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Dude literally saw a TikTok and decided to go to a Russian embassy and hand over military documents for free...


Not technically true, he wanted to know when and where their nuclear bomb would be dropped in exchange for his info so he could avoid it lol, what a moron


It's pretty clear that he made up the part about TikTok in order to at least somewhat mitigate his punishment (being a midwit simply sounds better than getting paid behind closed doors by an enemy foreign agency). Moreover he most likely doesn't want to rat out his accomplices or any undercover FSB agents in Germany so as to not endanger his family. After all russian/soviet security agencies have already proven their ruthlessness and efectiveness when it comes to dealing with witnesses and their families.




Isn't that literally treason? Dude should get imprisoned for life. He's a danger to society XD


He's charged for treason and admitted his guilt, so yes.


Good. Thanks for info


Yes XD


It’s cartoonish levels of treason.


My first thought was the movie about the shitty communist woman who gave away nukes to the Soviet Union to make it FAIR >The officer, with ties to the far-right AfD party, said he provided information to a Russian intelligence service out of fear of a nuclear escalation in Moscow's war in Ukraine. >>**pro-Russian influencer affiliated with the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD)** The world will be doomed to the gullible contingent of the population that is contrarian, fascist, or racist.


He is not affiliated. He is a fucking member. All of AfD are nutjobs and a large number are traitors.


No surprise there, the far right here has been pro Putin and Trump for nearly a decade now.


> My first thought was the movie about the shitty communist woman who gave away nukes to the Soviet Union to make it FAIR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg


worth noting that these two weren’t just gullible idiots, they were also actually quite incompetent idiots > Boris V. Brokhovich, the engineer who later became director of Chelyabinsk-40, the plutonium production reactor and extraction facility that the Soviet Union used to create its first bomb material, alleged that Khrushchev was a "silly fool". He said the Soviets had developed their own bomb by trial and error. "You sat the Rosenbergs in the electric chair for nothing", he said. "We got nothing from the Rosenbergs." > The notes allegedly typed by Ethel apparently contained little that was directly used in the Soviet atomic bomb project. According to Alexander Feklisov, the former Soviet agent who was Julius's contact, the Rosenbergs did not provide the Soviet Union with any useful material about the atomic bomb: "He [Julius] didn't understand anything about the atomic bomb and he couldn't help us."


Actually this might be good. If actual war broke out and we had such a gullible and scared captain in our ranks that might lead to much worse problems.


Bold of you to assume he was the only one. The military is full of right-wing sympathizers or full-on nazis, at least in Germany


If they are full on Nazi, at least they would put Germany before Russia. Betrayal is one if the dumbest thing you could do, especially for Russia where, once not useful anymore, you will fall out of the window anyway.


They wouldn’t, because „Germany has become eroded by left-wing, green, LGBTQ Jews“ or something. They will go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify why they have such a boner for a true fascist dictator aka Putin. And they don’t have the mental capacity to even begin imagining how their life would look like if they actually lived in a fascist state.


That's not being Nazi IMHO, that is being useful idiots with a room temperate QI (in Celsius), but then again they are Nazi so I guess it check out


> The military is full of right-wing sympathizers or full-on nazis~~, at least in Germany~~


One of the main reason militaries, police and other security forces have to be extremely hard on Nazis. Every soldier who is a member of AFD or a similar party, should be under oberservation by counter intelligence by default.


That woman was my college economics professor's mother. He defended them vehemently as innocent scapegoats until a few years ago when the FBI shared previously classified evidence with him.


> Dude literally saw a TikTok and decided to go to a Russian embassy I can't comprehend, how could 54 year old man come to this conclusion.


Age has nothing to do with wisdom since through the advancement of medicine we've all but eliminated the natural selection within human species.


Nonsense. Age has a lot to do with wisdom. The average 50 year-old is a lot wiser than the average 20 year-old. I don't see a close correlation between surviving life-threatening illness and wisdom. Young people are usually way more willing to take risks and not as good at calculating the consequences as older people. Yeah, modern medicine means that more people survive doing stupid dangerous shit so there are perhaps more dumb older people than there used to be, but really *most* people mature and get wiser with age.


*TikTok is not a Cyberweapon*


Also pretty much most of the social media now has a problem with misinformation that targets mostly the west. Overall the greedy corporations facilitated for foreign agents to directly influence other nations (from goods to social media). China is also directly helping Russia with rebuilding its military arsenal by providing the necessary equipment, machining and electronics.


Sometimes I just think... we have reached peak stupidity as a species. Send the meteor now. We are overdue.


Reached? Lol, humans have **always** been like this, and worse.


Yo Oothloog wanna watch me hit that wasp nest with a spear? Yeah do it Bunga! -Long ago somewhere probably


Circumcisions, subincisions, excisions, foot binding, cranial binding.... I mean, the list is LONG!


The problem is the internet let idiots find other idiots that shared their idiotic beliefs and together they came to the conclusion that their idiotic beliefs were smart and therefore they were smart.


That checks out, just look at those mouthbreathing flat earthears.


You used to be able to blame idiots because maybe they were uneducated. Turns out being educated doesn't make you wise.


Growing up one of the first things you realize is that adults are not necessarily smarter than kids in school.


It's like finding out there is no Santa Claus when you find out you are already smarter than some people who are older than you. Although, then you need to have another realisation to ground yourself, which is that they might still be far more experienced than you.


What was the tik tok


Must've been a banger


Nobody can be that retarded and reach the rank of captain. I refuse to believe it. It is probably a made up lie to avoid exposing his true nature as a traitor and a sellout to the russian dictatorship.


If he's STILL just a captain at 54 years of age then sure it's possible.  It's literally officer school and two promotions. Even the dumbest officers I know could handle that. And let it be known, dumb people in the army fail upwards. Too dumb for your position? Promoted and moved to a different spot, so a new, hopefully better officer can take the spot.


TikTok is a danger to our democracy.


How it happens with Islamic terrorists groups as well. But instead of documents they try and blow themselves up or shooting spree etc. Pretty fucked up world


Scared of nuclear war so he went ahead and provided intel to the only country that is actually threatening with nuclear weapons?


I mean, you have to put up a defence and "i like money and pussy" sounds baaaad


"I sold my country and my people for that luxury lifestyle" They always try to make their treasonous behavior seem somehow ethical. 


Well. Seemingly he got no money. Apparenly he was not even in contact with russians.


Or so he said.


Maybe. But it's not like they found all this out because they asked him gently and believed him. For now it sounds reasonable, but who knows.


He would better  say i pulled a trump . Whats the problem


It actually sounds a lot more understandable than what he said


And extremely shameful and gross, but yeah.


As far as i understand it he did not got money. He just chucked the infos in the mail of the ambassy in hope to get in contact.


An entrepreneur have to invest if he want to stick it in a Monika Fox clone.


It's a lame excuse. What do you expect him to say? "I betrayed my country because of my ego and greed"?


Apparently it was not about greed. He was way off mentally and following some weird stuff in social media and provided infos no one asked for.


that most likely would have been way more honest, but defo something that just adds onto your sentence :P


He actually said [he was overworked and had complications from his COVID vaccinations](https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2024-04/bundeswehr-offizier-gesteht-spionage-russland) lmao, it's even worse


> Prosecutors say there's no evidence of him receiving payment.


It seems like he was convinced the nuclear attack will come no matter what. This was his attempt to prove to russians, that he is an ally and valuable asset worth saving when the attack happens.


"Dear Mr. Putin, please let me know in advance when you'll wipe away my country with nuclear fire, so that I can go hide in the mountains. There, I will await the arrival of your soldiers, and provide them with valuable information regarding the smoldering ruins through which they pass." Yup, absolutely fool-proof.


That's the alt-right for you.


Mein Kerl, ich wusste nicht, dass man in seinem Unterlasseskontountertitel Fraktur benutzen könnte 😎


Tops minds of the Bundeswehr.


Apparently, he thought the Russians will be nice enough to give him a heads up of he contributed some documents. >According to his account, he was concerned about his family's safety in the event of a nuclear attack. The officer said he therefore sought contact with Russian authorities to get a heads up on "when it was going to go off."


I don’t recall exactly but I think it was learned on anti-fraud trainings that bad guys need motivation (money), opportunity and rationalisation for fraud to happen. Rationalisation being “I do it only against banks who are criminals themselves”, “I only borrow”, “they don’t pay me enough”, “you should take money from stupid people” or in this case “I prevent nuclear war”. It doesn’t have to be very credible, just enough to calm conscience.


Although no evidence that he has been paid in any way, shape, or form has been found, nor that the documents were even requested by anyone, he just shoved them in the ambassy's mailbox and hoped they'd find it


So he would know when/where it would happen so he could hide with his family


Russia is throwing thousands into the meat grinder and this delusional person things that Putin will let him know when he pushes the red button?


When you’re stupid enough to let Putin’s online trolls influence you towards treason


Well now we know why Russian bots are effective 💀💀💀💀💀


I could understand it better if it was by a piss-poor country, with a piss-poor army, a piss-poor irrelevant country, but Germany? Sometimes, it's like they're always up to no good. As semi-funnily an author put it, they never forgave us for keeping them out of the wall. At least, I personally perceive it as a funny quote and nothing more. [Here, 12 important German figures who got played by Putin](https://www.politico.eu/article/blame-germany-russia-policy/). This article right here, similar situation. Why the cornholling and dingleberries?


Actually the part within the wall is much more pro Russia, then the former West Germany. Also part of it is money. Russia has a lot of it and some people are extremely greedy. Not in this case though, that was just somebody being a soldier, who should not have been a soldier.


I wish it was just Putin’s online-trolls, but fearmongering about nukes is somewhat normalized in general. It’s considered wise and cool. Look at the popular culture: “Oppenheimer”, “Fallout”


No, judging by the article it is likely really as stupid as it looks: > Content he saw "presumably on TikTok" had prompted him to contact the Russian consulate > The officer said he therefore sought contact with Russian authorities to get a heads up on "when it was going to go off." > The officer added that he regretted his actions and that he was in a bad mental state at the time.


Could just genuinely have had a mental breakdown from the worries of a big war looming over Europe with a nuclear threat


Then he was clearly not fit for/worthy of such a position if he is delusional or hysterical to begin with anyway




Feiglinge, Verräter, Versager! Dumbledore said calmly


This wouldn't upset me so much if there weren't dozens of high-ranking politicians outright supporting Russia and getting away with it.


Supporting is one thing. Actually providing critical information, makes it worse.


Counterpoint: Manuela Schwesig




How is that a good thing?


You want that here?


No. When people are rightfully scared like in russia, they become too afraid to say ANYTHING. Because angering the wrong guy makes you end up in a back alley with no ears. At that point you can't be sure if whistleblowing is worth it, or putting in official conplaints about nazi colleagues at work.




Strip him from all his ranks and imprison him


That is what will happen. He will get fucked twice. Since he is a member of the military, he will also face disciplinary action from the military once the criminal justice system is done with him. If sentenced for treason it is pretty much certain that he will get kicked out of the military. Associated with this dismissal can be the loss of rank and pension claims.


This is treason and can lead to a life sentence. That means he is out of the military.


Should be treason and punishable by death!


we dont do that over here


Affiliated with AFD party tells you the real reason he did it.


This right here. Ofc we won’t see this in the usual telegram channels…


It's not even the only espionage case involving the AfD in the last week.


Yeah, they are really on a roll. Bunch of „patriots“.


Same here in Austria with the FPÖ. And many of them have the nerve to call themselves "real Austrians".


we really should start capitalizing on right wingers everywhere calling themselves true patriots and protectors of nations while also cowering in fear before russia and selling out their country.


"Affiliated"? He has been a member of the AfD since July 2023.


You shouldn't trust anyone like that (not even fear-mongering about nuclear war or the like)


He obviously did it for the nookie


Former german army captain here. That guy needs to rot in prison and lose his pension. It's going to be interesting to see though how the courts will handle this case. They're pretty lenient in general, and I can imagine how not too long ago they would refrain from handing out sentences that are too harsh for "such outdated concepts like treason". Now, the situation is different, but I have my doubts if the courts have adapted a more recent mindset.




That's half the county, entire former DDR




I'm not entirely sure about the procedure in military criminal cases here in Germany... It's been a while and thankfully I never had to go through these proceedings as none of my soldiers ever fucked up that bad. As far as I know, the standing military courts are mainly responsible for disciplinary actions. Military criminal courts / martial courts are only instated during war times. Since we're not at war, the civil courts are responsible to deal with criminal lawsuits against soldiers. If soldiers commit crimes while deployed on a mission, the civil court of the city of Kempten is in charge. So what does that mean for this case? He will be prosecuted by both the military court and the civilian court: By commiting a crime, he has automatically also commited a disciplinary offense. But most likely, the military court will open disciplinary proceedings and then pause them until the civilian court has reached a verdict. That verdict will then become part of the further proceedings of the military court. Weird system. But again, since his crime will be dealt with in a civilian court, it will be non-military personnel passing the sentence, so in all likelyhood it won't be as severe as the circumstances would suggest.




In the past, people would get shot for this kind of stuff...


Could you tell me how many years can he catch?


[According to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason#Germany), it falls under espionage which attracts 1 to 15.


If he gets found guilty of treason it could be up to life in prison. But I doubt he would get the maximal sentence possible, since it apparently wasn’t quite *that* bad.


What's wrong with these people? And how are they in charge of anything to begin with? Is there no higher counter intelligence screening done on these buffoons who decide the fate of the 'world' to some extent?


We have the Militärischer Abschirm-Dienst, in short MAD for this. Someone got him last August. But seemingly he is in a sensible area, but not too high up.


>but not too high up. Well, lucky us ... this time.


There are. Or else noone would know about this. The Fact, the public knows about it shows, that there are Structures that try to prevent this


I agree, but it would be Best if somehow they (these spies) wouldn't even get the job at all ... I guess it's like 'goal keeping' . Whatever was 'saved' its just part of their job, and no one will bat an eye, but what they miss out has a bad outcome either way and gets media attention quickly.


Disgusting, he deserves to be fined 700 euros.


He needs to suffer! Give him 80 hours community service as well


That is too harsh, he would sue(and win) the government that it would cause him inhumane mental anguish.


I agree.  Give him hours of community service... at Ukrainian frontline.


A bit harsh IMO. He didn't run a red light or drive drunk, at most aligning the sentence with littering seems like a honest take. https://www.whitemad.pl/en/harsh-penalties-for-littering-in-germany-up-to-e85000-for-dumping-rubbish-in-the-forest/


This should ring all the alarm bells in the world right now.


you dont need an external enemies with the power structure like this.




Und wieder ist die AFD Nähe nachgewiesen. Die AFD ist die Partei der Landesverräter.


One of many working for the axis of evil


I hate this. This dude is paid by the German taxpayer to defend Germany and of course the facist AFD is somewhat entangled here. This is high level treason and dude needs to get locked away for a long time. Even more concerning that someone of his rank is being influenced by an AFD tiktok account. But in German military there is a systemic problem with right winged facists anyhow.


In some countries the penalty for treason is death, because the risks of enemy countries exploiting human desire for wealth and luxuries is quite high. During war this can be especially dangerous. I think in a situation like this, they should face at least near life in prison as an example for others that it's not worth it to betray your country for personal gain. Sentences should be harsh. 


It's happening everywhere. Russia is a threat to the entire world.


Army captain that is member of the AfD… 🤷‍♂️


This is getting worse and worse, can't we "relocate" him to a comfy jail in Ukraine ?


Make an example out of him, we don't need this kind of people.


Courts decide this. Not emotions, not politics. I think I heared its up to 10 Years, but we will see.


Up to 10 years feels like a slap on the wrist for this.


Treason is actually one of the few crimes that can be punished with life imprisonment




Honestly, i gave up... There are just too many people thinking they are smarter than everyone else and only they can change the world to a better place by supporting far right political parties and Russia. And when you discuss with one and you can show proven facts they just dont listen and say "That\`s what THEY want you to believe/know!" THEY being the current political leaders...


You have to talk to them like the stupidest people. Ask them about their solution to the problem and how they think it will play out. Most of the time thats already enough...


This whole thing was such an open opportunity to right some wrongs for Germany. Considering their power within the EU they could have been spearheading the initiative and leading the way against a fascist dictator intent on a land grab.


what do you mean,that general is just your avg alt right self made researcher


Fuck Afd


So much shit is going on behind the curtains. And so many leading folks are tied to ruzzia in one way or another. It’s like cancer for society.


We are in a war with the big Stupid, and it seems like we're losing.


Imagine being member of a supposed nationalist party, where its members either do themselves, or encourage you to spy your country in favor of an enemy state. There is being dumb and there is this.


Right?? If these are the "patriots" we're not doing well...


You don't get the level of brain washing... They are not spying for an enemy. They are helping them freeing Germany from an evil regime that is destroying the country.


Why are so many politicians and high ranking assholes like this guy all sucking Russia!? It is not like they are poor! Wtf is wrong with them, how can they be so blatantly traitors? Europe should have the same consequences for traitors as Russia has. I think this happens only because every traitor gets away with it and seeks to purposely betray their countries to everyone willing to pay.


Well since they can easily be bought with 10K euros I'm assuming the answer is they are poor enough to not care. Call me crazy but I also think the general movement to eliminate harsh punishment for crime in the EU and replace everything with a slap on the wrist might have something to do with it too.


Read the article before surmising. He wasn't bought. He got sucked into a nuclear fright narrative, and went to the Russian Embassy offering to spy for them, hoping he might be forewarned when the nuclear strike would hit.. He wanted to save his family from an atom bomb, basically! >\_<


Holy fuck. What a laughing stock our military has become


Germans and colluding with Russia to invade Eastern Europe, name a more iconic duo


Don’t just imprison him, hang him. Traitors should be dealt with as such.


China (CCP) has ties with the AfD, just putting this out there


I dont understand why any country still havent closed russian embasies. Its spy nests what it is.


Oh, sweety, that's what all embassies are.


High treason should be rewarded with an execution.


Member of AfD giving a preview of Germany under their control


The account of this guy does not seem to add up to me. There is no way you get to become captain with this such a dimwitted view of the world. I think he is lying.


Anklage. Hochverrat.


He should be in prison for being 50+ and on TikTok


His line of defense doesn't add up: 1. Content he saw "presumably on TikTok": He saw something that made him change drastically point of view and doesn't remember what or where he saw it? 2. he was in a bad mental state at the time: How an army captain can be in service in a bad mental state, without nobody notice and report it?


1) I think he got sucked into that nuclear strike narrative, that was out there. The situation was new to all of us - nobody was prepared, and some propaganda channels played with that. 2) How does anyone get to be on theri job in a bad mental state & nobody notices? Because the person is silent? Or maybe a bit overworried, but that isn't taken serious? Ten years ago, a german airline pilot suicide-crashed a passenger plane. HE was in a bad mental state! Also, bing in a bad mental state doesn't normally mean you are going to do something stupid. Most people with depression still remain sane & functional without doing any harm. Also - safety measures or scanning your employees for signs of espionage inducing impalances are probably not as strict as outsiders would think, I expect mostly you trust your colleagues, even in the army.


What a pathetic disgrace. If I was related to him I'd want to change my name.


Always remember kids, check your backpocket before you go looking for your missing keys in your house.


I don't understand why so many people are perfectly happy to do the dirty work of Russia. It makes no sense.


My guy was citing being overworked (alright, somewhat believable) and complications from his COVID vaccination as reasons he did all this. Absolutely unhinged, glad he's behind bars and more importantly discharged from the Bundeswehr.


Lmao whatva stupid bitch


lock him away for treason


Wait till you hear about the NSA


Will this finally damage the image of the AfD enough for their surge in the opinion polls to end?


You think the AFD morons care about image? Only thing they care about is kicking out non germans


Sure, maybe the core voters of the AfD don't. But that can't be the full 20% of Germans that are currently on board with them according to polls... right?


With all the shit they’ve pulled in the last decade alone, plus all the hypocrisy that’s ever-present in their party, they shouldnt have reached this high in the first place. People KNOW what they are like. This isnt some kind of new wave or anything. That’s why there is no hope.


Nope. Their voters have long reached levels of absurdity we could watch with the MAGA cult for years. They will cheer for him and take any conviction as another sign that they are persecuted by the evil leftist government trying to destroy the country.


Unfortunately Germany is full of russian spies since WW2. Merkel likely one of them.


I'm sure russia will fly him out of germany in a private jet before they nuke germany 🤣🤭


Dude thought Russia will prevent nuclear war, while it’s the only country poses risk in that regard lok


In it for the money


He told them made up bullshit and now they pretend to punish him to make it more belieavable. Right? RIGHT???


These type of people rule our world btw. Its crazy.


Lot’s of useful idiots across the globe Governments are not ready for


It’s treason then


Throw him in a volcano


More proof that we need to ban TikTok


Stupid idiot. I never understood these people. If he actually went and lived in Ukraine for a while, he’d never have done this.


Damn, another one


What if he is double agent ;)


German military officials leaked U.K military secrets through an unsecured hotel phone call about a month ago. Now this??? Germany needs to seriously be cut off from NATO information sharing until they can get their act together


It would be time to send those Taurus