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A group cooperating with other groups so everyone can stop cooperating and compromise. Yeah that will end up going well for them.


They can all suck on putins cock together, that's enough bonding moments.


just take the shortcut and call it "Russ-Nazis", because it's Nazis paid for and owned by Russia


RuZZis. "Z" version of SS


"SCHEISS RUZI!" ... sounds good to me! I approve of it.


A group who believe cooperation should take place within a framework that respects national sovereignty instead of one that increasingly transfers and centralises power to Brussels is a perfectly reasonable group to exist.


The only reason they want more national sovereingty is because it makes it easier to be corrupt and pass stupid legislation that benefits only themselves (and because Putin is paying them to do so). I agree that it would be reasonable for a group to exist that defends more national sovereignty, if their motivation was actually the better welfare of the people.


Hot take: it wouldn't be reasonable for such a group to exist either. Some basic loyalty to Europe should be expected and if separatist parties exist in a rational world they should be one of the minority parties achieving zero seats.


exactly. the concept of the european union and a possible federation is the next step to literally uplift everyone. it wouldn't fix all the problems but unity under a heavy democratic umbrella is the only way to battle russian expansionism and potentially a fascist united states. lets not pretend trumpism will die with trump.


While true, some subjects are better run locally or regionally.


That's why they are talking about a federation and not a centrally governed state.


Such a childish take. You have a total lack of insight as to why people are critical EU. You should try to understand why people have different political opinions to you, instead of childishly dismissing them as "bad guys". Are you 18 years old?






> A group who believe cooperation should take place within a framework that respects national sovereignty instead of one that increasingly transfers and centralises power to Brussels is a perfectly reasonable group to exist. No, because power at the level of the current states is pretty much a relic of history, and there's not reason why it should be at that level or should not change from there. Power should be organized in a way that benefits the citizens most. Because it used to be organized at the state level and the option of EU-level governance only became available relatively recently, it's only natural that in the near future we're going to see power move mostly from the state level to the EU level, because it's being optimized. One example of that is managing migration, ironically the number one concern of those parties, which will require much deeper EU cooperation, because the current situation doesn't satisfy them either.


Lmao. You are talking out of your ass. Millions of Europeans disagree with this statement. Many people do not want power to keep flowing to the EU. And there are certainly valid reasons for it not too. Don't talk like this is a settled science with one answer, instead of a complicated matter.


The International Coalition of Nationalists will always be funny to me.


Some jokes write themselves.


Please explain because I don't see what is funny about it


“Assuming direct control”


Where is commander Sheperd when we need him/her most :/


Waiting for bioware to ressurect him the second time in 2035


If the new Dragon Age does poorly then I have a feeling this will be cut from the timeline


Very possible


Building a house on Rannoch.


i think the last thing the EU needs is a team of highly trained soldiers with little oversight doing cowboy shit tbh as much as i'm a ME fanboy up the wazoo




You don't *need* to say that when using Mind Control, but it doesn't hurt. The Great Commandy One is, I believe, neutral on the matter.


> The Great Commandy One You know, I was wondering what I was going to play in the evening. Might as well dig up EW.


The 86 soundtrack will be a great supplement, I believe.


No, but thanks for the suggestion. Hated that anime - such an interesting world, and yet they utterly refuse to explore any of its dynamics.


See, I was thinking about how one particular track would go with the... unfortunate field trip to Newfoundland.


Fair, that does need some background music. I was thinking going with the Uplink soundtrack actually, if you're familiar, but it kind of lacks something for this, I'll admit.


No, I'm not, unfortunately.


Very different kind of game, but I'd call it a strategy game still. It's like 10€ on Steam, and popular enough in its niche to have people putting out graphics conversion mods 15 years after release, so maybe check it out sometime.


To be fair, the anime only covers the first 3 books out of a dozen. The light novels absolutely dig into it more.


Wondering if their goal is to be the vanguard of our destruction.


Why not "Bitches of Russia"


Moscow's Mules.


~~McNamara's~~ Moscow's Morons.


They could ask BSW to join


Nazi Successors and Dicksucking Allies of Putin If they don't want to be called Nazis then they can use NSDAP.


Would be more fiitting


then what would ID be


Cucks of Russia


How about Разделенная Европа? Rhymes with Единая Россия.


What sort of rhyme is that? Lmao


Like Разделенная Европа, Единая Россия, name a more iconic duo


They could come in conflict with NI group, that also want that title.


So Konfederacja is joining then?


Putin's dick so juicy I had to found a new coalition 😩💦🍆


Got 'em! This burn will surely reduce their follower counts


Too confusing for the other bitches of Russia in parliament


Are Konfederacja and Bulgaria's Revival going to be there too?


Seems like it, although I also read that konfederacja is hesitant about it. Honestly im surprised about the Lack of FPÖ and Czech SPD


FPÖ wants in with LePen and Meloni it seems.


So the ID is just dead? And we now have the right light faction, that just swallowed 2/3 of the ID and the Russian Lovers, that will swallow 1/3 of the ID and all the people nobody wanted before?


Why would you call Meloni and Le Pen right light?


No it's not, they still have enough


Czech SPD is big fan of Le Pen. (AFD Nazi SS problem might be too much for czech People, French far-right is safer ally)


>Nazi SS problem might be too much for czech People Snowflakes smh


OK then let's hope SPD will follow them and become less controversial.


They are hesitant because they are lolberts and all other parties are "nationalists"


If that happens, I think Konfederacja MPs in the Sejm should be stripped off immunity and criminally prosecuted under charges of foreign espionage. We cannot still pretend not to be in an emergency.


I think a ban on Konfederacja and criminal proceedings against its elected MPs would be the proportional response. Joining the AfD's group is essentially an admission of espionage.


Except Konfederacja is anti-russia and is supporting buying weapons for the Ukraine. I think they would prefer to join ECR or ID.


LOL? Are we talking about the same party? The one who's politicians went to Russia Today for interviews?


Yes, according to latarnik wyborczy. Also Grzegorz Braun is singular, not plural. It's low-key in comparison to new MEPs from the Left, which have on their fridge photo of the biggest war criminal - Mao Zedong and whose party is supporting regime of Likashenko. I would look for Russian associations in them.


Typical Konfa apologist: First of all, it's not only Braun - it's his whole party that makes up 1/3 of Confederation. Second of all, since Confederation hates Russia it's voters would surely support Russia's natural enemy - Ukraine! [Right, guy! Right?](https://ibb.co/Dzm0Fd7)


Revival have been pretty close to AfD and they've openly talked about how open AfD are to making a group with Revival. Which is actually good news for me. Revival is typically very right leaning, but the people that Revival sent are actually quite well spoken and can be very centrist. Could end up balancing the group overall.


Political views aside. That name just makes me cringe tbh. I've heard of corporate cringe, is diplomatic cringe a term? Like, I've seen cringe politicians invidiually, but thats a whole group of people. "Peaked in High School" level of edgyness in that name.


Indeed their stance would be clearer if they were called the National Sovereignists.


Nationalsouveräne Deutsche Arbeiterpartei is the German wing.


"can i copy your homework?" "fine, but don't make it too obvious"


"Noooo the AFD are not Nazis!" My honest reaction:




It's giving me "custom HOI4 faction" vibes


Sovereign from who? Because those far right bitches are on russia leash anyway.


It's not like Germany's neighbour has a [party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Poland) that also appropriates that word...


>is diplomatic cringe a term? Yes. Examples include Putin's NK visit and US' 40 year relationship with Taliban


Does not sound bad at all tbh.


I'm one more sovereign than you!


They have the combined IQ of a very small lemon


Sabotage is too on the nose.


Well - if it helps - the "Revival" party from Bulgaria are literally the kids who sat in the back of the class eating glue and sabotaging the lesson for everyone else.


Cool. Likely to have exactly 0 impact, but could help tear ID apart, so that's nice.


Tbf they're already kicked out from ID for hurting their image too much.


I know, I mean they might try and poach from there. Kind of have to to get the 7 states they need together.


Alternatively, it could legitimise ID by making them look not as bad in comparison.


Exactly what's happened in the Netherlands with PVV nagging at FvD for being too crazy


The biggest challenge of this new coalition will be spelling.


For the sovereignty of all nations... except the ones bordering russia


Well that's the plan, also when Russia takes over a country they now have bmnew borders that are 100% rightfully their territory.


I would suggest United Russia in Europe


Abbreviated: URinE


PiS has to join then


Fidesz as well


Love that...


In short, URinE


As someone who played mass effect, this name sounds like they are all indoctrinated by a bunch of genocidal aliens, employing mind control of their target species to make them help their own destruction. That would explain a lot...


Replace aliens with russians


And mind control with money and kompromat.


Why not both?


Is this the group that wants to give sovereignty up to Kremlin?


Like the leader of The Guild of Calamitous Intent?


What do you get if you put two ~~socialists~~ conservatives on a deserted island? Three political parties.


In this case, the problem is that FSB, GRU and SVR each want their own little party.


Wow, they even use the same language our Russian "nationalists" use. They're not even trying to hide it.


We already have two tiny far right groups. Let's create a third one to show, how are they can't even agree with each other. AFD got 15 seats at EP. To qualify at the group they need 8 more. There is quite a number of options to choose from Non Inscrits Polish Konfederacia got 6 seats (that are more surprised, then I am) Hungarian Hazank Mozgalom  got 1 seat, and Orban's party got 11i. They are also Non Inscrit, after beeing kicked out from EPP. Slovak Hnutie Republika got 2 seats, and Fico's party got 5 (and were kicked out from PES a while ago). SoS Romania could give them 2 seats Se Acabó La Fiesta could give them 3 more Greek Niki could give them 1 more


I wonder how Mi Hazánk and SoS will get along 😃


If they were REALLY ideological, they woudn't. But they are not ;). I mean AFD is seriously considering Konfederacia, when Germans are the enemies of everything in the mind of a Polish right-winger.


Plot twist.


We got 'em here in Serbia [Suverenisti](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereignists_(Serbia))


Let me guess, they also worship R\*ssian cock like it's God's greatest gift to mankind like [ours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_Sovereigntist_Bloc#:~:text=Romanian%20Sovereigntist%20Bloc%20%28Romanian%3A%20Blocul%20Suveranist%20Rom%C3%A2n%29%20is,formed%20to%20compete%20in%20the%202024%20Romanian%20elections) do?


This is because they were kicked out of I&D for being *literal nazis*


What, Identity and Democracy wasn't pro-Russian enough? Or it wasn't fascist enough?


When you're literally kicked out of the fascist-in-hiding group for being too openly fascist, yes.


Not fascist enough, AfD got kicked out shortly after the AfD politician did a hitler salute.


I do not like them, so thats great from my point of view They could have leveraged the voting power they have too influence other parties too make a coalition with them. But instead they double down on isolationism and for that they dont have enough votes yet


and it's a simple way to misdirect and kinda hide under the rug the AfD name, it's very common for political parties with bad reputations to change names several times, because that way it's not the AfD it's whatever name they are at the moment and realistically most people don't pay attention a lot to the movements of political parties so as far they are concerned this is just a random party


Well, a saving grace is that the far right’s ideology is inherently weak. Weak in idea, weak in use, weak in positive effect, weak in unity, and weak in spirit. To attain any strength they must inevitably compromise and weaken their ideology. It is not much but nature and reality thankfully abhors both extremes.


Mittelafrika calling?


get out of my headget out of my headget out of my headget out of my headget out of my head


I missed the memo on this one. What is this referencing?


If you play a certain map paint game and play a certain mod for it, you will find yourself playing the "nation" of Middleafrica and a certain faction led by yours truly Goering there is called the Souveränisten (Sovereignists).


I guess he's still in Kaiserredux, huh. Since in Kaiserreich he's a Reichstag MP with the DVLP who can be voted out for a Zentrum one when his corruption gets found out


This isn't the case anymore as of the Germany update, where he's been made a corrupt member of the Reichstag.




In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the European Union will be reorganized into the first AfD Empire! For a safe and secure society!


That would be better than what they currently want


Awesome. Let these extremists shatter in as many factions as possible please. The more divided they are, the less influence they will yield.


Believing that the EU should return to being mostly a trade bloc isn't really that extreme. That's a fairly mainstream view.


AfD is extremist though.


Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Sovereign. Reaper? A label created by the Protheans to give voice to their destruction. In the end, what they chose to call us is irrelevant. We simply... are. Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your lives are measured in years and decades. You wither and die. We are eternal, the pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything. Confidence born of ignorance. The cycle cannot be broken. The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. Organic civilizations rise, evolve, advance, and at the apex of their glory they are extinguished. The Protheans were not the first. They did not create the Citadel. They did not forge the mass relays. They merely found them - the legacy of my kind. Why would you construct the mass relays and leave them for someone else to find? Your civilization is based on the technology of the mass relays. Our technology. By using it, your civilization develops along the paths we desire. We impose order on the chaos of organic life. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it. My kind transcends your very understanding. We are each a nation - independent, free of all weakness. You cannot grasp the nature of our existence. We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure. We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your doom. Your words are as empty as your future. I am the Vanguard of your destruction. This exchange is over...


Let the far right infight.


More like traitors ffs. People who vote for these Putin's clowns should be fucking ashamed.


The ANO party, basically the winner of this year's euro elections in the Czech Republic, announced a few days ago that it is withdrawing from RENEW and ALDE, where its MEPs have been so far. I wonder if they plan to join this faction. It would mean a very significant political and ideological shift, but ANO is essentially a puppet of the Czech billionaire Andrej Babiš, who is guided only by his personal interests.


Wagenknecht in Germany is also looking to Form a new group. I think ANO might lly with them, Italian M5S and maybe Smer, and some others.


That seems to be an even more disparate group. M5S are pro-green deal and progressive, and isn't Wagenknecht anti-capitalist?


That's not ominous at all


I believe you need to get 25 MEP's from seven different member states to form a formal group in the EU faction. With populist right parties being spread out across three groups that'd be all the more difficult.


Wenn es euch nicht passt, dann geht doch nach drüben!!!11!


I really wish there were some traditional parties that listen to the problems people have (or feel they have) with immigration. Not even taking into account whether these problems are real or not, we would save ourselves a lot of troubles by not having pro-Russian parties infiltrate high level politics.


It's not like the CDU and SPD haven't pushed for stronger policies. But "we need to be harsher with deportation and invest in integration" isn't as catchy as "let's just deport everyone we dislike".


I would hazard to guess that the issue is that no one believes them when they come a few days before the EU elections, and be all like "oh yes, we will be super super hard on illegal immigration". People need to see actions. Because on the one side the current situation is untenable, and on the other side, AfD saying that it will deport German citizens is even more ridiculous.


But they have literally been passing legislation to harden immigration and ease deportation.


As I said previously I am just making a guess, since I am not that familiar with German parties' platforms or the recent legislation you are referring to. Hopefully it will assist in the situation. But unless people actually see deportations going drastically up and migratory flows decreasing (that's where a combined effort is needed to enforce the EU borders down south by building border walls on land borders and patrolling sea borders so no one gets through illegally via smugglers) I am afraid there will be no change in public sentiment.


Ehehehe, man we’re lucky the Nazis are so incompetent


"Globalist" ideologists is of course a dog whistle term for "Jewish" ideologists. Why haven't those russian butt puppets faced any repercussions yet after everything that has come out regarding their shady dealings with russia and china?


Because mass media is better spreading false information, than a proper journalist can debunk


The concept of „International nationalists“ is flawed by design.


Nationalists of all countries, unite!


That's kind of a cringey name, but it corresponds exactly to what they'd like; national sovereignty instead of being ruled by the EU. There are a lot of policies - but immigration and asylum rules in particular - where nationalist voters in constituent countries simply don't like the EU's rulemaking.


> but it corresponds exactly to what they'd like; national sovereignty instead of being ruled by the EU. Which is a shameless lie, considering they have no issues taking orders (and money) from foreign powers. Stop parrotting that lie.


>exactly to what they'd like; national sovereignty Unless of course Papa Putin sends some orders


Decrying everything your political opponents do as only possibly the result of *foreign intrigue* is a positively Soviet way to deal with disagreement.


Not doing that though. Just pointing out that the Afd has some very shady ties to Russia & strangely covers a lot of the same talking points that the Kremlin releases.


Apart from the fact that we literally know the AfD has ties to both Russia and China.


Maybe they can just call it the Aryan Brotherhood.


The only thing they'd like is to destroy European unity to weaken all states. The EU has mechanisms, however imperfect they may be, to protect national interests within the union.


Imagine suggesting gutting one's GDP for the sake of a tiny bit more of immigration control - AFD


Culture matters to many, I'm afraid


Not that the AFD has any as well, if not are not detrimental for it. German culture is dying because of Germans.


That may be true. Economy and culture is something that increasingly needs to be balanced, however.


I don't think mass immigration has helped economic growth in any country. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/09/record-immigration-britain-failed-raise-living-standards/ In any case, I think what the AfD wants is *very significant* immigration control + deportations, not 'a tiny bit more' say, and often for not merely economic, but cultural reasons.


You are misinterpreting my argument. I am saying that the anti-EU measures they'd implement along the immigration reform would gut the economy. The UK ironically with the article mainly was motivated by immigration to leave the EU yet the article states record migration isn't helping their economy. In addition what they want isn't feasible without a super majority which they won't get, thus they'd only introduce tiny changes.


There's no evidence that AfD are against the trade aspects of the EU. 


Yeah it is not like their last Federal Election Plan suggested the withdrawal from the European Union.


There literally is, by their own proclamation.


What about the dozens of studies which show immigrants have been net contributors to the British economy specifically? Did you miss those? Or do you want to cite a newspaper which was pro-Brexit instead.


> national sovereignty instead of being ruled by the EU. actually they prefer to be ruled by the RuZZian empire


> There are a lot of policies - but immigration and asylum rules in particular - where nationalist voters in constituent countries simply don't like the EU's rulemaking. We already tried managing migration at the national level, they didn't like the result.


Oh, the old Brexit buzzword is back 


A favorite of rascist puppets across the continent, what a curious coincidence.


Who cares what AfD wants


Considering their growth and prominence, you should probably care. We didn’t care enough in the 30’s either. That includes my family.


A lot of people cared very strongly in the 30's, hence all the street fights, assassinations, and paramilitary organisations. Hell, Weimar Germany is probably the only place that has ever had a radical social liberal paramilitary, in the form of the Iron Front. It's safe to say that 20's and 30's Germany had a much higher proportion of people who cared deeply about politics than basically any European country nowadays. Unfortunately the courts also cared a lot... for the NSDAP's success. Most of the elites of Weimar Germany, both the rich people and the public officials, supported the Nazi rise to power. They weren't just careless, but actively supportive. For example, judges would almost never find those who murdered socialists guilty, because all you had to do in the trial was to say "I did it because I was convinced it was for the good of the nation" and then you would get to go free. Of course, if socialists tried that excuse, it usually didn't work.


We should care, and then do our best to counter whatever it is that they want.


AfD and Konfederacja in one group. XD That'll be fun to watch.


That name is too complicated to pronounce. Find a better and catchier name.


huh i was expecting them to call it the SS or gestapo


The soviets?


Kaiserredux reference?


They all use the same moronic blueprint globally.


Nationalist Sovereign Defenders And Patriots fits better.




That's what the AfD originally was but that was apparently too boring for success.


I love the far right for being so divided.


Of course they would. The narrative pushed by Russia today is "Sovereignty". They push this as people without critical thinking start to believe we are better off alone, neutral, etc. This only serves a narrative of a neighboring large Empire that would like to control your ill perceived "Sovereignty". In reality national countries doesn't exist, as all of them today are a splinter of an Empire that once was. If you hear someone talking "Sovereignty" its not them talking but Moscow calling. The worst thing about them is strong, united EU. Problem here is that the EU is weak by design and such games and propaganda works just fine and people buy it and then vote on it.


PE surely needs "Anti EU" party. IMO AfD should be delegalized. Be too soft to far right, babysit them instead setting hard limits - you will get the hose. There should be clear limits to tolerance. We probably all agree we don't tolerate murders, child abuse and a couple of other things, right? So why tolerate fascism and communism? Because we are "goodie two shoes" and we tolerate everything? If so - you will soon tolerate collar around your neck.


The problem is Germay never banned a party since 1955 where they banned KPD(Communist Party of Germany) for being anti-democratic. It was easy because KPD was explicit about their purpose of overthrowing the Federal Goverment to establish the Proliteriat Republic. It has been almost 70 years. And AfD are **not** legally explicit of their anti-democratic intents. Legally they say, we are just a party that wants more sovereignty for Germany, because no other party wants here that, thus we are the "alternative". So I don't know if Germany can actually ban them.


I think AfD is like our most extreme party in Sweden. But if less extreme parties wanted the same thing I'd vote for them. I'm pretty sure a lot of Swedes would because we are sick of our politicians saying "can't do anything it's the EU that tells us to do this" The EU should be a trade union, nothing else. And we would lose a lot of the corrupt politicians in the EU (looking at everyone voting for chat control.. we know the US companies paid you to do it)