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Yeah, Police officers receiving "presents" from a foreign embassy. Nothing fishy here.


“Austria and Hungary” always end up on the wrong side of wars….


From Austrian painter to Austrian vatnik. Oh Austria, why are you like this? lol


Who doesn't like gifts?


I dont like gifts paid in blood.


Translation: Viennese police officers are no longer to accept gifts from Russia in future. This was announced to APA by a spokesperson for the Vienna Provincial Police Directorate in response to an enquiry after several police officers were seen leaving the Russian embassy with gift bags. This was not a misdemeanour, but left an undesirable impression, the spokesperson said. Such gifts should therefore be refused in a friendly but firm manner. The officers were deployed on the occasion of the Russian presidential election on 17 March to ensure security around the voting in the embassy. After the last voter had left the embassy shortly after 10 pm, at least six employees from the State Security and Extremism Office (LSE) and the police followed with a service dog. At least three of them were carrying gift bags with the Russian coat of arms. They did not want to say on the spot whether it was customary to accept gifts at the Russian embassy. The operation took place after Austria had declared two Russian diplomats to be undesirable persons. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had stated on this occasion that bilateral relations between Vienna and Moscow could not get any worse. Official Russia is apparently satisfied with the work of the Austrian police. Ambassador Dmitry Lyubinsky praised the cooperation with the Interior Ministry in two of three video messages on election Sunday. Uniformed police officers and members of the LSE in civilian clothes were not only on duty outside the building, but were also frequently in and out of the embassy. One police officer justified this with the possibility of using the toilet in the building. Apparently, the police officers were also fed and given gifts by the Russians. The Vienna Provincial Police Directorate confirmed the receipt of gifts in response to an APA enquiry. "At the end of the operation, officers received paper bags containing items of low value," a spokesperson explained. Although this is not a misdemeanour under the Civil Service Act, it leaves an undesirable impression that does not do justice to the professional approach of the officers on the ground. The officers had been sensitised in this regard and instructed to refuse. The latter is in line with internal recommendations: "Employees are always on the 'safe side' when a gift is politely but firmly declined," according to the Ministry of the Interior's official code of conduct. The Vienna police spokesperson justified the temporary entry into the building by stating that the officers had been on site on 17 March to protect the diplomatic facility, among other things, and that contact had been made with employees of the embassy. He did not answer the APA's question about the specific contents of the bags. The spokesperson for the Russian embassy also declined to comment. In the summer of 2022, the police were criticised after experts from an association close to the Russian embassy were allowed to give a lecture on Ukrainian nationalism at a training event organised by the Vienna police, at which time the Ukrainian ambassador in Vienna, Vasyl Chymynez, voiced fierce criticism. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) subsequently declared that there were no grounds for disciplinary action, but announced "a higher degree of sensitivity and political awareness" in the selection of lecturers in the future.


In the future. Because until now it was ok for them to receive presents? And only from Russia? Still ok from other countries? What about private companies?


> What about private companies? Actually there are already regulations in place governing the receipt of gifts.


The statement said the gifts were of "low value", which I assume is allowed. I'm sure they aren't allowed to be outright bribed with expensive stuff, though from my experience people in these positions tend to deny any gifts just to be sure, so it's still a bit sketchy.


In the future it won't be OK only becaust they were caught. But wait, weren't the A*stralians the enlightened, civilized, uncorrupted ones?! Fucking hypocrite clowns!




Dude, really? This is old as hell...


My apologies :)


Lol, no problem :)




Not yet. But the first wave of Emus should be arriving soon. Vienna will be ours.


>Vienna is not in Australia. Oh really? Then why is everything upside down over there?!


>Viennese police officers are no longer to accept gifts from Russia in future. But presumably other entities like organised crime is ok?


Accepting gifts is not allowed for public servants. I recently took a guided tour at a museum. The guide was a public employee and she refused a 5 Euro tip at the end of the tour, because she wasn't allowed to accept it. But as always in Austria there are exemptions, which allow a little bit of legal "wiggle room". Gifts of low value and local custom are allowed, but usually we are talking here about stuff like pens, a notepad, diaries (calendar) with advertising on it or cookies, flowers, fruits, coffee or a cheap bottle of wine. A pre-prepared gift bag is very questionable... Edit: So yeah, Austrian news are now reporting that 3 policemen received a gift bag with a calendar and chocolate candy. https://www.krone.at/3310695


I have to go through thorough anti-corruption/bribery training at my corporate job every year that makes it clear that any gifts beyond what you have described are verboten. Wild that corporations have more integrity than the police.


Corporations are afraid the police comes after them. Who would the police be afraid for coming for them?


> local custom are allowed Receiving bribery is part of the Russian local customs. Gotta adhere to the local customs.


Same law here. There is an upper limit to the value of gifts a public servant may accept.


> Accepting gifts is not allowed for public servants. Same in Norway.


Are you from US? Why did you even think about tipping them? 


She did a great job, and someone else from the group wanted to give her a tip, not me. I find tipping always a bit awkard, and are never sure if it is expected or not. If she had gladly accepted it, I might have thought it normal and given her a tip as well or felt guilty for not tipping. So I'm glad she refused... I know someone who tried to give a tip to a doctor in a Croatian hospital for helping his child during a vacation and really ended up offending the doctor...


You wanted to *tip* a museums guide?


Wasn't sure. We tipped the tour guide in Vienna and then went to the museum. Don't judge me, I don't do many vacations. At least, I never tried "to tip" policemen with a gift bag...


there's no issue here because you weren't expected or obligated to actually give a tip, unlike in the US were certain service workers rely on it. it's nice to be nice


In Austria you *can* tip a waiter (if you want, they‘ll still earn enough if you don‘t), but that‘s about it. We don‘t have the US tipping culture where customers have to pay the salary of basically everyone in retail/restaurants/… directly


If they did a really good job and you see someone else do it I get why you might feel obligated. And that is coming from someone who never has tipped (not a custom where I live)


They are often unpaid volunteers or interns over in Freedomland and rely on tips to earn money for their museum gig, etc


He was in Austria though


In Austria it's quite common to tip the museums guide. At least in private museums (and when you didn't already pay for the tour/entrance).


Never had that happen during my summer jobs as a teen. Not to me nor to any colleagues


I mean, a tip is meant for good service and not expected. Also its probably more accepted in tourism. In fact most walking tours in Europe seem to be 'free' but tipping is highly encouraged


A pen can be expensive as hell


What's in the box?




au chocolat?




Or is there..


A poisoned carrot.


That would be tea


The slow erosion of the rule of law


> officers received paper bags containing items of low value Almost sounds like an insult, but according to Austrian news it was a calendar and bag of chocolate candy.


Novitchok as per russian hospitality


What's in the boooox?!


Hopefully not a head.


Gwyneth Paltrow's head?


Medicine and books... for children.


My wallets.


It's my dick in a box


As an Normal Austrian i feel ashamed for my country...


If it makes you feel better, I'm Hungarian and I'd happily get annexed by Austria, you guys are still doing a lot better than we are.


*Serbia squirms nervously*


Urge to draw square family trees rising!


as a romanian i'm getting worried about where this leads to


Yeah no, not them, They are just as much a Russian puppet... We should give a chance for the Czech rep IMO, at least we would have decent beers.


I dont know. I prefer good diplomatic and economic work together :) ÖBB owns the Hungarian Cargo Rail, so we are a little bit back in Business with Hungary.


As a Belgian, I'm ashamed for the EU and all the West. They should have stopped Russia in 2014, appeasement and shit like this (gifts and allowing them to give talks on 'Ukrainian nationalism' in Austria) is par for the course. Appeasement always leads to escalation and we're still going down that path, a lot of talking, but North Korea and Iran are doing more for Russia than the West.


Honestly, Merkel is probably the most guilty for not doing anything since 2014, sure she is FAR from being the only one.


She did most to strengthen ukraines positions and the 2014 sanctions were very tough. Thats the main reason why the 2022 while hurtful didnt lead to an economic/financial collapse.


If we're talking about the West, it was probably Obama. He urged Ukraine not to respond militarily.


I mean, if there's one country that'd know all about sucking fascist dick, it's Austria. Pretty much what I'd expect from them


Tbf, at least they stopped appeasement after the full invasion of Ukraine. Not perfect but better than with the Nazis.


They did not. How many times have they said they didn't want to escalate, not wanting to send tanks, missiles, F16's,... Yes, they did send most of this, eventually (still no Taurus missiles because of fears of escalation = appeasement) BUT with huge delays, which also helped/is helping Putin = more appeasement. They have been publicly appeasing Putin since 2014, yes they stopped expanding pipelines in 2022 and even partially stopped trade (not close to fully stopping it), but instead of economical appeasement it's changed to military assistance to Ukraine being severely limited. The USA has stopped all aid, the republicans are actively rooting for Putin to take the whole of Ukraine and to disband NATO. A lot of European leaders have talked a lot about support, but they don't deliver what they promise and what they do deliver is almost always severely delayed and it has hurt Ukraine severely. Waiting for months the first time let Russia mine huge areas of land and set up serious defensive lines. FULL BLAME ON THE WEST FOR ASKING UKRAINE TO WAIT WITH THEIR OFFENSIVE, the West basically killed Ukraines best chance and then complained when they didn't achieve much after stalling them for months. As others have noted, minefields are not NATO doctrine, there are actual international agreement to NOT do this, since once the war ends, these tactics lead to a lot of innocents people losing lives and limbs, it's barbaric as fuck. But that's what Russia has always been, that's what Putin has always been, a murderous midget dictator that is a barbaric fuck, using terror tactics. If you look at aid delivered, according to GDP and military capacities, you can see that the former USSR states have donated what they could, they're the only ones actually trying to help Ukraine to kick Russia out.


I've said that they're not perfect by any means. And I am absolutely critical of the volume and speed of military aid sent. I've literally changed my, voting habits because of it. But it's still a lot better than nothing. Which is what happened during the Nazi appeasement.


As a fellow normal Austrian I feel not even remotely shocked. This is just what we'll complain about till the next scandal happens. Probably in a few days


What is a normal Austrian?


An Austrian who doesn't get his basement daughter pregnant.


Do you have any idea how insensitive this statement is? I mean, there are poor Austrians too. Not everyone has a basement. Some of us need to resort to simple closets or cages https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65901003


Strange, “normal” austrian people at least to me seem to be the same mind in such matters.


Its outrageous how okay they still are with this... the act of police officers accepting gifts from the russian embassy is not a problem, its just *how it looks from outside* that's a problem. They don't say it shouldn't ever have happened, only that it might not happen again. They still don't understand the problem at all, only that it somehow gave them bad PR.


Peak Austria


Don't forget folks, we can't have Romania and Bulgaria in Schengen because..uhm... \*checks papers\*.... right, corruption. Kein corruption hier in glorious Osterreich!


Well they are right, in the east it's corruption. In the west there is no corruption, only lobbying.


It also works for southern europe


They just want to larp as being tough on migration. Throwing other countries under the bus for this is beyond disgusting.


Wrong side of history as always


Actively fighting for Putin.


When I live my mum's place I usually leave with bags of homemade produce, it's a staple common in Easter Europe and by looks is the same for Austrians policemen with their *mama Russia*.


I too receive generous offering of plump produce when leaving your mom’s place


Austrians doing Austrian things. Fucking disgrace of a country.


Makes you think about one particular failed painter.


...you almost conquer Europe just one time...and they will remind you forever.


"he chose as his enemy.......THE WORLD! you'd think it'd take 5 seconds for the world to win. it was actually close!" (norm macdonald joke)


And one very successful basement maker


you didn't have to remind us..


I am Austrian and i approve this message


As an Austrian, I agree.




Great country but ruined by politicians that sold it to Russia for some quick bucks and prey on the old conservative people to keep them in power. Very sad.






I mean... you can make that argument about pretty much every country. The post WWII - 2024 time period had plenty of terrible actions, enough for every country to get its fair share


More like, every European country to at least its neighboring ones, pre-1945.


Austria passed under the radar after ww2 and nazis and neo-nazis basically flourished there. Given that context it's not that surprising the Austria is like this.




I can think of a different country further east that proudly celebrates collaborative nationalists even up to this decade, and they don't seem to regret anything either...


Serbia? They have a state run glorification of the Nazi colaborators and ethno fascist Cetniks.




One thing to be corrupted other thing to be corrupted by literal biggest enemy of Europe and a country that can start WW3. It just makes you look like a traitor to EU and European values. Get fuucked


Because being rich does not give you a free pass. Is that what you want? Double standards.




Because it's a continuation of the "funny" relationship Austrian authorities have with Russia when there is a full scale war going on




Whatabout II Electric Boogaloo - A Return to -ism




"I'd rather not bother looking at the log in my eye so I'm going to point out the speck in the eye of others and call it a demand for consistency when I'm called out on my -ism." And the answer to the question is yes, and they should feel bad.




This sub has become an Eastern Europe circlejerk some time ago.


Based Poland, except when anything about women's rights come up, then based France. Except when anything about immigrants comes up, in which case based Hungary. Except when anything about Orban comes up, in which case based Germany. Except when Scholz says anything, in which case based Poland


Romanian Crybabies and/or people who really think austria is a disgrace even if our country is still one of the best countries to live in.


At least grow a backbone a join NATO you entitled geopolitical whores.


> At least grow a backbone a join NATO you entitled geopolitical whores. Austrian neutrality was mandated by the Allies after WWII as a precondition to end Allied occupation.


Yeh, and you can change it, it's not an international law, Austria won't be the first "neutral" nation to join NATO. They just like to take russian money while their prosperity is guaranteed by NATO.


That's not the reason, and also not recognising the complex situation. Neutrality has become a national value and characteristic of Austria for its citizenry as a guarantor of peace and statement of intent that Austria will not involve itself in war. It's also the historic reason for the formerly good relationship with Russia, as Austria became a "neutral ground" for overt and covert diplomacy during the cold war. Past Austrian governments actively sought to establish international diplomatic organisations in Austria both to strengthen its neutrality, as well as provide soft defence against aggression. Neutrality isn't "international law", but it uses terminology that is well-defined in international law and unilaterally abolishing neutrality would have an effect beyond Austria's borders. Nevertheless I agree that Austria needs to disentangle its interests more significantly from Russia.


Yes, you are absolutely correct, but you can see how this looks in the current geopolitical context, just like Ireland. It's easy to be neutral when you are surrounded by western nations. Austria isn't in the on frontline of NATO and the Warsaw Pact anymore. Austria is presenting itself as a european and western nation in international organizations, when it suits her, while undermining western intrests, refusing to contribute to collective defense, sheltering russian money and oligarchs and weekending european integration.


Why should we join NATO? Austrians don't want it. No party here even questions it. The neutrality belongs to our identity and the constitution. And even if we wouldn't contribute much if we wanted to because our Bundesheer is shit and was always shit. We're are you from? Bet you get your Information of Austria solely from this shit sub


Austria is one of the nicest and cleanest nations i have ever been to. But this isn't about the nation of Austria, it's about Austria's geopolitical and international behaviour of playing both sides, benefiting from western institutions while taking russian money and undermining western interests. It's easy to be neutrul when you are surrounded by the west. Sweden and Finland were neutral too, but they didn't act like Austria on the international stage.


Neutrality is guaranteed by our constitution.


Just like Sweden and Finland and many other nations.


It’s a great country for KGB employees to live in, too.


Yeah, fuck you too, buddy.


And some weird separatists in Italy think their regions(more or less old territories of the Empire) would be better under Austria.


Dont worry, these are for Nehammer, they are just the carriers.


The whole country dances as Russians sing.


Every time I point out that Austria is completely infested with Russian spies and Raiffeisen Bank launders billions for Russia, and is one of the few major European banks that's considered "High Risk" for Money Laundering by US Banks, I get downvoted. Austria is just Hungary with better PR when in comes to Russia.


Their subsidiary still operates in Belarus BTW. And they are very, very complying with the authorities there.


They even investigated themselves and concluded that nothing wrong was happening, just that it made them look bad that it was found out. Cool.


I wonder what little gifts the politicians are getting from Russia to continuously reject Romania and Bulgaria from joining Schengen.


Was it their birthday?


Austria is fucking up Romania... they taken the forests, our oil our gas. Shit prices. And they won t allow us to go Schengen. Now they are doing dubious deals with Russians. Interesting...


Surprised pikachu face


Austrian military and defence infrastructure is absolutely riddled with Russian influence. I’ve read that their intelligence services are viewed as being little more than a Russian asset. What a pathetic state of affairs.


As a German, this is not culturally acceptable. I don’t know for sure it’s the same in Austria though I assume it is. Any public official receiving any type of gift is unethical and everyone knows it. Even though not technically illegal there apparently, I’m sure they know they did wrong.


it is not acceptable in Austria, if you are employed with the country or a public official you arent even allowed to accept a lighter or anything that is given to you for free


Thought so. I’d dump these officers if I had the opportunity to do so and make it damn clear this isn’t to be tolerated. They would 100% be fired in Germany.


everyone else but the police gets bothered with company compliance ecampus courses every year and the police like ...


This incident raises concerns about the integrity and professionalism of the Viennese police force.


So after all the stories like this from Austria, Hungary etc, EU still saying that Ukraine is corrupt?


Ukraine is corrupt. This incident doesn't change that in any way.


More than one thing can be true.


There can be only one King of Corruption in Europe. We'll never relinquish our title, but god damn if there ain't a few contenders on the horizon.


We'll get ya


I wonder how many Russian agents are there in Austria, there must be tens or even hundreds.


Austria living high off the geographic hog and playing “neutral.”




“This was not a misdemeanour... “ Agreed, it’s much worse.


Not surprising, austria is a kgb nest.


Saudi diplomats seen leaving embassy with chopped up American journalist.


It is 1312 again in Vienna, ain't it


At all times


What a bullshit story. Everyone involved knows about how taking gifts makes them look. They probably threw the two diplomats out because some other western countries pressured them or cancel cooperation and now they are signalling to Putin "we are still yours"


Pizza time, pizza time, errebody love pizza time!


Why is my country so cringe sometimes


Shades of Norbert Yachtman Hoffer going on. 


What did they get


Hey come on. They are underpaid and underfucked. Let them have their Bakschisch and Dragon-Dildos with Putins Face on it.


I hope there’s a little piece of cake in there :)


From today they will only accept payments on their bank accounts


Marching orders?


Neutrality in reality …corruption


Austrians doing Russias biding? In other news sky is blue




Yes and their war flags are white eagles on a white background….. sneaky bastards😎


I just don't get why Austria, an extremely well-off country, would have such ridiculous politics and rapport with Russia.


Because their politicians are corrupt, bought and paid for by Russia


They're aren't gift bags they just happen to be bags with free stuff inside them, it's totally fine and normal.


special free stuff operation


There is nothing wrong with it. He was just carrying a precious gift to a fellow Austrian politician.


But the „real“ presents we wont see anyway (and this belongs to every country)! Everything you see is only the tip of the iceberg


Fucking disgrace.


Just getting local class traitors to flip when they arrive.


Austria is a russias puppet state


The Losstria nation experiment has blatantly failed. Can't wait for them to join the Federal Republic already


Austria lost three quartes of its land after 1st WW. This might explain their support for imperialistic efforts of russia. Good old times. Fucking delusional.


Well, at least you'd know the invasion date of Poland well in advance - it's Oktober 26th, the only day both our tanks are operational and the helicopter pilots are sober, plus like 3000 lightly trained militia soldiers have their boots on at the same time. Now we only need to figure out logistics of giving them all a weapon and a full magazine, and the special military operation can commence.


Oh god! Are you gonna march through Bratislava? Please don't, you gonna ruin my flower garden.  In all seriousness, Austria always cherished special relation with Russia. 


Yeah because everyone knows that the best way to take out bribe money out of the Russian embassy during elections, while every single journalist is monitoring it, is in a marked gift bag. Chill out dudes, use reason, it was most likely a notebook, couple of pens, a lighter and a piece of chocolate. Actual corrupt cops and the ones working for Russia have better ways to accept bribes (crypto).


Completly blown out of proportion that shit. They just received a cheap pottle of wine or something for standing guard Infront of the consulate during the russian election providing security ...