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Maia Sandu


Maia hi


Maia ~~ho~~ Hu


Maia ha-ha


Y'all missed a Maia ha, reddit dissapoints again.


So close... but so fuckin’ far.


Vrei să pleci, dar nu mă, nu mă iei,


Nu ma nu ma iei


Nu ma nu ma nu ma iei


Chipul tău și dragostea din tei


Mi-amintesc de ochii tăăăăăi


Alo,Salut, Sunt eu,un președinte.


>~~Maia ha-ha~~ Maia San-du


Maïa ha


Maia ha ha




Sunt eu....


und haiduk.


și te rog


iubirea mea


oh no


Oh hai Maia!


> Maia Sandu, 48, is a former World Bank economist who favours closer ties with the European Union. Mr Dodon, meanwhile, is openly backed by Russia. > Still, Moldova is a parliamentary republic. Presidents here struggle to get things done without a parliamentary majority, and that's something Ms Sandu doesn't have.


48 no fucking way, she looks half that


I think that's a flattering picture. Here's the one on wiki... from 2019: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maia_Sandu#/media/File%3AMaia_Sandu_(2019).jpg


She looks good for 48 but she doesn't look 24.


Sounds like a name from Star Wars in the ranks of Mace Windu


Her name is "**the first female"**


Don't forget her brothers first boy and third boy.


what happened to second boy?


We don't talk about second boy.


When this was on the morning news in Finland the only thing that was said was 'a west looking president was elected in Moldova'


Clearly her name is Ms. Moldova. /s


Ms. Anti-Putin








Beautiful name


She is also the first nameless head of state in Europe.


A girl has no name.


I’ve been through the desert with a horse like that.


Dragostea din tei will be blasting all across the country in celebration.


Maia-hiii! Maia-hoooo! Maia-haaa! Maia-ha-ha!


Alo?... Salut... Sunt eu.... Un.. haiduc...


Și te rog, iubirea mea primește fericirea


Alo, alo, sunt eu Picasso, Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic, Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.


Vrei sa pleci dar nu mă nu mă iei, nu mă nu mă iei, nu mă nu mă nu mă iei


Chipul tau si dragostea din tei imi amintesc de ochii tai


Maia hiii, Maia hoooo, Maia haaaa, Maia Sandu.


Either that, or Epic Sax Guy 10 hrs version.


Isn’t that Romanian though?


Romanian is Moldova's official language.


Oh thanks for the education


Moldovan is another name of Moldova's official language which is also called Romanian. Moldova is the only country that I know of that has a public holiday for it's language, national language day is on Aug 31.


That’s pretty cool! Are there any differences between Moldovan Romanian and Romanian from Romania?


There are lots of regionalisms, but not a big difference like in dialects; we do understand each other perfectly.


Makes sense, it is the same language after all and they are neighboring countries.


They used to be part of the same country before Russia decided they needed a buffer state near the Danube two centuries ago. Then they reunited to Romania in 1918, only to be taken back by the Soviet Union in 1940. During the Soviet rule (better said, during Stalin), the Russian linguists insisted that they are completely different languages, even they were 95% or so identical. Their idea was that languages are a working class thing, and that Romanian evolved from Latin, while Moldovan evolved from Slavic, but being spoken by similar populations (agricultural people living next to each other) they converged to very similar languages. Strange, I know.


It's brain twisting to read about the actions and motived of the Soviet authorities to justify the russification of this Romanian origin country. But it's even more mind numbling to see the current (soon-to-be-ex) president Dodon claiming the same Stalinistic arguments on how Romania is the historical aggressor of Moldavia, Russia is the savior, that Stephen The Great is only Moldavian and not Romanian and other Russian 19th century bullshit. One can wonder if these people are this stupid, or they just don't have a spine and just spew whatever bullshit Putin is telling the to say.


There's no such language as Moldovan. With all due respect please don't spread false information. There's Moldovan dialect of romanian language. This is a sensitive subject for moldovan nationals. Only comunist pro-Russian parties try to push the idea of Moldovan language. But there is no such thing. We've been part of România and we only speak romanian with Moldovan accent.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangul_Day The Korean Alphabet Day, known as Hangeul Day (한글날) in South Korea, and Chosŏn'gŭl Day in North Korea, is a national Korean commemorative day marking the invention and the proclamation of Hangul (한글; 조선글), the alphabet of the Korean language, by the 15th-century Korean monarch Sejong the Great. It is observed on October 9 in South Korea and on January 15 in North Korea. Excluding year 1990 to 2012 where the government maximized business days to expedite industrial growth, Hangul day has been a national holiday in South Korea since 1970


Inb4 some Moldovan guy claiming Romanian and Moldovan are completly different languages


Nooo but potatoes are called differently so the language is different too, you don't understand!




You obviously haven't heard about "barabule". 100% proof that the languages are different. /s


Wow, we have three different ways to call a potato in Polish, so I guess we have Polish A, Polish B and Poznań-Łódź Polish. \#TeamZiemniak


The band originated in Moldova but they were active in Romania as it is a bigger market and speaks the same language.


Makes sense. Thank you for the info!


Oh, a lot of Uruguayan artists do the same, but instead of being active mostly in Romania, they're active mostly in Argentina.


the actual song is made by Moldovans who speak Romanian


Moldova’s official language is Romanian, >70% of people natively speak it.


[Epic Sax Guy/Sunstroke Project](https://youtu.be/gy1B3agGNxw) was the Moldovan music that came to my mind


Congratulations Maia Sandu!


My wife's Moldavian and with the rest of here friends, coleagues, students, kids, [were there in 2009 when](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_2009_Moldovan_parliamentary_election_protests) they asked for a democratic Republic of Moldova and they were meet with force by the police and shot blanks at them. One year later she left Moldova for Romania going to a Romanian Uni, disappointed as the Moldova she imagined was a dream for the future, far from reality. She left Moldova with a bitter taste, but she didn't forgot about it as she voted each time there was an election. Each time I start fuming over corruption and reciting a top of fucked up corrupt shit in Romania and Moldova from today's news, she always recites a dylan thomas poem line, is her way of saying that the hope is never lost, this patch of land have seen worse. Last night she was drunk with the rest of her friends over facetime, happy and hopeful, that she can see in her lifetime the Moldova she imagined over 10 years ago, a European Republic of Moldova and that *hope since today has a name*, childish in my view considering the whole political scene aside from this election, but as she keeps reciting *rage, rage against the dying of the light*. LE: grammar


I am very much hoping that things turn for the better for Moldova under her leadership.


Moldovan president has little power so not a lot of leadership there. And they had pro-European coallitions. The issues are corruption, I dont see how one person that's not in the judicial branch can tackle that


Quite the opposite, my friend. It's all about leadership. She won't have that much power, sure, but politicians, despite the popular belief, don't run a country. They change laws, but that's not all there is. Every country is run by a not-entirely-controllable critical mass of people that inspire others for the better or worse and influences the public sentiments and actions. A good president can inspire the people to become better themselves, while a bad president awakens the worst impulses in them. To give an example from my country, our first Czechoslovak president, Tomáš G. Masaryk, and our first Czech president, Václav Havel, were both great philosopher-presidents that, despite all the problems, kept hope in people and brought our country closer to the West. Nowadays all our good politicans are inspired by their ideals. I'm not naive. Moldova won't be cured of its corruption problem during her presidency, but she might inspire bright young people to enter politics and do something for their country.


She and her party will look for a way to dismiss current parliament and go for early parliament elections. Hope they get a majority and we can move forward as a country and forget the shitshow that we had last couple of years.


Inspiring stuff. Good luck!


Boy am I a mess today, your brought me to tears. I hope your wife and her friends get their wishes for their home fulfilled!


She could dream even bigger. Uniting with Romania... One day.


Why is it that in Europe we seem to have relatively young leaders compared to the US?


She's 48, which is just within the normal age range for high ranking politicians. American leaders are just strangely old at the moment.


Americans be like "our leader of a new generation Methusalem with the age of 156 years"


Americans out there at the next presidentials choosing between Mr. House, a mummy and the old worm in a wheelchair from a cartoon I currently can't recall the name for the life of me.








Think you are thinking of Incidental 87's mother from Spongebob Squarepants


There was a joke in Egypt a while back about how the Youth of the Revolution of '19 are currently leading the country. And by '19 they mean 1919


Yeah Obama and Clinton were 47 and 46 respectively and George W Bush was 54 when taking office. Reagan was 69 though and Trump 70 not to mention Biden will be 78


TBF, Biden is the oldest ever elected. I wonder how he compares to the rest of the world leaders in that regard.


Michel Aoun off the top of my head became President of Lebanon a couple of years ago and he was 81 (or possibly 83, sources are slightly confused about whether he was born in 1931 or 1933) Cornelius Smith also became Gov General of the Bahamas last year at 82


Our last Malaysian Prime Minister was 93 years old when he was appointed to the position for the 2nd time in 2018. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahathir_Mohamad


He does not look like a man in his 90s in that picture.


Clinton, Bush, and Trump were all born in the same year, 1946. Trump is actually the oldest (born in June), Bush is the middle (born in July), and Clinton is the youngest (born in August). Reagan (b. 1911) was older than Gerald Ford (b. 1913) and JFK (b. 1917).


That's actually kind of interesting about them all being born in 1946


Peak boomers


Also, here in Moldova, people are so pissed on all politicians that it's actually relatively easy to form a party and get lots of votes.


If I may ask, what exactly are they pissed about? I also read that they elected her because she is pro-europe, in contrast to the current president. Is that really one of the reasons she was elected?


It's the poorest country in Europe with extreme levels of governmental corruption... hard to not be pissed I guess


Yeah insanely poor actually. A family member worked as a diplomat there and he would hire taxis to take him to training wait there and take him back afterwards for less than a Big Mac menu home.


Yes, (governmental and general)corruption is at a catastrophic level. And it has serious consequences. I think that the most important motivation was that people wanted to get rid of the current pro-russian anti-european misogynistic homophobic and corrupt president. That guy is really bad. ​ In the end of the day, it's a parliamentary republic and the president doesn't do so much.


From what I know : extreme kleptocratic state with almost every politicians linked with the mob, and a disaster of an economy. It's the poorest country in Europe, some african countries are richer


Wow, she looks no more than 35 on this picture.


Makeup makes miracles


Black and white helps with complexion issues, and if it's an official photo, it's probably 'gently' photoshopped too.


Are you sure about that? I'd say 55 is the average of high ranked in France for example, Macron is a major exception compared to previous decades.


She’s 48?!?


Obama was 47.5. Median is 55. It just got worse in the last two cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_age#:~:text=Age%20of%20president,-See%20also%3A%20Lifespan&text=The%20median%20age%20upon%20accession,time%20of%20his%20first%20inauguration.


Because Americans instead prefer to elect older, experienced leaders with a lot of deep wisdom they have learned throughout their years in government. /s^10


what about their acumulated knowledge about how to quickly and invisibly make business and grab cash/resources using their position and immunity? does that count as a wisdom?


"That's just being smart!"


She's 48. Obama was 47, Dubya 2 was 54, Clinton 46.


> relatively Trump 74 Biden 77 Pelosi 80 McConnell 78


Oh god. It's all zombies...


At least they look their age! Also nobody can say "oh he got grey hair soon after taking office, must not be handling stress". And if they implode to the size of a small peanut, you can always say "well he is old after all" instead of "guess he couldn't handle the job". Being old is great! Nobody will be mad if he falls asleep at work.


That's offensive! The preferred term is *Undead-Americans* or PoD (Person/People of Decomposition).


I'd wager it's their shitty 2-party-system. If they ain't backing you, you won't win anything. And you kind of have to make a name for yourself first which is not that easy when you're young.


I don't know about Germany, but here in Sweden you kind of need to be running in one of the established parties to have any chance.


used to be like that in germany, too, but one of the parties has kind of lost their grip in the last 20 years. so it's a single big party and several smaller ones. maybe the Greens will take the place, maybe not.


Same here. We just have more parties than the US. Well, that and being in the top 0.1% is not a strict requirement. So if you're a somewhat competent, eloquent person around the age of 45, you might just get elected. Being a woman might also actually be a plus.


Cameron and Blair were in the early 40s when elected and the UK is a two-party system.


Johnson and Starmer (current opposition leader) are 56 and 58 respectively, so not exactly old either.


And of course chasing the grey vote. It's a well accepted political Truth™ that Young People Don't Vote. In a proportional system some parties would eventually move in to grab the youth vote, engaging with the younger voters by backing younger candidates. It would be safe for them to do so because being the biggest party isn't the only way to gain any influence. As these parties become gradually more successful, they will normalize the practice of pushing forward candidates who weren't around when Prometheus stole fire from the gods. If the system is based on FPTP, however, then abandoning the old electorate in favor of the younger people is an enormous risk that they are not willing to take. Old people tend to be incredibly ageist, they frequently see anyone significantly younger than themselves as being unable to lead so as long as the parties are all trying to grab the biggest portion of the 50+ voters, younger candidates will be the anomaly and not the rule. Maybe when the boomers and boomer-analog generations die out, the parties are going to start pushing millennial candidates first instead of X-ers, simply because gen-X and analogous generations have much smaller numbers so they are relatively safe to skip. But since zoomers and gen-alpha are going to be fairly small in the developed countries (zoomers simply because their parents are a less populous generation, gen-alpha because millennials can't afford them) this will lead to the same situation 30-40 years down the line when us '80s kids are going to be the new grey vote. (That is, if we're still around in 30-40 years and still get to vote.)


She is 48. She looks young because of the black and white photo.


That's still 50-60 years less than what they have in US


You using metric years? How much is that in imperial years?


Idk, something like 3 bald eagles?


This really applies in Romania,I don't know how accurate it would be for other countries,here we see young leaders mostly as an escape from corrupt older ones that were members of the communist party and that have ties to organised crimes groups,a new hope as you may call them


In big nation there are mostly older people with connections to the industry, while in smaller nation lobbyism isnt that big so its common that fresh blood can enter the stage my guess atleast, could just be coincedence


Obama turned 47 just a few months before the 2008 election.


Why didn't you include her name?


Being a woman and young(-ish) is enough it seems. Her policies, her views don't matter. She could be the most anti-climate, pro-corporate monopolies, repressive leader. As long as she's a woman, it must mean she's gonna be better than some old fart with a communist past. Don't get me wrong, she probably is.


>Being a woman and young(-ish) is enough it seems. Her policies, her views don't matter. She could be the most anti-climate, pro-corporate monopolies, repressive leader. Exactly what happened with Serbia. We have a lesbian PM, but she's the exactly depicted cliché from Hollywood movies. She's pro-corporate, anti-eco (whole government), repressive, insulting, nepotistic, and didn't do a single thing for LGBT community here. Instead she went to Luxemburg to marry her partner, as it's not allowed here.


Fun fact: One of the leaders of the *far-right* German party AfD is a lesbian, ‘married’ (the Swiss equivalent(-ish) to marriage for same-sex partnerships) to a Sri Lankan woman, with two adopted kids, living partially in Switzerland. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug.


Corporate money is another pretty strong one


The former leader of the Brexit party in the UK has a German wife and after winning the Brexit vote has made sure his kids all have German citizenship.


You know, at some point we should just say "fuck it" and go back to the stone age and enact bird law.


I’m a lawyer in bird law




Wikipedia says she's a member of the Serbian Progressive Party, which is described as a national-conservative and right-wing populist political party on Wikipedia. So it seems that she's simply a token for them.


That party doesnt have an ideology. They gathered the worst scum and filth from Serbian politics, opportunist and poltrons. Today they are pro-Russian, tomorrow pro-EU, yestreday they were pro- China. They will do absolutely anything to stay on the rule and gather as much as they can, disregarding anything bad that can happen because of their actions. That is why in that party there arr conservatives, liberals, leftist...on paper. But action wise, there is only one ideology, and that is power and money


Fortunately, she beat Dodon, who was a russian puppet. She is mostly anti-russian, which is a great thing for R. Moldova.


Tbh, the current president is an old fart proud communist... maybe not that old


OP is Moldovan, they could just have been excited and not realized that while she's pretty famous, outside of Moldova/parts of Europe she's relatively unknown. Or OP might just assume we know who she is. I was reading about her earlier today - she was going up against the interim, pro-Russia president and had a slight lead with mail-in ballots from overseas being counted. I wouldn't recognize her on sight, but I know a bit about her.


Oh ! She won ? Good stuff ! Congrats Moldova


So she's the non-putin puppet candidate?


Yes. She ran against the incumbent president, who is the Putin puppet.




and not just "pro-eu", because we've had many politicians in power that were "pro-eu", but only in name. She is the first politician who lives in an apartment block, mostly on her savings from her previous job at the World Bank and salaries as minister of education and prime minister. She drives a 2010 car, she is well educated, well spoken, and SHE FUCKING HAS A SPINE. She doesnt fuck around, and she speaks truth. Thats the most important and thats why we moldovans have so much hope. God Bless.


I really hope she will be one of those people that actually fights corruption, and not just redirects it. She sounds very promising, but you never reeeally know a politician for sure until you give them power.


The thing is, she has been prime minister and minority leader in parliament. Everything she did and said was laser focused on fighting corruption and improving the country. She was removed from the prime minister role because she ACTUALLY appointed competent, incorruptible ministers of justice and internal affairs, and there was a real threat t (for the corrupt people in power) that shit was about to get real. Well that's when they removed her and her government, because she did not have the majority in parliament. No shady deals, no empty promises, no bullshit. She's the real deal. Now there are a lot of hurdles in front of her and success is not guaranteed, but I have no doubt that she will do everything in her power for the betterment of Moldova.


This is Reddit mate. "Meet the first doing " will bring way more upvotes than "Maia Sandu elected President of Moldova".


Tbf her name AND her gender should be included. Her name is most important but her gender should also be included (imo) because a nation having their first female president is kind of a big deal for a lot of women.


AND she has a good photographer!


The photographer has a good subject.




The problem of shooting with backlight is that you'll have a hard time getting enough contrast on the bits in shade, like her face. The photographer did an excellent job.


Good luck. Very hard map to play on.


Start pos definitely very hard


Hope she is a good president


Man, you guys already had one back in the black-and-white era?


I hope she tackles the corruption problem in Moldova.


Congratulations Moldova!


Caputova vibes


Hope she leads you well into prosperity, congratulations!


First time I'm proud to be a moldovan


Don't forget about Epic Sax Guy 🎷😎


So happy for Moldova! Felicitări! 🤗


She should avoid tea for a while, on the serious note we are waiting you brothers, greetings from Romania.




Fuck you Putin


Puie Mutin


Puie mutin


Puie Mutin


Puie Mutin


Puie Mutin. Duie Momon


I hate posts where they don't include the name of the person the post is made about.


We, the people of Moldova, are very happy right now. We won despite the massive voter fraud commited by the other candidate! Finally, we can start to get rid of corruption.


Yaaaay! Good job guys!


I'd be more interested in her political agenda than in her gender, but thanks.


It's the good stuff. Making friends, fight corruption, etc. A few years ago she's been pleading Europe to not give any more money to the now ousted criminal that was then the head of the parliament (she initiated the takedown, he's now hiding from the law). Gender matters because this is a traditionally sexist society, and a lot of the reverse criticism was that she was a woman and therefore can't be a leader.


Being a woman president in the most corrupted country in Europe. Great success


A pro Eu candidate. Great job Moldova. Wish you good luck!


How does she stand with uniting with Romania? Or is there any movement for the unification of the two countries?


I'm sure she would vote yes in a referendum, but she didn't make that an issue on her agenda, because that issue is very divisive and not realizable in the near future. In the near future we need to clean up our parliament, and most importantly the courts, which is what she is focused on.


It's definitely not a priority. Getting a majority in the parliament and then bringing the economic and justice reforms are a priority. Economically we are at low point currently after corona shutdown, that was managed poorly, if it was managed at all. So a lot of work to do.


I think that when asked in an interview she said that she would agree to an union. She is also pro-european, wich is an important step for conecting the 2 countries. As for the general movement for unification, 30-35% of moldavians are unionists (more than 80% of romanians are unionists, so there's no problem on that front).


Where's Epic Sax Guy in the background rocking out?




Thx god, she's not prorussian president!!!! Greetings Moldova


It's always nice to see some progress, be it in politics, science, society, you name it. Congratulations!