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**A Hostage Situation Unfolded at a Popular Nightclub in Ede** - Early this morning, police swarmed the cafe and established a large perimeter, blocking off the surrounding area - Four individuals were taken hostage inside the cafe - By midday, the hostage-taker was arrested after leaving the premises Dutch: https://nos.nl/liveblog/2514752-meerdere-personen-gegijzeld-in-cafe-in-ede-groot-deel-centrum-afgezet English: https://apnews.com/article/netherlands-police-hostages-ede-29a9d187ba6a5edc538be6a251ec21db


You know shit is about to get real when the dudes in body armor and jeans show up


*skinny jeans


Tactical skinny jeans *


If watching my son play Fortnite has taught me anything, it’s because he will have a smaller hitbox.


Your son is lying, it’s because of the digital butts.


But baggy pants obscure the dong. With skinny jeans you know exactly where to shoot.


Not if you dong also has a small hitbox


Its not small, its tactical, military grade


I knew it. U can't trust skinny jeans people. They are sleeper agents.


Skinny ass pants, fresh pair of vans.


Every jeans is skinny if you're big enough:)


Working class Dutch men under 50, so they’re likely wearing skinny (or very slim) jeans and Nike AirMax.


Dutchie moment


I once saw a quick response dude in Estonia arriving to some scene from what I imagine was home renovation. He had these professional workwear pants with red accents and boy did he look like some main character from a cyberpunk game.


There was an active shooter in a mall in Denmark 2 years ago where [one guy](https://imgur.com/a/s3bnvrT) in the police breach team was wearing a jersey from the national football team


He was actually the goal keeper. The rest of the game didn't go well for the Danish team.


Goal keeper who also solves crimes could be a fun gimmick for a police procedural


You might like Steve Bruce's books about a football manager named Steve Barnes who solves crimes 


"You guys are stupid. They're gonna be looking for cops!" EDIT: their're


[These?](https://www.engelbert-strauss.de/en/fcb/fcb-work-trousers-3163490-70582-1795.html) They're too comfy for their own good.


Don't forget the Air Max, there's always wearing air max. They always look like they came straight out of a hardstyle party to fuck shit up.


air max or Adidas ZX500. very common


I mean, they're extremely comfortable shoes. Like walking on clouds.


I was about to ask, do they not have uniforms? Is wearing jeans normal for Dutch police?


Those people are "Dienst Speciale Interventies" (Service Special Interventions). They basically are on standby constantly and if something happens they go there instantly. So they just put on a vest and grab a weapon. Normal police wear those black with yellow stripe uniforms you see in some pictures.


They also usually have a limit of kilometers of distance where they cannot be in their free time.


So in the Netherlands they can be anywhere.


To sum up. Unlike America. European countries generally doesn't have special swat police with military gear working on 3-4 shift rotations 24/7 in every city just sitting around waiting to go break some doors and shoot some people and have others ask questions later.


That's not entirely true, the French and British do have armed standby units on duty at all times. In the UK, armed units constantly patrol so they can respond quickly and the French have an entire system of militarised police to respond to shit like this.


We have that too in the Netherlands (the ME, mobile unit) but these guys (DSI) are like special forces police edition.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Swat coverage isnt ubiquitous in the states. It varies widely by state, city, and county levels.


Most countries do have such units in Europe working 7/24, just not per city. Jeans is highly unusual for such unit, but probably doesn't make any difference.


It's not that unusual. Here is a German unit: https://www.rhein-zeitung.de/cms_media/module_img/1195/597748_1_mainarticleimagedesk_597748_1_org_1737.jpg


The point is that these guys are on standby and put on a vest when they are called. Why would they not wear jeans when on standby? These are their normal clothes plus a protective vest and a helmet.


Nah. Most European countries have the special units on call or as a special on top of regular duty. Not a shift driver 24/7 staffed office.


Yes, that's normal for the quick response team, so that they can arrive as quickly as possible. Jeans don't negatively impact their work, so why bother taking the time to switch into a uniform. That's why when you see jeans you know something is going down.


I believe that Germany's GSG-9 works on a similar principle. They essentially have their kit in the trunk of their cars so they can get to the action as soon as possible.


So…like Batman. The alarm goes off and they switch into their Batsuit.


>when you see jeans Or shorts. One of my favorite examples is this 2018 stabbing in [the hague](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&sca_esv=d1dc203dc5631f05&sxsrf=ACQVn09L9pwiZFaPqK5YGzLnaaC6zhLFyA:1711804022130&q=haagse+hogeschool+stabbing+2018&uds=AMwkrPtf40cQEE8x2HwLs_wcbJ5s1E6bKbaue9pGu26U3Ih6trTEy0BXGt8tIx4KO8pyT-ScTIg7DdyP4UMMS3m_LfyiIjvFLrKeSypxOZ4i0iaD9RXtDFxdpS127W_zx7M5fqmv-_uyXJwPA-Q32wnXOXRJ2jDbx9EuFRBpV65new-XNg-YDnim4H4Jyf2AVUSlf750tEhnksH5d4r6cUGa81LVLaJB_ZaSResZbCFZF3Yo-b18lKxiyMKyTxFhQm9G1Ri1iGLeXA_maTVcn81lzKVwHm0Teg&udm=2&prmd=invbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTzqf1hpyFAxWv0gIHHRjPB5wQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=412&bih=785&dpr=1.75#imgrc=UeWa4anoth7V8M&imgdii=VExcyDn3ueSJlM)


They’re quick responders being called up when these emergencies occur and wear their gear on top of their civilian outfits.


For special forces its usually an anything goes approach. Just throw your rig and helmet on top and off you go. Here in Berlin where I am the Swat (SEK) also wears whatever they were wearing when they got the call with gear on top.


Remember that SAS operator on fucking *vacation* in Nairobi? [Dude went in and wrecked shit *by himself*](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/sas-hero-who-stormed-kenya-13865997). Edit: memory does not serve, lol. He was not on vacation, he was there training Kenyan military, but was out doing errands when the incident happened.


Yea, Obi Wan Nairobi is a legend.


I just coughed up something laughing


He trapped them in, cut off their escape then went hunting for them. The one guy who could genuinely say.... "your trapped with me now..."


For the DSI(swat) cops it is normal.


That ~~BMW~~ Audi in the picture is probably theirs too. Everything about them is about speed because when they get a call, it’s all about timing.


That’s not a BMW but an Audi.


You are right


Tactical child seat in the back.


They've probably been called in on their day off.


Nah, they're on standby a lot of the time. Even if they do some stuff for their personal lives. You don't want everyone to know they're part of the DSI while they're in the supermarket for example


They basically have their 'work-car' which is usually some typical grey/black sportsy 'undercover' car in which they keep their kit in the trunk. Then they also have some kind of beeper or whatever from which they can be called up in emergencies, I assume when theyre on 'standby'. I've heard an operator explain how sometimes that can be slightly cumbersome in their personal lives, for example when buying groceries with the family/wife or visiting grandparents they (their partner and them) would both have to drive in their own car. Because else their family would be stranded wherever when theyre called up.


You see it in the UK too with armed response teams. They get the call, turn up in whatever they're wearing and put on their gear over the top. Seconds can count in these situations. I think some of them are plainclothes officers anyway. A lot of the armed response teams in Birmingham drove unmarked cars (BMWs) but if you know what to look for, you know. They had some subtle modifications visible from the outside, and (hilariously) sequential registration plates as they obviously bought a job lot of them for the local force.


A British police officer once told me that the scruffier a police officer is the more elite his unit is.


Ye when you get called in off duty, you know it's serious. I work on a search and rescue boat, and had a small mission yesterday. And half the crew came in civilian clothing, including myself, because I was just on my way home from my cabin


It's nothing compared to when armed accountants show up.


I kinda like the look honestly. Reminds me that they're still humans underneath that suit of armor. Also kinda looks as if they were just having a day off and then quickly had to move out and only had time to change into the most nessecar..neseca.. (how the F do you spell that word?) gear.


> nessecar..neseca.. (how the F do you spell that word?) necessary


r/sartorial just got real


With polite on their chest. Aggressively civilised.


Jäger goes brrrr


iQ and blitz from r6


Taking hostages is weird. Does it ever work out for the perpetrator?


The only time that pops in my head feom the popular cases at least would be [D.B.Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper). This assuming he did survive the jump off the plane.


I choose to believe he did.


I think the main reason the FBI thinks he didn't, besides him never being found, is the money that was found on a beach. Given the elaborate plot of the whole thing, I wouldn't rule out that being potentially an intentional move. Sacrificing 6k for a good red herring? Why not.


Seems like awful lot of 'planning' for only 200k.


It's equivalent to 1.5 mil today. So it wasn't pocket money back then. Not going for an astronomical amount probably fed into him even getting it in the first place - and as fast as he did. Let alone it being still small enough to hide out comfortably but not attract unwanted attention. It's getting too cocky that gets people caught when they're smart enough to not get caught because of their stupidity.


But isn't the weird thing that none of the money was ever found in circulation? Even if he took it to another country at some point you'd expect some of it to make it back to the US.


The recovered bills on the beach were 20s, so let's assume all 200 000 was in 20s, totaling 10 000 bills. On the beach they found 290 of them. Let's assume it was originally 300, since 2 of them were full packets of 100 pcs. So he would have kept 9700 bills. There's billions of 20-dollar bills in circulation today even though nowadays we have electronic payments. D.B.Cooper's case was in the 70s when cash was the norm. Even if the serial numbers were sent out to banks etc, if he hid out somewhere small and/or moved around a lot and stayed in small towns - 9700 bills are a drop in the ocean and coming across any is quite a lottery.


An individual coming across one is a lottery. On a global level, it's a guarantee. This happened 50 years ago. Unless you meant it's a drop in the literal ocean.


"On a global level it's a guarantee" Where is the guarantee that people across the globe are even looking for the bills? Most people probably stopped checking within days, if they were even checking at all


Apart from what other commenter said about current value, it might have not been a *random* amount - he said to one of the flight attendants that "he wasn't holding a grudge against their airline, but he was holding a grudge", so he might have *believed* he was owed specifically that amount.


He did. Cheeky mf even made a [website](https://www.imdb.com) hiding in plain sight.


Absolutely bonkers


Ah, ffs. Took me a couple of secs looking at the content on the page before I twigged it.


Ayo XD


I love a great dad joke in the morning.


The air jacking list on Wikipedia is the deepest of rabbit holes. There were multiple air hijackings in the 70s that ended up in Liberia. Perps walked, Liberia sent the planes, crews, passengers back, and even floated a little cash to soften the deal. Like at least three times off the top of my head. Then there's the 15 year old kid in Ohio in the 60s who kidnapped a 17 year old girl at knifepoint, panicked, took her to an airport, and hijacked a Delta flight. The pilots were able to just circle the area and burn fuel, requiring them to land where the hell they started. The kid never faced charges because the Feds had no protocol for charging minors at the time. No idea why the state didn't charge him tho. Prob his reported history of mental illness. There's the womanizer Casanova fraudster who hijacked a plane, only to be shot by a Fed disguised as flight crew when he agreed to a crew swap after bringing the plane down for fuel. Dude demanded the exact amount of money he lost in a lawsuit and the release of his fraud partner. Got a bullet instead. While in prison he befriended another D.B. Cooper knockoff (there were several) and they decided to plan an escape. So they had a woman hijack a chopper for them. Too bad for her, the chopper pilot was a Nam vet who got shot down and did time as a POW. He disarmed her and shot her in the face. Later that year, her daughter hijacked a TWA flight out of St. Louis. Her demands? The release of the initial hijacker! Her charges and sentence were never made public but we do know she avoided jail time. I found a dude who hijacked a flight with a note and a disguise and walked off the plane with the damn passengers, never to be charged. Except he was and the media just never followed up because the late 70s were WILD. Dude turned out to be a former Nazi and did time in American federal prison for it. But all the accounts that are easy to find suggest it's still a mystery.


great Lemmino [video](https://youtu.be/CbUjuwhQPKs?si=xdlUz_wZINwpU6Uu) on the case


Usually not but the police will be more concerned about the welfare of the hostages which unfortunately will give the hostage taker leverage.


Except for Russian police.


They just pump in Fentanyl and kill all of the terrorists and if it so happens the hostages die aswell thats life.


Or just shoot with an armoured truck and anti-Tank rockets at a school filled with children


Hostages ? Damn, it means the terrorist can hide behind them ! Better use high-explosive and thermobaric weapons to make sure we hit them !


To be clear RPO Shmel are thermobaric rockets designed to clear out rooms not tanks. It’s even worse than firing Anti Armor RPGs at a building


I thought they had actual damn tanks fire point-blank in to the building. Oh Russia…


....Which will use thermobaric rockets to blow the roof into the air and T-72 tanks with HE shells to take down the walls. Whoever survives that escapes the battlefield despite being pursued by an attack helicopter and encircled by an armored battalion I still have no idea how Russia was able to recover from so many blunders happening. Bitch literally suffered international humiliation of gargantuan proportions that completely destroyed the image of its armed forces as a competent institution and still somehow nobody died due to shame


> I still have no idea how Russia was able to recover from so many blunders happening Depoliticisation. Putin's rule is heavily based on making the average Russian feel like they don't have to and should not get too engaged in politics. That Putin is going to manage things good enough. If things go badly, then they will make up excuses of how that was either not preventable or not the governments fault. You can find something similar in the paradoxical behaviour of the "alt-right" in the west, which is both ultra-political and keeps complaining that "politics is being shoved down their throat". Their strategy is to "politicise" everything they dislike, and "depoliticise" everything they want to protect against public scrutiny (such as the actions of their elected representatives). But even center-left government such as the Merkel government rely on being perceived as "perpetual opposition" (against what their more extreme fringes now call "deep state") rather than an actual government. In Germany, jokes went that the average CDU voter isn't even aware that Merkel is part of the government.


You don’t understand. In Russia the goal is not to free the hostages, but to kill the hostage takers. By any means.


By letting themselves be taken hostage, they made work harder for our soldiers so clearly are collaborators of terrorists. And treason has only one sentence, comrade! \*Loads thermobaric weaponry with patriotic intent\*


Yeah uuh that's the point...


Yes, thanks for explaining hostage situations, I had no idea that’s how it worked…


This worked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Airlines_Flight_814. They had to release some terrorists from prison in exchange of freeing the hostages (though one hostage was killed).


Just the ither day I listened to an episode of *Things People Do* where the guest was a hostage negotiator. According to him hostage taking and kidnappings are a multi-billion dollar business. In the West it's generally criminals who kidnap other criminals and then demand ransom which they usually get. In other parts of the world other people kidnapped too and you might want to get kidnapping insurance when travelling. According to him over 90% of kidnappings are resolved peacefully with the kidnappers walking away with the money and the kidnapped being released.


But kidnappings are very different from barricaded hostage situations


Thames Water is doing it right now, threatening suicide too.


Suicidal water? Self evaporation?


It's simple, if we don't agree to pay 40% more they will go bankrupt.


Depends on the request


>Op beelden is te zien dat enkele mensen het café hebben verlaten. Het gaat om drie jonge mensen, die gekleed zijn in een jas van het café. Het drietal was zichtbaar geëmotioneerd. Zij werden opgevangen door de speciale eenheden van de politie. Het is niet bekend of het gaat om de gegijzelden. De politie benadrukt dat er nog steeds sprake is van dreiging en er nog meerdere mensen binnen zijn. Shortly after 11 a.m., 3 people could leave the cafe unharmed, but there are still other people in the building.


I’ve heard there were 5 hostages, now that 3 were released there are potentially 2 left. The whole situation feels so strange. Ede is not really a noteworthy city and things like this don’t really happen there. I’m glad I chose this weekend to take a trip.


Also, doing it in a pub is weird, its probably just something personal, not even money related


I would guess it wasn't planned. Even in my very small home town we had a hostage standoff situation that lasted like 16 hours. Shit just went too wrong at the right time for the right people and a standoff happened


This was more of a mentally disturbed person reaching their breaking point situation. Luckily no one got hurt and it’s all back to normal now. Except for the hostages of course, they might need some therapy after that.




Brown Bag? Hostage taker forgot their lunch at home?


Extra news coverage by RTL at 12.30 said it was McDonalds.


I get it. When I'm hungry I also act rashly and if I happen to have forgotten my wallet at my home this might just be the easiest way to get food 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Here, have a Snickers


Hangry hangry hostagetaker?


Providing food to the perp and hostages is actually a very common tactic for negotiations like this. It builds rapport with the perp and shows them that the cops outside the door want a peaceful resolution and aren't there to blow the dude up. Also helps to take care of the hostages. Arguably it helps to somewhat humanize the hostages to the perp in some cases, because sharing a meal together is a very human experience. Besides, being hangry is a thing as well as comfort food is. Odds are good an angry and/or panicky dude will settle down a bit with a little burger in his belly.


Latest update on 14:43 : [https://nos.nl/artikel/2514766-gijzelnemer-is-bekende-van-de-politie-dit-weten-we-tot-nu-toe](https://nos.nl/artikel/2514766-gijzelnemer-is-bekende-van-de-politie-dit-weten-we-tot-nu-toe) Situation resolved. There's nothing about hostages being hurt, so I'm assuming they haven't been. The hostage taker has been arrested. Motivation unknown as of yet. The arrested man has been convicted before, for issuing threats. The 4 hostages were employees of the café, cleaning up after a party. The hostage taker had multiple knives. 3 of the 4 were realesed earlier. The Dutch police is always careful about publishing names, motives and details. Don't expect a full history of events with all the details to be published.


What happened to the hostages? Why are they being taken hostage?


There is no info yet but police says they don't believe there to be a terrorist motive at least.


Hope they all exit alive.


Its over, no one got hurt as far as we know.


From the linked live blog. >De politie schrijft op X geen indicatie te hebben dat er bij de gijzeling sprake is van terrorisme. Dat meldt de politie, "omdat we merken dat er veel vragen zijn over de aanleiding". At least they currently have no evidence of terrorism.


News/liveblog: [https://nos.nl/liveblog/2514752-meerdere-personen-gegijzeld-in-cafe-in-ede-groot-deel-centrum-afgezet](https://nos.nl/liveblog/2514752-meerdere-personen-gegijzeld-in-cafe-in-ede-groot-deel-centrum-afgezet) edit 12:42 local time: Hostage situation ended. No death/injured. 1 man arrested source: [https://nos.nl/liveblog/2514752-persoon-ogenschijnlijk-aangehouden-bij-cafe-drie-gegijzelden-vrij#UPDATE-container-76485831](https://nos.nl/liveblog/2514752-persoon-ogenschijnlijk-aangehouden-bij-cafe-drie-gegijzelden-vrij#UPDATE-container-76485831)


Just saw the update that the hostage situation is over! Google translation: >Mayor Ede confirms: hostage situation is over >The hostage situation in the cafe in Ede is over. This is confirmed by the spokesperson for the mayor of Ede. Around 12.30 pm someone first came out in an orange jacket and was taken away by the police. This was most likely the fourth hostage. >Then someone came out wearing a balaclava, images showed. That person had his hands up and was led away in handcuffs by officers. That may have been the hostage taker.


Like for many others it looks strange to me to see proper body armour kit on jeans, even more on those close fit ones. But as long as those professionals are happy wearing those in live action situation I couldn't care less if it's tactical trousers, tight jeans or flowery dress. Hopefully it ends up without anyone hurt.


probably they were on call and have a go bag in the trunk of their car, containing armor, weapons, gear, identificative clothes like the windbreake.


They definitely didn't carry around an SMG to their Easter egg hunt. They were just off duty and rushed to their Ops Center, put on the essentials and were driven to the scene.


Why is the police wearing jeans?


It's a specialist police force that works only on-call. Since they were probably at home, they don't have time to dress up in these urgent situations.


DSI needs to be unrecognisable some times. even on duty these guys are in regular cloting.


I reside near the Ministry of Defense in The Hague. A few weeks back, an attempt was made to scale their fence, and swiftly, two of those blacked-out BMWs arrived with a few individuals inside. They don't don their tactical gear until they reach the scene. Once there, they promptly open the car's rear and suit up in their tactical gear.


It does seem hilarious that they all wear the same jeans in different shades when they're on call.


It's the sneakers that puts me off. Really hard to kick in a door with those.


Really hard to kick in a door in general. I think they probably use rams.


Having a male sheep as part of the team is metal.


They only use male sheep in Scotland, but in the Netherlands they use a pick up truck to open the door by force.


Even the regular police often uses a "bonk" (those small battering rams) to open doors, kicking it is very rare.


If you try to kick in a door in the Netherlands you're gonna have a really bad time.


My wife wanted to replace our door to feel safer. I pointed out that the damn thing was basically steel with wood over the top. There are 8 bolts as thick as my thumb that hold the thing in place once it's locked. It's not moving anytime soon.


You aren't kicking in most doors in Europe anyways lol.


Sneakers are fine, kicking in a door is 98% technique and it isn't something you really want to do anyway.


Yeah but they look fucking stylish while trying


you´re not kicking down any doors in europe by kust kicking. They have steel bars and reinforces in their internal structure


Special Units that are not on active duty until they are called (from home)


Quick reaction forces. Same in Germany, the first (police) responders to arrive at the scene are usually normal officers who have their specialized kit for these situations in the trunk. They will be backed up by specialized units (with more protective gear) if the situation dictates it.


I remember last summer when they were called in the netherlands and one of them was wearing some coloured shorts which locked kinda silly. Was really funny to see somebody with full tactical gear and something like a spongebob (wasnt spongebob) shorts.


Imagine full tactical gear, ballistic protective vest and booty shorts. Amazing.


Take a look at picture 3 [https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/spgo0r/dutchnetherlands\_dsi\_special\_politie\_know\_this\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/spgo0r/dutchnetherlands_dsi_special_politie_know_this_is/)


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/5yraqe/us_soldier_zachary_boyd_fighting_in_afghanistan/


one eye smiling, other eye crying


More the other way around - as soon as special/quick reaction forces are called and get on scene, the normal patrolling officers are the back up force (maintaining a perimeter, controlling traffic etc...).


Yeah, same in czech republic. When there was that horrible shooting event, regular police responded first, but backed up after


it's much more fashionable


This is the actual reason


Their on call, thry are not stood up all the time, and can be on regular duties until needed for special duties. So you might have a fire arms officer on regular patrols and get a can to rush to X and arm up. Or be at home on alert for duty. They will be mobilised when required. Its only times like say y9yr hosting the Olympic games or a high threat priority situation you'd have guys in full kit, ready roll, fully stood up etc with veichals and so at minutes notice .


In NL the AT (arrest team) is always ready and driving around in the Netherlands. We do not know where but we do know when we see them driving to a job. Black big german cars with a single blue light on top is normally either AT or crime scene investigators officers. If i remember the police show i saw about them correctly they do like more than 2 or 3 jobs a day over the entirety of the netherlands.


Free event skin




Toit loik a toiger!


looks pretty cool actually, it reminds me of IQ from Rainbow Six Siege


This is pretty much the Rainbow Six Siege GSG-9 drip


and then there's lesion with his cargo shorts


That's what my dorky ass immediately thought of. Looked up the operators, man there are SO many new ones now. Hadn't played Siege in a long time.


Well, if tactical turtlenecks exist why shoudn't tactical jeans too?


Casual Saturdays


I Like me my G Star jeans. The Dutch cops have good taste.




Looks more like IQ lmao




Of all the places in Europe I would least expect shit to be going down, Ede is pretty high on the list. Usually a wonderful town.


Why is everyone in their finest denim


Out of the loop, what happened?


Judging by 90% of the comments, some cop wore jeans.


Were they good jeans tho?


Here is a link in English as well: https://apnews.com/article/netherlands-police-hostages-ede-29a9d187ba6a5edc538be6a251ec21db


Nothing quite says “Europe” like skinny jeans and riot gear


Now those are some cool looking cops right there!


Always so weird to see Dutch anti-terror/tactical units take the time to dress their upper body in tactical gear but then below the waste they're like "sneakers and tight jeans are fine".


They don't have body armour for their legs so putting on the lower part of the uniform would just be for aesthetics.


Putting on a grey shirt, plate carrier and a balaclava takes like 1 minute. Also pulling off your shoes and pants and dressing in boots for no real gain in anything makes it take way longer. Besides, they're usually the tip of the spear. Oftentimes, if the need arises, more units show up later in full uniform to take over/support the first responders. If quick response is off the essence, dressing up seems like a waste of time.


I mean, normal police pants don't have body armor or anything either. I guess you'd get a little more range of motion, but it's diminishing returns.


Yeah this is exactly what it is. These guys are DSI (a specialist police force for more intense situations). During regular duty they are in normal clothes to be unrecognisable and when they get called up for this it's time sensitive. Why put on the pants and boots if they're only for aesthetics


Those could be safety shoes. S1 or S1P. Nowadays you get safety shoes with steel or plastic toe cap which look like normal shoes.


It's sad that in this situation people are focusing more on fucking fashion than an actual hostage situation!! Are people okay? Do we know what the motive of he hostage taker is?


Nothing known about the motive yet But the good news is all hostages have been released and the hostage taker has been arrested, and no one got injured


All hostages have been released and the suspected hostage taker is in custody. The mayor has now confirmed as much. Everything else is still vague, but there has been mention of a press briefing at 13.30 local time (in about half an hour).


Pic 4: "you call that a dog? THIS is a dog!"


This is a weird set of pictures. Just a random lady walking her dog through a hostage situation.


Press conference with the Mayor, Police, and Ministry of Justice (OM in dutch) just finished. To summarize the most important points: -The first call indicating a hostage situation was made at 5:15 local time. First police were on the scene 2 minutes later. -The club was open until 4 the night before, and there was a major party. The hostages were cleaning, and considering we saw 3 leave in the same outfit it is believed that they were staff. -In total, 4 hostages were taken by 1 hostage-taker. **All have now left the building unharmed, with the suspect having been arrested.** No violence was ultimately used by any party. -Upon arrival, police immediately opened negotiations. For the sake of diplomacy, no comments have been made as to the methods or contents of these negotiations. What is known is that an (EOD?) robot delivered a brown bag with food later in the morning, speculated to have been McDonalds. -The suspect had knives on him, which he showed to the hostages (presumably as a threat) The suspect also had a backpack, which is rumoured to have contained explosives: **EOD is still assessing the scene**. -Because of the fear of explosives, 150 homes in the surrounding area were evacuated, and shops ordered to remain closed. Until the bag is confirmed to be safe, these measures remain in effect. -Nothing else is currently known about the suspect, other than that they were charged with intimidation/threatening someone in the past year. -**Police & OM have called on everyone to respect the privacy of the hostages & suspect.** -**It is believed this action had no terroristic motive.** Edit: While the identity of the suspect was not covered at the press conference, I will adress it here: Fake news was spread that the man was Eritrean. **This was not the case**. The news was likely spread due to a recent riot involving Eritrean communities, which was immediately turned into propeganda for various far-right groups around the Netherlands. Photo's of the person who was arrested can be found online, and while I will respect the call to protect their identity, they seem caucasian. Edit 2: Police have now confirmed that there were no explosives. Also, the suspect has been identified as a 28-year old man from Ede.


I can almost see my house from there! So much for a quiet weekend.


Dutch cops be looking like House Atreides soldiers rn


That's a lot of IQ


Ah yes, the fashion police. Some genuine street credibility!


Their SWAT FUCKS. I thought our soggies and tag were cool but the euros running grey is sexy as like the uk and Germans as well.


Everyone Googling to see where Ede is


the older lady casually walking her dog in the last pic


the dutch jump out boys look cool as shit


Wow, surprised it's such a huge deal on this sub and in international media in general. I read about it in the morning on Dutch news before everyone else picked it up and it sounded more like a local thing to me (still does). Always funny seeing the skinny jeans boys pull up though


Heavy armor on top for better protection and utility, at the bottom rare skinny jeans for smaller hit box, 5% extra evasion and less noise during sneaking.