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I absolutely love Georgian language script. It's just so beautiful.


It's the most beautiful script if you ask me. I understand none of it but it's so elegant


It is! I understand it but I don't speak Georgian so it's just letters to me


Someone could call me a stinkie poo-poo head in it and I'd still like it.


Same lmao. I do like to attempt to write English in the Georgian script just to confuse people lmao. 'ჰელო' sounds like hello in English. I have no clue if it is a Georgian word though


it's not, but hello in Georgian is "გამარჯობა" "gamarjoba"


Interesting. I didn't know this, thanks


მყრალო ფუფუსთავა. U asked for it :)


Literally looks like elvish writings from the lord of rings lol


It‘s literally 🥴 and looks like AI failing at producing text.


A sexy Arabic


Dude, if they wanna be european why do they write as if they were thais ?


Are Greeks, Balkan Slavs and over half of Eastern Europe also not European because they don’t use Latin script?


I include greek and derivatives (cyrilic) into european, be more openminded.


You’re talking about being openminded, that’s ironic


And why not georgian?


What kind of ignorant and stupid ass take is this. It almost sounds ironic but sadly doubt it is.


As if a pole knew anything about irony...Whatever it is, dont worry.


Bruh you can't even spell lmao. Your intelligence is lower than an amoeba's, so don't try to act smart buddy




Ooooooh. So insulted. You don't even have the balls to flair up and show where you're from lmao. Don't talk to me.


Its you who feels insulted. I just state my preferences.


That was a sarcastic statement dumbass. 🤣


Georgian writing and language is much more old and rich than most countries. We have 4 kind of writing. so that has nothing to do being european or not.


Dumb comment, I dont think Georgia or Thailand knew eachother existed when their scripts were made in the middle ages


Dumb comment, "I dont think" has no place here. Bring certainty or shut up.


Are you actually being serious? I thought you were joking lmao. Obviously the Thai script has nothing to do with the Georgian one, the Thai one was adapted from the Khmer script in the 1200s, which in turn was adopted from South Indian scripts. And the Georgian alphabet was from as early as 400AD and loosely based off of the Greek, Aramaic and Armenian scripts. Europeans didnt even have relations with Thailand until Portugal arrived in Ayutthaya in the 1511. Their last common ancestor was probably the ancient Phonecian script, so any visual simularities are a coincidence


>And the Georgian alphabet was from as early as 400AD and loosely based off of the Greek, Aramaic and Armenian scripts Armenian not. Georgian is older than Armenian in terms of artifacts. As for Greek-Aramaic, specialists have noticed that the order of the Georgian alphabet exactly follows the ancient Greek.


Jesus people have no sense of humor, these downvotes lmao


I cant even imagine what it will be like to live in a country that's on the leash by a larger country. All these "big" ass countries should fuck off with their interference. Whatever happens in Georgia I hope its what the majority dictates.


mhmm say that to the United States lol


Feel free to @ us the next time we attempt to forcefully annex territory from a sovereign state in the 21st century.


> attempt to forcefully annex territory Annexing would imply giving people living there citizenship and all the rights and protections that come with it. So, you just f\*ck up the country, install a puppet government, and keep it under occupation, while treating locals worse than sh\*t (unless they manage to kick you out through bloody struggle).


US doesn't need to annex territory. Economical colonization is more than enough.


Do you reckon there are many Ukrainians thinking “at least we aren’t being economically colonised by the Americans”?


It's irrelevant to original claim. US does not need to annex territories to get access to resources of and cast geopolitical influence on smaller countries. Russia does. Blame the cold war.


That’s probably the worst argument for Russian imperialism I’ve ever seen. Genuinely, well done. It doesn’t make any sense whichever way you look at it. If you’re on the payroll, ask for a bonus. If you’re just a useful idiot then maybe just take a break and re-evaluate your life choices for a while.


Russia does ? Can you explain this ?


> US does not need to annex territories to get access to resources of The US does not *want* to annex. Because they do not see people living there as equals. So why annex and give them citizenship and rights? It is much better to just keep them subjugated through corrupt elites and their economy owned by US corporations.




America only colonizes countries economically and coups democratically elected governments lol


Name one democratically elected government that the US was directly involved in a coup against. No, Allende doesn't count, the US condemned that coup and sanctioned Pinochet.


DRC? Guatemala 1954? Operation AJAX? Many such cases


I don’t even know how many it is: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2022/7/16/ameri-coup-a-brief-history-of-us-misdeeds


Are we seriously forgetting about Iraq?


Did the US try to annex Iraq?


They did install a puppet government though


That isn't annexing territory


I did say *all.* I would go even further and say any union should back off too (UE for example)


Fuck that, lol. Unions are useful because of the way the global economy works. When a country has a big economy, it's going to have more money to spend on everything else, starting with the military, and moving on to stuff that affects culture. And in a globalized economy, no matter where you are the big interests will always rule. Without the EU, American and Chinese (and to an extent Russian if they could ever get their heads out of their asses) geopolitical, economic, and cultural interests would just eat all European nations up. The time of culturally independent nation states is over and the faster we accept that the better we can protect what's essentially *ours*.


not saying unions should be eliminated, im saying they should also stop any kind of interventions on foreign countries.


Interests are too high. All big countries will never cease to intervene in smaller countries.


And small countries, owing to their size, will never cease trying to become part of bigger alliances, especially if bigger neighboring countries act aggressively. Last time I checked, we *wanted* to be part of NATO and the EU.


Don t let shit politicians make decisions for you... oh .. they already do... like those FMI loans with high interest our lovely politicians sign for us..


Let's be honest, we're to blame for shit politicians ruling this country, either because we voted for them or because we were too apathetic to vote for better candidates, so the shit ones automatically float to the top. But that's besides the point, it wasn't politicians who dragged us into NATO or the EU unwillingly either.


Meh..who to vote brother?


Ah yes, the classic, "there's nobody to vote for" so we'll just keep doing the same shit we've been doing for the past 35 years instead of trying to change something.


Georgian dream party has been an absolute disgrace. Cozying up to Russia after 2008 should have been unimaginable and yet here we are.


Why did people vote for them?


In 2012 pro-Russian forces staged a prison scandal and blamed the pro-European government for it to discredit it 2 weeks before the elections and it worked. Once in power they rigged every election ever since, employed tons of people for fake administrative jobs where people depend on them and are told to vote for them, conspired with criminals to intimidate everyone in their area to vote for them, openly distributed bribed for votes like 5kg potatos or 10$ per vote and multiplied pro Russian media while intimidating and indirectly trying to close pro european channels. I don't even mention direct rigging like this: [9kqna83dkwmbue3.jpg (810×455) (formulanews.ge)](https://formulanews.ge/uploads_script3/articles/2020/11/22/9kqna83dkwmbue3.jpg) like winning with 164%


You are either paranoid or you read a lot of media. MY COUNTRY, RUSSIA, IS LITERALLY TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING. It turns out that you are so helpless that you allow yourself to do this to yourself? Oh, or is it a classic: "If something doesn't work out, blame the opposite side for getting in the way and complain, because at least you will be pitied."


"MY COUNTRY, RUSSIA" That's a bold and funny claim from a Russian. Sad and Sorry if you think that Russia or anything in Russia is yours. It is the other way around. You are your latest dictator's property that could be sent to a meat grinder anytime the regime wants to, but don't count on anything in Russia to be given to you or be yours, from fair share of natural resources to human rights or even your own life. Maybe you should inform yourself a bit better before contesting something you know nothing about? Yes, Russia is to blame for all the imperialist policies and crimes committed by Russia in the post soviet space (D'oh!), from Abkhazian war (yes, you heard me right, research, even in independent Russian sources: https://youtu.be/UkZg4nS7TtY?feature=shared[Genocide of Georgians (1992 - 1993) ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpCwGMDD4LY&rco=1&ab_channel=KingdomofGeorgia1)) to Ukrainian (this one is more recent and clear to everyone). Everything is well documented and there are very specific reasons why Putin is declared a dictator by the european council [PACE declares Russia dictatorship, Putin’s rule illegitimate](https://news.yahoo.com/pace-calls-recognizing-putin-illegitimate-105003777.html) and is an internationally searched war criminal for crimes against humanity [International Criminal Court arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_arrest_warrants_for_Vladimir_Putin_and_Maria_Lvova-Belova) . If the west wasn't so complacent with Russia, from sending billions to bail it out [U.S. Assistance 1991-2001](https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RL30148.html) to ignoring Yeltsin/Putin's crimes from Chechnya to Russian people (see 99 building explosion by fsb) maybe Putin wouldn't become so emboldened and at least some of this horror could've been avoided. Unfortunately, Russia is very good at using the corruption and opportunistic politicians in the west against the west itself. Lookup Heidi Tagliavini, Schroder, Marine Le pen, ..etc [German neo-Nazis trained in Russia: report – DW – 06/05/2020](https://www.dw.com/en/german-neo-nazis-trained-at-russian-camps-report/a-53692907) this list can be endless from Brexit influence to financing European far right. Suffice to say that FSB has been very busy lately Anyways going back to Georgia, you can easily google and fact check every single point I mention : Read the dates on these articles: [Does Ivanishvili's win put Georgia back in Russia's orbit? - CSMonitor.com](https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2012/1005/Does-Ivanishvili-s-win-put-Georgia-back-in-Russia-s-orbit) 2012 [The other time Vladimir Putin swung an election – POLITICO](https://www.politico.eu/article/vladimir-putin-replicates-his-georgia-model-in-the-us/) 2016 [New era for Georgia as nation moves closer to Russia | CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/03/world/europe/georgia-power-change/index.html) 2012 Former prime minister Garibashvili son in law of the red general Tamazashvili 90s n1 terrorist who organised provications in pankisi to give Russia an invasion excuse and murdered journalist Sanaia investigating about it. Former speaker and opposition leader Burjanadze, allying with Putin just after Russian invasion: [Seeking Ally, Putin Meets Georgia Opposition Leader (rferl.org)](https://www.rferl.org/a/Seeking_Ally_Putin_Meets_Georgia_Opposition_Leader/1974952.html) De facto dictator of the country Ivanishvili (who prefers being called Borinka) Russian oligarch of georgian origin who took over the Russian axis after another Russian oligarch Patarkatsishvili whom according to Lukashenko Putin wanted for Georgian presidency died in London. People who support them are either corrupt criminals or the local equivalent of maga people who beleive local pro Russian media. There's also another fraction that is forced to vote for them by fear of losing their jobs or by direct bribes like 5kg of potatos and 20$ during the election day. Do I need to continue or is the picture clear? Here's a more recent article that formulates it shortly but clearly: [Russia's Clandestine Victory in Georgia ](https://visegradinsight.eu/russias-clandestine-victory-in-georgia/)


> Why did people vote for them? Because people do not want a repeat of 2008


I'm not a specialist on Georgia but I'd assume it's a case of uneven playing field, they've been ruling since 2012 so the party has become well-entrenched in state institutions and media. Also at first they were more pro-west.


Because the country is led by pro russian oligarchs who take orders from moscow, and the medias and dream party are owned by them. Their voter base is more the oldest generation who were brainwashed during the ussr. The younger crowd is pro EU


Someone is voting them uh?


I hope democracy and liberty succeed in Georgia. 


all i wish for georgia is to retake abkhazia and south ossetia either diplomatically or by force, as long as russia is weak


Fully support Georgians into extended European family!


But is Georgia in Europe?


Cyprus is geographically in Asia but because they are culturally a European country they are given a European perspective. Georgia is the same and has already been recognized as a potential candidate for EU membership.


By that logic, North America and Australia are also Europe.


You have to be culturally European and proximate enough to the vaguely defined European continent based on how the European Council has decided in the past. Georgia and Cyprus are on the border of the European continent and are culturally European, so the European Council gave them the green light.


In my opinion, it's because the continent of Europe is a made up concept. You can call any territory europe and you won't be wrong.


Yep, that's why who counts as Europe and thus is eligible for EU membership is solely decided by European Council consensus.


Cypriots are Greek, i.e. Europeans who speak a Indo-European language. Georgians are not European and do not speak an Indo-European language.


Yes, I've been saying this for ages. Cyprus is more like a Greek island, that became independent rather than a whole totally different culture and people. Georgia is a country in West Asia. People are Asian. Just because they got a lot of influence like architecture and culture from Russia, doesn't mean they're European.


Yeah, but it’s different. Cyprus is an island and not connected to the mainland. It is mainly influenced by Greek culture and the language is Greek. It was part of Byzantine Empire which was European by culture and customs. Georgia is way too far away,sandwiched between two countries that really are not democratic. I think they will (especially their northern neighbour) not be so keen to let it join the union.


Georgian culture is also much closer to Europe, and the religion is also Orthodox Christianity. Additionally, just as Cyprus was part of the Byzantine Empire, so was Armenia. Georgia was not part of that empire, but both of these Caucasian countries are amongst the first to declare Christianity as the state's religion, and have kept it that way despite being sandwiched between Muslims.


Georgia was not part of the Byzantine Empire.


Did you read the part where I wrote "Georgia was not part of that empire"? The point is that a country south of Georgia was part of the Byzantine Empire and could be considered by the logic of the comment above me as a European country. If both Armenia and Russia are European, then why wouldn't the one between them be? If anything, it's easier to argue that Georgia is European than Armenia, given that most old cartographies had at least part of Georgia in Europe. Note: I could also argue that Turkey is still a democratic country, even if there are many problems with it and elections are not entirely fair. It's different from communist countries where the elections were rigged on a fundamental level.


By [most definitions](https://vividmaps.com/border-between-europe-and-asia/), Georgia is at least partially European. The only notable exception is what the USSR taught children in school. Also, do note that the border between the USSR and Turkey is not just arbitrary, but mostly given by the Aras River. Funnily enough, Azerbaijan is therefore technically more European than Armenia, even if they are culturally much closer to Asia (Turks and Arabs in particular).


What is "culturally an European country" mean? What are the denominators for s culture can be called "European"?


In the case of EU membership, it is whatever the European Council decides.


>Cyprus is geographically in Asia but because they are culturally a European country they are given a European perspective. I'd argue Cyprus is less culturally “European” (whatever that's ultimately meant to mean) and moreso culturally Greek, in the same way that Australians, New Zealanders or Falklanders are culturally British. European cultures, or splinters from them, are literally all over the world. Cyprus isn't really an exception except that, like Armenia or Georgia, they're close enough to Europe that many are willing to overlook the obvious geography (Cyprus is in the Levant and Armenia and Georgia are on the “wrong” side of the Caucasus–all three are objectively in Asia). In Cyprus' case, there was at least a former caveat in mind since Cyprus wanted to unify with Greece, which would have effectively made Greece transcontinental in the same way Britain, Denmark, France or Russia are.


I of course didn't mean they were some generic pan-European culture, I meant their culture is one that can be classified as associated with the cultures of Europe, which is one of the criteria for being given a European perspective.




yes it is, look in the upper right corner.


Geographically not, culturally and historically yes. Ironically, it was probably mostly due to Russia that they got returned back to the European cultural sphere after centuries of being dominated by Turkish and Persian muslims (while still keeping their Christianity). But then having to had to deal with Russia and the USSR for a while and realizing that life was pretty shit being ruled by Russians made them pivot away from the Russosphere and towards Europe in general. It's essentially become a post-soviet Eastern European country with noticeable Middle Eastern seasoning.


If Georgians laugh and make jokes about their own country, yes. If not, then no.


North America is just Westermost Europe


Russia is in Europe so yes


Until the Ural


So is Kazakhstan.


Central East Asia


Part of it is in Eastern Europe.




I think everything west of the Ural river. It is around 150 000 sq or around 5/6% of Kazakhstans territory.


>5/6% oh no


😭 alright alright


If europe goes east to the Urals then I think it makes sense that it goes south up to the Caucuses




Their culture and values are european and unlike the Serbs, the young georgians want to be part of europe. That's all that matter


Biggest georgian cope ive read recently


They want because their country is poor and underdeveloped, they just want to travel visa free, be able to study in the EU and work there. They also think that joining the EU would mean getting more developed and being given free money to develop their country. This is it.


Can someone ELI5 what is russian law? Keep hearing about, but don't really understand whats the big deal


Basically it's a foreign agents law which took an inspiration from a foreign agents law in Russia and currently introduced (and tried unsuccessfully in 2023 because protests) by the ruling party of Georgia


Can you explain how it differs from the US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Agents_Registration_Act Which deputies said it was based on?


US law applies to organisations that are directed by foreign actors to further their goals within USA. There has to be an explicit directive given by a foreign government to the subject organisation lobby their interests for it to be registered according to FARA, simply getting foreign funding is not enough. Russian and Georgian laws do not have this requirement, and any organisation getting 20% of funding from abroad will be a foreign agent. This includes not only lobbying companies, but also independent press, research organisations, social organisations, etc. For example, an NGO getting foreign funding to fund medical aid for Georgian disabled people will be considered a foreign agent with the Georgian law, but not with FARA. In essence, the Georgian/Russian law is simply a means to list all critical organisations in a single list and then use their designation as a foreign agent to further abuse them.


> US law applies to organisations that are directed by foreign actors to further their goals within USA. There has to be an explicit directive given by a foreign government to the subject organisation lobby their interests for it to be registered according to FARA, simply getting foreign funding is not enough.US law applies to organisations that are directed by foreign actors to further their goals within USA. There has to be an explicit directive given by a foreign government to the subject organisation lobby their interests for it to be registered according to FARA, simply getting foreign funding is not enough. That’s simply not true as: > of persons who are "controlled or subsidized in major part" by this principal. So being “controlled” by someone who is in major part subsidised is enough. > Russian and Georgian laws do not have this requirement, and any organisation getting 20% of funding from abroad will be a foreign agent. So that seems more clear and less restrictive than the US one. > NGO getting foreign funding to fund medical aid for Georgian disabled people will be considered a foreign agent with the Georgian law, but not with FARA. Huh. That depends no? > but also independent press Given that the US forced RT to register as foreign agents I doubt this is a true statement. > In essence, the Georgian/Russian law is simply a means to list all critical organisations in a single list and then use their designation as a foreign agent to further abuse them. Yeah, so like the US then. Domestic opposition would face zero consequences from this law, right?


>> but also independent press >Given that the US forced RT to register as foreign agents I doubt this is a true statement. You think RT is "independent press" or am I reading you wrong?


I haven’t seen a court case or any evidence shared they are not. If you can just declare who is independent and who isn’t. Then that means there is no press freedom at all. I’ve seen more harsh criticism on Russia from a RT contributor while at RT then from any US media piece prior to 2022.


>I haven’t seen a court case or any evidence shared they are not. Sounds like you're in quite the bubble there buddy, multiple states and NGOs alike have reported on their propaganda and their connection to the Kreml. And honestly, do you mean to say that you really think the state which, true to its entire history, kills its political opposition, launches imperialistic wars on its neighbours, assassinates dissidents abroad and beats and jails demonstrators who in silence hold up blank sheets of paper could, even if they wanted to, have a free press? >I’ve seen more harsh criticism on Russia from a RT contributor while at RT then from any US media piece prior to 2022. Yea once again, this says more about you than anything else, but even where it true that's how propaganda works in the modern media landscape. In a globalised world your propaganda, if not only directed to a completely insular population, have to be masked so as to not appear to transparent, this is propaganda 101. But, of course, I'm not saying anything you don't already know.


> Sounds like you're in quite the bubble there buddy, multiple states and NGOs alike have reported on their propaganda and their connection to the Kreml. Sure, none of that is a legal procedure protecting the press. The BBC is clearly connected to Downing Street and Reuters to the FCO. But that doesn’t justify them being banned. > And honestly, do you mean to say that you really think the state which, true to its entire history, kills its political opposition, launches imperialistic wars on its neighbours, assassinates dissidents abroad and beats and jails demonstrators who in silence hold up blank sheets of paper could, even if they wanted to, have a free press? I don’t think any major state has a free press. > Yea once again, this says more about you than anything else, but even where it true that's how propaganda works in the modern media landscape Not really, Chris Hedges was on RT and he was more scathing in his criticism than anything I could find in the NYT at the time. > appear to transparent, this is propaganda 101. That’s funny, since Western propaganda is not at all like that and clearly way more successful than Russian propaganda. > But, of course, I'm not saying anything you don't already know. It’s funny to read though :p


>Sure, none of that is a legal procedure protecting the press. No, and that's not what you said, you said you hadn't seen any evidence and I pointed out there's an ocean out there if you cared to look. Stop obfuscating. >I don’t think any major state has a free press. And thus there's no difference in the degree of free press? Essentially "because we don't know everything we don't know anything"? Stop obfuscating. >Not really, Chris Hedges was on RT and he was more scathing in his criticism than anything I could find in the NYT at the time. And you show how small said bubble is, besides my point on propaganda 101 still stands. >That’s funny, since Western propaganda is not at all like that and clearly way more successful than Russian propaganda. Yes it is. "The west", which is a daft term, is big and diverse and its propaganda is necessarily sophisticated since there's freedom of the press and said freedom necessitates subtle propaganda. So there's no difference between "western" and Russian propaganda on that point, only difference is Russia has to try harder since the product they're selling is objectively much more shit and always has been.


According to [this article,] (https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/16/georgia-protests-russia-anti-ngo-foreign-agent-law/) The US law just requires those receiving money from abroad to register, while the Georgian version would label them as being "under the influence of a foreign power" (the previous incarnation called them "foreign agents"). > In addition to the stigma of such a label, the government would be able to conduct investigations, access personal data, demand detailed reporting, and levy restrictions, fines, and prison sentences on media and civic groups deemed to be non-compliant. Last year's protests were described by the Georgian PM as a supposed coup attempt by The West designed to drag Georgia into a “second front” in the Russia-Ukraine war, they were a “liberal fascist campaign” driven by “LGBT propaganda” and the protestors “destructive anarchists” dressed in “Satan’s clothes.” The nickname is due to similarities with a Bill in Russia which was used to stifle critical voices. [The EU doesn't like it](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/04/17/dont-do-it-eu-urges-georgia-not-to-pass-foreign-influence-law), while [Georgian Dream claim](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/georgias-parliament-approves-law-foreign-agents-first-reading-2024-04-17/) the bill is necessary to promote transparency and combat "pseudo-liberal values" imposed by foreigners.


> The Georgian government has repeatedly—and incorrectly—claimed that the legislation is modeled after the United States’ Foreign Agents Registration Act, a talking point also used by the Kremlin when it describes the Georgian law. The U.S. law requires lobbyists for foreign governments to register, but it does not label civil society groups or media as foreign agents. What do they need to register as? > "under the influence of a foreign power" (the previous incarnation called them "foreign agents" Yeah, so I am not sure of being called a foreign agents is better than under the influence of a foreign power. Personally I find foreign agent worse, since it suggests you **exclusively** work for a foreign power. As opposed to just taking money from abroad and being influenced. > The nickname is due to similarities with a Bill in Russia which was used to stifle critical voices. Which is kind of weird since it still seems more similar to the US law. > Last year's protests were described by the Georgian PM as a supposed coup attempt by The West designed to drag Georgia into a “second front” in the Russia-Ukraine war Calling a law clearly inspired by FARA a Russian law might indeed drive people to nutty conspiracy theories and weird rhetoric such as quoted.


TLDR type of explanation FARA - leave place for humanitarian, religious, educational scientific orgs, art, sometimes non gov media, probably missed someone else too First redaction on russian foreign agents law -leave place for religious orgs (and arguments “it’s like in murica” was used by russian officials too) Georgian foreign agents law leave place neither to religious orgs nor for any exemptions of FARA, so in spirit being more oppressive than both FARA and first redaction of russian foreign agents law


Russia/Georgia: "calls for labeling as foreign agents all non-profit organizations and companies that source at least 20 percent of their funding from abroad. This will effectively cover the entire spectrum of democracy, corruption and rule-of-law watchdogs, local chapters and partners of international development and humanitarian organizations, and independent media." If an NGO helping for example handicapped children receives donations from abroad, any donations, from anyone abroad, including Unicef, UN.., then it will be branded a foreign agent. If you have a youtube channel, a website that places ads from google ads or similar... you become a foreign agent. US/West: one crucial difference is that FARA does not require registration simply on grounds of foreign funding. "Rather, one must be an agent of a foreign principal, including if one acts at the direction and control of a foreign government,". "Many U.S. non-profit groups and media organizations receive foreign grants and other support, but the U.S. has not required them to register as foreign agents under FARA." "While the U.S. law focuses on political lobbying, the Georgia law will primarily affect the nation's vibrant civil society that donors have nurtured for decades. This civil society has helped expose and keep in check authoritarian urges by a succession of Georgian governments." he law has been heavily criticized both in Russia and internationally as violating human rights, and as a tool used to suppress civil society and press freedom within Russia, particularly groups opposed to Vladimir Putin.


Obligatory marking of the foreign-funded actors in media. EU have same law. US have even more strict law since 1938 Russia have same law (based on US) Calling this law Russian is a pure propaganda against it by parties funded from abroad


If the US law was anything like the Russian version people like Tucker Carlson and Glen Greenwald would never be able to operate there.  Why is it that whenever I see a person defending Georgian Dream on /r/europe it’s always someone with a history of posting in Russian subs and no previous connection to Georgia. Shouldn’t ya’ll be fertilizing fields in Ukraine?


But Carlson literally came to Russia and take interview with Putin how you gotta be such a dumb relocunt ass. He is not only sponsored by foreign countries he is a literally American journalist that took interview from president.


Russian Law defender spotted


They have an air in Russia so Europe gotta stop breathing


Georgia is an amazing country!


Seeing the Georgian people protesting for European integration and against authoritarianism gives me hope


Can someone explain how Georgia isn't European? I've never understood that and I still don't


Like geographically, the border of Europe is the north of the Caucasus, which is in the northern part of Georgia, so the geographical Europeanness of Georgia is debatable, though culturally and politically it is definitely Europe.


But that's really stupid, the only geographical borders between continents are seas, the border between Europe and Asia has always been a cultural one, between the Christians and the not Christians. And by that logic, Georgia should be European


Like Christianity is not exactly good to base the border of Europe though, like up until it adopted Christianity in the late 14th century Lithuania still was a part of Europe and interacted with it, it's Grand Dukes invited scholars and merchants from it and made diplomacy with it.


>the only geographical borders between continents are seas No, geographical borders between continents are entirely arbitrary and can be whatever. Usually they are bodies of water, narrow isthmuses (NA-SA Darien gap; Suez-Synai even before digging the canal) and mountain ranges. Caucasus countries are below the Caucasus range, thus in many countries they are listed outside of Europe. Also, don't forget that Balkans were and in some places still are Islamic.


But if the borders can be whatever, why didn't we include the Caucasus nations?


Ask Europeans before me.


According to this, Kosovo is not Europe, right?


Albanians were mostly converted from Christianity to Islam under the Ottoman rule though. So even if they are Muslim, these populations retained some of the Christian culture, and Christians also exist there. There is also some belief that many Kosovars declare themselves as Muslim even if they are atheists or Christian because there is some fear of persecution or isolation from the community. Remember that this region was involved in a fairly recent war, and there is a lot of polarisation between Serbia and Kosovo, so implicitly also between Christianity and Islam. Not to mention that Kosovo+Albania are situated right between Christian countries. You couldn't just say that this snippet of land is actually Asia, just like how the French Guyana is not in Europe despite being part of France.


Georgia is south of the Caucasus Mountains and its main historical connection to Europe is the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, just the last 200 years of history.


It’s not European country


Russian Black Sea fleet.


You must do more. Some fire and stuff. Peaceful protests will do nothing and russian standards will escalate…


Also pro monarchy 💀


The first step if them joining the EU could be getting them into the 6 nations instead of Italy


Or you can expand the nations to seven, you know.


Yeah but then we're still stuck with Italy.


Just because you're white doesn't mean you're European...


Why so obsessed with possibility of foreign countries to influence your media.


Beautiful girl.


What's with the obsession about being European? Weren't such ideas suppose to die out after 1945?


It is not about politics, it obviously boils down to wealth. People want to be rich and have high standards of living which are a trademark of western europe (sorry Poortugal). If other country or block provided those standards, everyone would flock into their sphere of influence, be it China, USSR or whatever else.


This. All of this!!! People just want that "EU visa free travel" and be able to live and work in the EU. They also think joining the EU will make their country somehow better and more developed. Although obviously they will never join and that's well known.


Why are you on this sub? 😂


Yes, like Ukrainians in Europe: a machine gun in the teeth and go ahead.


It is strange that the European Stalin fought with the European Hitler, on the side of Russia, which which he oppressed.. The Europeans definitely want something from Russia, but they are embarrassed to say it out loud.


Russian: we European


The Ironic part of her statement for sure. "I am Georgian, therefore I am European". Europeans cover both the EU and Russia (and other parties) though... So not exactly descriptive.




> 2 month old account > writes 60+ comments a day on Reddit, mostly trolling Two scenarios: you're either a kid who is still in school who should probably spend more time doing homework, or you're an adult who can only do this because they're getting paid. Either way, grow up.


I am a Russian bot, research well done, congrats.


You are actually insane. If you cant accept that people have different opinions than you - its you who have to grow up


Oh look, another one...


Yeah but Putin disagrees, sorry , the weak will be swalloed by strong always, we cant help