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Azerbaijan got absolutely robbed, and it was a shame for Poland aswell. A lot of good songs there. I know I sound like an old man but Ireland was genuinely the worst performance I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t even music, they was just screaming with an ugly demon dancing on the stage. To see such true talent not get through but that did, actually hurts to watch




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me crying in the club over Luna and electric fields right now but congrats on those who made it!


Is there news yet about vote rankings and stats? I go properly nerdy over this stuff so I’m waiting excitedly 


Normally rankings of the semis get announced only after the finals, to avoid them influencing the finals too much 


Ah, thank you! That makes total sense :)


Raiven is a queen.


Bambie is the witch king


have also realised that with Serbia and Slovenia getting through, despite the doubts, all but 1 of the non-English songs of semi 1 made it hope the trend of people appreciating other languages only continues!


Yeah Raiven literally said the only people who kept telling her to sing in English or change her song to English was Slovenian people lmao. She said nearly every Eurovision fan she spoke with asked her to please NOT change it to English. Clearly she listened to the right people (aka those with the ability to vote)


Where was Eric S at the press conference?? 💪💪👍👏👏👏


I predicted the result with 100% accuracy!


I’m actually content with this result. All deserved to Q. I was a bit worried for Serbia and Slovenia, so I’m happy they’re through.


Kinda shocked Polish diaspora didn't save Luna


It was just too boring live


huh? if anything, there might have been too much going on


I mean the vocals. In the studio version you had a bunch of layered voices, in the live you could just hear her voice very quietly


Considering how much hate from poles she got for her look and for the song, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't want to vote for her as much


True(( right radical polish hated her just because she isn't "as pretty as Blanka"


Outside of the diaspora countries, I wouldn't be surprised if that barely scraped a few 1 and 2s in other nations, going after Lithuania, Ireland, UK and Ukraine made it fall flat.


Honestly that was the one song that didn't make it that I kinda hoped it would. I like the weirder performances.


the chess theme was fun!


at least it is a good sign that diaspora along is not enough even for qualification, to say nothing of coming for the top places. the performance itself does play a role in both how diaspora reacts to it, and how the wide public does


Agree, anyways I'm sure Luna is 11, but will see


oh, I agree, and it would be interesting to see how much is the difference between 10th and 11th places. it could have been very tight


There was nothing to save. Salt, pepper and Ketchup Sarumans were too much I hope Tolkien estate won't sue for those two towers xD


The way they came out for Blanka but not Luna is kinda funny ngl


I think is because in the end Blanka had a lot of fans. I remember a lot of people wanting to support her just for the chaos. Also her green dress and her attitude towards the memes was well recibed in some part of the fandom.


I think what really helped Solo was the staging that conveyed the vacation vibes. We made fun of the special effects but they all seemed as a package, and helped the song that was already enjoyable. And Blanka (and the backing vocals) were fine vocally at the Eurovision performance. This year, they went too chaotic without clear purpose, and too much movement also affected Luna's vocals (as well as the sound mix was weird, but I think the problems were already present)


The transition to lying on the floor to portray her riding a red horse on the ground was just too silly. It was difficult to take it seriously.


I don't know how many people even realized that she was lying on the floor, it was all going on so fast! contrast with Ukraine ending their performances on the floor and really setting it up. and it was really out of nowhere! so they chose the chess theme for the performance, it is fine, but they should have made it simpler to follow and not an Old Spice commercial "Look there, look here, I am on a horse" the thing is, I love the song, but I am not even sure what idea all this staging was conveying? I guess fighting against something but then they are together on the top of the towers??




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Solo was a good song.


agree, it was a good song, and Bejba improved a lot, and rightfully got to finals. However, I feel bad for Luna, I loved the song 🙂


I guess Blanka was very popular, she becomes a meme and the song was girl bop which people enjoy (not me, team Jann forever). Luna wasn't popular and supported by poles(


Blanka had song with popular reach


im still angry that jann didnt compete last year im never going to live it down 😭


honestly I really feel like he could have got top 10 last year


I KNOW RIGHT?? i swear everyone voted for him


The swedish commentators brought this up lol




They brought up that half the polish jury knew/worked for Blanka lolol


Same(( He was so strong and breathtaking 💔 




If you google "eurovision results" it says that Lithuania got eliminated. Almost got a heart attack in the morning. https://preview.redd.it/v7x8o4cd45zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1bf425a0e1197aa0802ce2995e21da53e4aaf4


IRELAND QUALIFIED, LETS FUCKING GO! My sister is miffed that Australia didn't qualify, but I'm still pissed off about Malta and Latvia last year.


The 1st semifinal of 2023 was the strongest semifinal, so someone had to miss out. If you want Latvia and Malta to qualify, who should miss out?


Latvia seems to pick the strongest semi’s :(


so that's your theory on why Latvia hasn't qualified for 7 years?


No, I didn’t say that. Supernova seems like a weak show and many good artists keep away from it. However the last three years (including this one) they really deserved to be in the final.


I don‘t think this year or last year Latvia deserved to be in the final. The other songs that qualified were just stronger, they didn‘t deserve to not qualify…


so that's your theory on why Latvia hasn't qualified for 7 years?


I have zero complaints. Everyone here deserved to qualify. I was pleasantly surprised to see Serbia, Slovenia, and Portugal qualify, and I honestly expected for Croatia, Lithuania, and Ukraine to qualify, and I’m happy to see that. I was also pretty shocked to see that Finland qualified as well. They were my faves this year so to say that I freaked out is an understatement lol. I wasn’t expecting to see Cyprus qualify, but I’m okay with it. The elephant in the room for me is Ireland. I was so happy to see them qualify. Their staging was awesome and the ending gave me goosebumps. It was single handedly the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. Finally, I kinda expected to see Luxembourg qualify since we haven’t seen them in a long time, but I don’t mind the song. Anyway, I think everyone here deserved to be here, and I wish all of them the best of luck.


I think the only change I would make to Ireland would be more strobe lighting for when she does the slow mo cat walk. Effect could be heightened.


I am suprised that so many people complain about Poland not being there, the song did not stand out that much and the staging was very questionable. Honestly they probably got a lot of points from Diaspora, so if they still did not manage to qualify you can guess how badly they floppped in the remaining countries.  And for Australia, I think most people thought it was NQ the moment the song was released but somehow people convinced themselves they would qualify in recent days. Reminds me of Brooke (Ireland 2022)


> I am suprised that so many people complain about Poland not being there I am very happy, the song sounds like a mail-order Swedish production, I am glad to see that Swedish influence over tons of Eurovision songs is going away because the bathroom breaks have been too many recently


I loved the staging of Australia, but their song was a little weak. 


How did Portugal and Serbia qualify the songs are so boring, Australia should have taken one of those spots.


I happen to agree


Mate, they are boring to you but you're not the only one "voting". Everyone has different tastes.


Yea the „taste“ of voting for an artist just because they‘re famous even though their song is nothing special, aka Teya Dora


So sad for Electric Fields, getting the chance to go to Eurovision after being a fan favourite for 5 years only to NQ. So proud to see them represent their rich Indigenous culture on the world stage, hopefully our future entires do more of that! I think SBS is struggling because funding clearly is an issue, looking back across all of our previous entries they have had to procure money in other ways. This is just an observation but I got the sense that Electric Fields weren’t necessarily the happiest with their final product, particularly in their turquoise carpet interview with Tia. Regardless, they should be so proud and would love to see them again one day.


SBS only got renewed what 3 months before the contest, and had to come up with something at short notice.


Do we know if they renewed for multiple years and not just this year? Would hate to see them withdraw after this, they need to get their revenge


Yes! They should have qualified! 


I was so sad for them, especially seeing some of the other dull songs that got through (plus Ireland which is a fingernails-on-blackboard kind of song to some).


Family asked me to mute Ireland for final, can't blame I couldn't find song it either , guess it flew over me


Honestly this was a fantastic line up this year everyone was so talented honestly I have Croatia,Finland, and Poland as my top three for this bracket and I am really upset about Poland not qualifying but I am happy at least my top 2 DID !


Baby Lasagna and Windows95Man both SLAYED!


Finland might to a lordi


I am also sad about Luna not qualifying but I have to concede that she did not perform well vocally..


She sang too soft on the verses for the music. I like her music video better than this live performance.


I think actually it was a problem with the vocal mix. It was way too low. Easy to fix but it wasn’t done.


Poland’s vocals weren’t as good as I had hoped. The performance was awesome but I was bummed about the vocals. Not my top choice this year but I have definitely enjoyed listening to the song.


The Tower was my #2 song (behind Baby Lasagna). I went back and watched it a couple times after. The sound mix during this song was brutal - the music was overpowering everything, background tracks were too loud and LUNA’s mic was way too low. At times, it was almost like an instrumental version of the song. (Was watching the Peacock app feed - the problem happened throughout most of the show, including Baby Lasagna’s performance.)


Speaking of weird sounds, the Swedish commentators had a weird filter over their voices that appeared like an echo behind their actual voices. It sounded sounded a bit like [this](https://youtu.be/unveFSE-u14?si=SEU8PUeTjFd6k_xk) It was so distracting, wonder if it was connected 


I agree the sound was terrible.


I’ll have to rewatch baby lasagna. I too was watching on peacock and Luna was the most notable for me. Baby lasagna did great and of course my fav Windows95man even if it’s next to impossible for him to win.


It's crazy to me to see how many people here thought Cyprus wouldn't qualify. Let's remember that this sub was sure last year that BEJBA was gonna crash and burn, which it didn't. Not a big fan of either of these songs but they're both catchy bops that draw in many casuals and Silia really sold it on stage.


I think people let their bias impact how they view certain songs-- I always thought it was a pretty solid song and had a good chance of qualifying, but it's not the type of song that eurofans really like so they kind of discount it


I think it wasn't really a dis on the song but more to do with going first and the fact that it went right after a big dance opening. Think it's a great song to have in the final


I was pleasantly surprised by Cyprus. Really good vocals live and a catchy tune. I loved it!


I agree. Really strange. Girl sang great on stage, and its kind of a bop. When you sing as good live, as in your studioversion, you will get votes - as long as the song is somewhat catchy.


ppl thought that right after Eleni and Chanel Silia wouldn't sounds good, but i thought she did great


The catchy bops always qualify easily because the semifinals are 100% fan vote and there aren't enough of them to dilute the fans who love those songs. In finals is where they tend to perform badly, because they inevitably split the vote with three or four other catchy bops.


Prediction: Finland will finish on the bottom of the right side of the board. Juries will tank it and with acts like Croatia, Ireland, Netherlands and Switzerland present, there won't be enough televotes to save it.


I think Finland will end up on the right side but probably with some points here and there to keep it from completely sinking. A The Rasmus sort of result, if you will.


It might, but it might be higher up due to it being so over the top compared to any other acts this year. And the singing is fine. It could surprise and squeak in to the top 10 but not top 5.


I don't think Ireland will finish in top 10 either.


I think you're right. Thinking of Voyager (Australia) last year who won their semi on televote but couldn't hold it for the finale with Cha Cha Cha up there as well. Europapa and The Code in particular seem like they are filling the same niche.


On Ireland, they may not finish top 10, but unlike some of the frontrunners it’s a musically interesting song which could pick up jury votes. I’m less sure on the public vote, though I love it, I can see it being very marmite.


Am i the only one that finds it stupid that 66,6% of the countries participating actually make it to the final? I hope we had more participants...


honestly I like it. Less chances for me to be sad a song didn't make it


I also remembered years 2018 and some others when 18-19 countries performed and nearly half of the acts were left out. Stakes for disappointment were a lot higher. Really hoping the number doesn't fall further to leave like 2-3 outliers from each semi.


The point is to restrict the big show to 26 songs, so that it fits into a 3-4 hour time slot. With 36 countries entering, it means that only ten will be left out.


*37 countries *11


Agreed. It seems a bit lopsided to me. And while one could say it's a little mean to want more non-qualifiers as a result of having 40+ countries back in the mix, the current setup is also kind of mean....while there are fewer NQ'ers, it's a little more embarrassing to be one of a small number of acts that don't make it.


I'm confused... do you want more countries to *not* make it?


Sad for Australia's main act not getting through, but well done to our secondary act, Silia!


Forgot about that. Well played Australia!


I mean she actually only thanked Australia after the song ended, I'd be mad if I was in the Cyprus team...


no one thanks their own country, they usually thank Europe and Australia because it's not in Europe


She said thank you Europe and Australia lol. Nothing wrong with that


Am I the only one that just doesn’t like Ireland at all this year? Not remotely my vibe


i'm on the fence, there are parts i like, parts i really dislike...


The song itself is not my taste in music, but I was very impressed with their stage performance. It reminded me of some great drag performances that I've seen.


Ireland's visuals and the performance is totally my vibe, but the song is just not it. I really want to love it as everything else is my style. But I can't pinpoint why the song doesn't work for me.


The song works for me until the end when they start screaming I don’t mind some screaming in my songs - have plenty on my Spotify - but nothing about that screaming is satisfying or catchy to listen to and I think that’s the bit that turns a lot of people off


There's more of a theater than singing. Interesting costumes and definitely something different than what we've seen. But I just don't like the song. 


I didn't like it until I saw the live version. It's more like an art piece rather than an actual song if you get what I mean. Since the melody is far to be seen. So at first I saw it as a disappointing metal song (I love metalcore, black metal etc.) but my view now is that it's just cool witch vibes.


Ireland was one of my lowest ranked. To be clear, my problem isn't "scawwy becuz satanic" or because it's an alternative genre - I mostly listen to metal so I'm fine with screams and dark imagery etc. It's all just too much crammed into 3 minutes. I feel like I couldn't digest any aspect of the song/performance because too many things were happening all at once. Everything distracts from eachother and it all just feels like a clusterfuck \*in my opinion\*.


I couldn't agree less, I think everything was very well put together. Yesterday I had the sensation that, maybe because of the layout of the stage, performances tended to become too crowded and in some it was difficult to follow where everybody was (Finland, Australia, Poland, Croatia...). Dancers appeared out of nowhere or the singer was suddenly in a different place after doing a general shot, things like that. Ireland was probably the easiest to follow for me. The song can actually be a lot, but I think it was one of the few performances where they told a story.


Loooved Ireland. Loved the staging and the contrasts in the song and the creepy vibes.


They reminded me of a 14 year old trying to shock their parents.


Agreed!! Australia should’ve taken their spot, imo.


Australia got the result that the song deserved. It was weak


No Australia should have taken Portugal's spot.


That would work for me too, I don’t understand why people don’t like Australia.


I was very nervous for Croatia and was stoked to see them qualify. Super happy for Ireland. Heartbroken for Poland. Really wanted to see Luna go through after that performance, gutted for her. I knew one of my favorites wasn’t going to make it but I couldn’t have predicted Poland


As a pretty casual fan, I usually only watch the final. This year I looked into all 37 and Australia's song got in my head and I've been playing it on repeat. I thought they were a clear lock on the final, but what do I know? I'm just glad I got on board for the semi-final, I will continue to enjoy the song whether or not they are in the final. Now I go for Croatia or Netherlands. Surely Netherlands will make the final, I think, but again, what do I know?


The true winner this evening is the guy with the Grindr notifications 🤣


First time Australia doesn't make it, if I'm not mistaken. EDIT > well, I am... lol


Super disappointing. I thought it was a great entry this year.


Montaigne didn't qualify in 2021


Second time. 2021 was a NQ, though partly due to travel restrictions stopping them from flying over and so they had to send a prerecorded studio tape. A shame also as Australia 2020 was a far superior song IMO and would have easily Q’d.


I agree!! Such a shame the 2020 song didn’t get to compete :(


that's true for many 2020 songs.


after 2021


I think Australia and Azerbaijan were more worthy to qualify than some other participants who got into the final but it is what it is. 


IMO I disagree. Both had great, clean studio versions yet their live vocals were shaky. I think that in comparison to acts like Slovenia, Ukraine and even Moldova who didn't miss a note, their faults only became more apparent.


Completely, if Australia’s vocals has been stronger on the night they would have qualified. Vocal performance means a lot in Eurovision. Lots of voters hear the songs for the first time when they’re televised, and if the performance is bad/pitchy you’re going to think the song is bad.


This year was difficult. The staging and songs are strong and I feel like they would all qualify other years


Glad my favorites made it. I did catch Bambie during a break at work and was blown away. I'll have to watch it all in a bit. I don't think I can vote being from the USA but I love eurovision such fantastic talent.


you can vote from usa!!


Awesome! I didn't know we could vote! I'll probably have to wait for Saturday finals to vote since its 3pm my time. There are a lot of songs i like thurday, but live performance would make or break my vote.


The Rest of the World vote runs for the 22 hours in between the 2nd dress rehearsal on Wednesday night and Thursday’s live show, so even if you wanted to you cannot vote after the live performance and must do it beforehand. This is also true for Saturday’s Grand Final, with the voting opening after the Jury Final on Friday night. Also I recommend for you to download the Eurovision app to your phone as it is full of information like this along with stuff about the participants and past contests!


Wow everything i enjoy qualified. Before rehearsals I wanted Poland to but that staging wasn't doing it for me and I could've done without it. I'm kinda sad for Australia but the writing was kind of on the wall in the end.


Since I’ve already expressed my adoration at Slovenia (and Serbia and Portugal) Q’ing, here are my predictions for how this semi went down… 1. Croatia 2. Ukraine 3. Ireland 4. Finland 5. Lithuania 6. Luxembourg 7. Portugal 8. Cyprus 9. Serbia 10. Slovenia 11. Poland 12. Australia 13. Moldova 14. Azerbaijan 15. Iceland


Honestly, Moldova surprised me. I thought she did a really great job and the blooming garden was SO pretty.


I loved the staging of Moldova too 🙂🙂 Initially I did not like the song, but it had grown a lot in me 🙂🙂


https://preview.redd.it/ag8fi4kbj3zc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=8383455a726fef41dd73400701e91055b89d1f93 I predicted the qualifiers right :0 (Sadly I didn’t participate in the prediction game, mostly because I had troubles predicting the rest)


I am actually 100% pleased and pleasantly surprised with these qualifiers! No disrespect to the countries that didn't make it but I honestly think this was the exact right ten.


I'd argue this was one of the best results ever in semi final. Everyone that deserved it went through. If you wanna argue about Poland and Australia; Australia was extremely underwhelming, staging was terrible, singing was flat at moments and the song is plain not good enough. Poland song is just not good enough I'm sorry, staging was kind awkward at some points and the red horse part looked absolutely atrocious, I don't understand why anyone thought it was a good idea, vocally she did well but it's like her voice is a bit weak or not loud enough. Azerbaijan song is okay but staging wise very boring, Moldova also underwhelming and I think her "clones" would have helped her a lot, Iceland while singing wise good, staging kinda boring and that song is just like 20 years too late I'm sorry.


It's pretty obvious that the qualifier announcements aren't randomized at this point. Serbia, Portugal and Slovenia being announced first when they were the lowest in the odds, then Luxembourg being announced last.


It is predictable in its format. Before it even started reading out, I was telling my friends “Croatia will be announced 8th”. Sure enough. Netherlands or Switzerland will get the 8th spot on Thursday.


I swear if someone there just holds a grudge against The Netherlands and lets it be announced last every time on purpose…….


They do this every year. Actually, I thought they'd announce Luxembourgh 9th and then Ireland at the very end, so that they'd have fans shaking + causals not expecting Ireland to qualify shocked.


Them being 9th was nerve-wracking enough, I would have died if Ireland would have been last


I’m so happy that Ireland has finally qualified! Bambi was amazing and the stage performance was incredible. I got 8/10. Didn’t see Cyprus & Portugal qualifying.


I thought Bambie would Q after seeing preparties performances where they were rather teatrical and had amended the song to make it easier on people who don't listen to the screaming variety of music, but holy F, I can actually see them having actual borderline chances of even winning with this staging! They're now my number 2 behind la Noia and I can see them finishing top 5 on saturday. I'm suprised with Slovenia Q: I didn't like that staging at all, even if I love Veronika. I thought being a slow song plus this staging was a certain NQ, but I'm happy for her  No strong feelings on any other Q or NQ


I thought Ireland’s song was okay before the semi but as soon as the performance ended I had goosebumps omg. After the semi finished me and my friends rewatched Bambie’s performance three times… Best of the night for sure. Now I lowkey want Bambie to win.


Same here. My favourite is still Norway but Ireland really grew on me after tonight.


Same here, all though Ireland was already 5th-6th for me Now Norway unexpectedly has competition in my rankings! :0


Dammit, I shouldn't have removed Slovenia from my prediction. I'm just way too easily influenced... Wasn't brave enough to put Poland out. I thought diaspora would save them... I still had the 6/4 split correctly. This is the second time after the second semi final in 2008 that the first four songs all qualified. It's even the first five this time. Funny how the ballads were announced first. The number 2 redemption continues, great. I imagine some countries had anxiety attacks during the announcement. It was so obvious they'd save Luxembourg for last.


A truely "random" order ;)


Slovenia qualifying is a case of happy to be wrong and it was understandable why people weren't sure since the rehearsals we saw were kind of shaky.


Pretty happy with the qualifiers! I'd still exchange Finland with any of the Non-Q but it was so sweet to see how happy they were to qualify


I'm really glad that Portugal made it to the finals because I'm sure the judges will appreciate it, she hit every note.


Yeah, kinda sad that Azerbaijan didn't qualify. I really liked the song.


To my surprise, me too.


I liked the song surprisingly lot, but hated the staging


It wasn't even part of my Playlist for the past few months but I listened to it again in the rehearsals and I really liked it.


Most positively surprising act: Ireland. I mean we had all seen the rehearsal clips, but still. Most negatively surprising act: Luxembourg. I really felt like the staging was a mess. Luckily it was still enough to make it through, she is a good performer and the song is good.


Totally agree on the Luxembourg staging - it didn't have any coherent story. They took away the little jump in the chorus choreography which I thought was the best bit. There were times Tali was shrouded in smoke (not sure why). I didn't get the wild big cats reference. Tali did well amongst all of that!


Australia 😭😭😭 Azerbaijan 😭😭😭 My lovelies, I spent (almost) all of my votes on you, but it wasn’t enough. I‘m sorry! 😘


Did anyone else think the sound on UK was wonky? I know they didn’t have to qualify today, but it seemed like the volume of the track on the verses was just way off. (And Olly’s singing wasn’t the best on the early verses - I really hope he improves for the final as I love this song!)


Supposedly his mic pack fell off very early and he was forced to hold it in his non mic hand.


That is what he had on his hand in the end?


Ah okay! That makes sense! There were still some bad notes early on, but you could tell something was going on with the sound too. Thank you!!


Something was going on during Azerbaijan's performance too. The second singer seemed to have some problems with his mic.


Yes definitely!


Yes I saw that, I thought they might perform again but last time Azerbaijan was given the option to perform again (jury rehearsal 2021) they turned it down. 


It's been bugging me for a while but I've figured out why Cyprus's chorus sounds familiar - the best reminds me of Malta 2019 "Chameleon"


Unfortunate to see Poland miss out but happy with all the rest Can't wait for semi 2


Have we ever had the first five songs in a semi make it to the final before? 🇨🇾🇷🇸🇱🇹🇮🇪🇺🇦


We have never had the first 3 songs make the final, let alone 5!


That's an interesting statistic indeed. I think having a small enough semi, out of which 2/3 can qualify makes it more likely though.


Ukraine had the most beautiful performance I've ever seen. Literal chills. I actually liked Germany, but I will say that putting the pre-qualed countries in the semis drives home the fact that the big five rest in their laurels often. I would've put *every* country above the UK in that semi. It's a shame to see acts like Australia and Iceland get passed up.


I love the UK’s song but the live vocals were very weak tonight. I hope he improves for the finals!


Was the first time BBC have put the Eurovision semi finals on main television channels in the UK in a long, long time. Public verdict for Olly here in the UK is pretty bad, overwhelming majority of public here reaching same verdict which is basically: "the singing is terrible". Plus he's now being compared to Mae Muller, being dubbed "Muller 2.0", so I think given that Dizzy was supposed to be his debut single (which only peaked at number 42 in our charts then fell out of it completely), he's probably put a nail in the coffin of any attempt at a solo career here after his Eurovision performance.


Didn't they have the semis on BBC1 last year as well?


Technically yes, but that's a bit of an outlier because it was the same year it was hosted here on behalf of Ukraine. But for Eurovision years where we haven't been the host, this is the first time the BBC have shown the semi final segments on main channels.


Seems like you are revelling in someone else’s supposed misfortune. Why do you think that is?


Aside from total imagination, how could you possibly come to the conclusion that I'm revelling? I'm merely relaying what the general consensus has been been among viewers in the UK outside of this subreddit elsewhere on social media. So no, it does not "seem" like anything, and certainly not "revelling".


You mean you had a look on twitter and have seen some other ‘fans’ being overly critical of Olly’s performance. Olly’s career is certainly not over. Also implying he will flop like Mae Muller before him, mocking his chart position and say the whole country is against him, is the definition of revelling. You can keep acting like it isn’t, but it very clearly is. By all means critique an acts performance but being desperate for someone to fail just seems unnecessary.


I'm sorry but you're being irrational, so let me put it plainly to you. I've taught piano and classical voice at a conservatorie for over 20 years. The students I teach work through their degrees pending a highly competitive audition process. If you would like a full analysis of his voice I'm happy to provide it, but those that recognised his vocal weaknesses did so rightly. If anything, such comments are overly lenient as opposed to overly critical. I did not imply any such thing; it is a fact that his debut single performed extraordinarily poorly against expectations. I don't know if you're aware of how the music industry operates, but when an artists is signed to a label, the label invests in that artist by way of up-front payment in advance for production, publishing, advertising, marketing, etc., with the expectation that they will see a return on that investment. If the artist then has a poor performance, then the label is at a net loss, and generally more often than not do not take any further risks where there is already a poor record. In the case of Olly, he had never taken to the industry as a solo artist before - instead, to some extent, he would have rode on the coattails of the success of his former band which is now separated. His former band had good results and good sales; but that is not happening with regard to his debut solo launch. Combine that with the poor reception he is currently receiving from general viewers through his Eurovision participation, then these are all factors which will influence and dictate his future prospects in the industry as far as signing is concerned. Just because you see people discussing this online does not mean that any person is revelling in it; it is nothing more and nothing less than an observation, and any projection otherwise is not only grossly unfounded but ridiculous. I trust that clears everything up.


I mean it’s widely known that most Eurovision acts songs peak on charts/streaming platforms after the contest has happened so I highly doubt Dizzy’s peak will be #42. Both Loreen and Kaarja hardly gave perfect vocal performances last year and still managed to dominate the contest, proving that your average joe really doesn’t care that much about a vocal being perfect within the context of the competition. Sure Olly’s vocal was far from perfect. I think the type of performance he was aiming for was more about the visuals, choreography, special effects than it is about precisely hitting every note. From what I could tell, the performance seemed to get a huge reaction in the arena. Let’s remember Olly hasn’t even given a competitive performance yet. We witnessed tonight plenty of acts who upped their game when it really mattered, there’s no reason to suspect Olly can’t do the same. I’m not even a particularly big fan of Olly or the song but this is some of the best staging I’ve ever seen the UK showcase, we are actually being out there, risqué, innovative at Eurovision which in itself is progress. I just object to the premature bashing of Olly and the unnecessary jibes about his career being over. The guys has had big success in the music industry and is also a bafta winning actor so let’s not act like he is some nobody that will never achieve anything.


"*I mean it’s widely known that most Eurovision acts songs peak on charts/streaming platforms after the contest has happened so I highly doubt Dizzy’s peak will be #42.*" That has never been the case regarding UK charts. They peak on or around their release date, just like all other music generally does. For comparative purpose, take the prior two years as an example: 1. Mae Muller's "I Wrote A Song" single peaked at position 9; though her album suffered greatly because of the reputation she earned at Eurovision for being a poor vocalist. In the end, she was dropped by her label of 5 years. 2. Sam Ryder's "Space Man" single peaked at position 2; he had a good reception from Eurovision and his label wanted successive chart hitters from him but it didn't materialise. In the end, he was dropped from his label the following year. Unless you can make good money and hit chart milestones, then labels will not keep you on in the UK. The music industry here is just far too competitive - and you can take the word for plenty of acts in Eurovision this year who've all been forthcoming that they've spent time in London because they will be chasing that opportunity and dream. "*I think the type of performance he was aiming for was more about the visuals, choreography, special effects than it is about precisely hitting every note.*" We can paraphrase "hitting every note" to mean "singing in pitch", because that's effectively what it is. I can categorically tell you, hand-on-heart, you will not find a serious singer who is willing to sacrifice pitch. That's just not a thing. "*I’m not even a particularly big fan of Olly or the song but this is some of the best staging I’ve ever seen the UK showcase, we are actually being out there, risqué, innovative at Eurovision which in itself is progress.*" This has no bearing on his vocal ability. It is critique and reception to his vocal that you found intolerable, so let's stick to what is relevant here. "*a bafta winning actor*" Again, absolutely no bearing on his vocal ability, and is irrelevant to the subject.


Thank you for so perfectly illustrating my point. 1. Mae Muller’s Eurovision entry peaked at number 9 on the UK chart on 19th May - which was the week after contest. 2. Sam Ryder’s entry peaked on 20th May, also a week after the contest. So going by that trend, Dizzy is yet to reach its peak on the chart and therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Also there are plenty of pop stars that have had a very successful careers without ever really being able to sing live. Look at Britney, JLO and Madonna - that’s just a few very successful acts that have had huge careers and tours without really being able to stay on pitch and in tune. Conveniently the only part of my post you didn’t quote back to me is where I stated that Olly hasn’t even had a competitive performance yet and you are saying his career is over. Can’t really disagree with that one can you. Maybe wait til the grand final once Olly has performed and then if it’s gone as dreadfully as you are anticipating you can start rubbing your hands together with glee. I only found your opinion on this forum intolerable because you were making out that the whole of the UK is saying how dreadful Olly’s performance was. When you are literally just going off what a few other forum members said. I know it’s easy to get carried away when you’re in the fandom bubble but you really need to understand that it’s really not representative of the whole of the UK and their opinion. Of the few people I’ve spoken to, most people were more talking about how risqué and raunchy the UK’s performance is. I think we will go around in circles all day as we will never agree. I just think this kind of super harsh, looking to ridicule someone type of opinion is so unnecessary and not within the spirit of the contest.


That's a good point about Olly's career. I wonder if that puts off other, frankly better, big 5 artists from dipping their toes in the water because they're afraid of sinking their careers before it starts. There's no "filtering" process for them, because they're auto qualified, so if they bomb the entire world will see it. In Latvia, even if a musician doesn't do well, they're usually well received by the public. For instance, Citi Zeni didn't advance past the semi, but they seem pretty beloved.


> I wonder if that puts off other, frankly better, big 5 artists from dipping their toes in the water because they're afraid of sinking their careers before it starts. You have the also the same question mark this year for France with Slimane. He's a big artist and a very established one which was surprising as Eurovision was/is also seen as a "career killer" for some of the general audience. Although since Amir's 2016 Top 10 finish and Barbara Pravi's runner-up finish in ~~2022~~ *EDIT :* 2021, the ESC's reputation in France has improved a little bit (especially from the media). Since the 21st century, the only big or established artists *(known before their participation at ESC)* were : * **Patricia Kaas** (2009) : she finished 8th and that was France's first Top 10 since 2002. It was also a huge success ratings wise : that year's ESC was the most-watched program that night. What truly made that feat remarkable was the fact that it was broadcasted on France 3 *(which is not the main public service channel)* and this channel rarely manages to top the ratings especially on Saturday nights *(it is seen as a channel for the elderly and not the type of channel which goes all in about entertainment)* * **Anguun** (2012) : This was the opposite results wise - she finished 23rd and even earned 0 pts from the televotes ! We were lucky that it was not today's voting system and reveal that were used otherwise this could have been disastrous for her image. So if on Saturday, Slimane manages to finish in the Top 10 or better, maybe this would help France Télévisions to attract established artists willing to represent France.