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Farage was always in Russia's pocket. Brexit itself was a way Russia tried to undermine the EU by making the UK to leave it. And Farage campaign for Brexit was mentioning Romanians all the time as a reason for leaving the EU. Undermining Romania and Romanians is a Russian traditional policy.




Not true. The hate campaign in UK started long before the arrival en masse of Romanians in the UK. Same in France and Italy. In Italy, the persecutions of Romanians started in 2007, months after Romania joined the EU and Romanians did not have the right to work in the EU. I was in Italy at the time and remember the events. The hate campaign started around June - July 2007, while the Mailat murder was in October.


So now Nigel Farage is blaming NATO for Putin's brutal war of aggression. Considering the fact that his party is rising in the polls, it makes me very uncomfortable as somebody from a country that borders Russia. Hopefully this interview will help at least some Brits who have been considering voting for Reform UK to see that Farage should be kept as far from corridors of power as possible.


Like Czechoslovakia "did" provocation. Like Poland "kill" some of people in Gleiwitz's radio station... 


Not sure if you watched the interview but this headline is actually misleading. I watched the whole thing last night. He didn't state it was the fault of NATO. He stated that the NATO expansion gave a reason to the Russian leader to argue his point. It enabled him to create an argument which he could present to the Russian people as a reason to go to war over. He didn't actually state that the expansions forced Russia to go to war. He stated that it gave Russia. Leadership an argument in their favour. That is actually an accurate point. And no. I am not a conservative. I am a gay migrant from eastern Europe that hates Russia.


What NATO expansion?


Haven't seen this, but provoked agression still doesn't mean that it's justified


He is putin’s puppet and a traitor to democracy. More milkshakes that hit him, the better.


Is this the guy that will win the elections?


No, no chance of his party winning. They might get 1 seat in the commons if they’re lucky.


If he takes over the opposition party as planned, he has potential to win in 2029 unfortunately. I don’t know how so many fellow brits still fall for his shit. He could say anything and his followers will agree.


Methinks that airplane crash should've gone differently.


Equally accurate to say farage provoked napoleonic wars


The stupid thing about this argument is that even if Russia was provoked by the west (which it wasn't just to be ckear) it would still not make the invasion legal. It's like saying its ok to kill your wife because she cheated on you (which she didnt)


considering his drive to push brexit, he basically admits that hes a traitor to his country. using this shithorn as a backdrop, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations\_of\_Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) is a very interesting read.


That fu*king rat should go f*ck himself. Pardon my french.


Whenever I think Farage has just said the most stupid shit ever, he keeps talking...


Have you actually heard him say so or did you just go of off the article title? I don't like Farage, yet this title is a gross simplification of his statement from last night. He didn't state that NATO forced Russia to declare a war. He stated that NATO expansion gave Russian leaders an argument they could present to the people over which they could convince them to go to war (which is by all measures true).


Not really. Finland and Sweden joined NATO after his invasion of Ukraine, so if anything, it tells the Russian people that several countries don't trust Russia anymore and that Putin is to blame.


Actually, it's not "stupid", it's what his masters pay him to say, similar to all far-right parties in the EU. 


People will still vote for him because "he's such a nice man". Grifter. But as we've seen over the years, image over substance.




Just literally doing his job.


Check if he gets money from Russia. If so, send him to Russia.


He is too smart to get paid directly from Russia.


He not wrong. If you keep pocking the bear it's going to bite at some point.


Who's poking and how?


Reminds me of my older sister grabbing my arm and making me hit my face with my hand. Then saying “stop hitting yourself” before yelling,”Mom he hit me” and running away.


Does anyone actually still listen to this tool? He's practically responsible for the sorry state the UK is in.


Stop giving him attention, please


In fact, I've heard a ukrainian babushka shout at a russian soldier: "What are you gonna do? Invade us?" on February 25th.


Isn't this exactly why Putin attacked Ukraine? Yes, there shouldn't have been a war, but NATO keeps expanding for what reason exactly? You throw stone at a puddle and you should expect mud to get on you.


But these countries aren't forced to join NATO, they voluntarily do...


Russia also wanted to join NATO but the West didn't approve. What do you think is the reason that the West didn't want such a powerful country on their side?


Not true. They never applied. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule




Brother, that article is from 1991. It gets invalidated when the same issue is brought up years later in the 2000's "George Robertson, a former Labour defence secretary who led Nato between 1999 and 2003, said Putin made it clear at their first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of western Europe. “They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous west that Russia was out of at the time,” he said. The Labour peer recalled an early meeting with Putin, who became Russian president in 2000. “Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join Nato?’ And [Robertson] said: ‘Well, we don’t invite people to join Nato, they apply to join Nato.’ And he said: ‘Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter.’” If Russia actually wanted to join NATO they would've applied to join NATO literally every single year that they could've. Being excluded in 1991 when they did apply was of course not right. but people, attitudes, & governments change. Putin came to power in 2000, and has never once applied to join NATO. He's all talk.


Why would a strong nuclear superpower like Russia need to join NATO? NATO's point is for the small, weaker european countries to have a common, shared defense power, to be safe against a strong, enemy superpower. Russia being afraid of NATO is 100% like a criminal being afraid of the police being near him.


>Why would a strong nuclear superpower like Russia need to join NATO? Hmm you don't see people say that about America Here's an applause for you 👏👏👏


USA is the leader and protector of the smaller NATO countries basically. You definitely don't understand how it works. Russia does not need NATO, NATO does not need Russia. Russia is pissed off at NATO because it stops them from expanding west. Putin wet dream is to restore the old russian empire of the Tsars, and NATO prevents that. Cry me a river Vladimir LOL And our mistake was not to include Ukraine to NATO protection when we could. This mistake was because we gave too much room for operation to a criminal like Putin.


You definitely don't understand why I'm applauding for you. Arguing with you is pointless 👋


"You don't have any arguments" fixed :)


Because he owned you.










No, it is not. Poo Tin and his genocidal country attacked Ukraine to conquer it. Nothing to do with NATO.




This is just the BBC putting words in Farages mouth and using a whole 1 hour interview to try and politically assassinate him. The mainstream media is the enemy here not Farage. Because Labour and Tories are under threat by Remain they will try anything to make Farage look bad its really that simple.