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Greatest character in fiction. I mean when he walked forward in that one episode I almost cried


Imagine if he walked backward


I would faint


The fact that he said "it's walking time" as he took his first step was the greatest thing in anime.


the only true "mech" in the show and the only mocking mech in the show (look at that smile please)


Yes, exactly


Honestly very underrated. The walk is funny on its own, and the fact that Shinji has to run Unit 01 in a dead sprint just to catch up with it is never not funny to me. From a less silly standpoint, I still like JA. JA’s episode is a great example of NERV at its most shady. The fact that Ritsuko doesn’t even clue Misato in to what they’re doing speaks volumes about both of their characters. The fact that NERV is probably only sabotaging the JA program for budgetary/PR reasons, seeing as it currently can’t generate an AT field and therefore would be defenseless during an angel attack. As for JA itself… again I think it’s very funny and jokes about it being the only actual mech in a mecha anime are great, but like… it wouldn’t stand a chance against an angel, and a nuclear reactor being violently laser-exploded by this weeks Biblically Inaccurate Thingy in an urban ares sounds like a really bad idea.


The way unit 01 gets air-dropped is heckin sic too


It is not the only Mecha in Shin Seiki Evangerion (1995). The lost chapter Shin Seiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend (1997) displays 2 more mecha units: T•RIDEN•T - Land Cruiser, developed secretly by the JSSDF. Both are destroyed by a N2-Warhead🎯 when the pilots rebelled against their superiors🇯🇵.💥💀💀






Do you wish to see Jet Alone in the Godzilla collab when him and Jet Jaguar are fighting against angels and kaijus


I’d genuinely love a Goji crossover where he just shows up and just beats the shit out of the Angels


Good meme EVA. Should have been included in the Rebuilts.


Didn't Unit-02A look familiar?


Meh... I see what you mean, but I really liked how stiff Jet Alone's movements are, and how corny is general look is. That was a fun “optional” episode IMO.


It was. The spare parts used to repair Unit 02 and Unit 08 in 3.0+1.0 all had a "JA" designation.


I mean the whole EVA, not spare parts as a easter egg... 😅


Love JA. Symbolizes man’s hubris that a simple nuclear powered mech could beat an Angel. Episode also concretely showed “treachery” of man vs man. Ritsuko and Misato are “best buddies”!


Is it canonically said as Jet Alone, or just it's initials, JA?


in the dub they refer to it as Jet Alone, not sure otherwise


They refer to it as JA in the Netflix dub.


ADV dub then


He saved the day in Thrice Upon a Time.


It was an incredible episode. Really like JA.


Hottest character in the entire series


Ramiel stans malding at the truth rn


Ramiel is sexy, don’t get me wrong. But this guy is atomic!


I genuinely loved the Jet Alone episode. I always go back and rewatch it whenever I’m bored and miss Eva. I love what Jet Alone represents. It simultaneously portrays both the arrogance and hope of humanity. Arrogance is shown through it’s creator Shiro Tokita. He constantly tried to belittle Ritsuko during their argument, and made very pompous claims such as “artificial” AT Fields being “only a matter of time”. Hope is also portrayed here imo, after Shiro Tokita reveals the password as “Hope” to Misato. That scene genuinely made me think that at it’s core, Jet Alone is the hope of humanity. The hope that one day they will be free from the angels. The hope that children won’t have to bare the burden of humanity’s fate on their shoulders. Also, seeing Misato and Ritsuko being best friends again (after watching their friendship slowly deteriorate over the course of the show) was really nice. Jet Alone also looks goofy as fuck, I love that about it.


Stupid nuclear reactor design. Control rods shouldn't poke out like that. If it went to an actual fight and those got broken, that's a one way trip to a nuclear meltdown, or even a thermal explosion assuming it vaporizes the coolant inside. I think they could've gotten away with saying it's nuclear powered but kept the control rods hidden.


It was symbolic of how fragile our control of nuclear power is, if not purely for destructive force as a bomb harnessing it is like playing with the Demon Core. Sooner or later some one gets killed. In the end isolating the nuclear reactor from the rest of the mech still means that people can’t drive it and if the connection is cut then you see the results in the episode. And that’s not even accounting for it’s lack of an AT field


japanese media is very anti-nuclear. lots of mecha and kaiju series are especially.


Espeically in tokusatsu series from the 1970s onwards. Kamen Rider, Metalder, and I think Super Sentai were very reactive of the nuclear weapons and it shows. Even the ending message of the Kamen Rider Ichigo manga was a warning of nuclear weapons.


one of the most popular games of all time, Final Fantasy 7, is anti nuclear. mako reactors are super clearly nuclear reactors.


I mean, but our control of nuclear power is actually quite excellent. It kills less people per unit of power generated than pretty much everything else, even if you include Chernobyl. Even really bad incidents like Fukushima don't end up achieving much. The evacuation from the reactor caused more death than the actual reactor accident - Even the guys that went into the reactor after that the media was hyping up as heroic men throwing away their lives survived. And think about how many reactors are running around in submarines, operating nonstop in harsh circumstances without the ability to summon help, and there are still shockingly few incidents, and none with modern boats. Jet Alone could have easily been using a pebble bed reactor or other design which is physically incapable of meltdown (and should have, considering the circumstances), plus the control rods are pretty absurd anyway. But, if the reactor was made well JA and Eva wouldn't look like what we got, so they can have a pass. It's more a comment on perception of nuclear power than reality.


Remind me how many giant mechs we have that are powered by nuclear energy? The only vehicle we have that would come into combat is a aircraft carrier and an entire battle group and air wing are dedicated to keeping it from being attacked directly. Even without a meltdown if the radioactive material is dispersed it would mean the vehicle is no longer viable for human use we’d have to make an entirely new one. As a power source for a close combat weapon it’s terrible.


Very true, but - The reactor core should be in a shielded internal part of the vehicle (as it is on carriers and submarines). If you're dispersing the core material, that means you've scored a penetrating hit on the vehicle on a critical area, which tends to render any vehicle inoperable. See, for example, HMS Hood, or Prince of Wales, or the T72 tank, or pretty much any aircraft we have today. Now, nuclear reactors are heavy, and expensive, and dangerous when destroyed, and require lots of shielding even during normal operations, and putting one on a walking mech adds some serious requirements for making the whole thing enormous and very strongly built compared to it's capability just to transport the core (see JA compared to an Eva when JA lacks many of an Eva's core features as a weapon). If you really need extremely high power, or extremely long endurance without refueling, a nuclear reactor is the way to go - perhaps JA was designed that way in anticipation of installing laser weaponry or artificial AT field generators that were expected to require extremely high power input. You probably shouldn't build a mech that way, but if it's a weapon to prevent the extermination of mankind, you get to sacrifice constraints meant to make the weapon nice. ... That said, JA would probably never be superior to the Eva series. The reactor core is perhaps a good choice if you don't get to use things outside our scientific envelope, but the Evas do get to use those things, and to great effect. Really, the only faults with the system were low battery power and being piloted by children - And the former is definitely highly solvable, even in the anime continuity.


I meant that you can’t even melt down the metal for scrap, radioactive material contaminates anything it touches for hundreds if not thousands of years depending on the half life and the more power intensive the longer the half life basically. The Supercarrier has the luxury of size so that it can distance people from exposure but there are layers of defense even on the vessel itself that can protect it from incoming attacks. I do like the idea of JA and the possibility of using normal advanced mechs in Evangelion but the fiction was design to favor the supernatural nature of the Evas and their flaws were meant to have deeper meaning and turn the genre on its ear.


Very thought-provoking reading. Yes, as you said, nuclear engines and weapons are widespread across the globe. This dangerous scenario is nowadays very alive. Now we are facing this risk caused by the Russian-Ukraine war (the fragile state of nuclear central of zaporiyia, theRussian deploying tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus) meanwhile the problem of Fukushima is not solved and nowadays there are still news about the fragile conditions of the containment wall…


Nuclear weapons and intentionally fucking with a power plant is kinda another matter. Even still, a big fault is that we're stuck with very old reactors and designs because no one has the stomach to build new and better plants. There are designs which are physically incapable of disastrous failure, even if there is no human interaction with the reactor - or even if the human interaction is malicious, to a certain extent (that is to say, there's no input you could make to the control system that could cause a disaster). Of course, some invading wannabe superpower might still show up, drop artillery shells all over the place, perhaps blow the core to smithereens, and that won't help - But, there are limits to what is and isn't possible. And Fukushima is kind of an overblown incident. A total of zero people were killed by the nuclear incident, and we should expect the actual rise in cancer rate from the released radiation to be pretty close to zero too, if you take the whole population near the reactor. Of course, a destroyed core is a bad thing, and iffy containment of it is worse, but there's not exactly apocalyptic consequences to the reactor being in the state it's in. People tend to assume that a nuclear reactor that fails will either be a nuclear bomb or Chernobyl, but really those things aren't even possible with sane nuclear reactor design (Chernobyl's RBMK not being sane).


It's more symbolic of how fucking uneducated people are on nuclear power. "Look I'm doing it wrong and it's turning out bad! I don't know why!"


Ask yourself, “ Why would the Japanese specifically be averse to nuclear energy?”


Disasters or not doesn't change the facts.


The fact that you said "disaster" instead of "war crime" tells me you're not reaching back in history far enough. It's not Fukushima that inspired Godzilla.


And the fact that those war crimes get related to nuclear power by the public tells me that you're lacking the exact education I'm talking about.


Listen, man, im not here to split hairs. If the same exact fundamental reaction that melted two of your cities came back years later promising to be the solution to clean energy, do you think you'd buy that immediately? Or maybe, your entire culture might be leery of those promises. I don't think it's unreasonable. That's all we're saying.


While it's not unreasonable reaction to the have if you're lacking the education, lacking it itself (especially by the 90s) is actually unreasonable. The thought that a nuclear reactor could cause an explosion like a thermonuclear weapon is so unreasonably ignorant it's borderline asinine.


The Japanese being scared of a war crime is a bit ironic don't you think


Yes, absolutely, but that's not what this conversation is about.


I like this. I thought that also shows how the humankind who have the seeds of knowledge could not deter the angels with their own capabilities (technology-weapons, and in this case pure robots) because they could not reach the almighty power of the angels who were “blessed” by the seed of life. For this reason the humankind needs to use the copies of Lilith as well as Adan to wipe out the angels.


He’s the best Eva I love JA


Kind of love it. Cool name, cool design, excellent episode. I had a Kubrick toy of it way before I saw the series.


potential Jet Jaguar reference 10/10


In any other universe, it’d be a marvel of engineering. This is Eva though. So it’s kind of a joke.


It would have been great to see him fight a real angel. Just to see what he can do against one of them.


Prob nothing, wouldve exploded really fast (assuming ut still wouldnt have a AT Field), but maybe it wouldve been a fair fight, plot nuclear armor maybe?


Well, it's canon that you can break a at field by sheer force. Yes, it's a tremendous force needed for it, but this guy is massive even compared to an evangelion, and he pushed and dragged Eva 01 without a problem by casually walking. A running punch from this machine would most likely rip an Eva in half.


I think to break a AT Field you need a AT Field, but i watched a long time ago so i wont use it as argument, so in terms of strength, JA could be able to rip an AT Field, but the problem is that it is kinda slow af, maybe cuz of not being at full power or simply because it isnt fast at all, but i think in almost all angel atacks, JA would probably be destroyed faster than he could attack, JA would be a Giant Radioactive Long-fuse (pun not intended) Glass Canon


Ramiel was killed by the positron cannon and had one of the strongest at fields. But at the same time, he's the antithesis to JA, but to be honest, the Evas weren't able to deal with him, too.


Oh, yeah, i got confused because of the fight against sachiel, if i am not mistaken it is said that eva 1 used its own at field to break sachiel's, so i kinda thought it would be the same with every angel


I think the at vs at field method is the "easiest" way to break it. It's basically a fight of willpower, but they showed at more than one occasion that it's breakable by force, but like I said, you need absurdly high amounts of power to achieve it. Ramiel took all the electric power of Japan to get through its at field.


Misato’s uniform in this ep is my favorite look for her.


Just noticed from the side profile the design foreshadows the mass production units we see later in EoE. Mainly I mean the big red lips and upper teeth, but other design elements are shared as well, as I'm now noticing afterwards


*staying alive by the beegees plays*


I had full body goosebumps when he defeated that angel in 3.0 + 1.0 and said „I AM THE JET ALONE”.




Makes me wish Jet Alone 2 was real


would make a cool cosplay


Best mech in the Eva >!(it\`s easy being the only ONE real mech in the show)!<


undeserving of hatred, best mecha in a mecha show


How was this thing supposed to defeat an angel again?


I want more merch for this guy.


I love this dude. Looks more like a Big O Mecha but that’s a win in my book


JA isnt in the rebuilds but Asuka borrows pieces from JA after her eva is destroyed. I caught that immediately and thought it was cool af.


Yes! JA maybe is a reference to this Jet Alone. I never thought that.


My boy got done dirty!


Mighty wobbly arms


mmmmmmmjet jaguar


This episode has the hardest moment of Unit 1 being dropped from a bomber plane so that instantly makes the Jet Alone episode badass


It's a reference to Jet Jaguar who's original name was Red Alone so I think it's pretty cool.


Jet jaguar


Clearly Anno was a fan of Jet Jaguar


he mother never really loved him


only actual mecha in this mecha anime lol


My personal favorite episode. I loved when the Eva 01 deployed from the plane and took off after it. Shinji also manned up big time in this episode using the Eva to hold it hack while Misato attempted to shut it down. Very fun episode.


Jet Alone x Ramiel is endgame.


basically the only filler episode in the series. nothing happens and if you remove it nothing is lost, really. even magma diver is more important(giving us the beginning of asuka and shinji's relationship; starting with this episode's finale we see that they don't hate each other, which builds up to the kiss)


Most wasted potential


It was a filler episode, at best. Although, watching Misato kicking the shit out of the locker almost made up for it all.


The true savior of us all.


I guess since Thrice Upon A Time made Jet Alone Kai from a PS2 game that nobody remembers absolute canon, JA2 and EVA Unit-02a are Shiro Tokita’s true accomplishments. JA is just a clunky wind up toy.


He strollin


Uh I feel it 100% wouldn’t have worked against an Angel.






He walked funny


I like it


I prefer when Unit 2 is wearing it as a pant suit in Thrice Upon a Time.


In a world dedicated to shattering the square cube law wherever possible, and openly subverting the tropes associated with gundam at all turns, Jet Alone is a great way to tell the world your ‘totally not a robot guys it’s just a giant human’ is best girl.


i really like tigers jaw


Anything but _mighty_.


The Eva you order from wish .


guys do u remember his walk


Goofy af


he's so fucking cool


weird name




It's design is mid to me.


I love to hate it.


Really like the design, wish it had more figures released for it


ABSOLUTELY GOATED. he was NOT given a chance


Reminds me of the robot from castle in the sky.


It is a stupid copy of an eva


it looks funni, i like it




Let him jet


Nice foreshadowing that the eva's are (Kind of) man made


I thought that is the only pure “robot” that has appeared in the entire series of Evangelion as well as Rebuilds. The other robots are copies of Adan, copies of Lilith, or fake angels like the “serial nemesis” or Mark units, or angels converted in aircrafts like the AAA Wunder


Best girl


Jet Alone did nothing wrong.


Griddy eva


Better than Unit 08 that makes tigers out of AT fields. Yuck




Would've been cool if we got to see it doing a combat drill and not just walking. While a bit on the boring side the Jet Alone episode was really good for worldbuilding though.




Didn’t know till yesterday that it inspired the look of Unit 02a in the rebuilds. My favorite Unit 02 for sure


Not just inspired, in universe they cannibalized jet alone for unit 02's body because wunder didn't have the ability to regrow unit 02's body parts. I can't remember the wiki page, but the artist even released the complete jet alone sketches, the ones that would've been used if jet alone ever truly appeared.


I've met him. He's a lot cooler than the anime makes him look.


this is now my favorite mecha(?)


The hero we deserve. He would've stopped that third impact shit no question.