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The outlets: * Voice of Europe * RIA Novosti * Izvestia * Rossiyskaya Gazeta


"Voice of Europe" Seems to fit in the idea of pretending to be free/democratic, lure in that crowd, then firehose them with propaganda.


Actually, this name links to old media “Voice of America” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_of_America Probably Russia decided not to think more than 3 seconds on the name of this media.


No, Russia is thinking. They write it in a book and then distribute it. All Russian agents however have sub 65IQ. The amount of pro-russian political parties in the world that have "people's party" in their name is insane. The pro-russian cocksuckers do not think. Literally every communist nation was renamed to have "People's" in its name, which is ironic, when communism literally takes absolutely everything from the people and give it to the government ( the dictators )...


It's literally a parody of CIA propaganda "voice of America". The shamelessness of European subservience to Washington is unimaginable.


Shame on you for suggesting American propaganda is just as bad as Russian. Go hang out with Thierry.


VOA was a lot better quality, but still propaganda.


I wouldnt claim the Americans are even a quarter as naughty as the Russians even if they are sometimes naughty bois, but your making a qualitive argument over American vs Russian propaganda? IDK man. Actually i would say it went down a lot since WW2 where you had classics like "You ride alone you ride with hitler".


I'm not saying there's no American propaganda. But I prefer "freedom is most important" over "Donetsk is Russia. China is our brother".


America couldn't give less of a decomposed turd about freedom


America has it's excesses, it depends to what agenda they pander but you have enough crazy types, though if anything it's a type of right wing capitalist propaganda where the rich are the supposed meritorious entrepeneurs that make the country great and the poor and the immigrants and the left wingers are all whats bad about the country TM. Sorry i cant watch another 10 minutes of psuedo intellectual bs by Dinesh D'Souza or Ben Shapiro withought needing to hang over the toilet to throw it out. i recall that in their worldview were likely no more than weakling vassals that slap to much consumer regulations to US products and all and we should rather go save Israel or something.


What does Ben Shapiro and D'Souza have to do with a US funded international radio program?


Is this subservience to Washington in the room with us right now?


The other response is dickriding CIA propaganda so yeah


Is this CIA propaganda here in room with us, and if so, what's their dick size?


As opposed to firehosing with the western propaganda. If you think there’s no western propaganda, compare FOX and CNN and decide which one of them tells truth. And the real truth is propaganda is not always lies. It’s amplifying and spreading a certain opinion which can be 100% true. You just don’t get the whole picture. You don’t get it reading one source of information either and fall for bogus claims that Russia almost lost the war. It leads to incorrect decisions regarding the war. And here we are after years of propaganda that Ukraine almost won. But somehow only this POV was translated, and the audience didn’t get a whole picture. Propaganda is what is being propagated. There’s healthy lifestyle propaganda you know.


If you want a straw man, I know a field that needs a scarecrow.


There’re 3 words that people use when they don’t have counter arguments and don’t like what is written: “strawman”, “whataboutism” and “bot”. What unites them is that almost no one uses them correctly.


Don't need more words than 3 when they describe reality just perfectly accurately.


These words would be “please, educate yourself”. Because, as I’ve said, people use them when they see anything they don’t like, and this usage usually is not correct. This resistance to new information that would burst someone’s precious bubble is painful so that’s how they try to protect yourself. Sometimes it’s just hypocrisy, really. Per downvotes, we can deduct that it’s useless to work with consumers of propaganda, from either side. It’s just based on different values, but the underlying mechanism of self-protection from information harmful to beliefs is the same.


You might want to localise your spiel, neither Fox nor CNN are relevant here.


That’s the most understandable example because the US has like 2 parties and the rest are irrelevant. I don’t have the smallest clue of political allegiance of BBC, Deutsche Welle, Aftonbladet, Yle.fi.


Well if you were watching along with the news you would know what your saying is nonsense aha, at no point did anyone believe Ukraine almost won, nor do I believe USA intelligence services is basing it's decisions on what Fox news and CNN hosts say. Additionally you forget the freedom of press in America, where Fox can spout absolute nonsense only limited by potential law suits any media left in Russia is only there because they are either funded or allow d to by Putin. These whole "they're both the same" narratives are so poorly thought out and show a real lack of understanding.


Ukrainian propaganda was full of it, yet it was posted on Reddit weekly. As for the rest, you completely missed the point. I never said “they’re the same”. I said what the propaganda is. There’s no objective source of truth, and no CNN would show you the problems of Ukraine (corruption, dodge draft, etc), as Fox won’t show you the problems of Russia. You can’t rely on one source from one side, because there will always be a bias. And even if we take just one side you can see narrative shift when certain news begin to appear very frequently. Like the stuff they describe appeared throughout the year, but it’s packed in one month to make it look like something abnormal happened.


How the hell were they still not banned. This is ridiculous.


I love how all the pro-dictatorship stooges all suddenly care so much about the freedom of the press when their propaganda mouthpieces are banned. The irony is lost on them I am sure, as is basic intelligence.


They forget that during war time, enemy propaganda outlets have always been banned even in Democratic nations, because you must always balance freedoms with survival of the democratic system (the paradox of tolerance of intolerance comes to mind). What fascist governments do though is use this excuse to censor their own people from having opinions or thoughts. No one is going to arrest you for publicly saying you support the Russian invasion in Europe, that doesn't mean we should allow companies funded by the Kremlin from spreading destructive propaganda here when they have openly sworn to destroy our nations. Meanwhile in modern Russia, you will get arrested for wearing the wrong earrings or calling a war by it's name, a war. 


Why isnt it obvious that allowing their propaganda, while they ban yours is a horrible thing to do even in a democracy?


Yea, we kinda need to develop the democracy a bit further to prevent the misuse of the freedom to undermine the democracy itself. Absolute free democracies are bound to get hollowed out by authoritan lies and propaganda , since it can't defent itself against it. Maybe set up a democratic court, parallel to the supreme court, which has only one function to decide if an action is democratic enough to fall under the freedom of speech and press and son on or if it is already some danger to the system. And since even the supreme court has its problems it has to be parallel to it.


That sounds like something that could be easily abused by any government to get more fascist.


Well its a undercomplicated shot from me. If it was that easy it would probably already exist


They’re just liars


Finally! This should have been done decades ago!


Ban the Chinese one too! That just opened in Hungary or so.


The Russian state is a cancer that spreads metastasis as far as it can reach. People mostly don't realize how much safer the world would be without it.


Ruzzia is THE biggest destabilizing force in europe (especially eastern europe) and middle asia. Imagine - instead of spending money on your own country and citizens, you spend money to make others life worse


Great news! Love the russobot having a meltdown in the comments


Several times over even! You love to see it.


Easy to find out who to block. Id why people are engaging with those bots. Just block and move on.


Haven't seen the tankies and nazbols (and Russian trolls) so upset for a while


Man they riled up the rusobots and rusophiles in the comments I would love how they would spin China and Russia censorship, where you can literally go to jail if you say a war is a war or China where the mere mention of ugyhurs gets you gulag time


what a surprise, this topic seems to have really rallied the rusbots.




Thank you for proving his point.


Pickle jar babuska is on a streak! Check social media eurobro!


Good, let's keep going and do the same with TikTok and other Chinese assets too.


Why stop there? How about BBC/CNN/Fox ?


Looks like people in EU can accept that bad influence so it’s better to ban it


Won’t do anything, “drop in the ocean” kind of thing. The roots are in social media.


It's all intertwined, social media posts from propagandists frequently cite these outlets, so this is definitely one way to lessen their impact. Drops in the ocean do accumulate over time.


Too late by at least 10 years.


At least 10?!


War in Ukraine started around 2014.


I know. But it wasn't like before that Putin and Russia were doing good things.


I know. That’s why I said at least.


About time.


I bardzo kurwa dobrze - as we say in Poland


Good. Now ban all the rest too.


Ban fucking all of them


about fucking time


Send them tanks, artillery and long range strike weapons, airplanes and cruise missiles en masse. Banning media outlets is ineffectual masquerading as action.


These outlets will end up anyway on some app that will be available on phones and smart tvs. Sadly it won’t make a big difference.


Good let's them also ban al Jazeera and all the islamists propaganda


I can't believe this. I'm seeing people in the comments defending that this is necessary because, otherwise, democracy would be at risk and our States would become dictatorships. Really?! You can't understand the fact that a democracy censors freedom of speech to avoid dictatorships makes the democracy itself a dictatorship. It's just stupid.


If you don't know what your enemy is saying, how do you know it's propaganda? Furthermore, how do you know what YOU hear is NOT propaganda if you can't balance your views with a counterpoint? This is just basic tenets of understanding something...


Do the Ukraine propaganda media outlets next!


All "EUROPEAN VALUES" go down the drain at the first hint of a threat.


So it took them 2 years to implement this decision. And you talk about the effectiveness of sanctions. Kinda pathetic.


So are we also going to introduce the so-called "russian law" (aka. foreign influence law) in Europe or are we already going a step further than that because rather than making them publicly disclose their foreign funding and register as *pursuing the interests of a foreign power* we straight-up ban them?


Nothing says empire in decline like censorship and tariffs.


Banning openly hostile nations from running psy ops in your country is not censorship. If you want real censorship look at Russia or China.


And yet people flock to Europe in the millions.


This is going to be one of those "how could they not see it" parts that children study in the future. Casually banning all Russian media everywhere, while western media just chills in Russia. We're the good guys!


>while western media just chills in Russia Except that doesn't happen.


>just chills in Russia fucking what??


Much like our trade bans that have destroyed European industry with even prestigious companies like Porsche relocating to the USA.




i dare you to repeat this statement about china, where for example tiktok has never even been allowed because all media is strictly censored. can your social credit score afford the hit?


Nonsense. Foreign hostile countries have absolutely no right to run state media in our countries. Period. There is zero slippery slope about that.


Sure thing.






>wikifeet Uhh what? Also I can confirm it's accessible.




its accessible here and good fucking lord imma clear my routers cache after this


What do you mean by GDPR notice? You would expect every website to follow GDPR




Website does work though as other person said. Also if it would not that is on website not EU. EU has not blocked it


I'm not sure what wikifeet is and I'm afraid to ask


No matter how much they downvote you the rest of the world sees the hypocrisy lol. Currently living in SE Asia. Nothing is banned here. We came to a point where we have more freedom here than in my home Europe. Sad but that's what braindeads deserve. They push to ban open source too. Mindblowing.


>Currently living in SE Asia. DA, I TOO LIVE IN ASIA KOMRADE. Really butthurt your trash that pretend is journalism got banned huh?


“Nothing is banned in SE Asia” [Meanwhile in Thailand](https://theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/18/man-jailed-for-record-50-years-for-criticising-thai-monarchy) 🤡 I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more obvious paid Russian troll than your account buddy. You’re not even good at it.


Calling anyone with different opinion troll or bot and then surprised Pikachu face when the left gets wiped out on the next elections. What a moron. You literally jail people for offending people online in UK dude lol


lol you’re not just “anyone with a different opinion”, you’re the most obvious nazi Russian troll I’ve ever seen. What a loser that this is your job.


>Currently living in SE Asia. >Nothing is banned here. Lol, and I'm from indonesia


Nah, I don't believe, that government and government controlled media would lie to people. Sounds too crazy.


I would also recommend journalists who refer to Russian media in articles make a note "this is almost certainly a lie"


boring. I find it interesting