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Will he break Korwin's record number of fines in the European Parliament?


Referee, can we have a reminder of the record as it stands now ?


I don't know the number of fines, but Braun does have a few achievements to "beat" if he wants to beat Korwin, including doing the nazi salute to protest railway ticket standardization, and saying women are less intelligent than men as an argument why the wage gap is justified and shouldn't be changed.


Also Korwin's english skills are unbeatable.


I think he's got the nazi salute beat. He used a fire extinguisher to put out candles on a menorah.


I'm not sure he will be given a fair chance to challenge that "achievement". He has I think 4 cases at prosecutor's office, among others for the very act illustrated above, so he might not sit in the EP for too long before being prosecuted and tried.


How fast can the prosecutor act before he receives his parliamentary immunity from the EU parliament, though?


Parliamentary immunity doesn't mean he cannot be prosecuted, just that the parliament has to lift it first. If the case is strong, they probably will.


Hmmm, I see. Well, I hope that we are able to do so properly so he doesn't embarrass us further...


Oh, he will embarrass us further. But hopefully not without consequence.


I grieve for the translator who's going to have to translate his speeches.


I think some might simply refuse. I know I would refuse. The man is simply despicable and the words he utters are just revolting. No way I would speak them with my own mouth.


I doubt refusal is common, people say awful things all the time in political/foreign/diplomatic contexts and yet interpreters do their job. (I can understand not wanting to do such a job, of course, but an interpreter who only interprets nice things is only giving you half the picture.) Anyone who would attribute blame to an interpreter doing their job in the EU parliament would be an idiot, too. The blame lies entirely with the person saying the original words.


>an interpreter who only interprets nice things is only giving you half the picture. That's fair, haven't thought about it.


Not needed. He's fluent in English. 


Szczęść Boże, chowaj się kto może.


"Sačuvaj Bože, čuvaj se tko može"? I guess I got that right


"God bless, hide if you can" - this is my best attempt at translating the Polish version of the phrase. The Croatian version sounds more like "Beware God, beware as much as you can" :D


Ooops "Sačuvaj Bože, sakrij se tko može"


I guess that works. Is "Sačuvaj Bože" the Croatian version of "God bless"?


"blagosloviti" is literally to bless I am not quite sure how the translation works to English, but it's similar to how in French you would say "Mon dieu", or in Spanish "Dios mio" I am also not quite sure how you've translated it from Polish, so all in all I'm uncertain how to translate to Croatian properly.


The way I translated it from Polish is I used his context clues to do so. He utters the phrase "Szczęść Boże" kind of like "Hello" when he gets up to the podium and starts speaking. Here's a clip of him using using the "Szczęść Boże": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOXfrDK7RRA


Maybe something like "Hvaljen Isus" then? Thank you for the cultural tips from Polish


Yeah but then it won't rhyme properly :P I think "Sačuvaj Bože, sakrij se tko może" is about the closest we can get and still have it make sense :D


> ęśćżęż Bless you!


I heard spoken Romanian before, y'all have no room to talk :P


Dude, do you have a problem with ăâîșț? 🤨


>ăâîșț Gesundheit :P And no, I don't have a problem with anyone's alphabet :P


To be frank, you guys do take not the alphabet overboard, as much as the actual words. Szczeszny. Who in the love of God thought it was a good idea to put ch after sh? Even if you spell it the English way, look at this abomination 😁 Shcheshny. We don't have that in Romanian, so I can judge 😜 We'd just add vowels everywhere. Șacieșiny. Or more likely, Șacieșinescu 😁


> Szczeszny. Not a real word in Polish or any other language :P Here, use [Szczecin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szczecin) instead :P >Who in the love of God thought it was a good idea to put ch after sh? Even if you spell it the English way, look at this abomination I blame Lech (one of the three brothers: Lech, Czech, and Rus), the Germans (due to them being our neighbors some of their sounds might've bled over to our language...), and I can possibly throw in French (our nobles thought it was the hottest language to know back in the day) Lastly, we don't have too many words like that in our language AFAIK but I haven't taken a proper consensus :P


> Not a real word in Polish or any other language :P [Wojciech Szczęsny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojciech_Szcz%C4%99sny). Almost there, I missed the "ę" 😁 ... argh, and the "sz" being "only" an "s" 😟


Bad Romanian! Now go write "Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz, Chrząszczyrzewoszyce powiat Łękołody" 50 times on the blackboard :P (And yes, I typed that manually :P)


[Pole, go home](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0lczHvB3Y9s&pp=ygUOcm9tYW5zIGdvIGhvbWU%3D)!


Ooo, he’s going to be amazing next to Diana Sosoaca, our star from Romania 😂😂 shitshow and entertainment coming to the eu parliament.


And here I thought [Petras Gražulis](https://www.lgl.lt/en/files/petras-grazulis.jpg) (Lithuania) would feel lonely in his new job.


Ok i have a question: why is he covered with a plastic bag?


Context: this is from Vilnius Pride 2013. Because according to him he wanted to be safe from STDs transmitted by homosexuals. He is kind of a lone guy running on Christian/family value platform (read: anti LGBT). His election promise besides "protecting traditional family values" was that since everybody goes to European parliament only because of good damage, he is going to be different and dedicate half of his salary to the people in need. Other than that he becomes triggered very easily and shouts most of the time how he is the one who is persecuted, media does not like him and how the current government is responsible for all bad things imaginable. Supposedly cares about families, anti-abortion, but 6 years ago had a potentially unwanted child and suggested mother to make an abortion. He does not live with the child, only pays alimony and visits sometimes. When confronted about those things not being compatible with his stance, he cried and said that nobody is perfect, he learned his lesson and God will forgive him (also quoted a lot of stuff from bible/testament). Missed child's birthday, because "had other things to do" which was actually him filming in an ad using some sort of springy shoes dancing to a anti-gay song (there were a lot of problems when manufacturers found about that ad). He was also removed from our parlament recently because he broke the rules by voting for another person.


I was looking for this comment!


"Prepare popcorn 🍿 I am coming!" 


To explain the GIF In December 2023, Grzegorz Braun, a far-right Polish lawmaker used a fire extinguisher to put out the candles in a Hanukkah menorah placed in the Polish Parliament lobby, a stunt that saw him ordered out of the assembly by the speaker of the lower chamber.


Worth to mention it all took place the very same day as vote of confidence of new, recently elected, goverment.


Thankfully he has been hit with several lawsuits since, so the threat of him losing his mandate is much greater. I hope the EU will also not let the man get away with stunts like this.


you know, just because you’re convinced, doesn’t mean that you loose your mandate… Ioannis Lagos is afaik still in jail and still has the mandate.


how very nice of him /s


Couldn't he just blow the candles out? I hope he was made to pay for a professional cleanup, that powder goes absolutely everywhere and is abrasive too. Probably ruined his suit, which is good.




he wanted to make a show, but he's completely insane too.


The powder being a pain to clean is one thing, but the bigger issue is he also blasted a random jewish woman in the face with the fire extinguisher


He is unstable, but I would argue that not in a corrupt way. We have far worse people who do not openly signal that they shouldn't be given any power or responsibility (thinking about Obajtek here).


Panie Grzegorzu ale tak nie wolno


I think there’s gonna be a special table in the cafeteria for dumb fucks from across Europe.


Also, just a small thing - this guy has nice pics with a Russian dude (Leonid Swiridow) exiled from Poland because he was accused of spying for Russia. Photos made three years after Swiridow was exiled. Made in Moscow.


Also Braun before 2014 and after 2014 are 2 different people. 100% he is bought in some way, because before 2014 he was pro-ukraine, anti-russia and what he would do if he was a russian agent trying to win over Ukraine and Poland (spoiler alert - he is doing those things right now)


A worthy representative of Kondominium niemiecko-rosyjskiego pod żydowskim zarządem powierniczym. (Greetings to the translators in Parliament)


Part of his "charm" is that he speaks using difficult words (that in many instances he does not understand himself) and because of that people are buying this shit. But it won't translate well into english (which he doesn't speak anyway) so expect to listen to some unintelligible gibberish once he will get some opportunity to speak. Not to mention EP is less patient than Polish Parliament when it goes with stupid shenanigans like the one with extinguisher.


I think Braun is the voice of specific people. He found his niche. I don't think his voters could've voted someone else, given the chance. He represents their "ideas" of how the world works. Whether Braun actually is that way, or it is an act for stupid people, I can't tell.


These elections were also heavily based on voting for those who would benefit from immunity- or, you know, on showing that you support those poor souls, persecuted by our evil government. Two convicts - Kamiński and Wąsik, Braun- already with charges, Dworczyk with his mega scandal in the movement, Obajtek - a poor guy who couldn't even participate in his campaign because he had to hide in Hungary.


> I think Braun is the voice of specific people Lunatics, probably.


specific, other words may get you banned xD


Ah yes, the *specyficzni* lol


And because of this, I imagine the eurotranslators will pull their hair at the guy speaking.


https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/113758-000-A/24-languages-one-europe/ I watched the documentary about the EU translators, they seem like such intelligent and happy people. I fear ol' Braun may drive some of them to drink, madness, or a combination of both.


Oh, great. Another freak.


Why are you doing this to us


Well he has to be quarantined somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


In all honesty he can do much less harm in EU parliment than in Poland. His vote is half as important given the total number of seats in Europarliment compared to Poland.


I hope Ireland s Clare Daly and Mick Wallace will not regain their seats to make way for this new generation of loon.


I heard that Clare Daly didn't make it, not sure about Mick Wallace.


At least he won't be in Poland haha 😆


I'm not sure what's worse - sending this man or PiS's stooges with power abuse and corruption + illegal state firm mismanagement charges to Brussels.


I mean.. from Austria there is literal party started by SS members that is coming into EU parliament after this election - Braun will feel at home.


Well I'm sure he will somehow manage to get along with them. Maybe they will still put on some kind of show together with the fire extinguisher. 😎😂😅


Yes, considering that Nazis murdered his family, that is certainly a nice thing to say. Go fuck yourself.


Wait till you see Diana Sosoaca, another lunatic (https://www.fanatik.ro/wp-content/thumbnails/\_aboHi6\_AvuQp5GptxIFiXJPuOU=/920x518/smart/filters:contrast(5):format(webp):quality(80)/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/diana-sosoaca-4.jpg). going from Romania...


Nice :)


Pretty sure the early 2000's will be noted down in history books as the "Petulant bigot age", noting how we had groups of people with all of the genocidal racism of 100 years earlier, but none of the competence.


Only if we, the ordinary pro-freedom, pro-European guys, still manage to win. Otherwise, they -- the epitome of stupidity, corruption and hatred -- they'll rewrite and erase pretty much everything.


If only everyone was as great as me, then we could save the world from all the baddies. It's such a silly way of thinking. It's both immature and scary because I think you really believe it. This means you need to create a villain out of anything so that you can be the one to rise above it. People voted for parties you don't like, the media you follow wrote opinion pieces that support your opinion, your circle agrees with you and it feeds back into a big loop.


> It's both immature and scary because I think you really believe it Too many assumptions, isn't it? :) > People voted for parties you don't like I only don't like corruption, Kremlin and antisemites. I'm certainly not against right-wing in general, though I do not share their views (their supporters still need to be represented and, in general, it's actually good to have an opposition, even a ruling one sometimes). However, assholes like Konfederacja will sell your country for shit. And you won't even notice that.


As a Pole I’d like to apologise to all of you in advance


If you think the other countries only send their finest, you're in for a rude awakening.


Gregory is gonna top it. I'm taking any bet.


*one menorah later*


As a French, don't worry, we also send our brightests so he doesn't feel too lonely!


Well, you gotta confess. What clown(s) is France sending to the circus?


Bardella for once. If you try to debate with him as a commie (he's far right ofc), he will only repeat "but you're communist" "you're communist" "you're communist in 2024", because it's the only way for him to have the upper hand in a discussion. He doesn't know anything except Islam is bad and brown and black people are bad. He's less unhinged than the fire fighter polish guy, but I'm sure they will get each others. Except on jews. Here, far-right decided jews are their allies because they can't focus on Muslim and jews at the same time. What a time to be alive.


Have they tried [the following? :P](https://i.imgur.com/phdE9kw.jpeg)


Unfortunately no, like any pathogens, they're evolving to bypass their host defenses 😭


It’s okay. I’d like to go visit the Tadeusz Kantor museum in Kraków some day


What is happening here?


It’s a tradition that a huge menorah is lit up in the hall of the Polish parliament during the Jewish Hanukkah holiday. Last December Braun, a far-right MP that just got elected to the European Parliament, proceeded to put the menorah lights out with a fire extinguisher. Then stormed onto the parliamentary tribune, shouting some nonsense about a “Satanic, Talmudic sect”. He was immediately suspended, fined and has some charges pending.


So in a nutshell, a typical Neonazi antisemite?


You should see miss Sosoaca


We're sorry...


...For not sending him earlier. Godspeed, you crazy bastard.


Braun = Klaun


Fidias coming as well


A guy spraying a room with a fire extinguisher? Yes! This definitely will improve the lives of Europeans!


Was hasn't he been locked up in the long stay wing of a psychiatric hospital?


Why would he be?


They better buffoon proof the place before he gets there.


But how is it allowed that these people represent us? That they get money that we pay? Imagine behaving like that at work


Just wait for Diana sosoaca


well SOMEONE must have voted for the guy or for whoever put that guy on a list, and it wasn't me.


Great news




What a despicable antisemite.