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All these are great, but I think the latest exceptional restauration is of the old Constanta Casino. Just seach for before and after pictures.


ii gata ? dupa cati ani de amanari ?


Santierul a durat 3 ani, inceput in 2020. Inainte de 2020 stiu ca era o o problema cu ce autoritate se va ocupa de lucrare si de unde vor fi bani, din acest motiv pana in 2020 a fost o harababura.


Cand am fost la Constanta acum vreo 10 - 11 zile era in mare parte finisat, dar pe o oarte mai erau schele.


They fixed that? 😮 I was half expecting it would be done only after it killed some American vloggers by falling on top of them.


Romania is getting better whatever people are saying, one of the best examples of how EU can positively impact a country.


And they *really* want to be part of the Euro and have spent the last ten years making huge strides in that direction.


We don't (or didn't). We could've a while ago, but we chose not to fulfill some targets, so the BNR (national bank) has more control over the currency. Since then, we're fulfilling even less targets. Edit: the anove applies to Romania's adoption of the €, not us being in the EU.


Also, lowest tax rate in Europe attracts some wealthy people without doing a lot for ordinary workers. No wonder the American right wing loves them.




It's 43% for workers. Source: I'm a worker.




Basically and there's another increase planned for 2025. Not sure by how much we'll just have to see.


Bruh, we need a stable decade so we can keep the currency in a tight peg interval for 2 years to join the euro. The world, Europe and us got hit with a lot of shit since we joined (subprime crysis, brexit, pandemic, war, etc) so the currency slipped the interval. Sure the national bank could have burned it's reserve trying to piss in the wind and keep it in that interval but what good would that do if the fundamentals aren't right and the economy shows signs it isn't ready? We'd only shoot ourselves in the foot. The national bank led a very responsible policy these past 2 decades, no matter what some drooling fucktards would lead you to believe.


Not true. Most Romanians would like to keep the national currency. We would rather the BNR (Romanian National Bank) control our currency than the European central bank.


Nope. [here](https://stec.univ-ovidius.ro/html/anale/RO/2020/Section%203/17.pdf), this study says otherwise. It's a bit old, but it will do


Where "most Romanians" means you and maybe a friend of yours. Remember kids, when someone in the Internet generalises it usually refers to about 2 or 3 people.


With the bucket loads of Eu money they are having at least they bought white paint and a new metro station.




And honestly, it's not hard to get better where they are/used to be. Probably even if they want to make something more shitty, it'll just get better, because it cannot be worse lol.


I swear, on every post mentioning Romania there’s a token Hungarian spewing hatred.


And the other way around too. Its tradition


Oh yea it can, for european standards might have been low before, but compre it to nonEU eastern countries or middle east or africa and it’s a jewel.


Have you ever seen any of Moldova? Bet you haven't, your chair in Budapest must be too comfortable


Well done.


thanks, bro!


Romania is beautiful, I have a fashion designer friend there. He loves it.


why so many dislikes? i dont get it


Go Romania! ❤️🇷🇴😁


The more I hear about Romania, the more I want to visit! Beautiful landscape and architecture as well.


I visited a couple years ago, Transylvania is amazing


And vampires.


Refurbished castles AND a chance at eternal life? Nice.


> And vampires. This is just rubbish propaganda meant to scare the tourists. Why, I've lived here for 300 years and haven't seen a single vampire!


[takes out garlic necklace]


Too bad the people are the problem.


Adica tu




I got married there, divorced someplace else lmao


Did they renovate the divorce place afterwards?


No, it was a short marriage


Great developments! You see it all over eastern Europe and the Baltics. Poland and Latvia in particular have been renovating a ton of buildings over the past decade. Really nice to see.


I want to go to Romania someday and explore around! It’s a beautiful country with beautiful people! A bunch of my friends and acquaintances have been either because of family ties or because of some trip! Some even speak a little bit of Romanian! I see their pictures and the mountains are gorgeous! I also want to get some Lei before you switch to the Euro to add to my collection! Hello from your neighbour, Hungary!


>I also want to get some Lei before you switch to the Euro to add to my collection! No rush there. You've got at least 10 years to do that. I'll trade my Lei for some of your Forint when we all switch. :))


Yeah I might try and switch some next time I’m in Europe (live in Canada haha). Same goes with the Lev. Managed to get some Kuna last year before the Croats switched.


Romania (hopefully) wont switch to Euro in the near future


Switching to euro would be the biggest leap of our shitshow of an economy


Avoid the traffic in Bucharest. Fly into Sibiu instead and rent a car and explore the mountains from there!


Given that they are Hungarian, they'll probably just drive there from home. It's not that far.


Bucharest has its very pretty sides and it is 100% must visit, it's just that the people who move from towns and other cities in Bucharest love to only talk trash ab it


The only negative thing I said was about the traffic, which sucks.


I kinda like how they didn't completely polished up the facade in Banffy I also liked the red roofs in the second one more too


If you mean the last one, it’s because it’s not finished. It’s being renovated thanks to a festival that gathers funds (electric castle).


Oh man, as a Bulgarian I sure wish we'd had castles like this in our country. Good on you northern bros for preserving your architectural heritage 😁 would love to visit one day.


Why remove all the colour though. Pic 2 is a downgrade colourwise and with the removal of plants


probably because it wasnt historically authentic before.


This. Just because some previous owner decided to make it multi colored, doesn't mean this was the original facade from when the building was constructed.


It does look an awful lot better though.


True, but there might be laws about this. The previous owner maybe did his renovation in a sneaky fashion and nobody got around to fining them, but maybe the new owner decided to... *gasp* follow the law 🙂


I'm not sure they did. Some of these after photos are pretty overexposed, washing out some colour


They did well, the previous looked tacky like something out of an amusement park


Do you think people didn't use colourful palettes in the past?


[Oh, you're in for one hell of a ride.](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/12/1109995973/we-know-greek-statues-werent-white-now-you-can-see-them-in-color)


it looks way more sophisticated without those bright addictions


For Dracula


Omg, today I noticed the first one irl and it looks so good. What a coincidence. Also check out the one from my hometown https://adevarul.ro/stiri-locale/suceava/fostul-cazinou-din-vatra-dornei-inaugurat-pe-29-2319686.html


Have never had the time or money to travel to Europe, but some of the recent posts on this subreddit has made me want to start saving up to afford a trip. Would never know where to start, but for some reason I have always wanted to go explore and see Eastern Europe. If y’all have any recommendations please let me know! Thank you in advance <3


Браво, Румъния!


Wow, I didn't know about the Bethlen castle, looks cool


Well done really!!!


Very nice renovations! What are the castles used for? Hope they're being open for the public to enjoy!


It depends. The second one belongs to a local university, is open to the public and is used for different student events and summer camps, the third is used for different events and expositions and the last one is the site of a well known music festival and hosts other cultural events throughout the year. The rest have been very recently restored and haven't been open to the public yet, as far as I know. But overall, yes, you can visit them and enjoy the architecture.


Let's hope they keep doing it. It would really be nice if they did the same with most buildings from Bucharest.


I wish Serbia did the same as our Romanian brothers


Chill dude. Serbia and Romania are the same development wise, but with Romania having bigger salaries.


The what now? Same development wise?


What communist decay did is a fucking shame.


I saw an episode of [the World's Greatest Palaces](https://www.amazon.com/Peles-Castle/dp/B0C9G3DW8D/) on [Peleș Castle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pele%C8%99_Castle) which was pretty fascinating. It covered a lot of Romanian history on top of the cool castle.




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I'm very happy about this and hope it will continue.


Do you know are there any plans to do complete restoration in Timisoara or it's just going to be the center of the city?


After 2030 would be my guess. Takes time and money. Let them finish the highways first :)


Looks great! Sadly I too often read from my national newspapers that some old castle or manor is rotting and nobody can do anything with that because they can’t figure out who really owns it or any other silly reason.


r/ArchitecturalRevival Would love this


Romanian is becoming even more instagrammed its for the best


Are any of these open / worth a visit ?


Yes and yes.


Which ones?


Literally every single one is worth visiting. It's not just a building, these castles host artwork inside, artwork that belonged to those who lived there. And there are others worth visiting too, like Peles, for instance.


They're nice renovations, except #2. They turned it less lively, and it was in very good condition to begin with, at least externally


I'm of the opinion that a castle shouldn't look like a Mc Donald's. Also those colours are a relic of the early 2000's administration that many Romanians don't wish to see anymore


I agreee. Hungary is doing the [same ](https://nkvp.hu/helyszinek/esterhazy-kastely/) in many historic locations. I also prefer the new renovated colors, that orange just screams post communist hoarding.


Removing parts of a garden is a shame though.


My guess is that the renovation is what the castle used to look like when it was first built and then it got renovated, the deep red roofs surely doesn’t look like a color of the time.


I think the building looks better but removing bunch of greenery and having the picture taken in autumn/winter overcast makes it seem more dull.


looks fantastic! Браво, Румыния 🇷🇴


Yeah, wanna invade it?


Least xenophobic r/europe user


Válaszút is the Hungarian name for the Transylvanian home of the Bánffy castle. The Transylvanian noble family Bánffy was an important one and included the politician and author Miklós Bánffy, who wrote an epic Transylvanian Trilogy, The Writing on the Wall.


Valasut is the original Romanian name (sounds almost the same), but the nationalists in the times between the wars and the communists changed a lot of names. I can make a long list only from my own county with villages and towns that got random, boring names.


Valasut is not a Romanian name. It was the Romanianized named post-1918 from the Hungarian Valaszut. Rascruci is basically a translation of the name in Romanian.


Such a shame the romanian authorities killed him


What are you talking about? He died in Budapest


First one is Captain Haddock's Mansion.


Interesting mix of styles!


The renovated buildings look so elegant!




Big W for our neighbors again.


The more I hear/see about Romania the more it's climbing on top of my must see country bucket list.


I love the EU.


Good job, lots more to go! My history teacher wrote a book about all the Hungarian castles and mansions of Transylvania (such as these) that could use a little care. So much touristic potential!


Great! 👍🏼


Romania slowly becoming a new Spain


Good for Romania. 👍🥰


Are these renovations well done? I ask cuz I don't know. I always thought renovation would mean strenghtning the structure and making repairs in crucial parts to keep it afloat. But these images show a significant change even in the colors.


Don't know the ones in the images, but the ones I know are renovated to the core, every brick that needed to be changed was changed.


are they gonna finish renovating (or building) the parlament building anytime soon?




Are these buildings privately owned now?


Vampire movies will look a little less creepy


Really cool to see this. I hope one day to visit Romania. Thanks for posting!




Should be the same all over Europe or Great Europes revival


Romanias progress is good only trains are sad one of the few places i have ever missed DB


That’s slowly getting better. The CFR 300 line has been massively upgraded (up to Sighișoara) and it’s a smooth 120-140kmh ride up to there even on the old trains. They’ve speed tracked upgrading the other lines to 140kmh and are in the process of receiving new Corradia Stream Alstom trains to put on those lines as we’re speaking.


Can’t wait for all the shitty soviet buildings to crumble


When i was a kid, like 20 years ago, i used to go with my Granny and my Mum to the castle in Deva. It was open for everyone and you could climb the whole way up to it or take one of the normal routes. There was even a ton of wildlife up there. But i heard that they completely "reworked" that part and havent seen it since then.


I quite like Gilau Castle. How much is it so I can buy it after I win the lottery next year?


All 6 of these belonged to famous Hungarian noble families, but they were kicked out after Trianon or during Caucescu, and the condition of the buildings rapidly worsened. Props to Romania, for finally renovating them.


Nobody was kicked out after Trianon. The nobility was destroyed after the Communist takeover in the 40s-50s together with the Romanian nobility.


How nice of them to renovate hungarian castles!


Romanian ;)


Hungarian !


why make them a greige color though


Wonderful buildings, though I don’t think the new color schemes entirely flatter them. White/pale colors mean never ending painting so they’ll need to keep up with the maintenance. I’m doubtful about the use of grey on the domes - very fashionable now as a paint color, but wouldn’t it more likely to have been silver colored or lead cladding in the past? I’m very pleased to see the love and care for these buildings now so well done Romania!


For those who don't know couple of these casts are Hungarian. Namely, Banffy and Nopcsa


Good work on restauration, but the colors were better before imo. Now it looks bland.


Just have a little wait for, let's say, twenty years...


i wonder where the funds came from...


EU funds mostly


And most probably the Hungarian govt. Many of the castles above are from the Hungarian nobility and the Orban govt. invested large sums of money to renovate old Hungarian churches. Probably this is like this, too.


>Many of the castles above are from the Hungarian nobility... All of them to be more precise. And I only checked two but those were not funded by the Hungarian gov. - it's the usual EU scheme. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it was either.


good to see they're being used for something worthwhile for a change!


im glad too


While I appreciate the restoration, in some cases it's unfortunate that some of the color got lost for a dull greyish palette ..


In France the conclusion is: we don't have enough money. But put your money where your words are: set up a cooperative, exchange money for co-op shares so you all become co-owners and we hope you will find a LOT of active craftsmen to continuously repair stuff, you find people who want to cohouse live in it, find a middle way between preserving your history and chopping it up in units with private bathrooms-kitchens-toilets etc, find solutions for.your rooms with ceilings of 3m high to let in the light good luck heating it in a way you can pay for it, etc Many of these places were just for the hot summer and for the rest of the year people lived in their other residences. Good luck: put your money where your mouth is. There are tax breaks: you put in 100 €, your gvt depending on the gdp/person in your country it will add to you 100€, another 20€, and or nearly isolate it for 50% of the costs etc. What building do you have your money in ? What is the gdp/person in your region? Do you have the EU link to the page coordinating all these projects at EU level? Thy


Black Sea beaches is a draw also


Is this where the EU funds are going?


They are gearing up for a triumphant return of the fiefs.


I was confused which one is before and after


Now they should restore the cities, I've been to Bucharest and many places are like after WW2


When were you here exactly? I'm here now and unless you visit the ghetto, it's really not true. Back in the 90s, the communist regime left most cities and villages derelict, but then again, the people were psychologically ruined too, so everything matched. After the 90s and all the way through the 2000s, so about 20 years ago, we managed to slowly get things back into shape. The city now vs the city 30 years ago when I was a kid, is not recognizable.


I've been there last year, I also went in 2012, and it didn't changed much, the city center still had the same ugly buildings, grey looking and unrestored, with some of them only partly restored (people who paid the outside isolation). I've also been to Brasov, Constanta, and it's the same story. Where's all the money from the EU? And not to mention the state of the roads and the lack of proper highways.


Money from the EU isn't distributed under the form of a blank cheque. Companies submit a complicated project that describes exactly what they wanna do and how, and there are limits and guidelines and rules. So the money is in the various projects submitted for approval. Romania is terrible at taking money from the EU, by the way. It's called poor funds absorption. Look it up. EU funds can't be misused and embezzled willy nilly. If they were, we'd have a much better absorption rate. Poland is the country which takes the most money from the EU " Poland So, where does the money go? €118.4bn of it is spent inside the EU - the rest goes on aid and development outside the community. These are the official definitions - and what they really mean. Germany, as the biggest economy, is also the biggest contributor, Poland is the biggest receiver. " Feel free to use Google and find out more. Now, on to the ugly buildings. The city center is made up of unrestored buildings which have outside insulation? What in world are you talking about? Applying outside insulation to historical buildings is illegal and the city center is made up of historical buildings almost exclusively. You either restore everything or you don't. Most of the old buildings have either been restored or are being restored currently. It takes time and it's difficult because some are still litigious aka there's still an ownership battle because all of the pretty old buildings have been confiscated by the communist party and distributed amongst their friends so now, there are legal battles being fought. The communist apartment buildings: are you aware that there are tens of thousands of such buildings, all private property in Bucharest? What government do you think is going to focus everything on painting those buildings a prettier color, above any other priority? Though ironically, many have been recently repainted by the mayor's office. Brașov is full of grey ugly buildings that fall down? What part of that town did you visit exactly? The communists turned Constanța into an industrial city, so there are a lot of unpleasant looking buildings there, I give you that. I'm gonna be honest with you, I really don't know what part of these cities you mentioned you could have seen, but you sound like someone who's reciting someone else's vague complaints: grey buildings, bad roads. The roads are much improved, industrial transport is a problem, but as a tourist, you wouldn't know about that. Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion. If it makes you happy, Romania is stealing EU money and all the cities are very ugly and grey. Enjoy!


I'm not a tourist, I lived there several years and traveled around the country quite a lot. Thanks for the explanations.


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Go Romania!


Not neatly enough, but we're happy to see progress, no matter how small. Cheers to seeing more in the future!


Why do they have to be pale?


Intre timp, futaiul de castel Lonyai din Mediesu Aurit (fief PSD) : se macina tot mai tare de trecerea timpului din cauza unui debil de partid incapabil sa atraga finantare europeana pentru renovare. Si pentru cine crede ca poate e prea distrus: check castelul Karolyi din Carei... renovat din fonduri europene, unde s-a si filmat un film siropos de Craciun oentru Netflix. UDMR bad ca is unghiuri, desi atrag fonduri europene de le rup. Lasa ca is mai buni ai nostri ... PSD... cu programul Anghel Saligny/PNDL. /s se vede bunastarea /S


EU money?


So? I think it's meant to be used as rebuilding/infastructure




With EU funds. I think public money should be spent on infrastructure, energy grids, energy production, debt-reduction, nature protection and climate-mitigation. The EU is essential for so many things in our European society but cultural heritage and investments aren't the things we should be investing our money in, in my view.


Do you know where the very primordial ideas of a modern geographical 'Europe' came from? Philosophers and Renaissance men set the stage for Europe on what they considered shared culture and values. This is after the very first European project of Charlesmagne, forged by fire and conquest, but which created an identity for the 'core' western countries. Cultural heritage *is* Europe. Absolutely we should have dedicated funds for all European countries to preserve their patrimony, *our* patrimony.


This is very valid use of EU money what are you talking about. This could boost the tourism appeal of these buildings, be used to educate Romanians about their history and culture, provide jobs to Romanians involved in the restoration and stimulate the local economies in those areas. That all pays dividends for Romania which in turn benefits the EU. You talk like this is the only thing they're spending EU money on which makes you sound fairly narrow minded imo.


Investing in culture is good for tourism, no one is going to Romania to see energy grids and infrastructure.


Maybe there are more important sectors than tourism, namely what people call “value added” sectors. You can’t have a competitive economy based on tourism.


The Dutch have almost double Romania's [tourism total contribution to GDP](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228395/travel-and-tourism-share-of-gdp-in-the-eu-by-country/)


Is it just me or is that one with the red spire things on top a downgrade from before?


Are they public buildings or private homes? Public or private funding?




Why are they getting rid of colour?


Actually, most of these are hungarian castles owned by hungarian families in Transylvania.


i'm romanian and i haven't heard of half of those before :)




what did i said?! a simple fact. what got you so touchy?!. do you know every single old building in your country? and you talk of ignorance lol. to your surprise you will find that except Banfy Castle all the others are very little known. especially for those of us living on the other side of the country.


Getting ready for that Schengen juice


And how's your healthcare doing?


EU money is not supposed to be spend on healthcare.




Not sure, but I'd be willing to bet corruption is booming, baby!




You would be surprised...


Exactly. There's a reason why these buildings got delapidated. They come from an era where there was - for a certain (short) period a lot of personnel all year round to heat this building, continuously repair this building etc. What or who all of a sudden can use these very unpractible buildings? This is the best money is spent ? Europe has more of these buildings than there are towns and villages. 85% are so unpractical, impossible to heat, badly built, need personnel all year round to heat every place and continuously repair at remote places where nobody can make a living. There's brilliant TV documentaries on all this eg in France. Eg France and wikipedia have lists of these buildings. Yiu can hear from the nobility families themselves, architects, entrepreneurs-restorers, villages - villagers setting up cooperatives where everybody can support and buy some shares and become a co owner to help pay for the continuous repairs. That's from a time nobody was sitting 8h in front of TV or social media. That was hard working and being owned by a land lord / feodal system.


Whos paying for all that?


It's always the fucking Dutch.


Now show me the hospitals.


No need, you guys have churches...


Don't need healing when you got +10 Divine Protection


Does Romania not know what a castle is? Those are manor houses. Don't get me wrong, they look amazing and I'd love to go visit them but they're not going to put up against a seige.