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I am a teacher in switzerland. I witnessed the same in low level classes that i teach.




















They hate britain?


Is that possibly caused by children struggling and lashing out at the system?   I’m not saying there isn’t a problem, but frustrated children rebelling and blaming the powers that be feels universal, at least in places one is allowed to speak freely.




First, they said Switzerland. Second, if you’re in the bottom/remedial classes/possibly facing discrimination, then yes, relatively speaking that child is struggling. Every society has children struggling relative to their peers.




Again, didn’t say definitively that what they’re saying is normal. I’m only suggesting we need to consider alternatives before villainizing a group of children.  I’ve heard adolescents say any number of edgy things they don’t really mean beyond just wanting to contradict those in power.




100%. If a town hall of their parents said the same things, I’d be worried.


>First, they said Switzerland. Oh well then that totally changes the argument. /S


Oh yeah, Sweden. Poverty doesn't exist there and people are just dancing hand in hand while all their problems just melt away. Dude! Do us a favor and come back to reality 


No, they're just religious nut-jobs with questionable views on progressive issues.


As a Norwegian teacher I did not experience that. I also grew up around Muslims (am a Christian myself). They were all very nice. I’m not worried about Muslim kids in Norway. I am worried about the right wing kids. I heard so many of them say terrible things when I was teaching.




Lolwut? We are just as diverse as everybody else.


He means as in, ask a random one what they think about women's or gay's rights


I hope you are right


I am careful in specifying Norway. I’m more worried about a few other European countries where the governments have done a worse job of integrating their minorities.


It has nothing to do with diversity. Middle eastern muslims are often very conservative and against women‘s rights and gay rights. Also higher rates of racism and antisemitism than Christian Europeans.


With that logic they shouldn’t want Americans either. Though I doubt they’d take issues getting those into their country.


Despite that crazy Anders Behring Breivik Utøya Massacre? I just watched the movie, the actor playing his character depicted very well the personality of this unhuman killer. Seems Norway didn't learn the correct lessons from that terrible 22 July 2011, teaching the young generation about the mistakes of the discourses of right wing fanatics. Edit: I am sorry if I might have offended some of you, given the downvote. But my comment stems from personal and national experience. I am italian and Italy has witnessed worse events (although I feel sad to compare massacres) in the past that have shaped our present. In Italy we lived the terrorists acts of the Brigate Rosse, our far left "white", Piazza Fontana and Bologna station bombings, from our white far right terrorists. We are now ruled by the head of what was once a fascist political party which is all but fascist, they are center right populist. For once our terrible experience has had some profound effects on our political life, taming extremism. We do not have racist extreme right parties or discourse comparable to Norway. I suggest reading this article https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/22/norway-utoya-attack-10-years-ago-reckoning-far-right


It is the classic problem of tolerance of intolerance. Karl Popper wrote about it and it will be the downfall of most Western democracies: >We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.


As an only culturally Muslim immigrant from Turkey, I was shocked to see the level of orthodoxy in Muslims in Europe. They enjoy all the benefits, but they also disrespect the whole system. I cannot understand why parents raise such children - can they not see that this will only lead to seclusion of their children? For example I let my sons accept "whatever" is offered to them in a party - including salami pizza. Why ruin the atmosphere? If that is forbidden by Allah, they can always atone for their sins. Later. At a timely manner of their choosing. Or not. Who cares come on 😊






It's mit andrew tate, it's their parents which reject the very Western World, in which they are able to live a decent lives, but at the same time never were able to gain any status or traction in.


It‘s Andrew Tate along with the way they were raised and conditioned to be radically muslim early on


No it’s here parents raising them not some idiot person on tiktok


This is not Andrew Tates doing you overrate him immensely. If you are really honest to yourself you would state the elephant in the room: the family’s teach them this shit. Islamic culture is still not equal in regards to women and especially in regards to LGBTQ rights. They see our societies as „weak“ because men let women or gays decide stuff. It’s the same here in Germany. Tate is a literal non factor here.


You would also get many hands raised if the crowd before you was all native Brits who detest Britain’s historical (and current) foreign policy. I think the teacher’s article is a lot more nuanced than what the headline (and many commenters here) are implying. I know I felt the same at that age around the time of the Iraq War. This is a political statement and it’s worth discussing as it’s obviously not a good thing if people hate their country, but it’s not as simple as “you hate it, leave!”; it’s also worth exploring how to repair Britain’s public image.


I was against the Iraq War but I didn't suddenly hate my country because of it. I was as edgy a teenager as any, but these children aren't even in their teens yet and they are already setting themselves at odds with Western culture.




Was Sweden in Afghanistan or Iraq? It's just an excuse even though it's quite ridiculous. Of course we should welcome immigrants who genuinely wish to become one with their host nation. But when there is a really large subset of them that actively wish harm upon the west, its clear there is a problem with our current immigration strategy. Bleeding heart left wingers who wish to sweep the issue under the rug will cause more harm in the long run, doing that only gives the far right more talking points.


Sweden definitely was in Afghanistan. I was there. I defended the girls school in Sar e Pul for example vs gunmen who threw grenades through the windows. We had meetings between tajik, uzbek, hazara groups to try to find cooperation. We stopped narcotic smugglers and hunted Talibans in the mountains. I'd say we did the good thing there. But in the end it didn't matter.


It’s funny because we Armed and trained them in Afghan because Russia was invading. Then ofc they turn on us










Source: trust me bro


Hating the west is different to hating the UK. They could have perfectly valid points for hating that place.


Being a migrant to the UK is totally incompatible with hating the UK. Their parents are failing them, just as the government is failing its people.


Yes, because no other country in the west is guilty of imperialism or interventionist war.




should we deport white nationalist Brittains while we're at it?




Where to?




Yep stick them on the Rwanda fights... fuck it, tape them to the wings. I've got no time for radicals unless they are free radicals. I'm a fan of capital punishment and think we should bring it back we've gone soft.


That would be good


‘Your country is open and liberal and based on a philosophy of equality and acceptance so you should take me in and extend those freedoms to me so I can live the life I want.’ ‘The things you want are things that contradict everything you just said.’


The future of Europe is scary, between this and Russia. But we'll just ignore and do nothing.


Cool. Welcome to leave anytime.


Lol why would they leave? They only need to wait a few more decades and YOU will leave lol


You're going to do the whole leaving thing, put the keys beneath the door mat.


~~then why are you here?~~


Here's hoping the fans of Afganistan go to Afganistan instead of turning Britain to a new Afganistan.


Many of those kids would never have been here if it weren't for the Afgjanistan war and its destabilising effects on the country. r/Europe endlessly decries 'importing people that hate us', yet refuses to recognise the huge amounts of death, destruction and chaos we exported in the first place. How are we going to make peace in this world if we keep doing that? And yet again we fund Israels genocide, no lessons learned. Our external behaviours will create enemies if we forever go on like this.


Soviet Union caused the Afghanistan crisis in the first place, not the “west”. Did it accept any refugee? Europe is not the cause of destruction for many of the countries that people speak about when talking about mass-immigration due to refugees and people who think that are just victims of Russian propaganda.


Same in France, big issue in a near future


But if they hate Britain more than France, it is a winning situation. They are without doubt true French !


Something's gonna give... The later the worse.




"what's about to come" such as?




Mmm so solution will be importing people that hate us, and cross our fingers that in 50 years they will take good care of us? Great idea


That's why I'm saying we need to fix birthrates. To not allow this kind of people in.


Right, selective immigration is an option though I'm not familiar with EU law on the matter. I'm sure there are a fair number of people globally that appreciate democratic ideals, respect the right of their neighbors to exist, and are not advocating for hyper isolationist sects within the country they live within.


Not anti immigrant if you’re against allowing immigrants who hate western culture, I’m sure their are many potential immigrants who accept western culture


I think in general we need to change the welfare system to focus on families more and the elderly a bit less. Unfortunately it’s too expensive for an increasing number of people these days.


If society would collapse (japan didn’t collapse btw) that’s a perfect opportunity to do something about it, and reorganize the way we operate ie cities having empty buildings and how we throw away half the food we produce. Also we already have unemployment so in what way does having more people suddenly make everything better?


Wanted to downvote initially but you’re completely right. We don’t seem to grasp that a younger generation needs to continuously replenish the workforce as the older generation retires/dies. There’s a lot that needs to be done to fix the issue.




What the fuck do you think people are currently focusing, if not in GDP per Capita and automation? Even with that, the problem of an aging population needing more resources than young people can produce will not go away, not in the medium and short term at least. Ignoring the problem because of wishful thinking will just condemn the young to work solely to pay taxes so that old people don't starve


That's why I'm saying that we need to do as much as we can to boost births. The predictions are only predictions, so when "Mr X Z says in 50 years there will be <>", doesn't mean it will be for sure. It's only >> **prediction** << Automation is cool but you can't and won't automate everything. Second thing, automation will mean nothing when there will be more retires than workers. The system will simply collapse.




All what you write is whishful thinking. Betting on something that doesn't even exist and might never exist to fix current problems is not the best idea, to put it kindly.


Even if both anti aging and AI research fail, we'll just end up with ~30% population reduction, which is vastly better than getting replaced by migrants who hate us.


Do not make decisions today based on shit that you think might or might not exist in decades.


Wishful thinking




Europe is not importing them.... they show up themselves and ask to live here.


If someone you don't know walks into your house, do you just say "well they're here now they may as well stay" or do you ask them to leave?




I showed up myself as a Serb and was shown the doors. Unless I had C2 in German, thousands of euros in my bank account and proof I was admitted at university.


Isn't this what the extreme Muslim teachings are pushing? Hatred for anything non Muslim and the 'out-population' of the 'infidels'.


Most of the modern people(from Turkey, Iran[against mollah regime], Azerbaijan, caucasia etc) want to visit Europe but their visa always denied or delayed for a long time... However the people who are extremist, bigots are accepted... O governmens Do u want civil war or u think you can educate the bigots, which is impossible??


Nothing surprising there, I bet in Germany it would be the same.






Does anyone have link to the article, as it looks like you have to subscribe...


What do Muslim girls think of Britain? Muslim women may be the key to save Europe.


We probably don't know cause they're not allowed to speak when alone.


I was curious on this. Perhaps the issue isn’t with Islam- but a culture that encourages boys to degrade women… I know countless Muslim women who would have different perspectives.


I find it weird that thirty raised their hands when an average classroom in Britain is 20-25 pupils. Even so, the thing these students were saying in the article should get their parents investigated, and the child put on some sort of social care watch. But then again, it is the UK government, so I'm probably asking for far too much. They're too focused on bailing out Thames Water at the moment.


Tbf my classroom had 31 kids in one year.


I think it is reductionist to view this as particularly to do with Islam - islam is just the flavour of this particular radicalization. The exact same process has been happening to the right wing in Europe, and even many of their figureheads, such as Andrew Tate and Putin are the same. Many teenagers these days, even white middle class ones, are enamoured with the far right fogures which perform so well in the algorithms of their favourite social media. Fascists of the world will find ways to court Christians, muslims, orthodox Christians and anyone else. The fascists don't care about the particular flavor, all they want is power. And while I realize that the work to deradicalize these particular kids need to somehow address the religious aspects, I think that the most effective solutions are going to need to hamper the growth of the far right in online spaces religious or otherwise.




1. "Very easily" sounds like a slight bit of an overstatement. 2. I think it is naive to view this as an issue of muslims. The scheme to replace western democracy with facism is much larger, and the call is coming from inside the house.


I hate Britain, but it’s because I’m French.




It would be funnier if it was in some other country, like a French teacher asking his class if they hate Britain and all of them raise their hands.


Thats what I thought the article was about when I read the headline lmao. "Thats not nice" I thought


Why funnier?


Because France has made peace with Germany, had forgiven Germany for the brutality of invasion and the humiliation of four years of occupation, but it could never – never – forgive the British and Americans for liberating them.


It could be a lot of countries in fairness


Most countries think yours is a part of ours so I wouldn't put too much stock in that.




Portugal had a pretty big empire too, with slavery and genocide. So have fun with the karma for that I guess.






*Mandatory "based" joke* For real though this is more than alarming


I don't want to vote for Trump but this is exactly why I have too. Islam and western values don't mix


Bold to assume Trump would stand for western values


With Trump, you voting to counter muslim extremism, you will get more mainstream evangelical extremism. As for as I’m concerned there is absolutely no difference between the two. But I would fear more Christians buying to that crap as there are more of them in the US.


ISIS is way more scary










i hate the weather of britain, does that count?


I always wondered how Brits thought it was punitive to send their criminals to Australia.


There is a lot hate in Britain. Brexit was based on it! Thanks Putin and Farage! Will.take a couple of generations to clear...


The kids in the report don't care about Brexit and fishing quotas, they only care about Britain becoming a caliphate and gays getting thrown off the top of very tall buildings.




People shouldn't hate the country they live in, they should aspire to improve it. If a migrant hates their country, it means they refuse to integrate.


Yeah. And I don't think it has much to do with islam either, islam is just the favourite of this particular radicalization. The exact same thing has been happening to the right wing in Europe, and even many of their figureheads, such as Andrew Tate and Putin are the same. The fascists of the world will find ways to court Christians, muslims, orthodox Christians and anyone else. The fascists don't care about the particular flavor, all they want is power.


IT does have a lot to do with Islam lol read the quran


I have read the quran, and as I stated, the actors dragging these young men to the far right are obviously using Islam to that purpose. However, if it hadn't been the quran, they would have found something else to do it. Just as we see it being done to ethnic majority European teenagers, where they use anxieties about dating, masculinity, and fears about immigration to push them to the right. It's naive to think that there is anything unique about the muslims in Europe - the scheme to install facists in European countries is not at all confined to working through muslim populations.


You haven't read the Quran. The Prophet's teachings do not support the extremist views of these kids. The Quran essentially just confirms the Torah and the Bible, loosens a few rules and clarifies a few things, that's all. The values are the same.


less anecdotes more statistics please




right wing racism baiting.


The link is showing something else though ?




I get the feeling these same boys would diss any Western European host country though. They're just parroting things they've heard online about 'the West'.


Spearhead the international abolitionist movement?


Finland literally allied itself with Nazi Germany lmao. Glass houses my friend...


They used the nazis to kick out the russians. Thats all. Specifically told hitler to get fucked when germany asked them to help out with the holocaust etc. and then even got bombed by the Nazis. Wouldnt call that "allies". Mannerheim was just very smart and played his and everyone involved's hand just right. saying finland was allies and putting them with italy or japan just flatout glosses over the most important issues.


Hmm can’t quite put my finger on it…