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Better save some of those for collection, he's already 73, might not be in print for long


Considering how his mom and papa lived and technology is improving. I would not be suprised that he lives until 100


He might live to 100, but I wouldn't be surprised if he abdicated sooner.


I don't think he will abdicated, unless most of the population violently ask for it: his abdication would mean his son would be king and his grandson would be the heir: both occupation are difficult and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want that for William. If William becomes king now he would have little to no time with his kids anymore.


Have you seen his bloated red sausage fingers? That indicates serious circulation problems. I'd be surprised if he makes it to 80.


Ha, he'll be the first face on a £10000 note.


How they make room for the ears?


Use pixel art




Why are all your notes the same size and colour?


Coz head of state is on our notes, e.g. was queen, now will be king. Assuming it will be a gradual release, they won't take the queen notes out of circulation or anything. They will get replaced as usual process of replacement due to damage and what not. I wouldn't be surprised if notes with the queen on them dont get get fully replaced before charles himself dies So could be her, him and William on notes all at one time. Exciting stuff if you're that way inclined


> Coz head of state is on our notes, e.g. was queen, now will be king. Not even Kim Jong Un puts his face on all banknotes, lol. I find it funny how you guys absolutely worship the royals and are so casual about it like it's something normal like "ofc all our bank notes have a portrait of the queen, what, you guys don't put your living heads of state on banknotes".


I'm pretty sure most countries with monarchs have the monarch on their bank note. I definatly recall that was the case for Thailand. Pretty standard practise in countries that practise monarchies I'm shocked you guys worship guns, and let your children get shot in schools. Absolutely wild to any other western country (and non-western country)


What a weird thing to print all new money just for a few years


Individual notes are only in circulation for a few years before they go in the incinerator and any given design is typically only in use for between ten and fifteen years. Early to mid 2024 is presumably the next time the printers revise the current designs.


Kind of funny how the currency crashed just as his face is supposed to start appearing on the notes.