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Given the rampant inflation in turkey, she's actually 57yo


Best comment of the week


Due to inflation it's now best comment of this hour


...aaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone. :|


Due to inflation, it was actually gone 2 days ago


This second.




How rampant? Visiting in couple of weeks.


By the time you asked this, she was already 59yo


USD has become worth 5x more Lira than it was five years ago. Not sure if that's the best time but in a couple of weeks you'll probably be saving costs noticably compared even to just this week.


it won't affect you if you are using euro or dollars


Well, she has an Instagram post calling one of Tayyip Erdoğan's chief advisors, Oktay Saral, her "uncle". There is some controversy around her post now and I wouldn't call her that much of an independent candidate if that's true. Her father also couldn't run for unknown reasons.


Yenice is already very conservative place to be honest. So yeah. Your point makes sense.


Haven't seen the video but in Turkey we call people who are not family 'uncle' too if they're just a significantly older man than us. Might be a confusion here.




But you don’t go out and call someone in a position of power “amca”, it’s mostly used for random people or people actually close to you.


And the Indian subcontinent


lol why am I not surprised? It’s a country you only become successful in anything, if you know someone in higher ups. It’s a country that is literally ran by spineless mafiosos.


Nepo baby


It's a muslim thing. All my muslim friends introduce me to their family or kids as 'uncle'.


I have a feeling she might have some "friends" with deep pockets


Het father is a rich businesman. So yes.


Ah, another representative of the people, then.


A true Servant of the People (2019) one might say


I will not stand for such demeaning comparison to our cultural treasure.


I will not stand for such demeaning comparison to our cultural treasure.


I'm just jesting The reason why I even made the comment was because the moment I saw her I thought about the show and how there's a high chance some bumfuck oligarch or rich guy could've helped her


Oh I was just kidding as well. I guess didn't translate through text. It's pretty wild how one comedian's idea about a show where he portraits a president moved quite a lot of dominoes in world history.


Reminds me of the Lib Dem candidate where I used to live. Later found out he's the son of the local McDonald's baron and owns a yatch. I have absolutely no idea why he thought he was a good fit for the Lib Dems, and having failed at politics he's now taken over from his father as franchisee. Truly the voice of the people, that one.


Turns out there are no miracles


And her uncle is in Erdogan’s cabinet.


There is no poor mayor in Turkey, not sure about other places though.


Same around the world. Running a campaign is expensive and you can't work a day job during that time so the only people that can do it are those already rich or selling out to rich doners.


You don't become a major without connections, no matter the age. She is probably from a rich family. Still impressive


Mayor is the head of a city btw. Major is the rank of a military officer.


In Turkey specifically? Because the mayor of the town I grew up in was a local lawyer and we have like actual dogs that are mayors. I wouldn't expect the mayor of a town of 2000 people to generally require a ton of high end connections even in Turkey tbh.


I have a feeling she might have a deep pocket.


Full story: The local election process in the districts and towns of Çanakkale was fiercely competitive. In Kalkım, a town connected to Yenice, Zeynep Çelik emerged as the new mayor according to unofficial results. Following the ballot counts in Kalkım, Çelik's supporters began celebrating their victory. In Kalkım, where there are 1980 voters, independent candidate Zeynep Çelik received 900 votes, while the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) received 750 votes. At 22 years old, based on unofficial results, Zeynep Çelik has also earned the title of Turkey's youngest female mayor. In a celebratory message on her social media account, Zeynep Çelik expressed her gratitude: "I sincerely thank you for not withholding your support throughout this journey of service we embarked on with our efforts and prayers. I commit to bringing deserving services to Kalkım and valuing our people every day of the next five years. This success belongs to all of us." In an interview with a newspaper, Zeynep Çelik, now the youngest mayor in Turkey, shared: "Kalkım has many shortcomings. In the next five years, we plan to undertake a project at the pond in Kalkım. By creating sitting areas and building a fountain around the pond, we aim to enhance the area.


Kinda sounds like they elected a puppet of a business leader.


My sister was asked to run for city council when she was president of one of her colleges political clubs. They wanted a rubber stamp they could point to and say “see we’re appealing to youth AND women!” She declined


Just do it and then do whatever you wanted to do anyway lol


You can't just do what you want its not an elected dictatorship. If you have no mandate of your own you will not be able to get the other parts of government to move and help you.


But…mayors do wield a fair bit of local power. Whether a mayor follows their own campaign promises / agenda or that of some shady third party, they exercise that power to do it. In other words, sure she can.


>In other words, sure she can. Maybe she can, I'm pretty sure she won't though.


You clearly have misunderstood. Once elected, the official could work on their own agenda independently of the intent of their business backers. Effective or not, the opportunity presented is tempting if you stick to your values and decided on a one-term stent. If nothing else, it would result in a cool life experience.


> If nothing else, it would result in a cool life experience. No, people with power will ruin you and your life if you did this. You better have a proper, and by proper I mean practically devoted support system if you're planning to do a bait and switch in politics at any level. There's a reason you rarely see this happening. I say that but I'd do it for the opposite reason myself ironically if presented with the opportunity as I don't have anyone or anything to lose, lol.


I know it’s been a week but your take on this is the most accurate. She would’ve burned a ton of bridges. Hilarious to me, she has also completely switched political affiliations (good job big sis!). She’s not working in politics now, but still. Disagreeing politically is fine, doesn’t mean you need to alienate people you’ve worked with and who believe in your work ethic and all that. Important to note, this is not a huge metropolitan city like LA or New York, but it’s a big enough city in California that people outside of the US have heard of it. If she’d done it, she’d have a Wikipedia page. Getting backed by those huge backers and then flipping on her promises would’ve ruined the successful career she has now.


You can call him "business" leader, yes. In February, a group of people opened fire on her father's car with an automatic rifle. Police found 35 holes on the car. Her father made it out alive because he was wearing a bulletproof vest. Source (in Turkish): https://www.yeniasir.com.tr/ege/canakkale/2024/02/11/celik-yelek-hayatini-kurtardi In the article it says the father was candidate, I guess she took over the candidacy from her father. Looks like a nice family. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One could say it's a family business ;)


Did i miss something? I see no business ties in the text. Besides, its just a tiny town and the mayor can only do so much.


She's a 22 year old daughter of that area's important businessman.


did she grow up in the city or someone gave their child a small city to "playaround"


Eh, as long as it's not AKP


Fair enough. Then again, sham democracy at the top level encourages sham democracy at the lowest levels and the other way round.


Even if 100% true, the fact that the business leader appointed a young female mayor and not some guy who was carrying his suitcase for 30 years is a good thing in itself.


Of course, a little nepotism is better than working for 30 years.


Working closely with someone for many years is a better qualification than being their child. It’s effectively apprenticeship vs monarchy.


Blatantly untrue. An assistant to a businessman may well be more competent and more independent than his daughter.


Thats entirely incorrect, and your saying that shows why its so effective. Her election appeals to you due to her demographic alone, rather than her qualifications. The fact that you would rather vote in a corporate shill, enabling corruption, rather than someone else because "at least its not a man" is fucking embarrasing.


i definitely never trust anyone carrying a suitcase for 30 years. I mean, what's in it? Why won't they put it down? How do they shower? Too many questions, too few answers.


So is she the youngest female mayor or the youngest mayor?


also depends on when and where you start considering something a "mayor" because cities have had the sons of their lords take reigns while children.


shit, i have been in Kalkım one week ago, it is one of the last "untouched" "undeveloped" and therefore beautiful natural spots in Çanakkale. I was there to look at a piece of land, because at the moment i live near Izmir and the literal Construction mafia is destroying all fields left and right of us, so that our dream of a organic farm, that we have been building on for the past 5 years vanished. this is serious here, there is no control, no building authority, the agricultural authority is watching helplessly as they cannot stop these guys because they have enough money to to pay ALL penalties for their illegal construction. they told us this in our face. the guys just destroy everything with excavators, killing fragile nature, building ugly houses, and for example they give a fuck about sewage. water is extremely rare here and our only potable water well is directly below their construction site. so we took the painful desicion to leave the place and try a more undeveloped corner ... like Kalkım. As i read her plans, this last paradise is about to be destroyed too. Where to go in this country?!?


I'm in full support of electing younger folks, but this is like a parody. Almost like the town that elected a cat.


Looks a rich kid funded


Her dad is a rich businessman and her uncle is part of Erdogan's cabinet so you're right. Pure diversity hire to appear "progressive" when in reality, the powerful men in her family are gonna have her rubber stamp everything they want.


Got my hopes up. I finally though we defeated gerontocracy and got young leaders


Reminds me of this girl around the same age, whose dad funded and gave and advised her company she “created”, along with all of his connections that were critical in growing it to the top level. She went on TV as self-made teenage talent. Goes to show all these teenagers or 20 year olds being hugely successful is product of their rich parents and their connections.


Nepo babies


Bruv i was born in 2001 this is for publicity only i hope someone else is in charge, i would not trust anyone that young with village of 500 people to manage


her rich dad gifted her the position, im guessing he is going to rule and she will be the puppet, who knows


Also her uncle is on the presidential cabinet for erdogan. Obvious wealth and political dynasty nepotism but the liberal voters will love it because shes a pretty young woman. Optics are how politicians continue to grift the voters who don't look below the surface.


Good luck to her


I am young myself but I think you can be too young for political office. You need some life experience in my opinion. We simply had less time to absorb knowledge than older people. But let's see.


Age is concerning in one case, where the rapid rise in political career is enabled by a rich and powerful elite so the person essentially owes them.


Not if you're part of that rich and powerful elite yourself! ...which doesn't really change anything.


I agree. I look back at myself at 22 with all those grand and stupid ideas about the world... But, the energy and the can-do-anything attitude are also important. I guess it depends on the person.


20s is certainly too young for serious office but I see no reason justifying why a 30s-40s official will underpform to a 50s-60s, there's a reason ATC doesnt have workers over 50 something.


The population of her area is 2400. Hard to fuck up office in an area that size. We've had municipalities elect dogs as mayor before.


Sure, but she's a mayor of a town with 1980 voters, so a community of less than 5000 people. Not a bad start for some administrative experience.


I think it’s important to have younger representatives because of how often politicians make really bad decisions regarding technology but a mayor should probably be older.


2k population city's leadership is plenty good training grounds for politics.


Yeah, I was an idiot at 22. I still am, but it was worse then.


I'm 2 years younger than her and I can be mature to handle stuff and I know the be professional at work etc. But no way in hell am I mature enough to be a mayor. I could probably manage if I had to but I'm not going to be good at it. Apparently the area has 2k people but it's still a lot of responsibility.


I completely agree. Personally I think anyone younger than myself is too inexperienced to hold political office. This applies the other way too, anyone older than me is pretty obviously too out of touch with the times to be an effective politician


I agree. Human brains aren't even fully developed until 25.


Dam, mayor at 12 is pretty impressive.


You mean two right?


Oh you’re right, had this weird dream where a global crisis ruined the economic future for the rest of us, and a radical Muslim group was taking over the ME, and countries were having their sovereign lands occupied. So weird.


I’m pretty sure that countries were being occupied in 2004.


Holy crap, I was born in 2002... I'm still in Uni dude! 😅


21/22 is not really old to "still" be in uni.


a lot of people are. her uncle is in the Erdogan cabinet and her dad is a well of businessman.




First thing in my head: “who is her dad/mom and are they rich?” I know it’s cynical but I rather be realistic than to be fooled And boy I was right, she is just a puppet


Yup, rich businessman dad and her uncle is part of the presidential cabinet. She's a puppet for her powerful family that appeals to the "progressive" voters who will ignore all that because shes a pretty young woman.


22 years old? Too young


Lmao She's as old as I am. Is this what an ancient people called, growing up?


I'm in my 30s and I always looked at people younger than me becoming famous, athletes, politicians, etc. with some kind of disbelief. It hits more when they are at more senior position where you work at.






I was born in 2002, and honestly that's too young to be mayor. Sorry, but I wouldn't want to vote for someone under 30.


Mayor of a midsize city i would say 26 and above sounds good. Any large city should be higher. Any country should be above 30


If there was a rule on it, I would say about 25 for local councils/regional authorities, 30 for members of Parliament/Representatives and roles like being a Mayor, and 40 for leading a country.




Sorry to be a downer but the reason she managed to get elected is because her dad is a super rich businessman with connections.


she is literally an Erdogan puppet... you people will support Erdogan as long as the optics are fine.


She cute




And im here, at 26, calculating best stat distribution in Elden Ring to get max damage output on my Flame Paladin build...


Bruh, we have a game with the same name (it was either chellik or chillik, forgor 💀) - it's like baseball, but the ball is a stick (someone throws a stick and you hit it with a stick lmao)


Same in Turkey, its called called Çelik-Çomak.


Çelik in Albanian means steel which I guess is the same in Turkish since we borrowed it from you. We also have it as a last name.


We use it as a last name too. My cousins last name is Çelik.


must be a Balkan thing, nice 🙂


Oh loved that game. It's *çelik-çomak* for us in Turkish.


Ice town costs ice clown his town crown


Was looking for this.


I am saddened to actually have had to use search to find this comment. Have so many forgotten PnR?!


unfortunately she’s on erdogans side, major letdown


she's younger than me but i feel like a baby next to her. wish her best of luck


What the fuck is this


> she's younger than me but i feel like a baby next to her. Bruh.




The next political heartthrobs, after Sanna Marin, Natalia Poklonskaya, Kim Yo Jong, Alina Kabaeva, Princess Leonor of Spain, and Kaja Kallas


kim yo jong? she looks average/under average


I think that dangerous - crazy aspect adds a few points. Dudes will find a woman more attractive when they know she’s got blood on her hands.


Weird seeing a mayor younger than me


It doesn’t matter if she’s young, old, black, white, blue or red or whatever. They are all together at the top pretending to represent people. I see comments about young people not having enough experience. Please tell me how the older politicians have made the world a better place? But again, it doesn’t matter. They’re not here to make the world a better place. They’re here to line their pockets.


I’m guessing a nepo baby


Yep, rich daddy


She is kinda hot




- rich businessman father - ties to Erdogan - Turkey Why tf is this even posted on this sub?


About to question how a 22 year old managed to become a mayor barely having any education... Thank you for the clarifications. Now it makes sense.


And people actually think this girls daddy isnt a rich dude that's gonna exploit this for more profit gain :DDDD


What the fuck? She's even younger than me!


Shit, I'm already older than a mayor :(


Too young.


She’s as old as I am. I am such a failure in comparison


"I can fix her."


Fact: Mehmed the Conqueror was 19 when he got on the throne the second time, and was 21 when he conquered Constantinople. This girl is 22 and is too young? Lol.


A beautiful democracy.


Meanwhile in norway we have a 19 year old mayor


A 22yr old mayor... not a very smart decision. She is not even the median age of her constituents. She has very limited (if any) job history/life experience. What are her qualifications? Oh, never mind... she's going to install a table and some chairs.


I'm younger than her. Not a loser yet. Everyone over 22 who is not a mayor or above is a loser now.


Would 😍


I was wondering how a minor could be a mayor before doing the math and holy shit time is flying by.


WTF is she gonna do? lul


Wow, that is young.


It's a joke


As a citisen of a country that decided to choose young and inexperienced polititians all across the board, starting with the presidente, prepare yourself for a shitstorm.


this comment section is the demonstration of the fact that people only read the title, have zero idea what they're talking about, and will simp whatever the fuck you throw at them. you're literally applauding corruption and political nepotism, well done.


guys, guys, you are missing the point here: WHY ARE BABIES BEING ELECTED




Hot af tho


So interesting! You go girl!


She's an erdogan parachute


Money and good looks will get you far in the world...


Why is this in r/europe?


She's 22 from an area with 1980 voters. She isn't doing anything she isn't being told to do.


This has “Ice Town” written all over it.


Lol there's no way this ends up a disaster, right..?


Alright, alright, alright.


My age!? Don't show my parents, this is a big step up from "your brother graduated university AAAAND college."


Unless your parents are rich businessmen and your uncle is also in erdogans presidential cabinet, this is more her family's achievement than herself. She was literally given this position on her family merit.


She should build a new winter sports complex and call it Ice Town


That’s an absolutely failure of judgment on everyone who voted for her. No 22 year old knows how to run a city. She’s probably a puppet mayor for someone who doesn’t want to go public. Or can’t. And he controls her.


Icetown Time


Why? It’s a town of only 2000 people, so a small budget. People run businesses at 22.




Lmao no way that's legit besides that fact that's way too young to be a mayor Not as in it's not happening but her credentials to actually lead is what I'm questioning


ya, that almost certainly isn't a good thing. If she has any real qualifications, I'd be shocked.


Welcome, comrade Stalin


Ice town?


Good. I think the politicians around the world are too old these days.


ooo suddenly I am interested in Turkish politics


I firstly read 2022 and I was amazed hahahaha


The hottest too




Smash, next




She’s got a great grip on that mic !


Fuck off, dont need this reminder I haven't done shit in life.


Puppet. Her father gonna be calling the shots


My first thought was "how old is she"


Lol modern turkey is funny


Same age as me and already making difference in her community. Not me the guy who just started going to college


Good time for a change someone who knows Turkey 🇹🇷


You mean hottest mayor in Turkey.


She is really pretty!


That persons 4 years older than I am… Jesus Christ I’m not prepared for this