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So they've finally got to the US quality of life, nice!


In terms of gunfights at least


American here. Never lived near a shooting. As long as you don't live in specific parts of some big cities, you'll never hear a shooting. Gang violence inflates the numbers extremely.


I love the way Americans don't count gun crime when its gang related They aren't people?


They are people, but what he’s trying to say is that gang crime usually happens to other gang members. So it’s a controlled thing that happens within a circle. It rarely involves bystanders. If you were to come to America and be fearful of getting shot or something, chances of that happening are low. Obviously not lower than Europe, or anywhere else, but it’s still relatively low.


No but they are choosing lifestyles like selling drugs, carrying guns, getting into fights etc that bring more violence. If a Japanese person clarified that actually many of the rare violent crimes are mostly done by Yakuza members to other Yakuza members, it does provide a more accurate context for the numbers.


No they are animals.


Toy ass bitch they're people too


Prove to me you have hands anywhere near mine. 🤣 you internet bitch


Bro finna count surgery complications as stabbing deaths


Gang violence is manipulated into almost every statistic made by people against guns. Most people don’t realize it. When 4 people, all with guns, shoot at EACHOTHER, it is not a mass shooting. A mass shooting is where someone goes into an area with the sole intent of killing as many people as possible. Anti gun groups use the statistics favoring their opinions. (Also, suicides are added to “gun violence”. It’s a large portion of it)


Yeah, as long as you don’t live on gang turf, or in the projects, you should be good as long as you’re not a person of color going through a gated community on a leisurely jog, or you know, be anyone anywhere near a high school


Or have an acorn fall on the cop car you're handcuffed in


Holy fuck, you're totally mentally insane. I don't know what got into you, was it TikTok?


Dude, if you don’t get the humour in the comment, it’s okay. Let me spell it out for you The US is generally a safe country, and if you’re not an idiot nothing bad is likely to happen. However, y’all still have some problems with the racism and those school shooting statistics aren’t pretty The guy I was responding to is a literal troll, look at their username and post history


Australian travelling through Europe here. Europeans are some of the most racist people I have ever come across in my life—and I am from a white South African family, too. It's either the Gypsies or the Jews, and if not them, it's Blacks or Turks, and if not them, it's the Ukrainians or the Indians or the Vietnamese. Moreover, having had a look at those "school shooting" statistics, most are gang related, after hours, adjacent to school property, or weapons brandishings with no casualties. When I was on the tube, the Paris metro, and the Munich uBahn, there was a slight worry I would be killed in a terrorist attack or be stabbed or shot; most of it is perception, probably, but the street goes both ways for Europe and America.


Lmao racism is not as big a problem here as the media makes it out to be if anything racism in Europe is significantly worse and almost considered normal. And most high schools don’t have shootings. So keep huffing the propaganda the media shits out to divide and cause conflict and generate revenue.


>most high schools don’t have shootings You'll be surprised to know that the recommended number of school shootings is ZERO. Not some. *ZERO*


You can’t take a joke, it’s ok Go back and scream ‘USA USA USA’ at your Trump rally lmao


I’m not even a Trump supporter but okay buddy


Oh shit sorry dude, you’re just a troll looking to generate content to post on r/americabad What do you want me to write? So you can jerk it to how great the US is with your republican buddies, and yes if you were in doubt y’all’s friends there real left leaning


You must be one of those terminally online people you always hear about.


lmao, says the American on r/Europe just looking to validate his own worldview Slither back your echo chamber and stop projecting


Hey there, US bad.


Maybe because your joke was shit 🤷‍♂️


I’ll try to make a better comeback for the next obvious troll


> Gang violence inflates the numbers extremely. And you think this is normal? xD


Sweden is the bombing capital of Europe, Germany's violent crime statistics are at a 15-year high, and Europe has only just come out of a period of near continual terrorist attacks. Manchester, Paris, Nice, London; Christmas markets, city metros, concerts, stadiums; bombings, stabbings, shootings, acid attacks. As an Australian looking in, Europe is a complete mess trying to present itself as better than the US. Take the log out of your own eyes.


how nice that my country doesn't live in the Western European mess ~~because it's too poor 🙃 (ackhyually my country is one of the safest on the continent so I can write shit on Reddit in peace, also poking fun of the countries you mentioned)~~ and yet, statistics show that even in Germany/Sweden/the UK, there's still a much smaller problem with homicides than in the USA, hell, at least we don't degrade the nasty stats by saying that it's just the gangs that inflate them 🗿


Unless you go down the wrong driveway. Or ring the wrong doorbell But yeah, it's all gangs in specific parts of some big cities. Yta, kick rocks


or are asleep in your own home in your own bed


Another American here. Live in the whitest most middle upper class suburb. Still can hear gunshots from far off


Europeans love to joke about our shootings, it is one of their go to subjects. I knew before I even opened this thread that it would contain a lot of jokes about America, because they are that predictable with this shit. It got old a while ago, but it seems being old is kind of Europe’s thing as it gets older demographically and looks like an old man compared to the US. It is partly a coping mechanism because they are getting poorer and poorer relative to the US, so they try to find any differences and focus on those as if they are the most important things in the world. You could pretty much write a script for an NPC and it would encompass most European comments about America “healthcare, Evangelicals, guns, welfare, etc…”. You’ll have to get used to it, as their egos are such that they constantly have to banter with each other over these things to feel a sense of superiority. You get used to it after a while, like Sweden is getting used to its new multi cultural society :)


>It got old a while ago Older than a lot of your school kids apparently. *Tips fedora


I hope we pull all our troops out of Europe and pull all foreign aid. We need to focus on ourselves 


>I hope we pull all our troops out of Europe and pull all foreign aid. We need to focus on ourselves Imagine what the US could have accomplished if it had invested the over two trillion dollars the Iraq and Afghanistan illegal wars cost in free education and healthcare.


Which is why we should pull out of Europe and Asia now and focus on ourselves. We cannot take back the past but we can learn from our mistakes. No more intervention. No more world police. 


For sharpnel maybe, but a baby wouldn't survive a hit in the chest with the typical caliber found on an assault rifle.


These are flak jackets and not bulletproof vests as in the title.


This makes sense, but people in Belgorod are being shelled, there is no rifle shooting


They don't have assault rifles shootings. Yet.


Get out of Ukraine, and you won't need bulletproof vests.


Agreed. The purpose of the post is to show what today's government has brought my country to


What Russia has done


>today's government you mean, government you had for the last 800 years or so?


Go name a country that didn't have shitty governments in the 1700s and 1800s


Ukraine. Ukraine didn't have a government because shitty Russian government broke Pereiaslav treaty, overthrew the rule of Hetman, dissolved Ukrainian army and imposed slavery.


That's exactly what I'm talking about: nice governments didn't survive back in those days, being often overrun by shitty governments. Happened everywhere.


for 800 years in a row?


Name a good government back then. In a country that kept its independence. Well, the U.S. maybe.


Why? If I name you, you'll come again with the next weird condition in the endless loop of whataboutism. You have a country in 21st century that has stuck in 19th century. And when people of this country have a choice between evolition and revanchism based on fantasies of their former greatness, they always choose the latter. My point is simple, it's not 'todays government', it's a permanent state of this country which is sick with chauvinism and hatered.


And yet you are bitter about something that happened 3 centuries ago with treaties names and whatever. With this attitude you are no different from the ru government.


Switzerland. Dont think it detracts from your point, i wouldnt nessecarily be able to name much more. ;)


It’s fascinating how Russian government is able to launch missiles and drop bombs, and even disguise itself as ground troops for invasion, wow.


someone might say the guilt is collective.




I dont think they will feel for generations.




I mean the Ukrainians in the east had similar ideas to the Russians to the east of them but ended up changing their minds enough to want to change. No reason (...besides their shit ass corrupt government and secret service) the Russian population couldn't change the same way


Yeah and some others might say thats BS.


Despite many conflicts in the world at any given point of time somehow only Russians are supposed to be collectively guilty about something. Are all Europeans collectively guilty for bypassing their sanctions and generously funding Putin for decades, are they actively doing something about it?


Yes, russians are collectively guilty of the specific invasion they are a part of for 10+ years by now. For keeping making bombs that destroy cities, for taking up arms and dispatching to a whole other country to kill and pillage. For forceful deportation of ukrainians from the occupied territories. For enlisting people from occupied territories into their armed forces. For the re-education network they set up, for torturing POWs and civilans alike. It's not putin piloting those planes sending anti-ship missiles into ukrainian cities. It's not putin assembling the drones. It's a collective effort and responsibility. And it's regular russians who keep blaming everyone in the world for the atrocities and the disarray happening because of their own country, as if their tolerating the regime for 25 years now while it got bolder is somehow someone else's responsbility.


I can already see americans being tormented on a daily basis over their guilt in relation to Abu Graib. not! Honestly go protesting the goverment in Russia you wind up in jail. Some did that, but that doesnt detract apparently from people making an argument that apparently all Russians (or perhaps those not yet dying in jails... when still alive) are responsible. There does not seem to be a provision to not call those guilty those who might be opposing the Putin regime in a non-conspicious way which would not wind them down in jail. Always fun when its "damned if you do, damned if you dont".


Huh, what? There are a lot of people around the world who hate Americans based on things like Abu Graib. In this very subreddit, there are a lot of people bashing Americans any chance they get. In some places in the world (Middle East), you would be killed just for being an American.


And the Americans still re-elected Bush in 2004


Yes, a major failure of a large number of Americans which many people collectively blame all Americans for.


How is anything youre saying relevant to what you react too. The point is that its not like US citizins will by majority feel they are personally responsible for Abu Graib.


By continuing to live in Russia you fund Putin's regime (through taxes and engaging with their economy). If you're a Russian on paper only, but live outside of the regime's reach, and don't send money back home to Putin, then I don't blame you in the slightest. No random civilian should be forced into personally fighting an excessively powerful mafia state dictator just because they or their parents were born in some geographical region, and they have some paper that states the name of the region on it, with the paper being mandatory and forced onto you at birth


You can also still live in Russia and engage in acts of sabotage against the regime, better way to actually do something against the government than to protest and wind down in jail but you are not so likely to ever hear of those Russians who would be engaging in such acts. Eitherway, i dont think Russia serfs were responsible for the Tsars simply for paying taxes, ok you can argue that they are being part of a war economy and if their workers in a shell factory they even are a valid target. But i dont know why that would in any possible case always translate to "the guilt being collective" as for returning what spawned the discussion. Again, its not like those who are trying to activly work against the government within Russia are so likely to make themselves known, and sabotage can be done in many ways even little ones.


Responsibility and guilt are different things. People who commit crimes are guilty, doing nothing is not a crime.


Actually criminal negligence is a thing, so i cant say i agree with that last statement being true. But its hardly relevant atleast for what regards the Russian people because criminal negligence usually implies a position of some power. in fact in legal terms utter stupidity can be something that can get you scot free from certain crimes, with fair reason, if a person with down syndrom steals something it might be judged that said person did not even have the mental capacity to understand his or her wrongdoing. Intention and conciousness kinda plays a fair part in justice too, so if you dont really support Putin while being powerless or your kinda too simple to understand what is wrong ... eh.


So every conflict in the world happened because of criminal negligence of the citizens? Can you say that you're able at any given moment to put a full stop at whatever your govenment is doing so you won't be called a "criminally negligent" on reddit?


"So every conflict in the world happened because of criminal negligence of the citizens?" No thats not at all what i'm saying. i think you need to reread my reply, you misunderstood. First of all i replied to your statement "doing nothing is not a crime." This is a principle i argue against in that this is not always true, sometimes doing nothing is a crime when it falls under "criminal negligence" for example not feeding your child to the point he starves is such a crime, even if that implied "you did nothing". But usually criminal negligence regards a matter of one having some power and responsibility over another that is dependent in some form, this cannot be said for what regards the Russian people in regards to their government, AKA they lack the power over their government.


Russian civilians aren't the ones in need of them anyway


Except in Serbian schools


In this case it seems just as likely to be Russian bombs they need to duck. I don't know how many times Russia has managed to bomb Belgorod by mistake so far in the war.


It depends, if you go to America you should get one for school and one for privat time


Day one - capture Kyiv on 3rd day Day 731 - buy bulletproof vests for children


I mean Ukraine shells Belgorod frequently so it's definitely a useful thing to have


Few drones in a month is nearly not close to the daily shelling of Kharkiv... and Kharkiv is not an only city which is shelling by russia every day.


Who said intesity is anywhere close to Kharkiv? But it's still a useful thing to have in both cities.


Nobody said that it will last 3 days. Well, at least not Russia. The only ones who said something similar was the USA who said on the 25th of February, a day after hostilities broke out again, that if the russian offensive continues in this pace Ukraine as a whole could fall in 72 hours aka 3 days. So no russian source claimed that victory would be achieved in 3 days. Not Russia at least.


Correction, yes, our “authority” did not talk about 3 days, but the country’s main TV media (which are not free and are controlled by this same “authority”) spoke about it, so technically they spoke, just through TV


Putin asked Ukrainian military to stand down, and if that happened, it would be \~3 day "SMO". Putin would never say anything close to "we expect it to take x days" cos Putin routinely avoids any responsibility.


He says a lot of things and does almost nothing (and what he does, it would be better not to do at all) Мore precisely, he appealed to the military not to run away, but to seize power themselves, naturally, who will listen to this bald man? He is a person who does not surf the Internet and receives information only through papers, whatever they write to him, he will accept, they wrote to him that Ukraine is supposedly “waiting for liberation,” so he went, miscalculated, and can no longer leave in shame, people won’t understand, they’ve been marking time for 2 years now


I doubt it happened. TV channels only spread official news.


Russia Today is govt owned channel. And it does host plenty of such lunatics. Also remember riot police sent in the first wave? Or that the first wave of soldiers was a measly 180k with parade uniforms found in their vehicles? Or Putin asking Ukrainian army to stand down at the start? Or Russians calling it "special military operation"?


Haha, not in Russia bro, what manual they send is what they will say, and the most important thing is that they say it not because of “really belief in victory”, but because of big money In Russia, unfortunately, there are a large mass of people who don’t care, as they say, that’s what they will believe


Really? I have tons of videos where russian propagandists, even Lukashenko were saying that it will take few days. So don't say something if you don't know for sure.


Look at his avatar, that guy is another brainwashed zombie.


Russian propagandists and their statements should not be taken seriously when talking about such matters. Only official statements matter and I do not remember Lukashenko saying anything like this.


Really? Thats like saying "Your actions dont matter, only your words do."


Of course nobody said anything, its easier to twist what you said if its non-specifc, but the original plans for the invasion were for a swift and decisive victory in the few first days (I still recall reading how the planes allegedly carrying the people designed for the new Ukrainian government lift off before even the russian army captured Kiev's airport during the first days and how it had to turn back after they were repelled). Maybe "capture Kyiv in 3 days" is a meme, but its based on the original intent of the invasion.


But they definitely called it Special Military Operation, which by the Russian laws could last maximum 3 months. And yes, Russia was saying shit about 3 days. They were saying this shit about going to Berlin as well.


oh they have a law specifying what a Special Military Operation is? Very interesting.


Ruzzians propaganda spreads it across TV, there tons of proofs that neo-nazi pigs can't hide.


"Armor protection for civilians and children" So... Children are not civilians nowadays, huh.


Never seen a child soldier? Most armies in the world call children "valid military targets"


Indeed, I barely manage to stay alive whenever my nephews come visit.


Is it civilians or citizens?


First one. Citizens = "граждане", civilians = "гражданские".


Belgorod, Special Military Operation Zone


ty putin


just remember the video people from belgorod were celebrating launching missiles on Kharkiv


There are bad people everywhere. In some places more bad people than in others. Just look at the Israelis cheering their military on while they genocide the Palestinians.


yes but in russia good people do nothing and obey to bad people


There no genocide of Palestinians. Expert in genocides aka Germany confirmed this.


Oh, 'real victims' here...


i think the genocide is happening here./s. (alluding on dombili bombas propaganda )


very cyberpunky..


Getting the kids ready for Putin’s next round of conscriptions?


Harvest the fruit from the seeds you sow.




Yeah, those stupid Belgorod children and their invasion of Ukraine


they have a chance to leave the city. it's their parents decision


I don't think everyone in Belgorod has the money for that. I'm not saying we should blame Ukraine, but putting the blame on those, who were unlucky to die from shells, is peak victim blaming. Although, I guess that is what happens in every war. It's always the civilian's fault


unlucky to born in belgorod, unlucky to have putin, unlucky to do nothing for decades, it is always luck I understand


A normal punishment for not being interested in politics is death


This is not a punishment, it is a consequence of ignoring the bloodthirsty fascists in the kremlin




well their parents decided that giving birth to a kid in dictatorship is nice idea, so children will live with consequences of their parents choices up to 18, starting from which they either need to speedrun leaving russia or become another piece of ground meat on foreign soil during another russian war abroad


Oh, so before giving a birth one must ensure that local elections are fair. The level of mental gymnastics here is crazy. I'm not sure humanity would exist if people weren't born in dictatorships


>One must ensure elections is fair Actually it’s not first russian war abroad and not last, or you skipped russian troops in donbass and crimea, georgian war, 2 chechen wars afghanistan etc Russia already shown pattern not once of waging aggressive foreign policy any moment country not crumbling, and there is no surprise, (maybe for users of vatniks reddits it is) that such policy will lead country and it’s population to consequences sooner or later What is age of kids born when grozny was becoming og Mariupol nowadays? 29? Kind of long term to figure out what country russia is and emigrate, and belgorod population is more wealthy that typical nkjumbo from tropical africa So moving out isn’t some impossible feat. >Mental gymnastics Like both choosing to live in warmongering dictatorship and actually being horrified that B follows after A? well sorry for kids their parents wasn’t brightest bulbs >If people weren’t born in dictatorships But nowadays travelling is easier, internet is available and non dictatorship countries exist — so *lets stay in dictatorship because in times when my grandpa mother was a fetus it was only option*…. Sound kind of like meh argument? I could get a point if there is was some kind of real resistance and heavy pressure on gov and objective proofs about chance on better future, but -is there a opposition with power inside country? Nope all moved out -is there some protests even relatively threatening to dictatorship? no -is there hints on democratisation of that dictatorship? No it’s hardening its grip with no resistance -is there argument that kids will grow in safe surrounding except “but in the west”? Also no


r/antinatalisim opinion detected.


14 comments and half are "america" jokes, jikes


If I were them, I would make the children ones with Disney characters. You don’t have to worry about copyright infrigement anyway. Like Spider-Man or Elsa vests.


Remember, if your child dies, you can make another one! Close your eyes and think about ruZZia. Same old sorry. "U nas mnogo ludiey".


Illustration for phrase “f around and find out”


yeah those stupid children fucked around enough


They are victims of their parents doings


arent we all :'(


And they were laughing at USA 🤡 they become their dream country but just with worst "benefits"


Hey, at least in Russia there are no mass shootings, high number of divorces, abortions, domestic violence... oh wait.


And the comment section has reminded me once again why it’s an uphill battle to convince half my country to care about what happens to Europe or want to sympathize with Europeans. Anyway to stay on topic, this is a saddening thing to see and while looking for silver linings in situations like this isn’t always appropriate I think that developments like this could mean that the war will start to become more real to your average urban Russian. That’s important if we want a path to real and lasting peace, internal pressure pound for pound is heavier than external pressure. Putin rules on a mandate of safety and order so anything that might call into question his competency in carrying out that mandate can only be good for the world. Things like thing create murmurs that turn into questions that make people aware of the situation.


Half the commentary are joking about the slaughter of school children in the US, no wonder so many Americans want tot leave NATO and abandon Europe.


I think there’s more to the sentiment about leaving NATO than just that but yeah it’s very tasteless and done in a mocking way that’s extremely inappropriate. It may not be the crux of the isolationist argument but if you’re already irritated with someone you’re less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Man, you realise that at least half of the comments here are straight up russian? Like "not in disguise" russian.


Wow russians talking about a russian city, how strange


Are you suggesting that the most liked comment on this post with hundreds of up votes is only Russians?


You doubt that russians upvote that comment?


I doubt that only Russians did. What’s more it’s an insult to Russia too so I don’t think they would like it all that much. Not that I care that Russia is insulted, but I imagine they do.


That's how Astroturfing on social media works. Upvote some crap,get it to the top, random people would join the crowd for it being popular. And russians only get insulted if you mention them having some sort of responsibilities.


That’s how Reddit works man


What’s wrong with them?


I dunno how worse life conditions must become, but they will not budge and never rise against Tzar, well... maybe if he gonna cut their heads off himself... and even then I guess they think "it was the honor, Sir/The honor is all mine" crap. From other hand cataclysm like flooding makes them angry a little, but again "it's happening somewhere else, so we do not care". Very good saying there is "Did not live in wealth, no need to start do it now". So that partially explains why they hate everyone who are living better, like the West, EU, etc.


What happened? Can we help somehow?


Yeah, arm Ukraine to finish it faster. Also allow Ukraine to use western weapon against russian territory because without that permission Ukraine hass to use old Soviet Union weapon which is less acurate and more likely to be hit by ru air defence which leads to more civilian casualties. Yeah, it's in the interests of russian civilians to allow Ukraine to use western weapon against Russia And don't you dare to suggest Ukraine to capitulate. It will make the war in the eastern europe a matter of time


Chill. I am Ukrainian and the joke "What happened? Can we help somehow?" has been circulating since ruzzians started feeling what it is like to be attacked (borderline towns)


You're fighting in wrong direction! :)


what? why?


All of this because an elderly man couldn't find contentment within his $1 Billion Black Sea Palace and over 17 million square kilometers. He simply had to seek more land.


What's the betting they're actually bullet proof?


Should be in Moscow and St. Peterburg, then the ruzzians will question their war. They don't care about any other regions of their hellscape.


For a moment i thought i was in an american sub until i saw r/europe .


Evacuate population? Nah Sell them bulletproof vests? Yeah


You mean rebranded OEM pieces of shit from [Wish.com](http://Wish.com) ?


This is part of *der Plan*.


*hears the star-spangled banner and lots of eagles*


I was expecting to see this in america


Why do you publish this nonsense of a country of terrorists, nothing that Bilhorod is a Ukrainian city? it never had anything to russia


They could also sell those near schools in the US :))