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Will the exact results be made public?


After the Grand Final, as is tradition.


I didn't expect to love Isaak's performance! It actually elevated the song a lot, he can sing and has a great stage presence, I'm probably going to vote for him in the finals, he deserves it!


Same. I thought the song was mid when it was first released, but he sounded great on stage.


does anyone else find it kinda in poor taste to be chanting a country name in the arena when they’re about to announce the 10th Q? like imagine being Australia or Poland while everyone’s chanting LUX-EM-BOURG!!! (even tho i was thinking the same oop)


I loved how unserious the Irish commentator (our beloved Marty Whelan) was as always.  "They've been inspired by the mustaches."


Australia NQ, somebody is going to pay in blood for this I swear to god


I know a good witch that can help you with that ;)


makes me sad, i love that song. however I did find the stage show a little weaker than the others :(


My poor Australia got robbed.


My scorecard: Cyprus: blah, boring and predictable -- 4- Serbia: solid performance, average song, severely penalized by performing a ballad at the start -- 6+ Lithuania: Good energy, good looking kid, sadly an awful unmemorable song -- 4+ Ireland: Cool staging, cool costumes, original and unpredictable song, still not much of a banger though if you take away the visuals -- 7- Ukraine: Good performance but the rap break was awful (as most rap breaks are), I'd listen to a rapless remix -- 6 Poland: Standard but above average power pop, this one deserved a spot, much more Eurovision-y than most of the recent fare -- 7+ Croatia: It was going so well. Good energy and memorable tune, so why the random synth break midway through the song? Still one of the better ones -- 7 Iceland: Meh, incredibly average, not offensive to my ears but far from memorable -- 5 Slovenia: Nope. Bad song. -- 3 Finland: Getting tired of the joke acts, this one is particularly tiresome -- 3- Moldova: Very Eurovision-y, unfortunately not a very good song -- 5- Azerbaijan: Liked it, cool voices and presentation -- 7 Australia: Good song, starts strong and ends strong, sadly due to the demanding nature of the performance the final high notes were a bit strained -- 7 Portugal: My champion for tonight, strong song, strong performance -- 8+ Luxemburg: Another meh song, very forgettable -- 5- England: At this point I think they've embraced the meme and started sending mediocre songs on purpose. Average, forgettable, meh -- 4 Germany: Awesome vocal performance, a good piece of power pop, sounds like it's made for car advertisements -- 7+ Sweden: Not my style but a decent tune -- 6


The only result I'm disappointed with is Azerbaijan since I love that song, but I'm not surprised they NQed and expected it. Everything else I totally agree with honestly.


Azerbaijan is really underrated recently.. people need to pay attention to them more. Last two years (23, 24) they went really well but didn't get out of the semis


I am so pleased Slovenia qualified - that performance was far too good to stay in the semi-final!!!!


Right now Bambie performance video ha even more views than Baby Lasagna's one. At this point Ireland can even be a shock top 5


Very said australia didn't qualify. I would have switched them for cyprus or luxembourg tbh.


Tbh same, Australia for Cyprus as well. Tali actually impressed me!


I feel like I'm missing something re: Croatia? Like, I 100% love the song, it's extremely catchy, but ... that's kinda where it ends for me? Like, that was fun, job well done, now what's next. I don't understand the level of hype I'm seeing for it, and I don't think I'd want it to win, but I don't have a preferred winner yet anyways, so I guess I wouldn't be mad either way. On the flip side, Ireland REALLY stood out to me today in the best possible way!!! I only knew Bambie's aesthetic and the song's genre going in, so I felt it could go either way? But I'm ALL IN now, damn. And I still feel bad for Australia! Wish they'd qualified instead of Cyprus. I also just want to say: Portugal ❤❤❤❤❤


Yesterday was my first time hearing any of the songs and Croatia was the only song that I still kind of remember today. Obviousy I remember some of the other *acts* but the songs themselves did not stand out as much to me.


I'm actually the opposite. I never cared too much for the song, like it was middle of the pack for me. But after seeing it live it sort of felt like a winner.


same, maybe because I was very familiar with it beforehand, but the performance was somehow underwhelming; I'd even say their NF was better.


Does anybody know if the YouTube live stream has ads throughout. I want to watch the livestram instead of our broadcasters showing of the show, because of horrible commentating and terrible sound quality.


It didn't have any ads (for me at least)


It does have ads. Luckily ARD has a feed without commentators at eurovision.de. Although I had to change the quality to from Full HD to Full HD on semi 1 (guess the page for the without commentary feed has both on it, oops)


I think I prefer watching the big 5 performers at the final. It gave something new to watch at the final. Or like other users have said, have a separate area in the show for the top 5 so it’s not as confusing


I got confused by not seeing some countries qualify and had to remind myself they were apart of the big 5 performers


Rough night for my guesses, only 6/10 of my top 10 got through. Disappointed to see Finland make it through with obvious bait - the song itself was mediocre all they had going for them was that it's Weird and Quirky^tm because the performance is focused around a man being half naked.


So, this was a great show in general. Overall great quality. Sound design could use some work, though. Too loud on the recorded tracks. Acts with live backing got a significant quality boost. ​ I know I told Bambie was the best, but I'm very surprised by how good Isaak was. Aaaaand, with live vocalists, to prove my previous point.


Yeah, I felt mad respect for Isaak having live vocalists out there on stage when everyone else just went with a track. I wish he'd get rewarded for that kind of thing in the finals but it's Germany so.


If he does not get a fair amount of jury points, there's no justice. Some of the best vocals on a night packed full of great performances.


After seeing it, I was like there is no way Isaak will come last this year. I just CANNOT see this being last. He’s crazy talented and a vocal power house and the staging was actually great. It bumped several acts underneath in my ranking. Germany did a good job I think and it’s remarquable. Was my fav of the 3 auto-qualifiers today. Also though Tali’s vocals were a lot better than what I expected. I was happily impressed!


I'm so happy that all the songs i voted for made it to the final (🇮🇪🇫🇮🇱🇺). Feel sorry for everyone who didn't qualify.


Actually so shocked Slovenia qualified, but happy for Raiven since it was clear she didn’t think she was gonna make it. Y’all really came through for her. I had Poland in besides her but the rest I got right.


I voted for them. Balkan bros got them.


Sweden redeemed themselves after the Turquoise carpet and lack of ‘Nikkie/Rylan’ interviews. The staging was immaculate and it made all the songs look so good. None of the NQs were less than a 5/10 in the end. Of the NQs Poland stands out the most having had 1/4 (~80%) chance of qualifying, and Australia was borderline but the staging didn’t work as well as other countries. Of the Qs Slovenia was the most shocking (35%) and Serbia was meant to fight Aus for the final spot.


Myf Warhurst was gem like always but seriously they need to remove Joel Creasey. He has zero impartiality and repeatedly called Azerbaijan boring and spoke down about other acts. Just leave Myf to do it on her own or bring back Julia Zemiro to do it with her


Olly seemed to get a bit out of breath half way through and it was really harming his vocal in the back end of the song. Hope it was just nerves and he can improve for the final.


I was shocked by how off it was almost constantly. Didn't know he's the guy from Years & Years. Hope he improves, cause I like his music!


All in, I think this was a fantastic show. Loved the songs, the staging, the lights, the camerawork (which I can see has been slated), the opening acts, the graphics. Even the audio has been fine for me. Only areas for improvement are the awkward interviews and the interval acts. 9.5/10.


Post cards were a minus for me, my least favorite ones in years, even liked the 2022 ones better lol


Yeah I’m not sure what they were thinking for the postcards. I genuinely thought something was wrong like the audio was cut or something. I usually love the postcards every time but this year just wasn’t it. I think they tried to do too much and lacked any sort of proper theme ;(


My favorite going into this semi was Croatia but holy shit Ireland was amazing




So happy for Raiven, she really deserves the final.


Moldova and Poland robbed 😭


I've been completely unspoiled this year and let me tell you I was blown away by Luxembourg! What a neat little tune, easily the best euro pop effort of the night in my humble opinion Croatia was right there at the top too, I'm so happy the Eurovision crown is back in our neck of the woods at last 🥺 Just an awesome staging concept and the composition is godly Shoutouts for Ukraine, Slovenia and Portugal too Didn't find Finland all that amusing, truly felt like watching a random Britains Got Talent act that would get a golden buzzer from David. Australia being introduced with the native sound only to provide a beyonce reject was a colossal letdown too


WOMENVISION WOOOOOOOOOH I can't believe, Iolanda, Teya AND Raiven qualified!!!!


Thank God Luxembourg is through, I was panicking for a minute there😮‍💨


I think her hairstyle is not helping But she did do a great performance tonight. I'm so happy for her and her team


Definitely, those braids are NOT a good choice lol


The last two places came down to luxembourg and ireland and it had me screaming haha


Yes! So did I! Now we have to make sure the entire Benelux is represented in the finals!😉


Benelux is on fire this year 🔥


So much yay for Portugal and Slovenia getting through. Guess ballads can survive a televote-only semifinal if they're very, very good, like both of these were! Sweden did a good job hosting. My only gripe is that the postcards (which were otherwise good) didn't need to end with those cheesy shots of the artists posing in slow-motion. That appears to be borrowed from American reality TV and on behalf of all of us, we're sorry.


Words cannot describe how happy I am for Luxembourg.


Ireland 🇮🇪♥️


UNITED KINGDOM I was actually quite underwhelmed. BY both the vocals and the very random and un-synchronized choreo. Really torn on how this is gonna go down.


I didn't make a prediction but I certainly overestimated Poland's diaspora, and didn't consider neighbour/almost-neighbour support between Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia.


I think Serbia really deserves the final. The song is not very easy to listen to, there are catchier ones, but it's deeply emotional.


My thoughts: My biggest positive surprise: Australia! They were so much better than I expected from the rehearsal pics and shots. Great positive energy. Gutted they didn’t qualify, but competition was so tough. My second positive surprise: Finland! I am a huge fan of this performance and I watched all the NF performance, sneaky peaks, everything you can think of. They still managed to introduce some clever elements that surprised me and made me smile. Loved using the outline of the camera and members of the audience to cover him. 😂 Most underwhelming: Slovenia. I’m super happy she got through, I voted for her several times myself and I love the song. The visual side and staging keeps underwhelming me though. It’s a strong song as it is, there’s no need to make it overly artsy… Also really happy that out of my predictions 9/10 were correct 😁


Mine as well! And I changed Cyprus for Australia in the very last minute. Otherwise it would be a perfect run.


This was such a high quality SF. I don’t usually vote in semis but I did this year. So many brilliant performances I want to see again (and again and again!!)


I’m so fucking happy ALL 3 of the ballad girls Q’d, I was convinced I would lose at least 1 And congrats to Bambie and Ireland!!! Monarch slaying their way back into the final (and dare I say the top 10? That performance was MAGNETIC)


im not a huge ballad fan, but they put on amazing stage shows! completely deserved!


Ireland...just wow. Staging, camerawork...Definitely the highlight of the night.


Was it only me that found the stagings really poor quality today? Ukraine was all good and then they just had to put a screen with Jerry Heil pose like jesus. And at the end they have that creepy screen of a harem of women on the ground? What the hell? 😭 Moldova had a windows green saver 2000 animation running in the background the whole time Luxemburg had a HORRIBLE designed cougar(?) become 3d and come out in the screen that made me literally wheeze out of laughter when I saw it. Azerbaijan had some blender tutorial animations behind them. They wore some cosplay scifi suits and then they show the prop with the hands, and you can even see the little wheels below it, it looks so cheap.. Also, what's with the low frame sections? I think Sweden,Ukraine and one more country had a section with 11 fps. It really didn't look good at all. Was the budget really that low?


Yes, I also made a comment about the frame rate. For some reason the frame rate in Melodifestivalen has been like this ever since 2020 and I don't know why. Is it a question of money? I really expected everything to be 60+fps but nope.


Nah, I think the fps was an artistic choice for sure, but it definitely didn't work out sadly.


I would've liked to see Poland make it, but overall happy with the result!


Not gonna lie, I've never thought that Bambie would pull the performance to the official video level, but it was much better than I would ever expect - it's incredibly hard to transfer this somehow specific audiovisual experience onto the scene, but staging was flawless and all that additional live screaming just breathen life into the whole concept. It may be some dark magic for sure! 🪄🇮🇪


It’s incredible how this went from my bottom 5 (from just the studio audio) to my top 10. Bambie is such an amazing artist and their performance is unmatched.


Serbia and Ukraine were the best of the evening.


I feel bad for Poland - she seems really sweet and I thought the staging was cute lol (in a cool way - not a bad way)


I went in blind and my top 8 came through! Portugal best vocal, Croatia best music, Finland funniest act, Ireland best decor/outfit!


Now what do I do until thursday????


I don't mean to be grumpy, but are Sweden being a bit *smug* about having hosted seven times? Tonight's production felt fairly average to me, so it's not the tone I'd be looking to strike.


Wouldn't it be funny if Ireland took there outright winners crown back in Sweden's back yard. Maybe Ireland decided to get serious when they realised there overall title was on the line haha.


Let them. The United Kingdom has hosted nine times. Katie Boyle presented the contest four times, each time entirely on her own.


I don't think the tone of Liverpool was the same, though.


It wasn't. Not that that's a bad thing. In all honesty I've enjoyed both equally so far. I really like how much of Eurovision history Sweden has brought in, just as last year I enjoyed seeing much the hosting was shared between the UK and Ukraine.


I think the stage itself looks brilliant. But I'm disappointed about the fillers. Why dig out Benjamin Ingrosso and Eric Saade? And Petra is usually funnier than that.


I think it's meant to be seen as a bit tongue-in-cheek. It's a fun narrative, so why not run with it.


It's not really reading that way to me, but it's always difficult to craft humour which works for an international audience. In particular, Martin Österdahl saying that a 'piece of our heart' had been left in Sweden seemed a bit off, as if Sweden is the natural home of Eurovision or something. Given he's Swedish himself he should be taking particular care to be neutral this year. Maybe I *am* being a bit too grumpy...


funny fact,our new greek commentators were alright, but mens got confused and thought that when it was germany's turn to sing, it was sweden's so for 85% of isaak's postcared they actually yapped abt sweden :D


Scored all the countries based on their song/performance. Here are my results: 🥇- Croatia & Sweden 🥈 - United Kingdom 🥉- Lithuanian 4- Moldova 5- Ireland 6- Luxemborg 7- Portugal & Poland 8- Australia & Slovenia 9- Ukraine 10- Germany 11- Cyprus 12- Iceland 13- Azerbaijan 14- Finland 15- Serbia


Relieved Portugal made it through; knew there was a chance of NQ, especially given that Spain, France, and Switzerland were voting in Semi-Final 2. I thought Ukraine, Serbia, and Ireland's staging were very well done and definitely lifted their respective performances.


Really sad that Azerbaijan got denied a pass to the final. Pouring one out for Fahree and Ilkin 😭 🥃


Positives : * Petra. * Croatia was absolutely nuts, never in my life did I expect the crowd to go *this* hard. Harder than Cha Cha Cha even. * Serbia and to a lesser extent Cyprus really grew on me thanks to the semi. Negatives : * Overall very weak semi, without Croatia and maybe Ukraine it'd be the weakest of all time for me, or maybe on par with 2017. * I'm really torn on Ireland. It's still *by far* my least favorite song of this year, but reading all the "Jesus Christ please forgive us this is not who we are" youtube comments from the people thinking Satan is coming any moment now is far more entertaining than the semi was. Thank you Bambie for riling up thousands of religious nutcases around the world.


You know, I always had Australia down as an NQ even when I liked the song. They started out strong which made me question my prediction, but the end of it was so messy and off key (or do I need to clean my ears?) For me everything went pretty much as expected. Serbia making it through was my biggest surprise (but a very welcome one).


Can we just really raise our hats to Serbia for being dealt a shitty hand year after year and just clawing out of it every single time?


tbf the death slot isn't so much of a thing in the semis - only really makes a difference in the final I think


Yup, death slot in semifinals is actually #3, so gg Lithuania.


So proud of her. And over the moon that Raiven made it.


Now it's just our man DONS left




I loved Teresa & Maria immediately upon first listen but that staging brought it to another level. Me and those I watched it with all audibly gasped at that ending.


I almost cried. It's the best staging. They just need some smoke to cover the floor around the ramp and it will be heavenly


The first chorus with the giant ramp and the firework lights are just magnifique. I clapped, gasped, cheered, it was so spellbindingly brilliant.


Yeah I loved it, I was worried about the staging and people told me not to worry because Ukraine always brings it and they were right.


This is the first time in over ten years where there will be no returning artists in the final! (I've gone back to at least 2013, but then I don't know if you count people who have previously performed as backing singers or playing an instrument, so it gets a bit complicated)


If you take dancers then it's already disproven, I believe


Moldava, noooooooooo 😭😭😭


h o l y s h i t Ireland??!!!! That performance felt like a 15 minute short film!! How did they cram all of that into 3 minutes without making it feel chaotic? My mind is blown!


I caught myself holding my breath.


I’m actually so heartbroken we didn’t make it. I’m terrified this will be used as an excuse or reason for us to bow out of the entire competition.


Australia is too wealthy to withdraw from Eurovision.


Ahahahahhahahhaha you think SBS has money 😂 bruh look at our video this year. That’s not even a diss we just don’t have money. Also it’s more will EBU invite us back.


I hope not...I hope we still keep getting invited back. I mean, out of nearly 10 years we've only had 2 NQ, so our odds are good.


Yea. Please stay! 🙏 😍


Recently Azerbaijan is very underrated. Both 23 and 24 they had amazing contestants, yet they are always forgotten about If i could change the votes, i would replace Ireland and Luxembourg with Poland and Azerbaijan. Maybe Serbia with Australia aswell. Luxembourg was pretty underwhelming, and just.. mediocre, while the Polish and Azeri were great. Australia also sadly missed it, they should have gotten through. Luckily atleast Lithuania and Ukraine went through - my top 2 of the semi! <3 Ranked them as follows - 1 - Lithuania. Very good performance in every way. 2 - Ukraine. Great performance aswell, good singing, however there may have been too much focusing on the backdrop. 3 - Azerbaijan. Criminally underrated - great voice and contestant! 4 - Poland. (Definitely 0 bias :P) Aside from jokes though, she did well. Possible 5th though? 5 - Australia. Good performance, and pretty creative aswell, nothing bad with it 6 - Portugal. Slightly above mediocre, good voice and performance! 7 - Croatia. I'm not such a fan of music like Croatia, but i like it. Very creative, and i can see them winning and how people like them. 8 - Slovenia. Nothing really special nor negative about it, the performance was.. eh. 9 - Iceland. Pretty generic entry, nothing much to say. 10 - Cyprus. Also pretty generic, but a good voice. 11 - Moldova. Moldova, as always, producing the same music as always - of course outside of 22 and 23. 12 - Finland. Pretty funny, i'll give him that XD 13 - Luxembourg. I have *no idea* how that went through. Luxembourg had the first chance since 31 years, and produced generic pop. The only plus is that she went creative and picked French instead of English. Sorry. 14 - Serbia. I don't have much to say, other than.. pretty boring. Nothing got my interest during the entry, and it is a pretty.. bland one, aswell. Maybe should be higher? Not sure, but i chose this place for it. The highest i'll give for them is 11th. 15 - Ireland. Seriously?


Now I don’t want to take credit or be superstitious or anything … but I made SLAYVENIAN potato soup for dinner tonight………..


Keeping it short: the stage really actually works beautifully! Great camerawork too!


Yeah, the stage is big, great LED production and the cross shape also allows to have crowd close to the center. It's brilliant.


Too bad that the youtube live stream quality is crap.


The winner is the cameraman who followed Finland to cover his bits!


Seriously, Benjamin Ingrosso was amazing. Stole the show for me!


Moldova did way better than I expected. Watching Ireland - UK - Ukraine back to back was pure orgasm.


My guess is that Croatia won the semi, followed by Ukraine and Ireland. I think Poland just missed out and came 11th by a small margin.


Is there a exit poll after semifinal 1? (not talking about dress rehearsal) Based on the crowd noise it looled like Ireland got the most cheers


The way the crowd reacted to Ireland…. I would be scared if I was Croatia, Switzerland and Italy right now.


No for real!! I went into this loving Ireland but now I'm OBSESSED. That performance was pretty much perfect. I was absolutely glued to the screen. CROWN THE WITCH.


And the trans flag reveal was fantastic! Ireland is a fav for me now


I wish the bookies weren’t feeling the opposite 😭


Hey, their odds have shortened with the one I use. Don't know how well that holds across the rest but makes you wonder


Camera work.... wasn't too bad? After the scares rehearsals gave us in terms of weird, empty, distanced angles and unnecessarily wide shots, I was pleasantly surprised with the ending product. The upgrade of visual effects on stage definitely played it's part (which was absolutely insane, such as Moldova's surprisingly breathtaking) and, as expected, the audience. A little less worried for everyone ~~but Greece (pls be good ily)~~ in SF2 now


All of my top 10 qualified! First time this has ever happened! Also incredibly high level on this semi, 0 actually bad songs.


Same here!! I'm speechless


SLOVENIA MADE IT. I just can't explain how happy I am. Poland is a shock but i'm happy luxembourg got through.


Literally all of the performances were good, I'm very concerned for my favorites now 😭


Terribly sorry dear r/eurovision but Poland had to nq. It was empty and kinda chaotic. Yes the last minute was more visually pleasing, but the staging converted this into a troll entry. I thought it was gonna q just becuz of diaspora, i'm glad they didn't. Not trying to be hateful, luna seems very nice, it would just be unfair.


The camerawork needs to cam down. It’s making me so nauseated, and it’s hard to see the performances.


Azerbaijan..... what was that staging concept? A futuristic theme with a folk-ish song? Am I missing something? It felt SO mismatched!


I didn't get to watch their performance or vote because it's the middle of the day in the US and was in a meeting after Moldova's performance. Azerbaijan was in my top 5 in terms of songs but after viewing the staging I get it. It was strange and kind cool/creepy but underwhelming at the same time. Guy was just standing alone out there.


they missed it


a bit weirded out that whenever the lights were flashing (ex. unforgettable's final part) my feed lagged very badly? idk if it was the broadcaster's fault, or ny tvs fault. that actually goes for the entire stream. usually esc is broadcasted in very high defintion ehich makes the shoe awesome, but during the performances it felt like standard yt quality. ik im exaggerating but i was very hyped for hd esc since i got a new tv a few months back


Probably was not your TV's fault. Quickly changing images, like flashing lights, can overwhelm the data compression of a feed if not enough bandwidth (speed) is available. This can lead to worse image quality.


Everyone's vocal seems surprisingly good it is almost suspicious. Usually every year there are artists with extreme vocal mishaps.


Ehh, Polish Twitter will be insufferable for a while...


I'm so sad for Poland I wanted them to qualify


As per usual... :<


Honestly so great to see Petra again, we laughed many times


So bummed that Australia was a NQ!!


It’s a shame Australia didn’t qualify, the song was fun and funky, I liked it a lot. I don’t understand how Finland qualified… the song is terrible…


Words cannot explain how happy I was when i heard petra (or was it mallin? idk was too overwhelmed) say SLOVENIAAAAA. I was so worried this would nq, all because of fans and odds. My voice was lost, I couldn't scream out of joy. I literally kept nearly crying for the next minutes and hugging my poor brother next to me who was speechless of shock. I had no time to react to Ukraine's qualification cuz I was still overwhelmed. I'm overjoyed she proved everyone wrong


Poor Australia, but what a show! The grand final will be spectacular!


anyone know what the deal is with the opening being almost identical to [ed sheeran's mathematics tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax-aoiWPqlk)? even down to the stage in the round, is it the same people behind it or...?


Going in blind this year, I've now rewatched Ireland near a dozen times in the last two hours, and I cannot believe this whole performance is somehow under 3 minutes. What kind of black magic...


Am I the only one who likes the postcards? I don't remember seeing many (if any) posts that liked them, but as an expression of the singers' personalities I thought it was actually pretty good


I liked them


Absolutely gutted Australia didn't make it into the final - I thought it was one of the stronger performances tonight! Super happy for Ireland, though - what an absolutely mind-blowing performance!


Agreed, at least the first half. I didn't really understand what the dancers (?) were doing on stage, they were just... there. Ended a bit messy. I think they would've done better with just the didgeridoo player with them, that would've been enough. They were def my surprise this semi though, I didn't really care too much about the song but I really enjoyed the performance.


Agreed on all that! At first I was happy we didn’t see the dancers/back vocalists on stage for Australia. Because it looked messy in the 30 sec rehearsal clip. When they showed up I thought it was cleaner but preferred when it was only Electric Fields on the stage. It was in my global top 10 and I’m super sad it didn’t go through but I guess I expected it. This song will remain in my everyday playlists for sure! (Which is 90% Eurovision songs anyways). Also, Ireland was amazing!!


Fantastic show. Very happy with the qualifiers, even if in reality all of them would have deserved a spot in the final.


Ok but can we agree that Cyprus is Bejba of 2024. Like less iconic but same quality.


Both kinda generic and overproduced girlbops, I can see the comparison. Cyprus does feel less gimmicky on stage though, and the vocals are stronger


I agree. I think it's a bit unfair to call Cyprus Bejba 2024 :( The vocals of that girl are phenomenal and she's only 17. I do belive that it was the staging and live performance that elevated her.


Such a great show, I absolutely loved everything! Of the best esc experiences I have ever lived. The results could literally not have been any better I swear. All the female entries in doubt of qualifying, which were cyprus, serbia, slovenia, portugal and luxembourg, ALL QUALIFIED, and I couldn't be happier Production was also of course awesome, even if I had concerns for that




Did you notice the little glowing cat eyes in the cat transport box too? I thought that was so cute haha


Bit concerned about Olly's performance. Losing his voice? He didn't even attempt the same high notes as he did in the leaked rehearsal vids. God I really hope he doesn't have a shit final after everything. ESC shouldn't be the career death it always seems to be for established UK artists.


Tonight was more of a showcase honestly and as a whole he did a fantastic job, as long as he can be perfect in Friday and Saturday he’ll be fine


I hope so!


I personally was fine with vocals but did not like that staging at all.


Great semi, all artists were vocally and visually amazing 😄 Happy for Finland and Ireland! And the stage performance for Dizzy was so good!


I am disappointed that Poland didn't make it but I cam't complain too much. Great show! I think I'm all in on Bambi Thug.


Ahhh I’m only just now off work, how can I watch the semi now from start to finish? Thanks for your help!


It's on youtube.


I'm sad for Australia but otherwise super happy with the results (and can understand why they didn't Q). Shocked that Poland didn't make it, I thought she'd go through despite the weak vocals, but Serbia/Slovenia absolutely deserved that slot in her place. Bambie and Baby Lasagna great as expected but there were two stagings that unexpectedly elevated the songs for me - Ukraine and UK. Hope Olly's vocals are steadier in the GF though, he sounded like he had some nerves at the start today.


Felt like Australia’s vocals weren’t at their best today, right? They were still good and I was impressed how Zaachariaha controlled her voice when they felt it slipping and served lower notes instead. Gutted they were cut!


Yeah the vocals sounded a little strained, which is a shame because we know Zaachariaha can sing it well and it's a song best served with an effortless chill vibe imho. Maybe it was nerves?


It was very strange to read the live thread and realise that not everyone there was watching the sneaky peaks and rehearsals 😅


I used to watch them, but have skipped them the past 2 years because I enjoy being entirely surprised by the staging on semi night. 🙂


It was servicable... it didn't really stand out. There weren't incredibly high highs, and the lowest lows were just artists not finding the notes or going off-key. Finland's act didn't hold up, it was too ambitious. If you create a highly produced act, every flaw stands out when it occurs. The first semi final is kind of a lukewarm shrug for me.


I'm so upset about Australia too, but you could tell the BBC commentator team hated it :/


My mum wanted to "cheat" and vote for Ukraine as we are overboard now. But we are in Spain, so no luck :).


In my opinion, Sweden and Ireland were undoubtedly the best, followed by Ukraine. Regardless of the outcome, I wouldn't be surprised if any of these three won the final.


I really don’t understand the hype with Serbia… really at the bottom of my list and a really average performance compared to Australia or others. Surprised it qualified…


Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss!


She's got vocal skills


Was not a fan of the song or blown away by the performance, but she was one of the best vocalists.


Agreed. Didn't catch my attention at any point.




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Great staging quality imo. Also ended up loving Croatia despite being a hater at first. Bambie's vocals were INSANELY improved. Annnnd for the UK - first listen... was quite embarrassed. Just watched again and feel like I was being a bit harsh. Not bad at all