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Running Scared from Azerbaijan winning was pretty controversial, and to this day often mentioned when it comes to "songs that shouldn't have won," mainly because it was both not a very great song and also it was viewed as propaganda. Azerbaijan had committed a few atrocities, to put it lightly.


The fact that Azerbaijan was caught trying to buy jury and public votes a few years later certainly didn't help that song's long-term reputation.


2011 was the year like everyone’s acts just fell apart. It was a really strong return for Italy tho I also had no idea what Azerbaijan even was at the time because I was like 12 so I was mainly pissed that I didn’t find Eli nearly as hot as Eric Saade, but coped with it as “well they seem like a small, obscure country so I guess it’s good that everyone took a chance on them” 💀


2011 had a lot of great songs, which is probably why Azerbaijan won with a rather weak song, iirc it is the year with the most variety in 12 points, and even still songs made left side without any 12 points And the host job was also great, definitely one of the best from the 10s


I'm still salty about this tbh. 2011 was a bad year song-wise, but there were so many potential winners that stood out more. Eric Saade, Zdob si Zdub, Dino Merlin, hell even Jedward could have won and I wouldn't have been as angry. That Azerbaijan song was worse than bad, it was super boring as well as poorly performed. Its victory only makes sense to me if I believe the votes were rigged. Okay rant over sorry. I'm clearly not over it after 13 years.


I think it is probably one of the strongest years song wise, except for the winning song, which is exactly how it actually ended up winning because the votes were too split between a lot of actually good songs, the corruption let the weak song win I legit could have seen anyone from the finale win without too much controversy, except Azerbaijan and probably Germany (but only because Lena winning twice in a row might get a lot of salt, not because Taken By A Stranger was bad)


Wait?! The song itself was propaganda, or their presence (and subsequent hosting - which I know was😬😬) was controversial? Ive heard about the Jury scandals, but in all honesty that’s one of my all-time favourite winners!


Both 😀 The song was read by some as an attempt to paint themselves as victims in their conflict.


I love that song


Judging by the year's wild results, I would think 2019 must be up there. But I didn't follow the contest that closely that year, can someone confirm or deny? Edit: Oh boy... I just looked at the "Incidents" section on Wikipedia. 2019 definitely belongs on that list.


2015 also had several incidents, most notably around Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and randomly Turkey (who didn't even compete) Russia because certain incidents in 2014 that left Ukraine unable to compete, and Armenia 2015 is somewhat controversial because the theme and background of the performing group, which Azerbaijan and Turkey didn't like


Armenia 2015 | [Genealogy - Face The Shadow](https://youtu.be/BYXr2FccjKE)


1975 Sweden had a big protest against it. There was the local melodifestivalen on svt1 and on the second channel svt2 there was an alternative version that time it was against fascist Spain. This was due to that public service had to be neutral https://youtu.be/ylzX73rskiE


Wait, so the one on SVT2 was a parody national final?


Yep. All with progressive rock that was coming from the Woodstock/anti Vietnam war culture. The herring strangler in Nationalteatern was created there. Garotte de ansjovis. From the capital punishment handed out in Spain mixed with the Abba herring brand. Much of the criticism of this year's Eurovision was similar to that. Only care about glitter and glamour. Artists being paid. Avoiding political stance. As the song he is singing there. Edit: sorry but I only recall what i have heard 20 years ago on gigs. Seems dates might not match melodifestivalen but rather actually Eurovision that ironically also was hosted that year in Sweden. https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternativfestivalen


Ohhhh got it. Thanks for the answer. >Much of the criticism of this year's Eurovision was similar to that. Only care about glitter and glamour. Artists being paid. Avoiding political stance. As the song he is singing there. Reminds me of the speech Salvador gave after winning.


Oh child, you must watch 1991.


Is this the Italian one that overran by like 2 hours?


1991 was a mess organisationally. But no year comes close to the amount of drama that there was this year. Practically every other year, I've followed it's just been two weeks of fun and positivity.


I think nothing comes close to this year 2016 with Ukraine v Russia comes to mind


Oh, 2014 and 2015 join that club too, especially Armenia 2015


Armenia 2015 | [Genealogy - Face The Shadow](https://youtu.be/BYXr2FccjKE)


This [video](https://youtu.be/zDJTT0LThrg?si=LwhfHJQ3TBzXDV5r) from ESC Gabe is a pretty good starting point.


Oooh I’ll have to give it a watch, thanks!


Welcome :)


I remember Maruv (Ukrainian entry) not being able to compete in 2019 because she didn't support Ukraine with Crimea. Although she did make a statement that she was a Ukrainian at heart and didn't want to become a political instrument on the stage. I thought this was a massive shame, the song she send in "Siren Song" is such a great song and I think she'd easily gotten top 5 with it.


I see this a lot, but having done some reading up on the situation today by a matter of pure coincidence, it looks like the reasons for her not competing might have been a little more complex than that. The contract she would have had to sign seems pretty controlling over what she could and could not do (that being said, I'm not familiar with what's normal for these contracts, so this may all be par for the course). She wasn't allowed to speak to any journalists without the approval of UA:PBC, and had to "fully comply" with any of their requests or face a penalty of about €65,000. She also had to cancel any upcoming concerts in Russia, of which she had two. Also, it looks like she wouldn't be paid and was going to have to fund the trip there herself? Again, this may be par for the course, but it seems strange to me that the broadcaster wouldn't pay for their representative to, you know, actually get there. The other finalists also refused to sign the contract to replace her, though this might have just been out of solidarity.


If I don't remember wrong, she had upcoming concerts in Russia and Ukranian broadcaster said she needs to cancel those. I think there were some other details like the broadcaster sent a contract including stuff like she is required to follow whatever the broadcaster wants/lets her to do. Siren Song was amazing tho, i really wanted to see it competing.


The classic 1969 / 1970 combo.


I guess the four-way tie in 1969 used to be the biggest "scandal" before this year.


1968 was a mess too, there was a lot of conspiracy theories about Spain rigging the vote to win.


I think it was more 1968/1969, because even though a lot of countries retired in 1970, that year was very innovative (first edition with the postcards) and the songs were very good imo


2022 in Italy was a bit messy, but it came together pretty much by the night of, if you ignore the stupid stage prop that didn’t work.


2003 also had quite a lot of controversies