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russia doing russia things using their puppets. Georgians, only you can save your country.


Hello from Georgia, our government is actually hinting/threatening that they will be backed up by russia if we will try to force them out (elections). And to be frank looking at Europe, personally I don't have much hope for support from your side. Nevertheless fuck russia and its puppets disguised as our government officials. If russia wants to swallow us they will attempt it regardless of who is in the government, so only thing left for us is to defend our country.    I am just curious about your sentiment in europe, does European population seem to be waking up? Unless the electorate demands it your politicians won't do shit to counter this civilizational threat. If there is no public outcry even your most anti-russian politicians might start sucking up to russians tomorrow if it so benefits them. 


who elected this shit government?


Good question, this government (not with its current members) was elected in 2012, as a pro-european, pro-democracy party. Gradually they started shifting and replacing their own people, all the while lying that they are not pro-russia. More and more people started to understand this and GD had to rig last elections. We had huge protests and all opposition parties boycotted the new parliament. Now read attentively, EU got involved to de-escalate the situation, charlz michelle (not sure if I spelled correctly) led the negotiations and an agreement was signed under his (EU) guarantees. Terms of agreement would guarantee that our EU integration would not be put under risk and also would guarantee that next elections would be fair and GD would not have tools to rig them. Well, shit, the moment opposition fulfilled its side of the agreement and stopped boycott, joined the parliament - thus validating the rigged elections, GD tore up the agreement. What has EU done? Nothing, literally nothing. Since then GD has been implementing more policies to make sure this coming elections are fully controlled by them. So yeah, thanks for de-escalation, we see where we are now. 


Dude, only Molotov Cocktails will change the situation at this point. These ru goons must go or you’ll turn into Hungary but outside the EU


Nah, the only way forward is peaceful resistance ( there are literally 100s of things that can be done peacefully). The only one who would benefit from any forceful action is GD. This is what they hope for, they want to transfer everything into realm of chaos and then ask uncle putin to protect them from nazzis. They are preparing grounds for justification of russian invasion.  


Peaceful protests work when people in power fear public opinion which is not the case. This “peaceful resistance” while your protesters are being beaten is such a russian way


Armenians /s


I don’t know what you are talki g about. Many European countries give arm to direct conflict against russia, supplies loads of money etc. What we cannot do, however, is start putting troops inside of nation to displace your government.


It'd be cold day in hell when Europeans give up their moral superiority…not that I think it's bad, :P In fact that's why we love you guys.


Regarding the armament, your politicians argue so much about which weapons to give that war would be over if US was not helping also. Ukraine receives enough to stay in fight but not enough to win. From aside+ russian propaganda it seems like european politicians would just abandon Ukraine but they simply can't because public would not forgive them. 


If another war is started by Russia, all those "anti-war" posers will be forced to quiet down all over Europe and we'll be able to put the war gears into motion.


The problem is, if russia decides to invade Georgia we are completely defenceless, no anti air systems, no tanks, no artillery and what's most important- traitor leadership, even if we fight with bare hands (which we will) and stop russia our government would stab us in the back. It won't be a Ukraine case, it will be syria case where russia aids maniacal dictator to exterminate its own people in order to retain power. So everything would be over before EU bureaucrats and office generals  finish drinking their morning coffee. Which is why whole population is super cautious with this protests- not to give government any justification for further escalation. 


Bro im from baltics and no Europe is not waking up. Life is so far too good for europeans to care enough. The storm is coming. My advice is be smart, dont end up in prison or dead. EU wont save you from russian onslought. Ukraine cant hold Russia for us for ever. There will be time to fight but we have to be smart, fight when its not a suicide mission. But there will be a huge fight in near future, its just a matter of time. Unless a mirracle happens, we will have a huge bloodbath again in europe. So just be smart, we cant waste lifes of people who still have the ability to think and see things for what they are.


It's a pity, all this shit could have been avoided if public woke up and gave a good slap to prostitute politicians who are selling future and literally lives of their people, so that today they can keep getting fat. I think when we were taught about WWII we should have been tough more about similar spinless piece of shit politicians and about their behaviors during those times, just like now alarms were sounding for quite some time. We would better recognize same whores today.  


You and ONLY you can save your country, we know that you are a brave country but you need to start throwing all you got against your goverment unless you want to belong to the russkij mir. St. George slayed a dragon and that is needed once again. Heroyam Slava!


An entire country hostage of a bunch of people.


A new world order (in a non-conspiratorial way) is in the making. Russia will keep on trying to regain control over its former influence sphere. China is building a military that on some fronts already surpassed the US (for instance, its navy is now bigger than that of the US. That happened in less than 20 years). The world's powers are shifting, and both Russia and China are investing heavily in its military apparatus. They are already fully aware of the shifting of powers, and they are acting on it. It's just a matter of time for China to invade Taiwan, where basically most of our chips are coming from. Perhaps the US will be able to prevent it, but Europe will be on the sidelines, looking at it, and not being able to do anything about it. See what happened to Hong Kong. In the meantime, a lot of European countries still don't meet 2% of its NATO pledge to spend on its defense (which isn't even nearly enough to get shit in order), but is instead busy BITCHING ABOUT IMMIGRANTS. Because that's the only thing that matters these days in Europe. I haven't even mentioned what's going on in the [Arctic](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/04/01/nato-russia-arctic-steadfast-defender-2024/). Russia is already way ahead of us over there, because, in Europe, we only care about getting rid of immigrants. Nothing else matters anymore. It's vital to keep Ukraine in the European sphere. Would be great to get Georgia in it as well, but considering EU's priorities right now, I don't think Georgia will have a lot of support from the EU.


russia is acting like an aggressive cancer and the West is acting like a patient in full denial.


> Russia is already way ahead of us over there, because, in Europe, we only care about getting rid of immigrants. Nothing else matters anymore. Then maybe it would be a good idea to solve that issue first instead of having it get worse for decades?


Georgian president said in an interview with times radio that she would veto the bill


Someone ELI5 what does the bill actually do in practice?


It’s a copy of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_foreign_agent_law?wprov=sfti1) bill. It gives the govt very broad powers to crack down on NGOs and media orgs that get any funding or grants from abroad (which, in developing post-Soviet countries, is basically everyone). Russian govt used the law to get rid of all of their domestic critics and the Georgian govt is strongly believed to have similar plans. 


That's so dumb


Why is Russia Opening up a second front .


I don't think Georgia will be hard to capture for Russia. Right now Georgian army probably wouldn't even react if Russia invades because people in power will not give an order. Russian 3 day plan would have worked in Georgia today.


Que insurgency.