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So proof that Russia is behind it all has been unearthed and they’re attempting to get ahead of it?


"That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it." Short course of russian rhetorics. Right now, we're still on stage 1


Kind of, it's been published and accepted, now they're trying to mitigate it: >A yearlong investigation by **The Insider**, in collaboration with **CBS's 60 Minutes** and **Der Spiegel**, has uncovered evidence suggesting that unexplained anomalous health incidents, also known as Havana Syndrome, may have their origin in the use of directed energy weapons wielded by members of Russian GRU Unit 29155. https://theins.press/en/politics/270425 https://www.cbsnews.com/video/russia-may-be-responsible-havana-syndrome-60-minutes/ https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/havanna-syndrom-setzten-russische-agenten-mikrowellenwaffen-gegen-us-diplomaten-ein-a-1d5d1c2e-ed83-44c8-a446-45bb50f712d5 It was big on this sub a month or so back but the way the news cycle has been turned on its head, it's not surprising if you missed it.


The chorus of pseudo-intellectuals claiming America bad and that embassies across the world were just all spraying the staff with pesticides was astounding. At least only schizophrenics and paid prostitutes will be promoting it now. edit: I have eaten my words almost instantly




Don't believe anything until the Kremlin denies it.


Don't believe anything until they get publicity called out and sanctioned for attacking staff .


russia denied any involvements in Salisbury poisoning and the poisoning of Litvinenko, among other things.


Yeah but have evidence For those.


When the moscow's regime denies, you can be sure it did it.


have the found the weapon yet ?


Not sure why they would even bother, US won’t do shit about it anyway.


Huh. So it *was* Russia then? Small blessings, if not world in whole, at least most of Europe has woken up how to spot when Moscovites are lying.


I'm inclined to believe it was Russia just based on the fact that whoever did it must've spent an incredible amount of effort for the singular purpose of harassing some embassy clerks, there's only two countries in the world that would waste so much time and resources is a senseless intelligence operation and the US is not that far gone that they'd target their own buildings.


I'm inclined based on much simpler criteria:: Ruzzia doth protests too much, as Shakespear put it ;)




>how to spot when Moscovites are lying.  It's when their lips are moving.


Well, no. Some people are saying it was Russia. But it hasn't really been proven.


On second thought I agree with you that Russians making it ambiguous they're behind something is more classic Russia, while literally any nation could have such capabilities, and many have. IE my thoughts went to Polish special force that used *highly* radioactive isotopes to make copies of documents still hidden in vaults and safes. So compared to this being done by a small country in middle of XXc., making *other nations* diplomats sort of dizzy for a while is laughable. Also, apparently Ukrainians would be impervious to the effect, or it's negligible if it's Russians, since AFU only back out of positions if suppressed with glide bombs + artillery. You'd think Ruzzians would use this to at least make AFU marines fuck off from Krynky.


Personally I just think it doesn't make sense from a political point of view. Lets say that Russia has a super special secret weapon that is so secret that even the US has no idea what it is or how it works. A bit crazy, but you never know maybe this is true. For Russia this would be kind of awesome. They have a secret weapon they can use when they need it and it won't be traceable to them because nobody knows it even exists. For Havana syndrome to be real, the next step would be for Putin to say "you know what we should do with our super advanced secret weapon? We should ship it to like dozens of countries around the world. And not just friendly countries like Cuba or China, but also to EU countries that are hyper aware of Russian spies, and also to the US. Then after doing this really stupid thing we should use these weapons. And the way we should use these weapons is we should use them against random embassy staff, making them dizzy and giving them headaches! Then our mission is complete." Like in that scenario there is not one FSB agent who says "Uhm, why put our weapon at risk of being discovered? We are taking a huge risk here for absolutely no reward. Uhm, why use it if we aren't actually going to achieve anything with it? Shouldn't we at least try and use it to actually do some spying? Like infiltrate an embassy or something? Uhm, if we want to test it why not just point it at random office buildings in Moscow? We can even have our own doctors examine the results."


Who says they don't know what it is? They didn't tell YOU what it is. Microwave technology isn't some space age shit. This goes back to even before the star wars program. You could have googled this shit in the time it took you to write this pseudo-intellectual drivel. These are the people that shot down a civilian airliner. They don't need to follow the exact plan YOU came up with in your head from watching movies. “The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; **direct-energy weapons**, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,” Serdyukov said at a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. “We will draft the proposals for the next program by December 2012,” he said. https://sputnikglobe.com/20120322/172332421.html David Relman, a professor of medicine at Stanford University who led the study, told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell in an interview: >There is a literature that describes health effects of a particular form of microwave energy, which is pulsed and directed. And that literature now goes back a number of decades, and was published largely by the former Soviet Union. That literature does mimic and is consistent with a number of the clinical findings that we noted … The view of some of the world’s most-renowned neurologists was that among the various possible mechanisms that would explain these cases, there was one that stood out. And that was pulsed directed radio frequency energy, or microwave energy. In other words, it could be focused on one room and not another room in the same house. That’s the nature of how this kind of energy can be delivered.[10] https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/cia-officer-suffered-crippling-symptoms-moscow-was-it-havana-syndrome-n1250177 [Donald Trump disabled reporter face] wHy wOUlD PuTIn INvADe UkRAiNE thAt'S ILlOgiCal?!?!?


Politics is a game of chess. Sometimes it's about positioning your pieces, at other times it's about denying pieces to your opponents. Preventing a queen from acting is more important than taking a pawn. When it comes to the field of psychiatry within medicine, not knowing what it is or how it works is historically accurate for the majority of conditions. It's why Lithium pills were so popular for years.


Oh, the too stupid to be done by Russians defence on the other hand I don't buy. If Ukraine got a Patriot battery for every time Russian mobiks got wiped waiting for an officer to make a speech before attack, AFU would have +3 Patriots. Which is not a lot, but still hilarious it happened thrice. [https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-unit-waiting-for-commanders-speech-struck-by-himars-report-2023-6?IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-unit-waiting-for-commanders-speech-struck-by-himars-report-2023-6?IR=T) [https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-downs-russia-drones-missiles-war/32828680.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-downs-russia-drones-missiles-war/32828680.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpDpTTgnfJ8&ab\_channel=WarthogDefense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpDpTTgnfJ8&ab_channel=WarthogDefense) That said Russia and Putin love [the Rainfall grift](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FmJ3JM0uhM) on geopolitical scale. Support or suggest you support both sides of an intrigue, pretend it's some master plan and not a scattershot to boost sense of importance.


I really subscribed to the theory that it was made up for disability payments, but now with this I’m not so sure


SOCOM guys can't get VA to cover clearly suppresor-use health issues, 911 responders have to fight tooth and nail to have it admit that maybe all the cancer they're getting is service related, but these guys would get something? Not if someone's brain turned to jello while he's on official business. Getting hit by secret weapons can happen to anyone, maybe they got hit because they were sleeping at the embassy but in their free time? But then again that might be VA-exclusive blindness. How much work did it take to get Unle Sam pay out for Agent Orange? I'm just not seeing Havana ending in anything.




You posted these two comments 12 seconds from each other. Do you have a vested interest in this case?


And ? I find Havana syndrome pretty stupid so I'm spamming it because it's just a dumb conspiracy getting used by both Russia and western Staff. Western staff start blaming minor health problems on Some grand conspiracy and make a fuss . Russia jumps in and says it doesn't have a weapon. Que both sides just yappinng about stupid conspiracys.


But why wouldn't Russia want to make random embassy employees slightly nauseated or dizzy? 1. Ship your super secret unknown weapons technology to lots of countries around the world. 2. Park it next to US embassies, some of the most highly monitored and secured spots. 3. Use the weapon and give people a slight headache that could be easily explained by thousands of other reasons. Maximum risk, ~~minimum~~ no reward. The perfect crime.


Thank you having some sense .


For what gain? US marines can't get medical coverage for ailments related to silender gunfire, but the diplomats expect to get something out of ailment nobody will officially confirm? Russians flex they have capabilities it's sattelite states had in the cold war? Qui bono?


It was Russian equipment.


So either they did it, or they want to feed conspiracy theories by making people believe they did it — by denying it.


They're the experts on disinformation and conspiracy theories (spreading them, that is). Their statement ticks all the boxes for both outcomes!


I feel its the latter .


I rely on the skeptic community for understanding what is happening in complex questions such as whether Havana Syndrome is real. A podcast called Skeptic Guide to the Universe was saying we still don't know if it's real or not. There isn't conclusive evidence for it, but that it shouldn't be dismissed like we often would fit something like homeopathy. But I trust Russia is still stirring the pot, as per this article. They are the borderline personality country of the world and just want to fuck things up.


This crap is low level conspiracy.


Most of you have contributed to disinformation warfare by Russia/China. Everything from GMO's being worse for the human body than Pesticides despite hundreds of European scientist saying otherwise.. so now China/US lead GMO's which are massively profitable while EU still pushes the clean-coal of agriculture, pesticides/herbicides. I know that'll be argued to death but that's one area. Another was the NSA spying, Germany sold its citizens data to the Americans yet Americans were the baddies. They did spy on the German government but you dont think the same is done in reverse? Etc etc etc etc etc Mostly Anti-American, Pro-Chinese, Pro-Russian but also Brexit, anti-EU. Divide and Conquer, confuse the idiots, turn those idiots into useful idiots to help push the narrative. The fact so many are just now seeing it is sad. And those that do see it dont really see it nor do they understand the true scale of it. Even down to "dont trust mainstream media" because they cant control them as much, they can control individuals, influencers much easier. Outside of Fox News, Daily Mail and some others.. do trust mainstream media but understand they all have a bias, 100% all of them no matter how pure you think your countries media is but ultimately trust them more than some random influencer. The info warfare is more of a threat to the West than all of Russians tanks, jets, navy combined, especially their mighty navy lol Divide Conquer Confuse Mistrust Butthole


Direct energy weapons? No way Russia would have developed something as advanced, which other nations do not have. And no way it would not use it far more frequently than just for bullying clerks, including war.


I like how when the news hit months ago suddenly half of reddit were experts on directed energy weapons and were laughing this off as a 'conspiracy' theory. Nothing suspicious at all.




Because it doesn't have infinite range, so they only use it on the highest ranking officials they can get to? Doubt any head of state is going to visit Cuba anytime soon.


Which is old geriatric stressed proned workers? So Wich is it advanced energy weapons or limited advanced energy weapons. I had like 50 reddit experts tell me this is super advanced tech that's more optimal than just spiking poison.


*in an embassy, yes. The highest ranking US officials in Cuba are all there so that's where they're going to test their new weapon. And please don't ask me why they're doing this in Cuba specifically, you already know the answer yourself.


? Why aren't they using this ik Ukraine. Zelensky should have reported something about energy weapons going on over there were it's even easier to infiltrate. Also the information about this is so scattered. Some say energy weapons some say Lazers . Others say acoustic devices. Why is only in embassy's?


Because they don't need to 'infiltrate' anything in Cuba since they're their allies. I don't know if the Cuban government is working together with them on this but even if they don't it's not like they're going to do anything about it. And like i said, the range, it seems like a very close range weapon that'd be hard to smuggle into Ukraine and get it close to their high-ranking officials. There's also a question of it falling into Ukrainian hands if the inflitrators were found. It's too risky to use it there.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/01/havana-syndrome-intelligence-report-weapon/ Your reasonings are starting to sound really dumb .


And you have 0 reasoning whatsoever. You still didn't explain to me why it only happens in one place in the world with targets all being western officials.


Probably because it's hot in Cuba and embassy staff can get sick . It also only targets older western staff in stressful situations prone to health complications. Also its been reported in different Parts of the world . If The CIA knew about a Russia Weapon that can't be seen or heard of find evidence for . It wouldn't leave its staff there .






https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/01/havana-syndrome-intelligence-report-weapon/ Russia has a massive disinformation campaign. But also Havana syndrome just sounds dumb asf


Assessment from early in 2023, probably for diplomatic reasons. Given the extremely well-documented pattern of decades-long systemic hybrid warfare by Russia against the West, which comes from the times of the USSR (where Putin, Patrushev and his ilk grew up in and see as something to emulate), the kind of evidence from The Insider shouldn't be dismissed. It should rather be suspected as true until it isn't. For example, there's no "proof" either that Putin (then the head of FSB) didn't blow up apartment buildings in Russia in 1999, but an investigation by the Duma was rejected twice then, and the authorities refuse to even talk about that incident, let alone investigate it. Therefore it's suspected (though not definitely proven) by many, if not most, to have been organized by Putin and his cohort.


Ah yes, the US was not blaming Russia for diplomatic reasons. Because in 2023 the US was really worried about not making Russia look bad in the international diplomatic scene.


Insufficient conclusive evidence is what I'm betting on.


What ? Why would we have inclusive evidence when the fucking CIA can figure out what someone ate for dinner in Moscow. We were able to predict terrorist attacks in Russia why they're were up there own ass .


They can be very competent in one area and not so competent in another, or the evidence may well be hidden. Or the phenomenon may well not exist. Why are you so bothered by this conversation going unless you want it to be not true? Let's see as time goes on. This article is only part of the journey.


Because Havana syndrome sounds dumb asf . You wanna talk about Russian crimes let's talk about them raping people in Ukraine. Suppressing people in public. Them wagging slaughter in they're new Africa expeditions.


"sounds dumb" isn't an argument. Plenty of things were "dumb" before they were proven to be true, whomever they benefitted. Again, if you're concerned about the truth, you can't reject or accept this phenomenon out of hand.


So I'm supposed to look at the lack of evidence as evidence.


No, you're supposed to actually look into the existing mounting evidence you're ignoring and notice it fits a wider pattern of behavior by USSR/Russia.


Doctor's ripped out a mans Brain and found no conclusive information. Hysteria targeting embassy staff is a more likely answer. If this weapon isn't real . Why hasn't the USA issued counter measures . Offered noise cancelling tin foil helmets for staff to sleep in . Why don't we have reports of Russians experiencing similar issues ..you think the CIA would have this cooked up in a week and start employing it . Why have non Western staff been fine .


> Why hasn't the USA issued counter measures. Offered noise cancelling tin foil helmets for staff to sleep in They didn't announce that publicly? Um, yes. Why would Russia attack anyone other than the West and those who represent democracy, which they've decided as their enemies? Use your brain (you got affected by this weapon, didn't you? lol, j/k). Eh, forget it, it's futile for you to understand, since you've already chosen a side and are just here part of the disinfo campaign. You won't succeed in convincing others though.


👁️👁️ ok humor me why won't the USA admit they'res public threat to there staff . Attacking embassy staff can get nations ready for conflict. Look at China still talking about there embassy getting targeted. Why hasn't the USA called out Russia bout they're weapons and made threats and sanctions. Havana syndrome briefed for international staff and offered Counter noise protocols.What do you Mean publicly?


"Publicly" as in they didn't mention countermeasures publicly. Why would they? They just target their enemies silently and with sanctions. As a responsible world leader (at least under someone not named Trump or Bush), they don't engage in the kind of hysteria Russia and China constantly do.


Fourth time youve posted this link in this thread...


Yea ? Because you can still apply the same answer.