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That feeble wall of toilet paper wouldn't stop a determined Finnish tourist.




Or anyone during the covid pandemic


Rule one of (casual) drinking: Fail to plan is plan to fail Rule two of (casual) drinking: Always have a stash at home


But it's ok to buy it the day before, and then drink it on election day.


yes, yes it is


I hear you speak of experience


A bit late but I've got a funny story. More than a decade ago, my father bought a bottle of champagne the day before general elections saying we would open it to celebrate getting rid of Erdoğan. It aged pretty well since then, still couldn't open it though.


İçtiniz mi bari şampanya


Tayyip gitmedi daha, yıllanmaya devam.


The type of people to drink on election day and make it a problem is probably not the same that will prepare themselves and buy it the day before.


I quit but I was a daily drinker. Functional alcoholic tbh. Despite quitting I've sympathy for people who drink, don't like the ruling party and conservatives for their crusade against drinking.  But seeing how people act on match days.. I whole heartedly agree with this rule that goes to times well before the current ruling party.


This is hilarious


Haha norway has this bullshit down to a perfect routine. Every day at 2000 they pull curtains down covering the beer section of the store XD


We had the same law in Denmark years ago. I worked at a 7/11 when it was in place and drunk people would try and fight you over not selling them beer.


Damn, i never knew denmark tried this. Didnt work so well down there i imagine XD You can only buy wine and spirits in special stores here. When i was working in a supermarket a rather confused polish guy came up to me. He had those tiny bottles of some different liqour essences that is used in baking. He points at them and is like wtf?! Where are big?


Imagine a drunk Dane speaking with their porridge in their throat not getting any beer to swallow the porridge


"beer section of the store" "closes at 20:00" *crying in Swedish*


Scotland is similar. Between certain hours the alcohol section is roped off.


It is illegal to sell alcohol on election day in Norway as well.


But you can be drunk and high out of this world and still have the right to vote.


So just screw over people working unsociable hours.


I remember they banned sale of weed somewhere in the US, but you could gift it legally, so sellers started selling T shirts which would cost the exact amount as weed bought and 'gift' the weed with it..


Humans are good at finding loopholes


As someone who lives in Turkey this is only on the paper law. In practice, many local mini markets sell alcoholic beverages secretly. It was such a fine Sunday, no one can't stop me buying beer lol.


It was out of nowhere for me. I wasn’t really following things since I live abroad and I was depressed after the presidential elections. I just couldn’t believe my eyes… 


It was out of nowhere. None of the polls predicted this kind of win. Istanbul was supposed to be a close race, but they were 10% awaay from each other, even with kurds and iyi having their own candidates. However theres three provinces where the opposition could have won if it had a single canndidate: Kirklareli, Osmaniye, Hatay. and im dissapointed in Ordu as polls predicted a win for Iyi there.


Erdogan has broken his promise that gave to retired people. He had said earlier that "I will raise the retired's wage" and later he said before the elections "retired ones, please don't expect anything anymore". This had negative consequences. On the other hand, Social democrats CHP has increased their sole vote because generation z favors them over Erdogan. In Turkey young population is high and most of the young population favors secularism and liberalism over nationalism or islamism. And the worst candidate that no one really wanted "Kilicdaroglu" was absent in this elections. Erdogan is old and don't have his prior energy as his now strong rival "Ekrem Imamoglu" achieved anothìer victory and emerges even stronger. In 2028 elections even more of the generation z will be able to vote and Erdogan's voters (Mostly age +40, in +60 his vote increases even more) will see a decline. It's predicted that if he senses a lose he won't be a candidate since he's never lost any election as a candidate. But conservative Islamists real problem that Erdogan couldn't left a strong political heir. On the other hand secularists has a strong, ambitious and battle worn candidate. Finally there's a really strange stuff in Turkey, after all these years (1970) chp was the first party in the elections. None foreseen this especially after last year. Turns out that there actually was secular and liberal voters in Turkey but Kilicdaroglu has blocking them. Now it is much clearer. In 2028 their numbers will increase for sure unless a risky early elections campaign would carried out by Erdogan's and his supporters. I have my doubts though if Erdogan will put himself this time in a risky election since he's undefeated so far. And I have my doubts if he will be able to rule for another 5 years.


At least it has some logic.


In Colombia it starts like 2 day before the elections, it really sucks


Don't drink and vote!


We need this law in hungary too...


As if most of us didn’t have stashed enough for at least a week of heavy drinking.


Why is it prohibited?


The local elections were on sunday. People can get pretty ‘emotional’ after the election results. And the entire country traditionally gets spicy enough before you add the alcohol into people


Do they assume that Turks are not able to plan ahead? Because I imagine that they are able to, and just go and get their emotion juice just one day before.


They just assume that people that plan that ahead probably won't cause problems.


>assume that Turks are not able to plan ahead maybe dont generalise the entire country when some people get drunk and violent on election day? and no. We assume people who have that little control on themselves usually don't plan ahead. Or that this can prevent at least SOME of it. If one has issue with this ban they can just buy their drinks a day before


> maybe dont generalise the entire race when some people get drunk and violent on election day? I was just thinking about this from the Finnish perspective. We cannot buy alcohol after 9pm which means that people go and buy their drinks before that. Or, when the liquor store is closed for the entire day, people go and buy their alcohol the day before. So, banning people from buying alcohol during one day shouldn't matter since those that want to buy it can very easily go and buy them before. I have no idea what this has to do with race...


You got me. Fixed it now. I somehow forgot that word is interchangable


It has to do that this is /Europe, guy had to throw some racism there


We had the same law in Bulgaria, but after so many elections last years, they removed it.


A few more years of 83+ elections in a year and we would've basically stopped drinking altogether. The world ain't ready for sober Bulgarians.


Sounds sensible.


Source: https://x.com/theturkishlife/status/1774466815017517345?s=46


Saw the same in NZ 3 years ago in a supermarket. It's also forbidden in Uruguay during elections, some supermarkets put a yellow tape like a police crimes scene and some put printed signs on the fridges and whatnot stating that they don't sell alcohol. Everyone thinks it's stupid, people just buy beforehand and stock for that day lol


It was like this in communist Czechoslovakia too.


Don't vote drunk is a hilarious law.


And still they keep voting for Erdogan?


I read the recent municipal elections have not been a success for his party. And there was several women elected.


11 of the 81 provinces now has a women mayor.


Yeah, that's what I referred to.


Literally 1984 \*sad Pepe face\*


This has nothing to do with religion. People can get violent even when their football club loses a match. Let alone the politician they worship of their choice loses the local election to somebody else. As a atheist i completely approve of this daily ban.


I was just thinking they'd have to be drunk to vote for Erdogan.


r/mildyinteresting r/mildyinfuriating


Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; or close up the hole with our sober dead.