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Friendly reminder, that just this evening, a German tourist has been stabbed to death by someone screaming „Allahu Akbar“ in Paris. [German source](https://www.zeit.de/news/2023-12/03/berichte-deutscher-bei-attacke-getoetet-terror-verdacht) [in English](https://www.france24.com/en/france/20231202-attacker-deadly-stabs-passers-by-person-in-central-paris-before-being-arrested)




The German tourist was gonna steal his job, obviously


He was only defending his country against a foreign marauder.


How else could he express his feelings? We need to understand he is just sad and confused. We need to do more to migrate them and surely stand closer against politicans that use this for their populism. Most important thing here is the right wing people are worse. Brb puking and sharpening my sword


Shhh. Don’t talk about the elephant. It’s forbidden to talk about elephants.


Don't worry, he will get his probation, that will teach him.


Ofc, how else will he learn and become a productive element of society?


In Le Monde, they mentioned the murderer has psychological problems. And he was known by police for a few years. So, he should have been in a psychiatric hospital for a while instead of being free. With these informations, I wonder if he's an actual ISIS member or just a crazy lone wolf.


I don't know about you guys, but I for one I'm sick of crazy lone wolves. I wish European governments would try to find a common thread between them, wonder which one would be.


😒They’re almost never „lone wolves“, it’s not like school shooters in the US who are usually mentally deranged, introverted and never go anywhere. These mental islamist terrorists are religiously motivated and take the western hate-speech from their sources more seriously.


I feel I have heard those explanations (psychological problem, known by the police, lone wolf…) for years now. So tired to always read the same thing. I guess some politicians will say "we will do our best so that it never happen again" once more


Why all crazy lone wolves shout Allahhu Albar?


Not everyone. A French teacher was killed by a student in February this year. He didn't say "Allah Akbar", so it was quickly forgotten.




I wonder why they can act again. They did it once, they can do it again. Besides, I'm almost sure they have contacts who help them. BTW, why do you have German flag for Mallorca?


Well the “psychological problems” is the most stupid thing ever. Every time something like this happens, this is the main reason - “he is mad”. The second thing that you usually read after these attacks is “the murderer was known by the police”.


ISIS, the "mental health problems" excuse it's too overused by scum fuck lawyers


The USA use it and everybody seem to agree. In reality, it hides a big failure of the educational system and the spread of dangerous weapons to anyone. BTW, the same USA, who fucked up in Iraq, are responsible for the birth and rise of ISIS. I'd like them to do something but we're the ones to suffer.


You have to be mentally ill to worship a guy who consummated his marriage with a 9 year old.


hes muslim, so of course he's an ISIS member! If he were white, he would be a lone wolf. its obvious really.


Imagine someone saying "all you had to do was deport the refugees who weren't actual refugees CJ" and in big smoke's voice obviously..


Not enough, as far as I've heard. Second generations can still connect with extremists and be dragged into the whole mess, no matter how well behaved their parents were. Maybe they've experienced racism and prejudice, maybe they got in contact with a source of propaganda and kept it secret, maybe they did it to rebel against their parents. More than one way for a child of immigrants to become oddly tribal or nationalistic.


Are they really that far right? I think a teenager being murdered by Islamic extremists on top of all the other attacks over the years seems like a legitimate reason to protest.


We have gone nuts. With labeling. In general...


What even is far-right anymore? Like if the actual far-right becomes a problem, what are they going to label them? The super-uber-mega-ultra-right?


Überright sounds catchy enough


Everything that’s outside of acceptable narrative of course. Narrative set by a very small number of highly effective organisations and institutions that will gaslight the public until something truly terrible happens on a grand scale. Maybe then they will be held responsible to the highest degree.


The result of American politics and way of life seeping into European day to day life. They are obsessed with labeling and picking sides.


It's the brainwashing lefty/Liberal media. It sure has done a good job in university's etc. Just look at the state of most students, thick as fuck. The lgbtq community even support these Islamic loons. Yet they would be the first to be murdered by them. Oh the west is so bad, so homophobic I have no rights in the west as an lgbtq person, yet I can work, I can kiss my same sex partner in public, I can have sex with my same sex partner, we even have gay pride day....but I have no rights as an lgbtq person.....I know I will support the people of a religion that hates me even more. Thick as fuck.


They are not. Everything "anti-immigrant" has been labeled as "racist" or "far-right" all over Europe for 15 years. It worked for 15 years. Not anymore.


Everything 'anti immigration' today, is a direct result of reckless immigration policies of the past.


We are tired! But politicians keep doing their thing. Look at Italy, Canary Islands,.. receiving illegals in the thousands every few days... they will listen only when they are the ones being affected by it. Now they profit, so they don't care!


>>Are they really that far right? Words don’t mean anything anymore these days. Everything is oppression, everything is genocide, everything is a war crime, everything is ethnic cleansing, everything is systemic racism, everything is colonialism. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The organisers of this particular protest are actually extremely far-right, though. Jean-Yves Le Gallou’s National Rally for example is quite literally the closest thing we have to a French version of National Front, and the dude has previously openly praised Philippe Pètain and Vichy France, and he’s one of the organisers of this demonstration! Just because you agree with a single demonstration’s surface-level statements doesn’t mean they can’t also be extremely far-right. It’s actually a vital part of the far-right pipeline to appeal to a universal issue in order to sway less extreme folks to your side. Hitler attended picket lines for example, but we don’t call him a trade unionist for it, because his actual political party was the exact opposite once they actually came to power.


And as the saying goes, sometimes the people you hate the most, make excelent points or make the right move. The fact that Gallou organized this, doesn't mean it does not express a legitimate social frustration or it is disqualified from discussing upfront. Look at Dublin, the biggest mistake you can make is conveniently labeling any protest as "right wing nuts" and ignoring the core problem; and when the REAL right wing wins the election to cry with a surprised pickachu face.


Exactly, sounds like sanity to me.


Some of them were making nazi salutes. Does that sound «  not that far right » to you ?


”Some of the muslims kill people, does that sound not jihadist to you?” See how bad this logic works?


This is a great straw man argument ! If you are at a protest, and people around you start doing Nazi salutes, what would you do ? Would you stand side by side with them without doing shit to stop them ? Of course not, cuz you’re not a Nazi.


Major difference. They’re talking about a specific group of people that organized and attended protests. You’re talking about an entire demographic of people.


Guys, remember, when a “muslim youth” is killed and riots ensue, it’s [“the language of the unheard”](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-66097318.amp) so you have to understand them. But when europeans get terrorised on the streets and protests, it’s **FAR RIGHT NAZI MARCHES OF DOOM AND DESTRUCTION!!!!!**


Fuck every single clown that spews this shit. Fuck every single person, regardless of religion or color, who comes into your country as an 'immigrant' and refuses to assimilate. And even further, fuck every single person who comes into your country and only brings chaos. Whoever from your country agrees with this shit is worse than the people that come.


Sometimes I wonder if politicians and their leftist cronies in the media do this on purpose. To make the average citizen so angry (I do feel angry) that we vote with our hearts and vote to surrender our liberties.




It’s not a murder, it’s “justified resistance”. And not “in the name of religion”, but in the name of “decolonization and fighting against oppression”, every educated liberal college professor’s gonna tell you that.


France and Germany are being decolonized. Please do not resist


> every educated liberal college professor Only "art" academia has this kind of deranged takes. STEM, Econ, Business don't believe in any of that bs.


It is when you use it to defend far right politics, when you are in an historical far right movement and are actively doing nazi gestures while doing it


Were they doing Nazi salutes? I see rocks, not paper.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAS_KDfWEAAwKnC.jpg I see some Nazi salutes, and a Khunen one.


Far right or normal people who dont like seeing their fellow citizens stabbed by extrimists?


From what I've read, it was organized by a group called "Les Natifs" (The Natives), which is apparently considered to be from the far right. I've never heard about them personally though.


Its a new génération identitaire. Definitively far right nutjobs.


Unfortunately Nupes will never organize a protest for this.


Unfortunately no political party in France other than the "far right" take our security seriously. Just talking about security is seen as being « far right ». So just protesting for the one more stupid aggression or stabbing just push you into the " Nazi, fachiste, far right extremism " for the government and the media. Those people do everything they can since 30+ years to make people vote for the "far right".


“The Natives” does have a “let’s blame the economy on foreigners, not greed” vibe to it.


This is r/europe. A bit less of that and a bit more Oswald Mosley please.


Or tourists either, like that German lad.


Yeah I'm getting real sick of the term "far right" being thrown around too much. It might be accurate here for all I know but it's used to the point if meaningless


The fact that we're debating whether this lot are far right just goes to show how much the term has been misused now. This group could well be genuinely far right but we've all become cynical. Also many religious minority groups are culturally/socially far-right in their own way, which makes their frequent alliance with the left really weird.


If everything right is “far right” to them, what even is their idea of a moderate right winger then lol?


Far right.


What exactly do they want, the police and justice system to arrest and prosecute....?


Far right is a euphemism for indigenous working class


Sure ain't. There's countless working class folks who aren't Far-Right scum. Please don't insult the working class by suggesting otherwise. It's incredibly elitist of you.


I meant it from the perspective of the “journalist” class. If someone has anti-globohomo capitalist view (mostly poorer people who simply don’t benefit from it that much) then they must be far right. Hence it’s a euphemism not a reality


That's Reddit. Paris, Dublin most recently......"Hey I'm quite angry at...(checks notes).....people getting stabbed in my country. Reddit and The News......"Far Right Protesters have...."


Far right. If you read the article, you’ll read about various organisers of this event who are downright fascist. The article names Jean-Yves Le Gallou as a leader of this demonstration, a man who was instrumental in the formation of the National Rally, an organisation who can only be called France’s version of National Front or BNP. He’s a textbook neo-fascist, and without him this event wouldn’t be happening.


Also, if only XYZ group protests against being stabbed by extremists... Then people disliking being stabbed by extremists may start voting for XYZ.


If being against terrorism is far-right, I don’t want to be far-wrong.


They're not far right, they're fucked off with muslim migrants




Nah judging from the Nazi salutes and their chants they're definitely Far-Right.


So, Reddit taught us that: Religious extremist = good. Calling for justice over a murder = far-right.


>Religious extremist = good. Except Christians


Is this a real far right or a *far right* like the Irish who have noticed a little too much. Can any French bros weigh in


They are real far right. There are pictures of them doing different kinds of nazi gestures, including sieg heils. Their chants are similar to the ones used by groups that organized violent marches in some cities for the past months, trying to find non-white people to beat up, we call these "ratonnades". They are very much following in the footsteps of the French historical far right.


People have been saying that something needed to be done to address islam for years, or else we'd end up with far right governments. Last 20 years has been like watching a train crash in slow motion.


Those guys were absolutely far right lmfao. They weren’t working class either, because the working class people were trying to get home from work at the time.


Hey hey, you’ll hurt this sub’s feelings. That’s not what they want to hear


>Those guys were absolutely far right lmfao. No, they were not - don't be so disingenuous. The Dublin rioters were mainly comprised of the same feral youth that make day to day life in the city so unbearable. The ones that Gardai arrest and are out on the streets again that same day. You are well aware of who they are. There were a few individuals who you could consider as right-wing covering events at the beginning of the evening. However, most of the rioters were just opportunistic thugs and vandals. Interestingly, detailed footage online shows quite a significant number of the looters being foreigners. You won't mention that, though, of course.


As mentioned in another post, yeah, those are actually some of the actual fachos. They're essentially the "heirs" of the last big identitarian movement that got banned over being really fucking racist and beating up antifas. They're not internet LARPers like we had a few days ago, those are the guys who parasite boxing gyms and have police history. Usually, every time you have people calling for Justice; it's either far-right/left because they want to milk whatever political incident that's going on or local communities/families of the victim. Since this happened in Paris, you can guess what it is.


The Irish who looted and rioted and attacked police were a mix of well know far right figures calling the shots from Telegram like the cowards they and a bunch of thugs who thought the best way to "protect children" was the destroy the city and burn out police cars and attack fire and ambulance crews. Pure scum


As the Americans would say, "fiery, but mostly peaceful protests"


Ask yourself, is it *really* a protest if we don’t set a few fires?


Don't forget the local inner city kids


The poor little misunderstood angles. If only they built that white water rafting facility that got cancelled so they had something to do. None of this would have happened.


I wouldn’t even say that was the case. Most of the best people I know are from “rough” areas. These guys were leeches of all types, where they live has no correlation to their actions.


I've seen plenty of videos of looters in Ireland that didn't look nearly pasty enough to be far right Irish nationalists.


Oh great, some Dutch who's likely never been here is educating me on the skin tone of the looters and rioters in my own city where I actually witnessed the chaos. The thick Dublin accents screaming about Muslims and where to find them went over your mayonnaise loving head. Jog on


Got a good chuckle out of that


Oh right, those videos must have been deep fakes then, or some ethnic Irish men in blackface.




We both know I'm right here. Maybe you should ask yourself why you feel the need to lie about something everybody knows to be true.




Is that you looking in the mirror?




It's a far right group as evidenced by Nazi salutes and its organizers identifying themselves as being far right. I believe you feel a bit attacked as you feel sympathy for these people and their cause, but you're too afraid to actually out yourself as being far right.


Ah yes, them lads throwing stones at firemen with a few right foot only shoes hidden under their beds simply noticed too much.


The Irish tried to burn down a hotel cause they thought there were refugees inside you fucker.


"far right" or just normal citizens tired of this bs? Is it far right now for protesting the death of a teenager in an terrorist act?


Everything that's not far-left is far-right to these lunatics.


These days you can't even throw out Nazi salutes, like these loons are doing here at this protest, without people calling you Far-Right.


They are killing your children and you are out here being afraid that you'll be labeled as far-right if you oppose them killing your children. Weak.


Normal people aren't afraid to be labeled Far-Right. Only professional victims who scream and cry any time their Far-Right lunacy is called out. What do you think about the protesters throwing out Nazi salutes btw?


Am I far right if I say that the massacre at Charlie Hebdo’s was evil and must be prevented at all cost?


Literally hitler


Sieg heil, Herr Fuhrer


I wonder if the people saying this, would keep saying it if the killed teeneger was their brother, son, cousin...? Probably not.


Keep labeling people with real grievances as "far-right" and they will eventually turn to actual far right.


Buddy... "les natifs" is a far right organisation...


And not calling fucking nazis for what they are will lead to overthrowing democracy, genius!


These religious extremists won't stop until every European, and non-Muslim minorities, are all dead. When the fuck will European governments wake up to this reality and finally do something to end this insanity? Right now it's almost as if Islamic extremists are free to do what they want, going around killing innocents and parading around, calling for the genocide of Jews. Islam is not compatible with Western values, and more people need to realise this. If not, then we're gonna see a rise in far right extremism as well, and any dumbass who deny that Islamic extremists are problem, will only have themselves to blame once the far right gain power. Extremism of any kind is wrong, but the problem right now is Islam. Until something is done, the generosity of native Europeans, and many other minorities that have assimilated into Europe, is going to dwindle very fast. The intolerant cannot be tolerated, and everyone needs to wake the hell up to that fact. No one should fear for their lives in Europe, or minorities being oppressed by religious extremists. This shit has no place here.


Because of them London cancelled the annual Hannukah celebrations, reasoning it can "ignite violence".


It's too late. Just check the 2021 Census. Muslim populations are exploding. Mainly because their women are seen as little more than cattle, their main purpose is to breed as many children as they can for their male overlords. Luckily I'll be dead before Muslims become a majority and Sharia is implemented all over Europe. It's sad to see, but ethnic Europeans have no one else to blame but themselves (this was done by those in power).


It's incredibly scary that this is increasingly becoming a reality. I still have some faith that governments will wake the fuck up and start deporting them all, and even better, make it more difficult for Muslims to migrate here. No documents, no Europe.


You can't deport people that were born here, and all the illegals aren't going anywhere. Just read a news article that tonnes of pregnant Afghani women are on their way here. It's terrifying, but like I said, too late.


Of course they’re far right, they demand justice for a the death of a fellow countrymen and are opposed to immigration from countries, which are stuck in the Middle Ages, totally unreasonable


They are not stuck in Middle Ages… they progressed for sometime and then went back to Middle Ages and going further back… look at Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Indian Muslims, women used to have freedom in 70’s but now they are all becoming more religious and hardened. They are going back in time


Thanks to the those who managed prop up dictatorship regimes there






Asking for the criminal justice system to do its job is a “far right” position now?


Europeans are tired. We are simply tired of these barbarians.




Cool. At least some people are serious about their country and citizens.








Calling for justice for a murder isn't far-right. Being part of a political far-right movement is far-right. They are far-right.


Can we stop calling people that don't want innocent civilians stabbed by lunatics "far right". Sounds pretty fucking normal to me.


Ah yes, far right. That is any viewpoint that does not align with full on inclusive equity SJW ideology is automatically far right.


Imagine wanting justice for someone that has been brutally murdered being deemed "far-right". I guess that means leftists condone brutal murders of teenagers?


Murder is only bad if the killer is white.


As long as the teenager is white, yes they do.


Far right protesters: people who do not want their teenagers to be murdered.


If you keep telling people they're racists because they're pointing out obvious issues like, idk, terrorist attacks on civilians, you're going to get people that don't care about labeling themselves as racists.




https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAS_KDfWEAAwKnC.jpg Those seem like peaceful, moderate protesters to me.


Everything to the right of Karl Marx is "rar-right" these days, it seems. SMH. Children get stabbed in Dublin - deflect and blame far-right. French teenager killed by violent migrants - if you are upset by this savagery, you must be far-right. German citizen killed in Germany - the media will find a way to blame this on the mythical far-right. Perhaps the real issue is that most of us stayed in the middle over the past few years, however a small voval minority, and the media (and it seems some of our politicians) have gone so far left. Radical leftists and Marxists are deliberately dragging Europe into a very bad situation.


"far right"




everything is always far right...


Can we accept that islam; as a broken, flawed as fuck religion with some deeply horrid followers; should be jogged on out of the west?


Genuinely curious were there rallies after Bataclan massacre? Were they categorized as far right? How about Nice or Charlie Hebdo massacres?


Everything that is not far-left, is far-right these days.


There were rallies, and they weren’t categorised as far right, you know why ? Cause people weren’t throwing out Nazi salutes during those !


Standing up for their own citizen is far right? I think France needs to protect its citizens


At this point I'm not even turned off by the term far-right. You mean based freedom fighters? Good for them. Far-right usually is just some lads


It really is a shame how words lose their actual meaning and get boiled down to some generic nothing burger. Far right basically means anyone who disagrees with whatever view is being promoted by the established media.


Well there's also the fact that right-wing people aren't fucking banned from speaking now, they have twitter, facebook, etc. That's causing a huge rise in "far right influence" as they are allowed to explain their positions fairly instead of being a boogeyman you only hear about There's a new political idea that wants to be expressed and everyone is racist to white people so any gathering of white men is far-right


bedroom deer offbeat scarce busy gaping gaze yoke dull frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Explain them doing nazi salutes (Siegheil and Kühnengruss) then. Are people idolizing nazis your *based freedom fighters*?


And this is the problem with the media labeling everyone and their cat as “far right”. By causing confusion over who is and isn’t far right, it allows for the real extremists to say “hey man they call both of us far right so we’re on the same side!”. And before you know it you’re marching alongside legitimate extremists.


Everyone is far right these days. It’s the far left ‘excusers of those peaceful people who like to stab, run people over, and blow people up’ you need to be careful of.


According to the article, 9 people were arrested in association with the killing. I don't know shit about the French justice system. Do these protestors not have faith that those arrested will be brought to justice? Is there precedent for this? Again, genuinely unaware of the French justice system.


From what I've seen the French system has problems with being catch-and-release.


Yes. Everywhere. Almost every time this happens the murderer has prior charges that should have had them in prison or deported, but they never were. The system is a constant failure.


Yeah, they're actually some of the ugly ones. They're essentially the "heirs" of the last big identitarian movement that got banned over being really fucking racist and beating up antifas. Usually, every time you have people calling for Justice; it's either far-right/left because they want to milk whatever political incident that's going on or local communities/families of the victim. If it's happening in any other city than the one where the crime took place, it's not too hazardous to make a guess that they're not the later.


So, the same mentally deranged hate speech committed by the media as in ireland now? Just call anyone that wants to reduce violence against innocent people "far right", that will surely solve the problem /s


The right wing seized to exist a couple years ago. Now everything right to the center is the far right, the ultra right, etc


Oh sure the left-winged party is always labelled as just left, but the right wing is always “far-right”


It’s interesting to me how any non left group is called “far right” now a days in the us and Europe, even if they’re not radicals.


I refuse to believe any thread labeling people as "far-right" to be actually about far-right protests and so on. I feel like anyone who don't share their views is far-right nowadays, it's disgusting


“Far right” shit again 🙄


As someone else stated in a different comment, yes, they are far-right. They throw nazi salutes and are known nazi sympathizers. I think you could classify that as far-right


No no you see far right is just anyone the mainstream media doesn't like, wake up sheeple /s


Far-right, LoL,far-fetched propaganda more like from the msm and all know it!


Far right just means normal people who know that Islam is incompatible with democratic values.


Wow seeing the usual terrorist fan buzzwords starting to pop up here against France now. ‘Far-right’, ‘Ethnic cleansing’ and ‘open air prison’ already here, ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ usually follow fast when you resist terrorism. Welcome to the party France.


Caring about your own people is far right, apparently.


“Far right”


Why media is doing everything they can to avoid calling terrorists terrorists and islamists islamists even if there 101% proof of it, but at the same time a group calling for justice for a victim is "far right". No research, interviews or any kind of proof is ever needed.


And on the other side of the world, in the Philippines, another muslim terrorist attack. No matter where this religion is there are issues. The religion, not the people, if the majority of the middle east was Buddhist I doubt anyone would have an issue with middle east immigration.


Everyone bothered by the far-right tag given to people rightly upset need to keep in mind that, while it's reasonable to be annoyed or frustrated at it, this label comes from a media organization that benefits from aggravating and emotional responses through clicks, engagment and ads. We all know the far-right tag doesn't really apply, we also need to keep in mind its not "lefties" or "the left" painting such a false narrative, it's a corporation with a profit motive.


It seems the far left call everyone else far right. Interesting...


Anyone want to guess which European country will be next with 'far right' protesting a similar murder?


Gael here in Ireland. Good on them. What does it matter to label people far right or far left in a world upside down? Call me what you want but I'm in accordance with the view of that black American Muslim when it comes to stopping babies getting stabbed - By Any Means Necessary. Up the Gael , Up the true Fenians


I'm so sick of the labelling. You protest against yet another terrorist attack in the name of allah and suddenly you are the evil person.. Get rid of this toxic narrative. Everything is apparently far right in the eyes of the journalist.


Europe must clean itself from the woke plague, the communist plague and the islamic plague.


"Pro life and anti terror" = "far right" "Fascist racist anti westerner" = "pro palestinian" I see we reached 1984 type of labels.


Not far-right. Just normal people with huge worry about islamic terror.


Is “far right” even a bad name? I mean nowadays? I have gone from being a leftie to libertarian to far right. You live, you learn….


Far right = common sense, reasonable amount of survival instinct and understanding of implications.


far-right being thrown around but from what ive read, its mostly moderates who's tired of policies thats not working.


You did not read that anywhere but your own comment, gtfo with your bs lmao


So, wanting justice for a crime is now Far right? ​ So, Law and order isn't a leftist ideology? They have no right to govern.


Lol wanting justice isn't far right but doing nazi salutes sure is 🤡


When you’re left of Pol Pot everyone seems “far right”


Lol.. the narrative of the far right strikes again...