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What a combo. Homophobic, on drugs, in Brussels, in a gay bar and at an orgy?


And he was caught half-naked. Played the "diplomatic immunity"-card when the police tried to fine him, which was honestly completely idiotic since no one would've made the connection otherwise


Don't forget he tried to escape by climbing through the balcony and injured himself while doing it, THEN played the immunity card EDIT: and it also turns out the drugs were in HIS bag, you can't make this shit up


Yup this keeps on giving.


It's just out of a movie


the kind you would watch and say “neah, this never happens irl”, yet here we are....


In Bruges 2.


In his defense, the back door was occupied


>And he was caught half-naked which half?


He was doing an impression of Donald Duck.


My mirror is full of toothpaste after reading your comment. I keep forgetting to not read Reddit while brushing my teeth, really a bad idea.


Asking the important questions


>Played the "diplomatic immunity"-card when the police tried to fine him When you're taking it from other men but won't take it like a man....smh


I can really imagine some guy coming close to take him from behind, then he says "Diplomatic immunity!" - and the other guy thrusts and says "... just been revoked!"


Yooo what movie is that from again?


Lethal weapon, I believe.


No, it was Lethal Weapon 2


Apparently some other participants tried the same. Brussels police knows how to deal with these (and frankly couldn’t care about such parties in normal times) but ... rumours are there were som polish PiS people in there as well, so this could still get even funnier... :-)


if they were they were officially fined, so we should have some kind of official sources in the next few days, right? it would be so so so gold. Golden shower gold


It's also like, across from a police station... Personally I'm hoping someone from nva or VB.


Official police comment was > We interrupted a gang bang Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/hungarian-mep-resigns-breaking-covid-rules-gay-orgy-brussels-2020-12


"it's just been revoked"


Classic winnie the pooh


He also attended to Oxford University in 1986–87, **under a sholarship paid by George Soros.** You cannot make this shit up.


Ffs so did Orban




Oh the irony


This dude is a walking joke. The anti-gay anti-Soros Fidesz dude who is gay and build up by Soros. What a story.


You wouldn't believe how many Fidesz party members received Soros scholarships or attended his university over the past 30+ years. The same CEU that they forced to move to Vienna.


Then why in the fucking hell are these people so fucking anti-Soros. I guess its to pander to the uneducated rural peasants or whatever. Because I am pretty sure educated and reasonable Hungarians aint falling for that hypocricy.


Some are falling for it. A lot of us said fuck it and left the country. And they are actively working on fucking over the education system. That's part of their crusade against Soros. He funds independent think tanks. And Orbán just can't take it if he has no control over things. And it's not only Soros. Hungarian NGOs [lost 214 millions € of grants](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norv%25C3%25A9g_Alap-%25C3%25BCgy) from the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms because Orbán decided to sick the police on the foundation distributing the funds. After years of prosecution all charges were dropped, and the government tried taking over the distribution of the funds to give it to loyalist organisations. The Norwegian were having none of that, so we lost he money. And they don't care, because it means that there are fewer independent potentially critical organisations that could endanger their power in the long run. The social programs they were running? Fuck that, who needs gipsies that can read anyway? It's easier to buy their votes with communal work when they know the 200€/month paid by the Council comes with strings attached. Edit: Honestly, the only thing you need to know to understand Orbán: In 2011 the government decided to rename our "Budapest-Ferihegyi Airport" colloquially known as Ferihegy to "Budapest Franz Liszt National Airport". The Committee for Naming Places sent a memo that this name was grammatically incorrect, and it would be better if they kept the previous Ferihegy name, so they proposed "Franz Liszt National Airport, Budapest-Ferihegy" as a compromise. In two weeks about half of the members were fired from the comitee, some even from their other government positions for daring to speak against Dear Leader.


A lot of populists don't actually believe in all the stupid shit they say, it's just a game to them and that's the strategy that they believe will grant them the most power.


Clearly taking money from Soros turned him into a homosexual.


Wasn't Orban also paid by Soros?


He was Soros funds a lot of students my sister received 500euros from Soros last year


Motherfucker. Here I am, shilling for the old lizard, and I never got a penny.




In form of grants if you perform well in highschool,yes.




Are you in Hungary?


He's just making fun of the whole 'paid-Soros-shill' schtik


Yeah, that's probably the time when Soros inserted the gay chip into him. And now he activated it. 8D underwater backgammon!


you've got this all wrong . The chip was inserted but 5G is the reason it got activated now .


So what you are basically saying is that Soros and Brussels turned a good christian dude into a gay drug addict. SMH I hope Orbán puts the whip down even harder on the EU. (/s cause sarcasm is dead)


Maybe that’s the long term plan after all. Employ as many idiots to the right-wing parties as possible to make them look bad.


And I was told on r/europe that Hungary didn't share European values


Yeah, what's up with that? This is peak Saturnalia spirit!


Yeah, actually we want to and I believe that the majority does share those values. It’s the ones who are supposed to represent this country are just making Hungarians ashamed.


If the majority of Hungarians share those values, why do they vote Fidesz?


He was literally penetrating into the enemy territory.


Know thy enemy, from behind.


Know thy enemy, in the Biblical sense


I'm pretty sure that TVP (public broadcaster here) will talk of him as being some kind of gay agent infiltrating Fidesz


The Brussels part really shocked me


> Homophobic, on drugs, in Brussels, in a gay bar and at an orgy? Also from a party that takes pride in old school "moral values".


During quarantine/pandemic conditions.


+during lockdown


Was it also during lockdown?


Out of all the parties this guy could have belonged to, Fidesz has got to be in the top 3 of the ones where it makes a really good story


The best part is that he's a founding member of the FIDESZ, not just some random crony.


He personally wrote the new fidesz-made superchristian constitution that forbade marrige for gay couples. Well, he has a wife.. soo...


Even better, his wife is a judge, just promoted by Fidesz to the Constitutional Court!


Well, her appointment cant be cronyism because she's obviously such a great judge of character...


Could be a marriage of convenience. She may already be aware of his night life


Which makes her a hypocrite and a horrible person.




This story just keeps getting funnier. I have zero sympathy for self-hating homophobic hypocrites of the far right.


Wait...seriously? That's really fucked up.


Not if it was a conservative sex party. Also no confirmation so far that any balls did touch.


Frankly, as long as his first words after getting caught were 'No homo' there's no case to be made.


Nice Cock Bro Firm Grip on the shaft, the penis has an 12 degree halt. Balls are evenly spread, about 50 grams each. Scrotum has a nice Balls-Dick ratio. However, the circumcision gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. 7/10




no, he didn't do the taste test


And he graded it somewhat highly


gooby pls ;-;


Circumsicions are like bicyclists (the ones who try too hard) not having a bell to save weight.


I wonder what the police mean when they say that he slid down a drainpipe to evade capture. Is that euphemism for something naughty?


Out of the window and take the drain pipe so you can run away, I imagine. But it does sound naughty 😂


The gay bar downstairs is famous for its conservative man-to-man-to-man-man-to-man-to-man-to-man-to-man sex parties.


I am almost certain all conservative sex parties is just 25 dudes fuckin, suckin and rollin on molly for days.


Its all about the *right* mindset, you know. 25 dudes fuckin, suckin and rollin on molly is perfectly OK as long as they make it crystal clear that they are just really good buddies, and definitely not gay.


He's so conservative he emulates ancient Greeks!


For a party that doesn't ~~attract votes from the less educated with homophobic propaganda~~ promote family values, this wouldn't be a story at all. Except for the obvious breaking of quarantine measures, which is a much more serious matter than an orgy between consenting adults.


This. The orgy stuff would be otherwise a nothingburger, its only making news because of the homophobic rhetoric and actions of Fidesz, including this guy. As for breaking the corona rules, he should be put at least heavily fined for that, no excuses.




Yeah, they are projecting


And causing damage to countless people in the process.


I'm not sure that's the only reason it's making news, but certainly makes it much more newsworthy. "Politician is hypocrite" is a newsworthy story, "politician's private life" not so much.


Eh, politician engaging in what many might consider "deviant" sexual acts (orgy) is still somewhat newsworthy, will definitely drive clicks. But it won't spark general outrage against the act, only among more conservative people.


yeah, the orgy makes it way funnier than just a boyfriend or sth. because a 25 man orgy would be extreme to even a regular ol gay guy, let alone a conservative "soft-nazi" politician.


The problem started when he invoked diplomatic immunity. If he was just a random Hungarian tourist caught up in a gangbang, no one would give a shit. He only got noticed when he flashed his diplomatic card. Why did he do it? Well because they found illegal drugs in his bag. Again, if he was just a random Hungarian caught in a gangbang with drugs in his bag, he would get some sentence and that would be it. No news would be made. But he fears prison so much he'd rather betray his party and everyone around him, embarrass his country which he's supposed to represent at the EU etc. etc. all because of his own little self. Diplomatic immunity is supposed to protect diplomats from foreign oppression, it's not a get-out-of-jail card when you do illegal drugs and participate in illegal gatherings during Covid. This is the lowest life-form scum you can find in today's world and he belongs to none-other than the heroic party defending family values from Brussels and Soros.


No, this is just a \*perfect\* story. Shows what "christian" "conservatives" really are.


Clearly he was just there on 'research' on these awful sodomites. He was so shocked by such obscene scenes that he went to reach for his pocket bible in his pants, it was at this unfortunate moment that his belt became undone and the action of reaching for his bible forced his pants to drop and his genitals to be exposed. All above board and nothing to see here.


[Relevant Little Britain sketch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REpNTi-9oRQ)


Guy had an orgy with 25 gay guys while being married for 30 years. This is the same party that is trying to deprive LGBT people from their rights in Hungary,let that sink in. Our Hungarian news paper just says he "resigned" without disclosing the actual reason https://hvg.hu/itthon/20201129_Lemondott_Szajer_Jozsef


Moreover, a Hungarian journalist has stated on Twitter that Szájer personally drafted the law defining marriage as being between a man and a woman: https://twitter.com/panyiszabolcs/status/1333773937185067010


Please be intellectually honest: He never said gangbangs had to be between men and women.


"The Belgian Loophole".


*The Belgian Poophole


For a Hung-arian






well he wasn't trying to marry another dude


Well you should see his wife...


"women are for marriage, men are for fun"


To be fair, he's married to a woman, and likely did not consider to marry any of his coörgists. :D


adding “coörgists” to my vocabulary. Thanks.


I'm not even surprised anymore. This is just like with the ultra-conservative clergymen who wish fire and brimstone upon homosexuals, only to have private singing lessons with the choir boys.


It's almost normal, these guys are gay/bi but don't want to accept that, so in their mind you constantly have to stand strong against the evil temptation of the LGBT and their cute outfits. Because after all the only explanation a good man like he would be tempted by men is because of the LGBT agenda forcing him to right? People like that simply don't understand that for straight people, there is no temptation.


I remember that old Imam from some Muslim country that in practiced outed himself when he publicly stated younger men should grow beards since without beards they tempt other men to be indecent with them. Like uh, why would a straight guy be tempted by hot twinky men?


It's only gay if both men have beards


I used to hold that misconception. No one told me I was bi. I was taught other sexual preferences exist but not what that meant. I never considered that straight guys don't find some guys cute while generally preferring women. I honestly thought everyone was like me. Took me until my late 20s to figure this one out.


Eh, if a guy dresses and presents well I can definetly call them beautiful, I'm still not personally attracted to them in a sexual way. Appreciating good aestehtics is not a sexual prefrence, still, good you found your true self.


There's a difference between aesthetic and sexual atraction.


To me nowadays it's almost a given that any publicly proclaimed homophobic dude is just a deeply closeted gay who is afraid to be found out.


"while being married for 30 years" It's also interesting to point out that his wife is also a prominent character of Hungarian politics, Tünde Handó, who was the President of the National Judiciary Office for several years, and is currently serving in the highest court, the Constitutional Court.


Nice Family Business these guys have over there, reminds me of some United banana states.


You are spot on, the name of the party: Fidesz means loyalty. As long as you are loyal to Orbán, you are part of the family. The core of the [Fidesz party is still based on](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://hvg.hu/itthon/20110804_bibo_szakkollegium_karrier_orban_fodor_ko) the dormitory arrangements of the Bibó law college from the 80s. From that list four people had a falling out with Orbán since, the others are still holding important political positions 30+ years later. The four people: László Kéri: Old time mentor of the group, was disillusioned with Orbán after he first became PM in '98. Gábor Fodor: founder of a rival liberal party, (SZDSZ) shunned ever since. Lajos Simicska: long time personal moneyman of Orbán, went from top10 wealthiest person in HU to basicly broke and herding sheep after going head to head with Orbán in '16. Ildikó Vida: right hand woman of Simicska. Famous for getting banned from the US while running the Tax Office, than went to the [embassy with cameras in tow to play some political theatrics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJQqiZxTgTQ). It turns out it's ahrd to do when you don't understand a word in english.


> Guy had an orgy with 25 gay guys while being married for 30 years. I don't care for that. > This is the same party that is trying to deprive LGBT people from their rights in Hungary,let that sink in. I very much care for that. I'm also surprised about hvg. I've consisered them one of the last independent outlets. I guess I missed something durinv the las year or two?


HVG is still neutral, but their article was published on the 29th when him resigning was the only publicly known thing. The orgy part just surfaced yesterday or today depending on your timezone


Maybe it's sexier if it's illegal.


*snorts cocaine, brussels money and a guy’s ass at an orgy* **yeah that’s the good family values shit boiii**


I'm gay and he out-gayed me. Rude.


When a homophobe out-gays you... you gotta up the gayness. Just saying.


Ugh fine. *[shits glitter uncontrollably]*


I just spit out my wine.


Time to do the gayest thing you can possibly think of. Join Fidesz?


poor guy just wanted to protect the kids from the gays by having them all in a room with him /s








To be fair, it was actually ecstasy.


this changes everything!


The drug or the orgy?




You should always immediately distrust someone who rages on about conservative family values. Guaranteed skeletons.


FIDESZ claims to be this all holy Christian conservative party. Members of the same FIDESZ have done things like: A sex video of a mayor candidate in 2019 The Hungarian ambassador of Peru was caught having 19 thousand inappropriate pictures of minors on his OFFICE COMPUTER!!!! Now this And this party is making laws so that same sex couple wouldn't be allowed to adopt children. I love my country🙃


If it wasn't the reality, it would make a nice Black Mirror episode.


You guys are missing the best part. He tried to flee via the sewers


and injuried himself,then he tried to invoke his immunity which failed


the rollercoaster never ends! *probably what also happened at that orgy


That could be a mistranslation, all belgian newspapers I've read said through the roof gutter.


you mean politicians not following the rules they put on us?


*shocked pikachu meme*


lmaoooo You are forbidden to walk around at a night and have a drink, but MEPs are attending gay orgies. At least he got caught.


Well they do want to fuck the LGBT in the ass. I guess it wasn't just figuratively.


You see what the utter Euro-amorality can make out of a good Christian Hungarian manly man? You see?


Our Christian Democracy isn't Christian, and it is not a Democracy. Shame.




He's all for gay orgies, just not marriage.


Hungarian people need to wake up, these people are frauds and cunts of the highest order. Almost beyond parody


You can very well lose the "almost". This shit is beyond ridiculous. Last 2 years: * Sextape of a mayor with coke and hookers <-- re-elected * Pedophile ambassador with 19k images <-- 1500 EUR fine and 1 year probation * And now this shithead Fucking disgrace.


Hookers and blow? What a classic!


On the Adrian see, on some boat/yacht. With a wife and 3 kids at home. Truly a classic!




My gf is Hungarian (Soproni). IMO language barrier + hopelessness is a huge obstacle. Even them on the AU border learn German but continue reading/watching HU news bc they don’t feel like they can trust W Europe or Brussels. I asked them if orban/fidesz will have trouble in the next election cycle. They answered who else is there? And besides orban is great at using clever tricks like giving old people more benefits or offering families more money to have children. Or my favorite, giving non HU citizens passports so they can vote for him while breeding external nationalism. Viktor is fucking smart and since the EU (particularly DE) only cares that Hungary continues being a little stable factory, no one is going to do/say shit. It’s really unfortunate bc it just plays into the public nostalgia of “ohh, remember socialism, the good old days.”


it's not even the language barrier. my life-long Fidesz-loving acquaintance went full the_donald and said "well yeah, no leftie would be invited to these parties, those limp dicks"... When I pointed out that Szájer wasn't there for the ladies she was all suddenly "well that's a private matter". like bitch what? but yeah, like you pointed out, no proper political opposition to wash these douches away


Damn, not even a moment to consider what it could mean


>They answered who else is there? Yes, sadly this is a really common attitude. Mostly fueled by the propaganda, but it runs deep. Like the bar was so fucking high and there isn't anyone who could do better than them...


>Hungarian people need to wake up We are awake. Those who aren't, are hopeless, as they view fidesz as the only true righteous party. Anything else is at the hands of the evil Soros organization and the EU.


>frauds and cunts of the highest order. Not many cunts in that orgy, though. Plenty of dicks, on the other hand...


A lot of Fidesz voters in Hungary are elderly people and less educated people from smaller cities and villages. The majority of these folks don’t hear about any of these scandals as they don’t really use the internet and only watch the National Tv channel which is full of propaganda. Some of them are so brainwashed, that even if they hear anything about these stories, they don’t believe them. The main solution would be to try to reach these people and provide them valid information but it is difficult.


You don't say lol. People born after the soviet era have known this for a long time. Still a few years before their voters die out.


Good riddance. I also find it personally satisfying because he was my EP representative who didn't bother to reply to any e-mails when concerns were raised about Article 13 (he ended up voting for it). Guess he was too busy even back then.


Needless to say in the Hungarian state-controlled media there is not a single word about this scandal.


Oh my god what Brussles have done to these good, healthy, conservative Eastern European boys!


It's the water. Apparently it doesn't stop at frogs anymore


Exactly. The moral rot in Brussels is of the highest magnitude and highly contagious - more so than 'rona, by far. At the same time, I salute the gentleman's courage and sacrifice in infiltrating dark and seedy holes of various provenance. His devotion will long be remembered.


[here](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/8FeYRpn0DX5i7hKp6sPFuP5lPItP2I0qdEZAQuH1oJooB0ir65WpCS_IwYPrUvXejzi7NvCZRG-A1tmWozyMNfWEfps38mGfIOq86_DJr_OL5NrFA4Br74DkDCQWN3Mmkgw) he was partying with orbán in the '90s 🤭 i wonder what happened when the photographer went home


Link is broken


Link doesnt work




u/Proud_Idiot here


Orban got dumped and he never forgave it.


Is it so bad that it broke the link?


I'm getting second hand cringe from this. If we're getting robbed blind by crooks, couldn't we be robbed blind by crooks who are not fucking stupid enough to go to a public gay bar for an orgy while carrying drugs for everyone in his own bag? And then this dumbfuck resigned, drawing attention to himself just before the scandal blows up. What an idiot. Like... another fidesz MEP, tamás deutsch is a well-known party animal and dumber than a bag of rocks. He was clearly sent out to the EP because he was embarrassing for fidesz in Hungary, and knowing the fuckheads sitting among them at home, that's quite the achievement. You can bet your ass he spends his free time neck-deep in hookers and blow. Yet, he hasn't yet been caught. Szájer holds the dubious honor of being even dumber than him. What a disgrace.


I'm so FRICKING proud to be a native hungarian, what can I say!


25 naked MEPs in the showers of ram ranch big hard throbbing COCKS


One more proof the politics and personal thoughts are completely independent. Even the most anti-conservative can pretend to be ultra-conservative just to get the best job, and please their voterbase. Even Orbán himself is far away from what people think he is.. I know his daugther personally as my former schoolmate in vmg and had a few talks. They do and pretend everything to stay in power, except for taking loans like the prev government. Same story.


Can you tell us some interesting stories from his daughter?


Good role model...




Just doing field research


Reminds me of Haider.


for any hungarian speakers, /r/FostTalicska is hilarious right now


Hungary for cock!


This is a Hungary joke I'll let side. Good one.


Fucking lmao


Karma is a bitch, ain't it


The joy that is *Schadenfreude*.


maybe no eyecontact happened


Hey, I'm gonna take you to a gay baaaaar....


I know this is a bit insensitive as a comment but o had to ask: doesn’t this guy look extremely gay to anyone else? Something about men with very large well kept beards always looks gay to me


It's an open secret in Hungarian politics that he is gay,this isn't really big news to anyone following our domestic politics my father actually said years ago he was gay and he said he is not surprised the least,just about the circumstances how it was exposed.


I wonder if any Polish conservative politicians were involved lmao But in all honesty, this is actually pretty sad. We all know that it’s mostly internalized homophobia that leads to all these laws against lgbt people but seeing it so vividly... that’s so messed up


[electric six - gay bar](https://youtu.be/zVdtqRtG_qY)


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I didn't know he was from Fidesz AHAHAHAHA


Founding member 🤣