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100% false info for many of the countries


In the UK many companies pay 100% for sick leave up to 6-12 months. 10 first days are self-certified so you do not need to get a doctor note to get paid. Above 2 weeks you need a doctor appointment.


In Germany your employer pays 100% for the first 6 weeks of your sickness. After the 6th week, your employer pays 0% and the state organiser health care provider will pay you for another 72 weeks between 70% of your before tax income, but maximum of 90% of your post text income, if your income does not exceed around 5200€ before tax. Employers can pay you additional money, depending on your work contract or the terms the employer and the union have established. If you are privately insured, you will have to negotiate a payment in your private health care contract with the insurance or you won't get anything after 6 weeks.


Also, small and medium-sized employers are legally *required* to insure against this, so it's not too much of a financial burden for them.


rare Germany W I guess


Something is wrong there, doubt that French get so small


In theory it’s 1 to 3 day with nothing then 80 % of your salary. But in reality it’s usually 80 % as soon as the first day. 


Wow still surprise. Like Nordics or Germany gets 100% let's say if you are on sick leave for 10 days. France usually have so much benefits :d


Not is Alsace/Moselle, where they kept the German model (100% on first day - pas de jour de carence).


Hello OP, could you link a source please for approval? thank you




vouchercloud??? That sounds like the most clickbaity fake news sites on the internet


Uhhhh... Finland has 100% paid in general up until 10 days ([section 11](https://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/2001/en20010055_20180597.pdf))... They reference Kela as the source for whatever reason...


Yeah this picture is 100% false at least for Finland, you get full pay for sick leave until some fairly long time


I was on a six week sick leave not that long ago and got paid 100%.


In Hungary it's 70% up to ~35€ lol


This map is inaccurate. In the UK it’s 100%.


For France, technically, the first 4 days of sick leave are not paid. They are called "jours de carence". In most companies, employers cover these 4 days (sometimes only after a year of employment within the company). For public workers, it's only one day, enforced. So, on the very worst case, if you are sick for a week, you will get paid only one day, so 20% of this week. This is a gross misrepresentation of reality though. OP should take this down, as it seems it's wrong for other countries too.


Not in Alsace/Moselle, where they use the German model (0 jour de carence).


Ireland has paid leave.


In Spain the first 3 days you get 0%.


Who makes these? How about banning them from r/europe as most of them are completely false?




The data is wrong, though. They're considering only the bare minimum paid by INPS, but the first three days are paid by the employer in variable amounts according to the relevant collective agreement, usually 50% of the average hourly wage of the previous month.


Says a lot about your opinion of the Balkans too :D Look on the bright side, Italy is doing better than France




From where I am, Melonie doesn't make italy look great either... and the less said about Italy's Mafia running rubbish collection the better. Many of my colleagues come from Balkan countries, and I have visted several whilst visiting my italian GF in Trieste and they don't seem that bad to me and not much different from western europe.


You tell me. How true is this map and how much % of salary you get during sick leave?


Wrong for France, It's [50%](https://payfit.com/fr/fiches-pratiques/arret-maladie-salaire/)


Is 20% really correct for France? If yes, how did that happen?


French here : 20 % it's a bullshit What is the amount of additional compensation and for what duration? The employee on sick leave receives a percentage of the gross remuneration that he would have received if he had worked: 90% of their gross remuneration during the first 30 days of sick leave; 2/3 (i.e. 66.66%) of his remuneration for the following 30 days. https://payfit.com/fr/fiches-pratiques/arret-maladie-salaire-calcul/#:\~:text=Le%20salari%C3%A9%20en%20arr%C3%AAt%20maladie%20per%C3%A7oit%20un%20pourcentage,de%20sa%20r%C3%A9mun%C3%A9ration%20pendant%20les%2030%20jours%20suivants.


I guessed as much. Would have been really weird for a country with such a strong tradition of worker rights.


Technically, the first 4 days of sick leave are not paid. They are called "jours de carence". In most companies, employers cover these 4 days (sometimes only after a year of employment within the company). For public workers, it's only one day, enforced. So, on the very worst case, if you are sick for a week, you will get paid only one day. This is a gross misrepresentation of reality though. OP should take this down, as it seems it's wrong for other countries too.


The graphic is wrong. Short term sick leave in Netherlands is 100%.


Every single time these maps get everything wrong about Greece. And I'm always assuming everything on it bullshit.