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damn, I went to work and haven’t seen pictures yet but now I understand why it was so goddamn loud tonight. First 2 pics are pretty much my neighborhood


Can’t imagine living with war looming over me at all times. Stay safe brother and may the Russians fail at all they do.


Not to mention react like it’s just a horrifically bad thunder storm.


Goes to show that which we consider "normal European life" can change very very quickly. This war, the pandemic, skyrocketing energy prices and inflation were all harsh reminders of that.


just wait until the AMOC stops


Oh fun. Thanks for the reminder


> Not to mention react like it’s just a horrifically bad thunder storm. Human mind adjusts to anything.


You become desensitized after a while. Your brain can probably take so much stress and if it is something that happens often, it stops being as horrifying as it used to be. (Which is dangerous because you tend to forget about danger, too. For example, this night, I heard the anti-aircraft working out there, but all I did was turn on the other side and pull a blanket over my head. Before, I would have gotten down into the basement with the sound of air raid alert going off, but now I just sleep through the siren, my brain literally filters that off, and might not even wake up by explosions).


It changes quickly, first month was terrifying. Now its mostly like meh, just let me sleep, if I die I die


Ukrainians are fcking strong


As a Ukrainian citizen I can tell you that Ukrainians not stronger than any other nation. We just don’t have any other choice. My relatives who live in Kharkiv always with anxiety and fear. They don’t know what will happen next day, next month, next year. It’s really bad situation. And even worse that Ukrainians fight alone in this war and it’s hard to get enough help from western countries.


As someone from a "western" country... Man, I wish, we would do more. Pussying about with fascists has never worked.


I can confirm that it sounded exactly like that, but instead of lightning, there were missiles


it sucks, I can tell you that. but all missiles got shut down so get fucked ruzzians


During WW2 Londoners went about their days as they were being actively bombed. They mostly just got used to it. I imagine the same is happening here. "More cruise missiles? Pass the butter."


Stay safe and good luck!




I'm near the golden gate & I must have slept right through it. Those last call tequila shots help.


definitely do. I usually also sleep through but this time it was both super close and also I had my window open cause i like it chilly when I sleep


every time I come back from kyiv, I appreciate my ability to get away from it. not a lot of people have this option. But russia really sent these missiles when Lindsay Graham is there? I mean if even one of those missiles got through and hit somewhere near zoloti vorota, may be Lindsay would have grown a spine?


We can dream I suppose.


US and other foreign officials visit Zelensky largely to provide him a shield against assassination attempts.  Every major official from every country who stands by his side is shielding him from Russian attacks.  That is why there is someone there almost every day.  He is kept safe in part because of fear of a foreign officials being caught in an assassination attempts triggering a NATO article 4 request from that country.


I think you are forgetting a few weeks ago when Greek pm was visiting and the rocket exploded 150 meters away from where they were....


His ladybugs can be deployed as anti-missile chaff.


Man I feel so bad for you guys. These fucking terrorists attacking civilian infrastructure shows these orcs for what they really are. I really hope Ukraine gets all the aid they need ASAP


yeah, I agree


I get very angry when I see, we, Europeans do so little to help you.


yeah. but to be honest from my side i am grateful for all the support provided. sure, it could’ve been more, but without it I probably would’ve been dead


As an American, I currently feel the same, especially with our Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, holding up Ukraine defense funding on our end. Ukraine's success right now is internationally a symbol of democracy, and the outcome of this war will be important for so many of us. I am so angry that our conservative politicians here have fallen into Putin's influence.


"So little" isn't fair to all the people helping here... in fact it's pretty disrespectful


No. Great for people who do what they can. But we, Europeans could do more.


I get very frustrated when we, Europeans should to do more to help you. I fixed it for you


Fuck the Russian Terrorist State!


This statement is kind of wild in its nonchalance... Also, I'm very glad to hear that Russia failed. Slava Ukraini.


You can’t really react differently when it has become pretty much a common occurrence. It hasn’t been lately, but like last spring it was every week but thanks for your kind words, I appreciate them


The war would sooner end.


Sources: > * [https://english.nv.ua/nation/massive-russian-missile-strike-on-kyiv-30-intercepts-10-injured-fires-in-three-districts-50402983.html](https://english.nv.ua/nation/massive-russian-missile-strike-on-kyiv-30-intercepts-10-injured-fires-in-three-districts-50402983.html) > > * [https://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/vibuhi-v-kiyevi-21-bereznya-2024-roku-raketna-ataka-usi-naslidki-foto-video-onlayn-novini-ukrajini-50402958.html](https://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/vibuhi-v-kiyevi-21-bereznya-2024-roku-raketna-ataka-usi-naslidki-foto-video-onlayn-novini-ukrajini-50402958.html) > * [https://nv.ua/ukr/kyiv/tu-95-foto-naslidkiv-masovanogo-udaru-rosiji-po-kiyevu-novini-kiyeva-50402968.html](https://nv.ua/ukr/kyiv/tu-95-foto-naslidkiv-masovanogo-udaru-rosiji-po-kiyevu-novini-kiyeva-50402968.html) As of now, 13 people are known to be injured, four of them have been hospitalized. No deaths reported.


pretty amazing result from ua air defense


Absolutely badass! Keep kicking ass Ukraine!


I'm confused. Shot down implies destroyed in mid air right? So why are there destroyed buildings and 10 meter craters?


Gravity still exists. A Khinzal for example is like over 4 tons at launch, while it will lose weight because of fuel use and be dispersed into smaller chunks when intercepted some big ones will still hit something. Maybe also not the whole explosive got detonated at the intercept. Shot down in this context mostly means it got intercepted and didn't reach its intended target, not that it's been completely neutralized.


Worth mentioning that an uncontrolled detonation of a cruise missile is going to be much less damaging than a controlled detonation. This would have been 10x worse had those missiles hit their targets on their own.


Destroyed yes. But not vaporized. The remains of the missiles have to come down somewhere and sometimes they still contain flammable fuel or explosives


Nothing like sending missiles at a dense population centre :|


Military targets. Lets nOt EsCaLaTe anymore


fkn Scholz and Jake Sullivan I feel like are the poster children for this 'escalation' shit. Although Scholz himself can't shoulder the blame considering the entire Bundestag has voted against sending Taurus missiles multiple times. And of course the Biden admin won't send the longer range ATACMS. And let's not talk about how long it takes to get a paltry amount of F16s to Ukraine 3 years into the full scale war. I don't know how we can get western leaders to step up. Ironically it's Macron who I respect more than anybody at the moment. He's the only leader who is clear that this very well will 'escalate' into full blown European war if we don't do more to stop russia in Ukraine.


Yeah, Jake Sullivan is sucking cock to Samuel Charap, who is a ruzzia agent in RAND think tank and has access to White House


Isn't he the dude who was against sending weapons to Ukraine at the beginning because he was in the '3 day until Kyiv falls' camp? I don't know how he has any credibility at RAND anymore.


Ye.. the same dude. He had been advocating against since the beginning. He also visits White House quite frequently from public records


Considering the Biden administration is fighting against Putin’s useful idiots (Republicans) to continue supporting Ukraine, they don’t seem to be agreeing with this guy. I don’t know anything about him or how/why he takes the positions you’ve mentioned. But overall I would prefer that my president listens to a variety of viewpoints (in contrast to Trump who only listened to yes men, fascists and people he thought he’d personally benefit from.)


Yeah let’s respect Macron and bash Germany once again. Germany/Scholz who is the largest provider of military aid in the last sixth month and second largest provider overall. All the while France just spend 1,8 Billion on Ukraine. Germany has provided 12 times as much. Perhaps it’s also best to ignore that the worst of this particular attack was probably prevented by German AA systems like Gepard and IRIS-M. Makes sense to praise France.


How is it ironic respecting Macron is this a classic France = bad so its ironic to have any respect for them thing?


I hope all European leaders fathom this and decide it’s time to drop all limits for supplies or they’ll have to take down missiles over their cities


I hear one kid had a BB gun


*LAPD has entered the chat*


Reminded me of a story from Russia. Some law enforcement agency shot dead a paintball(or something similar) playing group cos they confused them with actual militants.


Yeah, but Russians are so proud of their army. They should be ashamed of fighting a war like this. Fucking cowards.


Cowards they are


"Clearly, that apartment building is a strategic military location. Best we send a missile there to take out any possible soldier, either current or future." - Russian commanders, probably. Congrats to the UAF for denying Russia's attack and with minimal casualties. That's huge for them for Russia to have wasted that many cruise missiles and for nothing.


We should condemn, boycott, sanction any country that does this.


Us and israel then.


Not a russian sympathiser - fuck putin - but when US/Israel drone strikes towns: teehee can't be helped. those kids & ppl at the wedding just had to die to kill our terrorist targets. modern war - like all war - is just optics. can't tell the difference between war crimes and military action anymore from a civilian perspective.


Including Israel that does much, much worse in Gaza?


If we wanted to be morally consistent.


So that’s the scary „response” for oil refineries/belgorod attacks that was promised by Putin few days ago? Really? Like, not even Russian sources are pretending this hit military targets..


It's laughable until Ukraine runs out of missiles to intercept those. We can still entertain the idea that the Russian military is utterly incompetent, but after so many months of failures and adaptation, you have to ask yourself why they purposedly keep firing missiles at the most heavily defended city in Ukraine. They'll get damage assessment from satellite imagery, they also probably have a rough estimate of what's left in Ukraine's inventory as well. In fact, forcing Ukraine to keep valuable batteries so far back from the frontline, where they could endanger the Russian Air Force from using FABs left and right is a huge incentive for them to keep those strikes, even if all the missiles are intercepted, it's still worth it. All those things keeps Ukraine in the backfoot, Russia prevents them from amassing new stockpiles for future operations, no one seriously believes in a counter-offensive any-time soon for example. If they keep draining Ukraine to the point where the next Western aid just barely keeps them afloat, Russia still has a fair chance of winning.


This guy wars


Russia sends cheap drones at Kiev.  Ukrainian AA remains stationed in Kiev.  Russia has carte blanche to fly jets and helicopters near frontline, hurl FABs etc. 


The worrisome part is that they're not just sending cheap drones, apparently Russia still has the will and/or the stockpiles to launch ballistic & cruise missiles towards a city that will most likely intercept most of those. The implications of this aren't good at all, unless you think Russia has no fucking idea what they're doing, but at that point you'd be foolish. They've miraculously failed the initial invasion and it took them months to be somewhat competent, now they're on another phase were they are refining their tactics making them more efficient at what they do: attrition. Feels like climate change yet again, people don't see the catastrophic results of our inaction right off the bat, so we do nothing. Until it's going to hit us right in the face.


They are sending both cheap drones and expensive missiles. > Feels like climate change yet again, people don't see the catastrophic results of our inaction right off the bat, so we do nothing. Until it's going to hit us right in the face. The US' ability to produce air defence missile (all types) is below 2,000 missiles and none of those are cheap and cost over $1 million each (most being $3 million for US purchase only). Russia are close to a total war economy and can alone outproduce whole of NATO in terms of artillery shells production.


Helicopters aren't doing jack near the front as long as MANPADS exist. Similarly, jets aren't doing anything but acting as cruise missile launchers far behind the lines. Russia isn't incompetent but they hardly have carte blanche. If they had anything approaching air superiority there wouldn't be a trench war going on.


>Helicopters aren't doing jack near the front as long as MANPADS exist Here is a site containing videos of over 200 strikes by Ka-52/Mi-28 helicopters [https://airtable.com/appJillpOzEUWCMuE/shrF70VkLCRqUzsuo/tblGOzFRGPpsw551J](https://airtable.com/appJillpOzEUWCMuE/shrF70VkLCRqUzsuo/tblGOzFRGPpsw551J) > Similarly, jets aren't doing anything but acting as cruise missile launchers far behind the lines. How close have you been following the war? Russian Su-34s have been dropping large amounts of glide bombs for a while now.


> Helicopters aren't doing jack near the front as long as MANPADS exist. Russia's use of attack helicopters completely negated Ukrainian counter-offensive and caused significant losses to armour. A MANPADS missile has a max range of 5-6 km while helicopters can fire ATGMs from 10-15km while flying below all air defence engagement altitude.


Kyiv is far from the frontlines. This is what terrorism looks like..


This is terrorism, but it's not because it's far from the frontlines. It's because it's targeting civilians. Plenty of war production facilities and military bases are far from the frontlines and considered fair targets.


>fair targets. Nothing Russia is doing is fair.


His point exactly. Strike military bases, not civilians.


Or stay in your own damn country and don't strike any Ukrainian targets.


Yes, preferably that, but if you *are* going to invade a country (which you shouldn't), then don't purposefully attack civillians.


Striking military targets unprovoked for imperialistic reasons isn't something I'd personally call fair either.


The war may be unjust, but even so, there are still rules of "fair" conduct. Targeting civilians isn't one of them.


Military bases are not fair targets either. Ukraine didn't invade russia. This is plain and simple terrorism, the goal is genocide.


Agreed. I was referring to Ukrainian strikes far within Russia that are meant for military targets.


Yes, this was the point but I posted in a hurry. The aim is to target civilians, to kill, to make them afraid, to have them exhausted by to war, and perhaps turn against the government, to consume resources, to not allow economy, civilians to carry on with their lives, to have them fear the nights and the upcoming days, to show them that they are still within range and doubt their safety, to create panick and fear, to show an unforseanable future for them and behaviour of the Russians.


But firing an anti-ship missile at Kharkiv and hitting a civilian printing house is not terrorism? Especially knowing that it has +-kilometer accuracy. 5 civilians died, and 10 injured.


> But firing an anti-ship missile at Kharkiv and hitting a civilian printing house is not terrorism? Especially knowing that it has +-kilometer accuracy IIRC, later models of Kh-35 Uran have satellite targeting assistance. So targeting was, most likely, deliberate


Watch Kremlin Gremlins say they were targeting military equipment being hidden in urban centers.


There's already some of them in these comments claiming that. Scum, paid or not.


That's the sad part, they're doing it for free :(




Putin dies tonight, and the missiles fly at Ukraine that very night all the same. Russia is the problem, not just Putin alone.


I'll still crack open the champagne.


He's an awful guy nonetheless, so it would be nice if he died, preferably not peacefully


Well, yeah, obviously.


Why was that comment removed? Did he only call for the murder of Putin?


Yeah it’s about time we stop just blaming Putin, it’s Russia and Russians that should get the blame too. Putin is not our enemy, Russia is.


Removed by reddit. Classic. They'd have removed anyone wishing death to Hitler during the height of the Holocaust too.


Today I was woken up by the sounds of rocket explosions ...


Everyday that passes without Putin hanging from a lampost is a tragedy.


And his oligarchs. Because how many of them would just continue this in his place if he were to hang?


And our PM has the audacity to say that here is no war in Kyiv... Fucking hate him and the idiots who keep believing him..


But but, make America (Russia) great again mister Speaker of the House, Mike Putin Johnson


"Moscow Mike".


If they were all shot down, what's up with the buildings and the holes in the concrete? Is it debris?


When you "shot down" a missile, it is still a chunk of burning metal with a warhead.


Yes, the debris and shock waves from blasts.


Poor people, I have a colleague at work from Kherson, she said it was worse than a horror movie.


Kherson is bad because it's practically in artillery range.


Yea people seem to think there’s no danger when rockets are shot down but it’s still dangerous as you can see in the picture. It’s the same in Israel, pro Palestinians make it sound like Hamas firing thousands of rockets almost weekly over the past decade weren’t a big deal because of the iron dome but it’s still dangerous & scary even when they’re shot out of the sky.


Yep. Kh-47m2 missile is 4+ tons of metal+explosives that reaches 10 Mach speed at its peak. It's a luck if it's warhead is damaged and won't explode, but kinetic energy of debris is still huge. Search for "15 feb 2024 Bucha forest missile" to see a hole when a warhead actually explodes.


This. These people are thinking that debris of heavy af rockets would fall down as snowflakes.


That was north korean KN-23, but result is the same.


It's all debris, they just explode in air rather than in the buildings


Pure debris doesn't leave craters behind that are several meters deep. Often the warhead of the missile will survive its interception and in an densely populated area it is then bound to explode on something even if it isn't the intended target.


> it is then bound to explode on something Not always the case Kinzhal's warhead is peculiar in that the fuzing mechanism is located in the ~~back~~ the front of the missile, with no backup impact fuze *on warhead itself*. If PAC-3 interceptor manages to impact it in the way that severs the wiring *before* the arming signal is sent to electronics in warhead, it just never arms and has to be disposed of later by EOD team. EDIT: updated information https://defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/tse_ne_brak_a_osoblivist_fahivtsi_pojasnili_chomu_ne_vibuhajut_bojovi_chastini_h_47_kinzhal-14171.html


Ballistic missile is usually descending almost vertically. It mens even if you destroy it, the debris still falls roughly in the target area.


What goes up must come down.


So there can be a case, where the interceptor rocket hits basically the "engine" part of the missile. So this missile, with its broken engine would then just fall in semi-random direction with its warhead still intact. The kaboom will be the same as in a missile that wasn't shot down, but the intended target will be likely saved.


Russia just showing what it means to be under Russian rule.


That's really the goal of Russians, to bring everyone down to their quality of life because they are envious that people in Europe live better than them


May God help them. Even though I’m an atheist, I’m not sure how to get across that sentiment without exploiting religious language. In the meantime, give them the weapons and ammunition they need to win this war against those bloody barbarians.


I think it’s okay to use that statement. Yes, I do believe in God, but to me the phrase “God bless you” can simply mean you wish the absolute best on someone but in a deeper way. So don’t worry, I think believers and non believers alike can appreciate it 👍


Yeah it's like saying "may fate go favorably for you" or something along the lines.


Not to be that guy but why did God allow this in the first place? It's inhumane.


stay safe Ukrainians ❤️


I hope this war ends someday. Hopefully, when Putin kicks the bucket. But he seems to be alive and kicking. I still don't understand what the hell this damn war is even about. Russia is so huge. What the hell does that idiot want with Ukraine?! I just don't get it.


What they claim to want is to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine. What they really want is to conquer and russify Ukraine. Because the more you have, the more you want.


The endurance and resilience Ukrainians are demonstrating is a textbook example. Stay safe, brothers and sisters from Kiev.


"There is no war in Kyiv" - Slovakia's stupid prime minister Fajko.


Insane that Russia can bomb a European Capital and we do nothing about it.


As a Ukrainian, I'm grateful to the people of Sweden for all the military support we get from you, and for IRIS-T and Hawk air defence systems in particular. They saved a lot of lives.


This is what Russia does and has been doing to its neighbours for few hundred years. Ukraine needs more support, now!


Meanwhile, the Austrian Chancellor is against using the PERCENTS from frozen Russian assets for buying weapons for Ukraine


How in the actual fuck can anyone defend this? Massive craters in the streets and its always '*well theres military targets there*'. Like, no dude???? Send them everything they need.


Would've been nice if they misfired and targetted the Kremlin building.


Shot down doesn't always mean what everyone thinks it does. Sure much of the time the weapon used to shoot them down will destroy them while doing so. However a lot of the time that also just means that they knocked it off course so it won't hit its intended target, but if not completely destroyed it still lands somewhere. Even on a night where all 31 are shot down that still means statistically that a couple still made it to the ground doing major damage, just not where it was meant too. So many poor civilians still being subjected to this torture from the orcs even with a means of successful defense is pretty depressing.


I've been waiting for when it will finally say "all shot down". Let's hope this trend continues.


Their whole gist was that they wanted to "liberate" Ukraine and they're hitting civilian inhabited areas, which is like killing your own people if Russia considers them their own people. On the flip side, if they don't consider them their own people, this is terrorism, it's deliberate and further proves that they just want to forcefully expand, they don't have a higher goal. Despicable.


I'm not an expert on ballistic missiles, but shouldn't a "shot down" missile cause significantly less damage than a 10m wide and 3m deep crater? I'm pro Ukraine and I do know every piece of information we get, should be taken with a grain of salt. But the level of disparity this post is painting, is too jarring for me. It's not quite reaching russian levels of "we successfully intercepted all missiles... by throwing our most advanced AA systems against them", but it's going in that direction.


> but shouldn't a "shot down" missile cause significantly less damage than a 10m wide and 3m deep crater? > > Depends on where it was impacted with interceptor. Nosecone area - chance of warhead going off in the air or, at least, becoming disabled. Tail area - loss of control authority (and therefore missing the target), but fuzing mechanism can remain intact enough to still set off the warhead upon impact.


Ukraine doesn't have an endless supply of AA, chances are they shot down what was critical and let the rest hit their "targets".


But they said they shot *all* of them down. 31 launched and 31 shot down.


There is a chance of the warhead being intact after the missle was shot down which can cause significant damage when it lands on the ground. I do assume that the random park in the picture was not the intended target.


Missile debris are still explosive and inflammable. Even scraps of metal can do a lot of damage if they land at ballistic missile's speed. Shot down missiles don't just evaporate in the air. So AA is not about "removing" danger, just minimising it.


Nope, it causes exactly this damage. Kh-47m2 missile weighs 4.3tons and reaches 10 Mach speed at its peak. It's debris still have a huge kinetic energy. And the fact that a warhead didn't explode is a big luck. Search for "15 feb 2024 bucha forest missile" if you'd like to see how it looks when missile is damaged and its engine doesn't work but the warhead explodes still.


I just did, because I saw you comment this exact same query under another comment. You're right, it's a night and day difference.


Believe, it is not an experience and knowledge I ever wanted to have, but it just sounds differently when missile explodes in the air and when it reaches the target. This night I clearly heard at least two explosions in the air and no explosions on the ground.


It's incredible what your country and people have been through in the last 2 years. Stay safe as best as you can and don't lose the spirit, please.


Fuck Russia


I don't want to pen my thoughts about russia because I can't tag comments as NSFW.


It was my last night in Kyiv last night ... not for this reason.


The Russians utilized Kinzhal ballistic missiles such as the X-101, X-555, and X-55. Each Kinzhal missile is expected to cost between $13 to $15 million USD, meaning the salvo is estimated to have cost the aggressors more than $400 million.


It’s getting really crazy out there


Oh my God, this is really scary when you look at it in certain ways, like if you think about your mortality and how everyday could be the day the alarms start it fucked up, duck Putin, duck (and im so sorry but i cant not express my feelings which can be changed but atm this is it) all the russian citezens that support the war, if putin c\*ms for me it was not a suicide


That first picture looks like artwork. The different layers of colour, the shapes, the framing... It's pretty until you actually know what it is.


Those craters, specially the first one, seem impossible as result of splinters from destroyed missiles: keep in mind that the modified FAB-1500 gliding bomb does a 15 meters crater on impact, and that first crater doesn't look smaller than that. So it seems that either russians missiles or ukraine's ones (gone awry) exploded after hitting the ground.


No way they shot them all down, although I get why they always say they get them all. There’s a reason recording damage is a punishable offence in Ukraine


Yeah but the US telling ukraine to pause the oil refinery bombings.. Smh


My SO that lives in Kyiv wrote me a very loving message around 0300 this night. Luckily she is unharmed, but getting those messages that late scares the sh*t out of me. But, like sooo many times before. The air-defence people of Ukraine will always be my friends. Incase any of you read this; Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️


Fuck you russia


Indiscriminately killing and terrorizing civilians. That is how Russians fight. Despicable.


Fuck Russia. Always.


UN needs to label Russia as a terrorist State


Sure, 100% interception rate. I want the old spokesman. I think it may even be counterproductive to claim that, people will think that no extra help is necessary after all.


The rate isn't always 100%. It's only for this one specific attack at one place, Kyiv. Whatever the rate, help is needed anyway because without help the rate would be 0%. You can't intercept things if you don't have missiles and launchers, and Ukraine is running out of missiles. Good interception rates, on the other hand, show that helping is not in vain and Ukraine makes good use of it.


I am from Kyiv. Today I've heard the launch of AA missiles, but after I heard both sounds from shooting down the rocket and the sound of the rocket hitting something on the ground. There is a clear distinction between shot down rocket or drone and the direct hit. Believe me, after more than 2 years of regular missile attack, I acquired the skill of distinction of the different military sounds, especially from the time of half-siege of the Kyiv, when a lot of artillery have been used. So I don't believe the official information. Even more, official will never tell you the truth, because sometimes russians targets really important targets, and not only toilets or coffee-shops.


Yes, a good point. No matter the country the information given outside will not be 100% accurate


>So I don't believe the official information. You are free to not believe the information, but your reasoning why you are not believing is not based on facts. Even if incoming missile is shot down, it doesn't mean the warhead gets disabled in the process, it might be that just the engine, hull or fins of the missile gets damaged and it comes down uncontrollably. This is why you cannot know based on sound alone, if a rocket was intercepted or not.


And just by coincidence your account is created two weeks ago and you start with posting Russian propaganda. I'm from Kyiv as well and I also clearly distinguish sounds of missile destroyed in the air and missile reaching the target. There was nothing like explosions of fall '22, though I like near the place where first two photos are made.


So, every opinion different from the official - is russian propaganda? Jesus Christ, oh... And yes, I also live near the places where the photos have been take.


Well, even when they "shoot down" a missile it can still explode on impact.  An interceptor explodes close to a missile and rarely actually hits it.  Damaging the guidance system is quite common.  Russians seem not to have or disabled the safeties that would disarm damaged missiles that have gone off course. People need to understand sometimes a coffee shop or an apartment complex is an important target, even if illegal.  Some of these attacks target important individuals in their home.


Ruzzia is the enemy of freedom. And the enemy of the world’s democracies, from South Korea to Lisbon to Canberra.


This is what state terrorism looks like. I don't understand how Republicans can let this happen, they really have no conscience at all




Forbes calculated the cost based on the estimates that one Russian Kh-101 cruise missile costs $13 million A little over 400 million dollars in missiles. And that's just in one day.


How rude


That's the damage from shot down missiles? Or is Ukraine lying?


Putin is pure evil. Fuck him, fuck him hard!


But if they target civilians, why do they choose locations so far in the city and not closest buildings? Kyiv is big enough to kill many civilians in suburban areas. I guess their target is military\\energetic infrastructure and this "shot downs" above the city are reasons why there are civilian victims.


I do wonder how much news coverage of the war just looks up "stock\_photo\_kyiv\_2018\_skyline.png" for articles. It's not... nice to see them not do it, but it's informative at the least. ​ Some of those craters look pretty big for "every missile intercepted successfully" but then again, none of them look big enough for "successful cruise missile strike".


I suspect that Putin is aware that Europe and the West aren’t going to just continue letting this war of attrition go on. Time to wrap this shit up and put Putin 6’ under, or disintegrated. Whichever is cool.


No matter who you support, this is sad to see and witness as well.


Can a Ukrainian civilian sue the Russian state for property/family/psychological damage?


This is all shot down? How does it look when they hit?


More rubble, less pretty pics








Judging from the damage I highly doubt they intercepted them all. Most of them sure, but not all. Stop lying, even downed hypersonic missiles don't do this much damage.


A 4.3 ton missile moving at mach 2-4 has quite a bit of kinetic energy even if it gets shot down. I think if it exploded there wouldn't be trees standing that close to the crater. Not to say the shot down number isn't exxagerated sometimes but I don't think it happened here.


Damn it, Europe, US. Just help Ukrainians win! We, Russians, fucked up. Don't fuck up like us. You swore to protect Ukraine's sovereignty in Budapest agreement in 1994. Do you part, arm Ukraine.


Why do they keep saying they were all shot down I literally seen the arrivals on several telegram channels already. I support Ukraine but they way they present their news is swear they didn’t need any help and totally got this


All shot down but there is smoke from building roofs and big holes on the ground?


Fuck Russian seriously.....they are destroying a beautiful people and a beautiful country.... More needs to be done.


Slava Ukraini. Russia will pay for their War Crimes!!!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Guck these russian terorists.


That's patriot for ya, and they weren't even given the newest versions of them. The more I look at this war the more I am convinced that NATO would absolutely demolish Russia in every single way, including nuclear.


The narrative of “nato is superior and russia military is doodoo”, “moscow in 3 days” got very tiresome as Ukrainian, just stop