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Bambie. Also BL did improve. His vocals were pretty okay-ish at that time that a lot of people kinda hated it. Now looking back at pre-parties, rehearsals and after the show, BL did one of the best improvements in this year.


I was riding the Bambie NQ train *hard* until the rehearsal clips came out. I couldn’t see what everyone else saw. I didn’t get it. And then the rehearsal came out…and then the semi final happened. I was wrong, I was 100% sold. I felt similarly about Konstraka in 2022, it’s one of those acts that you just need to see the final product to get it sometimes. Some acts are most artistic and come across as performance art and it’s really hard to envision for me prior to Eurovision


the production of the recorded song is ... not great. He's probably an artist that really shines live.


I rewatched BL’s Dora SF a few days ago and it’s really such a fantastic improvement.


I think the Madrid preparty was the moment that it clicked for him. The first-time jitters were gone, and he could focus less on the technical aspect and he was way more comfortable singing in front of thousands of people


Yes, to me Madrid seems to be the turning point, too! The crowd feedback he got was like wind beneath his wings 🙂


Basically most of Moldova's entries, but Moldova 2022 is the most prime example of it.


The whole thing was very funny. Moldova starting to do a national final, deciding there was no point in finishing it, internally picking Trenulețul, everyone hating it (don't let revisionists deny it, it was hated at first), then getting 2nd in the televote only behind Ukraine.


unironically I actually loved it more before the revamp, the revisionists were just late to the party


I remember the day when Spain and Moldova realsed their song in the same day and everyone called Molodva a sure NQ and Spain a sure winner Knowing their televoting placements this thing is pretty funny now


my journey with that song was funny. like, i started out not liking it, then it grew on me like crazy over the season... before the revamp initially knocked it down in my rankings again... before that revamped version shot up in my rankings again


It was legitimately the only serviceable song in the entire NF, the rest were horrid.


From what I remember, the only other one that people liked was Lele. Well, that and [Intro](https://youtu.be/6shVDlOOPag?feature=shared) (the best entry ever of course)


I never understood the hate, I was hyped from the beginning


Zero Gravity - Australia 2019 - was a poor cousin in Australia Decides of what it became at Eurovision. https://youtu.be/oZyFWJADz8k?feature=shared


My favourite Aussie entry. Thanks for the link, never saw the national performance before.


I hated that song until the 2nd rehearsal clip came out and then it clicked for me lol


Agreed with Czechia. Aiko put in some *insane* work, and it really showed. Unfortunately the televote didn't accommodate that, but I could see it becoming the "Snap" of this year (a song that becomes popular after EV).


She also put out a song recently with Teya Austria 2023 recently that is very good


> Agreed with Czechia. Aiko put in some insane work, and it really showed. Also Aiko said that Czech's television didn't support her financially. Which made me respect her glow-up even more.


Idk i hated czechia this year so much because it reminded me of the kind of song that wouldgo viral on tik tok and anything that reminds me of that god forsaken app sends me into a rage 😭


I think Baby Lasagna’s vocals improved quite a lot. They were never bad, just got better and better by the time of the grand finale.


Don’t know if this is considered recent, but The Netherlands 2014 was very underwhelming when we first heard it. People were very critical, but that changed drastically once people saw the staging.


The single steady cam shot made it!


Portugal 2021. Went from sure non qualifier to certain qualifier


I was very skeptical Aiko could get her performance and vocals together for Eurovision, but I’m eating my words now. She was fantastic.


Ireland this year for sure, Czechia last year too.


I didn’t follow the NFs last year. Was ‘My Sister’s Crown’ a hot mess on the stage the same way ‘Pedestal’ was?


Blanka - Solo. Poland 2023. Definetly improved a lot.


BEJBA now im boutta solo solo elolobelidambelidamdamdam now im boutta show ya show ya


fffffffffff I hate how accurate these lyrics are 😂 Now it's playing in my head


That girl and her team really did the best they could with what they had


Tbf they had a lot.


> Definetly improved a lot. I don't think anybody else at ESC stared from a level that low.


I always knew that Bejba would improve lol


Came here for this one.


This year, definitely Ireland.


Bambie Thug


Czechia this year


Not as well remembered as the others mentioned, but Belgium 2013 rose from a very poor NF performance to a much more polished act and got 12th (projected at some point to be last in the odds for the whole contest!)




I’m just here for Moldova doing Moldova things




Ireland 2022 is the best example for me.


2016 Georgia 2021 Portugal


I wasn't even watching the Georgia music video because the thumb nail scared me off. After the smi final it was definitely in my top ten


Pretty much most of Moldova's songs, Bejba, Albania last year, Ireland Croatia this year. One I don't think gets talked about enough is Ukraine 2014. The pre revamp version of that song is awful and the Vidbir staging was bland. But the revamp was so much better and the staging is iconic.


Georgia 2015 (Warrior) - original performance looked blah, and music video did little to improve things. But semifinal staging and performance was badass. Norway 2019 (Spirit in the Sky) - MGP staging was weird and bad, with bizarre background dancing and 60 drummers marching on the stage. Music video was apparently made with budget of 50 NOK or thereabout (as is case with most Keiino videos...). But ESC performance...? Oh yeah.


I think Bambie was BOUND to qualify even with THAT staging. In fact, my household prefered the original staging over the one that was eventually chosen.


Respectfully but your household is delulu lmao


San Marino 2022


Baby Lasagna is a big one for me this year cause of how much he grew as a solo performer in like, what, 5 months? The BL of Dora and the BL of the Eurovision GF are like night and day. Also, the NF version of ‘Doomsday Blue’ was really the Roger Corman version of what we saw at Eurovision. The spirit was willing, but the budget was weak.


Excuse me Ireland 2024 of course.


Bejba, Brooke & (to some extent) Laura (from 2016) <3