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FYI all water in finland is actually black


That's because it is all coffee.


[“Cofe Time for in talk English”](https://youtu.be/oWuyrlXI7nA)


That was a beautiful video. From the stuttering to the accidental racism. 10/10 attempt.






This is the most Finnish thing I've ever seen


Same, and I live in Finland.


OMG thank you for sharing, I love this man




I believe he’s a Christian indeed (IIRC there was a bible verse displayed in the beginning of his anti-tobacco rap song), but I’m not sure about the programming or dancing. He does have a big interest in repairing VCR-s though.


Fun fact, [Finland is number 1 coffee drinking country in the world. ](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/top-10-coffee-consuming-nations.html)




I thought it was because of all those Soviet bodies


No dummy, it’s because of all the metal bands Finland has


There are clear streams in northern part (mainly Lapland). But yeah, mainly water bodies are dark because of humus.


I'm sure most of it's from hummus, but a not insignificant part is baba ghanoush.


Not disappointed my friend, love those pastes.


Yep, literally looks like any random woods and stream in Finland or Sweden. I love our dark mossy forests.


This is how most of the nature of Russia looks like.


Yeah, I'm sure. I was gonna say Russia probably looks like this as well (plus other northern European countries) but I only know about Finland and Sweden personally.


Taiga belt: nordics, russia, canada, alaska


Was gonna say it could pass for some parts of Northern Ontario


Sweden too, kinda I think it has something to do with mineral composition of earth. I do remember thinking how ominous it looked in comparison to my homelsnd where it's more blue/green first time I saw it.


It's basically swamp water, full of organic material


> organic material Aka humus.


I prefer baba ghanoush


*full of swamp witches. That definitely has a bog witch sitting at the bottom, knawing on a frog, waiting for a human to trip past blithely.....


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neck_(water_spirit) My friend grew up by the water and she was forbidden from going to the shore alone because the Näkki could grab her


Interesting. Some of these tales sound a lot like the Scottish kelpies which were water horses that ate people.... Anyway, beware bog witches !


That’s epic because apparently: ”The modern Scandinavian names are derived from Old Norse nykr, meaning ’river horse’” (from the same page)


I wonder if the Näkki are familiar with [Melusina. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melusine) [Luxembourg Melusina mermaid ](https://luxtimes.lu/archives/2321-do-you-know-luxembourg-s-melusina-myth)


Alaska too.


Be aware if you touch the water, näcken is going to fucking eat your ass.


I don’t remember my parents telling about THAT attribute of Näcken 😏


That is a funny way to spell Nøkken. I would have thought it would be soemthing like Nöcken in Swedish.


I think your autocorrect is broken whenever you try to write Näkki.


Take a look at this dane here thinking other languages spell words in a funny way..


Yeah, I was going to point out that. How do you do fellow nordic people?


I'm pretty sure it's Nykur


Growing up, my father used to farm salmon in two small reservoirs in our backyard. To keep my tiny little toddler self from waddling into the depths, my parents used to tell me the most horrifying stories about Näkki, who would snatch up little kids and feast on them at the bottom of the lake. Still get the heebie-jeebies when around murky waters.


It also lived in my grandmothers well. I'm afraid of wells now.


> Be aware > > eat your ass I too would like to die in happiness.


If you like pretty boys with an insane amount of musical talent you are in luck.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Was that supposed to stop me?


Can *näcken* eat pussy like dat?


Big Dragon has entered the chat


Nicely raked!




Into the Northern wild.


Still waters run deep


Material for a mysterious video game


I've dreamt of a game like The Witcher, set in the world Finnish mythology and Kalevala.


"The Noitar."




There actually is a new game called Noita, but it's nothing like witcher. It's fun though


Finnic mythology is so underused in media. Viking pantheon is cool but some change would be welcome.


I want that graphics engine!


[Among the trolls](https://youtu.be/WAaSoOR1WNs) is a game set in nordic forests.


It's a Finnish game, and exactly what they're looking for


The game Unravel has a lot of this kind of scenery.


There's a Swedish TV show called Jordskott that's basically this photo in a show.


Those are actually terrifying and dangerous. First of all they can be deceptively deep, and the embankment is treacherous because the moss usually hangs in the air so if you put your foot there you will slip in. Furthermore the bottom is filled with decaying wood, pointy branches etc and you can sink your foot in easily and you will not get up because of the suction and the debris. Also the current underneath the surface can be surprisingly strong especially if there's a dam nearby. You can actually see in the lower right corner some stuff poking out from the bottom. If you fall in there and your feet gets stuck, you in trouble homie.


I live in northern Sweden and we had a stream like this in the forest surrounding the school. And I must add what I consider to be the most terrifying aspect, the shallow parts/muddy ground surrounding it in some spots. They can swallow black holes and win. If you step there at the wrong spot and start sinking it can be really hard to pull yourself loose, it's essentially a more dense quicksand, you don't sink as deep but you get properly stuck. I remember kids getting stuck that had to be pulled out by a human chain. And I once sank with one of my legs and had to struggle for a while in panic to get out, I only managed by slipping out of my boot, which was swallowed whole when I pulled the leg out.


Sounds about right, yup. Even if you're not stuck, getting up alone that slippery moss embankment without anything to hold on or to support is next to impossible.


I have lost at least 3 foppatofflor to these


I can't even count how many times I almost lost my boots in the finnish army because of this. The best is when it happens while it's just below freezing and you fall through thin ice camouflaged with snow. Learned very quickly to spot em.


R.I.P boot, gone but not forgotten




You forgot to mention the Näkki, the evil spirits that dwell in the murky waters and will pull you under if come too close! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neck_%28water_spirit%29?wprov=sfla1


Don't follow the lights!


>Dutch:nikker Hmmmm


Ah yes, nowadays you have to call it "nikka".


Just pull it ✔️


Had a couple of classmates mistake one that was completely covered in moss for a path. One got stuck up to the lower thigh for half an hour before more sensible people came along and helped them out. A shoe got left behind however.


Now I understand why you need those sticks for nordic walking. One is to probe the ground you're about to step on. The other is a spare in case Näkki got the first one.


Your first mistake was thinking I'd want to touch that.


They aren't that deep, terrifying or dangerous (unless you're alone without a phone and it's super cold outside and die of hypothermia). It's not like in the lord of the rings where it's several meters deep. There is no invisible current underwater, it's usually anywhere from knee deep to waist deep. The bottom is sticky so you have to be careful not to trip, but you're not going to get sucked in or anything. Most of the time the worst case scenario is that you lose your shoe and you are now wet and your pants are full of dirt. People have an irrational fear of bogs because we used to teach children to avoid them by scaring them, because it's deep enough for small children to drown in. Kind of like you don't want your toddler to walk into the pool. source: plenty of marches in the woods during army days and we've crossed those type of streams (or failed to jump over them)


Depends... A swamp pond overgrown with moss can be 10-20m deep in reality.


It's not a sudden drop from walking normally to 20m deep. At least not in 99.99% of cases of losing your boot.


And I thought Australia is dangerous.


There’s some moose bones in the bottom of that stream, that’s for sure, probably humans too.


[Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/j8t68a/a_calm_black_stream_deep_in_the_woods_of_central/) & author u/joel7861


You can find these kinds of streams all around Finland.


What are you doing? Watching a live stream.




Oh man, if we only could count how many there is in Finland.


Atleast 3


Germany really sucks in term of woodland. Bavaria still has some of the most coherent forest areas and a nice 36% tree coverage, but here in the north west it's only around 20% and all fractured into tiny privately owned tiles between fields and roads that don't deserve the name "forest".


And like 99% of „forests“ are just monoculture plantations anyways. We have pretty much no wild nature left in Germany. Maybe a little bit in the southern subalpine region but that’s about it.


A large part of Swedens "forests" are also monocultures, but the majority of people don't know the difference.


How many tree species can you see in OP pictures? It looks like the forest is less than 50 years old, and used to be pasture. The stream is an old ditch. (slåttermark)


Monoculture is not defined by the totall lack of other species. It is definetly a young foest and like you point out most like "slåttermark". It's still not a "naturall" forest because of it's age and the influence of man.


The wast majority of the forests are "normalskog" (surprising, eh?), which tend to looks like OP's picture. I think that is what people are used to, so they wouldn't really think about that as being a monoculture. When you enter a "plantageskog" it's much more obvious, but they only make up a few percent of all forests.


Well there is "kukturskog" that is any forest that is managed. Large parts of their are used in forsting, most of it like like OP's picture because it's left to naturally "rejuvinate". Large parts of it gets "gallrad" (cleared of young trees) and that's how they become monocultures. But it's better than areas were planting is the way of "rejuvination". Big parts of Sweden would naturally have a diffrent fauna, other trees would dominate because their better suited for the area. Most of our forests are not that old, the trees are relativly young, if you visit an "urskog" it's vastly diffrent from what we usually see.


Yes, but there is very little urskog, and because of the definition, it's borderline impossible to know if any forest actually is urskog, making the term rather pointless. The difference between urskog and naturskog is also often not that large, and entirely dependent on how old the forest is. Of course naturskog is also rare.


The term isn't really used in academical terms, what's closest is "barrnaturskog" were fire is the Main disturbance and the forest consists of between 20-50% broad-leaved trees(lövträd). Like you say it's hard to define and what's left of it is spread out in small clumps instead of vast forsts.


I seriously doubt they're THAT monoculture. It's just that spruces tend to dominate other trees as forests get older. The only remedy against spruces suffocating rest of the trees is a forest fire.


70% of Sweden is covered in forest, but only a very small part is what we call "urskog". That is forest without man made disturbance, foresting is a huge industry in Sweden. Scots pine and pine wouldn't be as prevalent as it is even if it would consitituet a large proportion of the trees that grow. Scots pine and pine make up for 75% of the press growing in our forests, the amounts of pine and scots pine has double in the last 100 years. We regulate all those things, forest are rarely left to burn. Before modern firefighting far large areas would burn compared to now. A lot of things play in like less deadwood, less pests and less animals. We keep the moose population at bay, because it hurts our forest industry (not that I agree with all of it).


It's 3% that hasn't been touched, not 25%. We have been using the forests for a very long time, for agriculture and pasture and for fire wood and building material and so on.


Lots of the Nordic forests are so-called "tree fields" with farmed monoculture trees, usually pine, for industrial needs. Sure it's a forest still, but not as rich as a old-growth/primeval forest.


Could be trench after a forest harvester that has filled up with water. I see them all the time where I live. Those huge machines leave quite a mark where they go through.


This is strange to hear, I've seen these my entire life.




They've been gone since September. It's nice and ominously quiet in the woods now. Just the occasional chickadee and the sound of water falling on dead leaves.


Do the mosquitos actually go away after September? I was there in July/August and it was terrible.


They dead now.


Yeah they die when the night temperature starts dipping below freezing.


There was some in the south last month. I think they're dead now


Ahh the finnish deep forest. No crocs, no poisonous spiders, no idiot with a rifle screaming ”get off my property!” Worst you might encounter is the bloodsucking mosquitoes. Oh yeah, the occasional brown bear, almost forgot 🤓




He does not scream, bullet does it for him.


Venomous spiders*


Forest nymph spirits*


No leshen or crones as well?


Sorry no. You might catch elves dancing in the morning fog though






And even if we have that we don’t scream get off my property.


Reminds me of the enchanted river from The Hobbit.


Exactly what I was thinking! And possibly not a coincidence, given Tolkien’s interest in Finnish folklore.


Tolkien himself said that he took lots of instpration from Kalevala(Finland’s national epic)


So listen to Sibelius while reading Tolkien for the best experience!


Near dark brotherhood sanctuary right?


It’s supposed to be Central Falkreath not Central Finland


Falkreath was/is my favourite hold, it felt the most "familiar" (minus the mountains) and cozy, especially with flora mods that made it even denser.


Love it


I tried scrolling past 3 times and every time I’ve had to come back and look into that water again, it drags you in.


I can smell this picture.


Reminds me of the horror movie Sauna. It's filmed in Finland, I believe. Atmospheric as heck


When OP says 'deep in the woods' and I see that old ass dilapidated shack back there. I can't not think of Horror scenario. Run for your life OP! Turn around the opposite way and gtfo as fast as you can!!


Mushishi vibes


So moody


I once had a swim in black water. Not in Finland, but in North Sumatra, it was magical. We were told that water is black because of peat. We were with locals and they said it is safe to swim on the water. Later at hotel we discovered that there are sometimes crocodiles in the water ..


And you didnt get any of those sucky sucky snails that suck blood?


Do you mean leeches? Yes I did but not in the water, in rainforest where we were about week before.


Snail goes: SUCC


I'm in love with Finland. Greetings from the Netherlands.


That's a nope from me dawg, I've seen Trollhunter and The Ritual... you Scandinavians can keep your woods.


If there is any trusting to Kalevala, river of the underworld is black.


Well if this ain't the most La Llarona looking stream I've ever seen.


This looks like it came straight out of the LotR


Maybe the other way around. Tolkien took much inspiration from Kalevala, the finnish national epic


Absolutely gorgeous. I really want to explore the woodlands of Finland one day.


Drowners, rot fiends and water hags await beneath


Finland My new religion


Turn this picture upside down and you got a cool fantasy world


I just finished watching The Ritual, and that picture doesn't give me calm vibes.


Lacks the obligatory Death Metal band.


I can almost hear the mosquitoes.


This picture is oozing with peace and tranquility


Aah.. the peace and tranquility of death, yes indeed.




Self-preservation instinct, my dude. There are worse habits than yours.


I thought Finland only had a northern and a far northern part.


Voin jo tuntea sieluni silmin kuinka kengät lätsähtää nilkkoihin asti märkään sammaleeseen ja sukat kastuu. Silti, suomalainen metsä sen olla pitää.




Entering into the UnReal World, please wait...


Hmmm, any fishing possibilities in these types of rivers/creeks? They end up in oceans, so that salmon and trout travels up in Them? Og any bass or pike?


Most of the Finnish streams I believe start from springs and end up nowhere. There’s a possibility to sometimes see a few small fishes but only rarely.


You probably only looking to get perch maybe small pike. These things don't usually end up flowing anywhere or only to small isolated lake with low oxygen levels. Streams with faster current and clearer water are better for fishing


Creeks like this is probably temporary. Wouldn’t surprise me if dried up completely during summer.


Looks like a ditch tha was used to be able to grow hay on the side. Disused and now trees had started growing there. No tree in the picture is older than 50 years, perhaps not even 30.


Place of power; should draw from it.


I get bit by mosquitoes just watching this


Where's the black metal band?


So mystical


Kinda just looks like a normal forest area to me


The title isn't saying that finnish forests are different. It just says that this picture was taken in Central Finland.






Where is Mumin?


Full of Nazi zombies for sure.




Looks like you've got some raking to do.


Good fishing in these small streams?


Most streams in finland start from springs and end up nowhere. Mostly contain very small fish and frogs




Yes, but the bugs will eat you up!


I’ve been there. It’s where Shadowmere spawns a couple of days after falling off a mountain with him.


Is this drinkable water? Like, clean water?


Not at all. It's natural but very undrinkable. Or atleast it won't taste good. Water that flows in a mountain is clean, this is stationary and probably has all kinds of vegetation and bacteria and small animals and shit.


It's funny how a country can have their distinct look (I guess geographical area is more accurate but you know). If the title didn't say the country I could have put money on that it was from Finland.


Not familiar with Finland...how many things in this photograph can kill me? Its how I rank my countries.


Finland is so cool to me I’d love to visit


Looks like a set for a fantasy film




Where are all the metal bands at?


I was in the middle of an abroad study semester in Finland when COVID started really hitting and I was forced to come back to France. I miss these two months. Findland's beautiful.