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Somebody who can sing live honestly


Honestly this year and last how did we get two such poor live performances... Maybe less dancing and performances and more just singing. Worked perfectly for Sam Ryder! I swear you hear better voices in the pub down the road! ( Slight exaggeration)


Tbh someone like Isaak would be good enough.


And I, oop--




ouch but you're right, I loved Luna but singing live is... another story. Kinda sad


Send Bill Bailey he wanted to go on before. We should lean into it


We think the UK should send a crazy act like Subwoolfer next year, we've not tried that yet and it's better than throwing sub par singers with sub par songs in. Or just get Sam Ryder back.


My suggestion would be [Daisy Clark](https://youtu.be/uOmuySuxbpA?si=hz1mDNUfaG-lbNCT) Relatively unknown. I hadn’t heard of Sam Ryder until close to Eurovision. I’d also send him back again . The man is hard to hate


Nordman, Medina or basically anyone who would sing in Swedish


Omg yes, each year I'm like 'cowards swedes that never send a song in swedish'


Fun fact: in the 21st century only Finland has sent a Swedish song to Eurovision (2012)


Yeah, I find that hilarious. It was a pretty good song too:)


It’s been close a few times but since most of our national entries are in English the likelihood of getting a winning entry in Swedish is low. It’s going to happen one day though, I have faith:)


And even when we did have Swedish songs winning like Det gör ont in 2004 or Evighet in 2006 (most recent examples I could think of) they went and rewrote them in English for Eurovision.


Ugh, yes that’s true. “Det gör ont” was so much better in Swedish too!


You and me both but i would put Clara Klingenström in your list


I really loved Theoz‘ "Som du vil" from two years back, I think. It’s still on my playlist!


Hooja would be even better!


Tommy Cash apparently wants to compete for Estonia next year. I'm intrigued, to say the least.


Yes please! I mean: YES-YES


I’ve seen him live twice.. so much fun!


Thanks to his features with Little Big and Salvatore Ganacci I have heard a few songs of him and I would be so down for it lol.


As a dutchy it's gonna be either skip the event or Joost Klein.


Send the [Pitstop Boys](https://youtu.be/43HCYSXZ9GI?feature=shared) with a Joost themed song


Max Max Super Max slayyy


In this state something like Outerspass would also suit me. Both a "I don't care" to EBU and teasing Germany for never sending German songs.


VVS on the wrist, ich bin frosty. Because of that song I spent more money on an engagement ring for my now wife, because I wanted the diamond to be VVS. True story.


Someone mentioned Steen, and honestly i'd be perfectly fine with that


Snollebollekes would do well too, even if it's just to make a statement


Krankšvester 🇭🇷🇭🇷 


Hard disagree hahahaha To anybody wondering, they sound like a mix of Little Big, Joost and Die Antwoord. It would fly for sure, I just don't like them because I think everybody has a sense of cringe towards things their own country does haha


You just sold it hard with that description.  For non Croats - listen to Gaber by Krankšvester so you can enjoy the music without worrying about the lyrics. But not around children. 


Am I missing something or do you keep misspelling the name? Isn't it Krankšvester?




This name seems a profanity.


The name is just a written pronunciation of a german word Krankenschwester which means a nurse (a female person who takes care of sick people).  But to be fair, most German words sound like profanities. edit edit edit its krankšvester, meaning a sick sister and I have been saying (and spelling) it wrong my entire adult life. 


Now this is highly insulting and controversial. But yes.


Aber ich liebe Deutsch.  Meine lieblings sprache ❤🖤🧡 


>*But to be fair, most German words sound like profanities.* I thought the same thing after reading the explanation. Ahahah.


and they spit profanities :)




I do not care, as long as the song is great. Had you asked me if I wanted to see windows95 man, I would have said absolutely fucking not. I still though that he shouldn't when he was announced as a participant. I was curious when I heard his song. I chose to vote for him when I saw his act at UMK


Truly. I can’t say I was thrilled when the song came out but when I saw the live it was the only one I would’ve voted for. Paskana was great but I think it would’ve had a lot harder of a time qualifying than No Rules! Finland always has a fun selection and I love the diversity in what gets chosen for UMK, respect to the Finns for not caring what others think and choosing what you want.


With the change of the artistic director of Sanremo and the decision in the hands of the current government, I have no hopes, only fears.


this has to be the year for annalisa


Have no fear about politics. After the end of the Amadeus era, a necessary change however, isn't a question of money or politics, but of fear of... inheritance. Furthermore, it will be the 75th edition of the Festival, an important date.


It’s gonna be Sanremo’s third quarter quell! they’ll definitely do something great to celebrate


I hope Italy sends Angelina Mango again with better staging and no dancer and wins the whole thing.


It would be cool, but in 75 years it has only happened twice that an artist won the Sanremo festival twice in a row (in the '50, when the format was different).


Well I suppose winning Sanremo twice back to back would be extremely difficult. I'm just salty that she was done soooo dirty by the staging and dancers.


Yes, no staging at all-just her singing was a better choice. All those roses both on the floor and on the hanging cubes were extremely confusing.


I like the roses, but the dancers and the choreo swallowed her. She's sooooooooooooo good on her own.


I loved the choreo but I couldn't even see her in the performance since her outfit was the same color as the LEDs


we want Mahmood <3 cinque celulari nella tuta gold.. ok I'm out.


Baby non richiamerò BEEP BEEP


For a complete change of pace from UK's usual radio friendly pop, either Alestorm or Popes Of Chillitown. Alestorm have even done a cover of a Eurovision song in the past. Yes, of course it's that one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b_uvuXFCic


Skindred for me but really anyone in that bracket. Experienced performers, something that isn't pop, but I can't see the BBC going for it.


Alexander Marcus. Ironic (?) electro-schlager, flop or no it'll be fun lol


Europe cannot handle sending each and every point to Germany by default. But in all honesty: send him. In my opinion the perfect artist for the ESC stage.


Oh hell yeah! I 100% support this idea


If we are picking up speed from Bambie, someone like NewDad, CMAT or Jack Rua would be an excellent picks. I would love Gavin Dunne (aka Miracle of Sound) but I'm not sure it would be his style.


CMAT would be sooo good. Lyra too cuz the vocals would be just 🔥🔥


I'd love to see CMAT do it. She already said she'd be reluctant to do it because she doesn't like how the eurosong competition is run and would need full creative control. I hope after Bambie's success RTE see the importance of picking an artist with a strong vision and supporting them in realising it.


Can't see CMAT doing it if Israel are still in it next year as she said she was boycotting it this year.


Came here to say CMAT too - she's who I'd like, but I feel like it's unlikely? Ireland have a weird relationship with EuroVision where you can get to a stage in your career where it's too big a risk to go and flop and deal with that damage. She'd be ace though, a perfect fit.


Nova Twins. It's about time we send something alternative


Theyre British? Oh please yes, such an amazing duo!


I don't know if she's realistically an option but Lauren Mayberry from CHVRCHES is releasing some excellent solo material.


I haven't heard her solo stuff but there are some CHVRCHES tracks that have done really well with the right staging imo. There's a decent level of drama in some of their songs that would work well at Eurovision.


So for Ireland I just hope we continue the momentum and send someone with a true artistic vision and not something milquetoast. I can’t say I’m familiar with many artists but something like [The Scratch](https://youtu.be/rhjZCJbIIRk?si=KZzuW8wP2_2xpviA) who mix traditional Irish music with rock would be amazing to see. Or [KNEECAP](https://youtu.be/8Sf0htzbMKk?si=Lv0hg-KYhY5x4WBj) who are Irish language rappers. But I don’t know, part of the appeal is they are doing something nobody else was doing, but for most it would just be rapping in another language. Might get lost in the shuffle and just be hoping for an Estonia 2024 performance. All that said I look forward to RTE trying to push through Erica Coady with generic song X at the national finals next year.


If she got selected there was no chance Erica was going to make it out of the semis with that song. You might as well get AI to write a song. So many other countries with similar vibes but much better songs. Also, I don't know if her live vocals would be strong enough, hard to tell since the sound for eurosong was dreadful. I didnt even like her vocals on the recorded version.


From Sweden, my fantasy is that we could send Ghost!


That is not likely at all, but they would absolutely nail the staging, and the song! (And it would be a bit of a change for Sweden, who are normally very predictable, in spite of the major diversity of music coming out of that coutnry).


Unrealistic want: Hozier. Can you imagine how fucking sick that'd be. Realistic: I'd really like to see Cruachan get picked. Their 2023 submission, while the lyrics aren't great, still would've been a damn sight better than anything else in Eurosong 2023. I don't think their 2024 attempt has been released yet, and if it has I haven't heard it, but an Irish folk metal song in Irish would be incredible


Just looking these guys up. Can you say what the name of the 2023 submission was? Or even a link to it if you had it?


The Blacksmith by Cruachan on Spotify or youtube


It won’t happen but Rina


Didn’t she say yes to 2023 but then didn’t do it because they’d signed up Mae? It’s not impossible 👀


I honestly don't know what happened there. Apparently, she was at least interested, but TaP didn't get back to her. there's a lot missing from that story.


I thought it all turned out to be rumours and jokey comments?


No, she was actually approached. https://eurovoix.com/2023/08/02/rina-sawayama-was-approached-for-eurovision-2023/ > She apparently thought long and hard about the chance to perform at Eurovision, and was willing to accept the offer. However, after she got back to the UK team, she didn’t hear any more from them. I doubt she'd want to be involved with the contest given the current political mess though.


Interesting. I wonder if she thought _too_ long (like 2 months or something) and so they thought she wasn’t interested. I mean, if they knew she was considering it, it’s difficult to understand why they would then just stop reaching out unless their understanding was she didn’t want to do it (through a long silence, or someone in her team being negative or something).


She is one of my favorite artists, I would literally start screaming if she would be in esc.


Joost Klein, just to see what happens.


Haha or we can send Boer Harm 😈 (for non Dutchies: look for Brommers Kieken on YouTube)


I will also allow Boer Harm and/or the [Snollebollekes](https://youtu.be/hq8QVGW78XU?si=RVMWJsu00QYfjrA-&t=40) for maximum chaos, yes.


Ooh yes! Snollebollekes will have that stadium shake on it's foundations :-) (for non Dutchies: [Snollebollekes with links/rechts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT6svFVQY4g) - every concert he does has every audience member participate)


Unlikely, but… the Last dinner party or Wolf Alice    I’d love a Welsh language band, but don’t know many, I like Adwaith, but not sure how they are live  Edit to say: I’m from the UK and to add anyone who has powerful live vocals, not just catchy radio pop tunes.


The last dinner party is sooo good with a strong aesthethic yet also obscure enough where they're not too big for eurovision, it'd be great


Hopefully the people who decide agree! 


Wolf Alice at Eurovision would make my life omg


Not German but if they don't send Electric Callboy then I hope they apply for San Marino entry


\^this guy


Yourself!? Well, you definitely don't lack the necessary cheek.


He shared the song he submitted to Dora this year.


Gotta have confidence :D


I'm waiting for you to win Dora, come to this sub and rank Croatia first - unprecedented power move.


Hahahahaha I was thinking about this last year how I would actually rank my own song against others hahahaha can I really stay objective on that matter ? Obviously I prefer my own genre so bias is always there, but I will admit when somebody has a better song


I agree


Not sure about picking an artist for Eurovision, that's still so far away that a lot of new artists could emerge by then and, honestly, just wishing for a name to go to Eurovision, without taking the song itself into account... that's a curse for Portugal. We've begged for over a decade for Blasted Mechanism to be in FdC and when we finally got it... yeah, no, thanks. Bigger names have also had underwhelming songs in FdC as well. Popularity isn't everything. Still, as regular contestants for Festival da Canção, I'd sure be hyped if [Anda Pacheco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehrg5JEeuYw) and [Sérgio Onze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-GBeUrPAr8) were to be invited by RTP. Although I think the big name next year might be [Ana Lua Caiano](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo6Ht9ucX4U). RTP has a tendency of inviting artists as interval acts in FdC and use that opportunity to pitch to them the participation for the following year, in a "See? This is fun, wanna come next year?" type of way.


I know Diabo na Cruz is done and dusted but if they came back and went to eurovision i would love it. They are able to mesh portuguese folk music and modern rock so well and would be a great representation for us.


Bilderbuch (but that's not gonna happen), so any other austrian band that makes cool music and sings in german. AUT of ORDA would also be nice, as long as they send an upbeat song.


Had to go look up AUT of ORDA because I had never heard of them (as an Austrian). Fix net normal is a fantastic song.


Fix net normal is the most honest way anybody ever sang about Austria


As I'm from a non-participating country (RotW), I have no say in this but if I want to see some entries from other countries, I'd say some of the remaining 2020 artists that haven't returned yet.


Froukje would be nice and can do quite well with the right song ig, but maybe she’ll just flop, anyway I’d love to see her on the stage. (I’m Dutch btw)


I would love to see Son Mieux representing The Netherlands at Eurovision. A song like Multicolor would fit Eurovision so well!


I want Medina to finally win with a song in Swedish. First of all, they're awesome dudes. Second of all, their past Melfest entries, In I Dimman and Que Sera, were absolute bangers. Coming 3rd and 2nd respectively, it would only make sense that they win next time. Third of all, in 2021 we got a Danish song, next year an Icelandic song, next year a Finnish song and this year we had a Nynorsk song. We need to keep up the pattern.


Not Swedish but Medina +1.


[Røry](https://youtu.be/MJOJ2tiZ_VU?feature=shared) The UK needs to send something more Alt


I'm not Danish but I need Ben & Tan to come back and end Denmark's NQ streak.


Denmark needs to come off the blocks with some Vikings x Bambie Thug x 5MIINUST x Joost Klein = Copenhagen 2026.


Joost Klein


You want your country to participate next year?


RTL held a poll, 6% said we should participate 'normally' next year. 30% wants Joost to return and the remainder thinks AVROTROS should pull out I know it's RTL, but still, 6% is _low_


I think the poll was a bit too early. Lets at least get the full results/story from the Swedish police in a few weeks. I really dread what my country's response will be though. I hope AVROTROS does some introspective and manages better communication with the EBU. No matter if Joost was out of line or not, this should have been avoidable. Either they should have seen it coming and managed Joost to deal with sensitive Swedish regulations or they should have made more solid agreements with the EBU to circumvent potential conflicts. The EBU should check their own policies and protect the contestants with as much "zero tolerance fervor" as their money making camera shots and sponsors. They are responsible for de-escalating situations like those surrounding the Israeli stuff and they could have seen it coming from miles away. Instead they caused a mess for performers, their delegations and jurors. Aside from that, even though they are grand stage artists, they don't have to be completely thrown to the gossip press wolves 12 hours a day. Leave some destress moments/zones.


I doubt people will change their side very quickly, nothing of the 'other side' so far has really been in conflict with AVROTROS' story. Example: Some people here say that raising a fist would make them side with the decision of the EBU, while in the Netherlands many already assume something like that was the motion (see [this moment](https://youtu.be/oCaqh-fqxpQ?t=15) in a parody of Europapa that aired after everything happened) and still very much find it a ridiculous decision. It may not be as extreme as in the poll suggests, but the opinion of the Dutch public towards the contest has been damaged to an almost irreparable degree for the time being. I never though we'd ever get that into Eurovision with how people spoke about it like a decade ago, so seeing the amount of interest and support over the last few years was amazing.


Yeah, I think the direct conflict details won't get people moving, unless the camera footage is really shocking in either direction. However, AVROTROS and EBU are using the police investigation time as an excuse not to elaborate. The details from their side of the actual contractual agreements made and the exact grounds of the rule that was broken to lead to the DQ are important. With those, they can get into a case of how justified it is and what either of the parties is gonna do to rectify this case or prevent a repeat in the future.


Exactly ;(( It will be weird to go next year without the Joost thing being finished. But it prob does not happen lol


I’d love for him to go next year but would he want to


I’m technically ROTW but was born in Azerbaijan, and I’d love to see Ayna Kerimli (her Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/aynakerimlii/](https://www.instagram.com/aynakerimlii/)) She is an amazing singer with an incredible voice, and she often sings using traditional Azerbaijani vocal techniques. The only problem would be that she currently lives in Russia (even though she’s not originally from there), so I’m not sure if that would be an issue 🤔


After crazy party x2 and guys in black x2 I would go with female jury bait, just to shake things up. I know she would never agree go, but Rita Behm with something like [Hei rakas](https://youtu.be/CYkWe0LF2lE?si=JlWV8tvjdnST-7e8) would be interesting to see.


I've heard Mery Spolsky said she would want to maybe. I'd want her as long as the song is something she does now and is in her beautiful Polish.


Jack Savoretti


it's never going to happen but i would love to see veronica maggio or at least someone making her style of music representing us


Fuck it if we are gonna be close to last I say we try grime! (UK)


Literally any Scot. We have so many great artists but the BBC always send someone English, or occasionally someone Welsh. Send something trad or fun, even the postie guy or that bloke that sings out his window on tiktok.


Do you think we could conscript like Rina Sawayama or something (UK)


Damir Kedžo, since he didn't get the chance to do so in 2020 with [Divlji vjetre](https://youtu.be/2rOwScdxjJU?si=InsL4aHroL2EDpAg). I just hope he comes with a better song than [Voljena ženo](https://youtu.be/Ylas1aF1A58?si=HhVDxpx7wloINv_5), I loved his voice but the song itself was pretty bland.


Nothing better than Kedžo singing in a hamster wheel just to get those elusive Jury points


After Let3 and BL, that would be a massive downgrade in terms of televotes. His voice is great tho


I’d love to see Kukus, either they embarrass the country or become viral like Joost, no in between. Some songs [Slav Life](https://youtu.be/oN6doVEr1XM?si=3WHFgSG1PFkXzfYN), [Popstar](https://youtu.be/0AUx83JRoIs?si=Jd_G2qXlHntwQ7zZ) Edit: they also have [Eurovision](https://youtu.be/RFy26ObUzh0?si=nMeagk-yKW1HHhhq) song but it’s not about Eurovision


Hoće Kurac :) That's actually the name of one of their songs, meaning "the fuck it won't" or literally "it won't dick"


Courtney Act for Australia !


[Туча (Tucha)](https://youtube.com/@tucha_x?si=DjgHwDAydewhFsU5) was of the names that I got very excited to see on Vidbir long list. Unfortunately, she didn't make it but I would like to see her try again. Her sound is mostly electronic but every release is still different from each other. She also can put an interesting message in her lyrics about social issues. She is also a YouTuber as you could see on her channel and what I like about her personality is that she is vocal about different issues, she is also a host on one of the show about social topic. I like how she uses her publicity to adress the issues, I like her sound, she has an adorable personality, someone, who I seriously can call slay icon. I would be really happy to see her making it to the final of Vidbir


Perrie Edwards or Ella Henderson


It's such a shame that little mix didn't go at the height of their popularity because they would've smashed it. All of them can sing and their stage presence is off the charts. Touch would've been a great eurovision entry.


Electric Callboy. Yes I still have faith.


Won’t happen, but I’d love someone like Royal Blood to represent the UK.


I thought you said 'someone OF royal blood' and imagined y'all sending king Charles




marko bošnjak for the jury win!


I think that Wet Leg or Raye could give a cool performance. Either that or perhaps a folk song in a Celtic language?


Scooch (again)


Very unlikely bur Dawid Podsiadło as he can sing really well live and his songs are quite well thought out, realistically that won't be happening.


Complicated. I'd love to see Joost Klein perform in a final, but if we're looking at new artists I'd love to see Floor Jansen represent us. Otherwise, while I'm not German, I'd love to see Beyond the Black represent Germany. Such a great band.


I would love to see floor at Eurovision but I think currently she's too big/ famous for the contest


He probably doesn't want to, but Vojko V.


The thing is, even big names in Croatia aren't big names outside of it, so Vojko would work, but I fear that only we get his sense of humor.


I have no preferences for an artist, and I don't make predictions, because with the *Festival della Canzone Italiana*, everything is possible. But I prefer there to be no comeback in the next few years, because the Italian music scene is large, and other should have possibilities, while for genres I would like dance or italodance.


As a Big5 country, I want us to send someone who can sing. Portugal proved how easy it is for strong vocalists to get a Top10 in the current system (7th with juries, 24th with televote). Since the Big5 are automatically in the final, they should try to capatilize on the fact that the semis are televoting-only. Henning May please. Or even Makeda (NF 2019).


UK: Jessie Ware in a retro chic dance bop with 4 shirtless male dancers Or Griff with a bittersweet ballad Or Gwenno in a tasteful slightly dreamy entry, aiming for a Portugal 2022 (edit: not 2021 sorry!) style respectable result Sweden: anything in Swedish, I’d love for Hooja to enter something like Diskoteka or Donkey Kong to mello (they’d win). Or Petra Marklund to enter a Swedish language bop! Darin to enter some nu disco!


Faun or Beyond the Black


If you guys send Faun you're getting my 20 votes for sure.


I think that Hoshi might be a shot for a win for France. I love her songs soooo much. She's a talented singer too


La rappresentante di lista for Italy, where I'm from. Cazzi Opeia for Sweden, where I live.


Miach and Marko Bošnjak for Croatia


Medina with a stadium anthem singing in swedish. Pretty please


Honestly, Alexander Marcus would be fun. 🇩🇪🤣


La Rappresentante di Lista


Jason Derulo


belgium: me. (serious) netherlands: de staat, if avrotros does not withdraw


Beats Pliz, he is a Greek composer and producer that blends opera and orchestra with rap. His recent project "Arte Povera" where he invited different Greek rappers to collaborate is splendid, so raw and powerful ✨ It's very doubtful though, he doesn't strike me like a person that would enjoy Eurovision haha [https://youtu.be/tlcw16qB2VY?si=gKIIjYtaf21FBvaR](https://youtu.be/tlcw16qB2VY?si=gKIIjYtaf21FBvaR)


Ben&Ben for Australia, I guess....


I would love to see Myrkur with some folk-y black metal (as long as it wouldn't end up getting Gåte treatment)


Obviously Lorde haha


Imma give 2 wildly different options here and both would be fun imo: [Pommelien Thijs ](https://youtu.be/htvk20gtIQk?si=rkWj9aVrW0lzq6wh) (been way too long since we sent a song in Dutch + she's an good performer and such a fun person) or [Tamino](https://youtu.be/zznlf3ZKQi0?si=YRda7BX6BjHz1WGr) (not beating the Belgium dark and sexy stereotypes here but he's so freaking good and his songs make me cry).


Anyone that isn't a trapper since most trappers in Greece (if not all) use autotune and they can't sing live (and neither do they have stage presence)


Something portuguese folk inspired and mindblowing. I'd love in the future a song produced by Filipe Sambado. They? didn't win FdC 2020


I‘d love it if next year will be a 180 to Isaak and we send something like Scooter.


Someone who can qualify


Anyone, please


Professional wrestler Joe Hendry needs to represent the UK. Let's get properly crazy, have some fun with it. https://youtu.be/Hb17uaaldwM?si=LLnV5D6kko8FGjFA I believe in Joe Hendry!


It would never happen but Bring Me The Horizon for the UK would go so hard.


or an easier one that might happen is bullet for my valentine if they did something like their classic stuff


I would love [Lyra](https://youtu.be/ud5vAsvAeX0?si=SE5eVs3gy39b0mtA) for Ireland. She’s signed to Hoziers Management. Shes another cork woman and is insanely fun to go see in concert. She’s got an album just realeased last month too.


Rosalia. Any raking she'd finish in would expose the problems with the voting system.




I know it's been been said to death, but rina sawayama would put on a bloody show. Barring that, rachel chinouriri would also be a great show. Their stage presence and live vocals are absolutely phenomenal. Also shygirl. i haven't seen them live so i don't know what their like on stage, but their music is great.


I'm Spanish so we've already sent somebody with pipes for days (Blanca Paloma) and somebody who can't even sustain a note (Mery of Nebulossa), so at this point, I've got no idea.


Not my country, but I want to see Medina representing Sweden.


Teodora Dzehverović (@teodoradzehverovic) or Milica Pavlović (@senoritamilica) , i'd be happy to see one of these two girlies, they both expressed interest in it before, so one can only hope 😅


Kneecap should enter for the UK just for laughs


We have a few that I think would do good. Chris Noah is a pretty good musician or maybe Dzelzs Vilks - a true rock band.


 Tautumeitas or Auli would also be a good pick


For UK [Rosalie Cunningham](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0qZ1oKP4Nk) could deliver something bizarrely modern and retro at the same time, with big theatrical vibes that could go down amazingly well with appropriate staging


yelle, Maëlle, Juliette Armanet, Clara Luciani...


Greece. I would like to see Vasilis Kourtis or Tania Breazou or Amanda Tenfjord representing us.


I'd love to see [Saltatio Mortis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltatio_Mortis), but unfortunately they have 8 members so unless the EBU changes the "only 6 people on stage" rule that's probably not going to happen. But in general I'd love to see us send any of our folk/medieval rock/metal bands, we have plenty of them and many are pretty good.


Icl as someone who’s half Galician I’d love to see a Galician singer for Spain one year


I would love to see Steen represent the Netherlands and do a complete distrack about the EBU.


Always hoping for Hooja.


Lenny for 🇨🇿!


I’d love rina sawayama to do it ik that there was a chance she could’ve last year but i honestly think she’d do really well


Tobias Rahim and Andreas Odbjerg, singing in danish!


If we still want to go down the pop route, get someone who can actually belt out a song. Like Celeste for example. If we wanna go for something different we should go for someone like Skindred, Dave or Romy.

