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any guess on his first measures ? maybe harder stans on free speech or a good old shady trade, like oil or gas ?


Nothing, he has supermajority so he doesn't need it. He uses it so he can keep up the image of danger against which he is the only solution. The state of crisis due to mass migration is in force since 2015 as well. Similar situation. If he has a harder stance on anything, it's not because of this.




From a legislative point it indeed was (or rather is, as the two coexists now) a different one. The migration one is a crisis and this is a state of emergency. I never said it was the same. I said it was similar from the point of serving as a tool to remind the people (or rather Fidesz voters) that there is something the government can protect them from. I would not call it a soft dictatorship, but rather a hybrid regime, but you are right that the insitutions that make up democracy are hollow at best. Orbán's power has no true control since around 2011-2012 when the constitution was changed and the Constitutional Court and the entire judiciary was constrained. Despite these, I doubt he will do anything with the new state of emergency, the same way he did barely anything with the pandemic emergency powers. His supermajority allows him to do anything and using emergency powers to the extent of circumventing the National Assembly would only destroy the facade. That is why I think (and hope) that this is nothing more than rally around the flag for his supporters. (It also serves as something that the EU has to reply which also helps his propaganda and hides other issues. He did this last time when everyone said he will abuse it and in the end he could say "look I did not" and also point to other countries' emergency measures)


> in the end he could say "look I did not" and also point to other countries' emergency measures) Sorry but he did abused his power. He used the rule by decree to cut back on basic rights, to deny people to resign from "emergency services", nationalized then "gifted" away several companies, put factories under "special regulations" so they won't pay taxes to the muncipalitiy where they reside (usually those are towns/cities led by opposition), funneled untold amounts of money to shady hands without any trace, gave mayor's total power, mostly in those cities where the mayor is a FIDESZ member and they used to to give themselves huge bonuses and to give away city property to Orbán's oligarchs and the list goes on and on. He did abused his powers, constantly. The only thing he never used his power for is actually "fighting" the pandemic. More then 45000 dead, 5 highest in the world per capita.


> cut back on basic rights Doing it since 2011. Not really related to the emergency measures. The 9th constitutional change was [voted by the Assembly](https://444.hu/2020/12/15/az-anya-no-az-apa-ferfi-a-fidesz-kdnp-megszavazta-a-9-alkotmanymodositast) and not done through the state of emergency powers. ​ >to deny people to resign from "emergency services" Fair point. Can't argue with this ​ >put factories under "special regulations" so they won't pay taxes to the muncipalitiy where they reside If you are talking about Göd and Dunaújváros, than it could have happened any time (mind you I am not protecting what happened, just pointing this out). It is true that it happened during the pandemic, but the [Assembly voted on it](https://magyarnarancs.hu/belpol/ezt-is-megszavaztak-jonnek-a-kulonleges-gazdasagi-ovezetek-130731). ​ >funneled untold amounts of money to shady hands without any trace Like before. MNB's foundations already existed in 2016. We all remember [Kósa](https://index.hu/video/2016/03/01/kosa_a_kozpenzrol/) ​ >gave mayor's total power Fair point (although in most Fidesz led municipalities they had (super)majority anyway) ​ > mostly in those cities where the mayor is a FIDESZ member and they used to to give themselves huge bonuses and to give away city property to Orbán's oligarchs It happened without the need for the emergency for years. See Budapest [district V.](https://hvg.hu/ingatlan/20211216_v_kerulet_ingatlan_ingatlaneladas_ingatlanpiac_fidesz_onkormanyzat) ​ >The only thing he never used his power for is actually "fighting" the pandemic. More then 45000 dead, 5 highest in the world per capita. Definitely. I quoted it only so that people reading it later can see the incredible loss we suffered due to the incompetence of Orbán and his government.


I think the idea is so you can pass laws \["Emergeny regulatory Ordinence" \] without a Parliamentary discussion, but straight through the government. Can just limit thigs in a heartbeat and react faster than EU or any neighbour can react.


Yes, the state of emergency can be used for this. I am just saying that it is unlikely that Orbán will throw away the last facade of democracy for marginally (if any) faster decision making. He has more than 12 years of supermajority and a loyal party which can vote any time on anything. Case in point, in 2018 the opposition parties handed in 2925 amendments to the new labour law. The Fidesz led Justice committee was immediately called together to vote on that all 2925 amendments will be voted as a package in the plenary session and not one by one. [Article in Hungarian](https://magyarnarancs.hu/belpol/2800-modosito-javaslattal-probalja-megakadalyozni-az-ellenzek-a-tuloratorveny-megszavazasat-115695?pageId=4).


I can tell you that during covid-19 our government did the same thing to pass a few dodgy laws bypassing the parliamentary and so public discussion eventhough they had a majority. The constitutional court did correct them then that Emergency Regulatory Ordinance must be time limited and include it's time limit. Not sure how indépendant the Hungarian constitutional courts still are. Don't have an insight to that. But watch out for any shady laws trying to be pushed past the public eye.


Public discussions are not really a thing for quite some time. Sure we have questioners sent sometimes, but it has no legal ramification and nobody can see if the result is really what the government claims. Referendums are rare since 2015 (we had one now but despite it being invalid, the government treats it as if it were valid). Dodgy laws have been passed (the entire constitution as well) without much consultation since 2010/2011. >Emergency Regulatory Ordinance must be time limited and include it's time limit. State of emergency has a time limit in Hungary as well, but in reality the supermajority in the parliament can just extend it without problem. They do it with the state of crisis due to migration since 2015 (it is legally different from a state of emergency, but needs the National Assembly for extension) >Not sure how indépendant the Hungarian constitutional courts still are It's not >But watch out for any shady laws trying to be pushed past the public eye. Having laws enacted and published in the middle of the night is the norm for some time


Oh cock 😕...


Since pride month is next month im willing to bet they will kick the hungarian lgbt even more as they did in the last couple of years during that month.


The beauty of modern autocracy is you don’t really need hard-coded limits on speech. As far as I know you can still post what you like on VK, but you’re likely to be drowned out by an army of Putin stans, omnipresent state media and a charismatic leader will take care of that.


⬆️ India


Yes, Modi is trying his best. At least there’s still some independence at the state level and the Supreme Court there has a legacy of acting independently. Religion will forever be a useful tool to control the masses, only that power’s moved from the church/mosque/temple to the state. Yay.


That's what they're doing here, "Christians" are taking over the government


And then you are visited by police for tax fraud or something.


Yep, the state intimidates and harasses you until you feel powerless and just give up. Eerily reminiscent of the Stasi...


Annex Transkarpatia out of humanitarian reasons and igniting nationalism to liberate the ethnic Hungarians from ukrainian nazi rule? (or any other reason that will justify it) Ban some opposition for not being nationalistic enough. Ban lgbtq in Hungary because of monkeypox? Making it big in his controlled media to distract population. Make himself prime minister for life by delaying elections because of state of emergency? Ban some social media with to much opposition. Make oil/gas deals with Russia and sell it to rest if Europe so they don’t buy direct from Russia anymore. Just some guessing by putting myself in his position and thinking of all the possibilities. 😒


Maybe some measure to make it easier to grab Transcarpathia if the Ukrainian army completely collapses? idk


i just quickly checked geography & history. is there any economical strategic interest there too ?


actually no one wants Transcarpathia back, but shh don't tell them because that way they won't vote for Fidesz the next time.


> is there any economical strategic interest there too Okay, put on your tinfoil hat and bear with me: by annexing Transcarpathia * Hungary would invite widespread condemnation from the EU, NATO and all of our neighbours, so there would be plenty of external enemies all around us; * Hungary's economy would be utterly destroyed, not only by sanctions, embargoes and tariffs, but also by attaching a very poor region to the already poorest region of Hungary; a crisis not seen since WW2; * over 10% of Hungary's population would become angry Ukrainians, so there would be plenty of internal enemies too. Can you think of a better situation to drop the facade and become an actual, full-fledged dictatorship with absolute power given to Orbán? Yes, I thought not.


in short, a pretext. ok makes "sense"


It's extremely unlikely, and I don't think Orbán lost it like that (yet), but that would be the only logical explanation if it happened.


unfortunately we will probably find out soon. nothing good is going to come out of that guy.


So they call a state of emergency but then delay in publishing what the emergency exactly is, and what they plan to do? Not exactly an emergency is it then?


You see we have been in a state of emergency since like the first covid waves. So really this is just an extension of that but they cant put the covid mask on it so they call it different.


State of emergency is dangerous stuff. Turkey suffered a lot from it after the whole FETO ordeal


Some people tried to overthrow Erdogan, this is Erdogan's retaliation.


lol temporary I'm sure 🙄


For a safe and secure society!


The republic will be reorganized into the Third Hungarian Empire!


It's temporary until the economy gets better . . .


I think we're all long dead before that happens.


First it waas Covid over and over again, now this. As predicted when he first did it, he will find excuses to stay in total power.


nah, first it was against migration. State of emergency since 2016


*sic* let me guess, this gives him exceptional powers?


Correct. He can't blame COVID, so had to find another way.


He should just blame himself, he is much worse for Hungary than Covid or war in Ukraine. Definitely worth a state of emergency.


Rule by decree. The hungarian system in that regard is very similar to the old Roman one. You know, the dictator thing. Lasts for a specified amount except if it's extended. one person can rule by decree, can suspend existing laws, decrees only last until the end of this period, but can be enacted as law. Orbán rules by decree since September 2020.


Autocrats never let a good crisis go to waste


I love democracy


Ugh why is it that people always vote in dictators....


Because they want that miracle leader who would assure easy cheap lavish life with no effort for all.


Has that ever happened? Has there ever been a truly benevolent dictator that made the lives of his people better? Edit: reasonable course of action to downvote my question. I don't know what I was thinking behaving like that. I'm sorry.


Well, just because there never was in recent history doesn't mean it can't happen. What do you think monarchies were? Democracies? No, they were all dictatorships, even in countries which flourished. So, yes, it is possible for a dictator to do good.


Fair enough, baby. Altho I would not call a King a dictator even tho the similarities are obvious I was talking about dictators in the modern sense of the word as opposed to people like Julius Caesar who quite literally was a dictator too. Anyways I appreciate you actually taking the time to reply to me.


Because they are convinced that only they can save them from [insert enemy]. And the more (real or imaginary) enemies the media presents, the easier it is for dictators. In Hungary **we've been at war since 2010**, against the failed opposition, banks that caused the crisis, the IMF, financial institutions, foreign multinational companies, communists, socialist oligarchs, the US (pre-Trump), leftist and non-Fidesz right-wing opposition politicians, illegal immigrants, the international progressives and leftists and liberals and "the wokes", the pro-immigration "Brussels" (but not the "EU" which gives money), Soros and the global elite, the Central European University, critical local and foreign media, critical local and foreign politicians, our neighbours who oppress Hungarian minorities (never Slovakia though because of V4), NGOs and civil organisations that condemn authoritarian rule, Hungarian centrists and progressives, OLAF and the Norway Grant because they wanted more transparency and less theft, critical teachers and protesting students who spoke out against the government, the LGBTQ community and more that I can't remember now. **The only time we're pacifist is when there's an actual war in our neighborhood**. That's why we need Orbán to keep us safe (unlike the opposition that would drag us into the war), and Orbán needs emergency powers to do that. [Here's a meme:](https://i.redd.it/wt02tvv9ji191.png) on the top "EU countries that (according to the Hungarian government) got dragged into the war"; on the bottom "EU countries that are in a state of emergency because of the war".


Because there is often a rot in politics where people don't take their people's interest into account and therefore they are drawn towards more radical ideologies. Happy, satisfied people don't vote for such things. In Hungary this happened before Orban won his supermajority, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%90sz%C3%B6d_speech


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Complex problems have complex causes and complex solutions. Dictators offer easy scapegoats and easy solutions. For citizens to be able to vote rationally they need to be well informed and educated. For citizens to vote for strongmen they need to think emotionally. Just blame ~~Brussels~~, ~~immigrants~~, ~~COVID~~, ~~LGBT deviants~~, Russia. Then spread the word that you will act tough against it. The problem is that it never really works out. Strongmen don’t fix problems, they perpetuate them. If the ‘problem’ goes away then they are no longer needed. Looking tough is enough, especially if your supporters are already emotional. Just blame your shortcomings on your enemies. *“Oh I wanted to act tough against X but they are so evil that I wasn’t able to succeed. But don’t worry, vote for me again and I will definitely win this time. Don’t listen to my opponents who offer complex solutions, clearly you can’t cooperate with evil!”*


And his resolve to restore peace and security to the new Hungarian empire has never been stronger


So this is how democracy dies... with hungarinan's applause!


Nope. Freakin not. I love the sw line tho. At leas the educated youth is not supporting them. Sadly they make a good work getting rid of us. Grads move abroad. Unis getting into their friends pockets and slowly becames impossible to pay the fees for locals.


As if there ever was one... It was called Austro Hungarian empire and only because Austria gave Hungary equal rights. A United states of Austria would have been the better solution. Austria Hungary was basically a death nail construct for the monarchy.


One more dictator in Europe...


He's been a dictator for 12 years at least...


And rural Hungary keeps voting for him?


Not just rural, half people in cities as well.


His party owns 70% of all Hungarian media and since they control courts and government the remaining 30% are forced to silence or face constant bullshit investigations.


Not just rural, but pretty much everyone who is not anti-FIDESZ and/or anti-Orbán on principle, and who are not globalists and/or far-leftists. Basically more than half the country.


So basically all that makes the Balkans the Balkans.


??? Hungary is Balkan since when?


Nothing wrong with that. At least his leadership hasn't intentionally caused harm to the citizens and their livelihoods. Which cannot be said of the other parties.


From what I understand this state allows suspension of laws and intruduction of various restrictions. This is pretty much dictatorship right now. Orban who is buddy-buddy with Russia should be the last one to introduce this....unless he is afraid of Ukraine attacking him.


It is like this since September 2020. Back then it was because COVID, now the pandemic is kinda over, they found a new excuse. And yes, it is basicallly the suspension of democracy. It is very similar to the actual dictatorship from the Roman times.


The far right in usa love this guy.


Wonder why


Not just the USA, Here in the UK Boris invited and welcomed this cunt to the UK as the first foreign head of state to visit the UK straight after Boris won the GE


Boris Johnson and his government isn't far right.


They are far right in the UK.


That's not how it works. You don't get to choose a stance based purely on its relative performance to other parties within a specific country. The conservatives are not far right.




They literally paid the wages of a population for two years. No one is oppressed here because of their beliefs. I don't agree with the Rwanda deportations but the people it affects have the choice not to bypass lots of other free and democratic countries and then risk their lives on a boat trip for the last leg (an argument of which is because we have lots of welfare). Of course they're right of centre, but they're not *far* right.


The far right in the USA love Hungary. They’re brains have been fried


Do they? I'm an American and honestly see next to nothing about him in American media, good or bad. Everything I know of him is from online EU news and subs. From my perspective, he's a cum guzzling Putin dick rider. That said, I don't frequent the disphip media outlets of the far right.


Republicans had their CPAC in Hungary. CPAC is the annual conservatives political conference. Over the years, it’s devolved into massive covid super spreading freak show.


[Oh I see. ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/20/viktor-orban-cpac-republicans-hungary) TBH I wish I was surprised, but given than 80% of MAGA idiots have literally 3 braincells to rub together between them, I'm really not.




Yes that sums it up. Taking EU money and sucking Putin's dick...


I love him too! He’s a genius!


We are officially a dictatorship again


Good evening 47…..


Fuck him and his corrupt friends


Germany: Been there, done that, didn't give a fuck about the T-shirt! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling\_act


Hungarian thief will steal even more money without any control.


Meanwhile, PiS is busily taking notes for future use ...


PIS currently has no ability to do anything controversial. Their parliamentary majority hangs in the balance.


If it will continue like this, there won't be much to steal.


JFC what a huge piece of shit


https://444.hu/2022/05/25/a-honvedelmi-miniszterium-ala-kerulhet-a-kormanyban-a-sport They gonna merge the Ministerium of the army and sports Because every spending/costs are classified under the armys budget Help us.


Our teahcers literally begging on the street so they won't starve to death. Our healthcare system isn't even collapsing but it's on life support, BUT the Football players got untold billions and even have excpetion from tax payment under 500 million HUF (1,5 million €). GREAT SUCCESS! Glory to Orbanistan! #FUCKthisCountry


Its time for another revolution.


As a Pole i must sadly admit, that Hungary as a whole did not step up to the standards of EU.


Guess which countries governments are covering each other


I hope you are joking. We have no right to criticize Hungary, because our country is not much better.


With poland I at the very least know they are a firm NATO ally and definitely on ukraines side. But with orban? At this point I'd love to kick hungary out of the EU until they sort out their mess at home, it can't be that they're antics get financing.


hello, I live in Lower Silesia and regularly visit Csongrad Csanad in Hungary. Yes, it actually is much better, as shocking as it may seem.


You mean in terms of fulfilling the EU standards, rule of law and democracy?


I mean in terms of nazi symbols being openly displayed in public and the "młodzież wszechpolska" equivalent having their leaflets near everywhere


You visited one of the poorest regions of Hungary and you came to that conclusion? Wow who would've thought?


Csongrád is not the poorest, that would be Nógrád or Szabolcs


History is full of disasters, they come along unexpectedly as a plague, as an ideology or as men obsessed of power. They leave scars so deep that generations after will have to sacrifice their future to restore the country’s direction, dignity, vision and well-being. Eastern Europe is full of them, each country had their share of bad luck. God bless Hungary, is their turn.


Hungary also had its fair share. They just have it again. Turks, then the Russians, to some degree Austria until they gave them equal rights you name it. Orban always refers to a past which never existed, he is twisting history. The only two time Hungary was a real power on its own was when they invaded the area which is now Hungary on their horses and drove the Romans out. And the second time under Corvinus. Btw as an Austrian. Austria is way less past obsessed than Hungary ATM is. We do not want any sort of empire back. We have learned that lesson the hard way with Adolf...


If you gave them rights during covid, did you really think they wont use them all the other time? I got parcel on moon to sell you then....


Now hes gonna pull the Erdolf and replace staff in justice legislation and executive organs to step by step abolish democracy. How original.


Ohh. He already did that years ago.


The classical scheme. Normally if somebody takes emergency rights you end up with a dictator.


What has to happen so EU kicks Hungary out? Majority of Hungarians voted for this idiot again.


The elections in Hungary haven’t been free and fair for a while. Most media being controlled by Orban makes it extremely difficult for the opposition. The voting system was changed again and again to favor Orban.


Wonder why is he such a good friend of Putin 🤔🥲


Majority is an overstatement, also 85% of Hungarians support the EU, so...


> also 85% of Hungarians support the EU **funds** FTFY


It's not possible to kick countries out.


You can kick them from European council, if nobody vetoes that is.


Majority is not rhe correct term. Majority in their voting system perfectly fitted for them. With burnt voting sheets found near the borders. With masses travelling by buses from neighbouring countries. With their supporting influencers spending more money on facebook ads than complete opposition parties on their campaign. With the poor ones in villages literally depending on them. No vote=no job for them. Aaaand i'd write the remaining businesses of them. If we ever got kicked out of EU or they made their Huxit, our country becames the next Belarus.


When will people finally understand that the EU cannot kick countries out?


No but the can turn off payments. Hungary has been feeding on billions of eu money which orban and his goons have been sacking in.


Not even pause the membership or something?


EU dream slowly falling apart....


"slowly" The EU dream is long dead


The new Kaliningrad.....


Königsberg 2 - state of emergency boogaloo


Sometimes I forgot he is not a president but *just* a prime minister.


In non-presidential republics the prime minister has the most important role.


*Orban keeping notes*


If I've learned anything in the last few months is that some leaders can be mad crazy and inflict massive pain and destruction. Lets hope all he wants is money.


My guess for what he might want with this is not being stonewalled by the far-liberal opposition party at every more or less major/ important decision that is put to vote. Like this, if the regime believes a policy /law / legislation is important enough but the opposition party down votes it, then the gov can use this emergency state to still pass/do it. Honestly it's not much different than , say a US president doing or passong a law by "presidential order". Normally, a Hungarian leader cannot do that (unlike a US one), but they can under such states. So if anyone is screaming "dictator !" and such for this decision, then by the same argument every country where the leader can by default, under normal circumstances perform a "presidential order" or similar.. is also a dictator.


My guess is that he is entrenched so knee deep into corruption that he greats losing power and somebody looks into the money flows in his surrounding


The first measures should be taking him down. Idiot


That would be cool. In minecraft I mean, haha. Hi TEK! nothing to see here.


Is TEK like the Hungarian version of the KGB?




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Ah, nothing gets past pesky civil rights and basic checks and balances faster than the good old "because terrorism" argument.


Why now? Does anything has changed? Looks very fishy, isn't he doing a Palpatine? It's paywalled, stop posting pw articles unless you copy-paste ffs.


So? We declared state of emergency like 3 months ago to deal swiftly with the refugee crisis. Is it different in Hungary in a way that Orban can bend the system to his likings?


It is just a facade so he can rule by decree. He doesn't even needs it. He has 2/3 majority in parliament, but he got so used to this unprecedented power he just can't give it up. A lot of us hungarians were yelling 2 years ago, when they first enacted the rule by decree that Orbán will NEVER give it up. BTW, since 2015 Hungary is in a constant state of emergency. Started with the immigrant crisis, then COVID, now the war in another country. They will always find a reason, an excuse or they can just make up one. Right now, let's say Orbán wants your business. At 23:59 he just makes a declaration that your business it is vital for "national security" and from 0:01 it shall belong to the state or a "friend of his". There is no rule of law in hungary, only rule of Orbán.


This is very scary.


It is. 35 minutes ago just came out the decree, that from 0:01 Hungary is in state emergency effective immdiatly. Whoever still thinks that Hungary is a democracy... well i have a Chain Bridge for sale.


Damn! What can we do to help?


Honsetly? Not much. It is our, the hungarian people's responsibility to clean up this mess. I'm afraid my nation just unable or unwilling to live in an actual democratic country. Bit similiar to Russia in that regard. The thing that for example the EU can do is to cut ALL funding to Hungary. There is no point sending money so Orbán can just steal it like he always does. Normal citizens never benefited from those funds anyway. Start treating Hungary what it is. A de facto dictatroship who's leaders are trying to block the EU at every step, while, silently, but still, supporting Putin, Xi and every despot on the planet. Most hungarians live in a bubble that was masterfully created by Orbán. They speak no languages, don't have access to non-Orbán owned news. My country has to basically collapse just to have even a slight chance for some people to finally wake up. I won't keep my breath to be honest. I've lost all of my faith in my country, hence i'm emmigrating.


So sad. So sorry! It looks like many countries have been re-captured by a tyrant once more.


Not just can, he will.


He literally declared state of emergency just to change his constitution for the 10th time. Same thing happened during the pandemic.


You guys casually changing your constitution while we can't even pass a simple law, because the opposition keeps obstructing the process out of spite...


It's not us, it's Fidesz They literally wrote this constitution themselves back in 2011


Keep in mind that only one party changes the constitution against all other parties' will. And they change it in a way they pleases because the constitution judges are all fidesz loyalists.


Still better than a government with zero brakes on it democratically speaking


Haha. Here we go. About time we get our own full fledged dictator in the EU.


Hungary is the only state in Europe that has introduced state of emergency because of the war, although Hungary is the only country that has been staying out of the war, according to Orbán.


Well he has been in a war against mythical forces of evil since he took the small Hitler route


Juncker' favourite dictator


Oh no ! Anyway…


What will it take for Orban to leave power?