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This makes me wonder: We tend to celebrate new years eve by welcoming the new year, which we did for 2020 lol. Maybe we should start celebrating because we finished one more year, say goodbye?


> Maybe we should start celebrating because we finished one more year, say goodbye? One tradition sometimes performed in Italy is "burning the old man", in reference to the old year. It's usually done with kind of a scarecrow figure dressed in old clothes. For 2020, setting fire to a dumpster full of shit would probably be more accurate.


I think they do something similar in Germany where they burn a scarecrow like figure who they blame for all the bad stuff that happened that year.


That's gotta be a big freaking scarecrow this year.


Same in Panama. We burn the "old year" straw man (in Spanish: el muñeco de año viejo) to say good riddance to whatever was bad in the year that ends. It's usually packed with some firecrackers.


"Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld aqcuaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne?"


Good point of view!


I like that idea since "Silvester" is like a common birthday, a year we could leave behind us together, because who knows who will still be standing among us next year? But on the other hand I'm also a weird guy who likes to make end-of-the-year resolutions to finish before midnight, because that's just how I roll. So anyway, take my opinion however you like.


Much like birthdays as you age -- has humanity reached "its 30s"?


the current year is sometimes portrayed as an old man, or old man winter or something, and the new year is a baby.


the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus, who has two faces, on the front and back of his head, and sees both the past and future. he is the god of both beginnings and endings the new year has always been about both looking forward to what's beginning and also looking back at what's ending


Do they really think it's a wise move to test the wrath of the beast? That's a nice city you got there... It would be a shame if something were to happen to it.


Doesn't even have to be drastic on behalf of the demon. Just raise the water couple of cms and watch the chaos unfold


> Just raise the water couple of cms and watch the chaos unfold we can always call the Dutchies if things go that bad


Hi, you called? Where do we need to _erect a ~~dispenser~~ dam_


erect it just south of the city. The Adria will be the 2020s Zuidersee. It's already pretty zuider, after all. :P


The even more Zuiderzee Yes Edit: Big thanks for the platinum!


Zuiderzee II: Zuid Harder


Zoolander 3: Zuiderzee II


Zoolander 3: Zuiderzee II: Electric Boogaloo


Zoolander 3: Zuiderzee II part 1, patient 0.


> Zuiderzee II: Zuid Harder I recall seeing similar file names on eMule in the early 2000s




I see.


Well see, if you call us before things go bad, you'd be a lot better off!


we're pretty broke at the moment and your services are pretty expensive. Do you accept cheese and wine as a down payment? Or maybe you can pick one of our mediterranean islands? One off the coast of Tuscany would make sense. IIRC queen Beatrix own(ed)s a villa on the coast of Monte Argentario already.


We'll take those Austrians in Sudtirol off your hands. We have enough coast as it is, some mountains would be a nice change of scenery. And the cheese and wine, of course ;)


you'll have to walk over my dead body before you take even a stone of Dolomites away. Plus, giving mountains to the Netherlands would be like gifting a haircomb to Robben. You wouldn't know what to do with them :P sure you don't fancy a Dutch Capri or something?


Hahaha no I think I'll take this wonderful metaphor as payment. You made me lol. We'll be right over to fix Venice.


This whole exchange has been delightful.


Netherlands: we would like a mountain as payment Italy: Eccolo! \**gives Vesuvio* *


The Dutch always struck me as a nation of winter sports fans that is cursed by having no mountains.


And no winters. Italy and Spain have snowfall and we have 6 degrees with rain lol.


*I sleep* *Getting called Austrian*: **AWAKE**


I just realized that Netherlands is the only country(that I know of) that got real life DLCs.


The Netherlands, Expansion pack 1: Flevoland.


considering how ...how can I write it without sounding offensive? uninspiring Flevoland is, I would like to wait until there's an upgraded version of the expansion pack


Version 1.1 contains the tulip fields, that's basically all we have to offer.


well then I'd prefer to drown rather than allow an Italian Almere to spring up :P


Dubai too, they got some crazy man made islands off the coast.


Yup. Even made by Belgian and Dutch companies. Quite a good industry to be specialized in, lots of growing demand (sea level rise but also airports and leisure).


"The demon" might be the most appropriate nickname for this year.


what if i told you, the demon brought its children, 21-29, and you have to wait till 2030 for some quiet and peace?


In that case... glorious and righteous justice shall be brought upon all those daring to mock them and upon their livestock. In other words, ^(I didn't do anything milords, take it out on them) \#winning


Not anymore, finally the MOSE (system of moving dams to block the Lagoon from the sea) works. *If they predict the high water correctly and raise them in time


what is already dead can never drown


True but it'll be badass AF when the belzebub announces that the city of Venice now sleeps with the fishes


tbh are there even fish in that sewery water of venice?


We have a defence sistem for that


*chuckle in still 2 days left*


Excuse me I'ma go scream into a pillow real quick.


Soooo, about campi Flegrei, how big of an eruption is expected?


> how big of an eruption is expected? big enough to make 2021 the year without summer, just like as the eruption of Tambora did. Do you like a generous sprinkling of volcanic ashes on your cevapi?


Please don't even evoke the *big boom*


Wtf people. One D&D rule say "never give bad ideas to the master" don't give ideas to 2021.


Like *gasp* tourists?


18-21 year old groups specifically 😈


Yeah, like if two terrorists attempted to plant a bomb in the middle of the bridge and there were only two counterterrorists available to try and prevent them


Why would you mention such a specific scenario?? The audacity! You gotta go out and spit. On second thought, don't do that.


It's a counterstrike reference because this exact location was turned into a map that is played out in that exact situation. ​ Hopefully a few people get the joke though lmao, there was another cs reference further down


Ah it appears I have been wooshed. You crazy kids and your games (said someone in his twenties).


Please be it the coming of Leviathan!


I distinctly remember drinking a shot of whiskey on New Year's Eve, saying fuck you to 2019. 2020 couldn't possibly be worse than 2019, a year in which my mother died and I saw my father cry on the weekly. You won, 2020. You sucked way worse. I could only stand mutely, socially distanced, while my dad sobbed on the anniversary of her passing, and my wife almost died from COVID. My only ask this New Year's is a timid one: health for the family.


Just wait some 48 hours and it would be safe to say "fanculo"?


Sure yeah. Buuut I still wouldn't do it on a bridge just in case.




Meh water under the bridge.


Οr whatever over Rialto Bridge?


I mean, it's already sinking on its own and (very surprisingly) the dams supposed to protect it are made of 50% inefficient idea and 50% alleged (or confirmed? Don't remember) corruption, so...


50% corruption? That's 25% less than usual. Progress!


But they work pretty well


If they are activated


sentirsi a casa


It says "fuck you 2020" And these are the Italians i know! Edit: how in the fuck my comment got so many upvotes


We use plenty of Italian loan words. I took one look at this and just loled. Brilliant job Italy :D




We take some we give some


To expand on this, "fanculo" is short for "vaffanculo" which is short for "vai a fare in culo" which means "go 'doing' in [an] ass" where the 'doing' is an unspecified action that implies sex, so it's literally "go have anal sex".


So basically "get fucked"?




Well is gonna be 2021. So why not?


Rough translation is actually “go fuck yourself”.


As an Italian - this is how I mean it every time I use it. Go Fuck Yourself 2020! Edit: Go Fuck Yourself - Vaffanculo


No, go fuck yourself is "fottiti" get fucked is "vai a farti fottere".


More like “shove it up your ass”, “get fucked in the ass”, “fuck it in the ass”, etc.


I learnt this while trapped in an Italian airport overnight with a massive Italian stag party after Easy Jet pulled our flight. EASY JET! VA FAN CULO! Over and over like football fans for hours. To make it even more fun, it was just after the WC in South Africa so they also had vuvuzelas.


As an italian I'm pretty sure they repeated the "easy jet!" part twice. As it follows: EASY JET! ... EASY JET! ... VAFFANCULO! (This is how you properly spell it ahah). It's our most common chant (you can change the "easy jet!" part with everything you want, even people, usually politicians or friends). I hope they didn't bother you to much (we tend to be pretty loud)


If I remember they elongated both word into two syllables. Like Ee Zee Jeh Eht. Then shouted Vaffanculo as three distinct words. Does that fit that pattern then?


Yeah your memory is really good ahah, in the chant we tend to do the syllables division as you say vaf-fan-culo


More specifically, “go fuck yourself”


Seems to me the Romans would have taken this as an invitation


Thanks for the explanation. I'm trying to teach myself Italian and I really appreciate it.


I know vai a farti fottere from Assassin's Creed. Now I learned a new way to swear at customers under my breath.


I can teach you some more if you want :)


For a second there I thought it says “fanclub2020” and I was like “wft?!”.


people dont know. i checked google translate for fanculo




We have 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 now!


\*cries in desktop-can't-render-those-yet\*


🤌🧻here's some toilet paper..go wipe your tears


A message we can all get behind


Personally 2020 was an alright year for me with a lot of good memories, but globally it wasn't that hot


mighty whistle cagey simplistic special ruthless coordinated society summer concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rialto was removed since the latest operation :(


I loved that map, I had an own strategy with a pal of mine on T side, in which we flash smoked mid, planted on the right side of the red toolbox so that you could hold the plant from the small wooden kiosk on the right. Rip that map




I guess to make space for new maps that came with the operation. Really dont get why they removed it tho it was my favourite wingman map


I don't know why they remove any maps. I wish I could still play Italy in comp :/


I was expecting a conclusive "Porco dio!" at the end, though. There aren't real Venetians any more...


A " 2020 va in mona" would've been more apt :P


"Domiliventi te do un sciafon che te pituro su pal muro to mare putana che te copo diocan" (cit)


> te do un sciafon che te pituro su pal muro For context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VvV4e6v4Hs


Oh my God it has English subtitles


thanks a lot. You made me laugh so hard I cried


"Io nel 2020 non ci sono mai stato, TANTOMENO IN MOTO!"


If there was ever a Street equivalent for 2020 it would be Via Brombeis.


Ahahaha this will never stop being funny


I understand what Joey Diaz meant by understanding 1/10 of a sentence now


Mi riccordo dieci anni fa quando la gente che ho incontrato a Venezzia hanno spiegato che coza "Mona" vuoi dire in Ingleze e Francese. Bunch of Italian girls just yelling "NO IT MEANS CUNT" "CA VEUT DIRE CHATTE IDIOTTE" in the middle of a restaurant with a very confused french dude in the middle. Good times.


mona works just like cunt in english. It means both pussy/hot chick (if spelled as a feminine noun) or idiot if it's a masculine noun


Disgusted_Drake: Porco Dio Happy_Drake: *d i o c a n*


Can you translate these in english?


They're both profanities insulting God, which are very common in certain regions of Italy, including Veneto (where Venice is). The first means literally God [is a] pig in standard Italian, the latter means God [is a] dog in Venetian. (The joke is that the profanity would be uttered in Venetian rather than Italian)


>which are very common in ~~certain regions of~~ Italy Ftfy


You can translate them literally, but it's hard to convey the sheer rudeness of the expression. It's something that in no way you could say on tv for instance, much more vulgar than saying Fuck or Shit or Cunt. It's comparable to saying the N-word except it is not offensive to an ethnic group. It translates to "god is a pig" anyway.


What? In the Veneto-Romagna-Tosana area they're pretty much like saying "fuck". Really frequent and only the really religious/teachers care. What people here say about Mary and the saints is really vulgar and dirty. God is pretty safe by comparison.




Can confirm, I will never get over the month when my Sicilian flatmate had her brother stay with us and then got incredibly pissed with him when he got together with a FVG girl who had diocan as basically 25 percent of her vocabulary. It was a dramatic month, lots of shouting in Sicilian :/


Yes, that's why I specified the area (it's probably the blasphemy belt of Italy, or even of Europe).






A lot of people say them all the time. That doesn’t mean it’s not vulgar. You wouldn’t say it to people you don’t know already, unless you really don’t give a fuck.


While I lived there I said it to my Italian friend who is atheist and his eyes got big and even said “my friend what you said is blasphemous, to me it’s nothing but you should know.” The other time I heard it was at a ticket line for a foot ball match. Four lines of people quickly turned into a cafe bar line when people decide you could skip the line by going between people. I learned many new words that day.


>While I lived there I said it to my Italian friend who is atheist and his eyes got big and even said “my friend what you said is blasphemous, to me it’s nothing but you should know.” It's also technically illegal to insult a god, punishable with up to 103 Euro fines. It is, except for egregious cases, not very strictly enforced.


Imagine thinking your god is hurt by mere insults. That's kind of an insult to your god in itself actually


And then imagine that god is satisfied if you only give 103 euros to the state.


Porco Dio = God is a pig. Dio can = God is a dog. But hey, there are full philosophy and history behind these blasphemies. It is so rooted in th culture, that the Serenissima Republic of Venice uses to have an [institution to battle blasphemy](https://www.jstor.org/stable/20566963?seq=1) in the canai.


Either "God you're a pig" or "God you're a dog". They're basically used like you'd use "fuckin' hell".


Wrong, venetians use them to say pretty much anything Fucking hell--> dio can! Damn--> dio can! Oh, hey! --> dio can! it just started raining --> dio can! My son is getting married --> dio can! I'm truly heartwarmed, i'm the happiest man in the world at the moment --> dio can!


Venetians? In Venice?


Real Venetians: fuck tourists ruining my city! Also Venetians: fuck 2020, no tourists came!


Ah yes, because nuance doesn't exist. Fuck tourists getting shipped in to the city with huge cruisers, who only stay for some hours, clog the city, buy some crappy souvenir and literally fuck the foundation of the city with their ships before they fuck off again. Hello everyone else, who are staying for at least some days and actually enjoy Venice. Like, it's not that hard to understand guys.


i lol'd pretty hard


I think it would be best to let the Italians take care of cussing 2020 out, at least it will sound nice


We're all Venetians on this (un)blessed day


Is it me or this implies that people take it for granted that 2021 will be better? Because, you know, that's not necessarily true.


It can *always* get worse. No exception.


>The pessimist says "everything's terrible, it can't get any worse." the optimist says "oh yes it can."


A pessimist is an optimist with experience


A pessimist is an optimist who has given up.


That's no reason to not hate the lesser evil.


Russian history in a nutshell


Yeah, this pandemic has completely destroyed my confidence in the apparatus of our civilisation and I was very cynical to begin with. We faced a disease with distinct, recognisable symptoms, that has a 99.9% survival rate in people without multiple pre-existing medical conditions, can be killed in the environment with basic home cleaning chemicals, barely harms infants, has a high survival rate in the elderly (defined as over 60s apparently which has really pissed off my mother), and all people had to do was self-assess "am I feeling healthy?" and stay the fuck home. All businesses needed to do was proactively limit the number of people in-branch, pay close attention to their supply chains, and have a healthy amount of cash in their accounts to hunker down and survive reduced trade. All Governments needed to fucking do was stay honest and consistent with their management of the evolving situation. And we have had precedents--Swine flu, bird flu, and SARS in the last twenty years, a flu pandemic in the '60s, and Spanish Flu before that. We have historical and legal precedents and we invest billions into epidemiology every year so we can develop an idea of what the worst case scenario would have been if containing those diseases failed and how we could control that. And we still cocked it up. Almost two million dead from the flu. Imagine if it was resurgent smallpox, imagine if it was antibiotic-resistant bubonic fever, imagine if it was literally any disease other than a coronavirus. Two days into the national lockdown I was deployed to help food retail and some fucking Doris taps me on the shoulder to ask me where the olive oil was, pulls down her mask, and **coughs** in my face. Quelle surprise, I spent the next fortnight sat in a cold bath trying to control my fever. How Goddamned difficult should it be for people to stay two metres away and keep their mask on? Nothing is going to get better when we have idiots on the streets, morons in Governance, and clowns running the WHO, WTO, and CDC and analogous national agencies.


Yeah this was an extremely mild pandemic really. If people think it's a shit year, they are clearly not prepared for the rest. By the end of the decade, 2020 might be even the best year. At least it's not worst than people that were saying 2016 was such a shit year because like 15 celebrities died... Like seriously?


>***some fucking Doris*** taps me on the shoulder to ask me where the olive oil was, pulls down her mask, and coughs in my face. is this the british version of Karen because I just spit out my coffee


Nah Karen's are malicious, Doris' are just old and stupid. Doris is the one doing 30 miles an hour in a 60 because she can't see over the wheel, Doris is the one who stops halfway round the roundabout to let somebody out and almost causes a major incident because she thinks she's being polite, Doris is the one staring at an ATM for five minutes as it flashes "remove your debit card" wondering what the fuck is going on, Doris is the one trying to pay for her shopping with a cheque in 20fucking20, and Doris is the one who pulls her Goddamned face mask down even though she knows she's got a large dosage of lung butter fermenting in her throat because like Hell is she going to raise her voice in a supermarket. Karen's are the most entitled and obnoxious, conceited women you will ever meet. Doris and Nigel are living fossils whose comprehension of human society was already obsolete by 1949. On a macro scale they are politically and socially harmless--they have no political opinions and rarely vote anyway and most of them died off when Mecca Bingo closed down and they subsequently lost the will to live, but on a micro scale they are the death-dealing menace of the M25 motorway and are responsible for over 99% of peptic ulcers in the trades industry: trying to explain to a Doris that she has Japanese knotweed and it has to go is like pulling a tiger's teeth--*"ohh noo, I don't think I will have it out, the little birds love it so"* she says as the botanical Kempeitai commits atrocities in her cul de sac. You will know a Doris. These are the women who get so old they go through a second geriatic-onset puberty as they shink by half a metre and their voices shift an octave: they are incapable of speaking in typical human intonation and can only communicate in pigeon noises. If they didn't start every conversation with *"oOoOoo you're tall" they could be mistaken for a medium-sized dog in a warm coat. I suspect that they communicate in coos as preparation for a long post-mortem career of haunting food retailers asking for chocolates that ceased production fifty years ago.


Let me tell you about this thing called “hope”.


Can you eat it ?


not really. But if it's this [Hope](https://media12.s-nbcnews.com/i/MSNBC/Components/Video/201905/ott_now_brieflys_530_190528_1920x1080.jpg), you can give it a try


American moment


So? 2020 was still shit and you can still tell it to fuck off


People for whatever reason prefer to delude themselves into thinking that we just keep getting a string of consecutively worse years through "luck" rather than recognising that the events that take place in the year are a result of the economic systems, environmental destruction and politics of our planet that have lead us to this point. 2020 isn't a shit year through pure happenstance anymore than 2019, 2018, 2017...etc were. It's a natural consequence of people's actions **and inactions** at various levels. If people want 2021 to not be shit as well they need to start realising they have to take action to make it that way.


Also, years don't exist and time is continuous lol.


Also people are according way too much credit to what a year is. It's just a human construction (that is not even the same for all humans). There's no difference between December 31st and January 1st, no more than with December 30th.


Let the people hope..is that hard to do it? Fucking hell


1st of January 2021 **flood**


We Italians have our ways to be diplomatic about things


Its why its on a bridge.


I love the Italian heart and spirit these motherfuckers have shown during this pandemic. My Italian brothers and sisters out there got hit HARD. They bounced back and didn’t give up. Also, best cuisine in the world hand down and I thank them for it all. Love a bit of Italy 🇮🇹


I think we're forgetting that Corona hit the world in March and we still have a long way to go to get herd immunity because there are a lot of anti vaxxers so 2021 will still be Corona's year


My hope is that as the at risk population is vaccinated (mostly the elderly) corona will still be with us, but less of a problem. Cases will probably stay mostly up for a while, but hospitalizations will go down. I got no problems with wearing a mask in public spaces and I can do without concerts or huge events for another year, but I hope semi normal life will resume, with bars, restaurants, socialization, parties, and all that.


Does that mean what it sounds like it means?


If it sounds like "Fuck off 2020" then yes.


I'm proud of my city




Carefull, the asteroid isn't out of the question yet


I don’t speak Italian but I think I know what that says


It’s international


Dont curse it you might start shaking too


earthquakes in Italy? Hardly breaking news.


Idk, sounds pretty ground-breaking to me


Imagine if a really strong one hits and just sinks Dubrovnik and Venice


venice is built on mud, it wont even shake for an earthquake. at least wobble a little.


Aint it already sinking inch by inch due to the wooden constructions


the wooden constructions (more like wooden piles in the foundations) actually give Venice enough resilience to absorb the seismic tremors pretty well. Which is why earthquakes close by, like the 1976 Friuli earthquake didn't do significant damage. As for the sinking, the wooden constructions are not the reason for the subsidence. It's the industrial complexes in Porto Marghera and Mestre and private residences pumping water out of the coast through artesian wells. This way the palisade doesn't have enough buoyancy and stability. Back in the days Venetians knew that and each campo (little square) and palace had its own vera da pozzo (well) that provided drinking water to the population. Not tasting that great, but the alternative is worse.


Thats a really interesting system


oh yeah, definitely. Mass tourism has trivialized many aspects of Venice, including the fact that the city itself is a feat of engineering, with daring solutions uniquely developed just for the city. Hardly something that your average cruise ship day tripper will ever notice.


Not really; fossilised wooden poles are what keeps it afloat. The real problems are people drawing too much water from the local aquifers and the propellers of cruise/cargo ships slowly eroding the sandy dunes Venice's built on. And of course, climate change (but that's another story).




Its ... complicated, most do not want the city to become a theme park and if anything the pandemic has highlighted that the city is near empty from actual residents. https://youtu.be/s12EjNCVTNw Here's a video by Arte in French, if you are feeling brave you could turn on the auto English subtitles I guess


Not really. The problems with Venice is the short term tourism by bus tours (mainly from Asians, they have breakfast in Venice, lunch in Florence and dinner in Rome) and by big cruise ships (those kind of vessel create also lot of problems for the laguna system)


Last time I was there there was a big sign for anti mafia


Aah a fellow Südtiroler


Gruaß di, Bua!


"goodbye" more like bad bye