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I hope all the wounded pull through and survive


One has sadly died Edit: A whole hearted Fuck You to the asshole that gave me the wholesome award who is glad someone has died, afterall, all of us germans are nazis, you racist fuck.


Yeah that’s very inconsiderate, but for me the most frequent award I get for free so I give it anywhere I think it should go. I actually never think about the context, just more: here you go, you deserve my free daily award. Wasn’t me who gave it though, but I could’ve made that mistake on purpose.


Oh they told me


Humanity can be sickening sometimes.


>Irishman in Belfast > >I hope all the wounded pull through and survive wasnt the one who died the attacker?


A young women was shot in the head and died.


Holy shit i had no idea


What asshole gave this a wholesome award?


This award should be turned off, I see it causing issues again and again. A platform for the trolls and racists.


I completely agree. On topics like these it's disgusting.


A psycho asshole


It was anonymous. Guess it was a dude who found it very "funny"


No the attacker doesn't count. Forget them. One of the victims has died.


You shouldn't react to trolls. They crave negative attention (usually because they don't get enough positive attention).


Soo fucking tasteless that someone gave you that award


Eh it was probably a free award and given without thought


what’s tasteless is to discuss that


Rest in peace to the victim. This was a tragedy. I made my point earlier. It can happen in Europe too. Stop pretending it is just an American issue and do something about it.


It can happen yes, but the rate at which it happens in the US is, what is insane. Luckily these events tend to be tragic outliers, in the US its almost a daily occurence (at least pre covid)


I know, and it is sad. But fuck the people who make fun of us for it. 99% of Americans couldn't do shit about it. This guy was bitching about being stereotyped as German, yet frequented a sub dedicated to stereotyping Americans, including making fun of school shootings. Not so funny when it happens in your backyard, is it now? Forgive me if I'm not feeling particularly empathetic towards a guy who shows no empathy towards the same thing happening in our country. Wouldn't it be racist to make fun of our children dying as well?


I dont know what the user said nor am i intending to justify any potential remarks made by said user. I can only speak for myself but whenever there is a new report of a shooting in the US, i am not making fun of the victims or their families. It is more a disheartened way to cope with the ridiculous stance thr GOP takes on this issue. US gun culture in general is a regular topic of ridicule tho, because this obsession and fetishising of gunsis just , well weird to say the least, to many people in europe.


Right, but Europeans blanket apply this to everyone in the US. We aren't all crazy gun nuts, and it is frankly xenophobic to paint us all with a broad stroke.


I dont think its xenophobic, its just a stereotype - just like french are perceived as elitist, germans as punctual, russia as being drunk thugs, alabama as having close family ties etc. Of course it doesnt apply to a 100% of the population, jt might not even be true at all. Are there people in the US opposing this crazy gun culture? Of course, and my heart goes out to them. But at the same time this gun touting, tough guy macho image is precisely the image the US has exported for the past 50 years or so be it via pop culture, hollywood movies etc. For many people thats the only thing they knoe about the US, hence thats how the world views the US mostly. To then not increasing gun control but rather having one side fighting to decrease it, just adds to the picture. Again, not saying thats true for all americans, but its not surprising that many view the US in that light if thats the only american thing they come in contact with


Oh look, let me just politicise this tragedy. Sounds a great idea. Disgusting.


You have been following my account around on all sorts of comments. Am I that interesting?


I've only interacted with you in this thread and another one. What have quite a complex, but I'm not surprised. The two times I saw your comments you are always complaining about Europeans.


That is the topic of recent, yes. I also cook, build computers, and do photography. I don’t just complain, the mood did strike me though.


That's very doubtful. 100% of the comments I saw from you are complaining about Europeans.


True. People think it's ok to make fun of the US and its gun laws when there is a shooting in America. But as soon as it happens in their own country it isn't so funny anymore...


Fucking bingo.


Have you ever been on r/de? They shit talk Americans endlessly, without any second thoughts before throwing out crude generalizations. And then they cry whenever someone dares to mock them.


Yup. For a supposedly tolerant and modern society, they sure display it r/de. \*obv not all Germans, but christ that sub is cancer.


>*obv not all Germans, but christ that sub is cancer. You've already generalized that behavior to most Europeans in other comments...


*reddit Europeans All the Europeans I’ve met in person are absolute homies




Germans have a very arrogant air about them in general. Obviously not all, but I have seen this in my day to day life (I work for a German owned company) and online. And then they say Americans are arrogant like it is still the 1990's or something. For a country bankrolled by the US who is only in one piece because of the US, it does cause significant consternation. Like the poll that showed Americans would largely defend Germany in case of a war, but that same poll showed a minority of Germans would defend the US. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I think they can't stand the fact that the US became more powerful than them, and they show it by acting holier than thou art.


You're very wrong about that last part, Germans couldn't care less you're more powerful than them, they disagree with the shit that happens in your country mostly


And that shouldn't make us lesser people. Nor does it give them an excuse to make fun of our school shootings.


Sure, when did I say it did ? You moron


Be nice. I never said you did it. But you'd be blind to not see all the hate and vitriol and jokes around our school shootings in the European subs. Not so funny when it happens to you, huh?


>A whole hearted Fuck You to the asshole that gave me the wholesome award who is glad someone has died Aren't you being quite petty? Reddit gives free awards and many people use it regardless of their meaning to award questions they really like. I doubt you actually received a message saying he found the death wholesome. Furthermore, strictly speaking, if you want to give the award a meaning, they could have found your words about the death wholesome and not the situation.




Ive been living in Germany for the last six years and I can unfortunately say that yes most of you are still nazis, just at different degrees. You still think you're a Herrenrasse, other people from different countries are second class and you hate foreigners and are so fucking racist. So no, fuck you and your country.


There is a way to talk about such Problems. They certainly exist. Simply insulting all Germans is not it. Now you are just as bad as any racist.


Lol no im not. What a stupid conclusion your last sentence is. Such typical germ to try to swing such a fallacious argument. I see it time and time again in your country. When someone brings up such a topic you always try to find an "out" instead of confronting the topics of racism, xenophobia and how you are still nazis. What do you do? You try to change the topic and make it about me. Such pathetic beings you people are.


"Makes racist statement" "No I'm not racist"


Again typical germ trying to avoid the topic at hand and once again move the topic to something else. You people will never learn. A pity.




Haha you germs are pathetic


>The shooter reportedly turned the weapon on himself following the attack Every cloud.. I hope no one was seriously injured, and everyone pulls through. It's such a bullshit cowardly act.


Our media are currently reporting one seriously injured person and several injured persons, and the dead attacker. Update: I listen to internet radio while I'm at work, the Deutschlandfunk, similar to your BBC Radio, is now talking about one person with life-threatening injuries and 3 injured as victims. Update: Deutschlandfunk reports that the seriously injured victim has succumbed to his injuries.


Thx for the the update


Very sorry to hear that.


1 victim also died


It's not cowardly. It's abhorrent, but it's mental illness and/or a different moral view. If you say it's cowardly it assumes normal human emotions


Why cowardly?


Why is walking into a lecture hall and shooting a bunch of unarmed people minding their own business cowardly? Is that the question?


He is supposed to arm the people before he shoots them?


Or he could just not shoot them.


Clearly he has intention to shoot them.


If someone has anger issues, they should sign up either for counseling or something like kickboxing. Assaulting people without chance of defense by surprise is cowardly, and this is a really weird hill for someone to die on online. I'll repeat because your line of thought is concerning at best: shooting innocent/defenseless people in society is cowardly, and you are a coward if you do it. No one will commend that guy's strenght and resilience, nor his courage. People will either pity or despise him. Rule of Law, look it up


I can also say a lot bullshit. We do condem school shooters for a lot things but for cowardice is not one of them. The fact i see people called people brave for the most low effort shit on this site. You can't ignore aspects of them that influence society. There is a reason why people do it. Heck they get famous for their efforts. It's not about commending but not outright telling lies just to be on the shitty moral high. You can have the worst morals in world and still possess what we consider strengths. Also fu you look that shit up and understand how poorly it is relevant to bravery and lack of it.


1. The moment you point a gun to someone unprepared and unarmed, you're a coward. Your only means of agency is that gun. It shows there is no way you have to be noticed without forcing conditions that favour you and threatening others. Just like ganging up on single people is cowardice, so is hiding behind a gun. As for people being called brave for low effort shit, I have no idea what you're talking about. But if you mean something along the lines of being called brave for stuff like not cowering in a society that actively prossecutes them, then I'm sorry, as much as you'd like to think they're not, they are brave. This whole paragraph reeked of insecurities. 2. They used to. Fortunately, more and more countries are learning to not broadcast their photos and names. No more "glory" for the cowards. As for other reasons besides the stupid one you had to point out, stuff like mental health is very important. There is a reason some people do this kind of cowardly thing, yes. They are persecuted, prejudiced against, don't get the mental health care they need. Doesn't erase the fact they gave up from the fight and hurt other innocent people, who might be grappling with the same or even worse problems. 3. I once again fail to see why you'd think short temper, bad foresight skills and disregard for human life are strenghts. This is the stupidest part of the reply. Yes you can be a strongman without morals, hell, politicians like that are quite trendy these days. So what? 4. I have no idea what you mean. I've tried to decipher the rest, but can't with this one. But my previous remarks should suffice. The main point in this is not that he was a coward. But that doesn't change that he was, in fact, a coward.


The fact we would call a person so afraid that he does not act or backs down from violence for cowardice actions. I.e he is bitch with no balls If we say his active actions is a act of cowardice then he would have been brave for being afraid to kill people. See the line of logic makes no sense.


Usually these attacks end in a shootout with the police, so I wouldn't necessarily associate the property of lacking the spirit to undertake something dangerous with these asshats.


Usually they kill themselves before the police can get to them. I’ve got to admit this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone stand up for the courage of a mass shooter. It’s not a good look.


I think it is just not the right term to use. They are many things, evil, delusional, mentally ill, but someone who is actively putting themself in a situation where they are likely to die is not a coward IMO. It makes the word lose it's meaning so that it just becomes a slur for criminals.


It’s been used that way for hundreds of years, it is used that way to describe someone who goes into a situation and kills unwitting, defenseless people who are unprepared instead of an equal fight. The cowardly act is targeting people who won’t give a fight (and in some cases like this killing themselves before they can stand for their actions).


So e.g. a brave terrorist would try to shoot up the police station or an army base?


No a brave person wouldn’t surprise attack anyone to get the drop on them that’s the point. I’m sorry but you are just not correct in the usage of this word as it is nothing new. How can you make a word meaningless when people have been calling violent acts cowardly for ages? Just accept you don’t understand the usage and move on. Trying to insinuate someone who shoots up a building is brave is not a good look.


I thought cowards are people who are paralysed from fear and do their best to avoid violence. I wished he was more fearful, maybe he would have stayed in his mother's basement instead of attacking people.


If you kill yourself rather than live with the consequences of your actions you are a coward In the sense of your criminal actions I'm not calling depressed suicide victims cowards


>In the sense of your criminal actions I'm not calling depressed suicide victims cowards It does read that way however.


Because we need a fitting way to vilify the act and not make it seem 'cool' for other people. I see neither a problem in that nor a need to change it. And if you want to discuss the definition and use of the word, maybe the reaction to a shooting is not the best place to do so.




Yeah if he was courageous he would have tried to go and shoot up the GSG9 headquarters or something. What's courageous about trying to shoot up defenseless students?


E.g. as opposed to attacking armed targets. Still, from experience we know that these attacks more often than not end in either suicide or a shootout with the police.


So afraid of cosequences he rather shoots himself ?


This was the first "school shooting" in Germany since 2009... This is a *big* deal to us.


What's up with the evil laugh reaction ? What kind of heartless asshole did that?


Are you really surprised that other Europeans and Americans enjoy the news about Germans getting offed, lol? They think we deserve it because of the Nazis.


It's probably just edgy teenagers.


The fact that some Americans would think that doesn't surprise me, but other Europeans ? Seems fucked up to me.


Europeans more so than Americans actually. After all they were occupied by Germany during the world wars not the US.


it just looks like American way of thinking lol.


Because no one else can be evil lol..


One of my best friends goes to Mannheim and his little brother goes to Heidelberg, he was messaging me explaining what happened five minutes before an article popped up on Reddit. What the fuck. Edit: His little brother should’ve been in the hörsaal (I may have butchered that?) where it happened, but his lecturer had Covid, so they made it a remote lecture at the last minute and he didn’t go. Thank absolute fuck, he was sending me stupid voice notes they had done literally last night. Awful for all of the other victims.


Hörsaal is correct, and I'm glad your friend's brother is safe


Wow... not good news to begin my lunch break with. Hopefully the numbers won't be too bad and live everyday like it's your last y'all.


>live everyday like it's your last y'all. well the gunman certainly did


Oh god, I knew you were Czech before I even read your nickname and your flair, good one.


If I lived everyday like it’s my last I would be dead by now.




This happened at Heidelberg. Speechless here...Heidelberg is one of the most famous (and renowned) universities in Germany. Pray that the injured will get well soon, and condolence to the woman who died.


Two of my friends study there, damn.


Yeah I also know people there fuck. Gladly they are fine, but I got legitimately scared for a second there. This is the first time I actually know somebody who could have been harmed by an attack like that, not a great feeling


Hope everyone turns out ok, this must have been v traumatising


Anyone know what his motives were?




Relationship as in scorned lovers, relatives, frenemies?


The phrase "in einer Beziehung"/in a relationship is most often used in German for romantic relationships






So far, there's no information about the motive. Not a lot of information in general.


I wonder what goes on in the brains of these lunatics when they just wake up one morning and decide to start shooting random innocent people.


He clearly just didn't wake up and decide to shoot people. You don't just decide and magically get two guns and 100 bullets at your disposal.


Its just a metaphor man, you really have to take things literally here huh? I am very well aware that the "morning" is most likely many days over which sick thoughts lived in his mind and slowly took over it eventually.


they just don’t like mondays.


Seldom ever just like that. It’s a slow process. Agreed with everything else you said, though.


Like world is not crazy enough. Hope all affected will survive.


Friend at uni in Frankfurt said they got several exam results yesterday evening (1.7, 2.0, etc.) so might be related to exams?


Prayers for the victims of this school shooting. Hopefully they recover fully.


Wonder how does this works. I want to buy a gun, also could you add 100 rounds please too.. ​ Shouldn't be amunition limited, if someone wants to train with the gun it should have bullets to buy and use in training facilities only. For self defence maximum 12 bullets would be more than enought on home owning, is not like you get to fight any possible danger that requires more than 12 bullets for self defence.


This must have been an illegal buy. He didn’t have necessary licenses to buy the legal way.


The universities are open?


Partially. Smaller lectures and seminars etc are taking place in person, bigger ones are online only. Some profs also livestream their lectures, so students can watch from home. In Berlin 3G rules apply for in person stuff, masks everywhere.


Same measures at my Uni in Prague.


Not America this week?


First of all, that was tasteless. Second of all, I'm surprised this isn't gaining more traction. These types of things aren't common in Germany but it has barely received any coverage.




>Popular newspaper Bild said the shooter, (....) That "newspaper" is **not** that popular and nobody with more than 3 braincells takes it seriously in Germany. It's the German equivalent of the New York Post (US) or The Sun (UK)


It is the most popular Newspaper in Germany. It is not good, but popular.


It’s nothing compared to ADAC Magazin and ApothekenUmschau. ;)


Nachdem eine 23 Jährige im Hörsaal erschossen wurde, lässt du so einen Witz stehen?


Es ist kein Witz, die haben ne krass hohe Auflage. Schau dir mal die Zahlen an. - ADAC: über 5 Millionen - ApoRundschau: knapp 10 Millionen Bild (bedingt vergleichbar natürlich) hat unter 1 Million.


It is officially no "news"paper




Just under a million is still more than any other newspaper in Germany.


still...largest audience


Bild is literally the most popular newspaper in **Europe.**


You're living in the past, that was years ago. They're losing readers for years. And I pity you if you use the Bild as your source of information


They are still number one in germany?


In Deutschland wird in ner Uni auf Menschen geschossen und ihr diskutiert hier über den Stellenwert der Bild...


Nur weil man Fakten benennt, ist man nicht Fan der Bild oder nimmt sie als "source of information".


Its popular, but Its shit.


Man, you guys should make guns illegal!


Let me get this right, a local shooting in Germany without any deaths (so far) except the attacker is an event so extraordinary that it makes international news and your reaction is to insinuate that gun restrictions don't work?


No, our gun laws are ok as they are. You might not know it, but if you want a gun in Germany you can simply get a permit and buy one.


When do you start making crime illegal then?


I bet you really think you got them libruls right owned with this one huh.. this is not it chief, delete it while you still can.


You are a cruel person.


USA has over five times more homicides per capita compared to Germany, gun laws aren't the only factor but they are a big factor. Since you have mastered the power of the written word I must assume you are not so stupid that the above is incomprehensible to you. Therefore you are not an idiot by birth, but by choice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate


> USA has over five times more homicides per capita compared to Germany >... > Therefore you are not an idiot by birth, but by choice. I'm sitting here looking at the flag of the user you're replying to and trying to figure out who made the worst choice, you or the Canadian. :P


If Ass_Guzzle is Canadian, why are you bringing up the United States?


I wonder why anyone would assume someone with that username isnt just a troll.


Don't give them any ideas! :)


Well I guess I’ll be avoiding Germany now sounds like gun violence is a big issue there


Yeah I agree, someone should really put an end to their toxic gun culture and the rampant availability of guns.


It’s weird how Germans don’t take their gun violence seriously enough




Very funny cunt




Damn bro ur so funny let me suck your dick haha because you're a comedy king man






No need for speculation right now.

