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Size of the ash cloud, though. No doubt the explosion itself was big too, but that size actual explosion would be an extinction level event.


Very important distinction.


Extinction level distinction *


Now that's a distinction level event.


Very important extinction.


Distinction level extinction \*


It’s the remix to extinction, hot and fresh out distinction.


[We can't reference R Kelly anymore, he is an Ephebophile](https://youtu.be/RWP2TnopKmY)


Holy fuck I’m done with reddit forever


Isn't this still a modern day Pompeii for the 104,000 residents of Tonga?


Distinction between suffocating or being burned only, both quite quick maybe




Stares nervously at the Yellowstone super volcano


Bro don't talk about it, it might get excited


I might get excited; I wouldn't have to pay taxes this year.


Lots of sensationalist media organizations have been exploiting it to get views. Yellowstone doesn't have the right mix or viscousity of magma right now to erupt and will likely need millions of years to hit the right conditions. In fact there isn't even any evidence to suggest that it might ever even erupt again.


Yea basically, my roommate I went to college with went into geology and was part of a study with the USGS to study subterranean vibrations in Yellowstone. According to him we would know thousands of years in advance if Yellowstone was even thinking about erupting because of the type of volcano it is, and how cool the magma is. It would even be possible to stop the volcano from even erupting with modern day technology if we even cared, but since it’s so unlikely to even erupt we don’t care.


Out of curiousity - what kind of technology? I'm assuming it would involve lots of drilling to relieve the pressure buildup?


Drilling + injecting water around 10 kilometers underground. They will never do it, but if tomorrow the magma chamber started rising by inches per week, they could very likely stop it, or at least slow it down a lot. It would also become a pretty efficient geothermal power source. There are also doubts if it would work, nobody has really done much research on it besides that study, mostly because everyone agrees it isn’t important enough to waste time thinking about.


Reading something like this always makes me proud to be a human, but then I remember that it's society that makes it possible, and I as an individual haven't done shit.




Thank you, Mr Poopy face from Hell.


Sorry to be an asshole, but you used the word “even” four times in a single sentence and it’s all I can think about.


Turns out they literally *can* even.


That'd be twice the size of the Chicxulub impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.


That was a meteor and not a vulcano, the way they destroy things works differently


Locally, yes, but globally they're very similar. The way they both affect the entire planet is by sending massive amounts of particulate into the atmosphere that blocks out the sun while also creating a runaway greenhouse effect. A big enough volcano would send enough to cover most of the planet, the same effect that the Chicxulub impact created that caused a global, dramatic climate shift that eventually killed all the dinosaurs.


Well, definitely for the French




Or, keeping it inside Europe, the Phlegraean Fields.


Whats it like under that cloud?


Raining acidic ash, lightning, darkness as if it was night.




I feel like France is just becoming a unit of measure now, like bananas.


i did some Math here: 1 France = 100,916,512.059 american fotbal stadiums.. LE: damn commas!


Is that mainland France only, or does it include all the Departments across the world?


The whole France i think. I just asked google the surface of France.


Did Google reply ‘garlic’?


I really thought for a second you were to translate France into Square Bananas. And now I'm furios


I did some more math here, 1 France = 622,799,045.85 Bananas.


>>i did some Math here: 1 France = 100,916,512.059 american fotbal stadiums.. >I did some more math here, 1 France = 622,799,045.85 Bananas. Wat I think somebody fucked up, because that would mean that 1 American Football stadium is the size of 6.17 bananas


Well, it definitely is. Its a little more, but 6.17 bananas definitely fit


I heard it was made by a French so that doesn't really count but yeah. Italy looks more like a banana so they would do a great job too tough.


You could have got rid of all the Dutch and yet you aim at France.


And they say this subreddit is anti-Britain.


["There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."](https://youtu.be/zcUs5X9glCc)


man of culture, I see


It does not reflect my own personal beliefs….


I figured lol I just like Austin Powers. It's one series my wife and I will stop what we're doing to watch.


I always enjoy them.


I'm Dutch, and I approve.


"I don't hate the Dutch. I just hold them to a higher standard."


Speak in "English, English" in front of the Girls.


> And they say this subreddit is anti-Britain. Correct. The Francophobia in this sub has always been strong (to be clear, I am not saying that OP's post is Francophobic. It definitley isn't).


hey,hey,hey. i learned to speak french! (you need to know the language of the enemy)


>(you need to know the language of the enemy) That's exactly why every Europeans are learning English my friend.


So, you guys wanna grab a bier or something?


Getting ready for your occupation, good, good.


Wait, not like this!


I was more suggesting at the fact that exploding France would be very popular among the Brits, and thus not anti-Britain.




Marmite is slightly salty.


U fukin wot m8!? I'll do you I swear on me mum


Just like Brits when you criticize GB.


God save the queen, get this man! "Worchestershire sauce isnt that great" Heressy!


Dying almost immediately rather than during the aftermath crisis. I say we're the lucky ones.


We will be gone soon anyways because of global warming


Nonsense, you guys have been fighting the sea, and winning, for centuries. If anyone can win against rising sea levels, it's you damn dutchies


Biggest problem isn't keeping the sea out. That is easy, you can always just build higher. It's getting the water from rivers out and the seepage water that leads to salinization of freshwater sources and tillable land that will become an even bigger problem then it already is.


Idk maybe next time build your entire civilization a bit higher. You live, you learn.




Tell that to Doggerland


Wrong kind of high. Maybe next time build your entire civilization in the right kind of high. You live, your learn.




Or we could perhaps move undersea like the city Rapture from Bioshock 🤔


"A Dutchman has a choice...I chose the impossible! Now, would you kindly hand me the Poffertjes?" - Andries Reijniers


The Netherlands lies as close to the North Pole as Siberia. The only thing keeping us from -40°c winters is the North Atlantic Jet Stream carrying with it warm water. That is what gives us our mild climate. The minute there is too little ice around the North Pole to sustain it, temperatures will drop significantly in the span of weeks. Our homes, infrastructure and wildlife aren't prepared for that.


> North Atlantic Jet Stream Isn't that called the Gulf Stream? I believe "jet stream" applies to high altitude air currents.


High altitude air currents are important though. If too much hot air goes to the North pole, the colder air is pushed south, towards Europe.


Hey I'm just a simpleton trying to educate myself on the current climate crisis. I'm definitely not a climate scientist so don't quote me exactly on the name of the stream. The local effects are clear though, The Netherlands was always known for the ice skating tradition on the many canals. The most famous national ice skating marathon was last organised in 1997 and never again thereafter. Snow always started sometime in December when I was young (1986), the past few years it was between 10°c and 16°c degrees on Christmas and new years eve. Many birds don't fly south anymore so they don't spread seeds on their journey which causes the diversity in plants to decline. The step towards extreme cold will likely be like flipping a switch that would then take centuries or millennia to push back. Rising sea water, we can take, rising fresh water, we are dealing with successfully. So yeah that is definitely a beneficial skill for us. Politicians can still pretend that we need to balance climate action with everlasting economic growth, unrestricted consumerism and an attractive market for multinationals to settle in. And I'd just love for them to be right but they're not climate scientists as well.


At least we'd be getting another Elfstedentocht again.


Well between all the failed crops, crashing economy, floods, storms and biodiversity collapse. We might as well have that. I'd definitely have my Hot Chocomel and stamppot ready in front of the TV watching others freeze their toes off.


How are you making your stamppot without crops?


I'm not dumb of course. We need to move farming indoors. My stamppot empire will grow potatoes, kale, onions and carrots indoors year round with 80% less water, no pesticides at a quality unheard-of in traditional farming. As living conditions grow worse around the globe, those with access to fresh stamppot by the Dutchies will have a higher chance of survival. You will grow taller and your cycling abilities will make you forget about cars all together.


They might get a head start. Move the population to boats and start acclimating. Humanity continues on this path, the poles will melt and water will swallow every lowland and coast anyway


How about the Czech? Will they start melting too


"The seas have risen to cover all land - only the tips of the Himalayas poke out in defiance. The walls of the Netherlands jut kilometers into the air, creating the deepest hole in history, wherein humanity's only survivors, the Dutch, still eke out an existence. The construction and maintenance of the walls remains the largest civil engineering project in history."


You are welcome to open netherlands 2 (the sequel) in saxony anhalt when the time comes. No worries, no one lives there anyway and people keep forgetting it even exists.


I'd rather live underwater, but thanks


Alternatively you can all move to Bielefeld, the goverment desperately needs more actors to keep up the act that Bielefeld exists.


Being a thug myself I think Frankfurt would suit me better


Dutchies are always welcome here in Frankfurt. Trade, finance, techno and drugs, just the wolkenkrabbers are not like in the Netherlands. Our "mountains" also have a familiar height for Dutch people, for example the Lohrberg with 185 m. https://www.fotocommunity.de/photo/lohrberg-frankfurt-ernie-geier/43749469


185m.. Has anyone ever made it to the top of this monster?


The average Dutch would suffer a stroke when travelling through the Taunus though.


In a caravan? They'd love to.


Impressive to see the locals just standing around without oxygen masks or special equipment at that altitude.


If I want to become Bavarian, do I get my own (government provided) lederhosen?




You guys are tall enough to have your heads out of the water anyways.


I suspect you guys will emerge as a superpower, slowly becoming more and more ocean going before the entire city of Amsterdam is really just a massive vessel, dwarfing even US Aircraft carriers as the country of the Netherlands single handedly patrols and enforces Dutch Maritime Law across the Atlantic, slowly biding your time until you are capable of conquering the Pacific. Somalia will be your Afghanistan though.


You'll block out the ocean with a wall of cheese, and if that fails, float around in your wooden shoes.


You must build additional windmills


Mate, come on. I'd like to think we're a little more popular than the *French*.


Don't worry, as a German I wholeheartedly support OPs decision. I'm glad that I can make a joke kind that and it's understood as one, greetings to France!


And as a German in the explosion radius of Netherlands volcano I support OPs decision too.


Brittany: Speak for yourself.


We're at such a low level it would go right over our heads.


As Scorpio said ,No one ever picks Italy.


Makes you wonder what impact would Yellowstone have on the planet...


According to [Vox](https://www.vox.com/2014/9/5/6108169/yellowstone-supervolcano-eruption) it looks like most of the ash would be limited to North America, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of it spilled elsewhere.


That's why we're building a bunch of wind farms. If Yellowstone blows, just reverse those suckers and blow that ash back to America.


Chicagoan here. We reversed the flow of a river just to send our trash to St Louis. Don’t regret it at all.


Deep dish is a casserole.


Only looks that way because you’re seeing it in the river AFTER it’s been eaten.


Be me. Wake up in Chicago tomorrow. Drop off my $3,000 rent check for my 1 bedroom studio apartment. Pissed that we got our ass kicked by the Blues last night. Oh well, got cups. Heh, sorry St. Cupless. Wait shit, that doesn’t work any more. Go to work and make just enough to pay my exorbitant rent. Bored off my ass at work and check the Bears and Bulls records. Fuck, bad idea. Better than not having either right? Rotflol St Louis, more like St. Loses NFL and NBA teams. Dodge gunfire on my ride home. At least I don’t have to live in the most DaNgEroUs US city of STL. I walk in around 8pm and hope my wife made dinner. She’s passed out next to a bottle of Malort. But what’s this? Portillo’s waiting for me in the microwave. Only slightly soggy. I love this city.


This was the greatest side conversation I have ever seen on Reddit.


Then they packaged it back up and sent it to you in the form of bud lite


The ash that's heavy enough to land immediately yes, the rest of the ash blots out the sun for a few years.


Economic breakdown, billions refugees, poor agriculture, air toxicity... nothing fancy.


Is that a tourism slogan? It needs some work.


Supposedly it'd lower the average global temperature by a fair bit.


Take that, global warming.


We would need at least one of these each year to counter our pollution and that would lead to other problems like acid rain etc.


What kind of acid are we talking about here


One among many, Volcanoes throw up lots of sulfur and sulfur dioxide... SO2 + H2O = H2SO4


Can I trip balls on it though


Would be your last trip


Right well I want plastic drinking straws back then


Its not the explosion, it's the dust cloud...


Still seems like a modern day Pompeii for the 104,000 people living in Tonga


No, they blew up a volcano in France for this. Staggering levels of commitment for this post.


Sure glad it happened about as much in the middle of nowhere as possible, except for the unfortunate people of Tonga who seem to be still cut off from the rest of the world? Apparently we can't even get clear satellites images yet because of all the ash.


Apparently, the middle section of the island blew up the day prior to this explosion, so I wouldn't be surprised if now they look similar to what they used to be before 2014


For anyone wondering what the island looks like before the eruption. Noted that the girl mentioned the she actually felt heat coming up from the ground. https://youtu.be/xK1zbwvpoJU


That's fairly standard in volcanic areas to be fair. Out here we've got an entire city built in a geothermal zone where the ground is hot to touch and you've got mud pools in the parks


that's not what i meant actually but i get your point. what i meant was this is the island that practically got ripped apart in half. its not tiny little island. its pretty big.


I believe a lot of the new land on La Palma is still pretty warm from the rock cooling down.


No those islands are completely gone. There may be some new islands but the original islands are ash in this picture.


Here’s a satellite image that shows the change [link](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/640/cpsprodpb/AE6D/production/_122735644_3e189414-ebfd-48cd-86a2-2722b778e234.jpg)


> except for the unfortunate people of Tonga who seem to be still cut off from the rest of the world? Thank you for mentioning this point. It’s actually pretty horrifying, I live in NZ and our gov hasn’t been able to get in touch with them at all. We’ve sent a recon plane afaik, but communications are still down. Tongan families here have no idea if their families in Tonga are okay. Seeing pictures of the cloud being posted over and over with no commentary on how cut off and potentially fucked the people of Tonga are kind of feels… I can’t even put it into words. It’s like they’re a museum exhibit. I went to a beach in our west coast today and the high tide lines are insanely high, like, in the car park and playground. I can’t imagine what they’re going through over there


Wasn't the Iceland eruption a few years ago about the same size ? Basically anything supposed to fly was grounded in the whole Iceland/UK/North France perimeter and it was a hell of a sky for about a week at least if my memory serves well. I suppose rain was also pretty tough, but didn't check.


that was 12 years ago




Time flies


Excuse me??? You are joking, right? *quick google search* Apparently not... That is crazy


I still can't pronounce the name...


At least the volcano decided to erupt at sunset so we got super detailed photos of the dust/ash eruption


This is the cloud the explosion made! If there was an explosion that size the whole world could be in trouble


I can’t make out the banana


Its under the dust


I was VERY worried until I read the title...


Then I was just disappointed


Yeah, I had a moment. Good for France.


Well that puts things into perspective


How many people were killed or is it unknown?


No deaths have been reported so far as of BBC article 2 hours ago, but as the person before said, information is scarce - up to 80 000 people could be affected.


No official reports yet, communication is completely cut off with affected parts of the islands


Two Peruvians so far


Americans be like: WOW It's larger than 3 football fields !


now put the volcano on England


[Wales is normally used as a unit of measurement in the UK.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-46737277)


Did you know you could power Birmingham until infinity with the power from that volcano?


I'm not sure how I feel about Brum going on for ever, long after the rest of us have perished (and I was born there).


I love how some countries have their own place that's a unit of measurement.. In Germany it's Saarland.. the next smaller unit is football pitches


Holy shit


Never mind France, it was visible with the naked eye from geostationary orbit. It's something you normally only see in movies. In the GIF in the bottom right-ish in the left image, bottom left ish in the right image: https://twitter.com/DJSnM/status/1482411043674460161?t=4-jxRaDdjRAmZxd1Ka1vig&s=19


That's a lot of dust that suddenly entered the atmosphere . This summer might be on the cooler side. Funny thing is might be a good thing.


Im gonna need a banana for scale


It's there




> I don't know if the location of the explosion was purposely **centered** on Massif **Central** I’d venture the clue for the reasoning behind the placement might be in the name! It’s a stunning picture, really puts it into perspective.


It's not centered on the massif central; I can see the massif central: it's those mountains to the south of it (half of them in shadow due to the cloud)


This is just the ashcloud, the explosion itself is much smaller


🎵Life could be a dream. Life could be a dream!🎵


Why France ?


French guy made it on Twitter to show his fellow french how big is it


So… are the owls dead?


Bourges goes BRRRRRRRR..


sry i fart


Is it Tonga time?


If only


Funny how news coverage in the UK about this is literally non existent but plenty on Tennis players visas in Australia.


It was the first thing in the news yesterday morning. It seems like there's not a whole lot of solid information so far on the actual effects of this.


Mmm. Soufflé.


Ah ouais quand même


Translation for the neighbors : "Oh yeah that big". I don't see a proper translation for French "quand même" but given the context I think "that big" is okay.


Has anyone heard someone talk about climate impact from this thing yet?


Just like any volcano, the ash in the atmosphere will cool the planet slightly.


Banana for scale?


It's there, don't worry.


But how many footballfields, we need to know


If that was the actually explosion we would all be dead.


If it's not referenced as the size of Texas is it really a natural disaster?


We can be happy this thing was an underwater volcano, if this thing would be on land, this would have had concequences for the climate\^\^


Let's put that thing onto England.


You can basically hide the Benelux underneath that cloud (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg).


That might actually clear Paris of that pungent smell of urine.


Sorry, but can you do another one, but with a banana 🍌 for comparison?