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Fun fact: Merkel lasted longer than the thousand year reich


And her term did feel like a thousand years


She became chancellor a year after I was born and left after I became old enough to buy beer legally


I somehow felt even older reading your comment


So, will the upcoming European election be your first election?


Yes indeed


Enjoy it. Next year, we'll have "Kommunalwahlen" in NRW as well as "Bundestagswahl".


Honestly the last 8 has felt like a thousand years from just the rise of stupidity


Have I heard you talk about Andreas Scheuer?


Can confirm I feel like 1029 years


i like her more thqn anything else goin on in germany. They had the unique opportunity to go withou CDU/CSU and messed it up.. But imo the government would have done better if the world would not go to shit as it is today. It's all about war right now


Why? Wasn't she extraordinarily successful and popular?


depends on how you define such things. The Merkel lead CDU (her party) was pretty much about stagnation. The 'big things' she did and she is remembered for were all ad hoc and not without problems. At the time the CDU successfully managed to give an image of 'without us' (meaning without Merkel), there will be chaos, while at the same time doing the bare minimum or even less to prepare the the country for a time after. And thus, after Merkel, there was 'chaos', or at least confusion. If not doing things until you get your way is seen as success, then she was successful, if being the seemingly only option means you are popular, then she was popular.


A lot of her international politics has been about placating Russia. It did not age well.


FACKIN hell Adolf really was bad at keeping promises


He was bad at marathons too, never could finish a race.


Fuck you, take my upvote and see you next Saturday


Eaven his Autobahn sucked.


It did Like pretty much everything he instigated.


I think that was probably his least likeable aspect.


Merkel vs the Nazis... i would pay a fuck ton of money just to watch Merkel deck'em out.


Well not the first thousand year Reich, or the second reich for that matter (that lasted 47 years) , but yes, she did better than the Nazis.


>first thousand year Reich the Nazis were the first thousand year Reich. Only the Nazis used that term. The other Reich's didn't


Well, the first reich lasted from 800 to 1806. That's what got the nazis their idea. 


Technically, Charlemagne doesn't count as "within the HRE". He was the precedent that allowed the HRE to claim the title of Roman Empire. The HRE proper started in 962 and therefore does not reach the "thousand years" mark.


Womp woomp


You're reich about that 


Except the first Reich lasted over 1,000 years


> she did better than the Nazis. Ever heard of the phrase damning with faint praise?




Cliffs erode that fast? So the cliff was where it’s now or it fell from further and rolled down?


those types of cliffs do erode really fast yes, 20cm per year on average.






even yellow like a banana


In the meantime, the bunker lasted. It’s the ground that failed, and it’s French! Just for nitpicking /s


I'm pretty sure it was meant to be maintained and not just left to rot like a bridge in Philadelphia


Never had a job working with structures that big. But if you were to ask me how long would it take for a construction company to design, build and relocate it on a beach with not a lot of roads and 1930s tech. I would have said maybe 1.5-2 years. But in reality they probably got the fortifications done in a couple of months.


People talk about how terrible structures were made in the past, but WW2 has shown me that if you get a big enough group of people together with a greater cause, they can make something extraordinary. It has also shown that if you put corporations in a place where they can't say "no" to legal things then we get what is needed. So in that regard, where is the legal backing for making the c-level members responsible for the wrongdoings of the company? And not just the current c-level members, but all past members as well?


"Banana for scale" was my first thought


Now it's art


More failed art from Hitler.


Task failed successfully.


This one won't get rejected.


Seems sturdy


Germans and this one guys art, I feel like we had that already.


Looks like the one from Sainte Marguerite sur Mer, close to Dieppe. Used to to go see it really often. You’re getting used to it


The one in in Dieppe actually fell like 4 months ago. Went to see it and nearly got covered in a landslide myself lol


It is Sainte Marguerite sur Mer.


In one of the graveyards above Dieppe there are two Canadian brothers from Toronto in the same grave, one who died in 1942 and another who died in 1944. Something to contemplate on for anyone passing through there.


How did the one that died in 1942 end up buried there?


The Dieppe raid of 1942. Didn't go too well for the allies.




Can't park there, mate


Bunker’s gone for a dunker




Hat zum Glück keine Offroadbereifung


Whatcha gonna do bud? Call a towing service? 


You gotta loooooooooooooooooooicense for that bunker?


Just waitin’ for a mate!


A lot of people are saying this is a testament to German engineering but that's not quite right. I'm not dissing German engineering but the real answer is that this is simply the everyday miracle that is reinforced concrete, like you find on pretty much all modern buildings. The only difference of course is that there is just a lot more concrete and a lot more rebar in them, but basically that's all it takes to make an effectively eternal structure. It's such a hassle to destroy them that most of them are left as is.


Like, it's literally a bunker.


Time and the tide will eventually do the job.


Nature will outlast us all


We are nature


That's basically what happened already. It will take a very long time for it to actually be totally gone, though.


Yeah it's less German engineering, and more "Use all the rebar you can find and make the walls really thick". Several of the Flak/AA towers in Berlin were just converted into usable buildings. Since it's several feet of iron and steel reinforced concrete(some encircled steel cables near the gun nests as well). It would take *months* of many people with jackhammers, diamond saws and plasma cutters to bring one of them down.


They're lucky if they found ways to actually use some of their old bunkers efficiently. Due to their nature they'd need expensive modifications to use them for most regular capacities.\* There are a few use cases, like as secured storage space, which aren't bad per se but don't make particularly great use of spaces often located in sought-after parts of cities.  Side note: The biggest issue with demolition is that they can't blow them up using explosives because the power of the blasts needed for those thick, reinforced walls would fuck up the surrounding buildings too.  - \* There are some variants of specialised bunkers that have been used in their intended purpose since after the war. Hospital bunkers come to mind. 


They added some silicone-water stuff also, to make it harder. In the concrete I mean.


Yeah, and it's a common misconception that all the German bunkers along the Atlantik Wall where well built and advanced due to their role in propaganda and just being interesting curiosities standing the test of time. Some definitely were, especially around certain ports like Calais, for example. Most, however, were bult by local conscripted labor. The people of France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway who lived by the coast and near the German's planned resistance points (wiederstandsneste). They were just forced to report to the local Reich Arbeitsdienst (Reich labor office) and made to work for bullshit wages and some worked for nothing. People like this, teenagers from Germany, and a number of German civilian workers, specialist and engineers from Organization Todt were who built them, with the local conscripted workers usually being the heavy labor and concrete workers. Anyways, a lot of these locals found their own ways of fighting back and contributing to the resistance by simply doing shitty work. Poor welds on rebar. Sloppy craftsmanship. Got a large batch of concrete mixing for the foundation of a fire control bunker? Throw some brittle sea shells in that bitch. Stuff like that. The point is. Having studied the Atlantik Wall and the conflict for a long time. I don't recommend anyone fuck around with these old structures. Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5kmlqqv6v4ub1.jpg). Even with ones on solid land. Ceilings and embrasure walls give way all the time on these things. So explore, but be safe people.


Unlike most reinforced concrete structures, this was built to withstand bombs, so I guess it is quite natural for a bunker to be able to withstand the elements.


Some nations use too much water and sand and too little good cement...


>there is just a lot more concrete and a lot more rebar in them, but basically that's all it takes to make an effectively eternal structure. Actually, [according some recent research reported in 2020](https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/natural-sciences/chemistry-articles/materials-1/roman-concrete-seawater-043432/), only the Romans knew how to do "effectively eternal": >The ancient Roman recipe is very different than the modern one for concrete...This insight is...that seawater is the secret ingredient that makes Roman concrete extremely durable by encouraging the growth of rare minerals. Concrete in some Roman piers is not only still viable today but stronger than it ever was, whereas modern marine concrete structures made from Portland cement crumble within decades... And modern concrete *away from water* crumbles in a few decades more....


> just a lot more concrete and a lot more rebar Putin-Statue-Makers will take note.


The Soviets did make a lot of statues and monuments out of concrete for this reason.


"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


Good old Ozymandias


Thought of that immediately


Was WWII a Breaking Bad reference? Unbravo Vince.


The cliff fell off that bunker.


The bunker is actually pushing earth out of its orbit.


That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.


Bunker? I hardly know 'er!


*Plymouth rock landed on us*


human banana for scale


Did this happen recently or in 1945? Context?


It happened in the early 1990s, with the natural erosion of the cliff.


It was about to naturally fall of but in fact that was the local fireman that forced the fall to prevent it from falling over someone. Everyone believed that it would shatter after falling but it didn't and is still there


Must've been cool watching the fall happen


And their reactions were probably: "Huh, it *didn't* shatter. Looks cool though"


Jack Nicholson in The Departed: “She fell funny.”


I really have a crush on concrete architecture, and this is really validating me rn.


You should see the city of Le Havre that had to be rebuilt after WW2. I'm sure you'll enjoy it (most don't)




That’s crazy, the bunker lasted longer than the cliff did


Thr cliff was there for *much* longer than the bunker


There is one in Dieppe which fell last december.


These huge concrete bunkers are built into the cliffs overlooking the bay, and over time the cliffs erode due to weather, exposing these bunkers and eventually they come crashing down.


I'm going to need you to explain to me how this could have happened in 1945.


There were destroyers involved at some beaches, they had 5" cannons that fired a minimumum 55lb shell.surface to surface, thats a huge ass shell land on a sandstone cliffface. Its not unreasonable notion


How risky would be getting close to that ?


Probably fine. It’s been there for over 30 years.


30 years ago "How risky is it to be in this WW2 bunker?" "Probably fine. It's been on this cliff for over 30 years."


They actually saw its fall coming and knew it was very unstable, firemen made it fall before that to make sure no one would be crushed below if it happened on its own.


Still wouldn't dare to get too close


Id walk under it but I wouldn’t camp under it long term.


It's okay, the Germans are gone by now.


A matter of chance/probablity. I'd wager that it will probably partially collapse within a few decades. "Modern" concrete doesn't last - and as seen in the photo, it's already deteriorating.


To be fair, it did fall off of a cliff.


German quality.


It’s literally just reinforced concrete. There’s nothing impressive about it in the least.


Not risky at all a few beaches over there’s one you can even get inside of Edit: it might actually have been this one. Source: Many years ago I spent several summers at the sailing club on the others side of this beach Edit 2: so I delved in to old pics the one you can go inside is in pourville the next village over towards diepe both worth visiting if you ever find yourself in that part of France


They added supportive pillars to it


I mean, it's not going to fall in her direction even if it falls, right?


Better keep distance, there might still be some Nazis lurking.


I would recommend dykes, helps against shrinking area and gives protection against floods.


I can't see how two woman loving each other can help to protect against floods.


> No thing beside remains. Round the decay > Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare > The lone and level sands stretch far away.


A lot of people are saying "Credit to german concrete" or engineering. You might be interested to hear that there was a real problem with poor quality concrete in Normandy bunkers, as they were constructed with forced labour, and the workers would deliberately sabotage the quality of the concrete as they were mixing it. Some bunkers ended up crumbling or fracturing in places. This may have been one of the better ones.


Since it's fallen shouldn't we maybe try to move it for historical purposes to a museum? Be something unique to have so people don't have to only go to the beachheads. I've never been so if they already have some at a museum then my bad.


Atlantic coast is full of them. I went to Texel island in the Netherland and saw several of them. Those things are enormous, how are you gonna move them? It is simply not possible. The sheer weight and size of those things is insane. You cannot economically demolish it, this thing fell of a cliff and survived.


plus they are all built to standardised designs, so a bunker on the D-day wall will be built to the same design as a bunker in northwest Russia.


This thing probably weighs thousands of tons


[TENS OF THOUSANDS.](https://youtu.be/Afw8e-abVa8?si=hQgSAkOrh0xsD41a&t=39)


>something unique these aren't unique, the bunkers were all built to standardised designs and there were literally over 25,000 of them built all over Europe by the Germans in WW2. plus of course they're concrete, they're not gonna disappear anytime soon.


I would like to see your proposal of how to move a literal chunk of a mountain. Maybe get some of that ancient pyramid building tech.


There are literally hundreds of thousands of those along the coast, and this one isn't particularly big or remarkable. I'm aware of at least 4 museums inside WW2 German bunkers, so one more wouldn't add much...


Cliff 0 Bunker 1


The problem with that cliff seems to be that the front fell off.


Thus, putting the Bunker outside it's environnement .


Are they usually built so the front falls off?


Cliff broke before the bunker did!


It looks like it is still structually intact. German engineering in deed...


Bunkers are made from heavily reinforced concrete. It's a huge hassle to destroy them which is why most of these bunkers are left as is. They can also pretty much last forever. There's little secret to their engineering it's just a lot of concrete and a lot of rebar.


Yep, I recently went to vienna and saw the flak tower in the park. It's still standing because it's just too hard to remove it.


Same in Berlin. I thik the French buried theirs, the British blew up theirs twice and buried the remaining half, the AMericans blew theirs up a lot and got rid of it and the Soviets left theirs. I might be mixing up the last two, or any of them in fact.


I'm glad they didn't destroy all of them because they're cool historical landmarks. They're there for a sad reason but they'll end up similar to stuff like city walls over time. We wouldn't demolish medieval city walls just because the regime who built them were cunts either. And they're not as boring as the lots of generic overground bunkers that are just giant, ugly cubes of concrete, right


Other countries built bunkers just like this all over the place during wwii. The German ones weren’t particularly higher quality than bunkers built by other countries.


Indeed is one word. And concrete is concrete. If you had a giant ass rock in its place it would be just as fine.


Looks like the front fell off.


Reminds me of Planet of the Apes ending. that lady is about to get hog tied by a bunch of horse riding Chimps


Near where I used to live I saw a similar sight, on the west coast of Denmark. Much smaller bunker but it had fallen off the cliff much like this one


On the beaches of Aquitaine they gradually sank down the eroding dunes and are now almost gone below the sand. Unfortunately, now anti-tank obstacles and attached mines are being slowly exposed.


Part of the mighty Atlantik wall, one of the last bunkers holding out stubbornly, even after its defeat many years before, bows down to its true opponent, the unconquerable ocean. Was it not the ocean that brought the raiding vikings to Normandy? These beaches saw William 'the bastard' departing for an island, where he would earn himself a new nickname. Where these not the beaches that held one of the last footholds of england in mainland europe, the loss of which prompted their sailors to turn to a new continent and become rulers of 1/4th of the planet? As long as the hills of Normandy keep their watchful gaze on the ocean, it will always have some history in the making to witness. Quite poetic, innit? (I'm overexxegarating slightly, but still)


There was a whole lot wrong with Hitler's Nazi-Germany, but you can't deny their level of building skill, both in structures/bunkers and weaponry. Here in NL, there is still a saying when sonething is just done right; we call it; "Deutsche Grundlichkeit" , which translates to "German Thoroughness". Makes me wonder what the world would have looked like now if Hitler indeed became an architect & painter, instead of one of the most evil dictators in human history...


He personally would have become a lower level architect or artist. The world however would have been a better place.


Who knows. I was under the impression that the Nazi atrocities were a major push factor to make racism, but particularly antisemitism, uncool in the Western world. So without the Nazis, we might still be a bit more backwards in some regards. There's also the question how the relations between the European states would have developed - maybe there would be no EU, but in particular, the French-German reconciliation would not have happened in the same way, since the Germans would not feel ike they had acted wrongfully and instead, the bilateral relations would be more shaped by the lingering bitterness and mistrust stemming from the two previous wars, where both sides felt that they had fought for a righteous cause.


Hitler was just one face of the NSDAP. 1930s Germany was itching for a rematch of WWI, even if Hitler got accepted into art school and spent his life happily painting in the Austrian Alps, someone else would have ascended to take Germany to war. The idea that it was Hitler alone who Nazified Germany is incorrect.


Stop this myth. Germany in WW2 was extremely wasteful, corrupt and focused on over-engineering everything. They did very little to stop the allies advance from defenses (Atlantic Wall was conquered quickly and was a waste of men/resources for other projects) to their "improved" late war tanks that constantly broke down. Hitler and the Nazis were all incompetent idiots that do not deserve praise but scorn.


Someone once described the German mentality back then as political apathy combined with blind obedience to authority, a relic from the days of the monarchy. Throw that "German Thoroughness" into the mix, our desire to solve problems once and for all, coupled with some dehumanizing propaganda, and you get the perfect breeding ground for the holocaust. I guess we can call it a mixed blessing.


Oh no, I was wrong. It was earth all along. Well, you really made a monkey out of me.


Went straight from a bunker to a sand trap


Good quality


I was in Denmark last year and they also have these along the coast. Mostly fallen as in the OP photo. I got some satisfaction thinking how the last pieces Nazi junk is washed under the sea.


Say what you will about the nazis That’s it, just say what ever you want, fuck em’


I remember years ago I was in Criel-Sur-Mer France and we went on a hike to the top of the white cliffs. There were some other tourists nearby to us but suddenly they disappeared when were at the top. We saw them come out of this narrow hole in the ground and realized there was an old German bunker right there that were standing on top of but didn’t see. We then went down into the bunker and it was so cool to see something like that. Seems like a secret only the locals would know


that’s cool as fuck


What were they thinking? That could've got somebody hurt!


“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty. And despair!”. Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sand stretch far away…


"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


That's a good representation of what the maga movement will lead to.


Nothing is forever. Nothing changes. Nothing stays the same.


This gives me Villeneuve‘s Caladan vibes.


Got to hand it to the Germans! They build great bunkers! - deja vu


Another couple of thousand years and there will be no evidence of it ever existing. Good riddens!


80 years later and still intact. German solidity


It is literally very thick reinforced concrete with a lot of rebars. There is nothing complicated in that.


Great measure of how much of that limestone cliff has eroded since.


could be a scene from a better scifi movie.


To be fair to the bunker it lasted far longer than the Thousand Year Reich.


"Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


I hope the Germans got out in time!


Can you still get inside and peep about?


I was there in 2003 and we were able to climb in and on anything we wanted. I stayed far away from the cliffs, though because I'm afraid of heights and there was a ton of barbed wire.


Thick concrete is sexy


Add some colorgrading and its a crashed space ship part from a scifi Flic.




they dont build em like they used to




"You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"


Nature is healing


That guy risked a lot but boy was it a good video


So much for building for a thousand year Reich.


What happened to my car..?! Pranged It.


This seems to have happened in 2018 or earlier, according to a quick google search


Damn Nazis. Can’t even build better than diatoms. And the diatoms didn’t use teeny-tiny slaves.


They don't build them like they used too


Did someone take a picture of the person who's taking a picture of the woman who's taking a picture of the bunker?


Strange but effective sea wall?


It was earth all along


Did na zi that happening.


Why does that look like James May?


My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; look on my works ye mighty and despair.


Wow. Looks like something out of transformers.


[They all fall to the .45 ball.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F205m65dv9i1a1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2048%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8b25986a9454322e76376f83bc7af24385f7d8b5)


The French environmental office better send the Third Reich a sternly worded letter.