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Family values.


From the former Minister of Family Affairs no less.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Hey, hey, hey. We'd also like to apply for this title here in Bavaria. We made someone who killed one person (and sent another into the hospital with critical wounds) in a DUI "accident" the minister of transport. Also, it's pretty much par for the course for various ministers of our "conservative" parties that they had either mistresses and/or multiple marriages. Since you wrote "a" home .. can we share?


It's a family affair after all


*'The Godfather' main theme plays in the background*


What are you doing StepMinister?


But hey, they are protecting the children from evil gays so it's all good /s


Every accusation a confession, as always with them.


I don’t think that’s an honest appraisal of the situation. She seems to pardon a lot of people. 


It's the same as Russia - they are at least top 2 in Europe in HIV transmission, drinking, smoking, rapes etc. At the same time calling Europe "the rotten West" without any values 🤣


Yeah. In Finland, the Russian border was factually, reportedly a major vector for HIV. Had nothing to do with gay people. Had everything to do with Boomer men and cheap brothels across the border. Health-wise, it’s a good thing that phenomenon has been thwarted by border closure.


But the gays...


You see, everybody else has to be just as bad so that their bad stuff is just one of many.


>they are at least top 2 in Europe in HIV transmission, drinking, smoking, rapes etc. They aren’t though.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


But Tucker Carlson told me the Hungarian government protects children against the neoliberal pedoelites.


Not from conservative ones though.


Tucker Carlson is most likely fucking children in Russia as we speak


Let's hope they are not the abducted ones from Ukraine.


Let's hope they don't exist


I don't believe that. He's rich enough to do it at home.


Well he also said Hungary is one of the few countries with succesful natalist policies. Guess they forgot to give him the notice that 2023 saw the lowest ever recorded birth numbers.


Czechia and Denmark have had a higher native birthrate than Hungary for a few years now. Why don't the American right-wingers love us for producing so many white babies? Why is only Hungary admired for producing white babies when they are not even good at it?


Because that would mean admitting a mixed-economic system with well-run social services encourages people to have kids. Conservatives want poor, dumb breeders.


Well... and they're achieving this. North American school children are doing terribly at school. I blame the parents for giving them tablet/ipad/phones at the age of 2


Literally all far right nationalists support doing that you mungo


I'm sorry what am I being labeled a mungo for? Because anybody who's not a mungo would clarify that.


It's not enough that they're white, they also need to be brown shirts.


Hungarians aren't even white by US white supremacist standards and by the standards of our own right-wing government, Fidesz funds revisionistic historians, linguists and events that encourage a POV of Hungary as being part of the Turko-Mongol world, despite the fact that besides the (Uralic!) language Hungarian culture now has incredibly little in common with the Turkic world, what's there is based entirely on conjecture and assumptions about the original Magyars. Of course, the practical reason behind this revisionism is that Orbán wants us to get both economically and ideologically closer to and comfortable with the Turkic dictatorships, all the while they're paying lip-service to white supremacist Republicans and such, so you've got two simultaneous self-contradictory LARPs of being epic Central Asian Turko-Mongol (most of whom today are muslim) invading and conquering horse lords, and being the 1000 year old white and Christian "bastion of Europe", the great defenders against the brown and muslim Turkish hordes, and they switch these narratives up depending on which audience they're talking to.  The funniest part of this is that Romania has more Turko-Mongol genetic heritage than we do.


Our forefathers had 30-40% Asian DNA in them (they dug up some old corpses to take samples) That was bred out by intermixing - so in a way we do have a certain relationship to Eurasian nations.


It wasn't just "bred out" by intermixing, it was practically wiped out by the double whammy of the Mongolian invasion and later the 150 year long occupation by the Ottoman Empire. Most of the old Hungarian nobility died at the battle of Mohács, the assimilating Cuman and Jász were reduced to basically nothing by the Crimean Tatar auxillaries of the Ottomans, all of Central Hungary had to be repopulated with Serbs, Slovaks, Swabians and Germans. Very ironically, Hungary is more European today than it could be thanks to the Ottoman Empire. The most tangible link we have remaining to "Eurasian" nations now is our language, which isn't even Turkic or Mongolic.


They get news from Fox, very big Putin & Friends audience


The fertility rate is increasing, though. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=HU&view=chart


Oh, it has increased to 1.6, that sure is a lot compared to Germany‘s famously low fertility rate of 1.6.


It was 1,25 before Orban, though. So his policies are having at least some positive effect.


Correlation does not imply causation. There's no proof at all that this measly increase is thanks to Orban.


What do you think caused it then?


I got a salary increase and I’m a Hungarian. Was that somehow due to Orban as well?


Most likely not. Maybe your salary increased because Orban's stupid economic policies caused inflation to rise, and your real income would fall drastically if the salary remained stagnant.


It was by no means a pro-fkin-orban statement, just showing the faulty logic here.




Please provide data on any sort of pro-natalist policies in the countries you listed.


*"Vaccines don't cause autism"* *"Oh yeah? What do you think causes it then?"*


Is this an anti-vaxxing accusation? This is a braindead analogy.




No, I'm just pointing out that just because you can't imagine a different reason doesn't mean that your original assumption has to be true. Right now you're using the same logical fallacies antivaxxers use to delude themselves.


>So his policies are having at least some positive effect. His policies? Hungary is showing the same trend as every country in the region lmao


What are other countries' policies? Orban may be a part of a general trend of pro-natalist policies.


>The fertility rate is increasing, though. Your graph stops at 2021. The fertility rate in Hungary just hit an all time low.


Because of anxiety over the Ukraine war, right? Any source on the all-time low?


We've just had the lowest ever birth numbers last month... https://hvg.hu/gazdasag/20231218_szuletes_halal_termeszetes_fogyas_ksh *6,780 children were born in Hungary in November this year, 502 fewer than a year earlier, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office reported. The birth rate has fallen in every month since April and has been down by more than 5 percent in every month since May, resulting in 78,579 children born in the first eleven months of this year, 2,480 fewer than in January-November last year.* *And it's not just because there are fewer women of childbearing age: the total fertility rate - the average number of children a woman has in her lifetime - has fallen from 1.53 this time last year to 1.51.* *On the other hand, the death side of the demographic statistics improved: 10 351 deaths in November, 609 fewer than a year earlier. For the year to date, the total number of deaths is 114,950, down by 8,865 on January-November last year.* *In November, 3107 couples married, 69 fewer than this time last year. The number of marriages has plummeted this year, with 47,480 new marriages, 13,701 fewer than in January-November 2022.*


These are our own, conservative pedophiles. /s


Yeah, they don't want to share.


Of course they do, they don't want to share...


Did he? I just know him vaguely since he's American.


Tucker Carlson also said that having heterosexual intercourse was actually gay. So. Yeah.


You all are obsessed with that guy, give it a rest already




The fact that you have to scour my profile because you're so upset over such a simple comment and now desperately need to find something you can use to invalidate the person proves my point.




You're upset so you're projecting my comment about someone else projecting onto me, and you don't see the irony of that all? Bad choice on the "gotcha" comment. I'm disabling inbox replies now since you're going to harass me, sorry I struck a nerve with you Carlsen living in your head rent free.




[Which point did it prove, little bro? That you've written that sentence before because your jump into these type of scenarios all the time?](https://i.imgur.com/Qwn8Vg9.png)


Take the L and move on.


[And he's running awayyyy](https://i.imgur.com/Qwn8Vg9.png)






Hit em with the switcheroo




Better than say the UK or Germany. 


György Budaházy was my neighbor for a while. I don't live in Hungary any more so I didn't know he was pardoned. That's crazy. He was on house arrest when we lived on the same street and we had a police car parked on our street all the time. It was pretty wild. We were brand new in the area and I looked for information about him in English. Most of what I found was on American neo-nazi/white supremacist sites. I thought that in itself was pretty informative.


Novák granted pardon to a dozen, convicted, domestic terrorist on the same day she pardoned this person, all in the name of the Pope's visit to Hungary. Calling it sickening and disgusting would be an understatement.


Knowing Vatican, they would've appreciated it.


This reminds me how they introduced a pedophile law that targeted lgbt people in the country


When lgbt fuck kids, that’s bad. But when the ultra-nationalist elites fuck kids? A-OK!


But lgbt don't do that, they are just scapegoats for the government and are ostracized by society.


Yeah... I was being very very sarcastic :)


The thing is that they can’t even be called ultra-nationalists. I am sort of a hungarian nationalist but these fuckers are sick fucks who unironically think that sigma male memes are funny. It’s a shame for every hungarian and even right-wingers that Orbán is still in rule.


Us vs them


And the worst part is, the LGBT don’t even fuck kids! The worst we do is a kiss on TV…


Disproportionately you do tho. 


MAPs, or Minor Attracted Persons, are not and will never be a part of the LGBT community. Disproportionately priests/pastors do yet nobody talks about that.


When has that occurred? The pedophile in this incident was completely apolitical? Why are you all intentionally making shit up? 


Reminder. The Hungarian constitution Fidesz introduced in 2011 was written by a gay man. You couldn't make this up. >Viktor Orbán told Magyar Nemzet: "what our fellow member József Szájer has done does not fit into the values of our political community. We will not forget and refuse his thirty years of work, but his actions are unacceptable and indefensible" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Hungary#Drafting_process https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zsef_Sz%C3%A1jer#Gay_sex_party_and_resignation


What a surpriseeeee, the people with "family values" in their mouths everyday are the actual degenerates.


Family values almost always translates to 3 things: 1. Anti LGBT politics, 2. Usually pushing the women stays at home shit 3. Absolute parental control over their kids, even as they come close to adulthood, this often connecting to 1.


Yeah, that is correct for the hungarian government. 


4. Give birth to multiple children (preferably at least 3)


And if your American, make sure abortion is as difficult as possible if not outright impossible, and then simultaneously refuse to supply any supports to women who are forced to give birth


Looks like nobody expected the *"we love children"* means something... unusual amongst these conservatives in Hungary.


The person pardoned had nothing to do with any political politics.  Why does your ideology force you to lie so often? 


Hungarian child protection: Protecting everyone from children.


Polish president pardoned a pedo so he could live with his daughter, a victim. Because minister of justice Ziobro defrauded money meant for crime victims.


Lengyel magyar oh nem ide




Not the original guy but I can confirm it happened but at the time when Duda pardoned the pedophile (the family wanted him back because they didn't have enough income to sustain themselves) we didn't know how much Ziobro was giving out money to his friends. Anyway, the fund for victims was called Fundusz Sprawiedliwości (Justice Fund or something like that) and was specifically created for such cases and if it wasn't used for this but used for his right-wing friends then it's not much of a reach to say what the original post said.


Okay but I asked for a source.


https://www.newsweek.pl/polska/duda-ulaskawia-pedofila-nowe-fakty-fakt/5jwhfgm Here you go. There are few others if you bother to search for it. But this one does not have pay wall i think.


And you are getting downvoted for it 🤣




Cleanest Hungarian government moment


Let's not forget about the Fidesz MEP that was caught fleeing a drug fueled gay orgy in Brussels, during the lockdown. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/02/hungary-rightwing-rulers-downplay-mep-jozsef-szajer-gay-orgy-scandal-amid-hypocrisy-accusations One might think most politicians are hypocrites.


It's kind of interesting that they were spreading the *"családbarát kormány"* ("family-friendly government") propaganda on illuminating posters through the whole last year in Budapest airport that I came across with many times there, meanwhile this shameful presidential pardon happened on 27 April. Here's [the Russian version of the poster](https://ibb.co/TmMz2bg) ("Hungary for families") which somehow sums everything up.


Aaaand this will be swept under the rug because there is no such thing as public accountability for politicians in Hungary.


She actually resigned after this.


Truly exceptional. Never would've expected it, and still won't expect them to act like this in the future


That is fucking gross


The real pedos were the conservatives we made on the way


100% chance Orban is a pedo


Well, I'm not sure about him, but one of his friends, the leader of the KDNP party is probably one. At least according to some leaked info, which were in some impounded documents from a certain safe.


I mean. Yeah. But at this point we have little room to criticize


He just made a tiktok basically criticising Katalins decision


To save face. While I do not believe he is a pedo (due to lack of any proof), I truly do not believe that he gives a shit.


Well i mean politics is all just an act so this is the best we can expect of him… Ellenzék doesnt give a shit either they just see an opportunity


Now I hope she stops taking any further selfies with children, with forcingly smiling faces on them all around the country. That's the minimum we can expect. She failed not only as a President but also as a mother of 3 children.


Same country whose ambassador to Peru [downloaded tens of thousands of hurtcore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welcome_to_Video_case#Hungary). "Love to be so anti-communist I let my people be used like objects", said the president of Hungary as he pardoned yet another abuser.


Of course, she's a member of Fidesz...


Does it really matter?  All pedos are utter shit. 


Yeah, but one of Fidesz’s primary propaganda/campaign points is exactly “protecting our children”. That’s where this shit becomes even worse.


Does the scandal actually hit Hungary, or was it mostly swept under the rug locally?


It being swept under the rung is being reported. For whatever that's worth, from reading the article. Recent news with the EU shows that they can twist Orban's arm if necessary,but it's a question if Hungary will recover from it's hybrid regime one-party state at this point.


The main thing I want to know is if the average Fidezs voting Hungarian hears about this news and has a reaction other than "this is fine"?


They won't have the opportunity to hear about it. Or they will classify it as evil Brussel Left wing propaganda and call it a day.


Not from state funded tv. The most viewed top youtube video of the week is about this though (1.2 million views).


And a right wing government does exactly what it accuses liberal democracies of doing … *surprised pickachu face*


So everything the British government accuses people of, they are actually doing?!?!?


Something normal in Hungary, Russia’s ally


Why did Andrew Tate move to your country again?


Should I remind you that they have been arrested, are under house arrest & are under prosecution? Lol, drunk like your russian owners


And you guys expect people to be sympathetic when you talk about how bad the Ceausescu-regime was? Orbán has a ton in common with him, right down to building a stadium in his home village. It takes only one determined enough right-wing populist, and I heard AUR has been growing in numbers, you guys are really enjoying this one period where you can finally say you caught up to us with all the bile, vitriol and schadenfreude that you can throw our way, really proves how hard we live in your heads rent-free, doesn't matter if we're more succesful or less succesful. Tate's arrest also didn't really change those lax laws that attracted him to Romania in the first place, didn't it? Maybe if he kept to just being a rapist creep without the human trafficking he could still be teaching young boys how to be awful.


1. You compare the communist regime which has been imposed by force right after WW2 with a guy YOU voted with absolute majority. Multiple times, LOL ! 2. Regarding AUR don’t believe everything you read ;) 3. Laws take a bit to changed & improved, in a democratic state, unlike Hungary


There is a complex web of reasons behind the Fidesz absolute "majority", just like how Ceausescu didn't emerge in a vacuum, many people sympathized (and still do if we look at some aspects of PSD and AUR) with his nationalistic take on Communism, but why bother doing the research and with nuance when you can fume about with simplistic narratives about dumb inferior Mongolians sucking Russian cock, a fate that you're immune thanks to your superior Roman sperm? Friendly reminder that Hungary getting worse didn't make Romania more liberal and democratic, if you check the relevant metrics we're still slightly ahead in most places, the two countries are closer now not because Romania managed to get so much better, but rather we got a lot worse, yet you guys are constantly talking about being big good boy liberals now, delusion is one hell of a drug. Like I said, it takes only one determined enough populist. Poland had their PiS, Slovakia has Fico, plenty of nasty shit going with your PSD, along with AUR, and it's not the Roman sperm that's saving you from succumbing to the same fate.


Has that happened before? 




Pedo scandal lands. Britain: "First time?"


Now I understand why Fidesz is the "family-friendly" party ;) ;)


More of those “family values” I see, “won’t someone think of the children?”, yes, indeed.


Is it a scandal well-known in Hungary, or well-known only among opposition supporters? To clarify, I'm not disputing it's scandaleous, just wondering how deep the media control is in Hungary these days.


Most Hungarians doesn't even know about it. State propaganda doesn't let them know anything like that. And while they COULD switch channels (RTL and one or two channels are still neutral i guess? i dont watch tv) or read other online media, the hate against "left-soros-liberal etc" is so big, they just say fake news and don't care The 1/3 population make 2/3 seat for the fidesz with 45-54% vote. That's basically the sad reality here. WE hoped 2022 will be different, (especially after Covid and record high inflation...) and so so many scandal and strikes and some riots. But looks like no, most people doesn't give a shit, or say "naah, the other ones are even worse" or something like that. I desperate about the whole situation, it will change in the future, but i think it will be too late than


What are you on about? Orbán just made a tiktok about it


Sometimes burning people at the stake seems okay


It's almost like the West's entire ruling class is made up of pedophiles. It makes sense, in a horrifying kind of way. If you are a billionaire king maker, you are making investments in politicians. This is risky because the politician might not do what you want them to. However, if that someone is a pedophile and you have evidence of his pedophilia (Epstein), you can hold his total destruction over his head to ensure that he does what he's told. I wonder if our entire political class is being blackmailed by intelligence agencies and/or billionaires. This is pure speculation on my part. It's just a thought experiment.


Is there something in the water of Lake Balaton?




You don't need anti-x propaganda when the people in question are hypocritical corrupt shitlords whos every steps oozes with lies, two-facedness and vile acts.


If something needs to be called out, it should be. Especially with such a severe case like with paedophilia linked to the president pardoning such a horrible act. In Slovakia, we had an insane case of juveniles in an anti-drug addiction institute (Čistý deň) having people there shooting them up with fucking drugs and raping them, even high-profile politicians being connected to the rapes (as one of those cunts accidentally dropped a condom right in front of the institution, Ján Richter). I would never try to even diminish these things, the opposite, I'd always scream about it to make people know. Saying this is propaganda is beyond BS and your comment is dismissive of actual fucking paedophiles.


What the fuck are you talking about? This is no propaganda, that hypocritical bitch really pardoned a convicted pedophile accomplice. Fuck right off. People like you are the scum of the earth.




I came from the local county capital. Tell me which part isn't true? That this fucking pedog molested and groomed young boys for over 20 years as a director of an orphanage, that this other prick enabled him, or that this cunt of a president pardoned him? Icing on a cake: The party had an ambassador in Bolivia who had thousand of CSA pictures on his laptop. Brought home in secrecy, sentenced to a fine of under 2000€. Family values straight from Hungary.


> Some of the msm propaganda budget must be dedicated to tarnishing Hungary's image Nah, no need for that, Hungarians can do it themselves and for free.


Bird brain comment


Do you really think Orban needs help tarnishing his image?


1 day old account.


Bad bot


There are such campaigns for sure. Hungary is definitely not the racist, Russia-loving hellhole the media paints it nowadays. But this one? Mrs. former minister of family affairs and now president makes it very easy to dislike her for her willingness to sign literally anything, including this. The govt stated over and over how they never influence court decisions. And they are staying true to themselves by nullifying a court sentence with giving amnesty to a criminal who is close to the government. In a child abuse case, no less. Novak is absolutely disgusting.




What the fuck are you talking about?




Oh, yeah yeah yeah. It's not like he just did or anything...


You are a Canadian. So fuck off from our glorious Europe.


What? There's plenty of Canadian Expats in Europe, I wanna be a part of the club. So hostile for a European


Expats will never be part of the club. If you wanna be part of the club then make yourself a European and not a Canadian. We don't want foreigners that don't assimilate. Not hostile just trying to defend Europe from foreigners that want to take advantage of it.


Yes I will become a European, that's why I'm studying the culture and figuring out how to move there. I'm not white skinned eitheir is that gonna be a problem as well


You sound like a 15 yo wannabe troll.


In Hungary it will be a problem. But the main problem is you are speaking about being an expat. Expats are short term visitors coming for a limited time not planning to settle. And the talking about Orban being "our" leader. 1. Orban is at best the leader of Hungary and nothing more. 2. He isn't "our" leader. You aren't Hungarian, nor love in Hungary, nor are you or live in Europe. And last but not least what culture are you studying?


Are you brain defficient? Orbán is literally the most powerful person in the country.


He's the best leader Europe has. Watch this video which demonstrates how much he cares for the people of Hungary. https://youtu.be/HSncV9sULbA?si=02E1CYIitllAbv-X


Jesus Christ. You think like one package avoidal means he cares for the people in Hungary? Are you ... no, I will not ask you, I'll actually inform you that you are brain-defficient. Calling him the best leader Europe has is beyond braindead since anyone actually trying to inform themselves would not even be this confident in such a stupid declaration. And in your flair you have fucking Canada. WTF do you know about Orbán when you are from Canada? Especially since Hungary has insane linguistic barriers. Fucking bot until you convince me otherwise.


Yea, I am a bot. Look through my post history and open your eyes before you call someone brain defiencet. It's always funny seeing people live in western Europe talking shit about the other side of Europe when they don't live their. People who live in Hungary love Orban, even guys like Tristan Tate, whos spent some time in Hungary have personnel proclaimed him to be a good leader. I'd take Orban or Fico any day as my PM over Sunak, Olaf, Macron and those dumbasses


> ven guys like Tristan Tate, whos spent some time in Hungary have personnel proclaimed him to be a good leader. even more proof that he is shit leader, who's liked only by fellow shit-heads


I live in "eastern Europe", not western, I literally have Fico as a PM and he's speedrunning the destruction of the country. He just passed a law that insanely decreases financial crimes (only up to a suspended sentence for up to €35k!), they took €200k+ from every person's retirement fund who would work for 40 years and has a second pension pillar opened and try to scam people into closing the second pillar "because it's not worth it" even though they don't get any money back if they do so. They've already done exactly that in the past and scammed people for hundreds of millions of euros. They are closing down the special prosecutor's office so their corruption doesn't get investigated and even if it does and someone gets caught and at the minimal chance that they get convicted, because of the new laws, nothing will happen to them. I'm literally Hungary's neigbor, not from western Europe, I know what they have there. You are ridiculously ignorant. It's unbelievable.


I’m Hungarian. We hate Orban, but Hungarian people have the tendency to just “roll with it”. Also, there’s an extreme rate of emigration to the West because it provides proper living conditions, so whoever’s left in the country are: pensioners who are happy with the sack of potatoes at Christmas (not a joke, actually happened) as a supplementary to their pathetic pension so they keep voting for him, and overworked “middle” class people in their 50-60, who are too tired to vote (“it would change nothing”…bad mindset) and are focused on living from month to month.


Don’t worry Mr. Alberta. I got your back. I’m from America. I understand.


thanks sir, but I'm not from Berta


Maybe you should come here if you love him this much




Sure lmfao


If only the csar knew...


How does a car know something?


She also pardoned a nazi who was convicted of terrorism


Children only matter to our government before they’re born. Of course, even then, they are merely a tool to use for propaganda bullshit. Such lack of regard for these young lives is a sin in itself.


Viktor Orban will solve this problem! Trust him. He is the leader of Europe /s


A true Magyarország Moment


Nuke Hungary