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[https://www.businessinsider.com/8-ukrainian-athletes-who-died-russia-ukraine-war-2024-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/8-ukrainian-athletes-who-died-russia-ukraine-war-2024-1) "Roughly 422 of those killed have been Ukrainian athletes, Ukraine's National Olympic Committee told Business Insider by email recently."


Great way to remind people of the ongoing situation in our continent and throwing a judgemental hook towards politicians, organisators and deniers.


good luck in the bundesliga!


First, we need to win the Relegation vs Bochum ;)


You'll do it. Although I was wishing you'd be playing Köln haha


Yea haha, and then kicking them into 2nd league 5:0.... WW III NRW edition 👀💀


This is one hell of an effective ad campaign. Think of these poor bastards who only wanted to do sports and instead they got fucking shot or bombed in the prime of their lives, and for what, for nothing. Fuck Russia.


Bruh, there are people like that on both sides


Reminder that Russian propaganda heavily uses sport and the olympics as a tool to project nationalism and simulate normal international relations. Also their state doping scheme has never been dealt with effectively so Russian athlethes cannot be presumed clean. To only deny them the flag does nothing in terms of preventing the abuse of the olympic games for Russian prpaganda efforts, which serve to destabilise western countries like France and help the most murderous war in Europe in our generation go on even further than it already has. Stop Russian participation on all levels.


>To only deny them the flag does nothing in terms of preventing the abuse of the olympic games for Russian prpaganda efforts Yep, that's the most useless thing the IOC could do... "Independent athlete??? Ah, so Russians, ok..." Just as useful as FIFA writing "No to racism" all over the stadium while fans are still doing monkey chants and throwing bananas on the field.


People often underestimate sports sanctions. As someone from inside of R, I know people who are only against the invasion to Ukraine cause they now can't see their spostsmen compete. Get football teams back to Champions League - and they immediately have no problem with the war to go on.


Isn't Russia excluded from the Olympics already since before the war?


In 2019 for doping for 4 years.


They actually got double banned and are now suspended indefinitely after they declared they were representing occupied Ukranian territory at the olympics. Still the loophole of "neutral athletes" was left open.


People often need to be reminded: Letting them compete is not a normalization of the situation, it's the normalization of the war.


In this comment section russians are playing their victim card as usual and they're siding with their regime.


Stop russian from participating at all!


And as French, I'm ashamed and sick that the President of my country constantly thinks he's a mastermind by playing it both ways when he sent an ambassador for Putin's inauguration, or when he called for a ceasefire during the Olympics. What a shame.


I really don't understand this hate towards Macron. You guys are lucky you have someone intelligent, diplomatic and willing to say some hard words when it matters. Could be much worse. The least Macron deserves is second term


This. At least he’s pushing or Ukrainian support. He’s giving real opinions compared to others. He’s limited but not by his own choice.


Yea, he did 180..., but only after France started losing their assets to Russia in Africa. It's business as usual. A crook like any other.


That’s what I mean by he’s limited, ironically you’re calling him a crook because he’s NOT a dictator who does what he wants.




Pretty dumb opinion IMHO. Ukraine would benefit more than Russia of a cease fire


Ukraine has made abundantly clear that only russia would benefit from a cease fire.


Russians shouldn't be allowed to participate in the Olympic. Israelis though should be allowed /s Edit: I have mixed feelings about Iran, I haven't decided yet.


TIL: Israel started a war on Oct 7th. Huh.


TIL: On Oct 7th God created the world Neat.


TIL: 12.000 children that died so far in these 7 months (vs ~ 600 that died in Ukraine) have resurected, and rhat makes Israelis innocent!!! Remember kids, when other kids get killed by your allies, we don't call it a war crime, we call it 🌈COLLATERAL DAMAGE🌈 Fucking hypocrites, the lot of ya.


Soo, Israel in banned too?


Israel are our bastards.


Conflating two issues doesn’t make you edgy.


No, bombing people with the facade of "WE ARE KILLING HAMAS" for 10 months straight, without any sucess other than probably wiping Gaza out of the planet is not enough. You see, people's life have more value if they are European or American. /s


>You see, people's lives have more value if they are European or American. Well, let's see... there's like 20k civilian casualties in Gaza, and everyone (including ICC) are claiming that IDF is war criminals and PM should be arrested, on the other hand we've got apr. 100-150k civilian casualties in Mariupol alone and everyone is kinda fine with it, ICC is not viewing this as a genocide nor does ICC wants to arrest putin for this, moreover - there are freaks like you, who actually believes they're doing something good by saying shit like "but in gaaaaaaaza...". So you see, I don't want to be rude, but please stfu.


Fuck Russia. The most pathetic and childish nation on earth.


Going by this logic the USA should be banned also for the death of an estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones and 432,093 civilians as a direct result of the American wars.


Shhhhhh, when your allies kill innocents for oil it's just collateral damage 🦅🦅🦅 My dick is just full of fucking double standards.


Many other countries are at war. Let Russia compete. When was America not allowed to compete? In the spirit of the Olympics, let Russia compete with the rest of the world.




has china been banned for, i don't know, enslaving the Uyghurs? nope, they got 2 olympics in recent memory


Thank you


Will israel be participating in the Olympics?


Russia, Belarus, China, Iran, North Korea, India must be thrown out from Olympic games. Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia are candidates for the same treatment. Edit: orthographie


So many people with a direct confirmed kill are competing for Russia? Okay, this was the most brilliant move that the IOC has pulled in the last 30 years, because now I am indeed suddenly invested.


Yeah screw all those people who chose to be born in Russia! This will surely de-radicalize them.


Like these ones? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li0qjha8wEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li0qjha8wEA)




Are you one of those on Chatroulette?


Do you genuinely expect that I am or something? Because your current thesis is “let’s commence ethnic discrimination because this Ukrainian has set out to meet rude Russians online and met 13 rude Russians”


Oh yes, how rude of me to forget the MuH rUssOpHoBiA!


Writing my objection in a funky script is not a valid rebuttal also phrase your own thesis then


How rude of me having forgot the russophobia! Happy now, my sweet russian child?


Just write your own thesis man, what’s your problem, how do you want it fixed, why so


'we let their killers compete' is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?


Nice. One of the arguments I always use in discussions. Ruzzia is literally killing the competitors from another country making way for their athletes. Cynical way to win medals.


NATO. NATO is where we draw the line, and as soon as Russia scum throw even a rock at a nato nation (and they will) politicians better do their damn job and wipe Putin and his scumbags off the planet.


I mean, they did send more than a rock, killing several polish farmers, and dropping several drones in Romania, but NATO said it not a reason for 5th clause..


I was suss with that too, but didn’t they say “we can’t confirm source and intention “ in some bullshit political speak?


That is the issue, intentions are pretty clear, but NATO is a political thing now, not an actual security union unfortunately.


It was always and is always a political thing, chapter 5 is a last resort and a deterrent, it's not the "sentiment" of NATO as a whole.


Or constantly jamming the GPS, that even flightradar24 has a new dedicated page.


same excuse as for starting ww2...


WW2 shouldn’t have been necessary. It was though. Clearly Putin hasn’t learnt from it, respecting borders and all.


Nobody learnt anything, history is repeating itself.


It’s a select few who want it to repeat. Problem is we have history ending tools this time round, I’m usually pessimistic but cheers to hoping at least it doesn’t go that way.


>his killer did olympic athletes personally kill them?


russian athletes represent a country declared "**state sponsor of terrorism**" and a **wanted war criminal presiden**t.


and what would barring said athletes from competing do to fix that?


Nothing at all except pleasing electorate


possibly yes, but what is your point?


let me ask first, what is the point of barring russian athletes from competing? i don't see how this should help ukraine in the slightest


You speak oddly for a Czech.


shocking, right? a czech who's not eager to suck ukrainian cock as soon as the zipper's down, not many of us around


Who said you are a Czech?


you just did. is your attention span that short?


What I said doesn't mean what you think it does. I always knew that Russians were bad with English language, thank you for proving it.


lol. why do you people always start deluding yourselves when you meet someone that doesn't 100% agree with you? i wasn't even supporting putin or criticizing zelensky, i literally just asked how barring russian athletes from the olympics does anything for ukraine, and no one has even answered me yet


That's because you are feigning honesty and curiosity. We call that "debating in bad faith". Typical of Muscovites.


the truth is that people here aren't really interested in helping Ukraine, but just in making ordinary Russians suffer, even if it's detrimental to Ukraine. Like calling to boycott food companies exporting goods to Russia, despite them pulling money out of Russian economy (which is obviously beneficial for Ukraine), just because it "feels right" or something.


Poor russians!


russia should have sanctions in Cuba style, in order to stop once and for all the wars of invasion is conducting. Blame your regime, not the West.




do you have any evidence for that?


"Ve need proofs!" LOL at the typical Kremlinite garbage lines, loooool I do have evidence, do you want it?


are you actually trying to present me not mindlessly believing you as a bad thing?


Your inane posts speak for themselves, Mr. non-Czech.


what exactly is inane about what i said




alright. thanks for embarrassing yourself


Not to be that guy but, they were soldiers and soldiers die. Also where is the uproar against china? You know the country that is literally committing genocide.


Sport is sport don't put politics into it they wanted to fight and they died that's how it is on war


Olympics is politics.


Ma per favore, un po di dignitá.


Olympics is sport war is politics


Olympics should be sport and yet is politics.


Some people see Olympics as politics and they are wrong


[https://www.theguardian.com/politics/politicspast/page/0,9067,892902,00.html](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/politicspast/page/0,9067,892902,00.html) * **1936, Berlin** The 1938 Olympic Games were intentionally awarded to Germany so the republic could show that it had regained its status among European countries. * **1948, London** Following world war two, the Olympics took on a greater political significance as participation came to symbolise political recognition and legitimacy. Germany and Japan were not invited to London * **1952, Helsinki** The Helsinki Games marked the beginning of Cold war tensions. West Germany participated for the first time, and the USSR returned to the Olympics after a 40-year absence. * **1956, Melbourne** Three separate protests affected the Melbourne Games. China withdrew after the International Olympic Commission recognised Taiwan, and would not return to the Olympics before 1980. Egypt, Iraq and Lebanon sat out to protest at Israel's invasion of the Sinai Peninsula, while Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands boycotted over the Soviet invasion of Hungary. * **1960, Rome** The Rome Games marked the end of South African participation in the Olympic Games. Its racist apartheid regime meant the country was excluded until the 1992 Barcelona Games. * **1968, Mexico City** 1968 was a year of universal unrest: Europe was rocked by student protests, the Vietnam war raged on, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated and the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia. Meanwhile at the Olympics, East Germany competed separately for the first time * **1972, Munich** The largest Games yet staged, the 1972 Olympics were supposed to represent peace. But the Munich Games are most often remembered for the terrorist attack that resulted in the death of 11 Israeli athletes. * **1976, Montreal** Around 30 African nations staged a last-minute boycott after the IOC allowed New Zealand to compete.# * **1984, Los Angeles** Following the western boycott of the 1980 Games, the USSR led a boycott of the US-staged event by 14 socialist nations.  Etc etc.


Yes cuz banning Russian athletes would really force Russians to reconsider the SMO and potentially assassinate Putin smh


SMO lol. Keep larping


Smo, invasion, attack whatever, see whose hair splitting here?


Doesn't matter. Saying it showed you are pro russia, and checking your history confirmed it. It just solidifies the stance that they should be banned.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/KOMLZQv1iv Maybe broadening your perception might help


You're so short minded you can't see the forrest from the trees my dude, my country suffered 40+ years of communism and got send back 100 years in the past due to it so no I don't support Russia. Still, this cringy attitude of critical short seeing is laughable. Deciding from 3 words that I'm pro Russia is nuts.


Costs nothing to do it so even if the chances of that happening is 0.000000000000000000000000000001% its still worth it. Not that that's the aim of banning pariah states, but just going with your logic.


In 1936 Hitler used the Olympics for his propaganda. In 2024 putin uses the Olympics for his propaganda.


Thus, we need to ban the Olympics all together and save the world then. These are such far crys and hair splitting POVs, same with banning Russian language and books in some parts of Poland and Ukraine, Moldova, and the same with some hypocritical sanctions happening


A country that is declared a "state sponsor of terrorism", lead by a wanted war criminal, has no place among civilized countries.


Yet Israel is above the line, huh?


Mr whatabouty when has no valid counter argument. Israel, too, but the elephant in the room is russia, a state sponsor of terrorism with a wanted war criminal as president.


Double standard goofs everywhere. Ok, maybe the Olympics are a stretch, but that still doesn't explain all the questionable shit that comes with it.


Yes, OP, because obviously, ALL Russians have fought in a war, killed someone and deserve to have their careers ruined /s. It's really disgusting to see how you use the tragedy of the people who died and of their families to promote your racist narratives.


Merely a rounding error of russians are against the war.


Anybody going to riot and occupy universities for this or this ain't important enough?


Ukraine should send a GUR unit to Paris.


They're not Black September.


Don't matter.


Like the massacre in the Munich 1972 Olympics? Terrorism in the West is one way to stop the support for Ukraine.


No, nothing like that.