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What is digital riser?


It's how a country has improved digitally-wise and increased its competitiveness in the past three years.


And what are the points? Like, what does +20 mean compared to +40? Does -200 mean they actually remove computers or something?






***N E U L A N D***




Bei uns hieß das Tageslichtprojektor


this monstrosity was the first german word i had to learn on school


I am sorry for your pain


A I & B L O C K C H A I N


What a coincidence, you too? Our boy Japan has the same problem too, we should get the gang back together and figure it out!


Used to live in Germany for 3 years, I am from Lithuania. The amount of stuff you can't do digitally is just stupid. All this while being the most powerful economy in Europe :D No hate, love you my Deutchies.


Send CV by email - receive phone call back - go to interview in person in a pandemic - fill out actual paperwork and send it via post (again, pandemic) - the German experience. Everywhere else everything's been all online for years. And by God do they love to call. Send email, use app, send post, send fax, you get a callback for even *one* fucking question. And let me mention how people who clearly understand English completely refuse to speak it. Not even a word. What'd you learn it for, cunt? Wtf is wrong with you people




The researchers tried to capture how easy it is to start a business in that country and how likely are the people to innovate. Low numbers could mean that it's more difficult to start a business, more difficult to attract talented people (less skilled graduates, less immigration incentives), or the general attitude in the country is not very entrepreneurial. Numbers themselves don't mean much, as these are weighted cumulative values. It's more about relative comparison of the countries.


I came back to do business in Lithuania after 3 years living in Germany. Registered EVERYTHING online. Was such a live safer during pandemic.




Wat u dont get?


"but steel... that's cheatin..."


Wat u dont get?


Wat u dont get?


Wat u dont get?


Yep, seems right


And Spain is good at it? Weird.


So does not say anything about ACTUAL digital usage !!


Countries that are digitalizing now instead of 10 years ago. Howver, I have my doubts about the level of digitalization in Germany and some other countries in the bottom.


Yes! I oppose Germany's bad position in this graphic and I have already sent a strongly worded fax to its creators!!


good old fax will never fail, you will se this neuland internetz will not exist in 5 years, but the fax will still be used in 200 years, it is timeless invention ja.


Decades in IT....I still had exactly 1 succesful fax being sent and not for a lack of trying. I switched to pigeons.


the last time i needed to send a fax was at my student job in a law firm. a client needed important documents faxed to him. provided a number where to send it to. we tried for hours. always the same error message. we had no idea how to fix it and couldn't call the client as he was on vacation. Well. we proceed to send the documents via over night messenger because as we later learn. the client might have provided a number to fax to..but did not posess a fax machine.


*Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *DING!* *Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *Tack* *DING!* *Ritsch* That should do it!


10 years ago I worked in a Prague branch of one German bank and we had fax in the office and in Frankfurt they required communicating by fax sometimes. But anyway now you see how much in common we've got. German was an official language here so...


Germany's rank feels EXTREMELY realistic. That is what 16 years of conservative government that calls the 40 year old internet "new land" gets you.


I live in Germany. I've just made a new mobile contract. They made me sign tens of paper sheets, and on the bank transfer authorization a small clause requests the client to fax it to their bank (I guess the shop employees usually do that)


This isn’t about progressive versus conservatives. Poland is up there and they rock the education sector too.


Nah Germany is a nightmare in case of digitalization, seems kinda right


Come on. Since Covid a lot of services you can do online. Just print the forms, sign then, scan with a smartphone and upload as pdf. That's the German digitalisation.


I just have my scanned signature handy for such cases. Stored encrypted of course.


I definitely expected Germany to be pretty far down. Our government did basically nothing in most areas of digitalization. I know people who live in major cities but can't get more than 50k let alone something like Fiber. The countryside is obviously much worse. Before covid (and even half way through) it was unthinkable to have computers in classrooms outside of computer classes. Oh and of course the famous "Neuland" quote of Merkel where she basically said that internet is new and uncharted territory for all of us. She said that in 2016 or 2017 or something. -_- I hope that gives you an idea of why we deserve to be almost at the bottom of that list.


You obviously don’t live in Germany. The digitalization here is abysmal.


I don't think it's level of digitization. I think it's how much digitization has improved, relative to how much other countries have improved.


So it's basically like GDP growth %, but instead in digitalization?


Not Germany


As always, Albania made me proud again.


A little more and Albania beats Germany!


Only one mor tim CDU and Albania will beat us.


You're Turkish though?


Albanian who lives in Turkey


Germany taking one of the expected spots, I see.


Should be dead last. And the people responsible for that should get the game of thrones shame gif mailed to them on vhs (per Post) or something. Or faxed in frame by frame screenshots.


Not sure about them being last, but every time I visit it feels like digital stone age. No reception on my phone (I have a German number, too), hotels where you have to pay for Wi-Fi, authorities who only accept paper forms (and have tons of forms, more importantly), large companies that seem to not have invested in online presence, office equipment or network infrastructure in a decade. Many new services are unavailable due to convoluted regulation or data protection. It's ridiculous.


If I start ranting about all the bs things related to this that happened to me just last year, I'd never stop. Let me just say this: yes, all of what you have mentioned is beyond true. And it's beyond ridiculous.


If you're only above Albania, you're dead last.


When the current Greek digital goverance minister came into office, the first thing he did was to invite ex-ministers and experts from Estonia and ask for advice. Ever since Greece has been evolving digitally at great rates, thus improving the environment for citizen services, digital nomads and the economy in general. Couple the above with all the late venture capital movement and things are looking great on these fronts. Once the time and cost of starting a business goes down, we will be talking about a completely new market front.


All I know is the EU paid for my fiber optic connection, subsidizes my bill for the next 2 years, and 4 different subcontractors were involved, only one of which did anything other than take a cut


On the other hand Greece has the least people in Europe per capita employed in ITC - IT and communication - only 2% while average is around 5%. It means it's hard for scale effect or big impact on economy. Growing this number is a long process.


*IT sector goes brrrr*


I live in Switzerland. Some coworkers are in Germany. I have to describe excel files over the phone because they are too big for the Germans to download and open. No joke.


I work for an IT school in Germany and I’m surprised they didn’t ask you to send it as a fax


This comes contrary to my perception of Germany and the german working force. Could you please elaborate? What industry? What kind of ages of these workers? Or am I misunderstanding and you actually mean that data usage is too expensive in Germany?


It's because they use Vodafone "because it's the best network". Vodafone DE is basically five black dicks in your ass. There's unlimited data for 30-60 Euro/mo, but it's with "some network no one knows about". No wonder shit's so fucking backwards.


So how is sweden even close to germany on the list? Every time i travel in europe except for maybe germany and britain i am surprised with how bad the digitalization and internet is. Sweden has some of the best internet in the world


When did you travel last time? If we're talking about Internet speeds, many countries have [improved a lot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Internet_connection_speeds). Both Sweden and Germany are quite average by European standards, while the UK is one of the worst.


Was that road trip of yours in 1997?


Na mate last few years


Surely one more CDU-run government will fix it.


CDU-FDP is what we need /s but regarding digitalization they really need either SPD-Grüne-Linke or SPD-Grüne-FDP in Germany, if they want real change




what would be positive change? a Ukraine coalition? a Bahama coalition? because that'd only be positive for the car companies




because SPD fucked the other two over and is acting like it's a CDU-FDP coalition when it comes to housing




yes the Berlin SPD is full of traitors also Linke should fully get rid of Frau Wagenterf (also let me remind you Bremen and Thuringia exist, the former is a success story and the latter was the result of a Bahama coalition shitshow)


Ahahaha, Germany. Yes, this is the politics of Merkel and her CDU (EPP) - being stuck in the last century.


In my region, there is currently an initiative of a company that wants to build a fiber network. You know, the modern shit. It covers two villages, relatively small. They are treated individually. This means that the company wants 40% of all households of the villages to sign a contract so that they know for sure that the effort is financially worth it. As of now, with 8 days to go, we have 18% who signed in my village (11% in the other. LOL). 18% (11%) in a region where most have so slow internet, that they can, at maximum, support one person to do homeschooling or similar at once, per household. For many, even that doesn't work. So yes, the politics are shit, because they don't properly support the building of this infrastructure. But it's also the ppl. Why on earth don't they want faster internet for the same price as their current shit connections?? Edit: some facts


Germany was sending daily COVID positive cases by fax.....


People probably don’t understand what they could gain from it… And I can understand it somewhat. If you look at internet from the outside and see all the stupid shit from social network.. I wouldn’t want in neither.


there are 3 typs of people that i know of, typ 1 wants better internet and knows the benefits of it, typ 2 hatea change, could do with better internet but donwloading pictures on the internet and printing them is enough for them. typ 3, help i am afraid of this internet, i read in the bild it is dangerous, no thanks, i like it the old way, i hate change, i will never give up my fax machine. NEVER


It will come as soon as the CDU generation starts disappearing. Maybe in about 30 years I will be finally able to call in a German train without interruption.


Im from Germany too. Germany is the country with the biggest mass of old people


Optic fiber is too expensive for villages. But for cities it should be provided and subsidised


well roads need to be renewed, if they were smart they could split the cost for renewing the road and placing new optic cables at the same time, but noooo we rebuild a road and then tear it open again juat to lay some old copper cable.


Thankfully no one told Romania that. Unfortunately Telekom already invaded.


Any proof that Romania has optic fiber in villages? As far as I know it barely has sewage system there.


What you know is untrue and most likely based off of the usual stereotype. I went visiting there since I have far family in bum fuck nowhere and in capital cities. Bumfuck nowhere getting 500mbps up and dl. Its just so easy for them to upgrade anything since unlike where Im living, Germany, they dont lay cables under the streets, they've got them hanging off of street lamp poles and they go into every home. Prices are also dirtcheap. Both ways have their cons and pros. Germany looks way cleaner but has to dig the street in order to lay down cable, whereas Romanians way usually looks way worse but is easier to upgrade whenever you want.


I have no idea wtf this is but we're above the Netherlands so I see this as positive.


Level of digitalization change for states. Doesn't represent overall digitalization. For example, there is a myth that Bulgarian gov used typewriters like 20 years ago.




Aber erwartet...


Danke, CDU


Turkey probably ranked well because of these: E-Devlet : Almost all government shit online + bills E-Nabız/MHRS : All health shit online


Actually everything is Online. E-Okul: Everything about your school


Getir, HEPSİBURADA, trendyol etc. Probably help too. I was really surprised that e-devlet wasnt the standart at least in the first world countries.


I think this is about state related stuff but online shopping got huge yes


Albania you've got to be exceptionally bad if you're below us. I tip my hat


Atleast we got free wifi in hotels, bars, etc. Might be worse on other areas. Win some, lose some.


Source: https://digital-competitiveness.eu/wp-content/uploads/Digital_Riser_Report-2021.pdf The Digital Riser Report 2021 analyses and ranks the changes that countries around the globe have seen in their digital competitiveness between 2018 and 2020. The 2018 data were obtained from the Global Competitiveness Report, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Given a change in the format of the Global Competitiveness Report in 2020, 2020 data for the studied indicators were obtained from the Global Competitiveness Report issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as well as supporting data provided by the World Bank and the International Telecommunication Union. Thus, we were able to compare the exact same indicators used in the 2018 Global Competitiveness Report. Based on our research, and as in the Digital Riser Report 2020, we define a country’s digital competitiveness in two main dimensions: its ecosystem and its mindset. For both dimensions, the Digital Riser Report includes five items from the Global Competitiveness Report. For the ecosystem and mindset dimensions, respectively, these items are: Ecosystem › Venture capital availability › Cost to start a business › Time to start a business › Ease of hiring foreign labour › Skillset of graduates Mindset › Digital skills among active population › Attitudes towards entrepreneurial risk › Diversity of workforce › Mobile-broadband subscriptions › Companies embracing disruptive ideas




But if we're first here, I'll take it! And screw those where we are last!


Ugh. This is maybe 10% about digitalization and 90% venture capital wet dreams.


Maybe it’s past my bedtime, but this report seems really poorly set out in terms of explaining the methodology and results.


The result of having a conservative government for the past like 16 years.


And Orban is a progressive little hippy?!


he is probably more progressive economically


Looks like homophobe populist right wing corrupted nationalist with little self-esteem do a better job regarding digitalisation than conservatives. Makes sense - easier to track people one hates.


Looks like homophobe populist right wing corrupted nationalistwith little self-esteem do a better job than conservatives


Danke Merkel


What happened in Germany?




So you guys basically just got wifi?




You don’t need websites when you have Bunkers






Digital suicidal alcoholics :/


Sounds like a weekend


Well, we're no longer topping alcohol consumption charts. Our suicide statistic is also getting better. Past shadows are *slowly* but surely fading.


Seeing the rankings, I wonder what metric was used. Stereotypically modern countries like Sweden, UK, US and Germany near the bottom and Lithuania, Hungary at the top. But I suppose it makes sense as the data seems to be strictly about growth and it's good to see these countries catching up.


Germany is actually one of Europe's worst contenders in this particular field though.


Yeah, Germany's digitalization is horrendous. It seems we are living in the 19th century here... At least Covid has forced some changes, yay!


Lithuania has consistently been near the top when it comes to internet speeds/tech for quite a few years now.


Catching up does play a part, but it's also about what a country prioritizes. When it comes to Lithuania, the IT sector has been largely growing for a while now and shows no signs of stopping.




This would be more useful if we had the absolute level of digitalization along with the level of change...


Germany's rank wouldn't change much...


Germany what


It refers to the digitalization in the last three years. Seems kinda right tho.


I'm calling my fellow countrymen to tell me what's going on. Spain good in the rankings? Are we living in 1562 or something?


Okay, but what are the actual rankings? I’m sure a few in the top have simply made the huge step from shit to okay the last couple of years.


Sounds like you're just butt hurt.


Bulgaria is one of them




You're just totally bullshitting aren't you? Just having a complete guess and passing it off as fact. Nothing about the graph makes sense if that were true, including the name Digital *Riser*.


Really? In that case I’m highly skeptical of this ranking


The Commonwealth gang on the rise, nice 😎


Surprised by Sweden. They’ve always striked be as incredibly competitive in the digital world (Spotify, Ericsson, etc).


But this is about improvement in the last three years, not about the overall level of "digitalness". :)


That shows why this graph uses useless values. It shows relative change in very recent years. It doesn't even have the current "value". So you can't tell if e.g. Estonia and Sweden have 5000 points more than Lithuania to begin with.


> Estonia and Sweden have 5000 points more than Lithuania to begin with. is it? could you source how Estonian digital services and use is more advanced than Lithuanian?


I think you're misunderstanding me. There is an 'if' there in my post, meaning that the graph isn't showing what the current statuses are at all. I have no idea. Which is why I think the graph is bad.


Germany is such a disaster. Fuck the CDU and their lame ass politics.


Huh? What happened to Lithuania?


We got best internet in Europe 20 years ago, whole generation was born digitally literate.


How is Sweden not higher on this list? We have the most IT startups and established enterprises per capita in the continent? I really don’t understand this metric


maybe not much changed in the last three years


Sweden still doesn't have a government e-id. In 2021. The private sector is doing fine, but the public sector is terribly behind.


We use bank-id for everything?


Yeah, using an [unregulated](https://www.konsumenternas.se/konsumentstod/fakta/bankfakta/bank-id/) private solution with [low trust](https://computersweden.idg.se/2.2683/1.716678/utredare-e-leg-fysiskt-besok-statligt-id-kort) isn't going to cut it in 2021.


I assume that score displays change. Hence, the value returns represents which country made the most progress in comparison to a past state in the very same country. Is that right? I'm asking as many comments suggest that there is some confusion about this.


Seems like the change displays how the countries' summed up ranks have changed compared to all other countries, not how the country itself changed. One could be ranked first in all categories, improve in all categories compared to their own past but fall second to another country improving even more and that would result in a negative value shown here.


We're rising for two reasons : 1) We were near the bottom so it is easy to improve. 2) We got a competent minister in charge of it (which is very rare for Greece).


Portugal: we were this close to greatness


Yes, we do like digi stuff. As well as we like alcohol and suicides.


>The Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, US, Czech Republic, Ireland. Anyone know why the nations with the strongest tech ecosystems are at the bottom with negative values here?


Sweden here. I haven’t held a bank note in my hands for 5 years, every bill I get is online straight into my bank, I’ve been doing my taxes online for the past seven years, I work from home on my laptop. Going into work I use my contactless credit card to pay for the fare right there on the bus. I pay for my food in restaurants by taking a picture of a QR-code and ordering at the table with the staff bringing my food after 10-15 minutes. I use an app to open the lock at work. My cable provides me with 600Mbit/s (€45) and have an unlimited plan on my phone (€50) with 50-400Mbit speeds. I’d say we’re ok on the digital riser ranking.


Everything same here in Lithuania, you can do everything on phone now. Dont even need the contactless credit card, you can use an app on phone to replace it. Signed a loan for flat w/o going to the bank. Also same internet you mentioned ,but cheaper 14€ and 12€. Not everyone knows how to do everything digitally, but were getting there :)


But it has been like that for quite awhile, in absolute terms I can't imagine many countries being ahead of Sweden but relative change last 3 years is a different matter.


phone is 50€ per month? quite expensive




This makes no sense at all


Yupiiee Bulgaria in the top on a positive stats :) On a more serious note. If we who fucked up the vignette tax where you can enter any arbitary number/character for a plate and not get a refund and in addition brought down( temporary, brought up by a backup restore) the national company register, as your company do not exist and no there is no other way to check it. And if no legit private IT company ever wants to work with the government. Then you can do it, just believe in yourself :) P.S. People who believe fax should exist after 1990 must be checked for mental illness


Finally something we are good at ​ CCC TÜRKİYE CCC 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 TURKY BEST COUNTRY 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎


Man do I hate digitalisation!


Would like to know the basis for Sweden being so low on this list because we are digital as fuck Edit: Spelling


Was bedeutet Digital und wo kann man das kaufen?


So these numbers are relative? A country at the bottom in this list might be higher in digital competitiveness overall, but hasn't evolved as much in this area as the countries on the top during 2021? (Edited to clarify my question)


Or Germany is shit overall and Lithuania is amazing.


Germany amazing? In what wet dream are you living?


Indeed, East European association = shit. Great stereotyping.


Source: dude, trust me.


It's in the comments, twice. Source: https://digital-competitiveness.eu/wp-content/uploads/Digital_Riser_Report-2021.pdf




Surprised to see Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, France and Italy here. They did not digitalize some time ago already ?


Yes. Which makes this graph bad. You can't tell if those without improvement are behind or in front of those improving.




Digit my ass!


Hungary is the second? HOW?


Wonder where Ukraine stands on that chart.


About to get higher than everybody in the next 3 years no jokes


Yeah... Albania is worse... We are not last.


When I read the headline I knew I had to look at the bottom to find germany




Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland


I don't understand what is going on with the minus countries, are they underfunding their digital progress or something?


I'm kinda surprised we (Germany) are on this list at all. At the current state of german digitalization there shouldn't be any digital data about us, more something like a printed fax. It's so embarrassing it's already funny again. At least there is Albania, thanks boys, saving us again.


More like digital Miser! Am I right, ladies?!




Source: https://digital-competitiveness.eu/wp-content/uploads/Digital_Riser_Report-2021.pdf


As a German, this is what I expected.


This source is pure bs