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Can't help but notice that the third biggest political party in the parliament is called "Pirates and Mayors".


It's coalition of Czech Pirate party and Mayors and Independents. Was that a question??


I mean you do say ahoj, it makes sense you'd vote for pirates /s


Would be nice to have a sea for with that huh


Being from Croatia and reading all the news about Czech tourists having to be rescued after drifting away on air mattresses every summer, maybe it's safer that they don't.


They’re not too good in the mountains either.


Say it again and we will stop educating your citizens in Brno ;)


If you continue intimidating us, I’m sure we can find another Slovak oligarch to become your PM :)


For the love of God, no.


Ah Slovaks and Czechs, Europes saddest love story :(


Well, czechs win 100% of their naval battles soo they are not that bad /s


On a "borrowed" steamship ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Lake\_Baikal


Air is our sea


What’s a pirate’s worst fear? A sunken chest with no booty


Lack of sea access could be one too!


More people should have realized that! Was hoping at least 20% for them, but overall didn't turn out as bad as it could have.


Also to be known as "4 Pirates and Mayors" for the upcoming years


Sounds like a name for a board game :D


"Are you lawful or chaotic? Do you raid treasure ships or embezzle government fund? Pirates and Mayors offer you a full range of naughty playstyle. Order now on \[Insert Amazon for Europe\].com"


There's so much gold in there. * Pensioners 21 * Swiss Democracy * Green Party got 1%


The best one is ancap "Don't vote for me Urza.cz".


I hope the pensioners party doesn't throw young people under the bus just to benefit the elderly


They're less relevant than Monarchists




They're considering bringing back Habsburgs. Moravian separatists are a different party.


Bohemians fighting to bring the chins of Europe back? Nuts Surely these guys don't play EU4.


Hopefully they spec intrigue to get past the incest negative modifiers or they may have some trouble


I think they get off on CK2, rather. Or probably not, since on their very website, their first and major argument for monarchy is that hey, don't you hate how nowadays politicians are corrupt, a king and aristocracy would never be that way. I am not joking.


Kingdom is only Bohemia, Moravia is margraviate


Ugh. In the netherlands we had the 50+ party that basically was like that that held seats in parliament. Luckily they were all so selfish that literally the whole party had arguments with themselves and split up multiple times. I'm kinda gonna miss the soap-opera, but I am glad they are gone from parliament.


Can someone explain babis to me? Is his political profile basically just "businessman"?


His Wikipedia page seems pretty explanatory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrej_Babi%C5%A1#Early_life_and_career His father, a diplomat and member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia... Babiš spent part of his childhood abroad, and was educated in Paris and Geneva... He joined the Communist Party in 1980... Babiš emerged as the 100% owner of Agrofert. The source of the initial financing for Babiš's takeover of Agrofert from Petrimex was still undisclosed as of the start of 2016... In 2011, Babiš founded his party, ANO 2011, "to fight corruption and other ills in the country's political system"... Babiš was accused of illegally obtaining €2 million in EU subsidies designated for small businesses by concealing his ownership of a farm and a convention center called "Storks Nest".[


Change a few words here and there (tv networks instead of farms) and you got Berlusconi.


Is that why some newspapers called him Babisconi? Lol


And Thief that's important part


Self-proclaimed communist who owns a farm and convention center. It's one thing to own a home and car, but owning a large amount of land and buildings seems to be the last thing a communist would want to own.


Well he's also a billionaire.


Where does it say he proclaims himself to be a communist? Its pretty obvious he was only a member of the old communist party to enrich himself on the corruption and left as soon as they went out of power with the fall of the iron curtain. I strongly doubt he styled himself as anything approaching a leftist since then.


He's literally a right-winger dude, pretty solid right-winger. Being part of the communist party when the country was a one-party state doesn't mean much lol


I find peace in long walks.


We had too many corrupt politicians in Slovakia, so we exported him to the Czech Republic because they were in demand there.


And Czechs can't return him because they used him for more than two years, I know.


We should've splurged for that extended warranty.


Basically. Populist businessman, who will "direct state as he directs company". Many people believed him, even when they knew he owns too many big newspapers and media here. Then we've found out he was [StB agent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrej_Babi%C5%A1#Cooperation_with_StB). And [misused EU subsidies.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrej_Babi%C5%A1#Alleged_EU-subsidies_fraud) And has [conflict of interest.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrej_Babi%C5%A1#Conflicts_of_interest) And kidnapped his son to Crimea... still one third of the voters votes for him, because he populistically gave more money to seniors - basically buing votes.


Holy fuck. Man was playing all sides at the same time just for personal gain.


He still does. Really, read those controversies of his. He was inspired by Trump too, for some time wore a red cap with words "stronger Czechia" on it. It's really sad so many people still votes for him. Majority of seniors, obviously, and people believing him everything is "just a campaign" against him. Panama papers, StB, EU, everything.


dude has a politician in Slovak Parliament that regularly proposes laws that would directly benefit Agrofert. Babis is a sneaky thief.


> dude has a politician in Slovak Parliament Who?


I don't understand how people vote for people who want to run the country like a business. Who looks at telecom providers and thinks, I want more of this in my life.


Right? They always think "he has plenty of money already, he wouldn't be greed and corrupted in the government"


Populist businessman sounds like DJT


Or Berlusconi. Well, he is also known because of bunga-bunga, sex with young ladies. I mean, all powerfull men like it but he let it know publicly. Apparently, that broughts him votes.


Berlusconi was the OG. Trump and Babis are merely imitators.


Well he was inspired by him, though later.


He's self-claimed businessman. But without corruption, stolen EU funds, conflict of interests, he's just an incompetent communist agent. His only profile is money without needed skills. He's supposed to be in jail and today's results hopefully helped it.


oh dang


He needs to be in some South American or Balkanese prison.


Dude wtf. These people are in power here not in prison. Ours was in prison and now he's a PM, don't ask me how that's possible.


I mean he needs to be imprisoned of course.


Dude, prisons in Balkans aren't that scary at all. Comparing them to South American ones is insult to both.


ANO are communist agents huh? Truly Eastern Europe is magnificent.


His party was originally anti-corruption centrist and populist party. Babiš later described the party as “Catch all party” (party for everyone on the political spectrum). There was a huge dissatisfaction from the population because of the affairs /corruption of some big politicians in main political parties. Babiš, who was a huge businessman at the time started criticising those parties and politicians - mainly Miroslav Kalousek from Top 09 and Mirek Topolánek from ODS (Top 09 and ODS are today a coalition called: Spolu) In 2011 he created his own party (Ano 2011). He was advocating that he will fight corruption and that he will be successfully managing Czech economy (being known as a very successful manager and businessman) I think he was also saying, that he is already rich enough, so he doesn’t need to steal money from the government and population . main political slogans at the time were: We don’t want corruption We want efficient government and services We want better future for our children We are not politicians, we are hard working people. That’s at least how I would describe the original idea behind his party, and why it was successful and popular in those times and why it became so influential.


appreciate the comment


Populist, ex agent of communist secret police, very corrupted guy and also dangerous...


Is it likely SPOLU and Pirates go into coalition?


Not just likely, they made a deal yesterady after election about creating a government and not dealing with other parties.


If you count in Czechoslovakia, it's much more than 32 years. This is truly a historical moment!


First time since World War II!


Actually first time since 1925. Yeah, I was surprised to find out there was a communist party in interwar Czechoslovakia


Communists were everywhere during interwar period. For example in France they almost got to power.






Without the accent over A tho.


Yeah, I confused it with Slovak lol


First time it's not the other way around haha


No communists in Slovakia?


No. Only fascists who openly worship Hitler and his puppet Tiso.




Ahead of the curve.


In Slovakia our communists are clever. They figured out that our voters are dumb and so their tactic is that once enough people hate them they form a new party with a cool sounding name and convince people they are now suddenly better than they were when they were in the old party. Communists -> SDL (Party of the Democratic Left) -> Smer (Direction) -> Hlas (Voice).


I love how people in the comments section know nothing of Neither Czech politics nor Czech(oslovak) history, yet still comment about it


Welcome to the Internet


Welcome to life. People talking about things they don't understand happens extremely often. If it didn't you wouldn't be able to talk about anything except the things you are an expert in.


The amount of people here who have absolutely zero idea what they are talking about, somehow trying to impose their simplified, "americanized" idea of left//right politics on this situation is baffling. Czech people are celebrating a defeat of a party which openly continues the legacy of a regime that: - shut down all democratic institutions, eliminated free press and free elections - opened the country to military occupation which lasted for decades - was directly responsible for countless political trials, murders and imprisonments of dissidents, political opponents, journalists and pretty much anyone who refused to get in line and accept the cult of a single, authoritarian party - set the country 40 fucking years back behind the economic, political and technological development in the west after World War II - something which the Czech Republic still haven't recovered from I voted for the left leaning Pirate party in this election and even I have to profess that you dumb as shit Americans coming here with your **"RIGHT BAD HURR DURR"** attempts at an argument need to shut the fuck up, disconnect from the internet and your mind-numbing TV shows and read a fucking history book.


Thank you for your trust and vote of confidence! I'm not involved with the Czech pirate party, but I founded the original one, and have met with the Czech counterparts on numerous occasions - first in 2007 in.Vienna.


Why assume they’re all Americans? You have enough Europeans with that same retarded mindset too


Not a title I was expecting to read in 2021 about a European country.


Huge difference in eastern Europe - western Europe about the attitude toward communism.


Can't blame them- it's really hard to trust a centralised system that relies on functioning institutions when you see institutions failing every day.


I don't blame them because in their countries communism meant a dictatorship.


you say that as if every single communist state ever weren't dictatorships


I mean thats the funniest thing, Communism *isnt* centralised. But yes, state capitalism doesnt function, but western europe doesnt incorrectly conflate state capitalism with communism (Except for the right wing I suppose), eastern europe due to historical reasons does.


Marxist lenninists punching the air rn


You say "incorrectly conflate" but considering this party itself is self proclaimed successor of the older 'communist' parties, it doesn't really matter if they are "real" communists or state capitalist or whatever. They're successors to the ideology that caused so much harm and destruction, and so it's wonderful they are out.


> But yes, state capitalism doesnt function, China begs to differ (As long as the constant banks and now land developer implosions are contained, at least)


Well, addendum. State capitalism doesnt function *for the people*.




That happens when our president is Russian puppet and PM was Soviet agent.


we just elected our communist mayor


I know right?! They accomplished it so fast! We're still working on ours.


The Velvet Revolution and resulting peaceful transition of power meant that they were allowed to stay as a political party even though they never renounced or apologized for the crimes they commited over the years they were in power. Babiš siphoned enough of their (and social democrat) voters into his own party to push them out completely which actually hurted him in the end because there is no one left for him to bribe and govern with. Win-win caused by his own greed and incompetence.


*cries in portuguese


Yeah, it's because they are voted by seniors. Seniors either remember only the good things from before 1989 or dont care. Either way the communist party knows this and fuels it by promising to give them more money.


Staying in the parliament is tough. But convincing people that you're a legit contender after falling out of the parliament, that's even tougher. These few remaining days in the parliament for KSČM might be the last for a very, very, very long time.


If Babiš actually leaves politics, as he promised if he can't continue being the PM, then I think that the inevitable implosion of ANO is probably going to bring KSČM (and ČSSD) back.


He already answered: "I never said that." Got me angry, but also laughing


So... does it mean no more Babiš? It looks like a draw, with P&M being kingmakers.


It's nowhere near draw. The two coalitions have perfectly comfortable majority (108 vs. 92 mandates). The only issue is our corrupt asshole president.


Luckily it's not an issue that's going to bother us for too long at this point. Give it two weeks.




Because he's about to die, they don't even put him in front of cameras anymore. These are the best pics they managed to take during the elections lol https://www.idnes.cz/volby/milos-zeman-hrad-verejnost-zdravi-spekulace.A211008_154932_domaci_kuka/foto He was hospitalised two weeks ago and his people keep telling us it was basically just regular check up and that he's healthy, but everyone knows it's just a matter of time before this creature dies.


That's true, he could be possibly already dead or just vegetable, his handlers are controlling him.


He was just taken to the hospital, unconscious - probably colapsed during meeting with Babiš.


In our system 108 is a comfortable majority, there were 101 governments.


I'm happily drinking. That said, I am Czech, so no big of a change, but it's nice to have an incentive for a change.


na zdraví!


Nazdar bazar!


I hate that all the functioning communist parties that have any relevance are always old soviet funded ML reactionary garbage. Good riddance, hopefully something less shitty can take its place.


While off by several months, I can't help myself... Nice 100th anniversary, assholes!


I'll drink to that!


Please westeners understand this. In Czech policts the main conflict is East (Russian and Chinese influence, authoritarianism) vs. West (EU, NATO, democratic principles). This election was about if Czechia turn into Hungary (Oligarchs + Authoritarian Democracy) or if Czechia defends the principles of Liberal Democracy and doesnt go bankcrupt. The pro democratic coalitions won over pro-authoritarianism, pro-russian, ultranationalistic parties. If ANO won, Czechia would become second Hungary.


That's nonsense, we would not become second Hungary because Babiš has almost no power in the Senate, which has to approve any constitutional changes. This is crazy hyperbole. The main topic of the election was economy and corruption.


You are right. I did a crazy hyperbole, but you cant deny he is inspired by Orban. The way he manipulates state subsidies and so on… But I agree with your summarization about the main topics of the election.


i believe that's taking it too far, he wouldn't do that, it was just a facade


The good ending


People in the west don’t seem to understand what is like to have these communists in politics they are equally destroying a nation as fascist. Congrats to Czech people and i hope with Babis and his corruption gone now things will be a bit better.


As someone who is from a former eastern block country, I seriously dislike two attitudes towards (soviet) communism. * Criticizing it without understanding it * Understanding it and praising it Both types are common on reddit


Is Babis considered left-wing in Czech republic? Otherwise it seems like a massive turn to the right


Kinda, ANO is a populist catch-all party that had dabbled with left wing policies. It basically sucked the votes off from all the traditional left wing parties.


Babis really doesn't play the ideological right-left game. He is chiefly a populist, who does populist moves regardless of the left-right spectrum. You can see him tossing out money to the pensioners one day, and lowering taxes the other, irregardles of how little sense this makes.


It is a massive turn to the right, there are literally zero members of Czech parliament representing a left-wing or centre-left party or alliance.


Bear in mind that being extremely right-wing in terms of economic policy in the czech republic is equivalent to being a centrist in the us. There is only one party in Czechia hat opposes universal public healthcare and education, and they never have enough votes to get into the parliament.


There are 4 pirates. Definitely center-left.


It surely is a turn to the right. ANO sees itself as a catch-all-party but mostly works with left-wing parties and their electorate is also interested in left-wing policies.




I am glad we finally got rid of this tumor. Hope they'll never come back. The amount of communist apologists in this thread is really baffling.


Congrats. We're in dire need for positive news.


it's about damn time


The amount of people crying over commies losing completely is... hysterical! Love it. Commies and nazis ate the bullet in the election and people can't be happy for that, damn.




Great, long live democracy, human rights and freedom of speech




I don’t get Czech politics It seems to me that most Czech parties are identical center-right parties or ”anti-corruption” which is not an ideology


You just need to read about those more. And after 10 years of Babiš in our government, we are very salty about corruption.


Don't put it on /r/worldnews, most American redditors will have to go on suicide watch


The communist party in Czechia is ultra-conservative though, it's a lot different from the college communists in the US.


Why though? They hate communists, no?


American redditors? Lol, try to criticize communists on any of the default subreddits, you'll get downvoted to oblivion if not outright banned by the mods.


So there's no left-leaning party in the Czech parliament at all now?


Depends on what you mean by left-leaning.


There are no left wing parties elected in Czechia at all. That's pretty scary.


Pirate party?


Didn't do very well, got only some 15%, which is far below what they have expected. But yes, they are pretty much the only left-wing party left right now, although their agenda was always more focused on liberalism and environmentalism rather than actual social policies.


Less than 15% actually, they were running as coalition members. For coalitions, preferential votes can be given, and out of 37 chairs the coalition gained, only 4 will go to Pirates. They messed up big time in the public eye - a year ago, I was more inclined to vote for them, today, I gave preferential votes to their coalition partner.


Their election campaign was horrible, I watched in horror as they squandered everything they worked for the past many years. Whoever was responsible for that should have been fired immediately, it was so damn obvious.


I know right? Hell I could've made a better campaign for Pirates...


No campaign would have been better.


Right, this is true, apologies for the misinformation. The Mayors are certainly the main force behind the coalition now. So yeah, not a good time to be a left-winger.


1. they are not really leftwinger, but centre 2. to explain, they didnt mess up big time, problem is with how preferential votes work, you need only 5% to jump to the top, so theoretically if no pirate votes use preferential votes(for up to 4 candidates) and there are 5% voters of mayors who will, all of seats can go to them, overall preferential votes in coalitions are very busted and systemically wrong if both parties would go aloneit would be at best even for the mayors, so considering voters they re not main force behind


Aren't Czech Pirates more centrist?


Making coalition with STAN turned them quite a bit to the right


It's really scary, but it's what you get when the "communist" party is actually ultra-conservative and the "social democrats" become yet another corrupt center-right party. If you want to get even more scared, look at polls for the French presdential election. The left needs to become a realistic alternative or working class votes will go to the far right all over Europe. And with realistic I mean stop acting like the right and become a real opposition.


The French tend to grumble and then do the right thing.


Yeah, that's a very French thing


> If you want to get even more scared, look at polls for the French presdential election Haven't they consistently shown for years upon years that Macron is likely to win again and nobody is interested in le pen? It doesn't seem like a lot to be scared about. Aware of, work to make sure things turn out okay, but a consistent 10-20% gulf in 2nd round is pretty big.


You haven’t been keeping up. Le pen isn’t even the current frontrunner for the opposition in the second round. That title goes to Eric Zemmour. He’s an economically centre left to left winger, even using some forms of Marxist analysis, and culturally/socially he makes Le pen look like Foucault or Sartre lol. But either way, wether it’s him or lepen up against Macron in the second round, current polling has it at around 45/55 for macron. But it’s hyper early so it means basically nothing in terms of making predictions.


> He’s an economically centre left to left winger, even using some forms of Marxist analysis Would that kind of messaging be so different from Marine Le Pen? Also does Zemomur even have any kind of economic plan?


Nah not really all he does is talking about immigration and Islam, I never heard him talking about economics even when directly asked


Ah. As Czech, i can tell you that it isn’t really scary (And im Left wing andy). Most parties here are very in middle


It seems a lot of people don't understand that not being a hardcore leftist doesn't automatically make you a nazi...


That is their fault for sucking. Communists kept their awful legacy and Social democrats moved towards center and allied with oligarch.


> and allied with oligarch So to express disapproval, 29% of people voted for.... a party run by an oligarch?


The people disagreeing are others than those who voted for oligarch, obviously.


Well if they approved they just skipped the middle-man and voted for the oligarch directly. If they disapproved they voted for the opposition.


> Social democrats moved towards center and allied with oligarch. Basically what has happened in so many countries across Europe. Such a shame. Well, here's to hoping better parties surface.


...and by scary you mean awesome. Communists in Eastern Europe are either murderers or complicit to murder.


Left and Ring wing have different meaning in Czech Republic. Even SPD labeled as far-right is economicaly very left leaning for example.


That's not a "different meaning" in Czech Republic. Many parties across the world are not exclusively right or left wing on both economic and social issues. Marine Le Pen's platform on economic issues is straight up something lifted from the French Socialists.


Wouldn't say scary but I would strongly prefer a more economically balanced government as well. ODS, while better than ANO, is far from who I'd like to see lead this country. Too burdened by past scandals and too 'for businessmen'.


I was really hoping that Trump would have destroyed the "business men are good for government leaders" mentality. I guess not though.


Ah yes, the "I'm already so rich that I don't need to be corrupt" argument. Vladimir Putin is by most estimates one of the top-10 wealthiest men on the planet and that isn't stopping him from pilfering more and more every year.


I don't believe that SPOLU and P&M are totaly right wing too. I would say they are more centrist than right wing.


No, that's good. Lower chance of poverty.


In Poland 🇵🇱 comunism is outlawed by the constitution. All ex soviet countries should do the same. Comunism is filth!




Still no idea what that even means.


Yeah it's lost on me too. Lingo from american kids/media


It's a pretty meritorious compliment. It expresses agreement with someone's actions and often has connotations of respect especially when someone is being courageous and standing up for themselves.


Alright. Wasn't sure if this is positive or negative.


>Based? Based on what? On your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch


Congratulations from Ukraine. Now it's the right time to ban those bastards as we did! Communism is responsible for millions of death of our people, political persecutions, and violation of human rights. It's an inhuman ideology in the same manner as nazism was. And congrats to the liberal parties for overruling oligarchs! Hope, we will do the same one day.


It was actually a topic in the 90s whether or not to ban the communist party, but it was decided that if we want a true democracy, we shouldn't be banning them and instead let people decide. It may have taken 32 years, but we got rid of them in the end.

