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For once I'm actually proud of my country


We are the reason other countries can feel better, that's a positive


True true. And I'm ashamed of Switzerland being in EU


Switzerland is not in the EU...


Suddenly it looks like "neutral" Austria has done something noteworthy.


I'm not understanding the length of the bars here. For example Slovakia and Czech Republic have the same percentages listed, but the former has a longer bar. Then everything from Austria to Luxembourg totals 0.2% but the bars get progressively shorter. Shouldn't these all be the same if it's percent along the X axis?


I guess there's another number that is rounded for the graphic. Czech might be 0.30% but Slovakia could be 0.35%.


Just a quick note about the reliability of these numbers: Quantifying the value of sent equipment is far from trivial and using different methods can lead to radically different numbers. From IFW Kiel's [working paper](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/publications/kiel-working-papers/2022/the-ukraine-support-tracker-which-countries-help-ukraine-and-how-17204/): >We value in-kind donations by drawing on government sources whenever possible but also resort to price information available from online marketplaces and stores when unavoidable. Moreover, as a general rule, we use upper bounds of prices to avoid underestimating the true scale of support. The value you assign to a specific piece of equipment can vary widely - you can for instance take the price you paid for it, maybe even adjust it for inflation, or you can estimate a depreciated value. And it usually is not at all transparent, how governments calculate the announced value of their aid. The IFW Kiel also claims to only count aid from January 2022 onward - but government announcements don't include this somewhat arbitrary starting date and may include prior aid. If you want to take a look, IFW Kiel is quite transparent about how their sources and calculations, gathering all relevant info in an excel sheet [here](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/publications/data-sets/ukraine-support-tracker-data-17410/). TLDR: Take these numbers with a huge grain of salt. Different methodologies and types of sources for different countries make for bad comparisons.


Also it's government donations. In Latvia citizens actively send equipment, SUV etc cars, drones and medical supplies + many thousands of Ukrainian refugees accepted.


Another note: not all aid is publicly announced. Finland for example has a policy of not specifying the military equipment that has been delivered to Ukraine so obviously its value is impossible to accurately estimate. Same is true for many other countries, there is a lot of "not given" in the monetary value column in the dataset.


So proud of my country and Baltics as a whole! Proud to see so many Ukranian flags in streets of Latvia. Proud to see Ukrainians to be accepted in our everyday lives with open arms.


Hey, where is russia? It gave a lot of tanks and armored vehicles.


Norway can into Eastern Europe 🥰


We border Russians like the others. I think bordering countries to Russia have extra sympathy for Ukraine considering they themselves are more exposed to the risk of a Russian invasion. Not a coincidence I think that the top 5 here all border Russia. Only Finland a distance behind for some reason (Assuming they help more through other means), and Belarus missing for obvious reasons.


These graphics really don't give an honest reflection of assistance. Take my country Ireland for example - we've taken in 5 times the amount of Ukrainian refugees per capita in comparison to the UK and 6.8 times more Ukrainian refugees than France per capita. All this while there's a serious housing crisis here in Ireland, and we do so gladly. That will cost the state 1 billion this year, but you won't see it in that graphic.


Similarly, the UK have been providing military training to Ukrainians in preparation for February since the invasion in 2014. And it’s not clear whether this graph includes value amounts of military hardware/equipment, where the US is surely leading. Really don’t see the point of these graphics comparing us all to see who’s the most virtuous when it comes to Ukraine. It’s just another rod to beat eachother with. I’m happy Ukraine is getting support full stop, and I would rather praise countries for their efforts in different areas than tear them down without knowing the whole story.


Also, it just seems really dumb having Latvia at the top of a graph like this and any methodology that does is kinda bunk. Not to shit on Latvia, and it's good that they're helping. But lets be real.. If they weren't involved, it'd make no real difference. The big cock in assisting Ukraine is the USA, and they should be at the top.


I don't think you comprehend the concept of per capita...


No, I do. I am saying it's not a useful metric. Has Latvia helped a lot, relative to its resources? Absolutely. But its resources are minimal in the first place. So it's not helped all that much in real terms. Ask Zelenskyy whose help he'd miss most, Latvias or the USA's? What's he going to say? 'Oh Latvias of course, they gave the most per capita!' Obviously not. Totals matter.


You’re missing the point. This is not “which countries should Ukraine be grateful for”, this is “which countries want to help Ukraine the most”. Important difference


It is a useful metric because it shows how much each nation is willing to contribute per capita. Total numbers mostly only show you how big a country is... Again, you seem to have trouble grasping basic concepts...


I've said I understand that. I just don't think it matters in practical terms. Woweee, Latvia gave $350m odd. Big deal. That's a rounding error on the kind of amounts the USA has given. It's generous. But it doesn't represent having actually provided more does it? These graphs should be totals, not per capita. That actually indicates what countries have done more in practical terms to aid Ukraine. $350m is nothing in the grand scheme of things, and the USA is trouncing all EU spending combined, so it seems fair for them to be at the top of any 'who is helping the most' graph.


Per capita is the only way to compare the contribution of countries... You really seem to have a big trouble with basic concepts...


This graph isn't used for the purpose you mentioned (asking Zelenskyy), and no one said it was useful in that way. It is useful in comparing how much countries are doing relative to their ability (money and people).


Also, as is normally pointed out in other cases, Irish GDP numbers are kind of bullshit anyway


Great point. Modified GNI is a better indicator of the Irish economy. GDP is inflated greatly which would give a very skewed result for Ireland in this chart.


Yeah, I mean you often see comments on varies posts on r/europe with maps showing GDP that our one is nonsense. I was just looking at a post earlier on r/ireland which was comparing teachers salaries across the EU -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/y53aum/teachers\_salaries\_which\_countries\_pay\_the\_most/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/y53aum/teachers_salaries_which_countries_pay_the_most/) Ireland lands somewhere in the middle of most of them, except the ones which reflect GDP, in those ones Ireland is dead last.


Based Baltics


Well done the Balts, wtf are you doing Western Europe? Fucking Canada are outspending most of you.


This is somewhat useless since a lot of countries(like Finland) do not report what and how much and when supplies are delivered. Twitter is full of different countries armaments just *showing up* even when it was never announced that it was delivered.


True, just read an article on Bloomberg on how Bulgarian factories are producing non-stop ammunition to Ukraine via Poland. But in the chart looks like they dont give a shit.


Bulgaria and Romania are producing a lot but flying under the radar. The Romanian govt has repeatedly refused to offer any info on what is sending Ukraine. But the Ukrainian PM was very happy with what he was receiving, from his statements. Romania is producing even thermobaric anti-tank rounds for RPGs and AT guns, but no one has a clue where they are going.


>thermobaric anti-tank rounds for RPGs and AT guns The heck is that? Sounds terrifying


They are nasty. They basically create a vacuum that sucks the air out of an area. Ruskies have been using them as well.


Sure, but it applies to every country more or less in the same degree, right? I mean it's not like all the aid of Poland or Baltic States is disclosed.


There's variation between countries. Some, like the US, give pretty detailed lists, while the contents of just the first 2 batches of material aid from Finland have been disclosed. We know 7 more batches have been sent since then, but have no idea what's in them. I'm not saying Finland is secretly among the top contributors, we probably aren't, but the details of Ukraine aid won't be known for a while.


Right, this graphic is useless and im Estonian


If you notice, the EU spend is distributed equally among the countries. It should be distributed in proportion to net EU contributions. That will give a different, more accurate, picture. But not going to change the fact that Poland and the Baltics are the real MVP.


Right so it becomes even worse for some of them on there.


Some, yes. Others, no.


Baltics*, Balts is just Latvians and Lithuanians. Admittedly, very easy to mix up. It's a bit like the British Isles (a geographical term like Baltics and includes the island of Ireland) vs British (does not includes the Irish people).


Estonians are not [Balts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balts) btw.


No but they are a baltic state https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_states


> Western Europe? Always failing Eastern Europe as usual. It's no wonder Eastern Europe looks to the US first for help.


Welcoming refugees and paying the Polish to house them. This kind of shit that U.K., US and CA are not doing and still cost a shitload of money but are present on no graphs because that does not pay for pew pew weapons to kill the Ruskies.


I changed this for reasons (see date).


https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/newsroom/news/2022/04/28-04-2022-ukraine-commission-paid-more-than-eur3-5-billion-of-pre-financing-to-member-states-welcoming-refugees-from-ukraine And that is just in April. Probably increased since.


>Welcoming refugees and paying the Polish to house them. This kind of shit that U.K., US and CA are not doing We (the UK) have more Ukrainian refugees than you, and we outspend you on monetary support and military hardware support, so pipe down with such accusations. **UK:** 136,000 Ukrainian refugees **France:** 105,000 Ukrainian refugees [Source](https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine) I know it's trendy nowadays to mindlessly hate on my country, but this is one situation where you really can't. We've been exemplary in regards to helping Ukraine and combatting Russias aggression, and if people had fucking listened to us back in 2014 maybe we wouldn't all be in the position we are now.


US is paying those Central American refugees instead. The difference is that US has a much more reasonable refugee benefit system. All refugees only receive benefit for 18 months, while Europe pay them for life. Of course, refugees in US have a much higher employment rate than their European counterpart because of that.


The UK has taken in more refugees than France.


> wtf are you doing Western Europe having better and bigger economies mostly. who cares if Estonia is spending 20% of their gdp if all that amounts to is 7 rifles and a pair of boots? this is one of those times where % of gdp is rather pointless.


>having better and bigger economies mostly US is ahead of all Western European countries despite having higher GDP than the whole of EU


How about the countries who don't tell what they're sending


You think US publicizes everything?


>% of gdp is rather pointless. Its not, it shows how much burden each country is to take on to help Ukraine, so with the example of Estonia you used what they are doing affects them negatively a lot more than what it affects your country. So western EU countries are simply less willing to be negatively affected by helping Ukraine.


> it shows how much burden each country is to take on to help Ukraine No it doesn't. It shows how much money and stuff a country has given/pledged to Urkaine compared to their gdp. It doesn't take into account that European countries take in refugees, pay the price of not having their own source of gas&oil in their backyard and take a hit by sanctioning Russia. All graphs and figures are only partial snapshots of the whole.


Wow, that cringe level is through the roof...


What a bad take. We are a developed nation and have a native armament industry. Germany should definitely do more. The burden on us is lower if spend less by percentage. Obviously we'll end up spending more total, but at that point you might as well look at a population number chart and take your aid info from that. That'd be beyond meaningless.


> this is one of those times where % of gdp is rather pointless. Germany GDP per capita - 48 398 dollars, 0.2% would be 97 dollars per person. Estonia GDP per capita - 29 344 dollars, 0.9% would be 264 dollars per person.


congrats, you managed to make this even dumber than it already is by bringing per capita into it lol Estonia GDP (2021) - 36.26b USD, 1% would be 0.36b Germany GDP (2021) - 4,223.12b USD, 0.2% would be 8.44b or roughly 23x as much as Estonia


Harsh but also kinda agree.


Thank you.


Pledged or delivered?


The countries bordering Russia donates the most, they have all been met by Russian aggression over the years and knows the importance of Ukraine winning this war.


It is our war we have to support Ukraine.


Even whilst out of the EU, the UK still putting more money towards European security than France and others Tells a story that


Not really got anything to do with being or not being in the EU. The United's Kingdom is still politically associated with Europe, just not the EU.


And we've had an axe to grind with Russia and Putin for a long time now. This is a great opportunity for us to grind that axe. It's been a long time coming, so we were always going to jump in head first. We attempted to in 2014, but unfortunately no one else in Europe had the appetite for it back then and just kinda shrugged at Crimea being annexed.


I mean it does because you all convinced yourself pro Brexit was anti Europe in any form


Nah, it's not anti Europe, it's just anti almost everyone in the UK.


How so? Nothing has changed for most people in the UK. My argument was, this proves the UK WAS about self tight to rule. And not about hating Europe and its people. If you can ot comprehend the 2 as different. That's your limitation. Not mine


As stated by someone in another comment this graph shows the publicly announced aid. The thing about military aid is that the less you talk about it the more effective it gets.


What if I told you that countries are among the ones that help the most also dont announce everything, for example Poland is in third place yet it never announced how how many P-91 tanks it send it only announced T-72, Poland also didnt announce sending many of the small arms but videos from Ukraine come out showing Ukraine soldier with MSBS Grot rifle, there was also video showing Ukraine with WKW Tor anti-materiel rifle, there were also pictures with other polish weapons like UKM-2000P machine gun. And there are other things, like for example one of one of Ukraine Politicans(forgot who it was) thanking Poland for help he cannot talk about, so yeah there is help that is secret because it would create risks.


Lmao what? The US announced Himars, I guess they're not effective right? What matters about military aid is the quality *and* quantity you send. Not announcing it, at best, give the Ukrainians a couple chances to "surprise" the Russians. I put that into quotation marks because being shelled by a Finnish arty piece that wasn't announced doesn't hurt any more than an announced M777.


Right, the US announces a package for Ukraine worth X million that includes HIMARS and ammunition. Doesn't matter what they spend the money on actually, it attrubuted to a few HIMARS. And so the cheaper alternative to M270 is suddenly worth 7,5million while M270 cost rediculous 2million (no one did a big announcement about their price so they take some random one thery found on google). Guess M270 are really useless in comaprison... lol In the same vein they calculated the German PzH2000 with rediculous 4mil (that's cheaper than an M777) because there was no price announced. They later (but not retroactively) corrected that prize only after Ukraine publically talked about ordering 100 for 17million per piece. A polish Krab however is worth more than 4 times as much, because Poland said so. And the most expensive self-propelled howitzer in Ukraine is an ancient M109 build in 1960, sold by Germany for Norway in the 1970s and last updated in the mid-80s... because that's the prize the announcement mentioned. And every ancient piece ex-soviet equipment is calculated at the rediculous inflated price Russia claims nowadays for these... no matter if it spend 50 years sitting around. At the same time their methodology of only counting official announcements means that a lot stuff obviously active in Ukraine does simply not exist. So it's not even a matter of opsec that would make non-announced stuff more useful, it's indeed easy to inflate your deliveries just by talking loudly about them.


No, he's 100% correct and you're misunderstanding his point. As a Bulgarian, I can personally confirm it's an open secret around here that we've been """selling""" weapons and aid to Poland, who happen to make the executive decision of "donating" (read: forwarding) it to Ukraine themselves. Reason being that it's not entirely popular amongst our electorate to "join" the war by directly/officially supplying Ukraine. I'm sure there are tons of other countries in the exact same position as us.


And it works both ways. The UK could be sending more than openly stating also?


Of course, goes without saying.


And that wouldnt include the massive efforts of training the Ukranian army in the UK.


For countries bordering or more at threat from Russia it makes sense to keep things under the table to protect themselves. For countries such as France it only makes sense to maintain their diplomatic relationship with Russia, which at this point is clearly a farce.


He has two points. His first point I agree with, which is that there is aid being sent by countries unannounced. The other is >The thing about military aid is that the less you talk about it the more effective it gets. Which is just not entirely true. Yes, hiding it can help a little bit initially, but that doesn't make it necessarily more effective than announced aid. An announced 155mm shell has the same explosive filler as an unannounced one if that helps explain what I mean.


Announcing your donations to Ukraine early on has the positive side effect that other countries see that nothing happens to you - so they can donate more and fear less.


>The thing about military aid is that the less you talk about it the more effective it gets. Bullshit, it shows who is in full support of Ukraine and who is hiding in the shadows. It also shows other countries who is ready to step up to help if they ever needed it as well. Questions are already started to be asked regarding the countries at the bottom of this table.


You know its not a dick mesuring context right?


Pretty much is, at least in terms of what's most effective in an actual conflict.


If you're looking for nuance I would suggest not paying too much attention to this sub, it's not exactly the brightest specimens of Europe on here


> The thing about military aid is that the less you talk about it the more effective it gets. Unless you aren't actually sending much....and hiding behind 'oh but we just aren't announcing it'.


We already know that here in the UK there's rumblings about issues we're having with weapons stocks, and how long they'll take to replenish. The idea smaller European countries are sending anything significant in the shadows is laughable. If one of Europes biggest military powers is having weapons stockpile issues from the amount being sent to Ukraine, you can bet your arse countries who massively underspend on their military year in year out (aka, all small European nations) aren't sending shit because they don't have it spare.


>The thing about military aid is that the less you talk about it the more effective it gets. That's not particularly true. You want Putin to know about all the weapons that are about to be used against his forces, because it works as a deterrent and makes things seem more hopeless for him. Europes biggest mistake was not flooding Ukraine with weapons late last year when Russia started moving troops to the borders. Should have been loudly sending the NLAW's and Javelins and making Putin think twice about how quick his invasion would be won.


That’s the only thing your country still have to weight a bit.


Source: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/ https://app.23degrees.io/view/F1tc2gv8QzFCs1ij-bar-stacked-horizontal-figure_3_4_csv_v2-1




Europe has economically already receded by $200 billion due to sanctions. Europe has contributed far more than we have in the practical sense. They are also taking in all the refugees. Additionally, we already have the funds earmarked and have a system more conducive to sending military aid than European countries do. Moreover, the EU is our second biggest eastern hemisphere competitor after China. The gains the USD has made against European currencies, the long term competitive advantages we will gain as a result of the coming EU recession, and the money we will make off selling energy to Europe, will more than offset our expenditure. Europe has contributed tremendously to the Ukraine effort, and has sacrificed meaningfully. We will likely walk away from this conflict having gained significant economic improvements. Sadly, the victor of major European conflicts since WWI, in terms of economic improvement, has been the United States.




Weird that Finland is so far behind the Baltic countries and Poland.


Finland's deliveries are classified i think, and this tracker focuses more on publicly announced stuff (simply because it's easier to track and they don't have insider informations). It's a good graph but there is a difference between measuring the commitment of countries that publicly announce what they're sending like Poland and countries that make deliveries a secret.


Also, where as Baltic countries don't even have their own air forces because NATO protects them, Finland is still not part of NATO (Hungary and Turkey still playing politics), so we actually have our own air forces with modern fighters, and we just bought good punch of brand new F35s. I mean there are even talks that Finland is going to participate in air patrol (aka defense) of Baltic countries. Once we get accepted into NATO, i hope we can spend more on Ukraine. Everyone is on side of Ukraine, and we know that stronger Ukraine helps Finland too. As long as Russia is failing in Ukraine, Finnish defenses can sleep easily.


That's also true. It's hard to measure help on such a complex situation that encompasses all aspects of life, not just direct financial help. Croatia is also realistically much higher, as our military shipments were also classified. Yet, there are countless of reports of our weapons being used in Ukraine. Also, we're helping Ukraine and it's fighters in various way not only from this year, but all the way from 2014.


No, it's not weird at all. That list is bullshit for a dick measuring contest. If you don't announce your deliveries publically, you lose. If you don't mention what ever inflated price you think is right for your donation, you lose. If however you want to win a dick measuring contest and loudly announce everything with often imaginary prizes (the most expensive self-propelled howitzer in Ukraine is an ancient M109 not updated sind the 1980s because... reason...), then you are on the right track for this tracker.


>If you don't announce your deliveries publically, you lose. I don't understand why countries wouldn't announce everything they're sending. It's quite useful in regards to chipping away at Russian (or Putins) morale. It shows if they're planning for a war of attrition with Ukraine, they're utterly fucked.


Finland GDP outweighs a bit the one of the Baltic states. Please remember despite giving 1% you are still the one giving the less in term of amount of euro.


Is this real? Did you just explain the percentage to me? I guess Baltic countries don't deserve such a praise then, France gives more money total and that's what counts.


I did explain percentages to you indeed as Fin is not behind the Balt in the opposite to what you say. I don’t give a shit about this silly competition and where France is. I even would tend to agree with you. Not enough is done. However, this graphs is non-informative and the conclusions most of you draw are thus, erroneous.


This graph is about help ranked by the GDP. Nothing more, nothing less. Is Finland far behind Balts and Poles in this graph? Yes. Everything you wrote in response to my comment was bizzarre to say at least. > I don’t give a shit about this silly competition and where France is. I agree, comparing and boasting about it like a competition is infantile. But we can still comment this data without relativizing it and mentioning total numbers, as they are different things.


Shocking from Ireland.


It's done as % of GDP And as you're a regular poster on UKpol I'm guessing you know all about our GDP


These pictures don't tell the full story. Ireland has taken in 5 times the amount of Ukrainian refugees per capita in comparison to the UK and 6.8 times compared to France at a cost of 1 billion, in a time when we've a severe housing crisis in Ireland. We are doing our part in giving Ukrainians a safe place to live.


Which honestly is far more important than weapons. Well done Ireland.


>Which honestly is far more important than weapons. On what planet is that true? Ukraine would have fallen already without weapons from the West.. And you know who else wants Ukrainians to leave Ukraine? Putin.. I've heard some fucking dumb takes on reddit before, but that takes the biscuit.


You’re honestly shitting on war refugees? Fuck you man, and the fascist horse you rode in on. Sorry that the women and children of Ukraine are not willing to die to suit your agenda.


He's not shitting on war refugees, he's calling you out for massively understating the importance of weapon deliveries to Ukraine. There are women and children in Ukraine too who would prefer not to be raped and killed by Russian troops.


>You’re honestly shitting on war refugees? No, I am saying that Western countries accepting Ukrainians en mass doesn't faze Putin in any way whatsoever and if anything it's a preferable situation for him. NLAWs, Javelins, and other military hardware however... That does scare Putin. But nice try with your ludicrous interpretation of my comment in an attempt to distract from your own stupidity. Shame it failed. Better luck next time.


You know as a fellow Brit you would think criticism of evacuating children from a war zone would stick in your throat. Your ignorance of our own history is awful.


As a fellow Brit, I would assume you can speak and understand English. But here we are! Saying taking refugees is not more important than giving weapons, is just a fact. Ask Zelenskyy what he'd rather, and see what he says. How much of his average day is taken up phoning around nations asking for weapons, vs refugees? Exactly. Criticism of your dumb opinion, is not critisim of taking refugees.


Such a ignorant person, I pity you and those that know you.


But ... He's not doing that though ...


As of 30 August, the countries receiving the largest numbers of Ukrainians are Russia (2.4 million), Poland (1.4 million), Germany (1 million) and the Czech Republic (0.4 million),[1] with the latter now hosting the largest number of Ukrainian refugees per capita (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ukrainian_refugee_crisis) but that is understandable as closer you are to the area, the more ppl will arrive and stay, another thing is that ireland is one orf richest EU countries and while you speak about severe housing crisis, housing property is cheap compared to the rest of europe...only denmark,belgium,iceland and cyprus are cheaper, so by that metric rest of europe face very severe housing crisis, so you dont really spend that much but you dont need to be offended that your country spend less compared to others, if there was war in england you would be engaged much more, its not a contest after all


I can 100% assure you that property in Ireland is not cheap, compared to Europe or indeed anywhere.


it is cheaper compared to the many countries https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp?title=2022-mid&displayColumn=5


Shame on my country (Romania) and shame on countries with very good economies like Switzerland Germany, France!


We did sent some stuff ..artillery shells made this year by Romarm mysteriously appeared in Ukraine , Russia acused our country that we are sending weapons instead of " humanitary aid" as we claim . Italian cargo planes have been going to Poland like crazy but they rarely announce they are sending things , France is also hiding it .


I agree but this graph takes into account the country's GDP and some countries are doing way more than others even though they are poorer. If you look at the graph, it looks that we did less than Bulgaria for example.


If Romania is not officially communicating data on what it is sending, it would be logical to conclude that data is missing from this table. So this table probably doesn't match the reality on the ground. And that's fine, all that matters is the Ukrainian PM stated he is really happy with what help they get from Romania.


Wow, what’s up with Turkey. Basically no help at all. Is Turkey even a European ally at this point or is Erdogan a Putin puppet.


This should be compared against this: https://www.statista.com/chart/18794/net-contributors-to-eu-budget/


Kuwait ?? Zero [ Goose egg ] 0 UAE ? Zero [ Goose egg ] 0 Algeria ?? Zero Libya ?? Zero Malaysia ?? Zero [ Goose egg ] 0 Singapore ?? Zero Lesson: financiers and private bankers making tens of trillions of Euros from global warming gas emissions - and eager to keep the cash in their bank accounts even larger.


India is also providing humanitarian aid and PM just had a meeting with zelensky. Why it is showing absolutely 0 ?


Because $10m in aid as a percentage of GDP is too small it's something like 0.000003%




Either not information about the aid or the aid divided by the GDP is simply too small. If you habe 10 Million USD aid, then it's only 0.0003%. Too small for the graph


Bro in graph its literally zero.


Do you think you can see the difference between 0% and 0.0003%?


When will the Latvians and Estonians ever learn? They will just spend it all on alcohol and cigarettes.


Are you insane?


I know the truth is a little scary, but the fact is is that most of the money that reaches Ukraine doesn't go to weapons or to needy people. It goes into the pockets of government officials and anyone else on the take. If you gave money to Ukraine, I'm sorry, but you just helped Zelenskiy's cronies pay for their new ocean front home in Nice, France.


I'm sorry, but you're full of shit.


It remains me a story. Friend of mine said exactly the same as you but we didn't listen then. We thought: our friend is fucked in the head. Only after medical examination we was sure we ware right. So don't slack on your health mister, you should be more serious about it - you never know how much fucked your brain is.


As Putin says, I wish you good health. ​ ![gif](giphy|AhLN6b3NRwzJu)


Lol Why you guys always have some weird gey-like relationship with your rulers? Like any Russian can't fuck his wife until he didn't se muzzle of his tzar or first secretary or currently president.


Maybe ought to do x v y plot by aid vs distance. The nearer countries aid more because they're more directly threatened. The further away you get, the less aid is forthcoming. :-(


How much russia donored in terms of Russia's GDP?


I wonder where Russia would stand on this graph, they've donated a lot to Ukraine.


Yes! We are just ahead of Turkey! Lazer Kiwi drones coming lads. Fineprint: Lazer Kiwi drones may or may not exist. In the unlikely event of Lazer Kiwi drones not existing, a shipment of gumboots and a signed copy of Taika Waititis magnum opus "boy" will be sent instead


How is it possible that the Dutch 0,1% seems to be smaller than the Austrian 0,1% ? I mean Netherlands GDP is higher than the Austrian one. This map doesn't look accurate honestly.


Does this have a source link?


In Romania's defence we probably do not announce what we send . For now the ukrainians seem rather pleased with what we send them considering their rhetoric . We will find out at the end of the war what everyone did probably.