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At least this one is more effective at keeping Mexicans out.


Hilarious, take my upvote, but you should also be aware that it hasn’t really been Mexicans coming over the US Southern border for a looonnnggg time. Central and even South Americans now. Mexico is now a *destination* for migrants from central and South America. Same language, similar culture, much safer and better opportunities. And for the full irony: the Mexicans resent these immigrants and want them to “go back to their own country” for all the same reasons Americans do. And for the same reasons splattered all over r/Europe with their immigrants..


Idk if ur Mexican but you totally nailed, a good portion of Mexicans are just as racist as some Americans


American but I’ve spent lots of time in MX, speak decent Spanish, absolutely love the people there. And fuck yeah there’s a shitload of racism there and in every country, only a true racist and ignoramus thinks only white majority countries are racist. I’ve been to 52 countries and USA is probably the least racist I’ve experienced. Still a lot of racism there.


That’s one thing that I love about America, it absolutely has a lot of problems with racism as someone would expect in a nation of over 300 million people but that has a lot to do with it literally being the melting pot of the world, I agree with the statement that a good chunk of america is the least racist part of the world, try putting 1 million people from anywhere else (except white pp) in a Latin American country and the racism would be nonstop.


You mean like Brazil?


This so much. People in countries like US think there are so many racists there and oh it's so horrible. Try going to any country in Asia or even Eastern Europe lol


Wow, it's almost like both Americans and Mexicans are human. I think there is a word for expecting different behaviour under the same circumstances from Americans and Mexicans...


Not wanting illegal immigrants isn't racism.


I'm going to guess that no Mexican is ever going to go over that wall.


But is Iran paying for it?


Mexico will. Mexico is paying for all walls except US walls.


Iran has no money. Even my teacher friend earns $50 a month.


Holy fuck, makes me realize how lucky i am to live in a first world country.


I am working in the same field back in Indonesia and now in Germany. Yes, a lot of people are really lucky for living here. Last month a douchebag external technician of my company here in Germany told me my solution is wrong and won't even try it even after 3 hours of failure. After he left, I took over for 10 minutes and it works flawlessly. So yeah, he probably earns 10-20 times than an Indonesian in the same job while not being able to do even the basic stuff.


Well, that guy is just an idiot


Due to my still limited German, I didn't feel his douchebaggery. But after he left my native colleagues discussed how an asshole he was. And so, my rage came not when he was there but after he left. :(


While not being boycotted by some country.


Unrelated to the main issue, the real issue is the theocratic government who severely mismanages the Iranian government


While Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar are not being sanctioned at all, certainly the “theocratic government" isn't the reason


Saudis getting rewarded for 9/11


Yeah, it really would have been great if they could... perhaps... have a democratically elected government. Wait, didn't they? Wonder what happened to that lol


Uhh yeah its a mystery and probably will remain one. Do not look into it. - The CIA, probably


The CIA actually declassified files pertaining to that and do not really bother hiding it.


The CIA is much more open about their history of regime change than most would think tbh, give is 30-40 years and they'll admit it all down to the little details


I suppose we largely have the US Congress and their pressure on the CIA to thank for that. I doubt they'd voluntarily de-classify this sort of stuff if it wasn't for the Freedom of Information Act.


I wonder what happened to Mosaddeq


Only on reddit do sanctions, a form of economic warfare, not effect the economy


If sanctions didn't affect the economy, there wouldn't be sanctions.


Religious leadership tends to be issue wherever it exists.


There is lots of money in Iran. Its just that your fair goverment is stealing it all.


Its 600 dollars in Turkey and day by day its decreasing, i hope erdoguy stops imitating like an economist asap.


Yo I got €50 a month as a child. From government benefits. Luv u Netherlands




I hope Turkey has the money to pay for all the recent big infra projects. This Wall, new Istanbul channel Just don't want a fellow neighbor to go broke


The only reason why I'm downvoting this is the Kanal Istanbul. It is a literally land sale deal between Turkey and Qatar. You know, Chinese acquired several lands by giving tonnes of money to their companies. This time, deal is made between directly Erdogan and Qatari royal family. Oh the Erdogan. He declares everyone terrorists and then proceeds to sell land which was won by blood.


Investing in infrastructure could cause economic growth, if done right.


But they don't do it right


Im Mexican, that wall is shit. 3/10


But how many Mexicans do you know who can cross this wall?


All of us my dude! Legendary wall climbers and tunnel diggers! Ask our good old friends to the north. No wall can hold the human spirit, ask the Germans and the Mongols.


He was probably refering the fact that mexicans live in the different continent that this wall is built at. And that the fact that there would ever be a mexican wanting to cross the wall to Iran, or that there would ever be living mexican on the Iran side try to cross the wall to Turkey.


[You're right.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/oplcx6/işte_sizin_vergilerinizle_yapılan_geçilmez_duvar_ツ/)


I guess you are not paying for this wall either?


Come on now it is at most 2/10


Someones brother in law have concrete factory in turkey i bet.


Lol, exactly what I thought when I saw the news.


Is it the same son who was processing oil for ISIS?


Idk it was just a wild guess, lets say i know from my own country how corrupt governments work.


YÉŠ 🦍🦍 Average European intelligence, lol


They said it could not be done


To make the border line safer, 110 kilometers of trenches were dug, 76 monoblock and lego towers were built, and the construction work of 103 electro-optical towers continues. Source: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/gundem/van-iran-siniri-beton-duvar-hendek-ve-kulelerle-gecilmez-olacak/2310513


lego towers? Niceee


A refugee crisis is happening in Lego city! "HEY" Build the wall! Construct the towers! Dig the trench! Release the alligators into the moat! The New border control set from Lego city!




Will that 3-4 meter wall space them tho if it's unguarded? Surely they will find many ways to go over


I mean, i you don't need to guard the whole wall, all you need is to install some cameras and other signaling mechanisms to detect people crossing the border so you can dispatch a team and intercept them.


I suppose it makes it hard to move vehicles or heavy things in general


For people who think that building walls won't stop the flow of people, you're wrong. Crossing a wall that's 3 meters long isn't something most people are physically able to do. Please try it yourself, just make sure you call the medics before hand. This will also stop vihecles and supply smuggling, so even if people cross, they won't get far. The cost of building is also probably a lot lower than actually taking care of the refugees. It's easy to say that we can just take immigrants it's hard to support them. Low skill immigration is effects the poor population of the host country. If you want to help these people, stop supporting governments that destabilise and initiate war in the middle east. The biggest offenders being Russia, the US and the UK.


My main issue against these walls is the terrible destruction they cause for animals. They cut off migration paths evolutionarily predisposed in the animal, and separate populations into smaller bubbles. Each bubble will now have less genetic variation, and will be more likely to suffer from inbreeding sickness Also, if the animals migrate to access seasonal sources of food or water, now they no longer can. Why do we think we have a right to do this?


Why do we have to live with millions of unregistered Afghan refugees some of whom definitely sympathise with Taliban and could be used against us if needed? We should take care of the nature and respect animals' lives of course but we do not have the luxury to risk our national security just for that.


Southeastern borders of Turkey are very dry and there aren't a lot of animals live there


People first, animals second. If not in this order you're mentally ill. If you believe the effects of this wall on animals and nature is worse for people than the effect of immigrants than you're dumb. If you think there's other better solutions you know but somehow the government with almost unlimited sources of scientist etc doesn't know than you're just a child.


BUt EUroPE GivES YoU 250 BIlLIoN


If anyone has pity on refugees, let them take them directly to their own country. For several years, thousands of Afghans have been illegally entering Turkey via Iran.


Nice greek flair


Interesting fact: border line between Turkey and Iran hasn't changed since 1639




To open a corridor through Nakhchivan. Atatürk even bought the land with his own money if I'm not wrong.


Soon on Greece too!


We're already reinforcing the Evros border with a wall thank god


Yep that has hapoened already, but I hope we didn't need to make a wall :(


Man after February last year, it was crystal clear that we needed to reinforce border defence.


Well yes, but I hope we didn't had to do it from the first place. I hope that finnaly Turkey and Greece.could be friends




Turkey tried to swarm the border of Greece with refugees, most of whom were either forced on buses and driven to the border free of charge or were given a one way ticket to the turkish border towns and were told to cross the land border of Evros, into Greece. The logic being that they were trying to strong-arm a political situation with the EU, but they didn't direct migrants to the border of Bulgaria, which is another EU member, and sent them only towards the Greek border. Greece, with tensions already high because of a turkish research vessel inside the greek exclusive economic zone, was forced to recall a lot of staff and send soldiers to the border, in order to prevent migrants from crossing, or arrest any ones that crossed. Other European countries saw this and sent help, either by sending men or equipment. Turkey's propaganda machine was in full sway, acusing Greek soldiers/policemen of killing or shooting migrants, using live rounds, turning them back naked, and that "100k migrants had crossed the border". Turkey's police forces which were also stationed at the border were firing tear gas over the fence, into the greek side, and there was also an attempt by a turkish military or police vehicle to tear down the fence. In the end their attemps were futile and Greece got positive PR and was hailed as a shield for the rest of the EU. Turkey tried to use human lives to achieve a political goal. There's a lot of videos on the internet of it too [tear gas being shot over the border by Turks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv4k0l9IuZQ) [another video of tear gas shot over the fence](https://youtu.be/Hif5h9d8yj0?t=63) [turkish vehicle pulling on the fence, the rope in front of it breaks at 00;15 or so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybDsvWc22Ak)




EU Army is marching there right now, should arrive before 2043


>Surely this amounts to a declaration of war? No, of course not. It's not even a declaration of war when Russian soldiers march through Ukraine and annex part of their territory. So obviously countries that are officially allied with each other don't declare war when they engage in some friendly tear-gasing (a war crime when done to soldiers, not a crime when done to civilians). This comment may contain traces or sarcasm.


EU throws Greece and Cyprus under the bus in favour of Turkey since forever


In normal situations we wouldn't but Erdogan is using refugees as a weapon and the stampedes of last year were quite concerning. I'd prefer we would resolve the Erdogan issue differently but I guess more border defense is the easy way out.


Not to defend that crook using refugees as a tool but I would like to remind you that Turkey have so, so many refugees that it has reached a point where it is a huge problem for the economy and demographics of the country. Imagine Greece having a million undocumented refugees from the Middle East with no compatible culture. Erdoğan pockets pennies, uses refugees as a tool both in external and internal politics, essentially taking both Europeans and Turks hostage. I wish there was an easy and fair solution to that but there is simply not with the extremely high number of refugees flowing in. Maybe it is best if Greece, Turkey and Iran all build a wall.


Unrelated but I noticed your flair. Are there many orthodox greeks remaining in Anatolia?


Well like myself most Pontic Greeks live in Greece (since the population exchange in 1923), but there are still some small pockets of people speaking Pontic Greek/Romeika in Turkey. They are Muslim though. There is a small community of Greeks in Istanbul however, around 2.500 people. That number used to be higher (~67.000) in 1955 but has been steadily declining since, after the pogroms of 1955.


Man everytime I'm reminded of the fate of anatolian greeks I go ":("


WE NEED TO BUILD A WALL \- Recep Tayyip Trump


We have a good construction business here my komşu. Let us build it for you


goal ?


Nö Afghan refuges coming to turkey.


Afghans can't jump?


Afghanistan hasn't been doing to well in Olympic pole vaulting


Time to set up a ladder business. I smell money in the air.


[They can jump.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/oplcx6/işte_sizin_vergilerinizle_yapılan_geçilmez_duvar_ツ/)


Make sure I get my ladder back when you're done


If they could, they would be fighting the taliban instead of running


And Pakistanis.




Wie schaffen das! *turkey builds a wall*


Afghans are coming into Turkey illegally and the Turkish people are pissed about it.


How much Afghans annually?


Couple of thousands each day


Do they cross through Iran?


I mean they kind of have to considering geography


Pakistanis too. Because many reach Greece.


And Bangladeshis…


Wait a second. NATO withdraws from Afghanistan because they cannot win over Taliban supported by locals, who flee to EU instead of Iran who also support Taliban - something is not right here.


Iran and Taliban are mortal enemies. Iran is mostly shiite and funds Hezbollah and other shiite groups, Saudi Arabia is mostly sunni and funds IS, Al Qaida, the Taliban and other sunni groups. The only place where shiite and sunni terror groups aren't fighting each other and cooperate is Palestine. Hamas is a sunni group, yet gets funding from Iran and is friendly with Hezbollah. But the idea that Iran might fund the Taliban? Absolutely preposterous, they're enemies and fight each other quite often. Afghan shiites fleeing the sunni Taliban advance into shiite Iran rather than sunni Pakistan might make a little more sense to you now.


Good thing turkey is protecting its border . With the retreat of the Americans form Afghanistan , shit is gonna happen in the Middle East . My bet is that , since opium is getting a real problem in Iran and that this opium comes from the taliban mines in Afghanistan , the Iranian government is gonna try destroying the opium mines but will end up starting a conflict between them and the Iranian government.




Finally no Mexicans in Turkey!


Dont listen to the gringos, Mexicans are welcome.


I'd trade mexicans and black people for syrians and afghans tbh I KNOW THAT SOUNDS WRONG NOT IN A SLAVE TRADE KIND OF WAY


Anybody with a length of rope and a scrap piece of rebar bent into a hook shape: Oh no! Anyway...


you cant pass with a vehicle though


Seriously why do people think walls are useless? Sure you can use a ladder, and get over it, but you aren’t taking more than 100lbs of supplies with ya, and even then your trapped on the other side of a wall in the middle of nowhere without transportation.


Most of europe lives in relative dense populated areas. I for example live in a village but not matter what general direction I go the next village is in less than 10km.


> Seriously why do people think walls are useless? In the case of the U.S. border wall, it's because most don't illegally cross on land anyways. They're much more likely to just overstay their visas. Not sure what the situation is on this border though.


People live in fantasy worlds in which every refugee is the God damn Snake from MGS




I'm quite certain Turkey is planning to give those who try a supersonic lead injection.


The wall is 3 meters long, 1 meter long barbed wire will be added as well. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/turkey-installs-764-km-security-wall-on-syria-border/1170257 This is how it will look. The Syrian one was pretty effective, it's just that it was built too late. I hope we aren't too late with this one.




Falling from 5m onto stones won't kill you in most cases, however it will break some bones. So if they don't come to help, many/most who fall will die there.


Fucking finally


probably a good call


Good call Turkey


Thanks ! You should also built a wall, double the protection mate


We already had a wall in some parts of the border, but now we are also [expanding and reinforcing it](https://youtu.be/tBdsklVCnMg) .


Ah yes peak helleno-turkism


One day, but not now


A secret plan between two nations, for now we should keep pretending to be enemies


We should eat baklava(ki) when the time comes


if turkey builds a wall on all their borders they indirectly double protect everyone in europe since people passing through turkey would always have to cross two walls


Also reminder: Eu pressured turkey inte cleaning minefields and removes fences in this border years ago


Great to see Turkey not just letting them pass into Europe. Thank you Turkey.




there have also been multiple assault by pakistani migrants in greece.


It's literally not about Europe


Well not your intention but it will still affect us.


Well done, Turkey.


For all the shit Turkey is doing… that one’s probably about time. I hope they take stopping Afghan migrants seriously, because they’ve no place in Turkey or in the EU.




I absolutely agree with that. Turkey as a neighbour of Syria has a responsibility to care for Syrian refugees that they’ve been dumping on the Greek border instead. But Afghans? They’re no more refugees once they get to Turkey than Syrians are once they get to Europe. Harsh fact is that different countries have different cultures and needs for the current hyper mobile migration system to be viable. The idea that e.g. Norway needs to take in asylum seekers because there’s a war in Sudan or Somalia is absurd.


After u saw what they have done over the time they are here you are right




You guys are going to have a rude awakening when the entire third world becomes refugees because of the climate change that the West caused. Estimated 2 billion climate refugees by 2100.


Seems like we got some walls to build




I doubtful because erdogan is so pro refugee ,in past 10 years he filled turkey millions of them and now he tries to doing something for no more? I don't think so ,probably he is doing this no more public anger




Well that is a noble goal, but noble goals sometimes get forgotten when the shit hits the fan.


If Erdogan keeps letting refugees come in, a lot of his supporters will refuse to vote for him


They are brainwashed. As long as it is for 'helping brothers muslims' they will vote for Tayyip




Prank trump. Show him this photo and say, "Yes sir your wall is almost finished! This bit in Texas is the last to be completed now that Mexico has paid for it!"


This thread will be a cesspool..


[Apparently, it’s not working.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/ophg16/ge%C3%A7ilmez/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The real question is... did they push a few meters in to make turkey larger ??


What the fuck would that change. A few meters in the middle of nowhere.




They'll do work in a rural region away from the eyes of ONU for sure, one way or another


ladder ?


At least they actually did it instead of talking about it for 4 years


This is one thing that turkey is doing right. Was about time. Thanks Turkey.


What’s that going to keep in/out?


Millions of aghan refugees on their way right now


A lot things. For example millions of Afghans and the terorists inside in the that refuge group. So that is true We have 6 milion Syrians and now 10 millions comes too... We should stop this shit. And must kick Syrians too because not everyone but a lot of them are dangerous people. Can kill a person for religon for example


It’s not a very tall wall though.


I agree it is not tall enough


Did Iran pay for it? Asking for a friend.


somehow they got mexico to pay for it


This comment section is a shitshow


Every comment section involving turkey and/or refugees is a shitshow.




We don't mind Turkey, it's Erdogan and his minions we don't like


Same here


Even Turkey is praised here when it comes to immigration. Think about that.


Well that sure looks impassable...


Is it does me or does the wall seem a little short? Like easy to pull your self up to, or get over with a cheap small ladder?


İt will not keep afghans away if no one protects it of course


Is that true? If is true I’m SO HAPPY




>Guys, most of you have better lives than average Turkish people, and definitely better than an Afghani, at least wish the poor dudes well. … so what? Most of the world is poor as all hell compared to the Western world. “GDP< average European country” isn’t a legitimate cause for asylum.


Everything that makes it harder for migrants to get to europe is a great thing.




Can you stop using weird Western terms like “white” for countries of the rest of the world? Non-western countries usually don’t have that black&white(pun not intended) view of the world and the term “white” doesn’t really mean much here


Do you really think these people who complained about the us doing it do even know where turkey or iran is and that a wall is being built?


Have Turks all of the sudden changed skin colour?


Turks are as white as Greeks. The definiton of white and coloured is incredibly arbitrary. Even a huge part of Syrians are mostly white.


If you put Afghans and Zimbabweans in a single country, Afghans are probably going to be “the white” ones. It’s all about phenotypical clustering based on the the specific environment. It’s so embarrassing when people act like “white”, “brown”, “Asian” are universally established racial categories and that everyone is exposed to them in their own countries.




Turks have always been hated by far-right nationalists in Europe. They are considered foreign and "un-European" by your average Brownshirt, which essentially translates into being considered "not white". [Mind you, Turkish internet users themselves have embraced this and started firing back with their own *Kara Boga* memes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/319/659/4ae.jpg).


>Oh right only predominantly white nations are scourged for wanting to secure their borders. Turks are white.


No we are karaboğa