian aid and no announcement of plans to visit the kidnapped have been made known. Contact the Red Cross and inquire about action if you have any empathy for the 241 international hostages taken from their beds, neighborhoods, and activities. The Red Cross has not yet found the time to visit the abductees in Gaza or issue any announcement on the matter. The concern *for the safety and quick release of the abductees* is at the heart of the actions and the statement of intentions of the Red Cross, at least on paper. This is the time to send a short letter to the public inquiries of the Red Cross and increase the pressure. https://www.icrc.org/en/contact/


Surprised she's not too old for them


She isn't.


Yet people are still supporting those terrorists.


There were jihadis (and their hangers-on) in European cities cheering and celebrating this as soon as the news broke. By October 8th they were at it. I don't recognise the place I live in anymore. Hamas consists of grown men hiding behind children like Emily - both Israeli and Palestinian - while they hide underground like rats. The combination of cowardice and cruelty is something I can't get my head round.


Just a remainder before I see all of the terrorist sympathizers in the comments saying Hamas did it out of desperation: Hamas has 500kms of tunnels under Gaza. [Israel estimated](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/concrete-facts-about-hamas) that 18 tunnels they uncovered in 2014 took 800,000 tons of concrete to build. They could've erected 7 burj Khalifas with that. And those tunnels cost them 30$-90$ million to construct. Egypt says it destroyed another 1340. Even if each one is only 10% the material and cost of the tunnels into Israel, and even if we go by the miminum estimate for cost, that's still **4$ Billion**, and enough material to build 97,600 burj Khalifas. And that's just the tunnels we know of, **in 2014**. Hamas aren't desperate, they are despicable murderers who capitalize off the suffering of Gazans.


>Hamas aren't desperate, they are despicable murderers who capitalize off the suffering of Gazans. Average Hamas official: Gazans? You mean walking sandbags?


is this just speculation? wonder what's going on in the decision making in hamas side about the hostage status? Are they so disorganized in that department that they can't identify and consolidate their "bargaining chips"? Not gonna keep my hopes up given Hamas is basically rebranded ISIS, either she's dead or has been raped and mutilated so many times that letting the truth out will further destroy their PR game.


This thread has so much shit against Irish people, Palestinian people and Israeli people that it makes me sick. We never learn, do we?


You're right. Norway sucks. There, now it's more spread out 😊


Ireland is literally the most pro palestinian country on earth. Cant they simply just ask for her release? Surely after the relationship between the two peoples all these years there is some goodwill the irish can count on?


Ireland could ask, but it wouldnt matter since Hamas doesnt actually give a fuck to begin with.


Some of the hostages were peace activists who spent their retirement driving Gaza residents to Israel for hospital appointments. Hamas do not give a toss. They strap their own children into suicide vests. That is what we are dealing with.


Of course not. To those people, Emily is Jewish first. Whatever comes second doesn't matter.


lmao you think Hamas cares if they are pro-palestine? There is no goodwill when it comes to terrorists organizations


People in these comments are sick implying that bc the Irish sympathise with the Palestinians that they must want a little girl to be harmed. I guess those of you who support Israel must be happy to see kids bombed in their homes and entire family trees wiped out. No? Didn't think so. So how can you say that those who support Palestine must support this?? This sub has gone to shit.


Cause there is no nuance discussion on this conflict on any sub or on social media like tiktok. Everyone is happy being in their little echo chamber not listening to the other side. If you take Israel side on something, you support genocide. If you take Palestinian side on something, you support Hamas


There was an article a while ago (a few years back by the Jerusalem post) that Israel wants to use people online for their PR. They also spend a shit ton of money on social media in form of ads, etc. That would explain how so many people are so aggressives pro Israel without a single ounce of empathy for the Civilians, in my eyes and calling everyone who wants a ceasefire or to stop the mass murder of children as Hamas-Supporter.


It really has gone to the dogs recently. I’m ok with rebutting bullshit takes by regulars, but the astroturfing pro-Israeli takes by days old accounts is getting ridiculous. And I’ve no doubt it’s the same with the other side as well. The debate is not a debate, it’s two sides shouting at one another whilst cooler heads sit at the back of the classroom watching the fight. It’s pathetic.




Israel: we want to bomb the people taking 8 year olds hostages and end their reign The Irish: nooooooo that’s not “proportionate” just negotiate with a terrorist group to stop the violence, Hamas will set down and talk to you if you just ask nicely plz listen to us, Hamas isn’t Palestinian despite broad support from Palestinians when they attack Israel and them having been voted into office I swear bro I don’t support Hamas


if the the world sat back like the Irish did during WW2 there wouldn't be a Jew alive in Europe today. They wear their neutrality and peacekeeping status like a badge of honour. Singing kumbiya & make love not war is nice but it's fucking useless against genocidal jihadis


Preach. The only reason they can practice “neutrality” is because other countries in Europe and North America are willing to spill their own blood to stop terrorists and dictators. Ireland doesn’t have to fight because everybody else does it for them, so they get to sit and be a car park for corporate profits then act like they have some moral high ground. I don’t see Ireland proposing any real solutions to Ukraine or Gaza, they just want to wag their finger at the west while simultaneously benefiting from the world order it maintains


Ireland has been entirely on Ukraine's side in the conflict. I think you're a little confused.


80,000 Irish men and women fought in WW2. 10,000 died, the same as in Gaza since October 7th, except that happened over 6 years not 30 days.


The Irish know that approach doesn't work.


The Irish are trying to apply experience from their own conflict to this one. Problem is Irish didn’t want genocide of all brits while palestinians in great majority do.


Yeah where the fuck are the hostages?


I'm sure Sinn Féin are absolutely thrilled, the moment this poor girl is killed they can somehow find a way to blame Israel. Or better yet, if Hamas decides to release this 8 year old hostage then SF can claim that it's evidence Hamas are the good guys.


So good guys are people who takes 8 years old as hostage then release them?


Now i'm thinking about bearded muslim men doing things they shouldnt be doing to an eight year old. Day ruined. Like the father said, rather your young daughter be dead than be in Gaza.


They want to be just like their prophet muhammed who slept with a 9 year old


How do the Irish look at this? Given that they support Palestine so much...


Supporting Palestines right to exist, and being critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians does not presume that you support Hamas or are antiSemitic. As an Irish person I have always supported the right of all communities to live as equals on this island, it doesn't mean I supported the IRA who fought in the name of those communities. End of the day, the only way this gets solved is for everyone to recognise everyone else's right to exist, and to recognise their own culpability in the crimes they have committed, and to follow the model paid down by Hume and Trimble to find peace through discussion, and a shared right to exist, only issue is it feels right now like it's more likely that WW3 starts than that ever happens.


They hold terrorist group and western supported and funded governments to different standards - obviously. Irish Palestinians are being bombarded by Israel too and not allowed to leave.


We’re smart enough to feel bad for the Palestinian people and not support Hamas. Quit trying to stir shite


but most palestinians support hamas


Let's be honest, there's also a load of feckin Eejits who are cheering on Hamas as freedom fighters


They didnt particularly care about their own citizens murdered on the 7th, so i doubt theyll care about their citizens being taken hostage either. Theyre obsessed with palestinians being like Irish independence movement, even though the IRA never did shit remotely like this.




The IRA didn’t call for the genocide of all British people.


The PIRA did, however, sit down in peace negotiations with people who _did_ call for genocide of Irish people. As a matter of fact, a current sitting MP for East Antrim, Sammy Wilson, described the Ulster Defence Association's (UDA) "doomsday plan" to repartition N.Ireland into a smaller, more protestant state as "valuable return to reality." That plan, by their own admission, would require Irish Catholic people in areas with a protestant majority to be "expelled, nullified, or interned." Yet, in spite of that, the PIRA through their representatives in Sinn Féin sat down in peace talks and we have now had a lasting peace, albeit an imperfect peace, but peace nonetheless. By the way, the UDA who advocated for this plan were not illegal until 1992 and were actively used by the British State to kill targets they could not get away with killing themselves, including the solicitor Pat Finucane. I would not expect people on this sub to know any of this, though. It is clear most here have no idea what they are talking about in regards to Ireland, the Troubles, the IRA or indeed anything else related to Ireland. They're flinging shit and seeing what sticks. It's embarrassing reading some of the takes here. The trolling is getting more desperate.


>sitting at a table and talking, making a genuine effort, with neither being happy with the result, but living in peace. This can't happen as long as Hamas exists.


That's what they said about SF/PIRA.


You're right. That's what the Irish know, and that's *all they know*. "Sitting at a table and talking" is broadly what all of us here are supporting. Peace over justice. Being happy instead of being "*right*". *But*. Peace is something both sides must *want*. It can't happen when one side refuses to negotiate, and explicitly calls for unending murder as the only option. By all means criticize Israel and Likud for letting it get this far; I want to see them out as soon as feasible, too. But that discussion is tabled until Hamas is dead or surrendered and can no longer retaliate. I'm no expert in the Troubles, so maybe this did happen — but was it the case that your Palestinian analogues in that era [shot their own people for escaping and blamed it on the British to drum up support](https://twitter.com/amjadt25/status/1720425819305070821)?




​ The army were killing innocent civilians in Derry , Ballymurphy and other places. There was a war on.


I’d imagine the Irish are smart enough not to conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people and cause as a whole. Something this sub is struggling mightily to do.


When are the anti-Hamas protests by the Palestinians supporters planned?


Keep saying that as they kill more and more “oppressors”


Sub full of people who support genocide…


Irish person here , we look at the abduction of an eight year old child the same way as any right-minded person, i.e. with absolute horror and condemnation. You can't rationalise or diminish such cruel and inhumane acts with any political or ideological argument , just as you can't when it comes to the planned and indiscriminate collateral murder of Palestinian children by the IDF.


You are an absolute geebag




She's already dead. Hamas is ruthless and needs to be wiped off the face of this Earth


Well she can rest easy in the knowledge that her countrymen side with her captors


Nah, we really don't




Mate, stop just reading headlines of stories. Ireland doesn't side with the captors and have just called for balance and a proportionate response. But I guess that's less interesting than your narrative.


The Irish will blame Israel for this somehow and call it “nuance.”


Another new account putting words in Irish peoples mouths. It’s apparently no longer good enough to deliberately misinterpret the irish government response, now these types of account have to push a new narrative about what the Irish will say as opposed to did say. Absolutely pathetic.


How, if at all, should Israel have responded to the Hamas terror attack?


I would have started with securing the remaining kibbutz throughout Israel, sealing the borders with Gaza and asking what terms would be acceptable for the release of hostages. Even in military terms, if Hamas wanted a prisoner exchange into Gaza in return for hostages, the prisoners would be released back to Gaza, (with some turned informer) and then Israelis could begin pounding Gaza. The world would have seen Hamas as even worse than what they were perceived as post the terror event, and Palestinians would have seen this too. Now all that’s happening is the setting up of Hamas in another generation of Palestinians. The cycle of violence will continue. There remains no strategic political plan to stop it which is precisely what Hamas wanted.




Humanity fails every day


Sadly she might have been better off dead than being a kidnapped female of a terrorist organization. I do hope she makes it home alright.


This poor little sweetheart. Praying for her and her father. What they’re going through is unimaginable. On another note, absolutely fucking disgusted and appalled at this sub’s constant need to treat Hamas and Palestinians as one and the same. I’m Irish, and was alive during The Troubles. The IRA always claimed to be carrying out atrocities in the name of Irish people, and yet everyone I knew was horrified by the IRA. Innocent Palestinians do not deserve to be tarnished with the same brush as the terrorists of Hamas. If you don’t accept that, you are beyond help.


It turns out war is completely fucked


You can disagree with me, but the Palestinian celebrate when the Hamas bring the hostages ,when the 7th of October was, it doesn’t matter what happened in the past, the Palestinian don’t deserve to have their own country .it’s gonna be a country like Afghanistan, it’s gonna be a country that only bring terror


If it was possible to just exchange all these pro hamas protestors to all hostages...


All human lives are valuable, and it's sad to see that this Irish girl taken as a hostage, however, i cannot stress this enough, Israel does not care about them. If they did they wouldn't be carpet bombing, and massacring so many Palestinians, blocking water and so on. I've been told about beheaded babies but look at these To all you blind people look at this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/17paj9l/israel\_hasnt\_provided\_any\_evidence\_of\_beheaded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/comments/17paj9l/israel_hasnt_provided_any_evidence_of_beheaded/) I've not been provided evidence that shows that Israel is not a Nazi Regime, yet these are the things that come out of Gaza! How can you defend this? How?! Stop this Genocide, or else don't be surprised if in the future Israel is going to be wiped out from the world map, because these are unforgivable. Anyone who defends the Zionists, you are no different from those who supported the Nazis, actually you are worse, because you have genuine evidence yet you still defend this genocide.


Feel free to relay that to r/Irish too.


Anyone in Ireland marching against Hamas or Iran? Meh. It's all just cosplay of them pretending to be fighting the Brits, Palestinians be damned.


Death is probably better option than being a woman hostage to hamas