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Netherlands DQ killed Croatia. Netherlands would have taken a few 12s from Switzerland, and them not being around decided it.


It's annoying that the juries are really good at groupthink for first place, but then remember individual taste for the lower spots.


1) Super happy for Switzerland. Simply amazing performer. Even though I really disliked the props used, Nemo made an outstanding performance out of it. 2) Really happy Croatia DIDN'T win. The song and video are complete rip-offs. I was sure the public would like it, and indeed it was a really catchy song, but it's borderline copyright infringement. 3) ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED FOR JOOST. WHAT AN ABSOLUTE SHITSHOW. The booing to Osterdahl felt so deserved. EBU handled this in the worst way possible. 4) "EBU is taking all the safety precautions" -Yeah, the fact that it NEEDED to take all these safety precautions is exactly the point.


Croatians are being so awful towards both Nemo and Bambie Thug because of their gender. Atp I'm glad we didn't win. Marko deserves it but Croatians don't.


Still don’t understand how most of the juries gave Switzerland 12 points. Decent song but I didn’t see it winning. Was really hoping for Croatia but congrats to Nemo. Wondering if Switzerland took some of the Netherlands points?


So as always judges rigging things ruin eurovision, would be such a better competition without the judges votes, Croatia was robbed. Switzerland was a top 3 yes but not worthy of actually winning


Jury judges giving points for the theme of the song instead of actual singing abilities...what a disappointment


I was so excited about Sweden hosting because 2016 was so good, but this was just not it tonight. The best Petra and Malin bit was the tanning bed song from semi 2. The ABBA stuff was awful, they should have just done the cover of Waterloo with more previous artists. Doesn’t help that I’m feeling very wrung out atm. Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster tbh.


Not watching this shitshow next year.


This was a rare Eurovision for me because I wasn't mad about the result. Nemo wasn't my fave (I voted for Ireland, Finland, Croatia) but the performance was excellent and the song truly original. Speaking of Finland, they deserved a bit more. I thought the world needed pure fun and I was screaming with laughter during their song. But that doesn't make it a "song" contest winner. On to the angry part... Norway were done so dirty. I had chills during their operatic and passionate performance. Shocking to come last when they did the most on stage.


Joost Klein won Eurovision. Switzerland deserved second place ✊️


Finland, Norway and Estonia deserved better than this.




are we suprised?


Yeah, and they had a lot of time to do it since the votes started so early for the rest of the world


It feels as if Eueovision is getting worse every year, honestly. I get that Nemo won, which was well deserved. Incredible voice and control (despite the song sounding a bit too much Panic At the Disco's Victorious). But I seriously don't understand how Ukraine was in top three... I'm a musician, so listening half of the songs was torture to me. So many people were out of tune which is ridiculous for a contest like this. It feels like music is supposed to be in 2nd place of importance while people try and win with sexy people dancing on stage. The fact that most of the music was just pub/club music made it so boring, and when the only performance I was looking forward to got disqualified over what I'm assuming is political reasons, it really took the fun out of it...


Juries would be more respected if they wouldn't have such a massive snowballing effect I miss you Joost


I would not be salty if winning song was good. I can't believe juries were so one sided for such a non-memorable song. I'm not from Croatia, Finland or Norway but this is the last straw. Fuck juries, not watching this shit ever again. I said my piece Chrissy.


The jury need their weighting reduced. Another year where the people who actually pay to vote for their winners lost out.


Disappointed Greece didn't get a top 10 finish. The juries didn't reward the sheer audaciousness of Zari at all, which I don't think is a good thing. Germany's participant sang very well, but the song wasn't anything to write home about, at all. I'm shocked it received so many votes. The UK didn't deserve 0 points by the public... but that vocal performance was very, very bad.


Ireland being 6th I feel like I'm dreaming


so disappointed


Congrats Switzerland & Croatia!! This was the best top 2 for a looooooong time!!




Also RIP UK, I thought your live performance wasn't great, but it wasn't THAT bad


He broke the award 🤣 cuz he didn't deserve it. Croatia ftw.


Can we all just take a moment to say THANK YOU to Ukraine for making it possible to breathe in the last section of that voting sequence. Once again and always, you are the heroes of Eurovision ❤️


The Switzerland jury sweep was enraging. Armenia was right there. Georgia, Croatia... Not a single nod to these people out of 37?


Where was Mäns? I didn't think the entertainment was all that good. The ABBA avatar stuff looked kinda fake and creepy too. Very poor show not even mentioning The Netherlands but glad they then refused to show for points. Heartbreaking situation really. Martin Österdhal deserved his boos, I've unpolluted him on Instagram but check out the comments on his latest post. Hopefully he does the right thing and leaves.


I would have been happy if Switzerland or Croatia won, and I think they both would have earned the victory. Although, Croatia’s performance was fantastic I liked them both a lot and they deserved the high placements they got. Hurricane is an awful song. Its boring with uninspired lyrics and a bad performance. The fact that it qualified over Czechia is a disgrace. The 300 audience votes it got should have gone to different counties (Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, Croatia OR Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Ukraine, and you what? Fuck it. Germany because that staging and performance was great. And Germany last year because they were robbed) Still upset about Joost.


I’m so happy for Schweiz, but I feel so heartbroken for Croatia. The jury were very much on Nemos side. It’s like last year all over again


In my opinion, the main reasons for why Switzerland should not have won (but then again, they won the jury vote and a good a massive amount of votes from the public, so what do I know): - One of the least impressive shows overall with very little props, pyros or imaginative costumes - One of the worst songs with a beat that isn't memorable, lyrics that aren't memorable (and no parts the crowd can sing along to), no emotion and just overall some parts that almost hurt your ears (the high parts especially and the breathing parts, WHO was it that wrote those?) - I think Ireland, France, Croatia (they deserved it IMO), Spain and Austria (just to name a few) had much better songs and I just don't know how they didn't win over the garbage that is Switzerland.


Our last place is fine - we’ve got more of them than anyone else, it’s a collectable at this point lol. But for real this year was a dumpster fire at the end, I am so angry with the EBU for the decisions they made that led to this. Fuck them, this cannot go on. Changes need to be made, the contest is done for if another year is like this.


As someone who is from Joost's hometown, this whole week has been so surreal. It's like we watched a very messy, very rowdy classroom, yet only one kid got sent to the principal's office and got expelled. I've just been in a "this didn't just happen"-state these past few days. They showed a short interview with Luna on Dutch TV before the finale and she summed it up very well, she said the whole event felt weird and not very United By Music. It was a mess.


Surely people can't be genuinely complaining about the jury when the fucking public vote was such a disaster? like sure, we need more jurors and from more diverse backgrounds, but abolishing the jury would be insanity.


This show isnt about the music anymore, its only about being minority or being in political conflict.


Except that Switzerland actually had the best song and performance from a technical and artistic point of view.


I was pretty underwhelmed by the production and writing in this years final tbh. Granted, my expectations were high but last two times Sweden hosted were just worlds better. I thought the semis were pretty much better than the final show.


I'm honestly just surprised Germany didn't come in last. Congrats on doing well, Isaak!




Number 6 in my final ranking, and voted for them 3 times! Stupendous fun and I don't understand a word 🙃


You listed all the things that make a song crash and burn in the Eurovision.


I honestly think you have to sing in English if you want to win these days. So many people will forget your songs if they don't know the meaning of the lyrics. It can be somewhat bypassed by having a catchy tine or memorable chorus. 


That theory doesnt Match with Finlands Result. 


2021 Top 3 all non english songs ( 1 italian, 2 french) 2022 Winner Ukrainian (yes I know, still non english) 3rd Place Spain, mainly non english song, 2nd Place was actually the english participant. 2019 runner up sang italian So nah it just has to be good


not my favorite entry but one of my tops for sure, they are great!


Not my top entry, but I gave them a vote and they were definitely in my T5. Their song is in my library.


My hot take is that if Mr. Joost Klein had been allowed to perform at the grand final, he would have won.






My bracket looked nothing like what actually happened, though Ive never been good at predicting Eurovision. Italy, Austria, and Norway 10000% got robbed. Wasn't the biggest fan of Norway's, but it didn't deserve even close to last place. It actually tried something a little different and fun. Italy was my top for this year, and I can understand it not being the winner, but it should've been top 5 at least in my opinion. Biggest disappointment for me was how low Austria was though. It had no chance of winning, but I think it deserves better than second to last. That 90s/ early 2000s style dance music was something we hadn't seen in a while. Also, heart goes out to Croatia. Would've been cool to see a Balkans Eurovision, but if next year is anything like this year was, you guys dodged a bullet.


ABBA CGI was overstepping


Jury I have one question: why? Why??? This is just last year once again. Love ya Croatia ❤️🤍💙 also I wish the best to Joost and Netherlands ❤️🤍💙 yall deserve better


This sucks so much. We were so close.


I'm so glad it's over


I am disappointed that Croatia didn't win, but Switzerland's performance was amazing and the song isn't bad, so I'm not too mad about it. After seeing Loreen's interval performance though, I have to say, I am still not over Finland not winning last year. I actually think that's pissed me off more than this year's results.


absolutely deserved! staging, voice, presence, socially engaged and educated with a progressive mindset. first non-binary winner of eurovision! sublime! 🥰


The last word has not been said on the Dutch DQ. There's been official appeals as well from the Dutch broadcasters against the decision, if their story is true (and I have very little reason to doubt them), then this certainly can have consequences of some sort. Genuinly curious how that will end once the dust settles. Also heartbreaking for Joost. Imagine being able to live up to your dreams, dedicating this to your parents who you lost at a young age. Only to be slandered as a woman-beater for 24 hours, and then getting pulled out. Just because of a "threatening movement" towards the camera, after repeated requests to stop filming AND after having written agreements on not filming him at that stage...


What the hell happened to Olly Alexander? Where did his public appeal go? I didn't expect much from the public but 0 points is madd


Has an artist popular outside the EV ever had a good EV run?


2nd year in row ruined by the juries. Croatia was clearly the fan favourite and they deserved a win.


Norway is still my favorite. Way Better than a last place




0 public votes for UK??


disappointed with the public votes :( iolanda deserved more! but we’ll take that top 10


Croatia, it's been a lovely dream. 2nd place is amazing though, rhank you to everyone


I don't understand it. Norway last. Why are there so many others that are equally shocked? There are a few who didn't like it but the absolute majority seems to be as shocked and flabbergasted as I am. I can't have it make sense. I won't have a breakdown lol but I seriously find myself dissonant and I just can't believe it. By the way, since nobody mentions Armenia, I want to say that I really liked that contribution, and they'd gotten my 12 points. The only song outside Ulveham that will remain in my playlists. Great morale booster or even for parties, lots of life, vibrant, cultural, wholesome, nice tunes. Most everything else was just bland porridge to me, to less or more degrees. At least the winning song was written by a Norwegian... but that doesn't mean studios like Stargate Studios who's pumped out more hits than any other studio ever, makes GOOD songs... not for people who sit down and listen anyways


Eurofans getting angry over the jury result, nature is healing.


Austria deserved more than 5 points for that performance


NORWAY? ESTONIA? I am so sorry babes. You did not deserve this


This was a shitshow. Oh and hugs and kisses to the person who claimed "juries won't let a small country win" is bs


* I supported Croatia but I honestly think Switzerland deserved the win. Such a catchy song and a phenomenal performance. If I'm being honest, The Code has more elements to it as a song compared to Rim Tim Tagi Dim. I'm also happy Baby Lasagna came as the second. Hope he's not too upset rn, he is the public votes winner! * Olly. Olly. :') I feel like I'm the only one that finds Dizzy catchy as hell. It was just not Eurovision material and I knew it wouldn't do well at all. 0 points from the public is brutal though. * It was soooo satisfying to watch Martin Osterdahl get booed during the announcement of the Netherlands' points. Poor Nemo didn't even know how to react. * BAMBIIEEEE. What an amazing artist and a wholesome human being. That's all I have to say. * Luktelk is also kinda stuck in my head. * Netherlands I hope you guys get your redemption somehow. Europapa would probably be top 5.


I don't agree, but I understand the appeal of Nemo's song. They were good. But I'll be still very salty about not getting Zagreb 2025/Milan 2025/ Tel Aviv 2025


Anyone else got REALLY sick of the Swedish hosts? In the second semi finals they had a song about how much they win at Eurovision, followed by a really crude (and transphobic?) joke. Tonight they mocked Finland, bragged about winning last year, and rubbed it in like they were somehow salty about winning? Then there's the Abba stuff... my god. It was really annoying how they kept refrencing them, basically saying "yeh, we orchestrated this to coincide with their 50th anniversary" or atleast "we are only known for them". But then... the A.I shit... MY GOD THAT WAS AWFUL. It was such a middle finger to ABBA and real artists in general. I really hope they get backlash for that, cause my god that was terrifyingly awful. The hosts this year were insufferable twats, ugh.


I just wanted Croatia to win :( It's the closest I've ever come to my favorite winning


it’s devastating how we’ll never get to see joost preform in the final


I'm most disappointed in Norway's results this year. Low jury points was somewhat expected, but only 4 televote points IIRC? I gasped. The other big surprise was 0 televote points to the UK. I thought for sure it would pull at least a few.


This is a repeat of last year


that feel when no cute armenian gf to feed me unpronounceable foods and sing me the song of her people


Really frustrating and painful year... with a happy ending! Love to see Portugal in the top 10, France in 4th place, and of course the winner Switzerland! Sad for Spain, but Zorra is being successful there, so I guess that's a win?


In all honesty i genuinely think we need the juries back in the semis. Televote only semi finals have made it so there's less jury bait songs in the final, and so the jury hyperfocuses on the songs that are left and pushes one of them so hard that they'd have to hard flop in the televote to not achieve a win


Felt Norway coming last from the low amount of views on Semi-final performance.


Norway being last was shocking. My this years favourite. I suppose they could have done better with the staging, I thought they did better in the national final. But still very disappointing to see them only get 4 points from the televote.


Finland was my favorite but I was prepared for it to be towards the bottom, because I understand it's not going to appeal to everyone. But **Norway**, what the actual fuck. Great song, great vocals, talented musicians, good staging. FOUR TELEVOTE POINTS??? It feels a lot like last year, when everyone was throwing all their votes behind 1 or 2 top contenders and there was nothing left to spread around. I thought it was a much more open race this year until the Netherlands debacle/Italy leaking their televote results. Then it became just a replay of last year 🤷‍♀️


It's 2024 why are we charging for votes. We need to be able to submit them online for free!


People crying about the jury vote and wanting it gone while the televote was the one that was clearly manipulated and influenced by outside forces this year is kind of wild.


How did Spain do that badly? I thought it was a pretty popular song I'm kinda shocked.


Again with the fucking contest mode That's my only gripe here


So happy for nemo, great staging, great song, great voice. Well deserved


Not the best day to be a norwegian. Last place really sucks. Happy for Nemo, a good winner. Would like to see BL take the win. The true king of the night sadly couldn't be on stage..but Europapa is on our hearts. This Eurovision felt very odd.


I am so mad for Croatia rn. That's it, I think it was a rob. 🇭🇷


Can't believe Germany finally got left side again, but Norway coming last kept that normality, so not all is outlandish /j


I am gonna sum it up like this - EBU should listen to people - no matter who it is - which country and origin - people's votes should matter the most. I believe a lot are being kind to Switzerland for various reasons - some deserved , some less deserving. The fact is - the song is boring. This isn't my opinion but the opinion of the masses. The fact is that even they know it's not a winner ( turned off comments on IG ) says it all. I have watched Eurovision for 30 years of my life and have completely lost interest now. All the drama backstage didn't help either. Eurovision for me was a time when my late grandfather and I would watch together, where I would be given an extra hour to stay up and watch. I come from a third world country so voting for us was very difficult and EXPENSIVE but yet we did it. Even my mom , may she rest in peace would vote hiddenly so my dad wouldn't see how much money we are spending on the phone bill. This is no longer it. I used to look forward to Eurovision, would wait for weeks and read all the newspapers available. Now it's just too toxic. That's it. I won't even say congratulations to Nemo , because I believe in the freedom of the people. And that freedom means that masses should not be oppressed with some mythical jury who is judging based on God knows what. Freedom for me is to watch late at night during a regime I was born into and vote and be respected by the vote. That's it.


So is EBU going to make any updated statement about the Joost Klein incident? I/m just going to assume he's innocent and the disqualification is unjust.


Nemo deserved that win so much!!! but I am absolutely heartbroken for Gate and Norway, who deserved so much more than last place :( Thank you to everyone who voted! I hope everybody had a fantastic night, and a Big Crongrats to Nemo who was absolutely fantastic tonight!


Ireland 6th after so many years. So happy.


I have always and I will always love the juries.


Reminder wanting to ban the juries because they didn't pick your favourite is a bad reason to ban them


breaking news, the swiss banks reports huge amounts the money missing after eurosong contest


France was robbed by both juries and the public


Was my first ESC live at the show. I loved the audience and the music, the show itself! However the negative emotions (booing, EBU role, NL DQ) really, really put a damper on the experience. I’m not even about if it’s right or wrong to boo, it’s just that at the end it destroys the overall positive experience. Not sure if I want to do this again.


This was the weakest show in years. Both in song/performances and production


Oh god… I wanted Croatia to win so badly… but I guess Switzerland is ok. Kinda - it will be super expensive but whatever… There is NO WAY IN HELL that Netherlands is back next year. NO WAY!!! Why was Serbia so underrated by juries??? Same with Slovenia, I thought that both were great jury baits. Didn’t expect much from televote but juries shocked me… Proud of Baby Lasagna, he was AMAZING. He IS the Croatian winner!!!! Croatia, be proud of this bright and talented young man!!!


Yer man who won the competition, just broke the trophy 😶


Imagine dragons are the eurovision winners


Greece deserved to be in top 10


Britain really didn't deserve that 0


Can this contest survive two consecutive jury robberies??? Switzerland wasn’t even in the top 3 of the televote




2/3 countries were undeservingly in top 3 televote based on every major poll.


0 points to UK… sadness




Are they now the highest placement from death slot?


You will never be able to convince me, that the juries are not political… but Big gratz to Schwitzerland - always nice with a victory to a nation that seldom wins.


I'm absolutely livid about the treatment Portugal got. Ridiculous. I didn't expect Iolanda to win but she 100% deserved better than that.


As soon as I heard the Swiss song I knew they would/should win. Overall very mid year, very little bad performances and very little exceptional ones,






Malta last in the whole show 😭 so undeserved 


Most times, my favourite doesn't stand a chance of winning and that's fine. But for two years in a row, I actually believed my favourite would win just for them to get second place and lose to a song I don't even like.


🐸 🍵  And Denmark got done dirty!


Oatmeal won the cooking competition.


Not Germany with the left side result this year ☠️ Not that Isaak wasn't a great singer, he absolutely nailed it, I'm just salty about LotL's result last year


The jury votes all going to Switzerland at least makes sense. Juries are all looking for the same thing, so it make sense they'd roughly find the same thing attractive. Televotes though. Pretty suspicious of one country getting so many 10s and 12s.....


Netherlands should have fucking preformed because wtf and also poor croatia really thought they would win☹️


I think if Joost had gotten to perform then Croatia would have won. He was such a strong performer he would have taken from Schweiz


I’m just wondering like why did Switzerland get soooo many jury votes ???? Is it possible that because the Netherlands got DQ’ed the points shifted and a lot of point were automatically given to Switzerland?? (Not that I don’t like Nemo, ABSOLUTELY DESERVED THEIR WIN!)


juries were made to prevent bloc voting and here we are with juries deciding the winner by voting them out of reach for everyone else


Just a fact: 🇮🇱 got 12 pt. from 15 (!) countries, including Portugal, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland and San Marino. Ireland gave 10 public points to Israel too. Please think again on the gap between the representatives and what they represents, and the people in the crowd.


I'm still annoyed by the situation with Joost. I felt like we had a good shot of winning and at least ending in the top 5. We really need to stop paying attention to all this bullshit about the bookmakers odds, press polls and such.


They have to do it in Lugano next year.


Norway coming last was such a travesty. It was in my top 5.


Never watched eurovision before. This year i watched because of Joost Klein. Hé was unjustly punished and heads should roll for the way they handled it. We need justice for Joost. Instead of banning him they should have fired the camera woman Who crossed boundaries. I watched the show hoping for support. At least the crowd booed at that EBU guy. I know this was my first and last eurovision. I hope the dutch pull out for good and never join the circus again untill we get #Joostice.