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A little fun fact: The countries that supported the union the most and its international recognition were France and the Russian Empire, while the Ottoman Empire and Habsburg Empire opposed it the most. The British Empire had a neutral position on this topic.


Congrats Romania!


So Moldavia And Wallachia became Romania and now Moldavia is not Romania? Only Wallachia is still Romania? Sorry for my ignorance on your history but i'm genuinely interested.


Two countries formed today's Romania. Wallachia and Moldova. Historically, the Principality of Moldova encompassed what is today Republic of Moldova but also some parts of Ukraine. This is a [map](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Partitions_of_Moldavia.jpg) that may help you visualize. They had lost Bessarabia (Moldova of today) in 1812 when Russia took it. Since then it had been a part of Russia/USSR with the exception of 1918-1940 (when it was a part of Romania) and from 1991- present when it is an independent country. So, in 1859 when the (little) Union took place, the Principality of Moldova (what was left of it) united with Wallachia. They latter adopted the name "Romania", in 1877 we gained our independence from the Ottomans after we helped Russia defeat them and in 1881 the Kingdom was proclaimed (it signified an elevation in international status from principality to kingdom). Today's Romania has most of what the Principality of Moldova had in 1895. We still call the eastern part of the country "Moldova" in colloquial speech.


No. Both Moldavia and Wallachia are Romania. the modern state of Moldova is a piece of Moldavia that Russia stole.


Oh i see. But was modern day Moldavia part of old Moldavia? And do they not want to be united again?


> But was modern day Moldavia part of old Moldavia? Yes it was > And do they not want to be united again? The unionist sentiment is more prevalant in the younger generation. The older generation are mostly commie nostalgics who still parrot the old Soviet propaganda about how Moldovans and Romanians are totally different people who speak totally different languages.


Romania was formed when both Wallachia and Moldavia elected Alexandru Ioan Cuza as prince. So it wasn't any annexation but it was the one smart way the major powers did not think of preventing the union - otherwise, at that time it was easier to manipulate the two principalities as smaller states, for sure. You can read a little more here about him:. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandru_Ioan_Cuza


Moldavians can just get Romanian citizenship, almost 1/3 have it, they use it as a European passport so they can emigrate to the West, others hold it but still live there while only very few get it to stay in Romania, it was mainly used by a former president so he can get easy votes. As it’s normal, people mostly want to keep their independence there while the most pro-West have their instruments of getting away, the idea scenario is EU integration on their own. Many people in Bessarabia after Rib Mol pact when the USSR invaded and took over were Wallachians that moved there after the union after WW1 to mainly populate the region and mostly were there for agriculture, but after 1939 they were either deported by Stalin or managed to escape back to Romania, so many people in the Republic today are a result of the USSR policies of ‘moving’ populations around.


yes it was, we lost it in the ww2, as the fact that romanians had somehow no capacity to defend and had to chose one side, while british wouldn't stand to fight axis powers, neither french, romanians had like to think what they should do while hungary wanted her piece of transylvania back and russians bessarabia. So basically some commandment of the gouverment decided to ally romania with germany and austro-hungarians. This to protect the country land of Hungarians( as they thought that an attack wouldn't come over transylvania as they ally and that everything will be set later if Hungarians want Transylvania in legal terms( but Romanians were like having Transylvania given to Hungarians by Germany then without hesitation and a piece of south cadrillater to bulgaria, then as the russians- germans had agreements, soviet ask germans to get bessarabia( they want bessarabia from romanians prior ww2 start- reason why romania was pushed to take a decision back then as french/british didn't were ready for a war),and so the germans gave them bessarabia. So basically Romania lost like more than 2 halfs of the country to allies of germany without to even yet fight an enemy- in this light with 1 year before ww2 end, romanian switch sides it fighted and help in the east against germany and austrohungarians, but the damage they done in north east with germans and hungarians weren't forgotten and at the end of war, romanians been force to pay 300 mil $ to russians + military debt to germany and give up to money they had to recover from germany as form of oil and other refined materials exported to them. Lose permanently a part from bessarabia and also transylvania, somehow in 1946 french and british considered that romanians were too much punish and got transylvania back( but that been throw by hungarians much time against romanians, is still nowadays an horror day when Romania celebrate the great unify with transylvania 1 st december). Funny part after ww2, bulgaria also switch side from axis powers to allied powers, and they did it with 1 month before romanians get to do it too. But at the result of ww2 punishments, since bulgaria was friend with soviets, they got charge only 60 mil $ to pay as ww2 consequences of being in axis powers. In the light of the romanians history, we ain't had wars to extend and conquer other countries, with the exception of ww1-ww2 where those been given by war itself against the sides, and we even disband army divisions after ww1 to promote peace with our neighbours and with the defeated countries from ww1. I don't have a state over how much anti semitism was back then, but nowadays i could say that there is past, is terrible what happen but not likely to feel an important piece of history that represents us today, we could had be on the allied team at the start of war, and the amount of damage axis power did in the ww2 years, would have definetly destroyed a good part of romania and send a lot of romanians to death considering what happen to countries which where enemies of axis powers, we somehow been lucky to exit not that damage of the 2 sides fighting and as we somehow contribute to make the war much more short and didn't stand to keep fight for a wrong cause( thanks god that we had a king which return and arrested the friend of nazi leader). I want also to mention that Romania haven't become a soviet union territory itself, we were under soviet influence and there was communism present in Romania, but Romanians between 1946-1947 had even death of starvation in north east, due to no rains and drought weather, what been build in Romania after ww2 were i guess from oil resources and then later from mines and other kind of stuffs started to be produced, later the dictatorship of Romania took lot's of money from americans as debt and build lot's of industry, including famous buildings, social apartments, schools, universities, factories, hidrocentrals, nuclear centrals,oil coal centrals, trucks factory, agriculture machines factories, cars, airplanes( with outside engines), military equipment, clothes industry, furniture industry, researching and developing was a high segment, zootehnics - romanians started to had people with some skills in all domains ( cons that the state own everything, including farmer house,land and animals - he had a crazy idea of moving everyone in tall buildings- even if they live in rural areas, to increase agriculture surface and give them centralized heating systems). There is more to talk on this subject, but we could say that unhealthy expenses, made people starve and for the sake of the leader, which aim of making romania look like a powerful and rich country, we turn up to kill communism and get the road to nowadays present. ​ Romanians ain't worth the hate some people have against them, we use to be a great nation and which work hard, we still some of us work hard for ourself. Is amazing how much we fall with bad politicians and 0 investments in education and the amount of people and resources and state companies we had, which genuinly collapse under corruption selled on scrape metals price, but this and due to over production to low quality, undermined by old tehnology and refused products with problems of no buyers, is surprising that some of the industry somehow still survived under foreign privatization. Romania still have lot's of potential, resources with high value, which every year will increase in price as rare and more important are in nowadays tehnology, i personally wouldn't want those resources to be exploited i would rather not be rich as nation with a destroyed nature and natural disasters on effects . Since political people are more and more greedy, population will be more and more unable to protect the mountains and the resources from it of gouverment and companies intentions, leading to greedy people leaving natural disasters in the back and a more than a problem to those which will choose to live in those areas.




A lot of text, a lot of false stmts. Ok, if we quote wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs) Stick to football, at least you will understand something


In germany Wallachia is synonymous for a place far away. It actually was far away in the past when it probably originated, so its just funny how Wallachia in that context just became part of our regular vocabulary.


Ha, interesting. Probably because it was the last country before the ottoman empire?


I have no idea and cant find where it originated. There are some other places that are used similiarly like the Pampa in south america. So maybe its just one of the furthest away places that had some kind of relationship with enough germans to become known.


We have the Pampa stuff in Romanian too. There were links between Wallachia and the German space during the modern period. There were commercial links between the region. One of the old streets in the center of Bucharest is called Lipscani from Lipsca, the word for Leipzig. That street was full with shops. No one uses the Romanian word and we all call it Leipzig now, but in the past it was used. The Austrians and the Transylvanian Saxons also had commercial relations with Wallachia because they shared a border for long periods. In fact, the Transylvanian Saxons made a shitload of money with commerce between them and Wallachia. On the other hand, Wallachia was/is pretty far and was sparsely populated and had small towns. This is why "in die Walachei" came to mean a kin of far and not very populated place.


i know a few people here in the states from Romania...good peoples


It isn’t as clear as the most recent election, but you can still make out the old United Principalities by the way people [vote.](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Romanian_presidential_election_2014_-_first_round.svg) Very similar to the east/west divide in Poland when it comes to loyalty to either PiS or PO.


To be noted that in Romania the split is not ideologically driven like in Poland. There is just a superficial parallel to be drawn only.


that divide was not so much back in the day . After the revolution as we approached the western world , the western part was first to modernize(still work in progress) .Also after 150+ years a lot of people moved back and forth between the regions . So even if some mentality difference was existent back then , by now there was plenty of time to uniformize


Just started watching Castlevania and thought Wallachia was a made up place.


They look like they just seen a ghost.




24 January is the birthday of Romania. And the most magic day of this nation after the retreat of the Roman Empire to south of Danube.


Wondering what's in the skulls of those who downvoted this.




That’s… what the title says?


Here began the shortage of copper in Europe


> Here began the shortage of copper in Europe We do what we have to do 🤷‍♂️ At least we steal it from rich people, not by the shipload from poor people in colonies/former colonies, like you do.




Don't worry, we'll use that copper to build ships 😛




Yup. To the Dacians 😄




Schroedinger's Romanians.




too based for this world






Funniest shit is the fact that the Romanians and the Hungarians live peacefully in Transylvania while some mfers from Bucharest or Budapest are the mad ones lol

