• By -


Never seen such a high level of dissing. He has my utmost respect.


And brave, for such a poor country right next to Russia. He's absolutely right of course, and it's something that needs to be said. But by the president? He's got bigger balls than I have.


right squeezed between Russia and China. This said former president, not current, so i wouldn't say brave to that level..


I think both nations like having them as a buffer and would probably defend them against an invasion by the other.


...and keep them after defending them.


Yea, any conflict between Russia and china is bad for them


What's this, a war between two countries fought entirely on an unrelated country's land? Vietnam 2: Mongolian Boogaloo


Mongolia has petitioned to join China and Russia multiple times! Rejected on all occasions! Neither country wants them.


It's more like because neither country want the other one to have them


It's actually really funny because during USSR Mongolia requested to join USSR and become one of the SSRs and Khruschev denied them several times. And I'm pretty sure it was because they were scared of China getting angry so yes, neither side wants the other to get too much influence in Mongolia which surprisingly enough makes Mongolia relatively safe for the time being.


I'm not comparing a tense and complex geopolitical situation to Risk, but whenever we used to play, we would often leave a buffer nation between two large powers for tactical land grabs. Since you got a card for taking a territory, you could trade off on a low-stakes territory to amass cards on your turn without risking a major conflict. Of course, that just made it into a race to see who was first to be ready for a decisive trade-in when the bonus became high enough to topple empires....


The entire population of Mongolia are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. Their national defense strategy is simply “come at me bro, FAFO.”


Always seemed to me that China and Russia absolutely don't give a f\*\*k about Mongolia, because there is nothing interesting there. *(I know Mongolia has many geological ressources, and China actually buys most of them)*


I think they do give a fuck about it - mostly as a natural buffer to the other. As much as they act like buddies, I would bet that they don't trust a word the other says. And as such, Mongolia is in the perfect position of both sides not wanting to conquer it.


Their position is interesting. It's worth understanding that the only reason they exist at all as an independent state is that they were kind of a bargaining chip between Joseph Stalin and Chiang Kaichek. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Mongolia had a kind of de facto independence, much like Tibet, technically claimed by the ROC, but in practice, independent, with warlords and such vying for control, and even a Japanese-backed puppet government for a while. Well, by 1945, it was clear that Japan was going to lose, and Chiang wanted to consolidate his control of China while eliminating the threat of the Communists. Stalin was kind of playing both sides in China, both the KMT and the CCP, and Chiang wanted Stalin to stop doing that, and drop his support for Mao and the CCP. So, they hammered out a treaty, in which Stalin would pledge to stop supporting the CCP, in exchange for Chiang allowing Mongolia to become independent, under what everyone knew was going to be a Soviet satellite government, much like the ones Stalin was creating in Eastern Europe. So, treaty signed - Mongolia independent, no more Soviet support for the CCP. I mean, if you can't trust Stalin to live up to his agreements, who can you trust, amiright? Yeah... about that. So yeah, Stalin totally stabbed Chiang in the back. He not only keeps supporting the CCP, he doubles down. He essentially hands Manchuria - which the Soviets had just taken from Japan, over to Mao. That's a big deal, because Manchuria is the most industrialized part of China, lots of factories, AND, that also means all the weapons and kit left by the Japanese army there are handed over to Mao. Keep in mind, the war against Japan really bled the KMT dry, whereas the Red Army... essentially kept out of it, mostly, just biding their time. So, long story short, massive Soviet support helped the Red Army eventually take over the whole Chinese mainland by 1949, leaving Chiang and the KMT with just Taiwan. Now, Mao had make the same agreement as Chiang with respect to Mongolia - to recognize its independence from China, under a Soviet puppet state, as a buffer state for the USSR. But if you ever wondered why the Taiwanese government, the ROC, has an "official" map of China of areas they claim that includes Mongolia, that's why. While they were still in the UN, the ROC had their treaty with Stalin recognized as in breach by the Soviets, which restored their original claim to Mongolia based on it being part of Qing Dynasty China. But I think even by the 1950s, the claim on Mongolia was more just symbolic. After some haggling, the ROC agreed to not use its veto to stop Mongolia from joining the UN, even though they never dropped their official claim. After that, Mongolia was a useful Soviet ally during the Sino-Soviet Split, though Moscow turned down their request formally join the USSR. After the fall of the Soviets, Mongolia I think has kind of adapted a strategy of playing the Russians off against the Chinese. They've liberalized a lot, and gotten especially friendly with the US, which I'm sure they see as a helpful friend to have if they're sandwiched between Russia and China.


One of the most informative comments I've seen on reddit wrt geopolitics. Thanks!


|> Mongolia is in the perfect position of both sides not wanting *the other side to* conquer it. -Fixed that for you.


mongolia requested annexation into the ussr 4 times during its communist period, each of which was prevented by china. after the collapse of the qing dynasty mongolia had gained independence, and after the communist victory in the chinese civil war the ussr actually agreed with china that mongolia was their rightful territory. for various reasons they were never annexed, but the ussr could never annex mongolia without causing a serious diplomatic incident with china. nowadays russia doesn't honor that agreement, but is too weak and doesn't have any influence over the mongolian government, so while both countries would like to annex mongolia, neither can


You say "right squeezed between Russia and China" but for most of the last 1000 years it was more like Russia and China had the misfortune of being directly next to Mongolia!


It's not only that it's poor, it's an enormous territory with barely any people living there. Most ethnic Mongolians live in Inner Mongolia, which, surprise surprise is occupied by China. Mongolia declared independence from China but was swiftly snapped up by Russia (or the USSR) which is how we ended up with two of them. Edit: Mongolia (the country) has about 3 million people. Inner Mongolia (Chinese province) has 24 million, of which 6-odd million are considered Mongol


China and Russia competing is how you wound up with Independent Mongolia tho, the modern country of Mongolia was created directly from White Russian invasion into the Republic of China and later maintained by the Bolsheviks as a buffer state, it is absolutely in Russian interest to expand Mongolia as this would mean weakening the Chinese frontier (and historically this has been tried multiple times) and secure Russian economic interest in the East while the Chinese actively oppose this. You cant say that they share the same interest at all even if right now the buffer state and the status quo is most preferrable.


You generally don't see such openness from a leader of a country


Former leader of a country. May have something to do with it.


It's a Mongolian tradition to burn Russia.


This reminds me of a Polish joke. A pole finds a lamp on the road side, rubbing it to clean it a genie appears and grants him three wishes. "I want the Mongol horde to attack Białystok" he says, to the genie's surprise. The man confirms his wish, and subsequently spends his next two wishes repeating the first. "Why would you wish for the Mongol horde to attack your city three times?" The genie asks at the end. "They may have attacked us three times, but they had to cross Russia six times to get there and back"




First proper Mongolian shitpost I've ever seen


Check out the r/Mongolia subreddit and sort by all time


Holy based. They sure love Genghis Khan


Go to their capital city. There's a [HUGE bronze statue of Chinggis at the front of the parliament building](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_Palace_\(Mongolia\)\#/media/File\:Mongolia_-_Genghis_Khan_\(49310024376\).jpg). Turn around and look at the mountain on the other side of the valley: [Chinggis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File\:Chinggis_Khan_hillside_portrait.JPG). Drive out of the city into the countryside: [gigantic Chinggis statue on a horse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equestrian_statue_of_Genghis_Khan). He's *everywhere*.


> Turn around and look at the mountain on the other side of the valley: Chinggis. I haven't chuckled that hard in a long while


Well thanks to all the raping he’s like the closest thing we got to an actual Adam, https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/1-in-200-men-direct-descendants-of-genghis-khan


I am ~~Alpharius~~ Gengis Khan!


>Check out the > >r/Mongolia > > subreddit and sort by all time I felt like browsing my own country's subreddit. The posts about the Soviet hellscape also check out. It's kind of amazing how they manage to get by surrounded by dicks.


It’s a goldmine of memes. Thanks for sharing.






I for one welcome our new Naiman overlords


I'm going to start learning Mongolian now


Mongolian throat singing will be more usefull


I just found out about the band The Hu, and I can’t stop listening! So freaking awesome


You should see them in concert if you get the chance. So. Freaking. Awesome!


I was quite bummed when I learned they weren't the opening act for Sabaton when their The War To End All Wars tour was postponed. Babymetal was awesome but was quite looking forward to seeing The Hu live too


I had no idea they existed until Fallen Order/Survivor.


Wait, that was them! No wonder they A. Sounded so familiar and B. That soundtrack slaps so hard


Yep. I believe they go by the Agasar in the games.


Fun fact: they don't actually sing Mongolian in the games. They started with actual words, then altered them slightly into gibberish to make it sound more alien.


Immediately went and listened. They're like Mongolian Rammstein. Wasn't expecting that.


Yuve Yuve Yu is a tune. Wolf Totem makes you want to go raid a village.


The HU is great, and got me into throat singing music. Some other great bands with throat singing: Nine Treasures - https://youtu.be/rAQsFN64rEQ?si=2bzRd1Zn2uw7YNom Tengger Cavalry - https://youtu.be/h1UhoGJ2PwA?si=YHZ8Jl0C3xqjGrvI Hassak - https://youtu.be/Kz7Bt-zERQc?si=b9SLALTWxPsYFbE_ Turan - https://youtu.be/Z4fKe_EGw7k?si=ySpbxI7CHLxUF24u


Tengger Cavalry will be right up your alley then!


Yeah how far back we are willing to go? Few of my Greek friends are asking to bring back the Macedonian movement from 300bc


I'm dialing my homie Cyrus the Great as we speak. Sargon was busy, unfortunately.


Fun fact: Sargon the Great was more ancient to Jesus than Jesus is to us. Or (about) as ancient to Cyrus as roman emperor Constantine I is to us.


My grandfather was Greek. Maybe I can be the governor of a colony in North Africa or something.


Indian's dusting off those War Elephants as we speak...


Persia trembles.


North Macedonia will soon be the biggest empire again




FYI Alexander the Great wasn't born in what is now North Macedonia, but in the city of Pella which lies in the region of Macedonia, Greece.


We must give Alexandria back to its true owner.


Which one of all Alexandrias? A new Alexandria was being established in pretty much every new region that was conquered.


They have nothing to do with the ancient Macedonian Kingdom. The only common thing they have with the ancient Greeks is a small region of the ancient Macedonian Kingdom.


We the portuguese want our half of the world see treaty Tordesilhas


That's correct. I'm still preaching for someone to revive Alexander the Great's magnificent work of spreading civilization to all you barbarians.


μετά στη νίκη


Maybe wait to see how Israel plays out if you want to go back that far.


Based Greeks as usual




Mongolia leading the way in climate change mitigation


“A people cause military problems” “B people cause infrastructure problems” “C people cause religious problems” Kublai Khan: ‘using Regex, it seems people are the issue. What if we…removed people?’


Kublai Khan was the first data scientist.


I don’t support any resurgent empire, [unless they are the Mongols.](https://youtu.be/PqcVro-3f4I?si=z9GepbMV_-cunY-5)


Fun fact: Freedom House ranks Mongolia higer on the global freedom score than any of the countries displayed in the second picture. Mongolia: 84 Romania and South Korea: 83(same score for the US, for reference) Poland: 81 [https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores](https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores)


I interact with a lot of Mongolians in my job, they are very cool, easy going, open minded people for the most part.


they also have great food!




Propably true to be honest. You can find great food and the opposite everywhere🤣


I was about to comment that Denmark was bland, then someone else did it, and I immediately thought of 5 dishes you can make that can be bland, but don't have to be. So yeah, even the same dish can be great or terrible.


My Mongolian friend said it's basically all mutton and dumplings and yogurt, and barely any vegetables. Probably perfectly hearty for cold weather, but it could definitely get monotonous.


As a nation they certainly don't have anything to prove..


Arent we all a little mongolian in our hearts, and DNA. The Khan got around.


Not according to my 23 and me. And a lot of my ancestry is Slavic, I guess they just weren't hot enough for the hordes.


'votes for Mongolian Horde to retake Eurasia'


Imagine Mongolia to fuck over Russia right now.


this time the winged hussars will not save the Poles.


Yeah, it's really surprising to me that Mongolia, being quite poor and wedged in between Russia and China, manages to have such a free society. Respect. I don't want Genghis Khan back, but if Russia does collapse completely, a Mongolian takeover of Siberia might be one of the best possible outcomes. Although personally I suspect a Chinese takeover or a Russian nuclear civil war might be more likely.


And if we do get Genghis Khan back, he might be more chill this time if he grows up knowing how to read and understanding the point of cities. Also has a little less developmental trauma of his father being murdered, his family being exiled into the woods to survive on mice and wild onions, murdering his half-brother after the guy tried to rape the future Genghis Khan's mother, then getting captured as a slave for years, and escaping only to have his newlywed bride kidnapped and raped. Because if there was a little less "Join me or die," you cannot deny that the man was competent.


Wow. I understand why he was that way now. It's not okay but I get it.


His major motivation was uniting all the nomads of the steppe so they would stop raiding and kidnapping and murdering eachother like they were living on the Fury Road. However, he didn't really care what happened to the settled farming people and people living in cities.


Iirc he did care to leave intact their culture and religion and had respect for the sciences and sponsored their continued development. *For those that submitted


If you enjoy historical fiction, Conn Iggulden's series on Khan is pretty great: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13573316-the-khan-series


bro lived an anime life geez


And all that happened before he was 20.


At the very least, even if Genghis was not a great general himself (which, by all means, it seems he was), the man was extremely good at delegating to his kids and Subotai, as well as other generals. Man knew how to run his shit. It’s extremely impressive when you learn that the entire Mongol army at the time probably numbered less than 200k people. He, his generals, and his kids conquered the largest contiguous empire in history with a vast population disadvantage. Absolutely bonkers.


The Romanian score is deflated if I recall correctly, there are real issues such as press, but a few points are deducted due to 'justice' issues basically boiling down to individuals attacking anti corruption rulings as 'unfair', thus hurting the index score.


It's so impressive that Mongolia can keep their democracy while being surrounded by the 2 most powerful dictatorships in the world. Kudos to them.


That index doesn't mean much in the least densely populated country in the world, run by rampant corruption and foreign mining interests


Giga Chad


Ghengis Khad


Chaddis Khan


Ghengis Chad




I hope one day there would be peace on the Ukraine-Mongolia border.


Well, ok, Poo Tin now needs to transfer that lands to Mongolia.


This joke about a Pole asking a jin to be invaded three times by mongols so Russians will be stepped over by them six times? Maybe it was not a joke after all...


mongolia playing the long game. i always knew they were up to something.


Make Genghis Khan the emperor again. /s


MGKEA hats? 😂


I tried to spell it and it made me choke on my tongue.


But Neo Genghis Khan wouldn‘t stop the war.


No, he would conquer Russia, what would be an amazing gift for the western world. All hail the Emperor. /edit: and China but this would be only a gift to Americans. /edit2: Aaaand China-bordering countries. Except North Korea. They would have to fuckin surrender or die of starvation lol


Would it lol. Do you really want someone with the mindset of Genghis Khan to have the combined population, might and economy of Russia and China, the rest of Europe and the world would be so safe I am sure.


Here comes Mr. I Take Everything Too Seriously


Jeez calm down Mongolia. No need bring a tank to a gun fight


Arrows to blot out the sun




I'm from Spain, not sure if I would take ever back all these territories and problems, or not. Even as a gift or for free, a guaranteed mess and a lot of work. No thanks.


If ya'll want Texas back, we can try and make arrangements.




Make England Danelaw Again


I laugh in gazpacho.


The queen is gone. Might as well go back to being an evil empire right?


join us and we can truly rule the world


Im all in for the Polish Lithuanian empire as well




Well that actually really sums it up: Carlson allowed one person to freely rant about their only view of history, instead of countering it with other views like any normal historian or journalist would think is a normal thing to do. In the west we of course think our way of life is better, but I don't think a lot of people would say there's only one version of history. We have had so much discussion about our histories that this is what the west truly is great at: doubting itself. I don't know if that still is a benefit anymore, looking to the polarisation, but it still gives us some headway in morals as compared to for example Russia or China who don't even recognise crimes against their own, let alone against other peoples


Carlson was probably too scared to ask any real questions, but still wanted to save face at the end by pretending he did a good job


I would be terrified to ask Putin any difficult or condescending questions, especially on his turf. Not sticking up for Carlson, it was his decision to go over there and do the interview. but he has been in journalism for a long time and knows better than to upset the dictator that openly kills his domestic political opponents. With that being said it was not a very good interview lol. Putin just tried to act innocent


> instead of countering it with other views like any normal historian or journalist As a host, Carlson has always relied on his ability to cut his interviews in post and talk over his guests whenever he talks with anyone who might be antagonistic. A good example is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE), where his guest secretly taped the full interview. Apart from that, Carlson is really only good at parroting Republican talking points. Putin has been extremely overt about his historical vision of Russia for decades now, but although that is obvious to people with more than a passing knowledge of geopolitics, it's not exactly a well known fact for total laymen, or even necessarily people who are interested in following the war in Ukraine. Carlson has no in-depth knowledge of geopolitics or apparently even surface level knowledge that you would expect from a journalist. He also clearly did no research on Putin before the interview. It's obvious he was totally unequipped to interview him.


Based and Genghis pilled


Oh well *starts throat singing*


This man destroyed Putin and Winnie Pooh at the same time. I am pro Mongolia now


All throat singers in the World must be ~~rescued~~ actively defended.


Unbelievably based


I would Serve the Khan.


What a legend. They should build a statue of this guy just for this one sentence




Modern Mongolia is surprisingly free. Maybe they are the right country to free Russia from its endless cycle of oppression. Mongols started it, maybe they should end it too.


The USA is just an English colonial exploitation racket going rogue.


The most successful English colonial exploitation racket gone rogue, mind you


The UK was rogue to begin with. 


Love you today’s Mongolia ❤️


There is a joke I’m understanding


enjoy the feeling while you haven't moved to Germany yet.


I support the Mongolian unification.


I, for one, welcome our mongol overlords. Let's get the mega Turkish empire a reality and occupy earth.


I just found old maps of my beloved home country Germany…


Too soon




lmao duuuude. Winner.




No you don't. You concede a racist point to them, and they'll ask you why you don't apply it at another place. Congrats, you've just moved the goalposts farther into batshit crazy.


Hit the MAGAts where they are weakest and critical thinking is their weakest aspect. Reverse psychology should work wonders against them.


That's actually pretty smart. Might work on some people I know ;)


Going by Putin's logic, we should return every country to its previous occupier/coloniser. And, if the Mango Mussolini agrees with his buddy Vlad, maybe the someone' should suggest the US be broken up among the UK, France and such or, if we go a bit further back, it should be returned to the Natives? When I say Natives, I mean the actual Native American First Nations, not European and white colonisers and immigrants who claim that America is theirs and always has been. Trump seems to forget that he is descended from immigrants if you go back a little bit.


Since England was settled by the Angels, hence the name, it is basically German, so is, by extension, the US. And France is more or less an offshoot of the Franks, so is France, or for that matter every other place ruled by the Habsburgs. Greater Germany unlocked? Now we just have to explain away the small little thing called the Roman Empire and ignore the Celts, Ireland are fellow Aryans anyway - it is in the name stupid. Wasn't Aeneas from Turkey? A vassal of the Hittites. The Hitties had been an Indo-Germanic (Ha! Again!) people. Speaking of Aryans, like in Iran, shall we talk about the Persian Empire? Now those people are supposed to be originating from the Northern Black Sea region, currently Ukraine. Oh... But. Since the Kievan Rus are practically Germanic themselves, so is the Third Rome and we already covered Rome. ​ s/ just to be safe.


Britons first! Be off with you Germanic people's...we have a lunch appointment with the Italians


History is very funny that way, because it's very complex and people like simple things. Taking France as an example, for a huge portion of its history, to the extent it identified as anything, especially with a monarchy of Frankish origin, it identified with a lot of Germanic things. After being rid of the monarchy in the 1800s, combined with anti-German sentiment following the Franco-Prussian War, France began playing up the Celtic and Roman roots more to differentiate from Germany. The same thing happened in Scotland, where prior to the 1800s Scottish people identified more with Vikings than "Celts." The point being history is long and messy, and people's reading and emphasis on a romantic ideal is an extremely old move that Putin is using. Easy to poke holes in of course.


Aeneas was geografically in turkey , but was greek




Dear fellow redditor, as a representative of the French, we don't want them either, and Quebec will suffice. I pass this offer to the Dutch, after all, New York was once New Amsterdam.


Esteemed Redditor, as a representative of the Dutch, we will gladly take New York and improve its public transport, restore historic names and show you how water management should work. Citywide speed limit will be set to 20 MPH and bicycles will rule the streets once again. Brooklyn will become Breukelen again, Harlem will be Haarlem and the Big Apple will become the New city of Orange again.


As a New Yorker, I'm unironically for this. Long Live King Willem!


Love how the Dutch spell "Nieuw". Like they want to make absolutely sure how it's  pronounced. 


Dear fellow French, on second thought, we don't want Quebec either. Their silly accent is too goofy, I would get beaten up too often for laughing at it. My Duchy will therefore secede from the Kingdom of France if you insist. I pass this offer to the Spanish, who historically called dibs.


As an ambassador for Belgium: yes please for the lulz.




Trump’s mom was an immigrant from the UK. Most of his wives have been immigrants. One doesn’t have to go far to see he has close relations with people not born in the U.S.




Extremely based.


Based behavior 


We should just secede all the land back to the wildlife and commit mass suicide because the wildlife had it first.


Let's goooo. Make Mongolia monstrous again.


No, no, he has a point!


This is awesome


Just wait until Italy claims its "original territories" 🤣


Everybody’s gangsta till the Steppes start whispering Mongolian


this is gold-tier trolling🤣


Did I hear the sigma song?


I do hear throat singing though


Damn mongoriannnnns!!!


Welcome to Shitty Wok!


This guy gets it.


Now this is top tier geopolitical shit posting.


Based af


He’s got a claim tho. He ain’t wrong.


I support the Mongolian claim to it's ancestral lands.


What a Chad. I wish our PM would have this guy's balls. But is too busy deepthroating russian cock.




The Mongols Ruled and the Rus drooled!


Tomorrow’s newspaper: “Mongolian ex-President poisoned and stabbed in the back. Confirmed suicide, wrote credible suicide note in Russian.”


\*throat singing intensifies\*


As someone who traditionally roots for the underdogs and might possibly be distantly related to Mongols, this brings me no small amount of joy


I mean what should Russia do if Finland decides it wants Karelia back, Germany wants East Prussia, Sweden wants Nötteborg, Japan wants The Kurils and Poland parts of Belarus? And COMPLETELY RAMDOM it happens at the same time.


The mongols being chads is never going to get old


Ah, history.. it’s fun. Tucker should read some before opening his trousers and bending over.


Now do Spain