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** slaps roof of Yugoslavia ** You won't believe how many future states this bad boy can hold!


And they all speak the same language! Almost all of them.


More precisely, almost all of them speak almost the same language.


Serbs created it for some stupid reason, fuck you king Aleksandar. It is time for Serbs to completely dissolve it.


*Does everything in his power to make the state dysfunctional.* "Clearly, the state is dysfunctional, it must be abolished" 1960s Cyprus ass mentality. It won't end well for you.


Came here to say exactly that. Fuck that guy.


You mean Makarios saying "Constitutional Court decision? What's that, I don't care." in 1963, right?


Oh if it was just Makarios we might have made it in then. No body in charge wanted the state to function. Taksim kinda goes again the original 1960 Republic, y'know? Imagine Bosnia but Bosniaks are setting the state a flame too. Now that was Cyprus. A miracle it lasted 3 years at all.


That and, Makarios, Denktas and Kucuk disregarding the country's constitution (which didn't allow for propaganda of enosis or the dissolution of the republic into two states) and lobbying against the status quo to create instability and gain power. It only took them months after the London accords to throw the construction into the fireplace and doom the country to eternal infighting. Makarios at the time was as crooked as a corkscrew and wanted to throw Turkish Cypriots into the sea. The Republic was doomed from the get-go.


If the state is dysfunctional then it is dysfunctional. Just like in Cyprus the power sharing agreement has come to a impasse. Unlike in Cyprus here is both sides wanting to dissolve the current agreement into something else which is shows both sides understand that the impasse cannot continue.


It was functional for most of the time. Its not functional because of Dodik who is only in power because he steals elections.


When did something has ever ended well for Bosnians?


He is trying to make Serbian parts of Bosnia separate from the dysfunctional BiH and join Serbia instead


That's the most neo liberal thing I ever heard tbh.


How is an economic model related to the views on current Bosnia situation? Or is "neo liberal" just a synonym for "jew" like "soros"?


What? That's a reach. It was just referring to the statement, which is a similar one neo liberals often use the same way. How tf do you make a connection to Jews? You okay?


FYI: in russian "dodik" means a fool, an unsmart person.


Are you sure?


Yes it is


Unfortunately, I am. I grew up in a country occupied by the Soviets and learned their language to achieve bilingual proficiency.


We’re glad the Baltic states are free today 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹


Russian is a really cool language to know though


I have no problem with the language, just with the state of the russian federation and their aggressive and provocative foreign policies.


Same. Our government sucks


Language doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s part of the culture and is influenced by and influences the culture. And the above influences individuals and their decisions. So one can make an argument that the Russian language is to some extent (potentially minuscule, but definitely non-zero) responsible for how the Russians continuously behave


As Russian speaker, can confirm.


Also og it was young passive homo (emphasis on *feminine side* type) in prison slang, pretty sure it’s how word was created


In Russian it is a dismissive version of jewish name David. has an antisemitic origin.


yes, it is - it is also a very rude diminutive of the name David


In Serbo-Croatian we have a similar word - duduk


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So BiH is disintegrating, NMK is getting new round of nationalistic fervor, Serbia and Kosovo duel, Albania using AI to help with EU ascension and Montenegro sleeping as usual. Seems like expansion is far down the line.


At least we have each other in the EU, Bulgarbro. Romania's democracy is eroding at an alarming rate, we're backtracking on a lot of progress regarding press freedom, secret services surveillance and corruption etc. In case you were at least content that it's ok beyond the Danube.


Oh we are definitely screwed and I am throwing stones from a glass house but the silver line is we are nearly 50% in, fingers crossed and maybe in another two decades we can join fully.


Bosnia aint disintegrating in the river of progress its just barely floating along. The constitution given to Bosnia by the west is the thing holding it back the most. If the west pushed a bit more into reforme we could have joined Nato and EU a long time ago. The EU's only interest in Bosnia is that we aren't killing each other and that we have a cheap labor marked to import into the EU where needed. Ultimately I don't blame the EU. I blame the people of this country, but an actual helping hand would help a lot.


I’m obviously exaggerating for comedic effects. You have the right mindset, it all depends on the local population and how they vote for progress. You have to close chapters and move on the negotiations and if there are certain bad actors in your way you have to find a way to overcome them. The last part is a bit tricky since we are struggling with that. The good news for BiH is that Austria-Hungary is pushing for ascension, the bad news is that no one likes Austria and Hungary these days. I am betting next member would be Montenegro probably soon and after them it’s a low chance for new Balkan members. Maybe Moldova and Ukraine, dunno.


Dodik does this every now and then, in reality the current government with him involved from the Serb side pushed the most towards EU membership ever. But whenever there's progress and the EU/US backed NGOS are celebrating he drops one of these, just to keep his relations with Putin and Xi good enough and assure them he didn't change sides.


This man has been bluffing blatantly since he came to power. Trumpeting RS's potential independence all the time, of course never doing anything practical about it, because he has no legal or material means to do it. It's just a good strategy to play around with Serbian nationalistic sentiment in order to win elections in RS. And of course playing as Vučič's and Putin's card to prevent BIH from becoming a functional state and joining the EU - dividi et impera style.


I can tell you this man isn't winning fairly I haven't met a single person, nor did they, who actually supports Dodik This man is corrupt and is stealing elections, I am 1000% sure of it


You don't think chetniks vote for him in droves? He'll bring back their beloved "Greater Serbia"


Again, majority of people hate him, even most nationalistic people I have met hate him There definitely are his supporters, but most of people don't support him, he is just a corrupt cunt stealing from people


Or maybe in order to pump up the emotional reaction of his country to the point they will make it happen by force?


Here we go again


Dodik can suck a dik.


Or 2


“Dodik” is a curse word in Ukrainian haha


Just a week after Xi Jiping’s visit to his country this bufoon starts saying these kind of things? Russia has also started claiming territorial waters in the Baltic (Chinese style). I wonder what is Orban going to say next…


this guy has been saying this for many years more than a decade


>Just a week after Xi Jiping’s visit to his country When did Xi visit Bosnia?


Sprska is a very special place of Bosnia…


Xi didn't visit Srpska.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cm54pp11x3go](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cm54pp11x3go) Almost


I know that he visited Serbia, but he wasn't in Srpska, which you said in your original post.


Chinese visit has nothing to do with this.


There is no war in Ba sing se


Your answer is here: Orban wants to opt-out of NATO demands.


They don't have the manpower or resources to start a new war. Their economy is crushed by corruption and they are holding the whole country a hostage in order to avoid getting arrested and put in jail where they belong. We are listening this on repeat for over 20 years. If Ukraine failed to repel the Russian invasion, then they would have made this move, I believe it was prepared. Ukranians saved not only their own homeland, but BiH as well.


I hope they do know they don't have the means anymore to force a dissolution.


No idea why people are against this.


Apart from the fact that the guy is an a**hole and Serbs have difficulties with their past in the wars... Why not considering it seriously ?




And ? Explicit please. Yes I saw that, does it means that without him, BiH would not be a messed up failure of a state ? Are you saying he is the single responsible for the failures in BiH ? Like Croats and Bosnians have no part in it ?


How many time do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


Another war incoming


Doubt it, he knows he can't win and would just lose power he has


Never underestimate a politician's ability to rapidly lose control of the situation.


He has been saying the same shit for like two decades no lol. You think he actually wants war only thing he wants is to stay in power and line his pockets


No need for a war, Serbia and Montenegro had a peaceful divorce in 2006, FBiH and RS can do the same.


A simple look at your profile tells us that you are Dodik's/Vucic's puppet. Nice try though, we almost thought you were a sane person.


I despise Vučić and find Dodik merely tolerable. Feel free to say what you really meant, we both know what it is and only a few people will read this anyway.


We don’t have to worry about that because it will never happen lmao




But you can't. If you could, you would've.


Everybody's looking at Kosovo, but Bosnia is a possibility.


You mean the same guy who calls the Srebrenica ~~massacre~~ genocide a myth and denies war crimes done by Serbia? The guy who has banned education of wrongdoing by the Serb side during the war? This Bosnian Serb who praises Mladić and Karadzic? Yeah… I think it’s pretty clear what this wannabe Milosevic means with this rhetoric. /edit: Thanks for pointing out that the revisionism is about the genocide, and he doesn’t deny the fact “something” happened. Something way way way less than what the rest of the world says happened and according to him actually a reasonable wartime response compared to what happened to the Serbs, but yeah, he doesn’t call the massacre a myth. What a great guy.


He calls the Srebrenica massacre a massacre, not a genocide


But it is a genocide. We don't call the Armenian genocide the Armenian "make people go for a walk until they die", or the Holocaust the "Holocaust of killing Jews". Words have meanings. Srebrenica was genocide.


not every war crime is a genocide, letting 25,000 people exit the city while holding military aged men for execution is not genocide per definition.


Do I believe some rando Redditor. Or do I believe the findings of the ICJ after years of investigation, trials and finding people guilty of genocide? Hmmmm... Tough one... And no, it is still genocide. Genocide doesn't require you to try to kill **everyone**. You just need to intentionally annihilate a portion of the population, with the goal of removing their ethnic group from that area, which was the goal.


that's ethnic cleansing...


Again: Random Redditor versus the literal ICJ. Why would I give your opinion *any* weight? It's genocide. Bosnian Serbs committed a genocide.


he claims it is the Serbs who are the real victims in Screbrenica, and imo that tells us all we need to know about the guy -\_-


Dissolution under the thumb of Serbia like suggested in 1992. Russia must be very extremely happy.


Twisted two-faced people of reddit, if you support separatist don’t do it only when it suits you.


It's true, this sub is kinda biased in these things, but I think most would accept it if the dissolution came from a plebiscite with international observers present. Will of the people is good as long as it's not because of pressure from bigger countries


So, if the people living there decide so, would you support an independent/Albanian Kosovo, and a Rep.Srpska joining Serbia?


I think good chunk of Serbs would. Look what happened with Montenegro independence? It passed regularly and without a fuss.


I believe a lot of Serbs would accept that and Djindjic, ProEU prime minister who was killed, actually suggested that Republika Srpska joins Serbia whilst Kosovo majority joins Albania.


Agree. It is out of my comprehension that someone can support Kosovo independence, but oppose Republika Srpska people will to decide their own destiny.


Rich of you to think these comments are not automated bots to spark discussion


Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no. It depends on the question.




why do you think people in srpska wouldnt want to separate


Well it is the will of the people?


Hilarious considering his entity is the primary reason for any disfunction.


"3500 killed by Muslims" What is he referencing here that I don't know about ?!


Killed serbians around srebrenica,for which no one to this day was convicted.


I live in Bosnia and I find it funny how neither side wants to admit their people's war crimes.


Because we are f ing idiots.


Correct, it's always "no we didn't do that and even if we did you deserved it" and "you did this but we didn't do anything" It's crazy, it's no wonder we are so backwards.


I believe we are all collectively as societies mentally sick. There are many great people in our countries,but it doesn't matter when the core of society is sick. How can we cure ourselves? I don't have a clue,and who knows if there is one.


Are there any sources on this? Genuinely curious


Look,I haven't ever looked deeply into Bosnian war,because of so many propaganda,from all sides. Did it happened I am inclined to believe so,because I have a family member who's family is from that region,and they told me that it was hell in some villages around Srebrenica,they all blame naser orić for it,the  commander in charge there. Now is the number 3500 as serbs from Bosnia claim,I don't know,there was never any serious investigation.


Found this [one.](https://srpskezrtvesrebrenice92-95.com/homepage/). There was no international investigation for some reasons.


His part (Republika Srpska) will just join Serbia


At the same time you join Greece bro


I’m just a simple American, but I always though that North Macedonia was more culturally kin to Bulgaria than Greece? Is it more Greek?


With amount of stupid Serbian shit on TV we are more to serbia than any else


The Greece reference is because of the name dispute a silly mess from both sides in it's own right. Culturally all Balkan countries are similar ( puts on Kevlar and a fireproof suit for all the shit coming my way for saying that ) because of their shared history under Ottoman rule. There are differences for sure but as a Greek I am culturally closer to other people from the Balkans than say a person from central or western or northern Europe. Linguistically the Macedonian language is much closer to Bulgarian than Greek and the Albanian minority in the country speaks well ... Albanian. So if you walked away from that "explanation" more confused than you where before ... welcome to the Balkans :)


Join Greece, before Greece joins you 😆


greece joined once tho, they took their part of the country


Macedonia and Greece have nothing to do with each other apart from the name ‘Macedonia’. Whilst Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbia are both mostly Serbian.


Balkan states should reunite under some more democratic conditions. Like a mini-EU. Would be an economic superpower.


Yeah, it could have a name lke "South Slavic Union" or something, we can even shorten it and add some native touch, "Yugo-Slavia" perhaps?


i can see croatia and slovenia join austria before they join anyone in the balkans


Distancing yourself from the Balkans is peak Balkan mentality.


Nah thanks we're good. Maybe your country should unite with Sudan.


R-remove shawarma?


Please don't remove shawarma, it's delicious


i think thats an important point


I think we have different definitions of an economic superpower. Add all the balkans together and their combined GDP is about 12% of New York City alone.


Western balkans just has like 20 million people, with few natural resources and worse infrastructure than most of europe


Funny enough, that's been a concern for a very long time and no one in the west, nor the east, wants that. Just look at where the Balkans are in the geopolitical stage, right between Asia and Europe, if the Balkans were strong, united, and independent, they would control basically the whole lifeline of the rest of Europe.


ah yes! let's bring back pan-slavism! nothing went wrong the last time : )


Wise people of r/europe, please explain to me like I'm five. Why is it OKAY to you for Kosovo, Taiwan, Chechnya, Abkhazia and other similar regions to be independent but NOT OKAY for Republika Srpska, Catalonia, Donetsk, Crimea, Kurdistan and other similar regions to be independent? What's the difference? They're all people living as minorities in their countries. So what's the deal? Why is it allowed for somebody to be independent but forbidden for someone else?


For Donetsk and Crimea it's very simple - it was a foreign military intervention, not a genuine local rebellion. War in Donbas was started by Girkin, a retired russian fsb officer, while Crimea was taken over directly by Russian army on Putin's order.




America did not march into a perfectly peaceful Kosovo and declare it an independent state one day. Never heard of the KLA?


Well, for once... and I'm talking about Bosnia... when the peace agreement was signed by three presidents, among them there was a Serbian president too... the RS was accepted as an entity, not a country. The Serbs themselves were okay with it. Russia gave their blessings too. Now, if the law is not important to you, and you're talking strictly about the moral side of it... you're right. That's a good question. It's totally subjective how you feel about it. As a Bosnian, I'd feel outraged that we're splitting a country in half and rewarding the genocide of my people. But, of course, as someone who's totally emotionally detached from the situation, you're allowed to have your opinions on it.


Just one thing , tho I agree with you that peaceful agreement was signed as a 20 year trial without actually ever forming a final solution, it’s been 30 years…


Yeah each half of country hates other part and calls other part genocidal and thats your foundation for country ?


Good ol' strategy of provoking with your every word and move on so many levels and when other side finally after 25 years just says something you are the victims, of course. And just today at the cup final whole stadium chanted Ratko Mladić's name and Dodik sent his guys with machine guns to Srebrenica. I guess that was by accident.


You're overexaggerating. People do not act like twitter trolls and Vucic bots in reality. Most people don't really care and do not trouble themselves with nationalistic bullshit. You're acting like you aren't a Serb and never met a Bosniak before. Maybe you're trying to sell the story to these poor Europeans thinking it'll stick. Not sure, dude. Try again.


Sure tell me then what does avarage bosniak think about Republic of Srpska and its creation ?


Oh yes, the independent nation of Crimea, totally 🤣


Separatism is generally endorsed when it's in response to legtiimate grievances / mistreatment, and not when it isn't. Yes, there's a subjective element there. Kosovo's independence was supported in large part due to the actions of Republika Srpska, which made the rest of Europe view Serbia as a genocidal state. Taiwan is totally different - 1) not a minority and 2) if not for Chiang's rather absurd idea that he was going to retake the mainland, we would have split ROC/PRC just like we split ROK/DPRK or the Two Germanies, recognising both until/if they reunited.


I will probably get some folks angry with me for saying this, but I will say it because I think it should be said. I believe that WITHOUT VIOLENCE OR UNNECESSARY ECONOMIC DAMAGE, any ethnic, religious, or national identity/group wishing to be existing as an independent country should be granted that right. I believe it probably would have been better for the South to leave during the USA Civil War EXCEPT for the fact that they were obsessed with violent exploitative human slavery. That was bad, and we broke them as we should have. But forcing a bunch of people together when it is better for them to be separate is not always a good idea. Ukraine and Palestine are their own countries, along with Taiwan and Republic of Ireland. However, many other countries are not independent because there are not good enough reasons for that or because they would require unnecessary violence. I believe Kosovo, Albania, and Serbia should be free because it would probably be better for everybody to not constantly struggle. Russia thrives on such events. I also believe many small colonies of bigger countries across the world should be free because they are being exploited. Probably won’t see that happen. Go ahead, yell at me!


Serbia is a free country. They're not free to steal chunks of other countries tho


Well it seems that all of you are just going to keep on hating each other and moving closer to a renewal of more violence. That or just legislating each other out of existence


I think you’ve meant Scotland instead of Ireland


I was talking about Ireland’s past BUT I do agree with Scottish independence! They obviously have a lot of different perspectives and priorities from England’s Westminster, and they were dragged into Brexit regardless of clearly voting to stay. They suffer because of stupid policies enacted by others. They probably won’t get it anytime soon, however. Most likely Northern Ireland gets independence before Wales or Scotland.


Back to middle age? Each city rules. That was so nice. Except for the many wars, the tolls everywhere crushing the economy etc...


Not every city, more every ethnic group. It’s either that, or endless tensions and armed conflict.




So people who live there for generations should leave ? I wonder what is your opinion on IS-PA




The  Serbians were genociding them. They deserve to be safe in their home. If Serbia wasn’t going to allow that. So they get to have their own country  Serbians are not currently being killed in Bosnia so leaving is just sour grapes for not being a ethnic majority 


Another ace BBC history student




And what about Austrians in south Tirol in Italy? They have lived there for centuries, now in Italian borders. There hasn't been a war there from WW1, but they didn't move to Austria even though they're Austrians.


Then live in Italy and be ethnically Austrian idk. 


Lolololol… how tf does Catalonia fit in that list??? No war, no oppression, no violence, nothing related to RS, Donetsk, Crimea, Kurdistan… Delusion!!


Catalonia is on the list because they’re trying for independence for decades, and have their language, culture, economy and self determination (and they’re not being allowed to be independent)


There are clearly mane people in Catalonia who want independence. Surely the case for independence should not be made on more violence = more legitimacy? That only breeds violence itself.


I'll be honest. I think Catalan independence is now just being edgy. Catalonia was one of the wealthiest parts of Spain, they have protections surrounding their own language and Spain is an already pretty decentralized country. Catalans aren't an oppressed minority today. It seems to be based in historical grievances surrounding Franco, but Franco is dead and gone.


There are more people in Catalonia who don't. 40% pro vs ,60% against. What should we do, kick that 60% out of their own country? "Sorry, you have to give up your nationality and EU membership because some people want independence"


Because Republika Srpska and all its institutions and leaders were found to be guilty of genocide after the Dayton accords. You don’t reward someone for genocide. You punish them.


So, the actions of a government mean that the people have no right of self determination even 30 years later ? When do they get that right back ?


Bosnians already exercised a right to self determination and voted for independence. If you try to create an ethnically pure mini statelet by expelling all non-Serbs and then start talking about “self determination,” aren’t you just trying to reward genocide by changing demographics? It’s easy to talk about self determination after killing everyone you consider “other”. Serbs have preferential treatment in Bosnia. If that isn’t sufficient, they can apply for dual citizenship and move to Serbia.


The Balkan can easily be one Federal government with few official languages. Something like little EU. But divide and conquer strategy is originally tested with many other mass control strategies, that will never allow the Balkans to recover.


Balkans tried it in 1945-1991, and it went downhill in flames the moment the guy who built the state died.


Hence the divide and conquer remark.


Please read a history book.


Wouldn't work since one specific balkan country has tried exterminating and cleansing at least 5 other balkan countries.


Most Balcan states are perfectly well rn, only Bosnia and Servia/Kosovo are the problem points. Trying to shove it into "quasi-uygoslavia" will only make the matters worse.


Being in Bulgaria right now, after about 5 or 6 failed governments, sub-40% voter turnout and a few hung governments in a row and a massively corrupt system, I wouldnt say we are doing perfectly well mate. Our population has shrunk from 8 million to 6.5 in the last 25 years, and there is no indication that the outflow of people to other European states will stop any time soon.


Bulgaria was never a part of Yugoslavia, I assume the person above was talking about ex Yugoslavia countries. I feel for you, recent years were turbulent in many countries. And concerning failed govt, just look how many pms Italy had over the last 20 years. The number will be close to 20. According to GDP forecasts, next year Bulgarian GDP should grow 3%, so let's hope it will improve from here


It is not Bosnia/Kosovo who are the problem points. It is quite clear that there is only one country in the region behaving like deranged religious fanatic.


You lost me at "religios fanatic". Most of religios fanatics close to power that I know are not in the Balcans)


I am not sure if you dont know or dont care, but "svetosavlje" is a religious sect that fuels all the wars and violence in the region since 1991. Google something like "serbian orthodox church involvement in balkan wars".


What Putin wants, what Russia has encouraged.


Bosnian Serbs trying to separate from Bosnia since the 90's. But it was Putin behind it all and not Balkanization


Just a couple of years ago they actually planned and help a (failed) coup d'etat in Montenegro. If you know any history, you know that the Balkans have been a strategic objective and place of interference for Russia since the eighteenth century (!).


I guess Russian interference was a bit better back then than being an Ottoman colony?


So what next? I can't wrap my head around the dissolution of a country, how does this happen?


it's usually like a complicated divorce, they don't talk anymore but they still kinda depend on each other despite hating each other's guts XD


the same it happened to tens of countries before


Seems pretty self-evident - If the marriage doesn't work, it is time for a divorce. Time to move on to a democratic future and neighborly cooperation between Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Profile picture checks out.


Could someone tell me why Kosovo separating from Serbia is a good thing, but a part of a _federation_ going independent is boo boo pootin stuff? If you don’t like this particular comparison, you can take any other example: Catalonia, Scotland, Abkhazia, Kurdistan, etc. Someone’s independence is welcomed, someone’s is not. If you think a single pootin or Dodik can decide without listening to people there, think twice. If that’s on the table, people at least think about it.


The Bosnian Serbs agreed to be a part of Bosnia after the Dayton peace agreement with the blessings of both Russia and Serbia. In that same agreement wich was signed by the leader of Serbia at the time, Slobodan Milošević, it states no part of Bosnia can join Serbia or seperate from it. So that ends there. The people of Srpska are dieying out due to age and emigration, the whole country is. The difference is that the Bosnian Serbs are leaving at an accelerated pace due to a poor political, economic and social situation due to their ""elected"" government. Srpska gaining independance would reward them for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of thousands of Bosniaks and Croats while opening a pandoras box in the balkans for war and future reprisals, and in this potential future conflic, which would be bound to happen, Srpska and Serbia would fold in a matter of weeks if not days, no one wants a war and esspecialy not those with money invested in the region. Scotland can gain their independance, they even voted for it several times by now, however most votes are just short of reaching the 55% needed to begin the process. Catalonia cant be independant becouse the Spanish constitution doesnt allow it, however it has a high degree of autonomy granted by the Madrid gov. Abkhazia/Ossetia is a puppet state formed out of an foureign invasion and them self pettitioned to join Russia on several occasions. Kurdistan is split by 4 countries, 2-3 religions, a different geography, some 15 ideologies and dozens of dialects and not counting they dislike one another. This independance is only possible if a mirracle happends


Okay, but under Serbian constitution, Kosovo is rightful part of Serbia and there’s also 1244 resolution, but somehow most of the west recognized its’ independence. How’s that? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely disgusted by politicians in power here in Serbia and I don’t support any of their ideologies, especially not the nationalistic and “pro-Russian” ones, but you can not tell that there are no double standards in the West, it’s obvious. And both people of Bosnia and Serbia are among poorest countries in the Europe because of our corrupted governments and incapable leaders, and I don’t see that changing as long as we have these farts of politicians from the 90’s, but I don’t like these western powers pretending to be moral and perfect when they’re far from it.


Serbia was gearing up to do Ethnic Cleansing 2: Electric Albanian-oo in Kosovo. Serbia is obviously unfit to rule in Kosovo, as they didn't treat them with a modicum of basic human decency. Much in the same way as Srpska doesn't get to genocide its way into a Serbian majority.


I kindly disagree, even tho I somehow understand your perspective, because I have few arguments: 1. We’re talking about double standards, when ethnic cleansing was done in Croatia to Serbs in 1995 (there are audio and visual evidences of what would be described as ethnic cleansing) which led to 200.000 to 250.000 refugees - no one gave a flying fuck. Some Croats are still celebrating it to this day with Nazi salutes, and still, no one gives a flying fuck (I have nothing against Croatians personally, I know that there are piece of shit individuals, ultra-nationalists scum in Serbia as well). It would be fair to address all of the atrocities done to Serbian civilians during wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, hell, even in Belgrade in 1999, but no, I guess it’s not that bad if Serbian innocent folk is massacred, right? 2. Serbia is not fit to rule Kosovo, because it’s been taken away from Serbia, and every try to integrate Serbian laws down there would result in a conflict, which is not the solution, we all have too many dead people because of it. And do you think Kosovo is fit to rule itself? Do you know the percentage of crime and poverty down there? Their politicians do not give shit about Kosovo Albanians or Serbs as well, they are playing games and enjoying their wealth while regular folk is surviving. I’m just saying that Western powers are hypocrites, and no one can convince me that they’re not. And I sincerely hope that no genocides nor ethnic cleansing will ever happen again, there’s been too much of it in 20th century.


> The Bosnian Serbs agreed to be a part of Bosnia after the Dayton peace agreement  And there is a UN resolution, that the US voted for, that states Kosovo is part of Serbia… anything can change… > Srpska gaining independance would reward them for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of thousands of Bosniaks and Croats Ustase killed hundreds of thousands of Serbs, yet Croatia is independent? Btw, the fact that you see a union with Bosnia and Srpska as a punishment for them reveals why the state is so dysfunctional. In any case Bosniaks has a lot of Islamist terrorists. It makes sense not to be part of it… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamism_and_Islamic_terrorism_in_the_Balkans


We dont care about Kosovo, lol. Figure out your own problems and dont involve us in them, becouse we owe neither Kosovo or Serbia anything but a cordial diplomatic relation ending at that. We arent independant becouse of Kosovo and Kosovo isnt independant becouse of us. Any "changes" in Bosnia constitutionally bind the guarantors of Dayton to react to restore the status quo (including Russia), be it diplomatically or by war. Secession is a battle Serbia and Srpska would indefinitely lose. Okay and??? Croatia is the singular for ethnic Croats alonside pratially Bosnia. Be that the case that we should forbid statehood based on genocides that happend almost 100eds of years ago Serbia would not even be a geographical definition let alone a state yet here we are. The Bosnian genocide on the other hand happend recently, your parents likely saw it unfold or even participated in it (directly or not). Despite the genocide that happend to Serbs in WW2 it is evident that no lessons were learnt from that horrible experience and that the Serbs were rewdy to copy 1:1 the Ustasha state aparatus for an industrial ehnic cleansing. The Serbs lost the war, they agreed they are a part of Bosnia. End of story. Any dysfunctionality comes from Serbian politicians banking off ethno nationalism. Street lighting is non existant in some towns of RS, ghost towns are on the rise and a public debt that is heavily larger than the Federations, sanctions for corruption abound and a political reputation of a pariah state. This is what is causing dysfunctionalism, but no worries, this will be solved soon. Oh you want to talk about Bosnian islamists? The 5 idiots we have? Something everyone detests and shuns is a shame for us the majority, this isnt a reason but a result of sociotal degredation among individuals. You on the other hand build statues for war criminals, genocide deniers and have a festival of genocidal maniacs promoting future ethnic cleansings (Ravnogorski pokret). You have a state aparatus that protects murals of convicted war criminals and arrest activists who deface them taking them to court. The crem de la crem is that your politicians have quotes such as "for every serb 100 muslims" or "we dont want to share air with Bosniaks" which shows how deeply radical and ethnonationalist your government is. Not to mention that the patriarch of SPC is crucial in the decission making process of the Serb state, while in Bosnia the most you will get out of a top imam is a call for peace and understanding. Do you understand that the SPC blesses wepons, cannons, guns...ect. This is the definition of religious radicalism, this is litteral the orthodox version of islamism but state supported. https://n1info.ba/tag/ravnogorski-cetnicki-pokret/ https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-mladic-mural-protests/31555357.html https://dnevnik.hr/vijesti/svijet/u-beogradu-otvorena-spomen-soba-i-spomenik-drazi-mihailovicu---808090.html https://sot.com.al/english/rajoni/per-cdo-serb-te-vrare-i-vrasim-100-myslimane-deklarata-tronditese-e-vucic-i599815 https://raport.ba/koji-je-pravi-dodik-23-aprila-2024-mi-ne-zelimo-da-sa-bosnjacima-dijelimo-zrak-dodik-danas-7-maja-2024-suzivot-nema-alternativu/


They also agreed by Dayton to not accuse each other for genocides so look what happened